29th November, 1805 k TO ESOLVED, that Discount, shall ai be marie Atthn n..i ,- j . . . . V ' "inw uii i riaay m each week-Note offered far Discount on Friday' must be lodged , Bank during Bank hour or that day on which day the Discount shall be settled and such as hall be admitted shall be passed to the credit of the applicant and j)aid for on next ttay. v ; - - . By order of the Board' of Director. . r ' JPHN IIQUU, Cashier. The Subscribers have receive J from Nexo-Yirk A Ttar GENERAL ASSORTMENT O Vi.QiP;;0;;S? V; Suited to the eann. wliiri. r.. n.. r ' . on. reasonable terms, ' for. Cash or country Produce. " ' . - ' Hooper 8c MitrhpTl. . . They have also on hand for sale Genuine Port Wine in cases of 3 dozen each, ' -.' ' - : , Old Jamaica Hum by the hogshead, Sugar .by the hogshead or barrel," ''' vu". J Ship Bread of best quality,'-; ; . ' Tobacco, Flour; Butter, Beef, &c. It is become necessary from the frequent .mistake that have taker, place, in con, quenceofthe dishonesty of servants that are em for good? lo look 'at,' or perhaps inaccu racies of our own, to.advertise ourtustomcra that we must declipe that practice in future. ; December 3, 1 805 1 ' . . . . FOR SALE : " rnLOj! Plants Inn I Sampfon, Efq. formerly jived, on Morgan's Creek in. New-Hanuver Coun- iVt containing near t-vo hundred acres There are on fa'id Plintation about 36 a cres tide Swamp unffer bank and ditch and titvidtd into two fields,' q-iarter drained, now fit for Ox cultivation of Rice. The upland is well calculated for a Hock quar h"?3 G0od range for Hogs and Cattle. On the land are Pear Trees very valuable fir the WMlming-oV market. Onc, two and three years creJit will be ei- . VCf!..ADDlIcat lOil to hi m m tl. !.:.- ef this Gazette, 6r Samuel R." Jocelyn. Lfq. Attorney at law, " . 5 . "' December 3, ,1.805. ' . . Take Notice. mfH' . c'..i.r. -l' . . . vvniiyiciK ouuicnoers to tne -Wilmington Race are hereby infor. xncdthatinteniljys from this date they will be indifcriminarely Warranted, unlet pay. mentis prcvioufly made. 1 ' JAMES BROWNLOW.- vcc. 3, I805. T K. any of the relations of MUiamlltIa 1 tbtwst hq'fhipped on. board the brig Orange, in Mach"U(r,Via Savannah lor Kingtfon,- Jam. and there died in confc' quenteof ill u fa c from the.rrcfs gang, villcall on the fubferibersthey will hear nf something worthy of their a'tentlon in hii cbeit was found a Protection illued in New.Ymk, purporting that tie was born in Boflon. The printers ,fn Boflon will do an art of charity by-mn this once a p!ac.c in their pipers. . ' C. 6 P. PELIIAM. Wilmington, December 3, 1805. ' FOlf SALE" On htrdtheSh'r. Vantyl, William Punthard, tatttr,,om SaUih. sow hinr at Jathua . 2Uts't Wharf. Xj LVV KnglanJ Rom bf the hhda. and Wolinn by the hothead, - CUerry Rum by the barrel, , Cin Cordial, by the half barrel or ea e, a'rencli Cordials, Ho'." thi? Ilose Coiliuls, , ilu do. V I f I L a . Kxccllcnt sharing Soap, Tbif k Hutsia Duck, Havens, d. Lmrnror' do. do liustia Sheeting, India Cottons, fwankeens, Sugar byihetarrtl, Keg Haisins, Clood table Ush by the bt, Tung and Sound by barrel Sewing Twine by the box, Cordage fdtrTcrcnt ftltc, (4wcrt, do. do. !cd" Shoes thick axd thin, Worn t a' do. A handsome assortment of furniture, Coane Linen, for ntgroes, and sundry other article too ted iou to mention. Note ruber 26, 1 80S. 710 JIEXT , 'T'JfAT Large anJ commodiout hwe, on Frnnt-Street, a fc door north if the Court-I louse, in a central andpuMk part e the town, formerly occupied by Mrt. Mcrk &nl at present by W'nu rtk. Itss'f.ustion aid iructure render . it .jtculUrly convttiicnt bouse of public eotcrtsiomcnU It tu prbriyto any oltr In the piste I fioto rnm. , Possession tUl bi gtcn on the lath of December. . AprJr H. vov.NC. " board, or 10 Tor GREENOCK, (Scotland, J the brig-ALEXIS, C-pt-SjuesLLiriscxroM. For trciht or rfl-ge Ppl to the maflcr on JOHN LORD," AVilmington,N,T.5. v Boarding House. TJ; ?U5Cri?er acqamt her friends and ' and 1 int PnU,bhc1,tl-t.sh - removed to town, Holr ?i k"P genel Boardihg : Mr iJl T t-C.nc"lcnt lately occupied by Mr. Jacob Levy m Market-Strcet ,v;,m. . x;' AT M'DOXALD. ' Wilmington, Nov. 26, 1305. HEMOVAL. T'ffi V r r rCmovcd 8 Tajlo'-'s Shop froi Market-street, a ftw doo: ' below lhe Court-IIouse in F.onUstrecU .; He takes this opportunilv to anlicit 4 enn- AViimmgtoR, Nov. 2C,.i6o;. Dissolution of ' Copartnership. TLHE Subscribers have by mutual aeree . nu-nt, th.s day, dissolved Copartnership -j-All pcrsonsVhoare indebted to them are thertfpre required to make immediate pay. rncmu Dakiel M'KaT who is fully .L thomed to nettle the business cf the firm ; and al those toWh.om they are indebted are desired to hand in their accounts for setlla menu D NIKL M KAV. .. w., . , NATHANIEL SWANEY. Wilmington, Nov. 13. 3w. Daniel M'Kav . Taiilnr." INFORMS his friends and the public in' general, that he continues to carry on his business a -few -doors above the Bank in rront-Street. mi.i ..si -:.. .1 .: r. theirJiivors., HV1 .'' nmingion Nov. .19. tr. Looking'.Cfass if PrivJ Store. CHARLES TORRE LT AS for Sale, VVholcfale and Re- . JLX a'U :e an'ortmeni of el.gant Lnjtiavtd Prims, and Looking GLlIes Kith amlw.thout frames: a variety ot jvlaps, B.romcters, Thermometers, Te. I: pe, Microfcopei, Opera aJalles.Na. gators .Surveyors and Pocket Co.npaf. les; Magic Lanthorni, Miniature Frames, Pencils, Kiddle Siring, &c. and a variety of SpetUclcMo f-iit any aqe. - HeFrame and Glaics Prints to any fue and paucm 1 puts pUtes in Lookytc-CJbfs Frames; and repairs Baromctrrs, rhcrmotr.eicrs, Spec tacles, tec. on realonable terms. Wilmirtg'on'Nokember 19. NOTICE. THE fuMci iter rrquclts all ferfons gaiufl whomiie has demands to come forward and make payment bilme the firlrday ot January- next, amt tbofc to whom be is indebted arc alfo rcqticlled to hand in theiraccounts for fcttlemct.t. lit offers forfale the flock of Goods Ve how hj on hand, as low aa they can be purchaftd in New-York, and ui! give a lihual credit. HENRY YOUNG. Wilmington, Novetn cr 16. NOTICE. THE fubferiber hereby forbids all per f jns from hunting with Dog or Gun Cpcn his Lands," at anJ near the' heaJ of the.Sound, and alfo all perfons fi0ni ia. king npOjdcn, fiflting and landing their boats anJ Canoe, on the fame. Suth perfons tiefpalGnjj thereon will be prof, cutcd as the law dirccls. P. MAXWELL. WilmIron Nov. 19 TO RENT For a term oi )ears, a may be sgree.l cn. THAT healthy and beautiful Plant,, tion, rear the head or the Suui.d known by the narrc ol Scdglcy Abbey, on which there Is a very comrhodtom anJ rll finifhtd Dwelling Houfe, open to the fea beach bf an avenue, ami atom I :f a tnile from the SounH, which at a! fcjf,Ms alfords ahundance of uili and the btfl i.yf. ten. T.Vre is alfa vtx the fame e cooj kitihen, fmoke hotit, barn, UaMc and chair houfe, wish fom'e. fiuit rices. 1 he land it we I adipttd to the culture of Cor, Cotton atid Jnf:go there is joining the Hotfcett fun e'errt aciri tih Inland fwamp,. V hah Can he eafi'y o. iirflowed, Caiesn tif hic h, is clc r J and pro,Wa exttl!ent Rice. Who. ever may (tot the fame ran hi accommo dated tib f pc fl kin's ul plantation titer filf, atwl fuplied nih ary flock be Ivt'pti e o the land, at a fair valuation, for terms srrlv in Wilmington io x . TKH MAXMELL. Wi:cn;ton Nr 10. FanonaBle Goods. a. ivzarus . Kas Ijteljir.iportci from KevYjrk end Les djn, atastjrtment cj seastrcie cad fashion c$lc GOODS, which we new evening and'J or side at fiv prices. ' ' ' .. ' BLSTsupcifine Broad-Cloth and Kersi- rules, 2d and $ qaalities, do. do. " Fancy cat velveteens and Benett's cord, -Genoa velvet, satiins ami silk moleskins for vests, . - , -Sattins for ladies cloaks and pellices, Lutestrings, maniuas, and persians for dresa and linings, Black silk mode and 6-4 silk shawls, ..Elegant luced clock and plain silk and cotton s hosiery,' Angola and lamb's wool, do. Silk, cotton, worsted and leather gleves, . MarseiUj dimitias and muslinets, Laced and plain cambrick ,mulins, Enibosi'd and fast black do. Harness'djapan'd, tambore and plain muslins Laced camurick, flush a'nd .Uppet shawis, I Iabit aal curtain caticoer' Irish liix'hs, longUwns and cotton shirting, Iufants, towelling' and tabling duper, (very fiiie) Extra, fine and common flannels, Swanskin, common and bocking baizes, Bombazctts, durants, wildbore and russells, Men's fine hats and nomen's bonnets. Men's shoes and women's morocco St stuf fed, do. 3 dozen pair hdies kid, slippers, (London made, especially for dancing, Scotch ingrain carpetting, Coarse. broad cUhs, plains and kcndal cot tons, Large rose, London duml Sc negro blankets, Brown linens, humlmms and checks. FOR THE L ADIES. Gold, siU-er, silk and cotton fringe, -Spangled, velveti silk and con on trimmings, White, black and coloured silk and cotton rgu-dles, Hat silk cords and taxsels, ' . . . -Bandeaus, silk atnl cotton cords of all colours, Sleeve tassels and cord-, silk and cotton but tons, Picknick and la$e silk gloves and mitts, AV hit and black silk fringe, White, black, blue and pink beads, Feathers assorted, CJold and silver feathers, ' Flowers, rosea and wreaths, Muslin aud crape turbans, White, black, pink, blue and buff enpes, Netting needles and pins, silver thimbles, Netting silks and cotton, Wnc silk lace, 2 dozen Tortoise slidl braid combs, 4 sett do. Crc.icnt . do. I muslin dress, complete, of the first style, Shott latten and figured riLboni, Imperial tapes and tU bnbins, Adtlphi, Meini di, nun's & cambrirk threads. And at his Grocery Store he offers a gene ral .rim.nt in that lid, rtlxh m try vxl.u- kive assortment of CROCKERY. .fx Tower proof gun-povVder and hott of all sizes at wholesale. Wilmington, November 19, 1305. TO JiEXT. And ptsttssijn given on st January nett The Wharf and Ware-House, NEAR Mr. Muin's, at prefentoc Ctipied by Mtirrs. Willkings, Scott and Co, Apply to GILES ic BURjGWlN. Wi mington, N.iy. 5, 105. NOTICE. XHE rubfaibcr informs Ms friends and the public in general that l.e has thaicouen;ent houfe lately uccNpi. fl by Mrs. Howard, a-ljoining Mr. Thomas Jennings's, where he hones by his attention lugife Utiifaaion to ihofe who" may favor him with their cuflotn ; a boy i!l always be ready to take care ol hoi ft which will be diligently attended to. Loardai acommodstcd by the week or wnth. CIlRLLSGAUE. j Wilmington, Nov. If. sr. I Valuable Lands ! for sale; THE fubferiber offers flr f4!e ,he P antation whereon Peter Uobcfan, , dueafedf tormctly tefJtd, containing one . ihoufand acres, iiuated on the North Lai lide ol CapuKear River, 2f miles bcluw : l ayeiteuhV The Land is well adapted to the culture of C. rn. Wh.i .jA. tun, it frenor in foil 10 any in its i.clth. ourhooJ and rot fubjul to frelhes--a-botn one JuinlreJ a,iesoa the iicr is cleared and under fence ; on the pretnifei iagwd delli.1g h ,uie, kitchen and o t.ier out h-iufcs. I he o, land is well lim bered iih pire and .ak, anJ has ihe ad. tar.tajit f)f two go.! Smm, oa each of which t n excellent Mill Seat. ' ALSO, A T raO r, 4co acre. Ii tax la the fork ff GooJman s ard il Great Sam.., tie luil which Is iqual 11 not f,ireii..r lo to thai nf any upland. Thil tn (s alk rll limbered, and hai the advanijre cf a flrram on which aI.II n.lghi he eirued. Tha terms .f ravmer.t arc CsSi or Ke. groes. THOMAS J. AOIIEt'OW. I jeuttlllr, w. JOSHUA POTTS Qmlinxett lrciuKt llerxintiU Business in tie Commission Line, . Ar.d hts lateh reteivedrj several vessels f'ta JLurtfe, West'Indies L" .iatttrise the J Lrait$ trtieieSf fcAwi heifers at WS- tale frieetj Ws. r 17 Crate Liverpool Tartken ware, 4 Boxes Havannah wlnte Sugnr, H Boxes !e 4 Barrels, brown ditto 59 Hhda Molasse- pnod quality, ' 9 Puncheon Wtst-ludia 2d and 3d. proof.' '. Rum, ' " .. ' -i 2 Puncheon Aroericsn lit proof t!iuo. IN STOKh. 3 Case men's coarse Hats, 1 Bule woollen Slops, ' 2 Boxe cotton k wool Cfirtls, It Trunk Jndia Cottons, 4 'Chests' Bohca Tea, 8 Casks Ivaisins, 8 C.'asls 6 petiny S penny nails, - " 2 KeRS Spanish l'iiow n, in oil, St)00 Philadelphia Britks- gocd quality, Gemian !i blister Steel, -Covdujrr, ' Hitml Mill Stones good qnality, . Griinl bioncs. - PRODUCE. Hogsheads Tobacco, Kegs manufactured ditto, Sarrels Flour. . Wilmington, Octobev 23, 1805, Ten Dollars Reward. W.HEREAb, Alexandtr late Matei'f ihclhtp Rojjl Char lotte, has runner cfcrted) fjom'tht LiJ fliip, on the iSih Oichbur. The above ' reward' wil be given to ary yct(ov or perfons ilia' wiiVlecorc him, 'fa that he may be put on boatti, or in the jcilcllion oi the fu'jfcribcr, ROEERT BROWN, t Masitr of said Ship,- Wilmington, Octfbtr 2jr FOR SALE, v . .'rilAT valuable Plantation inUladcnCoun- ty, 36 mile from Wilmington, whttelhc Subscriber formerly lived.known by the name ofSpring Hill, formerly adveitiscd inthisCa-. zctie It contains twelve hurdrcd and eichty acres, one hundred of which is cleaied, trd under fence, with a good two story framed - House on it, Store 1 louse, Kitclitn, SmoWc Houke, Cribs, Stables, with apple and pesch Orchards, and every other conveniency for A farmer lfnotsoldby Thursday the 21st No vember, it will then be ct up at cndue. Pait of the purchase money will be made eay to the purchaser. Two likely Negro men ntid fite Children also lor Silc For tetras ap ply to the Subscriber in Wilmington. ROBERT SCOTT. Wilmington, November 1, 1805. ""Sheriff's Salc QN tha to h day of Dectml.er nex, will be fold at the Court-Houfe in vv nmingtoff, two thoufand lour hundred and eihty.lour acres of Land, in the upper part of the county, the property cf William Wright, to fatisfy fundry esecu lions in my hinds, the Goverr.or vs. William B!udwerh and others. - . . D. WILLIAMS, D.ShiT. Wilmington, Nov. 5; 1805. Valuable Lands , FOR SALE. RICE Plantation 4 miles from town, ti. aiMc.ui v.BTum vree. Iromtlie nwxithnt .;.). ..l . . ;, nni,iikiuiiin 1 uninfr liiie.coiitainingaboutSOOacresRice.fitld labd, loo of which ha been cleared aud planted in Hice,Paymcnt.iIl be made east ly part, bettigpaidlhi winter, the balame may M paid by four ) early iiitulmcnts, or good n-vte or bonds. 1 he situation for builditirjs pka U!it ml rnnt.t i.ni .. ..... i . 1 km, vwiuiuanuuig aiuil ntv ?wr 1! ground j. on it U framed uouse warly Tmisned about J2 ly 26 ft?, wih a gowd brick chimnwyand sundry negra houses. In order pymct.U may L made rtnictuaJly ajd easy to the purchaser, 1 wdl lease him for 5 years a field of atoe 20 acru, where 1 now nside, aiuady cltare, Ulidcr orJ t.irV. C.u.X ...... . i.ir garter drain, frt efruia rent, U.e prodm ? 10 me towaics psjrnrni Jorfunhcr particulm apply to the sUbicti Uror.Mr. R. IlradUy. He wiUaUoscU 5CO0 acre cf Land en Ilatchica River, joiomg Mr. R. Mumkid wmu ,Hifc 1 n icrtiiny and con temences cf wster carriage is veiy great, they Icing about 30 m'le froavi Chitkss BlyfT. Payment will be made easy ly fite year!) instalments with good seeoi it. two TracUofLaj.donA.VaCrtck. ititl.i Countf, 1,443 acres, wtlltitnUted and situ, attd for Saw Mills, called tU Da CarJrm- and t4Actr,0f Laad m lbN. L. Ili, tr, jomu-g William CampUU, Esq. on il.c north, ai d running down tUriter about a mile la Ctn. UUii.gi.jn-a line. The Umbr mi the ncr is the beat qualiiy tr Sl.injle, and U.sl 00 the up Isod lur Tcrpewif. Any person inclined to ( unhae csalr a a mmmmw rm uuiuiii', n:a 1 k n m mn at c.e tlty ,rt t,ot dispcMd of hy the 20tk t.f.Nien.ber, wiU U avid at Vendue In. tisatable Je o,U be ginn, ty . MALLUTT. ia:t:iTe, OcUtif 21,11(5

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