France and England has renewed Vis , fpr mer declaration ttiat ,-tie win oosei ve ane mwi H bcrupuloui neutrally. ''Several couriers pas bid tin ouh this cry whlinthiese few clay6 froni, Petci1otirg!i"lfjr Naples, .with all possi ble expedition.; ' . . . PiritHSBujtca. Auk. 10. U is confirmed that our troopt are taking a direeHon towards j the provinces dependent on the house Pt j'4?tnav and in particular,. tovvatds Gatlacia and that they are assembling in the environs ofTroppiur and-J jjer;?d6iV. They 'speak alio of bodies of ti oops which will be em bu'rksd, and- that they will bs joined by a foreign loice. ; ; V:'-' 'NORFOLK. October 22. Extract of a Uittr from Livcrpu!, dated Au- - - ' Cotton is ('ail the stocks, jiarticularly 'of th low quality, are not large but Jriand' for -goods does t3l keep'pace with the increase of price which has taken place in Uie iraw "material, and the piarket must oepend upon the steadViess'cf the' im potters, at. to any improvement, which may take place, for the state' of the- trade hi the manufacturing towns dobs not warrant the idea of much. Sales cannot be force?d at the present time . . . ' ".1 t I .4 (. .1 ..A to any extent, wmumt smut iituv ucumv. price. ' A parcel of 'prime Upland, is, how- ... .. . I T -v , lot ever,, retailing ai joo. juiu :icvr-uuwn i jj st: 2 Id. ! 'Some sales have been made rather lj..ver,but we ask 3 Id. for mixed, tt'nd 2 2d. for prime parcel, as we ieel disposed to ha zarcl,the market a Utile for the present, rather tban- give way in price. " The approach of winter will check the. ; Continental export trade. . . It is rumoured with confidence, that the rorthcrn powers are arning, and likely, to take, a deckled part against France. The combined ikets are at sea, and as the appear ances of invasion are now serious, wc may 'ere lov lavk for important events. . We have to-day a quotation of premiums to Ncw-Ofleniis at nix goi.iras per cent, fc'i'd four guineas thence by our London cor- ;jtspu.ndenwH . ' . R ALE1GH, October 39. ' The southern stage which arrived in tKi city o:i Satnrdiy evening, bronchi Co1'-;:'- . lknr.mln Hawkins',. Agent f the V:. i Statrs for Indian AiTuiia, An'. ISar puty Agt-nt, and a Deputation ot'i i ing of Ale Hinder Cornells i.n ! fr. m the upper to ivns ; ;.:.'.'! ''.. tosh (who is speaker of -j ' 1 h.'.e Chape Lite'. 11 - thekj LitraatlaUt ''.'' '! - - The Viper, Britim privateer, was Cruizing oft ths Balixc, 'and. boarding every. veiTei t going "in "or coming out. On the toh bcptctnbcrri,hc Calu Calvo :f fiied chculars to all the Spanilh ofn:ersin the territory, requiring them to repair .without rtela to Penfacola, to join their, , . 1 ti v. 1 r.- . rcipective regiments. 1 ne jnomi-jhu. c: 11 mail to Fort Stoddart and New Or leans, was robbed near Tuckabatch fon (Creek nation) apd the lider fhot. The portmanteau was afterwards ifoand cut up, and mod of the letters and packages piila-g-'d. . - ' '. - . ' i- 1 1 . " " WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1805. ; ::;&;: Extract.of a letter from Cadiz, duted Sept. 0. "The combined fleet of 36 sail of the line are fcafe in this port still a few Lritibh ships keep up the blockade. The American veffel, ladea wjtji flcres for our Mediterranean fquidron, which 1 was lauly captured by two Spanilh priva - ' tecrs, and taken 'into Atgefiras, was relea'". ed, as foon as, from her papers her c' .- racter was afecrtained, and accord was perniiitcd to proceed without r'. . - Bui. .. ; It is reportetf in this city- t'; i th j - 1 ' nifli Minilters, the Marqi-'.i ' Vrt , v ing determined to leare , . I . Jus demanded Ins p? : - .5 .' " w verntn-ot. Thcrr, , , .,. i fident oblerved i-' ).- ! , :-c , . (ucli ctitji:ettr 1 in tli" '.iv. . ' quit the -- ' DIED On Thuriday last, Mrs Mart Ateht, consort of Mr. Jonathan Avery, merchant of this town. :' ' - On Friday, Mr. Joiik Rav. PH R THF tl II. MINCi Th V. ; TW- .; ENTERED, : ... Six Cents Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, about the 20th October, jQHN CLAREYs an ap prentice to the piloting business. All mister of vessels and- others are cautioned against employing or crediting him on mvccount. - CORNELIUS GALLOWAY. ' 2w . MliTTirtpjton, Kov. 12, 1805. Schfr Venus, Bryant, Sch'r Cynthia, Albury, -Sch'r Madockawiindo, Swan, Ship' Nancy, Balden, : - "': ' 4 ' . Cleared ' : Brig Fame, Hunter, Sch'r 'lpliiu U Nancy. ! .V 5chJrHcfi Sweat, L- dit' New- I NFOR'MS J. ers, twi1 ket-StiC , f'.f.l . : . iom. ... ; .1 Mar-: : Priniuig- ,c ' ; . ' r.. ? jss" Making v. : ' ; - j-hus branches, ... : ;': ; ,i iiand and for Sale, . M i jn's Siddlcs of the firft 1: . . js, plated and comjiom ' Alfo, 7 'fjtrimenl of TMXKS-al u cb he will fell cheap f,r Cafh. W : ;iri;fgron, Nov. 12, i3jc. tf. t 1 picau'o iincr . 8 -'-c : no : i!ut it ; '..tiiter 10 , - .id j;w h'J ant in ufdi, j an finiiijii 1 uef.iccn , H t'jke the tv.rli- l'itrt'pr,ier. Mage on M !. ' y Cuy. ' T.uii the' V v cti-ij lr-v -- ft-- - : i. . ,tth : s wi the 1 -.hington . - 1 resident of ' rV.and, i5, to 1 ooundary line of .e River. h ; ' ure to a benevolent in , v, th? effotls of Col. llaw . , ,1 ; ihe condition of the savage 1- ' . . : .og them into something like a .1 . je, have been attended witti con b . i . . SiirrtiS. . The Creeks hare twelve 1 , , ! . r.npbyed, cipht of them made by In!, and worked by Indian woman, who iso spin the co'ton which they weave. The p!oo.;H and tUe hoc are also in general use ntaong them ; and in acquiring,und becom i:v;t'ached to projcrty (for sehne of hem, r me told, posen Several hundred head of cat Je and many negro slaves) and acquainted vrith the romforti and advantages of aricul tura!iniptoements, they are loing. by de i'r;s, th.M predilection fjr the hyntiug 1.1c which . c.Miactemit savage nations. The' Agent lu introduced amoug them wrigh'.s fc'nd m:.v uret, and instructed Many in the use 1 Ggurf o tnat they can weigh out IhJr oa articU-s for salt, a:J ealctlate the n.i.wit of them with accuracy. The Alvn- 1 sflTy over lolriie frnTihesrcltm- of Science, are graihiaiiy exciting a j ex'enioit uf knowledge, and 1 't rejre the wy fur schoi.U liv tii. I . lectf Iro.Tl the nch t. c , nu in f 1 fciMI lif'.', li.rie ' .', ft it 'nidation it Uid i-M'r- 1 ?i..m; in i'.ic u k, silion hlid I v i' ' lor liabi'.tol tl.tiw tlikik' 1 i t 1. 1 V learn ihit CcptkH t-t the Oorrni. ! .,; r k of tte ccmniiirione'i t.; - ' l.iiin.I.iw tine v.i t?i . W.arolua . a i . ,.t lite Coi.-vnitfot tMtvete t meet at I, rjf'f CovM-nttfc ir. that Stale, on Mon , vcr-i'ie to ifj oir.tmcni. A i f bt-.t! l rb' iF W in mic rr.'inng l-nmn M tl.? , ruptutc - ! . - .' . lis a ' . . .onus Jidt o"f Conftrai. , I'lclmjud En-julnr. " ' '! ng is an extract c? abetter, da. .oik, October U.ftVMi a lions'. ex v j interci-lod in the cn!nerce the 1 A States, to their IVisnJs in I'hiLdcl .a. The conduct of the British" government in their recent ct.piurts, in and be yond any thing j vt heaul ol, and much worse than open war. Unless our governtrent can fall on some measutts to put a ,stop to their. spoliations, our commerce will be tumid knd our merchant with it. 1 n;ean tc use jnv influence to get a strjnir rt monstrance sjnt to Congreis'mst this unjust conduct, hope our merchants in other cities will dj the SAnic." Vhihdtlphh, October 1 1. Ti. t Thomas M'Kcan, will be re-clecteO, ly a udsomc majority, is now pust a dtiubt ' and it is equally certain, that u large ma jority of Consiitutiumtr.sts are ilectcd to the n;xtlcgilature. 1 here is indeed a- bundjiit f..uc for adoring that Divine l'ro- vidence which has siutthed us fry. a llu brink of ruin, and led us back to peace an; sufely. Ihenuchi.iuuousorthe wicked haw been dtfeated, and their v.iidom Ins beet turned into foolihr.ess. Never hr..c t'n; people of this country been thrca'.entd wi'h so great a danger, as that from which thy luvc juil escaped. Acrounts are received at NcW-York from Matanzies, Matirg that tctHit weie currti.t j ll.era of the Spanish government huving ced ed one ball o! the island of Cuba to the French. Tf iCprfcAN fcctdrimythaf a feq irf. iration vi l!.c Ihitilh ;cbi ii foihi.'de 1 ly i'c ialnf the le1 pirpcHial aiiiclct of ihe Iwii'.ilr tict). Dut ii 'a fn'porcd to bs ; o..(li:u i Mial for con.refs in ctitin cafet ,1 to dedsie any iicai null an UuiJ, as in the cafe rl the Ficncli ireaty. WI.e. t'.cr the t apt ore ol our wflel, er ndemna. j tionnoui pf'Hfij, and .irr pre Ifmci.t cf 1 31; f 1 e l'.iiiifli, i.f tl-ai Hcaty, in Id. t ir I, '.1.1, 'pi o Icrt dccunli.e. 'o tcu viifi tt iti the ( in a It Sixty Dollars Reward. npflERE has bccn rhcdeftinely taken X from my Plantitlon, by f' pcr fon, (and 1 have reafon to hc'iicve tbat p'. r fon to be the ncn coips virnf:sy vf'ivife fitl James M'Guffoidj the f.iilowin ,he grocs, viz.. Tony, Hannah and her daughter Prg, Miuicy and Iter fon Grinag, ' and Sanio. . , : I wi'i give Twenty Do'lars for the du luery of fa'ul NJewroes ) nic, or fvcu'itli their, in jail fo that I t'Ct i!:cifl ; -snd mty. Dollars to any perfoit ; Jus proof of 1 lis viliaia tiJ took thci.i cvray or har bours them. JONATHAN STANLEY. November, 10, 1305 if. The Wilmington Svibicription ' ' 11ACE3 "TTTTILL cfmm:ncc o;i ThurfJay t1:a Vv 2l" sove!n'!t;r r'ext andecn tii:u three days, free lor any Iiorfc, mare or ychiiug, as. follow : 1 ft lis.) Three mile heats, the bed ivro of three three yean old nas to carry !61b; fi'ur yeais '1J do. icolb-; five jc-ri old do. iM'b ; fix ycrt old do. 134 lb ; fcvi-n yeai old do. 1301b j iwo years old do. CltchtS. 2 1 day Two mile heats, ai above. ' 3J day One iuil heatsr crr jln ca.chcf. The firrt day's puifc'utwo Ihirdi of fiibluii tioiicif about 6oodo!!ais; the fe- cond day's puiftf is the remaining one thud thirtot ; kin! the lall day's -urfe,or fwscp l'akes, it thc entrance inor.:y of ihc iliiie t'ays racii.g ; which ii 15 dollar! for ihc fir'fi day, 10 ooi'.ari for the fcco'ud day, 4 dollar for the 1 1 day. VubiiptT'b v rdtr tf tit Man i rt . Wilmii''.io:i, Nov. 12, 1 8 5- Nathaniel Dana, juu'r. WATCHMAKER, RESPECT 1 LTLY acquaint the inhabi tants of Wiluiingion, tndthc country In gentr-1, that l.c ha taken the house lately occupied by Mr. (Jamachc, in Msikct'Streetj vhcre h has fot sale Breast Tins id the i.ew est fanhions, Uar Hopt and Nobt, fmer Hints, Mowroinjr, Comb and Hoops, Pocket IJooki ind Pursci black lead Pencils, Pen knives and lUzirs, Haaor Cases, Scacar, SnuiT, and Tobacco Boxes, with a couplet Afortnicoi of Watch rurniture,atwhoksalt or retail. 4 N. B. Watches cleaned and repaired in the neatest manner. Wilmington November 1J. 4w 11. c'iv ijj! c-'lv Cineiai H. !'' v ai it n. Welhorn and Cd. MKre riiy tpcced lu astcn-l - tlulr ci 'i Lfj'lli'ofi at the oj.ti.iu ol the Llii in. TH Ntw.Cr'cans Gazttie ( tl I4'h i-.ti. Iyi' W in Uate, ffi ni 3 f uue llia.niiybe leUed on, thai tit rtif .f StcO n."i ate on iliirmh liocn McMC", it iltcn hmthc Spanilh fmnMcr 'f Lm. ifn .a. We canno'.Uut ihit k It won'dre aUifiableHf governmetji to i,rcw fw iboular.'! irM'pi into li.ii cui uy. tin though ve fhonl.1 irmaiii at feueii ul be .veH to ftitw Hate of prtpara lioafir wai.'-A'.i '? V,f in iniva! al H. Yotk, New-Or lei i t if1 lo ,ne a3 ' 'f'. ,rc rpfci, eJ Thcj cwralfl nvjttaio JuiporUat. t' ! , .. I 4 J Mir k ? ri t in in l.c llatc oi..t. did. C C.IH-.I it J'ti i ti : i. , U ; Antf f iCif , i a f( tub a p f!, 'c I k JUST KKCKIVKH. 1 ihh t tnt i r . 1 U i w tc it v, . f a I a j c I i M ll. Lv ... .i 1 y.f HI . !l.e f nacES cvitpLxririLNiscTo. JJU. Cti. 1)1;. BACON per IOOPjs. Mtrriwiil Coh'te nr lb. ?4 Corn pc r biiohel, $j Meal do. I Iluiir per iMrrtl, re w 9 Pittopcr half hjtnl, ncf S P Lumber per M. plirttjr 9 10 W. o. l i d. Hans, 20 H. o. do. tlu. V.o. I W. do. rouj;ti Hhlnglptper l(0, J ti MolatSi.! r gallon 41 Hum. W. I. pr. f..idn, SJ ! Jan'i a lu, 4th p, -N. II. A Tar per tarrtl, I Turpentine, 2 Tclscco per Cl. 4 50 Cm (i ..f . u .. . I.' 1. 10 3'' I l f' W 'He !. "1 it- I r 'i r 2. a. 24 -i.d 2l li'i. 12 ly I (t Ytl ow paint do. cf 14 lutSlhi. 5paiifli I5fon, do. 14 to 23 Pji. Canvjff, No. 1,2,4,6 and 9. Sewing Twir;f, Sein do. very fWI. OS UASlh Mi fkCvadoSiiiiar, in baricN, k". kc. i) smi in. - Wilitiirg'on, No. 5, 1805. Valuable Lands . . ... :. Pnr? xArrtr A. , ii ICE Plantation 4 miles from town, ai- ; 'i l .if.'atedvon both aide's of 'Catfish Creeks ' ,the tnoulhof said Creek to MivToomer! 1 1.0, containing about 300 acres liicc-held land, 100 of which has been cleared and planted in ' Uice Payments-will be made easy by part beimj paid thjs winter, the , balance, may be paid by four yearly instalments, or goodnotes, or bonds. ' The situation for building is plea-4 sant and convenient, commanding a full view over all the Rice ground ; ,on it is a framed house nearly finished about 22' by 26 fcetj. with a good brick chimney.and sundry negro houses. In order that.paymehts, made punctually and easy to t.he pttMdiasetTr I will lease him for 3 years a field of above 20 ... . I T . 1 . 1 .1-1 aeict wncre 1 now resiue, uucauy cicaren, under good banks. - flood crates and half quarter drains, free from rent, the produce, being delivered to me towards payment. For further particulars apply' to the subscri ber or Mr. 11. Bradby. lie will also sell 5000 acres of Land on Hatchica K i ver, joining Mr.. R. Mum ford and Mr. John lii-ck. The fertility and con veniences of water carriage s very great, they being a'tout 30 miles from Chickasaw. Uluif. Payments will be made ettbybyfivs yearly instalments vilh good sccimty. . Also, two Tracts of Land on Ashe' Creek, -in this. County, 1 ,4 iO seres, well timbered and situated- for Saw. Mills, csHol the. Bear Guritns. and 640 acrca of Land on tbcN. V.' River,, joining William Ca.npbvlL V'- on thetiorth,. and running down the rivet 'about a milc'to Otn. Lilllngton's line. The Tiiiibsr on the river is the best n jal'r.y fi..; Shingles, Mid that on the up laud for Turjici'i'line. Any person'icd to purer ase only a part cf taidLands tn:iy be pccoiVimfKlat.i'i.1, ; ni in rase they aie not disposed of by the 2'Jth, of November, will be sold at Vtr.Juk'. In dispuUble tiiks v. ill be give?, ( v ' ... ' , 1); M.iLLETT Wilmington, October 29, Uj. . NOTICE. ;, DURING the'crii;er'iahfence from ihisTown, he has authoiifsd Mr. Ji.iin M'Cam to fettle his accounts. Ad perform hiving tltmat.ds aaiidl him will therefore p'rtlent ihun for paytncn'( and ihcfe who arc indebted to him aic fj- licitcJ 10 bake payment. JOHN BROWN. Wilm ngton Ociobir, 25. jv. . - Sheriff's Sale. ON the ioh Deer mb t 1 ui, ill be fo'd it the Ccnrt Honfe in Wil minc'on, a ricfe of Land Cfniair.ii'r fi Ii ur.Iitil i.J loiiy ivfif, on U'atk Hiver, to fatiily in txccuti'tp m My tut.t'i 5a fniicl KluJnoiih ti. Ltecyiif of Jolm IXtoi.c. ' D. WILLIAMS, .1). Wi'.oiintcn, Nui. i, iSsj. Excellent Saw Mills FOR SALE. NE half of 1 Eflafe in If MiVs, built by flic laic Peer Mai leu, Klq. and the bubfcriber, on Dla River, bc'ow Fayetttvihe, on the road to Wil tit ingtoiit' Acrofs the tivcr is a per nunent nam, on which, arc two Saw Mills, which tvoik four laws, with each a fcpa. rate running geur, and have cut iScoo feet of lumber ia a wtek ; ' and a Corn mill, well fupplicd with cufiom. Th Milli sic new and well built, are conflant. ly fupplicd with an cf ert an I proicTtki! from fMhcs by a n.tural wala way. The liver extends 40 milts above the Mills; loi can be bated to "them front a treat dillance, and raft! to -. 1 . , . i .i....U:ii - tu'i ; ton. 16,50a acres of Lind, covered wiiri pine, cyt'iils and oak, and adjoiiuii' each fJe ol itc river, are conncdlcd siih the Milli ; icoo acres of u luh of un exce1. lci.t q ia!iiy lur rice, n ay be drained and watered by a dam at the with. way. The uplands abound in liglimoin!, and rar and turpentine may be made lo a' Jftar. . There is no fitmtion in tt . kvhuh Combine1, cijiul iit-; 1 i I f hc i.ji n. re t l j in; hin hci , aal lu.ict ai,J rue, where ii Ii.tiuut.r "wa-cr to irjuijoit etc ly th. (4 iw uuiLc, a d the Ji!:i ate (o pet Let', K"' ii'.rn ti-c i'jnj;er t f ll i fh. A t ",iul und.vicd halt f i!.c wUU froj'tny, with a ;w N.tifoe. flock ol Cattle, HUckfmith'i 1 ooli, a number ol Oxen, tt,d all other ihinKi ncrtllary about the Milli, are I he fold on a liheril crrd i, lo full the convenience of ihc purchafer. For lermi apply to Mtflfi. John Wlr.llow and John tccei, of Fayctievillc, who are lolly em.'oweud to fell the fame. SML JOHNSON. Fjtc"',i ApiiLa, 1805. 446 "IIEi'ibicriber In qualified at Adrnlnl. trstar uptinthe estiteof (Itorge JcimiisRi He r f Wilmington, dec. alt ron indtbt. cd (o said citate arc requested to make In.tnc . ditepan tnt and those vhoLatftlair arc ic'i'i'itd to exhibit the tame within It lirti? limiitcd by act of Assembly, o.hcri' thctiillle barrtd of recovery, THOMAS JFNNINGS, A4ra'r. I WUminn, Sept. 21, 18'Ji,

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