" fcf ''it alteration in .the lfiU fitlnzton Prices Current sm:s our last. 1 ." .. - v- ... "" m-....M,gfc.'t Ml ' Meteorological & Obituary Table ST ft B Thermom. o o rr - t 8 , State.bf the, ' wealher. Course of the wind 33 34 35 3d 27 23 39 78 78 81 80 80 84 88 90 90 88 77 j 79 i 98 74 80 ( 79 83 87 89 89 87 Fair Rain Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair S. W. -W. S. W. S. b W. S. b W. fe: N. E. L. S. L. DEATHS 3 5 n 2 t r rr 3' Total, arid names of the deceased 33 34 35 35 37 33 ft Capu Allah i Ihfbn. NOTICE, AT the -Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, held for th County of Blarien, the first Monday in Jane, 1305, we cmahncd a Exstcutors to the lust Will and Testament of the Ute.TRAVEas V. Hrvkt, dk!oeiti:(l. We therefore give notice to all persons ha , vim? . any demands against the estate of the sard Harvey, to nuke them known to. u with in thetime limited by law, or they will be barred from recovery; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make i in me diate payment. william robffcn, I F . ROBERT HARVl Y. J ljr Bladen County, July 10, 185s. 2w. J roit n r :i 650 Acres of Land o V th'r fVortliea'.l fi ! of ti e Nciih. U'vpt, anur twelve miks above L. i-bcth.T iw n ; i- lies very Ai'e on tl e rivtr 9-.d ha an great a p'oro'Mon ot o vS Land, accorbng to the ni nji rr ot is res, a any tra on fi I Uiv r. ' TI c;e arc on the prernfes valuaMe Ctifl Mtl, Dwe'ling ii.uiic a:i I out Uoufet. As the above mentioned Ll'ii has bmn previm:1y a ivcrufed for f a e in thu Ga zette, I Jer T, it uLcecetrary to enter into further particular. Ary perf.m who is Jrfi'On of pnrchifing good Land on the fiij Rvrr, will meet with a great bar. gin, as I am Jcllroui of fcti-.g the Wef- tcrn Country., '. The terms of paymentwiil ba made eaf to the purcrufer, j? , ' There ia a -likely crop rn On the Land. If the pnrcl.afcr jrves at a d f tancr, and wifljes to purchafe Com, 1 wi'l lifpofe of one half the crop on tower terms than any other lo the fcltlement. Apply to JONATHAN ttOBESON; Living on ih? N.lnhwtr) fHerffaidKi. , ter, 12 niiUi al...vc E izibcih-Town. . . July 28, i8"5 2m, roa sale Mjlht iubtc'i'ir, at tht S.i-f 9i fie Jlia'J htt'j or mi) ud bf Jrth,4 Prj, REST St. Cmix Suar in hfi;llcad and barrtNvj Cd an.l 4th provf St.Cr Is k Crtna-lA Hum by the puncheon or -unci, K. I! Hnin. Surinam MuUtteaby the hojslieaj or barrel. ALSO, . Xfculd Candle by the I os, Tobacco, Haiir, MidCbnp, fitch, Tar, lurpir.tint, llogihcad and barn I Mates and JiWing. KICHAUD LANG DUN. J'nr 10, IIOJ. :$ox Sate . VALUABLE RlCE-PlELl) -: LAND, . 1 FOUR miles from Wilmington, fitti ated on btiih fides of Cat Fih Creek i from 1 he itlouth up - faidcreek: until it joins Mrs. ,Toomer Valine,' corltaining abojjt 300 acf.es, 106 iof which has been cleared and planted in Rice. Payment will be made cafy by 'part being paid the next Winter ; r he 7 balance iriay be. by four yearly inflalmentsj or goo J note? and bone's. The fitUation foV lutldingts - pleafant and convenient; -commanding a view dver all the low ground. V- Onit is a framed Houfe nearly fii tiled, about 22 by 26 with a good chimneyj and fundry Negro Houfes. For further particulars apply to the fubfenber or Mr. Richard Bradley in Wilmington. D. MALLET. J'.!v ??..,ig".c, . . ... ' ixcelicat ; bavv' ililis tor bale. NE .haif'of 'a vaiuabie Eltate in Mills.-built by the late Peer. Mai- Ifco, Eiq. and tho Si;bi'criber, on Bfack River, below Faytitcviliej on the road to Wilmington. Acrofi the river is a per manent dam, on which are two Saw Mills, which work four fws, with each a fcpa ra;c 'running gear, and have cut 18000 feet of lumber in a wek ; and a Coin mill, well flip plied with cuilom. The M Ik' are new ami well built, are c-WlanU !y lupphed with an" abundance of. w iter; and piotctteU from Irclhcs hy a .'atVral wclh way. The river extends 40 miles :jboe the Mi ls J logs can be fl jated to them from a jjieat ilillance, atid rifts 0 fiom the t'i(i ut the Mtils to Wilinin. ton.' l6,$6 arcs of L411 1, oyercd with "pine, cy rets and oA, and .'joir.in tach fide ot tue river, aie connected .w'i'h the Mills; loco cies ot v t .h of an excel ' lent quality lor rice, may he drsred and watered by a dam at.ihe wadwy, 1'he, upland abound in light wood, a'uJ tar ancJ.1 turt'i.tit.e may be made to a Iv jn'ir. There is no fi t:at'fn in . the flat e. vthih combines cqu il a.Uiiragcs fjr the ma? 11. fixture of pine lumbtr, naval Co?e? 'atut ritr, where thife is fufncictit iat:r to tranffort every th;'"g to niaikc, ard ;lif Milts are fo prrftilly giiaidc.) tru;n the danger of fLxida. An tqu.il or.d'vh'ol halt of the whdt property, ' 'h a lew Nigroef, flock in t.'af!cj laikfmith's 1 00U, a number otOxcn, and all ofl'er things uectHary about the Mills, are to be !'! on a liberal credit , to fuit the convcnlrnc if li t ptitchk(V.r For i"rim apply ,10 M Jlu. John Wlnllow and John Kcc!e of FaetteviHc, vho are-tully cmjOMtrcd to fell '.he fame .., SAM'l JOHNSON. Fayetteville, April 2, lbO). 446 Ran Away . IROM the fubf. liber, luirg In the upreffnlof Bladen crnnny, tn the Kniih Weft Rivrr rf Cap' -Kar, en the lo h inflict, a Nrgto Man r-anvrl AA ROM, twenty years old, sIhiui five feet "ieor ten kiiheshih, llut ma le, a lit 1 "diperl in a yellow im -"( kclkm t hJ fthr he wintawiy kf hnnKfui tionf.f t ,ue f-,n tli), wj,n Vcii,.f p"f.n. Ten r'-Uai tsillle pi-fn f "1 ftllof, either del fie the fnb. rc,,ror fcctictf 16 ul f tl. I i et hut lOSMtfA POTTS offers for sale .'rr!'."- 'AtWhdesal-PrictS)' PUNCHEONS Moutserat and St. Croix ' Run, : , .'' , ,;, , Hoghshead.s Molassea, Boxes Havuna"iu:Su'gr, ;v i Caskt iisinsj-, ' . -Cheats andi ftaff thesw'Bobea Tea- . ; ' '" , Boxes Wpol Cards, Cases men's Mats, (coarse) Kegs 6d; Nails, Ditto Spanish Brovtl "ground in oil, Bar Iron, Steel of several kinds, Cordage, assorted, Hand M ill Stones,, of superior quality Grind Stones, i Crates Earthen Ware, ' Pilot and ship Bretd, Hogsheads Tobaeo, Barrels Boston Bff, - ' Ditto N. Carolini (dittsj v Kegs Butter -'''.. Oats, ' . - "' Venison Hams, ' , ,l Boxes Spanish SegafrSi "' ' Indian Cottons ind Musiitta, iairA-Cotton. "-' .'- . 'rSawed Lumbety . Wilmington. N. C. June ZAS. A Caution To LartdlofiH and other residents mt tei trust any of -the 3carhfn oftlriT'shlp Or well ot Liverpool, U any Drink or other article, without iny k'Sj'.vktlge, ai. I ant tully dcter miiiod not to aaawer any such demands.. DANIEL M FALL. Wilmington, 23! July IJj. . To the Freemen of New-IIano-vi:r County. NOTICEis hereby given, THA I'.an Llelion of a pcrfou 10 re jrknt this Ddltid in the Conrefs ot me United States, and of perions to rrprtfcm the County in the General Af. femb'y ot this Mate, will he held at tie Mlowinjt places, vir. At the hufs of l'houiai Rogers, Black River, 00 Sxur day hr 3 ), at Wafhirptop on Mob lay die j h, at the houfe of Mrs. Edf. on 1 oclail IoumIj, and L ng-Cieck Br de an Wedi tl lay the f h, and at tin Court llniife Ifi Wi'mingtui on Fiid.y the 9 b of Augutl ucat. Roj.fr Moore, $tf. Ne-Hjrnvef County 4 Jo'y 16, . Law of North-Carolina, P-il in the year itci. " V" cinr. xvi. AtA'tt) am'tdttn act entithj " Ah Act direct iiij ii ,(ihjd vf fUtling ntml'trt rf the Gf. n:-ot Aitmb.j aud vthtrfm'fo.etfpainJ in 1 fie jtar 1777. II. CE it enacted. That evey per ten ettcfed a Itmbtr tf itt Ucnttol Astrmblj, tna'l, bf fjrt taling nit ttut ih'rtin tan the oath vf el trgiarite fifointcJ fjr the quaictilvn birt of the Uentrat Aisemfi'j ur.Jt J6!ie Of ficers. n J aV f $upatt the Ccnttuulion pf thf Uniiid Sixes, tnj if any ft nun tdct.J 1 a ..Itmber $f the Ocntral Atn,o.j, tholl, bj I hlmi'J Ot m"J other person, Jiiedij or indirtct ! 0 r (" to be given, anj gift, gta'liij reward vr prtitnt triairr; vt give vr cause tibe grtn (y mmsc'1 or enj tthtr ftrsun, enj trtal or enierlatmntut eithellj h.mtrf or any other prtsjn fjr him of uu ut or Jr,w, cl ay pub'.ii Mcriinj or cdletuon rf the ftof.lt, lo any penn or person, iliuttrrf$r hti pr their trtt j or t.tts, or tttinutnee him or thtm h his eUt rTfr tenon vi Mjtmr this ctl, .hull, cx du prf thntofbt espl-ii from his seal in the 111. Be itffrther ensued, Tliat if any per, SH or persons shall treat tw'iA either meat p f'M,i rftiyt rf ettrtiin, or any dsj prtitmt thereto, with at intmt ti i-Junue the eUetion, every person S9 ojiudmg shell fartit and pay the sum pf one luiudud pounds, the one half ftrthi uit of the ejunty vheri the somt sh4 it retivetru. In be paid to the County, IrutUe $ l) tthtr ha'flntht UK f the ptr.tn thi shjt sjrftrtk:ttt; Tte r(.xtttl ly tuliin rf ui'u tn ant el tf tetud Aw re . 'the sitbscribers have Imported By the JoviJentia Londm, the roily aiid NonryJ 01:1 Lrun ;:-joI, UV. A verv gtfiieral it vcllckcted Aasortmmtof li-y Go "is. Hardware, Conaistiug uiuohi; various other. Articles," of the toilo .!.!,, viz. ' ! T 'INENS, Ozn nits CallicoesDi. X-4 oi!!cs,aMi'lLiis Thickftts, B'at.k-u, iNc.i.o.C'oth:'t-fii. ciuoe'and cat.lc Cloths, . j Co.tings and Cllimctcs, 1 kuncls. Hats, ( Hole, 1 hie Is, bai'inn, D.irant!!, Cal. Ldamancoes, Veil Patter 's, Sshawls, Hand- ; ken hiefs -'Anvils, Vices, Nans ot -II , kin Is,. 'L"k and Hinges, Carpenters' 1 1 u Ti, rvriivtsand Forks, Pocket Knives 1 a,iu lnkvivts, fVlill Saws and Ctofs Cut ! 5 rwn, F!t, Guns, Hoes, Frying Pans, S!ufl and Spades, Pins, Wimlaw O'ah, Paints, Shot, kc, &c Thcfe in addition to tlicir Goods alrca iy in (tore they interd ponitig tor fa e in Siptcmber, and will dilpofeof at VVhokfateon Terms thai will piove at lca'l qiady as a'.lvautaeiis to lr Purch-ftr ss to- Impoit.ficui Nttv- lork. . ; GILF.S CURGWIN. Wilmington,- Ju'y 15, 185- John Lc Tcllier, DZXTIST, INTEND vitimg Wilniiniiton in the Cuuile of four or tive vcck, at which time he will nfk-i ui 1 vices to the inhu biiauts and its vi l.iiiv, in the vaihnu Itranche of his protcllioi', particularly in CLFANSLW and RESTORING the V ELUt io ihcir natural clegarice, with ii.Uroniciits that cannot iijnte. tbe ena mel. In tranlplaming re.il erth, foas to be pernuuct.t, andfet'ing aniBdal ones with iory, that will not change toau unnatu ral co.or ; in p'oggir g hollow-tctlh, ami. reinflating ihofc with the gums that are nu cii depicciaud by cartTt llncfs, or cor roJi.j rnediciiK , and extracls fuch as are too f.r goi.t 10 favc ; in which operation of 1 araclinjj he makei ufc of BRUFF's Patent PtrpendirMhr FxtracU ing hjirnt'iHtt, Which take be teeth out with a much greater degree of lfs pain than any other inflrumeni hitherto invented ; faflensthofe thai are loofe, (iinlefs walled at the rootJ regulates them Irom their cutting In chil dren, a lH II 1 nature In the b:autilul ar-rai-gemeit'tf ihe fecond fc:, and prefcrves them in their natbral whlimefs entirely f ne from all fcoibuiic roplaiutt. " 1 o know if ycur tceih vsant cleaning, rximint them telore flafi In a clear light, ttginning at the two miJd e front tilth of the lower jaw ; if the gumi art departing from their former place, of a black 01 yellow crull adheiing to the teeth, you have caufc of alarm, as that corro five fubllance calcJ lartir, will caufe an iiffetfivc brea'h, decay th tee'h, prmluct fcurvy, of toufi.rre the gums and bony rars 'ill the tetth dt'p out. N. B. lie hat DENTR1FICE cf fjpeilor quiU'f for lali. June 25. iBoc (KRTIHCATE, Mr. La Tst-tutt mates ift proper mtho-i vt rleiftfingihc 'l'EETII, without iij.irin;4 the ecsrrel, and is u th.nifcJ by me iowfe'tU Pate-t Terpen, dicular Eraf1iritt Inflfinnnti in a'l p'a ces wSere the tigM 1 roidifpnfed of, an l not ithin hfiy mi! ol WaCiington City, the 1 1 ji e f my rcJv. . riirt 1 v. ritf'l-'W . Wnni. A VALUABLE Plantation well known bf , the name of and situated alio at IlellV ; Shelter, in New-Hanover county, consisting 1 of about 5000 acies, together.with the 'stock. ' y.-aiiie, A-aiuiui Ullisus, .C. 1 acre 13 on the e,state a Saw Mill in complete i)rder and also a Crist Mill with tnany otbelf bsefnl "Ppmicuaucca. inmieuiaie possessionem be given by applying to - .3' V RICHARD BURGESS, July 2, 1805. Livingon the Plantation! ,. . Valuable ProhnH. AunAUL.x to tne iast Will and Tes tament of Peter RFallett, Fsq. cleceasedi late of Fayetteville, the Subscribers offer for sale on a liberal credit, the followinr? nfoDei tv lying in different parts pf North-Carolina. .. Cumberland County and Town cf leuoille. A Tract df Lanct-adjohifrig lands o;f IVirsi " Smith and IsaaC Williams, Lsq. near Ave ysborough on the South-weSt side bfCape Kear river,-about 20 miles fi;om Fayetteville i A Tract of Land containi.ig about 320 a cres, known by the name of Council Hall Tract, adjoining the town of Fayetteville ; from the fertility orfhesoil and its vicinity to the town this land ti considered very Va luable and will be laid off in lots lb suit the purchasers. 1 t i ww i li. 1 It i :n.oianci liquseonthe wifst side of Uelesi pie.sircct in Fayeltcville, where the deceas ed formerly resided: the hnilrfi repair "and the whole well calculated to acconii modate a genteel family. Three unimproved ' Lots bii the west side of Gelespie-stfeet, be- ueen Franklin and Mumford-streets adjoin- . in; the Lot on which the dwelling hot. bt.-.ndsi 10 or,15 unitriprbved Lots oh the v est hl& of Ge!c.pie.sir;eet, 'bttltecn" Muhiford-street and .M.Ulv'U's 'Mill. A lai jrc WHixl-oiise atpveseai occiipicd by iviys-n. iNvsr.u aim canipiM u, on uelcepie sti'eet near the Town-buU!e, subject to a small ground lent. A Lot and D vellinR House bh trie east hide of Gn. tn-treet near the Court Husj now occupied Uy William 11. Williams, Esq; A liOt und Dwelling-House on the east Md of G-cen-trect,'m possesiionpf Mis.LlJimeti an t subj . ct to her life rent.-" i ( Tt' Lot -al lower Fayetteville oh which there U a Tobacco inspection under the cli rcrliun rif Messi . D-lvis and M'llnnatd. lii gethcr with a large three story Warehouse three snnll V artn.mses and three extensive Sheds wi'.b eveiy neCessry accommodation for the inspection and storage ofTobiicco a If thp'irch iser should incline, on of r f Lots on w'.ich stands a large shed will be old sep irate or divided into twj Lots; Orange County and Town cj liillzboroitgh. 300 Ar.res Ot Lan I in the Haw iltMs ada joining lands of Gen. Meban". A (irist Mill on F.no Hiveraridinthetnrrt. f iiilUborough, the Mili run tw jpairof stones, with the necessary machinery of i Merchant .Mill, the whole in tolerable rep: ir ; from the "natural advantages this Mill poi ses, e. iti con tide icd to ue the most Valua bh in the state. - Ntxo-Hdnovcr County and.Tcivii of Wilmington. One half L.t in the Town of Wilmirigi ton on the South side of Princes-street, ex tending along said street from FrouVsireettd the river. A Tract of Land on the East side or tl North-West branch of Cape-Fear River, a bout three milts above Wilmington, joining lands ofWm. W. Jones and ,'Ienrr Waters, Esquires; a considerable part of this land i tTl mi A &.wftmi. rsr4 i r rtvi mr- ed equal, If not superior, to any Pice Land in the State It is well worth the attctilion of those who propose engaging in the culture of Rice ; the whole will be sold or it will be di vided to accommodate the purchaser A urge body ot Land on the est side 61 the Nortb-East rjver, exttndln along the river from Henry Waters's plantnion called Forceput to Msjor Moore's on Fishing-creek, a part of this Und is tide swamp and well suited to the cultivation of Rice. . ' ANo three Trscts of Iartd orf "Little CH heara in Sampson county, well calculated for Com and Cotton. ' The Subscribers will re eetve'prr l'W''' at Fayetteville by letter Of otherwise lor all or any part of the above'desctibed property nn tilthe 1st of tktobcr next, ifunsrld 'he Mill and tands in Orange county will be offeree! at Auction in HilKborough on the fihty rf October. The lots, Iloue and Lands in Cumberland, at Fsysttetitle on the 16th dy f the ssrfK month and the lands in New Hanover on the llth dsy of Noefnler neat Application my be made to Mr. Jamet Ml jmford at Wilmington who will desrril 4 and shew the lands in ti e vicinity of that place. JOHN F.CCLF.S, Itttmtsrsej hi JOHN WINSLOW, J ttrHdUii. Jene 19, lies. 41 25 Dollars Reward. Rt'S swsy ficfn bh lioata 1-e Chsrlevtcrf Pat Vet, laying at srw hnrat rrt-Johftlcrtj aneero man named Jt'.HU, Ul"nylfg oj Mr.OeergeClclhcrcn, 6f S)Uth Carf.bn Jehu is well koin In and about Wilminrj. inn, and any person thst will del ver him ta the subscriber hH receive the above iew?rd. frlllM t ntiti. , vWtUf ;in;tcn, June ?l 1 I' jhtu ft tutu

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