XTqivk IX. . PUBLISHED ST. ALL MtTlteDAT, DECOiata rofeign'Iiitcligehce. , Brom a Parts paper of September 28." :. ; tribunate. . . ,:(k Secret fitting ,ot the iJ Vendemair'e, year( 4, the Proces Verbal uf which ha been, lead in the public fiitintj of the 4th. ' SaInt Cloud, iijl Ytndtmalrtf iiai,: Mr, P,rrjidtntf , .-, . , ';. J have the . honor to inform you,' ''that the orators of 'the Council of. State, will repair tomorrow, TutfJay, at 6vem the make a communication jo the iiameot his rt . . a. ' If I. . '.".t nsjeity tne empejpe. 1 ne empwr , 02 firei that .thii fitting be, not pyblic, , Af v '. cepx,.Mr, Prcfilertt,' the ailurarices of my highcoiifideration.? . . , ,". '.Signed) , . .. ,11. B. MAJET. . .'. The or&'ors of the council of jlfite. bring introduced, one of ihetc explained hiuifclf .as follows. ; , .Tribunes, We arqinftruircd.by the em. peror' and king to communicate, to you the 1 . 1 ' l . i it i . (v 1 n ...... . 1 ipccyn wnicn n m, yeiienuy. uenvcica to" the Senate ; at alio the expo fit top ot thp , reciprocal conduct of Franceand,Aw.trtaa fince the peace of , I.unevillcj and ot tha , s caufesof theprefent war.., , . ; ,,. : The Orator of the Council of State, then read the faid documents. , , . ; After , which the Orator continued a follows : . 1 Tribunes. You hae iu't heard .hatwar bas brcksn out en the continent. Thise vent will ktfiiO every friaad to humanity j but will be' only terrible for the eneniiej of France. ' t , In vain the emperor offered peace to England, in the midtfof the terror he ha 1 llruckhcr with, in the miJil of the prodi gies he daily cteated to rcftore to the French flag 'us. ancient g'ory.' The Bri tilS' Mini&ry, far from accepting the of fer, fr having kept alii (Tins in its pay and exhauded every means to five up France anew to the horrors of anarchy. Jus jurt feduced by i's gold and Intrigues, I wo governments whole interest are fo" trign to its quarrel, or ratlior (wniLr iih regard 10 , the liberty of the feas, which ihe emhrior of thfc Frenth withes to re-eftsblim, but which England docs rot ccafe looppreff, ' If pa (Hon had not b'inded Aufiria and RuiOa, the part they had to art w as both noble and eafy, they miiAt by endeavourl itig to contribute to the return nf pcite, bave fet their (aces a gain (1 the abfurd f) T tern of blockade,' and fecond time have procumieu tne principles ot mat arne4! neutrality- which rtfliflcd f.i much honour on fome foveidgns during the war for the independence of America, princi. p'es foundei upon the righs of naf:on, and which one of the northern power, by claiming Hncc tliat period, only diew on hcrfelt the vengesnce ot the enemies to the liberty of the feas- It was no dpubt time to pr.mnjie them fnlemn'y t and trjet bound; to irte ba ih y preicn. fiors nt a llate loiefcrte for iiftlf whit is the cumtvon property of all ths human face ; and vhr in ureal an htctc'l was fo evidcr. how ,vat it pwfli'jle to mifonder. - Hand it tu inat 1' rrc. ht r.ot univ to a. bandun Jf, Jtt .-cvcniajttite.gaipft. the only power whUh wished to dcUd it liic Aiulrtan uyvfrnment. whih has . tlcehe-n fWt H fdetis ni ittruin, and been twice f paiaird h ihs vi'.r, dare toorpnle tifdf oik e n tore fo fall in the byfs, fioci which it hai juft tfcar-rd,-CJhiui to the iihet of all ih ( mm. States, it de.ivrtttipta the caUmitics of wjt cininuief whu fi ofiiu it let hmi pre. m . . . m . m f . lent! the traces ot us ravages I it SUtr.UUs 11 its force?, h direds ihem towards .Thafe (Vmimenti are fo conformable to-tJte character of our nation, that it te quires r.o effort to make them known ; bnl 'ihwrJd it be ufeful to, propagate ,ihe,m,. 'who rnore than'jou. Tribunes, would naften to employ all; their ii.flucnce, to fenlighten . the people on their iuterefl, and duties ; who more than you has the Hghi to excite their xeal, lidtliiy and gratitude towards our augufl emperor i . The prefiient made tbe following re ply :' ; i -"j"' Gtthttitn Orator of she auncil 9 f (lute; ; i nikTi' 'iik ill f.arcfclv belitve ' that ! whiULwe were figging for the indepeu-1 i it the feas ai-.d the free commerce I cr every people the emperors of Auftria anil Kiiilu IHdilKl Wiin. 10 uukc a Mivciiiwu if fiftr of the common enemy, coalefce ;with itimagainft the faith of tua ics and t!:lr own;intercs, and decbra the mott ' unjuft and abfurdwar agnnlt us. , ' TfcU nntooked for at!erefliOu is the me lanrholv refutrof the ancient hatred vow. . j f . , , , L edacainltT ranee by tne VJrt ot.;V irnna, and ot the coriu; ting Rio 01 max ui aauji .K ulonbt but that it mufti produce .'the 'elicit ;i ilviding our foicct ; aed of lf- " (.ending fur a tune the vait projats wnun 1 th$ "jrnius Otb great '.'Napcileori Was"'- at K-ngtK. gum l execute a-uut me; &ng But 'the ftgnal infiderny"of the court of Vivnua will Uiuiily receive us. J in pun--i(nYiinf. i d the mcnarchVhoai France rnnl.i ivvifc havt dcfuoilcd of more t!ian half of his hereditary flatei' will not be long before' he repents having renewed the continental war, aftuated by motives foreign to 'the true interefts of the Ocrma- ; in rnnt.mnt tit the folcmn 11 iv. sill yi v, mi j r - treaties which liad ie-c(labliflied peace on t w . Gentlemen," prators of he council of ftate, the tribunate which feels the tMva lue of ihe indenendrt.ee and cor fiJcratiort ot the French empire, is bout to unite ad its eifona and ufe all us influence to pre firvft ihem foil ai.d entire. Tli fineft armies in the untverfe. who feel their own force who .polkls the en, ! . .. . " i.li. l: ihn lulm oi frenc i honour, ami me iiaou of ict(jy, a people. whofc di'Tention have tfiT.-J iht'in inore u ttL'eiic : all tliarc- f .Hires of nituie. tl.e f.ienees and the arts iSUedlcd by Napo'eij'i.' how, whatever be ' ' 1' 1 .1 1 .1... :r ' the ctuiiCes .t oaitus, van t uicj iuc u- fue ot tlse war I i . ,- nimatcd bv an eninu- fiafm equal to f J great an interclt, it wtll never fuffer our brve armies to want lor a moment any of the'tr.eans ta fubfift and coiiquer. , ' . - ' : - r i n i l' ... Mnmi nil ttar Ot i BuonapArie, they are about to cover ihem- : felvcs un new laurels ana ipisu j - ! 'venge hc national honour treachctoully I offended. j : The tribunate gives you an acknow . ledgement of the reading and laying oo the ': ' tabic of the I mperial Decree wbtch conf tains your 'thflion of the documents ic.a. . . . ' .Kii-h -voir tive to tne commnmcuo "",y , have jdft made to it in the name ot 11 A. iiiA,nr knd timr.' and, of the fpeecn ;vou nave run en?iv v - -j . . . . c rif (' ate l .r . n..nrv.rrfir rtiiian ivcoit -cctu w unredeemed Six per cent. Sterna Motfc, . nincty-to and a half per cent i two thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine dollar ninety three cents, of the like unMeerr.ed Six Jcr cenu deferred Stock, atib r& el ninety tw per cent : live thousand and eighty-ketch f Three OeP tfTit. , Stocki at - the mte of" Cfiy-e ven per cent i . .Three thousand eight hundred eighty-four dollv seven cents, oiinc m vr"4 Stock, at the rate of Efty-iix and a hlf ptr cent. A'mounling tn the whole, irtrJUdiufc postage and other incidenttd txptns, to six thousand one hundred and tuneiy-five pouu., r 6.t95 ic . c maybe ecn 'ty-ilelAbrict tf. the "sbi.I Slocks and Account oF-expcnditures in j .r chasing them, filed. an lodged with lie; Comptroller as a oucner to uic uiu.v unavejuu MCHww'VBi"" --j- it .uommroiicr aa m vo fri.-.'-; vrVf ih rmincil of Itate then, I i ,,,. 1 lit OUWI J """ " . ! i vll'S'M'"'" .vwumw - . 'willidiew. The .tribunate ordereOv tnc From the foregoing it wiil appear, uwtine- Ipeech and the repiy io uc ihkhwmu cxpeiuiivurcs wus ' -. " 1 "ti nmrjl e ttf cur warriors produced the molt brilliant, triumphs when France . i a -it was rent, by interior ttonD es j wnat win ii , n.4 now obrai n, when all t he cm zc..i of ihe'cinpirc have but one will ) Amnuion and augmentation of power are liu.ken of, but d i no thefe repfoacn- e apply tu tne tapsu progitts oi inc un nlh .lumialoii in the r'uhclt country in ihe wor' t, i j the machuvthfm of ihs mans Ii nukes i.fjU t dellroy Hates theie which have not)ct hill thrif independence? 1) hot the fe reproaches apply to the Kiiflian empire, 3 times mote extenflve, than ihe tcriitory ot all the Hates in Ku-ope, which duilv iiiiiliiul'ei its invafionr. ibrcaiens civilized countries with a t.ew deluge of iirt i r.iriiii fuhiclto its ooA'er. and vhielt it arms w.n alt thi ttfurce ot ci- vii.Zitioii. France is LiJebtr J Mr its fafcty to its il lultrious chiet. No mm. whatever may ------- . . . , , h..e tKt:ihi ojini ntor n.i.tlicalcondiru : . r .. ... . - in thccuurleot prcceJing Oivmans, can deny that I.j aiie was a:ic to oppoic an mini inauaiauij ii.lc 10 10c t"i ui 11.- tions. wtotti tu him tnt prctcivation nl rtrr tr till 1? llul U djir t Of. a.ll h'S deceive thcrr.f Ives fa far as to be 1 luo hit Inn re. .ou'.ci e. alter fo mw 1 . . 1 " j t r. ny gialiwUSCip uHS, tne iweeii 01 repic, hi r un at m neaj ot 1 ... ....rl . i.. -..i orcfunie II f,, ,, i hit nfwul l it ilicm at - f 1 frvaiawa - - - - that Fia-iichmtu Mill wait in I3! mtdlt it l' . . .II ..on'.v t.t.t illuiimt. tint ihcir rountrr. fur ihc f ' rifeten.'kd nacift armies, tnoie ncnciatotf 01 a tpccitst i. a m : a a prices vtrbal. Legislature of North-Carolin?.. The Public Treasurer's Report. To the lienor abUth General Assembly of Forth . Carolina Gkntlkmex, . THE receipts of the Public treasury 01 North-Carolina, front the first day or Nov;m Uf. 1 ftoa.. m 1 in? fi,'iit Aam of November. 1 805, includinc errcai ages, the ptiblicUxes of eve- ry : uescnption,'anu mc coiiuum -7 mounts to tvventv-five thousand three hun dred and twenty-two pounds, 1 ten shillings and seven-pence lin 10 wiu'ti ad led to the balance remaining ii? the .Treasury on the first day of November, 18Q4, to-wit, to uity-six. mousanu aim uuiu.. pounds seven shillings (jC56,13 7 0) as re ported to the last lienerai Assemuiy, uhi an airri-fir;it( amount of elehtv-one thousand three hundred 81 thirty-five pounds, seventeen shillingsJiseven penceaias ir vihui this aggregate, or last mentioned sum, dis burementsbavc been made within the period lirt above mentioned, including tne money burnt by the last Assembly, the stocks of the funds or the United States purcnaseu the use of this State, pursuant to a resolution of the Lcgiilat'tie, of December Ut, and the sum paid in obedience to tne aci or Assem bly, entitled An act t relieve certain 01 the inhabitanUot Mecklenburg couniy, ' f . I . It . tl 1. .kt.S1 other citizens 01 mis auue, v I""u'" of thiriy-eiht thousand fodr hundred and eighteen pounds", three ahillinKS and six pence (jCJ3,4 3 6) the vouchers for all which ate delivered ovtt to tne uompuvi ler, and are held ready for Jhe inspection of the Committee ofl'inance. Deduct this expenditure or disbursement frain the a; regate amount above mentioned, -and a-bulaiiLt oLJorty-Jwojhousand nine hundred and ueventeen pounds, ToUrteeii shilun.js and one penny (,4'i,ai7 i r;nieu in tlw Public Treasury on the first day of November last, say on Ihe first day of No vember, 1 8 J5, yet to be accounted for, 1 he most worn of the bills forming this balance or i tniainuWwili be selected and held in ,fi inha kitrnt. in rata the leKislatiire j shall think it adviseablc to destroy them, and shall o direct. , The rti-eipts at the Treasury lor lands en-i-rtl hit nkul r- mount from the firottlay of November, 1804, to the first day of No vember, UQ3, to the sum 01 mree wounu ... . at three hundred and thirty-one pounas eu;ni shillings & eiht-pencc 3,33 1 s .j afnount is covered by celtificatcs and other vouchers, and does not therefore aflwct the result of the Public Treasurer a general ac count, tbe balance of. which is as above ua- T'rniiC In I ll.la . !l i'aii 111 i-l'.-fl I tilt It tf mt fur the prifetvaiicn cf eacc ;? u aS .ui i-m' What idriMifc can il in-rsif jtUlf trom Bttut, j-V ci -Ibis mmkety i f worHs? it pre fume I jwaatars t! hi . . .1 eu. . tn rnmn'iinrF Uh the itsndinc directions of the UgWtaarci 1 forwarded en the 3th day oltUe present month, to iir. 5iiujii ier of the Uank ol tne wniieu 3ic, uc first moieties of three thousand fwir hundred and ninety dollar WX) received on ac count of the interest and reimU-irsetncnt of the Stocks of the funds oflhe Umtei States, atandrnjon the books of the Uimrnisuoner ber 1804 to November 1805, reduced the ba lance reported to the last Assembly, to seen- tcn thousand five hundred and ninety-five . pounds, three shillings and six-pence a 17, 595 3 6.) Counting, however, on the pro bable product of the taxes pf the present and , each succeeding year, es being comment rate to the ordinary cxpenres of government, X have lately procured, w ith part of the last mentioned balance, more ttank Notes ; and shall go' oivto procure others as last as prac ticable, to be likewise invested in Stock for , hi. menf the State, to an amount not ex- ceeding tliis surplus or balance unless the Legislature shall think paper otherwise to ' direct. w r ' Agreeably to the provisions of the act ot lasCAssembly, herein before recited, the Treasurer of the University tf North-Carolina has transferred to me, as Public Treasurer and in trust for the use of the State, the fol-: lowing Slocks," viz. One thousand andnxcr, ty dollars filty-five cents, of uniedetinedSik per cunt. Stoik: also Ai hundred and set en-, ty-uven dollars eight ctms, of uniedtcmtd Six per cent deferred Stock, each at the We of nincy-iwo anil atudf per ttnt : t ,eil tr with six thousand iine hundred and .ntnity--tu-lii H,,tUi ii'in tv-iine cen's. of Three rcr. cent. Stock, at the rate of filty-sevef. per cent. Amounting in the whole, and at those rules, to two thousand nine hur.dud arid sixty-six pounds, .thirteen shillings and , mi pence, K'nrih.rurAlmn mnnpv f 2 .D C 6 12 10.) l or the further information of the l-egish- ture with respect to the Storks of the lut t'.a of the- United Slues held by this Stale, two Abstracts, or Suttmcnt.s, are herewith sub united, which will shew, at one uw, ue mount of each spi cies of Stock helonping to the State, and forming this growintr -fnd ; together with the means through which she became possessed or such Slocks, wlcuHtr by purchase or otherwise. In the course of the hie lummer, the mo del of the Cotion-Gin, fun.ished for ti e use of thh State by -Mr. .Whitney f Conncttirut, wbs brought to this plare, and is t,cpositr4 in the Uuom adjoining the Senatt Chan.bct, . , . a a ..... I at to the en I that it may be saitiy atpi umu n UgiiUture shall think proper to direct th manner in ahich il shall be disposer! of. The Uesolut'ions of the last Assembly. d re. tlnglhe Treasurer to ctusethcStsU-lioi ie to be paintedto procure a lie 11 Tor the use of the Ug'ulatuie -and to sell the tne f r merly had tor that purpose, have been acted on in part t The State-House tibhUen rin tcd,a.id a new Hell has been procured , lut the ore formerly hud ictusinion huidfur thi wsnlofa purch&str. It would be highly graiifj ing lo mc-cte it in my power to conclude this Jleport m msnner of the one 1 hsd the Iwiicr of sub milling to the General Assembly last year, by mentioning the Sheriff thtcuglo.-l the St-te,a hiving done their duty f Unfortu nately this is not the casc,son,e c-f tl.tm h-v. Ing fa!,Ud to accour.1 at alb and several ha ving paid in pat t only. A very large major ity ot those fcfUtra, however, have une their duly, and shewn themsthea worthy t f the appointments they Cllt Attd H is in cu. siKerationcfthoteiand wuhtl e sit t.1 f.r ther Inducing men hke unto ll m loavrspt .a a a A i . I L' ... anliiit lift ll It. 1R DlitrinarT, n I inn 'nni . . . a m t . ail . llatllUinZ OR in UWUsV Vl -aWinMiVi ll iiiiHMHr'-" - . fUiisfof North-Crolina, tothe crsdit of n beity of auLmitting to the legislature, ,ti.e . . .... ... ii ! II .f il. tn luiiirr. these thatlo unknown, wlid fwoid in hand come to dUla'e their ordf t. In (htift. will mil MLkiviilnn from thecleflor t f Hivirii. wi.hi.ut the leall appejfar.ee tf lejj'uioi-ie muiite, tie Audiisn Giverntnrni haviutl invaded a pari of Mi lla'e. t Las not Confined it. felftoil.ieati wl.un ot.r errstror hai dif. Tpatcd $ it attar ks our alUs i It has then let uit the war I I.ltharsia whtrVwlll hr lha rnnfm. Aiiinrt til 1 1 1 1 a r.n.l f. iMii (.rnll in. in lit aiiiliAta f llif rfiit.l i.Mttf nn Hinrcf. at ronff Auftiri ail ikitt .nl.ihli, a nit lkir 'l f. l.u.i . . n.l. .!..li.l lh future,' to perceive In mufortunff. iiuw eipritni iiuur uiui isni iif us an Vie pivlsVr.itLt su In litat vl fwcctfi. icnkt'i d.l.mcr ihcir fatal illuli ml, esp Iieiue win leacn mcpi cic ii'j, wlniil our troens thrll continue tu merit our graii'iidd beyond the iiontieri, evety rrri.enntan in uic iiiieiiui ivuu them by hit wilhci, his facrifue, andl.is eal tn n aintain tfnJ order and ibeexecu. . lui fct i!e as. However nu nerous may be the armlet of this empire, they 4 not lOi.'iui a. I ou? warnots ; ana were n even iolbil lot ma;rcntarv loccellcs to pcr-nn our tneiiitei tu fet loot ii our ttf tin r, t hy woolj hr.J tfiete many uwkii ' iltitens. . , In vatn will cmr enemlei frtk taeacite divifins and didur hans In the ItiUnor of France the nalon has but one ftfo lutian not to fmk from the . tank to wMch i-i Mh deiUniifhivecadcdit$ It wlfhes o a (Tan tuKuro,e tkc ficciom ot h: fe i this State and on the Mtb curreirt. I forwar dd to him the second ami .remaining moie-, lies of the same bills or notes, wilb direc IfMis that they should be infested in Might or TUrte per cent. Stocks forth use of North-, Carolina. 'This remittance should hsve been made at a more early day, but for ihe d.lTicul ty of rocuring Bank Notes, nd the inter ruptioaof bti.ioest generally at Thiladtlpljla (where all purchases of this kind have been htrcl'if'trrmade far the Stste) occssiontdby the pravalcncc f Ihe late ftter at that place. Pursuant lo the resolution of the last At ae mht y, making an appropriation of the sur plus monies in tba public Treasury, I have purchased, with a part f the sa d mouics, thlrty-elRhtchdlarsninetyeveo cents of un mleemedold Super cenu Stock, at the rate or ninety-two au4 a half pet cent f ur Ihou. Sand Brc auoartu sua nmnjun - ii - ---- - . r.L.i.v. ...,t..i.,t Kit II 1m an I iKa acmets rrrvJtrrd the rxiU.e br I sixty nine ccojss oi .- . - -- --- - - - - , - , -A,l . rata ot nknttr twa M it tbe Sbctlfls, it XSUt frcv CUl Cf lie fiSHUfj propriety of providing, th-t In luture these ShetiiTa who shall faithfully seitleand ecu.urt for Ihe public tatts, shall lie tMitUd lo recti e an increased compsnsaticn as nukagc, in stead of tbe ais-jtwe jfr mile at present il lo'ved Ibrmby law, lor irassllmg to and fiot4 the seat of Government. , . Under the existu.g laws, a Shcr.tT is paid six pence per mile lo defray lis ttavelimg ex pence s In gum to sad tsiuramg fm IU. leigb, to account lor and pay up tl ublic lasts. Tet-pance per mW when trattlUng to and from ihe plsce of tOTpir'.ng the po'l, for the eWriion of a Men.Ur of Congrs-ss, and one shilling per mda when peifonmng a similar service, with resptct 10 lb sWciir.n of art Elector f Prssideol and Vice-l'ftsU dtnt. Ii la vtt hesssrt In add. because It t ehvksua, that if there it a difference la ihe va- I ""...- '