AGAINST -FIRE. The Phoenix limit ance Company ttt of London, HAVING foundlKiistrcuitous and expen sive mode by whfch persons in the U citcd States were obliged to effect their In- surance against rire iiincirwn iu.liuikio.i, prevented many frotir availing themselves of the advantages held out to them by the Com pany ; adopted the plan of appointing Agents in' America to do business on their behalf. In the execution ollhispian, tne suoscrioer has been appointed Agent for the Southern Fjeparttmentof the United States with full powers to sign Policies of Insurance binding J the said Company and to settle and pay Los ses accruing thereupon. '.""'-. ' Public Notice is hereby given,.. That the said Agent has opened at No. 36i , East-bay Charleston, the Officii of the - , PIIOENIXPIREINSURANCE COMPANY, V- . " ' for tlie'Soulhe'rn Department pf . the United States of ' AmericCy .. receives offers for Insurance and on payment of Premium, &c. effects the same against loss or damage .by Fife on Houses, Buildings, Stores, Household Fur niture', Goods, Wares and Merchandize, ei ther in Town or Country, on the following Uatesand Conditions, viz. Rates of Annual Premiums To be paid for ASSURASCE against FIRE. No. ,1. Hazards fir the First Class, viz. Brick or Stone Buildings, covered with Tile, Slate, or Metal. -Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such Buildings. ' For svrrs not exceeding ' 10,000 Dollar in one Risk, 37 1-2 Cents per An'xmper 100 Dollars. No. II. Ilatarchof the Sitzud Class, vii. Buildings having the Four Walls entirely of ,- Brick or Stone, carried through the Hoof) and covered with Boards or Shingles. . Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such Buildings. Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Tnrpen tine, Salt-Pet ie, Flax, Hemp, Oils and" Tallow, in lVVddings of the First Class. For sums n A exceeding . '10.003 Dollar in one Risk, 56 1-2 Cents per Anvm per 10'J Dollars. No. III. Hazards of the Third Class, viz. Buildings constructed partly with Brick or btoneana purtly with Wood; or having either of the Four Walls of Frame-Work filled in with Brirk. j Furniturvor Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such Buildings. Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen tine. Salt-IVtre, lit. Hemp, Oils and Tallow, in Building rf the Second Class. Fur sums nut rxceidin 10.000 Dollars none Rik, 75 Cents per Annum jtr 100 Djilars. No. IV.. Haicds of the Furih Class, vit. Timber or Slight Buildings covered with Shingles or Boards. . '- Furniture or Merchandize rn,t hanrdoui, contained in such buildings.' Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen tine, Halt-Pctre, Flax, Hemp, Oils and Tallow, in Buildings of the tl.irdClass. Fur sums mt exceeding 10,000 Dollars in one Risk, 100o I iO' cents per Ann. per 100 Dollars. . Ships in Port and their Cargoes, Ships Building or Repairing! also, Bilge? and o. thcr small Craft, with Govds on bourd, may be insured against Fire. . ,11 Lut r sunn m iy be insured by Special Agre-.:i rut. ' All Build'nus in Continuity to other. lu3Lit.'.ou fttildhgs or -in-other rc- SpeclS situated (lisarh'nugV:Ukiy. will DC charged at an extra. Premium. The Rstts may rl.o in Vme caves be proportionally mode T.!rd upon Timber Bail.bngs in the Country, or hcn staiulin single and detneh cd, or attached with circumstance of pccii- Iiir security.- jr7,Ti.h'w.Me!iei-s,S)3p Makers. Brew' ers, Vifttgnrand ScU-Mkcrs, Hemp and Flax Dressers. Pnniin; (lousrjr Cvprrs, Carpenter. Cabinet-Makers. Coidi-Mnr, Mill-House. Bikl, Ship-C.handltri,lul-builders, Hope-Mrs, Sugar define r, Dis tiller. Chciuisls, Varnish-Makers, Turpcii , tinjAyojhj,. Tbcativa, btid all Mills and Mir'.i.ery, ate darned txtM.-hsiau.wus, tnd ihe Hate" upon u.h Eisk Vill be pto- jui tiouabfy increased. condiioof irsuft. . . ; ANCK. --' I. rF.RSnMfidoireus to make n Buildings, are lo deliver in t thcAgriii tie fL.!wii.g jxiuulais, tii. 4jf i4t ma t rials lite wa;i snJ rwfof cadi JiniiJing at-f f cmf nictti!. at writ the cikSviriuliun' tLc4uild;0R'fyPlicuiy there VPtWr ijc sunf are rcwplid a pt tra'. T. r!in, cr hn.vth.iit uhtre sitiuttu-J-!ia.'ibe name' rr Vatlc sf the present occupy ri. ''Kf.rh .tuib1fngrn't sipataufy atwei!, m a ipcns! i-jn itunrrd u.eunnai.n n HernMirlr it rmr!e"kum ttuurid on the fptrltt.WalMMUyrtitK t All MiMiiiti.flA M h eontalf) CurrarrM Kipis. btout, lNkV,t)ee, rr ohnsu uc fix-lint are wblicsUe at aJdittvnal ralsi. . ; ,i . . In tlui Insurance, of Goods, Wares , or Merchandize, the building or place in which ; the Sdme - are deposited, is to be describe! ! also, whether such Goods axe of. the Jtind de nominated hazardous, and whether any Ma- , nufactory . is carried on in. the premise. And if any-person or persons shall insure bis or their Buildings or Goods, and shair caus the samata be described in the Policy other wise than as they really are, so as the same be charged at u lower premium than is here in proied, audi Insurance shall be of no force. .. ' '' H. Goods held in trust, or on commission, ' are insured as such, otherwise the Poli cy .will not extend to cover such property, ": ' III. No loss or damage to be paid on Fire "happening by any Invasion," Foreign Enemy, Civil Commotion, Riot,, or any military or usurped Power whutgvtf ; nor ' fof damage done by fire, occasioned by Earthquakes .or Hurricane j but th'w company - will make good - loviu&'on propiil iy burnt by Lightning. IV. Books 'of Accounts,; Written Securi tie!,;,B.i41s, ..Bond-Tallies, and Ready M6-, ; jnycnnot be i;iUred. , ' 1 ' ' ' ' j, V. JeweU. Piate, Medals, or qlher Curi . . osities, Paintings and Sculptures,. a::e not in F eluded in anv iii-jurancc, uiilesa buch articles are specified in t!vi Policy. Vi. Persmi i:i-ui ir. j property at this Of fice, mast give Notice of any oilier IhhU r ance madeselsevvha'on their behalf oil the satuei -and cause mkIi otuer Insurance to be endorued on .their policies ;. in winch case each t);ice vhall be luble to the payment on ly of a ratejibie pvoiiortion ot' any lobs or da tn:ii w' mi be 'sustained ; and unless s jc!) N-JMce is given, -tiis dnsurcd will not be entitled to recover in .ase of loss. ' VII. N;i ordsr for. Insurance will be of any force, uni'.ss th? premium is paid to the A- JUST RECEIVED ' per brig ALEXIS, Capt.SiNveLLirtNfisrQx, From Glasgow AFLWCASK.SOF Genuine, Port and - SHERRY WINES. Apbly to the master on board, or to ,; ' LORD. Wilmington, October 8. ;. To the Ladies aud Gentlemen cf North'Carolhia. . NOTICE. rPHE purchasers at the sale of the property of John Gray', dec. are hereby informed that their bonds became due on the 1 1th itibU and that immediate payment is required. . Those persons indebted to the estate on account will late notice that unless payment U made in a tew days, tbeir accounts will be put 'into the hands of a constable for objection. ... The creditors of the sid estate are desired to present their accounts for settlement.with- In the tim prescribed by law, otherwise they will be barred of recovery. . J. M. GAUIE, Agen'. Wilmington, October lj. . i ger.t, or iinlxs ltao;en advanced, a:i 1 I the Ajent has delivered his n ceipt on Ac count. of the Ofhce ; cn all persons desi rous to continue their . Insurances, must nuke their fuuiri payments annually within fifteen days after the day iirnitted by their re spective Policies, or the-same will be void. VIII. All person", assured by thi Compa ny, sustaining, any loss or damage by Fire, are forthwith to give Kitice to the Compa ny's Aent, and 'as soon a i pos.iiblc after, to; dcliv'er in as particular an account of their li)s ord:iinu;;, signed with their own hands, as the n:itu: e of ins case will admit of, and make proof of the sams by their oath or af firmation, and by their books ot accounts or other proper voucher as shall he reasonably required; and shall procure a Certificate un der the Ha:kU of a Magistrate or Sworn No tary of the City or District in which the Fire happened, not concerned in such loss, im porting that they are acquainted with the character and circumstances of the perron or persons insured, and do know, or verdy believe, that he, &!k or they, really and by mist n'ttiiie, without any kin 1 'd !iu ' or evil THIS, very liberal encouragement: the ub-. i scriber ha ftiet with in the line of his profession, since his arrival in this State from Virginia, has determined -him to become an inhabitant thereof, and vvul occasionally visit' those places in which he-has,' found employ ment ; and if in -the progress ol his profes sion any should be dissatisfied' with his per formances in making and setting leuth, &c. !rc. without pain, he pledges himself to 'make' , necessary reparation. . ; ., . .. . Since his advertisement inserted in this GnzeUe of the 2"4th ultimo, he finds it im practicable to return to this town from the en suing '-Superior Court at Fayetttvilie, but contemplates doin& so immediately after the rise of the next General Assembly, and will continue here during the-winter. It is the opinion of many persons who arc unacquainted with the proper art of curing the Scurvy, that the operations he performs jiecesni'.ry thereto, are injurious to the teeth, but with deference he bees leate to a-.v.i.-e them that time will nrove 'the contrary, a id tliat it is incurable without removing the id- carious earth which surrounds the teeth a:ui appears in a black or yellow crust above the gums', and which 'often irriutes, inlLmts and consumes the guais and honey processes un til the teeth become so loose tlwt ewn l.y drawing the.breath they may be felt to move and by the pressure of the tongui they otun fall out.- lleiice to promote sweetness cf breath and to preserve the teeth from decay it is absolutely necessary- to cleanse them by removing the above described substance vul garly called 1 artar, the only sure means ol curing the Scurvy in the gums ;u,d restoring the teeth to their natural perfection ; which is done without making use of uy kind 01 ncid whatever. I huvcihu honor to be, Youts with respect, FilLLSON SIMPSON, Dentiit. N, B. Knowing: from experience mat ma ny poor people sulTer much util.Uiou lroin complaints which originate Iroiu the Scurvy, and being desirous toexlend relief to all with in the bounds of rny practice, I will cheerful ly cure of that disorder such as te not a'cle ' ' '" Just PtjtisiiED V: . Andforsateatthe.Prin'.ir.'OJf.ce . A Funeral. Sermon On the death of Mt$. Jennet li. M'Rae, by Nathan Williamsoh. Valuable Property, I i i practice, have suiluinrd ly Mich Fire, loss ami diinsc; to thj a n r.rt therui'i mention ed ; and until suh A.Tilavit and Otrtiii utes are produced, the Loss Money siiJI nut be j payable ; als , iT there appears any fr.sud or j f.iUc swearing, the" Claim tnt shall forfeit his ; to lleslitution, or l'ayment, by virtue ofhi rolicy. fVt rm . i a. in case any im :rtt)Ce or dispute shall arise between the Assured and the Company, jl louenmg any loss or u.iniage, sucn iinu rciice nuy be submiued to the ju lament a.ul ue tcrminalion of Ar'..ii;'atorsin InlVrently ch Awiiid in writing shall im con clusive and buj-l'.n to all pirtitfs. An ! wikh anV I'iss or lm iiii.ii Uulj procd, the Insured shatl receive s.ii,fici3n to the fall amount theicof, without allow nee of any. discount, fees, or otlr dduc- lin whitever. X. l'troris cliu".ing to insure for seven years, will bechu'gedfjr mx jear only; also, fir a less number of year tlun seven, will be alios ed a rcas nublv dit.oun!. . N. U. This OiTicc.uwrv iu the full a. inouiil of the real y-lus of the propel ly, they also insure f r a term of lima Jess than u year if rtijuircd, and p?yfwr projurty Inurtd if uurni oy i.igntiniig. For the convenience of persons livinpj t.ta distance from the OHict. on'm for In.i .r.r. p w WIV V (post ;.id) will be duly attended to, and cm remitting the amount olT'icimuut, fcc. I'oli cie' will be executed a :i 1 farvy aided cutdorm uaty thereto, free of any cxpmce tf Ilroke rape or Agency. ... Such perons as nuy been already Insured it) the Company's 01T;ce in lnJon, may have I'ohiirs renewed at this Of. fue, un the terms ana cond lious Urc of. frcd. . The Afctnt lopes from the motkrste rstes tif premium which the CWipany bsc fixtJ ; their cl known ability to ti'y lossrk, find their vciy liberal conduit towards sutltrrri Insured in tht if, lh4t iiifutlhcr in ducement was nqolixd li persons nwhinp satitfaCtoiy niuniy ol their ptisKfty from hssbf Fire, lotnoke Imurancc lUrron,ith tlfiu, tlun llic tonutuwiKe tud Utility cf iffcing lnorance,iccurtd by this Ltib; KkhtMtlit. , . . JKO. MAYS AIM) DAVIS, Jrt T J itai t ut.of C0panjrf Ltndjn. 1 CharUkion, !j.C. Ut UetoUr, 1101. to pay and who will apply, without charge. ' 1 S. Wilmington, Oct. 8, 1105. w. TO HE LET THE Ilouf c and Lot laicly occupied by Mr. ilobns, near the Mai Let. Alfn, ihs Shop in the ccmcr briik lu.uiV, a(ljoininnCi.t. Urnwn's llore; audlauly occupied by Mr Noble. Enquire of . A. J. DE KOSSET. Wilmington, Oftytcr ij. NOTICE. HHF. subscriber has qualified as Adminis- tratnr upontlu: tststeof George Jennings, t Ute of Wilmington, dec.all persons inJi-bt-' td to said csUte arc teqnctttd to make imme diate payment ; and those who have claims are required to exhibit the same within the timelimittcd by act of Askcmbly, otherwise they will Lc barred of rttovtry. THOMAS JENNINGS, Adm'r. Ylnmgtotir Stptt tf8,-1 fcOSr - Ai KWCOPIV.S OF Revised: Laws el this Stale, to 1 90S inclusive i Mr'.i. s Ntw Ju.ihe ail (Almanack for IV ysr 1 for sale tUF, utS-OfntC. JsOTICE. IK consequence of my having this day ap. jxiin'cd Mi. JchnMitehtll to act as my A rent, I request that all applications to rent WanlioUM-s, &c be made U hint, and that II adjustments for such rwnts be made witn him Irom tin. date, as he is suiliorivtd to f;ive receipts tnd grant discharges fwr the same f . VnuCAMPDlXL.'. TO KENT . The Wharf and Tar Yard above John M Lilians. . . ' ALSO, One brick House and Ijstt npposite Mrs. Mcek's. and fine other above the same Iront- ing Frvnt.street, and one other House and mi adjoining Mr. T. Jennings's below Dot k street. ViImingoft, October 1, UG6. 3w. THFt artnershlp of Mccut V Co. dis solved on the Istlnstaiit. TheirbooVl e If Mn the UjinIs of Mr. William HalSman, hnU'ful'jr ittthorised lo receive rayne!its for til dibit dut therton, as wtll to ad just snd pay ny sums tbat may b due from the firm. M ACGII.L Yilmiig.osi, Oct. IWJ; To tot TIIF, ne!ii. c ll In Front.flrcc!, UlC.t rrtHVicd It fbfoirr, ISLUIMIAH !!.n.niS.,. ' A G REEABt.Y to the lun VjIt and Tes -T lament of l'eter,Mal!ett, Esq, deceased, ' ' late ufFaycttcvii, the Subscribers ' offer for "r Side on a liberal credit, the following property lying in different, parts of North-Carolina. Cumberland County and Town of . ' Fayetteville. AT 'ract of Land adjoining.' lands of Mrs. Smith and Isaac -Williams, Esq. icar Ave ysoorough on the Sou!h-.vest side bfCape J car river, about 20 miles from Fav ttcville. A Tract or Laud containing about 320 a cres, known by the name of Council Hall i'iiut, adjoining the town of Fayettevijle ; ii'vm tho Fertility of the soil and its vicinity. .to the lowft this land is considered very va--iunble and will be laid off in lots to suit the ) purchasers.- . . A Lot and House on the west side of Geles- tit..' rim i f ! . it . i i'"-"""1 I'.ajcucviiic, wiitre tiie utceas ed formerly resided; the buildings are in trood repair and the whole well calculated toaccom- -modate a" genteel family. Three unimproved T ntcin tint u.nD, .1.1.. 1' P. l . . . -v.J.,nVjijUC ui oeiespie-street,' oe l WL-en Franklin and Mumford-stretts adjolfi'- ing the Lot on which the dwelling houso stands. 10 or 15 unimproved Lots on the westkirte- of Gvdespie-ftreet, between Mumfbrd-strcet and Mallett's Mill. . ," Messrs. Nesbit and Campbell, on Gclespie street nearthe Town-house, subject to asmall ground rent. "" A Lot and Dwelling House on the east Yide of Green-ntreet near the Court-House, t tnow occupied by Villiam A. YVilliams, Ewj.. A Lot and Dwclling-I louse on the east side of Green-street, it possession of Mrs.Lmruet, " and subji-ct to her life rent. Two Ixts at lower Fayettevillc on which there is a Tobacco inspection Under the di-' rtclion of Messrs. Davis and M'Donnld, to gether with a Urje three story Varehouse, three sm.dl Warehouses and three extensive. Sheds with every necessary accommodation for the inspection untUtorage of Tobacco ! If the purchaser should incline, one of the Lots on which stand a large shed will be scld cpurate or divided into two Lots. . Orange County and Town of Hillsborough. 300 Acres of Land in the Haw Field's adi joining lands of Gen. Mcbarie. A Gnsi Mill on Lno Hiver andinthe toaa of HilUborough, the Mill runs two pair of "ildnes, with the necessary machinery of a; .Merchant .Mill, the whole in tolerole repair lrom Hie natural advautages this Mill pos tesscs, itis'coiikidcitd tolv the luosl ulua ble in ' he state. " Neiu-llanovcr County and Town nj ft nnuiiglon. One half Lotinthc 'lown ofWilminp- "to'non 'the South nue of Frinces-stiitt, cxi tending along saiu street from J'rout-streetta the river. . A Tract of Land on the List side of th No'rtb-Wtst branch of Cape-Fear Uiver, a ' i.. J.i I I t-:i! t i uouiinrTz luiie. ijvic v iiuiiiiirion, loininp' uiiua "itJfii. f . rfunys 9iiu iiciirr wafers,. Lquires a considerable part of this land is of the very best tide swamp, and i consider ed equal, if not superior, to any Rice Lund in the Stste j it it svtll worth the Mtetuion of those who propose engaging In the culture of llice ; the whole will be sold or it will be di tided to accommodate the purchaier. A large lody of Land on the West side cf the North-East river, extending along the river from Henry Watcrs's planisiicn, calltd Torccput to Major Moore's on Fikhing-crcek, a part of this Lnd it tide swainn and welt uitcd to the cultivation of Rice. , ' , Aho three Tracts of Ind on Little Co-' hears in Sampson county, ! calculated far Corn and Cotton. The SuLfctibcrs will rcceise'prot'osals it rayetteville by letter or otheiwin f"r sll o' ny part of the alove described prtptriy lh. tilthe lit of (ctobr next, ifuns4.l l 'he Mill i and Lands in Orange coniur will beoPcnd t Auction in HilMoi "ir mi the Vlh day of (kuter. The lts, IIoiums and Lands in Cumberland, at Faytttcville on the Set! duy of the same moti'h and the lands In Ntv. Hanover on the lettdy of November ?Kt. Application may, be made to Mr. Jimtft Mumtard at Wilmingion who will describe nr.d shew tne Ur.ds io the vicinity of tl.-V, r!ce. . , , JOHN r.CCLF-S, I r.,r ti y JOHN WINbLOW, I UrJMah

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