Wc have accounts by, the 'Adiuna from . Ca liz that the U gup;b6a.t which was captiirerl. near Gibraltar, after, tiial had. been condemned as' a lawful prize. War; t..... -9(u and ire linnri .unci w ja . the "grncral topit of coriverfation at Ca diz. " That porttvas;' frill -blockaded..-" ci -. . ,il nArJ riTmn firnrtal " 10lr WAS uii. aim furniture Vn-board of the (hip New-York . bound. U Philadelphia, and was to fait ' immediately, yy "'7 'r;,? y";'tz'y, ceivcS that il '.may be of ctKntial Import?' j ance, that he mould have it inrus power i hive alfo bsen reccii'eJ frcm-the carop.of his excellency thi commander in Chit!" un- to avail htm reft of any favorable conjmic--4-dir -date of the 13'b Jan. by which it lure, for giving "iffecl to fuih a concert f appears that a ' body of 70D of Jtfwe&t : . 1 :.l . 11.-': 1 . U Urt II Da Hr.ttj--'o htfa li fl mill tort tli- fr rm of (hat Chieftain, aftd come" inio -camp om drict. By Capt. Duplex ofthis city, who came paffenger W the (hip Hercules; Ufaa J ford, 'from. Liverpool bound to .PhiladeU rK-a . ami who yot out ot that into on board of the Adrian, from Cadi', on Sun- Jay lalolK Nantucket, we have been o blieiiip.lv favored with London and Liver- . pool pjpurs to the 47th of June. .The Hiclfs fa tied, the 28th of thatmonth. Intelligence ''had at length been received in Loivionof the arrival of the Toulon and Cadiz l'quadrons in the Welt-Indies. ' . ' LONDON, June 1824. " . "; A private letter from Hamburg, brought . ' by th-s'laU m-itl contains ihe following in ' formation' telative - to the further prepara tions of the enemy in the Mediterranean: :. ."- Acuor.ling to the advices from Lyons of the 30 h nit.' a fccond naval armament is -fining out at Toulon, which it m con fill of fix fail of the line. exclufive of frigates" -an robhctat'fd '. veireU.' The utmoll ac tivity prevailed at Toulon;and all the 6. . ihcr French harbours, to put the French navy onamoit formidable footing. Thefts letters 'boa'd, that in lefs than four years the naVsl force will cor.fi I of 150 fail of t?ie line. A body of troops is collected Wea r Toulon, in order to embark on a, fe tid expedition ; and near Rocl.cfort, a '.amp i formed far the fame purpofc. l June 21 There was a report yefler' day, that government had received intel ligence of another &panilh fquadron: of 6 .failoHhe line having efcaped from Cadiz, previous to the blockade being renewed'. June 21 1. A- Riga newfpaper of the Uver end of Aptil, contains a polite Jet mr from the Empeior of Ruflia to Gsn. Morcau, offering him the fituat'on of a general of in(antry, with the pay attached to tnarranK, ana a.oro roubles to defray his expeiiles to RuiTu. Amrng other exprelfi n$ ufed by his Imperial Msjelly t)i this occafion, are the following : Dil ,i..'iarcc your duty in my fcrvice, and 1 will J';tJticc to that fame which you have ac quired in Europe." London, June 24. Thi$1'noriig "we receivcu a regular lenes ol iVloniteiirs Irom the 8:hto the 151I1, and Dutch jouri nais to tns 2on in;t. 1 hey announce, wlut w- hve loMg'exptcled, hs incorpo ritionofthe Ligurian Republic with ihe French Empire. Irrthc thinj i felf.thcrc Si little to excite intcrclt ; for Genoa, her. people and hsr dependencies were before as much at the difpofal of Buonaparte, as if they hjd been French ; it is the man ner in which they originated and was carried infocficft that calls for attention. Tlie relufal toiecognizS the republic it alfigneJ as the motive of this confjlida tiun, although no doubt can be entertain ed thai the real caufc hat been the ambi tijn of the Empemr'Napoleon His an rer fo this Dge and Deputies of the Slnatcand people of Genoa evinces new , - prcofs ot'his dctcilition'of ihj Eng'ifh " woTcrnnirni ami nation. rot content vith coupling with ile piraie, of Algiers, of.Tunii, and Tripoli, he frcms defirous of throwing out. a!ditio. al obftacles to the reffablifhment of peace. Hedeclares his dfient)io'ion never to icquiefce in the pr'wcryle bpon which this country has M all times aQed with refped to the fyf. tern oi piockJde. 1 he revival at tliit cii fi ot the claim that no right of blockade can be exercifed but againll fuch place at art iftually blockadcii by, land a Vcl, is by fc3,.may i::ducc many to think that ruona(iaitc will, endeavour to make .the difcuflion of the principle enter into any neji'Hiaiioit which may be opti c I. . The u rani fiibjtk i f difci.(lion during ihepicfcnt wotk, in hoili ho-.ifcs f Vtr- I'uiiwnt, ha bien the general Itare vf pub He alVllr propofed u Thwifdaf by Vif cnunt Carytuit in c Lord, and by Mr, Ciiev, In the Commona, On Wedntfday the following nulfjcv wai i delivered ib tit Common, and fimilar comdionication wai made In t'.e Lirdi. Citnrg Re;t f " His Mijefty ihir.li proper to, acq'isint tVe iluulect Common, 1 1.4 1 ihe Conutiu r'cstioni whiji fiaye lakrn. flare and ait fli'l dVpcpdiny between hit inaicfiv and r-imepoweis tf the cVmincni, have nt wtthbther DOersV as' may afford the bell fncans of rcniVioti tVe inprdinate ambition, J of France, and may be moft likely to lead A to a termination ot the prclcnt coruclt in. grounds ' conlllent with the permanent fafety andinterefl of his , Majefly's domi-- f nions, and the fecurtty and independence of Europe. His majefty .therefore recom- . rrienda it to theHoufe ot Commons to con- ' fider of makjng provifiort for enabling his majeuy 10 ianx nieaiurcs, inu cmer iniutj luch engagements, as tne exigencies pr; "affairs may require. G. R. ' In cortfcq'uence of a converfation which took place before the debate of the Houfe j of Commons, it was underllood that Mr. Trotter is to be brought for ward as a wit- ;., nef againft LotdMeiville, in the criminal prolecuHon to be uatitutcd by the Attor ney General. ; , f . A debate took place on t rtday evening, in- the Houfe of Commons on the fubjf dl 01 the King $meiiage. Mr. f ox and Mr. Yu took nearly the fame ground as in the debate of the prcCedina; evening ; the former, arguing in favor of a peace on reafonable terms, and .the - appointment ' bf a CongK-fs for that purpole : while the latter generally dated that the principle of joint peace or joint war formed the balls of our prefent negociation with the prefent powers of i he Continent. From the whi le of the Minider's language it feemievident that the tfegociat ion alluded to have for their objedl the interefting other powers In a common caufe, b elides Ruffia and Swe den. A vote of credit, to the extent, of 3,50,000!' was propofed-in the commit, toe of luppiy, and agreed to after f mt oblervations from the leading members of opposition.,, This Turn falls lhortbyorie m'lium and a halfl of that portion of . lalt . loan, which it was-profeffed at the .ticqe J w..h meant to be applied to lecure agrea: .Cpntinemal co-opcra'ion. It is not to be fnppofcd"!tha' any perfonout of ihe circli of the Cab;net, can be acquainted with the ciriumftaiiccs which have led to the con ttaclion of the fupply originally appro priatcd to ftcure that important objeil out, we iruu, 11 may dc lucn as 11 Da beet declared by the Chancellor of the Exche qntr. , The advanced period of thj year, '.incc ihe vote ot the 5,000,000!. is now held forth as the ollcnlible caufe for nai- that morning The Sirdars oflthis body of horfe had viitedhis'xcellency the com mander in chief upon their arrival at head qiarte,rSr .y ' ; - We have at length from , Capt. Mart ,Iand, of the Loire, the official details of .t he ; br ill ia nt Achievement executed by Lieut.. Yeo, belonging to that fhip, a gainft t et Spain lb; frt of Muro. Tjhe : daring feavof''-"this gaihTJoTU cer : aadijs7 little band of heroes jvfiTThed a newluf tre on the annals of Britifh valor and in. trepidity. .' :. ; :b 'r - From the Philadelphia GaxeUe, The following recent initance of tyran ny, exercifed by the Britifh. government at Surrinam, having bren made the fub jcdl of couVerfaticm in Teveral circles in this city, 1 think' it a duty I owe tothe public arid myfelf, to publilh the circum- Itanccs as th':j have been iworn to in my affidavit bcfoie.rhe mayor of the city on my arrival-; and which were noted down at the time. . J. II. HORTON. Icl been brought to Inch a pont 1 tyena c hi Mjclly o lay tit rcfuli of ihcm Uloe ibt iffufcor toer.ttr lnso,any far. th?r tii !naMon with ihrf'rrrih GwV-iti. H.tn, torji.l;ptl wit) tlx fcntimetiu ta. fitlUd by Hi Xf,jtf!v at lU ..nrning f ibr iiifint I'kiLon Cui Ui Midy ion. rowing the fupply appropriated for Coi tinental purpolcs. Thismay be the fatl; but it is much feared, that a different in terpre'ation may be given to the circtm (lance, by ihofe powers who are eithcreiit viousorfufpicous of us I and iht anin. fcrtn.e unfavorable to the cxilicnce f a confederacy for the relloration of the in dependence of Europe, will be draarn from the vote. r ' The folcrrinitics which have fuccesicd the corona ian of Buonaparte as kit g of Itaiy are alfo of conlidr?rable importarve. T hcfc were fwllowed by the tnflitutbn of a new order, viz. of .he Iron Crown, and by tha prefthtaiion of prince Euge.e Heauharnuis, as Buonaparte's viceroy of Italy. On thcoccafion the Emperor aid the King addrclltd the leiflaiive btn. His obfctvaiionsas well asihofe cootaii td in his fpeech lo the Ligurians, Tutlici. . cnily evince the implacable holliliiy of lis difpofiiion towards GrrafBrit ain, (c htw vain are the hopes of any adjullment of differences takirg place at hc prefent. -Difpaichra J rom Lc-td Gardner were received on Saturday morning at the Ai miralty. His Lordlhip wa cruizing t,ff B it i on ihei6ih. i.iif, ..No dilpofiiiua had been lately mar.ifcftcd to nut to ka ? -ThcGottenburg Mail which arrived cn t 5atuntay has brought mIe intelligence of . Intercfl. An article from the Lower ! ..be of the 8;h toll, mentions a repott very prevalent in that quarur, that Auf. tria is preparing lo lake a pry aclive part in Ihe affairs of iho Continent, and thai the ArcMukc Chailrsand General Mare ! aiealrcsdy appointed to very imporiarit I commands irt the armie. Sir. J.'Cralg'a expedition,' it It now , afceriaincd, was dcllmcd againft Minorca, and that the ei.icii, iuc his been abandon., ! cd in confequetue of the place having I bcco'fj fliciiiithcitcd. as in rrndf r the fur. ccfi of any atlempt with fuch a force doubiful. The Qicen Charlotie packet from Ncw-Yora, Cue fmce ihe 15 h of April it captured by a Spnilb piiviteer of ig guns, alter an cngagunrnt of hours tri an haUr and car ne.l inio I'alfage In Spain. SiocU hii Jay, 3 pCr CChl. toufj, 59 3 "4; Omnium, 3 3 4, 4 pum. . Liviirook Jne aft.-Tfe Girette olSatuiday right contain d.f)aiches Irnm Gcnful Lofli Lk vvhich reach loilw I lib Jan. They confum the acrounti r'elf"flr received of ihe rrduflion f ton Dcljf, and cf the irpulfc ct a mc(t (talli.i attack made by it.e army um'ei hurontmanJ on the town uf Phurtpote, h.ch his Lrdihip cnteiiained 1,0 dmi'ji uld fboii'.jf Um hit bat.j. AJiiwti PARAMAKIBO, June 9, 1805. Proceedings 0 the governor of the British colony of Paramaribjy in South America. Ucin loaded ant! nearly ready" for fea, I repaired as ufual to the cufto n-hcufe, ( for my clearance, but I waslnformed on my arrival, that the r ileal hid refilled . to Ogn my certificate, unlefs I would take on board two criminal negroec, who were un der condemnation of banilhment ; This I informed them I could never think of do ing, and went" immediately to the Ameri can conful, and informed htni of the Fif cal's refoluiion ; he advifed me to go and lay the bufinefs before the governor. Ac cordingly, I went, and waited on his ex cellency, not doubling but thai he would intetfere iu my favour; but alas, I fooii found my miltake I met the governor and hi fecretary ftanding at the door, I advanced and addfeffed the governor as follows: Sir, your moll obedient ; I have bulintft- of importance to acquaint you with. The governor alked, what is it? I atifwercd .The Fifcal, fir, relufes to fign my clearance, unltfs I will take on board two criminal, negroes, that ate fen .tenccd to be banilhed from the colony ; the governor replied, very well, take them. 1 afked, mult I take them; the governor replied yes, you mu'l take them: I anfwercd, I think it hard; the gover nor rep'-itd, I can't help that, you mud like them ; they will anfwer you a verv good purpofc, they will be fr members for you Americans. I then aiked, but why, fir, if they are fuch ufeful members of fo ciciy, you not keep them in your own colony i Ihe governor a'nfwercd,becanfe we don't like them they don't anfwer our purpofe tbey don't fuit us, but they will do very well for youthey will anfwer jou a good purpofc. I anfwered, neither do 1 like them, nor can I take them ; the governor fid you mutt lake them. I re. plied, how (hall 1 anfwtr il.istoiny coun. try when 1 iciurn; I cxxfe inyfelf to a very heavy fine, bclidcs incur my coun try's difp'cifure. The governor anfwer ed, O ph, things of this nature are eafi ly anlwered In America; I rvplied, be that as it may, general, I cannot take them; ihe governor .hen anfwered in a perempto ry tone of voice, then remain there, look ing towards tVe fhippin aranchon ther governor then walked away. I then ad. dreifed the ftcrttary, and afked, is there no alternative i the (ecretny replied, none at all, you rrmft uke them. 1 went im mediiiely lo the Conful, and rcqucfted him to mke ouf my. proicll a foon at poffible for I flioul. immediately abandon both veil. I and cargo ; the conful advifed me in form nofch rclolntior ; hefaid he would do all in his pocr to a Hi II me he wilhcd me to cany a letter 10 the governor accordingly I went and gave ihe letter to theguvernor'i fecretary--1 waited until the .cxt day, but ro anfwer came to the left'cr. 1 wai then advifel to goorce more and Jce lie governor, that perhaps he had al tered hi lefolmioii. I ihought the prof, peel fmatl, hut noiwiihflanding, I went at about 9 o'clock in the morning, 1 met the fecretary at the door, and addrelTrd him with, your fctvani, fir I a .led him Is i he r-ovtrnor within I ihe fecretary re plied yes ? I alkcd can I fee him f he faid no. it is not an hour 10 wait tnthe en vernor. I anfcieJ, I afked pardon for intruding, but 1 ihought It an hour to wait on any gentleman. The fcirftary faid, If yotj are on the affair concerning ihrfe Criminal, my otdcrs from ihe go. rrrnor air, to inform you, thai yei mi fl abide by the laws of the colony ; ih-t I know no fuch man a ihe Amercan in ., ful intt.e cu'uny, and that you mull lale them. 1 lien s(kcJ, wilt jnt give me a v filing ftwtn tir.Jcr your hanJ, toteiti!; I that they 'were put on board by your or der? he anfwered, with a railed tone of" voice, anfi a coniequeniiai air 01 impor tance, 1 will give you nothing at all.; AM hopes were now at an end, I muft fub mit and havo them put on board, without having any thing to fhew. thy country on my returnuhomt, how I came by them. I then went to the ,Fifcal nd endeavour- cd to diffuade him from his refoluttun,, but , feeing him determined, I requcfled ot hira ai certificate to prove, that they were put inboard by Ws authority,. At. firft he re fu fed, bat af length being foftened on be ing informed the fituation my veffel and ;, lhip's'company were in, and being made fenfible of the difficulty I fhould have oa my arrtval in America, he at length con fented to give me a cenificate to fhow that they were put on board by his authority, alfo that he tendered me 50 guilders a piece for;their paffages and that I had refufed to take it. lie then lent two conltables, armed 'witX'fialfM and cutlafles, and took them from prilon sjndput them on board nor could I get my clearance, until , I had given receipt that they were on board and that I would take them out of the co-. lony. : He informed me alfo, that fpecial orders would be fent down to the officer or the fort at Bram's Point to fee that thofa criminals were put on board when I pa ft the fort and to fire on any boat that fhould leave the veffel, or attempt to land after 1 pad the fort. J. HAVENS HORTON. Maffer of fch'r Julian of Newburyport. Sworn, July 1 5, 1805, before me, MATTHF.VV LAWLER, Mayor. , . translation. By the office of the Fifcal,' is given to capt. J. HavciM Horton, for exportation, out of this colony, in his fch'r Julian, the free negro called Andreas, aliasRnatniiic Toctoe, and the free negro woman Affibo van Labo ; for whofe exportation he was - offered the fnm of fifty guilders each, which he has refufed; faying-that he would ac cent nothing for it. N .P. H : SPI E LI NG, Senator and Fifcal. I, Charles E rd m a n n ,t jworn inter preter of foreign language., in 'and for the commonwealth of Peunfylvania, by lawful authority duly appoii.ted, do cer tify," that the' above is a true and faithful transition of a certain' original paper written in the low Dutch language, an nexed , thcieto. Jn witntfs 'whereof, I have hereunto fet my hand and fej of office, at Phi ladelphia, the 19 h of July, a. D. 1 80c. ' . Signed) CHARLES ERDMANN. WILL BE SOLD, On Thursday the Oth day of October next, tm der the Court-house in Wilmington, SEVEN hundred and twenty acres of Land, in the upper part of thin County, near Washington, the property of Timothy Wilson It two thousand four hundred and eijhty-four acres, the property of William Wright ; to satisfy aundry Executions in my hands, the Governor of the Stale vs. illiam Wudworth, and othsrs. Also, fifty acres on the Sound, about 14 miles from town, the property of -Miles Knight, to satWfy an Execution in my hands, the Commissioners of Wilmingion vs. said Knight. Wirmington. Atiemt 27, 1805. For Sale 'VALUABLE RICE-FIELD. LAND, 'TT'OUR miles from Wilmington, ftta- i Irctnlhe .monthTiipfaid"creckiintirit oin Mrs. Toomer line, containing about 300 acres', too of which has been cleared and planted in Rice. Paymeat will be made eafy by pan being paid the next Winter; the balance may be by four yearly iuflalmentt, or good notes and bonds. The frtuation for building is pleafant and convenient, commanding a View over all the low groMiuf, On it it a fra.T.cd Houfe nearly fiHiilicd, about as by 26 with a good chimney, and fundry Negro Hnufcs. lot futihcr particulars apply to the fubferiber or Mr, Richatd B.idley in Wilmington. D. MALLET. July 13, ii3. rem sale TEN NEGROES. ALSO, A PLANTATION On the Nr.rth.Wcst Hit cr, containing 533 acres For terms apply to the mbttribir. j,, To Rent Tlte DwtHin !looe and Wharf, at pre sent occopted bv Mr. thwmas Hunter, PhTKK CAHPENTKR, NVilmlngton, AuguU (, IUJ. To Kent THE Dwelling Iloofe in Kront-llrect, laie'y iccplcd by ihe fubfciiWr, NtHEMIAH IIAHKI9.' lU:U,l..inn. An.l.B M if. i iimir'vi'i ni'j''. J .""J"