.13 25 -TL- A I--..., 4.!., t7f.nRnr (ittVrtc tViaf Kfr. riiiltn.i brought on to Walhinetoru not lefs than twenty four quirts of dif patches from our Minifters at Madrid. A 1 K 1 r.U -U n I nursciay evening last, Kir. Johm vyii-LiAMS, to Mrs. Mart Use; fttiCZS CUR RE HT-WiL tttkero y . ' , : J I)ls. Ctu Dls. Cts per :iuo jus. Coffee per lb. r Covupcrbushel, r ; J Meal do. ; , ; . , , v. Flour per barrel, old Ditto per half barrel, new Lumber per M. plenty W. b. hhd. staves, R. o. do. do. d. W. o. bl. do. rough Shingles per 1000, . rItlolasses per gallon Rum, W. I. pr. g. .3d p. Jamaica do. 4th, p. . N. E. do. Tar per barrel, Turpentine,' V' . Tobacco per cwtii .' Rice per cvvt. " Pork pr barrel, .35 ,. . 1 12$ I. 7 6 9 10 18 10 12 10 12 1 50 43 .; 80 . 55 55 ; 50 2 4 50 4 75- . 15 16 A very valuable Town Lot & Land - for sale on a credit of & months. N pursuapce of an order of Court, (will be' Sold, , on the Second Day, of the ensuing County Court, a vacant Lot situated at the corner of Second aud" Dock-streets opposite Gen.. Smith's d welling house j and two Tracts of Land on the Sound adjoining my plantati on. - V.h C. WALKER, Guardian of the heirs of Henry Hdseji dee'd Wilmington,' August 6, .1805. : 60 JU3T RECEIVED By the brig 4-nazon, Captain Lwvey, foni K-to'jiiryport, andfir sale by th'trsubscriierj ' Nd. Rum, .. in barrels, Coarfo and fine Shoes, . . Hats, ,. Choice ' Rernitirg MoUiT-s, and fur.dry other articles. 4 '. . V.'T- N- G AUTILR. Vilmirg?ors Auguft 20, 1 805' Two Dwelling Houses TO RENT. a , tf t r r r r.--n nppiy to . lvl. Wilming'on, AugulV 1805. ' fTJ"1 A K EM 11 p a;nt Commi'ted to the jail ' otihis county on the i6?h. n(taw , a N?gfo Man", a'uiut 18 '"or to years of agr, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches hi-h? yellow Co'uplex nr-, 'eafi ? counurnrcc $' he can .nt fpeak " E.iglifh plain mo'igh to be Udueruo-id, and tor ihat realon 1 cannot j fell what his nane'i, oruhrj he belongs ; X The owiicr of fit N fro i requrT- : tCil to come fo'wanl, p.ove proper?) , pjy CXPcnCes and t.ik hi;r a'vay. HENRY WJUG T, Jailor.r VVilminfo., A.ui;uit 20, 180c. f. Bank of Ca)e -Fear . Fear, in and for ihe Town of Wilmiin; ton, hereby jr'iv: notice thut the subscription ,to and for-lWM) Shares of -the-Capital itock of said Bank fall and complete; therefore the subscriber thereto are hvrcby notified ' that an Kkclion will be held at Disk's Motel intheTownof 'A'ilm'mqton.on Thursday the 19th of September next, between the hours of ten and two, fr tle purpose of electing Kleven Pe"itjns bein Cu'i7.ens of tins Slate and Stockholders. " ofwhotn tt least seven Kill h Pii(!niv nf Wilmitirrtfin. Ol' tilllin RAeen miles thereof," to ewe a-. Directors of snid lUnk, until-1 hr fu st Monday in Janu ary next, or u.itil their successors thull be duly tlecled. At the first election of Director htld as a bovc stated, Subnciib.-rs in.y vote in person I... . I. ... .. C 1.U..I.I..K wi wjr M'ikj, milieu .iMiiMrnmii Proxies nuv be crmsti'.uud by delivery of the Htccipt or cnp held by the Sub-.criber to the person in'cn!ed to act as Pmjxv, or by power jnade and eecuttd in ihu numter uuJ. fyrtn a folio Stale tf u'onb Cnriiintt, r !, A. H. suSvriher roi' and ownT nf RhHren in Ihe ll.ink of (;ip.--l'ear, do hereby appoint C. D. my pi ox y to vote for Dircctirs of Rai l B iitk. 10 serve iiMtil the fuM Monday of Januiry, I8u6. N "imiw my hand and le.il, Aui;u, 1805. . SaddJUv?rtl K.l ;Scal.) in prttne rf C. II. 7.'. George IToopcr, Jo!in London, Jolm IJill, Juhn Hojoj, Richard HraJlcy, William Gilts, ' Henry Walters. Wilmmon, Amiu 8, 1613. O o 3 3 1 ' r j O n NOIICE. At.Lptrfint tuvii.n anv f'tmsmli a g'inll lie efla'e tl Andrew Urr, c4f?d, are trcjocllr.) 10 exhibit tlf fitrif fat frl'temrht vvitrin tl.e time pitfiiSrd b law, other w ifc th'it rttmand will not bcsd.niuHj all ihofe tlm are in-teWd to the fM elaic atr rrfirtd to nfJie iinme dute raymrnt in the fi.bfo he n a com.' rJ,ince with their '.cfi.e will ieenl the ciiratrcUe nrctfii-y tt ipp')ipg to It tat men 1 for a frr.f nn-- 1AC0U HARTMAK. Li. tu- MAUY Rl- Valuable Proj)eriy. AGREE ABLY to the last Will and Tes tament of Peter Maliett, Esq. deceased, late of FayetteviHe, the Subscribers . 'offer for sale on a liberal credit, the following property lying in different parts of North-Citro!ina. . Cumberland Comity and Town of rayettcville. - ' A Tract of Land adjoining land? oflVIrs. ' Smith and Isaac Williams, Esq near Ave ysborough on the South-west .side .6f Capel i'ear nver, about 20 miles from FayetteviHe.. A Tract of Land containing; about 3:o a cres, known by the name oi Council ll.dl Tract, adjoining the". town of FayetttVille ; from the fertility of the soil aud its vicinity to the town this l.tnd is considered very. v.u luaLle and will be laid off in lots to buit the put chisel i. ' - A Loiand House 01 the west side of Geles-pk-stn tt in Fuyettevi!Ir, wlitie the deceas ed fonnerJy resided; he buildings are in good repair and the whole well cJ. ulated toaccom modale a genteel family, 1 hvee unimproved otsonlhe west s'uL of Gele-pit-s!reet, be tween Franklin and Mumford-srtts. adjoin ing the Lot on w hich the filing hous stands.' 10or 15 unimproved Lots onthe wetMtl of Gclespie-strct t, beUVeen "iiuir.ford-stiect and MalletCs.Mill.' ;. . A large yv'arcliousc at prcsest otrupied by Mcssi-s. Nesbit and Campbell,. oi Gy'ie'pit-- ' JtreetnearthaTown-hoUse, su!ccl to '-a bin.ill A Lot and Dwell'iiit Ifotlse' n'h t! past- side of Green-streel" near the Com t llr use, now occujied by Willi. m 11. Williams, Esq. A Lot and Dwdlini-Iloufeon the eiist-sir! of Green-strectfTo1 possession ol .Mrs.Lnimcf, ' and subject to her life rent. 1 wo Lots atlower Fay:ttevillc on which there is a Tobacco infection tirtder the di rection of Messrs- Davis and M'Domdd, 10 Kether with a .large three s'nry Wioehotihi-, three sm ill V archoust s and three extensive Mieds yilh evefy nicess..ry aecoutmoflution for the inspection and storage of Tobacco If the purchaser should incline,' one-of the Lots on which stands a larie.hhed will be sold separate or divided into tw.i Lois. Orange County and Town of " m WHsborougli. t SOOArresof Land, in the liaw Fields a.! joining lands of Gi n.. Mebane. A Grist Mill on I'jio Riyer and intheown of Hillsborough," " the Mill runs two prt'n of stones, with the necessary machii.eiy of a Merchant Mill, the whole in tolerable repair from the natural advantages this ill po,. La.a It rL . t ...... .1 1 I. . .... 1 rv.ms, ivuvuiiiiutim iuuc iuc uiosi valua ble in the state. New-Hanover County and Town of Wilmington. One half Lot in the Town of W"ilmin 1on on theSoutlrsii!e of Print es-Mreit, ex tending along said street from Front-strtct 10 the ner. A Troct of Land on the Last side of J:e Korth-Wcst branch of Cape-Fear Hiver, a bent ihrc- nrle above Wilmington, joinim; lands of Win. W. Jones and Hcr.ry Waters, Esquires; acomidernblc part of this land is of the vevybest tide swamp, and i consider ed equal, if not snperior, lo any Rice Land in the Stnte ; it is wtl! worth the attention ,f lhos. who propoe-Trraginj? lo ihe cuTt u're If itice 1 the whole will he sold ir. it will be di vided to arcommiHlite the pun haser.. A Lrge body of Land on the West side of the North-East river, extending lonR the river from Henry Watm's pUntntion called Forceput to Mijor Moore's on Fishing-c reck, a part of this land is tide swamp and will - suited to the cultivation of Rtr,e. ' Also three Tracts of Land on Little Co hrara in Sampson county, well calculated for Corn and Cotton. The Subset ibrn will cclvep'll at Faycttcville by kiter or otherwise for all or any part of th alwve drtctihed pfoprrty nn ttlihe 1st of nciohcrncxi, ifunvdd Mie Mdt and UuiJs in Orange ccunly will heofTcud at Atirlion in UilUlrtirough on the 9 h day r( October. The Lots, llomct ad Laud's in (iind)crl.ind, at Fyttei!le on the 26th diyr of Ihe same month and the l. tidi in New Hunover ontl.c ISthiUy of November next. ApphY&t on nuy he m-!e to Mr. James 'Mutnfordat Wiin.ipgton who will describe and shew the lauds in the vki.V.iy cf thai place. JOHN F.CCLKS, lt(tiPj h. John vijsm)v, 5 urzituat. . June 19, Ifenj, --44 C. & Pclliam Save just received per brig0rangey and offer . for sate at tfiar StVve in ' Hiarketstreeti ' the ',. jrilovingj articles viz. :-r- - tlTHlTE Havannah Sugars, in boxed and VV barrels, of the first quality , by. whole- sale or retail, Brown Havanna and Muscovado ditto, supe- rior to any in this place 13 Hogsheads MolasSes, ' - 4 , Pipes Rum, ; . ! A' quantity of Coffee and a smoll number cf 1 Campeachv Hammocks. ; - ON HAND liY RETAIL, Brandy, Rum, Molasses, Sic. &c. as usual. -; ' ALSO, ' ' ' the BRIG ORANGE will be sold for up proved papej; at 1, 2,. 3, 4, and 5 months 'credit. " " .. r - WANTED TO PURCHASE, 30 m. inch plank,. ' .r" 15 m. 2 1-2 ditto ditto, 15 m. S ditto ditto, S m. 3 1-2 ditto ditto, 3) in. inch boards. Wilmington, August 13,1305. 3vT. - Fresh Medietas T HE sitbscriber inlorrrts Kis friend; tin ct - I - the public, t'llaC he has got m hand ?. a general and fresh assortment by the last 4.r- rivar trom New-lorn, ite nas also procured, proper- Phials, Stc. fof Ship and Plaotation, ruedicitie chests; .1 , . ' . : A. SCOTT Wilmington, Aug; li, 180., ,. I.""- To Rent nfHE Dwelling Houl'e in Fronr-llreeti X late'y occiipie.l bv ihe fubfcrlief-, w NEHEMIAH H AtiRIS. The subscribers have imported Jhi the Providentia from Lcndony the Polly and Nunryfrom Liverpool, lc, i A vcrv general & well selected Assortment of Dry. Goods, Hardware, he. . Consisting among various other Articles, of the following, viz. LINENS, OznaMuuv Callicoes'Di. miiies, Moflins, Thickfeii, Rlai.kn's, KcgrcC'oths, fu, cifiiveand coal fe Cloihs, V'oatings and Cailimeres, Flannels, Ua'.sV Uofe, Threic's, S ittins, Durante, .. Cal-"' . lair.ancis, Vifl Patter.-f, Shiw Is," Hand kerchiefs -Ai'vili, Vice's, Kails "of all kinds, 1 oiks and Hinges, Carpenters' Tool?, K.nivesan.1 Forks, Pocket. fCnives a n,l P'-i knives, Mill Saws and Crofs Cut Saws, Fi'es, Gun, Hoe$; Frying Pans, Slicvels and Spades, Pins; Window G)afs, Painis, S'iO', &c. &c. Thcfe in addition ;i to thtir Goods rrea If ifi Itoi ihey ili'end f-oeni; J for fa e-in Scptenihcr, and will difpofe of at VVIolefalt; on Terms thut wii'l prove at hatl tqoally as advansgc'iis lo the Further as to Impoit froin Ncw--Voik. GlLFScV BURGWIN. VilpTiinjton, nK 1 5, l Roc-. JOSHUA POT Ta oilers ior sale At Wholesale Prices, PUNCHEONS Momscrat nd St. Croix' Kum, Hoghsheads Molasses, Iloxes Havanna white Sugar, Casks Kaisins, --v Clirts and ludf chests Bohea Tea, Uoxcs Wool Cards, C'aveynun's Hats, (coarse) u-Jvcgs 6r!r Nails,' ,' ' Ditto Spanish lirown ground in oil, 11 xr Iron, Sif-r'l of several kinds, Coibge, asortcd, ll.md Mill Siones,'of superior quality, Grind Stents, Crates F.ai then Ware, Pilot and ship Bread, H shcads Tobacco, l'rrcls lJnuion Ilnf, Ditto N. Carolina ditt, Krp-s Butter, i Oals, Venison Hnrni, Boxes Spanish Segnn, . Indian Cottcntuud Muslim, ' Bairs Cotton. . 1 Vv ilmington, N.C.June 23, tf 03. -Fori-Sale- Wi'miflton, Atignft 13,1805.- 1 1 1 t - -tf. R 25 Dollars Reward. , f UN swtf fmm on hoid fle Chiltirsi 4 PatVa I tying at mlioi at Foi!-J"l niton, afYfro m-n tiamed JEHU. ril'.rv'mjf lo Mr.G torije Clclhrrtll, of Svntli-Csrujtf Jhu i ntlt known in and bbut Witmin ton, and any .rron lht wdliltl r loin l ft the lubsenber shall receive the ahute rrwkiiL . . . JOHN LUKU.-. Wilmir.gton, Junei tf.4 VALUABLE 1UCE-FIELD LAND, FOUR milqs from Wi'mington, fiin aied on loth lidcsof Cat tilh Creek, lioin 'he inooih up fa id creek until it joios Mf. Toomet's lii.e, containing about 300 acres, 100 of which lias rtcn cleare i ai (I plaiilcd in Kite. Payment will he made cly by rait being yald ihe rext. Winter ; the balarte n ay be by four' ycaily iidUtmcifl, cr 1100J noiff and UMiri. Ti c fmiation for tuildini it deafant and conveiiieRi, rornrrjandini; a view over all the low ground. On it It a frti d llimfe rcar'v h"i(htd, about ai by 16 w'th a good hin ncy, ami fundiy . N2' Hrtifcs. rot Imiher panicnlati applr 10 the fi.lfi fiber or Mr.-Kichard Urad cy iti Wilmington. D. MALLET. July 23. ils, . AN "awav Irotn me oris: line, ut" Briftjl, James DockendorfF, mal.leri on :ne 6 h ir.lt. alioy named WILLI AVI BN10N, about five feet higtrr thin made, of light co;ril'exip. .All perfb'is. are forbid carrying otF faid.' !0 or em ploying; Ctfv" A reward of Fifty' Cents will be pjid for the delivery of him 10 the fubfenbtr on Vvrd laid brig." JAMES DOCKENDORFFi Wilmington, Augutt 13, 1805. WANT ED " A WHITE b?y or two as apprentii XJL ctsto-ihe I aylonng bulipefs. A ply "to Wi' oin.-ton, J. M'COLL. A'ttiud 13, i8cj. 4 TOR SAI.K TEN NEGROESi ALSO, A PLANTATION - . On the Noffft-West River, containing 333 acres. For terms apply to the subscriber. . - ; . PETER CARP ENTER VVWmingtoh, August 6, 1805. FOR SALE t 650 Acres of Land ON the Northcart'fide of the NortH-a ell River, about tw elve milts ab(.:ve E uabeih.Tuvvn ; ii lies very w ide on thtf liver and has a p, 1 c a t a proionion of iool Land, accor.l'fiji 10 the nutnjcr dr" acres,, as a;iy trail on faid KivvT. Th cr arc(-i) lha'piclliL's, a va;tiaMe Grill MiU Duelling Huufc and out Honfft. As the a.-ovc mentioned Laud, has brrrl prcvionfly adveniftd fwr fa e in this G xctte, 1 deem it unr.ccelTary 10 enter iotd hir'hiir particulars. Any pe f.m wlu it . dtliious of punhafipg good Land on tl faid Rivr, will meet with a great hir jjoin, it I am ditiruus of feeing theVVcf urn Country. - The-tcunft-cf payment will be ma.ft eafv to ihe 1 urchafer. - There is a likely crop of Corn on ihe Land. lithe pnrclafcr lives at a d'f lance, a n.l wilhes to purclufe Corn, I will Jifpofc of one half ihe cro( n lovvcr leims than any other in ihe fettlcifient. Apply to JONATHAN RORESON, . Living on the N jrih we tf lile of fi id Ri ver, is mita above Eiizabcth-Town. Juiy 28, 1805 2'U. In K0TICI-. A I. L persons luring any demardt agsinU ti e tstaiet'f the late Dr. John L Gnfl'in, deceased, are rtqoevled lqxl.ibit ti c sn e tr etiLnirnt w.ihmlhe lime presti ibtd hf law, othviwitc llmr dcmniiO wilt not be nd miiud; all those who lire indebltd lo the iSidcMatCt arcdttiitdto inke imnudute p.jintnt tn the tulmnWr ; a coii'phni c with ibit 4 tirr will prevent ihe iirff,rita M''iifrciiy -f p;.l)ini to Ittl means for tolKctioti.' - . JOSEPH C. SWIFT, A 2nVr. Auj;ut6, IbOi. Excellent Saw Mills FOR SALE. vNEHialf of a valuable Eflate J Mills, buih the Lie I'c tr MaU leu, Elq. and the Snbtciiber, on B'aclc River, below Ecuctil:e, on the road 10 l-W ilmirgtcnv Acref the rl vi rTs'a pe r- mancnt dam, on wMcharc two bzw AJi.lt, which vi oik tour law, vrih each a fcpa. rate running :car, and have cut iScco tret oi lumber in a v ek and a Coin, mill, well fupplicd hh cullom. The Mills aie new and vc!l hudt, are conflaut j ly fuppjied. with aa abundance of Witer and pioiccUd lioni ffclhct by a natural waih way. The river extend 40 mi!e above the Mi'la j kk; can be floated lo tlwm fom a great dillarcc, and raft j;o from i I'c toot cf the Milis 10 Wihninj ton. 16, $30 avirs ol Lind, covered vt iifi pine, cyj itf and oak, and adjoinit- radi fide ol the river, aie c nrncicd wiih the Mills loco acres of v. huh of in cXce-1 It 1.1 cj'iality fur rice, nay be drained and vratcic 1 by a dam at ihe wafrt-Way, The upland abound in ightood, and tar ami luryeMtirte nuy be made to advantage. There is 1,0 fituatiun in the flate vftth Combines iqual adaniigl for ihe intfii- 1 tannic of pire Inn ber, naval ftoics ant .1... u 1. . - a I. . . It !.(... tr. itn((oit every thrt g l tnatkttf and il.e Mill aie fi prittHy ttiiidcd.fiom lie danger of floor1. An ttpial undividt l Sjll of ihe no'e fnrrny, v'uh a tcv Ncgrort, fleck tf Cattle, bUckfmiih'i 1 ool., a nun b( r t Oxrn, ai d all oil er ll.lnit i.tMlLiy aluol lU Midi, aie tr te fiiU on a literal cud , foil the for.venifrrr f ihe Miiih(f rr Irnot a.tp'y lo Mdtit. John Wnd-i. aid Jid.rt EtC'tt, td l avritt i!le, who aie t,l!y eim oweftd to fJl t 0r-. . -. . . Iajcitoiitr, j,il z, 1U5. 46