nn (Ml II JO "'"." PUBLISHED (weekly) BTALLMAND HALL- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22,. .1805. A'd.' 463. r CENERAL EATON, A lewer from Gch. Eaton, written at the time he was mbcAit to enteV the Lybiari.' Defert, in his operation? aair.lt sTri poll, to one of his crrefpondents in - .MairachufVtts.; Egypt Province of Behf.ra, Vtllit ef DbnanhourJ anting 2y, 185. 4 A FTE X. touch i ng at "M ul t a, th; Ar gus arrived at Alexandria (Lyptj on the a6:h 'of November ,;i&o... ;. We received from tb$ Bmilh Rsli lent jt Cairo, and Conful at ' Alexandria, every afli'tanec our a stairs and their AfAlftx. r which 'the nature 'ot dutv couUI reqalre. an 1 admit. andriaif w.asi.iiiinu'jd to me, that Hamet Bilhir (the exited Prince of Tripoli; was not to he hi I without, application to-Elfi Bey, to whomhe had attached himfelf ; both of whom were in Upper Kgypr, at w3 with the Mameluke Beys againtV'thc Oitomah'governaient ; and to whom ac cefs was barred by the Turkifh army. Under thefe difcouragins; -appearances, & contrary to thek advice of every body on the fea-coaft, o-.i the 301I1 November, I left Alexandria for Grand Cairo,- with three officers, Lieut. O'Bannan, Mellrs. Mann. anr? Danic'fbn, and a few men from the brig ; who, with fome others', recruiied on the foot, and at Rofcita, made an cfcort of 18. This precaution was nerrffary, on account of the Banks of the Nile being ihfelted by the wi:d : Arabs ot the Uetert, and by itraglmg Ar, naut deferters from the Grand Seignior's armv -the former fubfill by plunder the latier rob and murder indifcriminateiy every dcfencelcfs being, whofe appearance denotes property. . uoin move in ooaief, and have rendered themfclvcs terrible thronf htuit Egypt. On the o n .UecemDcr, ibo4, we arrived without accident at Grand Cairo. Mere I found the Prime Mioilter, and one of the confidential Governors of Ha- mct Iuu, w no contained the n.tima tion I received at Alexandria, that the fiafhaw was actually with the Mameluke I3cvs. and contidered as. an emmy to tne government of drs cotintry. i hail alrca dy rj'ifpatchcd to lum ftvrct couriers from Alexandria and ko'.etra; and row fen I f lFa third and tomnh from the capita'. Bit 1 had not yet had audience of the Viceroy, ami not knowit-g his acccfliblc point, the difficuliy I apprchci.deJ'of get ting the Bafliaw out cf the country, tx 'cccdcdthat of accefs to him ; for 1 found it impofiib'e to do it piivattly ; and 10 attempt it might not only defeat our main objeel, but endanger o:ir own pctfonal fafety t Wlr rdorc, at my full iniervicw finding the Viceroy a mt;i cf iruch mote franknefi' and liberality ihsn commonly Jjll 10 the charter cf a 'f iik, 1 unrc fervedly opcnrJ to him the objeel rf my tifn to this country : and received the pfi iFir .( fricrdly nffivt. Th'i cleared lit.'c n".y pr rpcCly ntit c It titaivil cir.barravfrrients lor the interference, or even theamnc ty of 'he Vitro in behalf if Harriet BafltJWj'rr.iht eacite the fca-' Juify of the' Mameluke D;y, and have the ciT 1 to bar his dej arturc. But a rer d f!i.-nl,y tcf.t mc, wnich I little txpeflew',' and tefji fromtlK qnjr'er it cime, TT'e Krrrch Uonfuf at Alcxan- rlria, M. Diuviue a Pirdmortcfe, had itifinu4trd tint e were BtUijh jfitt in . Amtrhan tnnjlt ; and tint cur pretext cf .fnendlhip Ur I hurt Balbiw aimcil at ryrjiirig Uttt an tn'frcngtfe i;h the Ma', mclupe, V lio are fif,v;fed cf Icing in .flritifh f. bfiJy ; of io .ife an itifmuatton as frjtirWwi a it . migitari. I am yet toiaily i . !.'f to acioutit fjr this llranc con) iS vl M. Driittr, at I am cpjlly f at the i(v'giiij ofTcrtdour fla tcir-n iifufcd by tan of th Krcnch tjironghi'iit t!ii mutiny, tlofe marks cf rii ity never rtfufrd to a foreign fljk in irdimry cafes, and which we received! from every ( titer ration teprefcrttd her ; except that ir.fui me.1 nf o ir rbjrft, ind furju ihtfnrt tit f tin luA ttitb lit' tUtt el Ttiptlr, lie thought hy ilitfc. ntiiisito c? f at th.t objicl. I itind P-ans, h)wctr, (the means iVit move tvety thing in this quafct rf she glotcj 10 remove this uimu iy ; n. fnu.iy ic. ceicJ the Vi(eriy lelttt 'f amntn tjaTrtt, cf fafc conliHt tu Ham.t Uail.aw shich was tltff atcltl t hjm the ij'h, , in quadruplicates ; sr. J b; ditT.r::tt xLn cyarices. I tow fttifr.tty saWI tha ifTne if ll mtafiirct thi fsr purftte. Mran time bnfied inyftlf ia fi Jii 3 cm .c Tti p'tlitan emigrants i the co nttry tlnir attatlimrt t'io ih rival lithns anj ibatr fcelii';s leu irJi the AmtjK ini A mong thelc, one appeared who was only:. j runety (lays from lrtpoli, an Arnaut .Turk, who had been tn the fervtce of Influf Bifhaw the retintng Prince ot . Tripoli j during the blockade of laflturn- mer ; him 1 had under particular exami nation. Supponng himfelf converfing witFt En3li(l)'nen he was very, unreferved in his confelTions andetpg decidedly in the intereft of the enemy (hq was enthu- fuftic in this caufe, thongtvwilling to dif- .per.ftf with his honors) his it ory deicrves the more credit. He laid i ri poll had loir many, men in the different attacks ofthe America'is lad funjincr. ; the town was much danvged, ati(t ' the inhabitants "under fiicb .a ftte of conftemation that nobody llcpt in tlie city ; and that no btifinefs wa& done there. lis confirmed the-account of the fire (hip Infernal, being blown tap by captain Summers, after being boarded by two row yaHics. Stating this tadl the fellow wept ! Ho obferved, that this was an unfortunate war for 1 ho poor cruifert : They Had been le i to believe that the A- mcricans were iiU merchantmen ; and that they mould have nothing to do but to go out and bring tKemin ; but they found them devils ; frJrn whom nothing was to be gained in war ; an I here fore he had quitted the fer vice of J ulfof Bafluw. The Ba'fhaw was nev';rh! f d.rermincd not to make peace with thefe infidels until he .(hall have. humbled then), and made them pay for, the rUmagts they had done to his ' navy and city, lie ack'now-le dyed that Hamet Bafliawhad many friends in Tripoli but fud, that Juifuf Bafhaw had tahrn care tf him f It is ' afctrtained, that ..the latter had employed and paii ailtflins to poifon the for-ncr : Thrfe undoubtedly reported thatihey had ex'ciicd their coin, miflion, and hence we account for the re port of Hamet Bafliav 'i h. 'On the 8 It inftanr, I receive 1 frbn the'BafhiW ag ar.f.vcr td my letter from Cairo, dated the 2&ih of the ir.':i h K 1 - madajCo.rrcfpnaiJ'.ng with 3 I J ai.tury , X805, Hating that he. Ill Ji:ld ilat thy part tor this prnvir.ee, '2f ' tr lo.Iia; at the houfe of an Arab chief, v;'i.cic he fhould wait'to ir.rot ine- ii.it as n-.y In ters to him, dated af'er the Viceroy's am nely, aM 4lviftd hir.i t; prepsre to the Ku'i '.Hi lionfc o' Ili.fwtta, tinder' the gua rantee of thr- Vitcn v's pa.Tnrt, and be lieving he t-.-.",J:? piiih h.i marcli thi.her, I left Cjr fr.r thai p'acc, the 13th inll. and arnwi in il rcc days. Nj;hing ad ditiol.al apeiii,; tlure, I proceeded to Al;xan!ru, f: : 19 V,, and on the 2o.h rc. this country with fecret views hofiile to the Turks. Our fuuation here was fome- what perplexing, and vaftly unpleafanti I do not recolleif ever, having found my felf on ground more critical To the na tural fufpicion of a Turk, this General added a fierce and lavage ten. per : of courfe proud and arrogant ; I fooivfxind my point of approach : I p-afTed- high compliments on tne correcttieU ot his mi litary" vigilance and conduct faid, it was what I apprehended, and what I certainly would "have done my felf in fimilar circum- ftances -But knowing, from ch'arac- tec, the magnanimity of.fiis font, I was determined to have an interview with him in foil confidence that we Would sid a meafure fo purely humane, and (o inani fetlly to the Turkifh intereft in Kypt, iu cafe he would hot permit me to purfue my objeel perfonally.. At the fame time recurring to the example of the Viceroy whofe leiter I had fhewn to him, and fi. nified, that I had it inchargeto tender liiin a douceur in teftimooy of our exalted o pinioa of his, name and merit. II. wa. moved-.faid my ' confidence flunld not be difappointed ; and called into his tent a chief of the Arab tribe 1 a wandering hoft who hive from time to ttQje been driven or emigrate ! fiom tl,e kingdom 'of Tri poli, lince the ufurpatio i of Jtiffuf B. Ihaw, to whom he ft.fc-r biifmef5, and aftef, if he. could give a:-y 'account of Haihet B idiaw. T iii fomit; chf ; in an extacy exclaimed, hekhtiu everything! I req leited hurt to decUte iu'niu W: fjr I had no feeiertft my relation with t ut Bafhaw.-- His fluey is anticijiatcil-iu-'ije-flatemint 1 have given of the Bai)u.vV aflli l poliiion. He added that ' ioooo Birhary "Arabs were ready to march .vittj hiui froni ibis b if lzr to recover tl cir na- armed Turks were fent into the libriT firihe purpofe of accompanying' ui as a lift guard in our walks ; and 'a centinel was placed at our door, in the lower court to prevent intrifons. Though thefe ar rangements were Dafllj polite, TlriPiiIn have been very willing to have difpenfed with them ; yet, by appearing frank ani eafy with the Turkifh general, iuY fufpi cions ftcm to have fubfided. I received all (hefe. marks of vigilance a& marks of attention ; thanked him for his civitttiTS ; & allured him I (hotild be careful to make fiiitablc mention of them to lie Prt-fl-ctcnt, my maUer. By this kind of adula tion, yellerday, 1 fo much drew him from his guard, that he opened his, heart, and unequivocally confeiTed, that 41 I n the pre lent convplfed flate of Ecypt, the Turk ought to fufpet every body efpecjalty the Englilh hut they had. peculiar rea f.uis for fufpedipg us, as the French Conful had declared us Britifii fpies !" What (hies not that favage merit for thiir wanton and bafe manner of expofing our Jives to the infamy of a gibbet 1 I hope not to meet him at Alexandria. - - uue ALEXANDRIA, Feb. 16, 1805. We arrived, ,wiih the Balhaw and at the KtigUfh. cm between Aboukir tivc C!) 1. 11 ill km V.'JU-.i 1 1 ' 1 " r i i I . 1. - 1 ' lav in c;r:'!i;i ;!y ccived the H-ihiw's arifwcr t-i my letter the 28:b Novc.ibcr, of the fasue tcnorwith tliat received from hu:i at Cairo. Itap, pcarcJ that, not contlJi ' in the Vice roy's difpofniu is concerning him, or per. hap, not rece.vt g his letter before leav ing the Mimeluk ; Bey canp, the Bar fliaw had determine I ta exped an inter view at the place l.c firfl named, near the lake ruunir, u.i i!.c liJr c"1.- Drfrrt, abour 19 3 ms cs f;o n the fea coafl. No thini; can be mire inttcduluus than a Tuik of a Ti.tk'a I'.'Uut ; and for a good reafoti nothing can ,?c more iqtiivocal than their plijhttd fai.h it is an article of bar t:r and fair, I'liaugb trave ling i.i'the in tcrior cf the CoAiiry hd become timifiia!-" Ivhiairdotis on -account of ths jaloufy cf the Ttirkiih ch'nf "f ibe reins civen to licentiiHifucfs by t'r barbarity of civil ' war and ot tiieitroig gr.nri.ls the wild Arabs hu!J, by reafon ot a'l icilraim be-ing-relaxed on the part tf the Tciki, and the Msme'iilcs, who arMou ffrirufli PCCjpied with eaJi oiii.-r--1 d.'.ermincd U attempt pafTic t Fiaumr, Ac.i id. iiiRly.on tic 22 J inltant, I KitAUxan. diia, with two uiiKrrs hum the Argus, Lieut. Wake an I Mi, Man 1, and an tf. curt Of twenty. three ir.cn, ind'fcrtntly raountcl, ad cm the cvetunr ot the 2 id , found myfe l aricdcJ at I Tutkifh lines) Utwetri feventy and tighty' miles rn our rout, by lie, Ktidmf of Dimanhour, cnmmatidinz a detachment of almut cn Onoman trotp, on Iromiai. No! a'pimrfjt I could a Ivnice coufj at all mo. dilf the fcvcriiy of I.U hijl ictdution not to let me paf hia line' though, in every tl.ini t'i'r, f cUcatcJ us nitu d.ninnion ard grtat hufpiialitr . However nullify. irt;i:i; cjnccui.m, ,1 canrot Hit appUui II the currrrt ni!i aiy couJuci of a caicf; 1 r 11 vta in it led a Julpiciuut (iicum. flsnce, that a holy of aimed, m,kiwn f.r;ciM, fliouU fee found (hipinva coutle lur los crirmy'i rcnJcr.ttt.j, with uu Mhr jritext thai 10 fcarch f r a iclugre L'tthawl Ih.t 1M1 fyfpiciooi circumilauco was fltengthened and Ifftta vateJ by the iitlinuitirr.t, grt.ne rtt from ihi Krtn.lt Cotdul, tl at we caste Into :c ; repeat :d 1. i . . ; 11c na j :.M.i w.i n-a.t to the ;v )u!J ; i me Ha- T.t: Turk ac- L- t iii.ij w t.i a com. I i-.io.j c:v t.'.is ir. r.iij: t ic next xnorn- " I coti'd yet perceive fume fymptoms of f fiicioti and a.j.rjb aiin on the brow ot m newlv aco tire ! mi ttirv friiwt Whetcfote without fc?ming to have any particular vi: other tin:) a fohciludc to meet tbe msn J fouit, b it really with a view ot rcinjvi;t$ his apsueheiifions, I propafed to v to return to bis Ijead q'lir-' I tt f ,9 icrs, mis village ; un-t o;r my etcort to A'cxandria, a,:id to wail my felf with only the gentleman o ryany and our fer va:it, until our Arab chief ' flioulJ return from Fiaume with the ILih tw." This prf'jfil had its defircd e;L;.f. W left him, aiv.l retired to a lunluvne murkte prepared far the purpofe ; took tcfrriTi-. ments he had ordered to b: in rcalisuf, ; .. 1 .u . . . ? . ... . . hi -.ic-iicn uijrntnj rciurnrn wui tj additional cfcort from his camp to this p'aca ; whe;e we f uni lodgings in Tor- ! I'll n t: m . ana uye prepared lor us. Hay and the lake of Mcnotis, a week ago' Lit Wednef Jay : Here we had new dif fivl'ies to encounter .: The French Con ful, had been before-hand of mc, in gain ing the Admiral of this port, ard.Govern or of the city ; and they confcquently came to a rtfolutiun not to permit the Bafhaw to enter the city, nor to embark. at this port. Argument was ufelefr, for we were too late in our application of it : Bet we left no other inconvenience than delay; for the Bafh aw had before came to a refolntion to mtrch by land to Dcrno and Bengaft and he now moved rousd the lake to form his camp at Arabxs txvtr, a bout 30 miles weft of the old'bort of Al exandria. In the mean time I flatcd to tha Viceroy the contempt his letter of am. nefty faffered fron hit. fubaherns in this place ; in confequence of .which he addref fe la firmart, by a cHaux, to the governor, ctHnrnandiu mmodiate compbance whh the intention of bis letter of atunelty ; and impobng a fane 011 him ot twenty-hve thoufand pialtres. This gives us a final triumph in F.gypt ; though, t conf:f, I could have wiihed the Viceioy'i refent ment had not fallen1 fo hcavi'y upon his difobedient governor. I did not think it proper toadvifethe Bafhaw to enter the city, left vengeance fhould retaliate on .him the chaflifement he has brought upon the TurkiJh brcther of this place. We fhall, therefore, take up our line f march through the Defert of Lybia, towards Dcrne, next Wcdncf-day. 44 Our party confifls of 500 men, 100 of whom are Chriftians, recruited on the foot, and employed in our fervice. We fhall make a (land at Bomba, and wait the return of capt. Hull, with fuppliciand ; reinforcements, to ftize tie provinces of Dcrne and Beniiifia ; for which ptirpofj' he fails for the rendezvous the day after to m o r r o w 4- . , . . ' . . - - 44 Here is a Vetch in nor from Tripoli, fent up by the enemy to . prevent Hainet Bafhaw being pernilticd to leave Egypt; but not bavii g wi'h him the only aru inant vhich cairuf all caufes hie, ihe prnir devil mull go lak, in feafor., orAf to give JnfTuf Bilhaw Infoiraation of the fate which awaits hint. - j':r meafure are furrortedm Jlj hi ' kingdom tr Jie. flow glorious would betke exhibition to fee our fellow -citiiens,' in captivity In Tripoli, march in triumph from a dungeon to ibeir tyrant! palace, and d.fplay there the flag of the uoucd itatei i" Thus far I have flutchcd an ibffn'1 from myjjurnal. D oi cxpeclfome.' thir of Fypt ? Itsatitiq iitics ? Itscu. riofitics? Its. wonders? Yon mill !b dt f arqot n:r d. I "am 1 0 i rn u . Ti occup i5i vviilr modern affairs toranfa:k catacombs or climb pyramids-for the fame reafon I have not time to gratify cuiiofny4' and as to wonders, can only t.otitc whit I cannot help being imptcfled with, the wondcrfuhyrsniiy,an I wonderful wretch, edntfs which lo.llrongly mark the features of the country once the wonder cf the world fur fJencc, wifJom, wholefome po'iie, . and national happinefs. Here is ma-ter for a vo'unif ; 1 can only de vote fix lines to the fubitct. Not a man .... reajs 1 ere j yet none but thinks MmMf .1 wihsi) latent. 1 ne Nercniet,ct whom I have jull fpoken, in a little cxcutfion to geil.cr ($ntrihtiintt has cut off be- tween o and 3o nealanli heads, fuf rui other crime than novcrty : and iufl with. qui in? eauern gate, of this village, agal- - A ON gemlcman wanted ata tmrnlte. Ami 11 ...ti. - ... 1 . 1 1 II! L k. .....I i j . . . ciswiii iu nang a cuiiuoi II "jt iwcuicmc, ana a boy about 12 or i anu not auc-ve 13 to attend the ahop. I or Iart;culara apply Ly letter, post paid. Wilmington, Sepu 54, A. SCOTT. WANTED. twelve years, the only fen, of a chief of the village Kahamania, becauU Ins ftb.r cinno riy the contribuiioni levied on him I GOD ! lit onk thti tll my chltittn ettt emtrnenu January if. 180c. ' btact I began ibis Utter, circum flincea have accumtilatd to teuAet All fimatlon morcaukwirtj, ind,' I may will lay, t d cu'otit. The r cxt day after our entering the houfe whew we smarter, a r-errr W r itcnca upon tne icrrice rf a.i'adjoiplng houfe, ad aToikifh KlJud trttMifetr.l h ,l.ii.li..i...l. , -- 1. ... .... iviii.k vi Jftjr 61 f J RmJoT tit TtishCoMiti, WtimitHon Suff ' r ((Norxita Tr, llos. I it, t J, Sd, 4tb arfd ith days, N.IIanover at.d Broniwick. ' ' ' -Cth and 7th days Bladetf,' Duplin, Onslow, ind without the District. Ithandtth dayi Criminal and Argutrcnt 10th, I Ith, I2tb and i:th dais, Cause-ia EHity. ' ' JAMES W.WALKFJl, Cl-k ys dmlrton, SiptemVer I?, li'J - " t