1 ? a. . For 7i e W 1 l m rs u t c' ti A2Et.fr: ; : TIIK PROSTITUTE. . ' the first, ' PHOEBUS- had scarce an hoar ' rctir'd . serene, ' . AVhen vote rft- brilliant niajt 3 y," the queen ,OlViL;nt, sooUiingjilKb1- MM zeph yrs, hurt Ea,ch tiotitig fiavvVahd liJ.insr, asir retail Delicious fragrance to the wandVmg wight. Who com ts the jjtO'oiny shades of peaceful " iigl)t, . Such was the erenin;; as I sat, nlone, ;Jsponstvecsitrhin to Mini a V. nwaiv When Luna beckon'd with o mihlA-hok-,; L 1 cull'd for Moube.H aiul uropt "my favorite book; The : 'servant.. brought a cane- good natur'd le knew rhy vvantsj.rnueh better than rriy- ; ' ' itif, . ... ' Tv'l -n thus equip'd, ho object nv myiiev No ta-Virite" haunt 'or partial '.rout I knew, ..sr'd forth, and crazing 'all around . .At . -. i i ( resortea to tne uurymg irrouuu. ; .11 nsion of departed friends ! I love Street roul 1 stranger yet to guilt's -- - larrh J : - - ' Now left without a single friend, to share u. My thoughtb, my future prospects or' .des-. ; pair, ' ' .K I btigg'd my hostess "whtiv she went to tovn " To seek some honest place of fair refibwn,, " Where industry aiid.iinioctucc 'tonibvn'd, w Might, ease the. tortures raukling m my mirnl,' -v" . '2 ., " Thcsordrd wretch, -with py,-Thy plan ap proval " And hasten'd for the journey, which I' : mov'd, ' -' t " ! " But oh, the fiend I brib'd with the lure of i . ' .gold,-, " , ..LI . Tire last, the only hope I had,, should,- . " In short, to end the story ui my v, t,. " A brothel, was the place, nhu drove me to .1 t Pit ere discover-'d 1 thi-, t.roku 'of kV.e, 44 lied-ress ami power and hope, weru -ail-too lute ' M .The bir-g'.s atui. hoi;sc3, .ecli'o'd wkh my 'n;tp,K'' , . .. " 'Tw.is,i'i!!ii;ii evci:y where and lust to fame a:i' io'ilom, no.-hope appear'd, v melancholy shadesr, and rove i..lvl II awfui meditation, where ccnlcss'd,. . . ii i '. icte rs and ntitions rest. ' :h'd the ppnd'i'o-is g;ite, oo;l derided. 'and the wicked leer'd. I ui.; .ee.ib'd tl.e hapless Caroline, -and I ' iii'glo Thc-sigii Btiu.i-,4 A le.:r;i: Pass'd -t-'-. 4 t At siglH AnU drop Al. . : ix ; . .uU'.t-s. methint; :,i tl. j da 'all 5"-w4tcn '.oo'n ill 'ill ( , i.r. si": ht I'.li 'il l.'cf: du'.viiruit j ! 1 'o I lie d.'.cs -V. !i:e! L .em'd to Nl.ittier shall I i nli'd, 1 '. : . Tl I e !'.oi..e v ! r - al, rw i d conduct ur.;aiu." 1 ii be thy fitntv Mult Cv.ch were tho though'..-. . imbib'd, My tongue idmoit tout r ' When suddenlv I chcr.k'(l.thi And t;rn:itr:t.st .nc', lit.- . 1 stiiL approach'd, with (Uf'vi'iM ' CijJi I iClieve Viiu tivibl-, ! " C'qnhde 'mine, '.- ilse umr I n'.cdge my woidtu bnn uur . livf." Vhen oiVtr'd I t r m hand hc gently HtreyeJ S'iirh-n;el vith tears, ainii. . Mine (hopV ck fowlj as if tV..ar..! t own Thv he jrt vm not of Vjiiy ftftic. Come 1-jvcly MitVi ir yi 1 'u!, the Jew 44 K vtry heavy and .:uhi alihy tc ; u Th-.-u let mt ie,that 1 tn.i) hc vnuheme Whilst you rtl.tc y.vr ktrn an we roam." The fair (utitinud ; ilitu my -uiiutiiv'd, And thus my oti anxious uui'.d Kl.tv d. 4 Sir aui the mild ut foiiunide, ' l:i you I fill iif:diutc, wiiic'uvtry tcvr 44 l-j'.'e aoy -i);lit to laim ; khd 31 you fccJ ' An i.iciilidtntn 111 A'. I should rrvtal " Mv sad adventui, let i.iv hope t!tt'!'c, 41 Y-jM .von'l r.Tu'.r m-, t veii klioold ) ou ..'tt. 4 .My v. i itched ln'.nd, als, it sadlv tn.i, " Ar.d hardly could tndure, tho' just, jour srorn, 14 My ii?mc it (!aro!ii)c,' khe .fob'd the , nome And settn'd confus'd, with guilt, despair find shame, l'.ut ie j-.i.i d, hrr story thus usiim'J, doon.'d. 14 Mr parent h:r me as their n;cr.tcst joy 44 Atid granted e-ry Tnhf itltoM piluy ; 44 My hciirVwt's eaJ , open, ln-- ami Ky, 44 Devoid tl ci're andblytli a pVmr. Maj, 44 huicef.iiole of hnr, c t -utH rniitl. 44 Whtncct.ll iii sofiovuc tl eir vuulnd birtli.. J. " The ouitj Irtno, ji.!ly cUM tho M.'Tii lrai tn i i 1 1 1 i'.ei tier u.t'jMMini;' oosom strove, in vmiif To- t .ddy b-.ukj - from vheuce the ; (til-tale ta(e : Her habitation iior appear'd in view, And. as a duty, which she thought Va dor, ;t5clieing that l meant to leave her there,) . Most kindly thank'd me for my jren'roua care. 4 Stop Camlihe" oaid 1, 44 see you in, " In tbut I'm sure a priest could iLinl. no jin, 44 AtjJW he did, the diliiei c'.'te 1 tan s e 44 Is only that he diRcrs llitn IriJin in.;." With that weentei'd v.l.dl I t,ai ing roi.nd A friend in almost every corjiet fmi'.al, Wh' fclar'd aitonish d Ju.d surj ri'u.to Me In Mich a place anlTiirial like mt ; I wish'd tl et.i haj py, diank h f.iasvt t w i'ir, Then followed tu her room. p4-.rl.'ifiii c ; , I was neatly f : nish'd, tut i h ui'.ie kim. And notiiiioj tiiere lor want of i.1 v s I"-"'., Neat window curlainv cl.tl d .imii, deTy Tl.e pimiiiq; stare tl each licrtiaus tyc : A liiilc taUe and a d:tii.i; iv . . . llcuvecn te w;uio, have iv.i.jiUil their place, " T o wmdj.ir ha'.r. a I in tin snd a brd Urc : 11 hvr still, siun &ni.ln. hJtm i u .w.niu'c.ii.'l w'nl.in;hf die . ti.id.ly sju.c adiiey, wl.uli vtill Mt ki.ew ' fu.ui an I.oiiC'.t l-an Sl.c rt.tly w V, i her hariJn'i k'.H'd an.l bol.V.'! n,y !iri h i ll.r ri ij, V' iili'f i.i ai-l I teiU t.. l..i. 'tl ill.il. till' 'l II V. i.ll.f . vet iU U t) ' r Mt ' .a ... t SALKM, Oftober 17. By 'the late arrivals we have no li.for rnation which can indiuct us refpeilin;; the proiptfift ol war on the,,coiMi!.eni ot Europe. Much i faid by ihofo--wli pre tend to. forefee the ihj.iu st -the 'jn'scfclls of ihe rcfpcfl.ive c'ahi,iv,tyv bHrTrorhirrj; can be known fro m. i iicl I s'pcvTtl'a MVrS s", The ground of negO'.M'arlou is . .'iliU fpen,. and- CApluiiiii;)!..-mult be given ; lr.orc fully, "than they have " ycf appealed, be. hire any judgment vm he ni ide of the de Tumis ot the Lofopean. powers The.King ot Sweden is expe;i l in Denmark, anil it has been i1e;!.ised from authority, that l'omerania Hill remained In the power of Siii2rr'. The public well kho.v hovy inudi iias beeh faid on tint fubject, wliich ll'ii reiriairtji lor ' political fpe'culation. The prtilli.vn neuiraUty is llilr obftrved, without any apparent defign to violate it on the part of that wife nation.; It is mentioned that the Pinflian mediation will Hill be emplojcdiii the atfairs of the Con tinent, if not of the belligerent powers. So imcrefling it the pietcnt crifis of jf. I fairs in Europe, that evrry man who con- j templates the great atfairsol Empire will ; Uu del 1 runs of extenuve x impartial inlor mation. The iiilenfiohs of Ruffia and Aullria are evidently unknown, franco and Spain make the molt IrttmiJah); pit,, parut iocs tor t'te war with Kng'at.J. The iL'cts t f the co.nbineJ p-.ver were icadv for lea, and l.l.loni Jo k many vt i.o. 'il inoes cor.tbine, as now Involve ihe t pvctatin I g'cat nya! actiotir, 41. J ai iru lt v'j '. tit mcv'iiiy ! ihrni. 'l he I .miii : ihi hi l.ili nai'iu. i i fiit -vl. j' Is vichM.ij . ihf iVar. hi,c im.vV45" uV) "ca in m..ji n lour. li.iii i-i....l j t!t eo. uri-. ,f.. t.i.1 if; f,tti 1 1 (e ' 1. '!;', -in n.iu!!id tl.-.' nBHiffante a: .1 1 1 1 l viti.y i't ilwr vutttctl tot i l hii i.- ! ; 1 ot i he be. , At ihe j uhm t.4:K..t . j , ivt icadily licouni iht Ti: .1 al.hi.VjV.t'.' fl i ol thi.- tvv, Mr. I'lt.naf 1 y :, ! ' 1 jl-ciii ti e .i rn tipil lural ;vluili t.i t! s i l'j.j'tmrf'! to hi iiicf-'l 1. sit ui 9 ! th I N'"'ii. la tht it'i ! Suy,'i'i ?. l;t'ig ot 4; 1 lh., . w l:h i3,c i ti .-, al-4 Til III, t'te ft r'. i J '.t lOlT, i ht .f ntfL s 1 1 ;.. I 4tt I lhoula-.d ict. h j .iiJ1.:.!. .j ? 1 'tr'b ttk'n. 1.i.ti I .. 4 li'tu:., t -l I tii'Cf. If il.t llui' h Ci r, '! V 4 h i w r. -. I . ir ta I 11 f J f il 'Vtiy-W'. tr, 1 c it . 1 J hi 'uccefs of aHk'., ;!ie!r qiVt, -t -r,rt j th-ir appropriate cHiraeicr, 't? a".ic!. ,.i.: .now 1 re' an artu-le tr Ra-ilj .11 i f A; - gU'.t lalt. It ".IV, hlK.C ;'l:c ,iOIV rT,' t . Iresd from th? jur'il.iiuilovr.ul IUici ?:i- rvJLlli'al of the', diet of Ratuon, anl te&tn E'caor A ichchaiKclf t arci'lu wMias paid-thcTlciedi-afy Mm!u l'ajijieTihein,, a dim of 10 u .In?, at J has cngagc'il to pay an auiiual fam florins, tor the riht . CI! AlU.KSTOis'.OouUr . ' The brig R.:mlltr. Y 1 r t:o n Af. i -ca, anchored at O larir.t x t Artt 'inornirr' Capt. '1 . a t- (poke the brig . y f days from St. Th n,... t. vvd informed by tap'. S". t ,t s? ,n A Packet ir.'jO day tn n . ,., v iaicnc iof iorro-ui, , 4 ! 1 . it r J 5tates. Th; by a piirrfr, !a f j4t4" had fifen to rr rir. in 4. .a., t hrl' accom tf ,., j. I W m Mil' . ' St. Thomai, brii ii; 4k. t havi.i drihired tt ,t 3i, f,, . . .. . . Mtr, l.ivll 4 'Ttt liiitrtud toby ' vvc har !lv it ; 1 i 13 t 1 M k'Ul . Ai. ; f,t lha : tli Ct.k u I And to til. J Otic iti'p'K To poor kt .r 't . IM A '4 . 1 Mtils'l teats i'.d kobk and sitih 10 uiruih 1 Tlli .' " Of ell the cij't'iiri.t muni, liitl- f.,r atid vidc, t'y fi.iti.nc : ii.lhy i(uri. "MjU.e All o'.h-r y j'lthi.iiMl lirn'd -h i e f.M,1t..t, 44 Ai5'dd t) ttucti.c !u..it, rl.ic!i vuU!i.j five l To li.r.cvy the wi -trt'i d I'fe I l.vr . 4 P.ut Ut me ri'(ii Iron, 1). tiiu,.n fit"'i Tlut it uiic, I never but vi'.Si ude, t.iiil j uwr. . i 44 IxirrtU'il 'v'd mc,atiJi;hH;ldrail.h.up.rM lj 14 Hi , h(.s w itli "y l'tliiiiekou;(iiif il.rfi 1.; i. M llut iir.i'.ti. l )' ..th,iii;ii Uiin.fmv tm'r I' ltchlll I. lit III I tc, j Jt.lij'd tuc i:i c n p tir ; J iHiiti' ta vittk ir.rr fittny hriil.n V.i'.l, , I'AtrAt tl lli ho fif yatf r tap4 . lUyn , iiom I Ion.- w . At ri a pt r atiivrJ at our it.'rtined 1 Aiiull, wiihi'i f. Jit ct S'. w c vvi ic bun hd by ai ' lltiti:i. tl.Hip ut wjt ileif.i.i w h' 1 nil. J ti.i b-atlan, 1 Imj! j.f Ha l a j r. c 'ui f i. ain lljyit tt cati Mt't. V r.iit.oj'c itr bv'.i 'jj U.r; d ii. il 15 r.r.udj, a tl ne . t vic ,a it u,d in he V:i tiw.4 4t.i . 11. I. c it iI'mt 4 tft tot.-t aii f ai .1 4 tf I 1. a isjt N'. in a iiuu ic f;fii kUi 1 tit fl t! I i. iti it . its ! t' . , I line n 1. Oh iiii, 1 . t ? t j . t ;. t l , " ' ! 1. .u i t I.I t 't' : t ni'.' I . I f h i.r ! A I 1 1 1 1 ' i. j ' 1 ! " t i . .. 4 I t . " " J -t Vl . I . rt," "dii.aU'l iii-frHifei'iv.. vv' v a4 1.' i-.oirn ty I'rpi e i hi'f, 1 uji. lo lit V. fit. c7r;l-M.y. A f r 't-rt; : ti- t.'i V : I . l ' ' ' U.v... t . , f .f .; "' 'i ;: : k ..; .: ' i 1 I I LI ' "' 1 v . 1 5 . i- 1 1 - i' t a j i.t i'k i '" a t tirf J " f t a r: i' ' 't'Jk iv.-at . .. '. . . . it h - f . I ar k ' i I . .'- 1; i t 1 4 . 'Vn, J ..? t. z. . f t 1 ' t t . a c t . lit I ' 4 i ;t i it 1 fc.f A I I ft ?m 1 J . .1 1 ... 4 t ti j t 1 ti a v , t l ! i , t . ti'.i wt i.ii r.. . I'i s (4 1 . i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 f . . 4 , pl.pu.t, li'Aiiy tl J.u uiv i i.,j. I tut. '1 ic 1 o 1-fn 1 t ii.i ir, ( J 1! - I : am' I 1 In ! t.r 'nttf ; s ii 1. 1 or 1 nc.ii'iMic : mi u . m m " I lie 1 if? 44 I iit.i All.l 1 t. I.I . I limk. rl I a I a li.l.,. I ktH'tw l ot, ttu , ;'it l.i-l, l,u ill 1. 1: 1.1.. fli. !)u., U:l. vt vti.l.'.horrbif 1 r fnl.'.i. 4 ?.lj i.u,i'' t'.lldi-r lf, Hit luit.'J la ri if, ( i:at d l 1 il , 4 ioii.m J h Ci 1) O !;r ir,'H u;lc aU ui il I iH ; J jp t it mi t n A M j i. a Ik 1 11. .w, a u 1 . i f I..I.I I l l,l.ld Jtl.fl.'ll hllit.t ..4i.i, Heuli il .i.l. 4 tMitii:- ();i'ir 3 j t (ini. 11 tht tuil.iwiiij iii.-utti t t 1 Mti , ii iutl tn in Mitli 1. 1 !!! ir It.. p'lJH jiii in K iltth$.il , M,i,, 1, itiiiil at Nvvfi ii.. l.ic!i .lae r'.ij H lh tut j..i.. Iff " 150,0 H""rar. m f.ii't t tluif nun li I l't y, A'i4i: i I.C h I th it lliliff ir ,.,41,1,1 1.. n.tti tl cm A l t4 I 11 . j t t takih Vei.ife at .f 4pU I k a t'ntttd' l.il I. i tr . I ... a a 5, ;.,;ii..i, , itr n tic 't i.t. 44 nf 4 i id t'.e -Jiy n d hour il'.-t 1 J; il u.jj, J it!.- im, it r ! ""u' ... . '" ; 1'. 1 . AiHim la id ill . A fi!il.dh.nhfvvjCrt,ty4i..tM jr...Hi .5 , Vu'.tU h,i i,t J ,Ufcf, " At ii toe irom u.rir iik t to t. tm im.i M ' l hit v ithin'Vit ivittfh'th- nil (i ., TafC l'fMVj, ifi;!lCI ' rfall f.'IM't. 41 M I ailv i.lnt, hi ie i-i'm p'l a Ii nr. 44 I, ! I V. u tvtitb in MiU ti p .: .rt rcr, 44 Tl.iti -i.t!,.vi fty'il, iii bin uy tit ! t; tin-, .t in'. J.otii i Jemtfj" .1 c.r . fl t t ui the h- r mnh , f I t III I I , ait I.t.li.i.iH ,. In ,f tir .oi). Hot m ,'.1,1 m I nt it a u iMi.i..-n lavi( ln t.nH letmi kit., A' iju, . f, 4 lU I'ff tr, a l t'al t "t . i 1 i c 1 . ts r tt iti. v . 1 . o. i 1 ,. , I . ! t I 1 ' '..- . t tit . I t f . . I. Ml" At. , 1". . . t . .. f I I . . 1 ., ' r . ! . - 1' I j 1 " , ..-, . I i t . f Ml 4 . H . " . I , . 4.', t, it i 9 .' it i 1 i' .My U a; h Itant- 1.1:4 m

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