s aa t . b 3 o I M j: LI i l" f t' 'ft the: prostitute. a Part ird.f.:'i.v.4;':vA F MNjiraiuid I deck with choicest flow thy grace, - ."'' And bid! the )YiHow's mildest dew drops , '"lare, : j j. v.-. , . The pcacefufspot where now thy relics lie, No more the sport of errfror calumny. 7 ' . But tho? no wanton moti ve fecjamy' breastjV Or with unba-llow'd hande disturbs tby resi, Thy sad.example, may to others prove , The fute attendant on illicit IoveY- . "Peace to thy manes repentent joys be thine? To err is human to forgive divine." Scarce had! bade poor Caroline adieu, When-sad presages, rising to rtly view, Painted her image, to tny anxious' mindV ... In grief and sickness on a cotTtclin'd, , Friendless and hapless, should seductive art Assail and win to infamy her heart . A heart too credulous to meet the smiles, The kind professions, snares and artful guiles. Which well knew our sex bo oft bestow ., , .'Nor seem thv faieit consequence to know." , - live weeks the fair impure r retir'd from all, Abjur'd iier fault and mourn'd her luckless . tan, . K virtuous life' d etermin'd to purine,.:;' (Her manners. modeit.anu her conduct true,) She liv'd 'respected, pitied and approv'd .. ' By air who- knew her dndhy some belov'd --r ri'ill by the generous" gay Uegeaiue seen, : j (Pleas'd with her. person and alluring meln, Her wandYinghcart was readily deceiv'd , ' Xnd Beauty lost what Prudence had achiev'd t Still for herself she some respect retain'd . N And kept from-pther, what his flatt'ry gainM. Tn dissipation yet unknown to join - , - , Or sport the'dance flush'd with inciting wine, Her ") compinitms levelled every dartj , That malice itrrnVt or .envy could impart, i Presented objects flatt'ringto her View i -'. That here t her -fortune- might be made they ' . knew," ' :. .. .. v- '.- ' , THat there, another wiih a little art , Wight soon be caught twuld she fat aether .- part. ' , . t , M That tho Ue!fvfnis altan.dsome man " And will, perhaps, do every, thing he ran, ...... Hi? fortune is too 'null, hmg to support 1 i . A girl liku ynu in j.iy ynd hand une sort." j But weT. p'jor Caroline 'paint femidc art, , ' . Was in;iii'l impregnate in rv'ry ptwt, .S For sex nppijs'il to six, can never wound the heart . " ' But all I ill fated girl,;'lwas Heaven's de cree yS' . . . Like hapless Rosamond in forming thee To'makean objret oaednYive kind And leave imperfect nought but stfevgth of mind, ' The oUleil propccts profer'd at her shrine, '-Dazxled her reason a they dazzled thine; Her melting heart of Cyprian matter fot m'd, Was soon 'dissolved, when love the fortress 2 .storm'd, So ivlren the nrchin (hid 'n manly charms Soft oaths and vows, k'md vithei and alarms,) First made th attack on thee too weak to stand Thy punie faith snrre nf'er'd at command. Irv th gay circle of the am'rous train Who nought ith rival industry to gnin' ..The fair orie's favors r.ons with such soc- As bold Crinissiui plead or more f1drej; His manner were seducimr, bnvc his mind, His hcaitwa base -and of the baneU k"rul Hut f ntle in l.'u conduf t, soon he pleas'd, And vic in viitttesrb her fickle heart 'de cciv'd. , . Lost in hr love, and thoughtless f her fall, Me pvusM !eleit itKS yirlihd r.M; Day after tliy and night sui filii.g niht, Li diiiipHiiris rouWshc took her rhjjht i 'Till Vj.' r.f borne on the utorm of hate . lnfirm'd Hc?-fMus ol Lis irtiurM fate. The noble y jdi'i touvlJd to the heart re pliM, : ' ' ' - - Einnh begone I've heard her eft be ' li'd ' , . Then- ta his roon with pensive thought .-..w-., ttiilulrew,. , " .... - . There to reflect bat steps he might pursue i . Tor Caroline lc hv'd anf had In run She, who was virtuous once, strove tore t claim. ' ", , , P-md'ring a while what conduct to pursue , Tlit friendship to withdraw, or love renew, PcrpleVd his miu J (m hopes and fsara In- TotVM.V, :'.f i ; ' UiitiUt leng'hr he resolute reswlv'd Oiire more to ce licr.'and aRsin reprove AdxWe, alntftHh,.ad ia cancel love. 1 This fis;d imirutai!r, he to her nom I rrfweeil in haut And find the fairs! Imm; Af spproaih'cMlir c rimMin-blush of shame O'crtp rad her thetks and all her, faults . , proclaim) ' . . l!ir trr niblin frsnc and aitstrd soul ChuUwis of g"d, a l nits t,f n cntronl j NpiL!i touhi tihe ak her 'r-mt,t denies ' m I-ii !irMi trf ! io soi rrn.'.ngsihs ; L wci.d of lui'nidcr ipf, hr r eyes were i I'd Anl !itrfh mtr ppfarU the more con. trald; F,i lm th !nlian is she mounts the pile Trembtiirjln h,l,ns never mre to smile. Uccm.is paut'd the frown farsock his hmw, , Jfirti'hU M Cff he kfirw imt . 1 When l.ke the lily with'rirg In ti Ud , ILlpfess and tak, supiix H har.Us Lead. Storm lri:i and by anty tiudoppreit'd i) With finlt'iing loice, sire thus her Iiknd kdv ! Hear me or once in pity hear my pray'r, Nordrive a wretch self punnh'd to despair; Justice ! cannot ask of Heaven or theer-" But Heaven grants mercy tinct'ring the de-' sgree- ' '-"i " -' - .-" ' Of rigid justice mercy then I crav Jl : . Of you blo wand Heavertbeyoud the grave. . ;i Here a cold hectic fluVd herfivid cheeks, Her blood ho more jts nat'ral channel seeks ; Her voice is stopd ; the briny tear recedes, ' llcr eyes .ace fii'd her heart in anguish bleeds, . i . I , . ,. She faints ; she falls j Hegesius' voice re 'L '' lieves " , ,,.. !Awd in his arms the penitent receives rrcst to his neart returning uie appear . And indistinct, these joyful words she hears, Awake my Caroline ! as you've defin'd The laws of Heaven, so true, so just and kind ; f How tah we hope for mercy rend'ring none"1 Or slighting penetence -prefer our own ; .'y Henretorth, (what past, torgiven and torgot,) May virtue , be your guide and - happiness :-. ;'.-'. your lot; ., -V -, ' ' Then as a transient cloud, (we oft have seen Passing opaijue, obscure Sors,brightestbeam, 'v"l ill, spent with weeping, eyanescent rise, '; Spangled (w,itb humid lustre to the skies,) IVanish'd the pearly tears, bejorc her sparb- ; ling eyes. r. - Vt'.- Happy for Caroline-had here the scene , . Of life been clos'd, by Death's eternal screen ,Mild Heavenly Charity had then of cast ? Olivion's sombre veil o'er all the past, V ." With Lethean waters, wash'd her faults away I And kind remembrance bid her virtues stay ; But in t.he dismal book of future ill ; Her name was writby Fate's imperious will I Angnstand dread the characters appear'd, -And Angels pitied what they read ami hear'd ; Sut who 'durst judge of right, or draw tlw , line - ' ' ' ' ' . ' - " a ,; Till finite fathom infioite design, . For as in physical all moral laws , . ' Spring from a source unknown, one, general cause ; - . ; : Kodiffercnce'can exist th' effect's the same, Yet Heaven bears one for the other, man's INSURANCE, . AGAINST. FIRE. to blame,' Heav'ns indumenta are various lightning .here 'a, . -j Flashes de'utruction andanearthquake there, ferotUsts and torrents, cities sweep away, ',The frigid north defies Sol's kindly ray:" Min too nn instrument against his kind, Arm'd 16 dcMroy with equal truth we find, Murders and treasons all toon great end, The general good their feeble wrapons lend That Will, which bade apcrjur'd Judas turn, Now bids a rankhin - l.tna s bowels burn, All nature's rlemrita arc form'd in strife' Anls the elements of human life, For oft we find in suffering scents of woe Ourselves the instrument ami object too. Lucrelia s fate the virgin heart deplores, v ' Tis tin tndshame to wrep for huplc'swWrj, On frentXd reason, Jehu like we ride And fashtonabie virtue our guide. ABARIS. am aWiTre that sXme of the fuihwinp ethi cal sentiments-greatly res'eml,1t thoit of Popk in ms Lssav on Man, but as i have not that ro- tmrat hand to (impart with, and not having reed '-. y ?..... I .11. . I. . P jvr.saeratjearsf u is very improvavic mai me versification shoutd bear any likeness, ' A. RLE1GH, pecember 2. On Mon-'ay lall, Nathaniel AUxan- t'cr. Kfn. of Mecklenburah counrv..was elected Governor ol ihii Stale for the tnm filing y?ir.An cxnrtfi was immediately. Tent off tcHnrorm liim of his c'.cdlion," and he it hourly-expected, li he accent! of the appointmcn' (and we have no re.ifon tolonbt-it) in election will, of cotirfe, irrme kiarrly take place in the Salifbuiy dulrict, for a Member of CongrcU to fup;dy the p'ace ol Mr. Alexander. Tho following grntlemeti were on Fri djyclfft 'J a Council of State, viz. Bryan W h i ft. Id, Sa'nuel Atftnn of Warren, John Hnncb, Robert Cochrjn, Jmci Knan, Reuben Wood and Robe it Bui lon, tfquirca. ' The Penitentiary Bill ha i been again rejtcled witl.-m occupying much of t lie time of tin Ltgiflatiiie, 91 votel to 27. Thnt'h the principle upon which this fill it predicated isgenoil'y acknowledged 10 be correal, yet the fun at inn of this State not thuohi to be fuch ai would at pie ftniwaiiaut ft a adoption. , Theco nmlttce a,poi'h!e t to enquire In. o the eipedfiicv of ertsb'.ifhirg a State Bar.k, have ipjwiintcd a fib-committee to dialt a bill for this p-.trpofe. A "very advantageous treaty has been Had-, vfetimKrftand, by the PrefiJent cf Ihc Unj ed St.te, .with the Ch-cf of the deck nji..n ; by Hkliich a Uige CclTiun t,f liiJi made to ihe UniteJ State:, and il'c titfl t given to open a ditea roaJ fo New.Oi'emi ihtough the tenitufv r V Cetl. The UiVetf Siuct nn ihc-r pan cni.iiaei i pj, ,hc toMalfum Vf a. oso u-i 1, filial fi m -l intncc rn;. r r. 1 v i V "e r,f Crorula met en the 4h 1 It. John MilUr'ge hat been re-elected tjovenmr, without nppfnifn. The Thixiiix Insuiance Company i;1- ' ; of London v HAVING found the circuitous and epen sive mode by which persons in the Vr. nited States were obliged to effect their In-. ' surance against fire at their office in London, prevented many from availing themselves of the advantages held out to them by the Cora-' pany r adopted the plan of appointing Ageiit'. in America to do business on their behalf. v' J a the execution of this plan, the subscriber has been appointed. Agent for the Southern Deoartment of the United State's , with'foll powers to sign Policies of Insurance binding the said Company and to settle and pay Los- ' sei accruing thereupon. 1 ... Public Notice is hereby given, ' That the $aid Ageiithas'opehed at No. 36, East-bav. Charleston, the Office of the : PHOENIXFIREINSUllANCE . COMPANY, " .'For the Southern Department of the United U , ; ' , - States -of America, ' ' . WHERE he receives offers for Insurance and on payment .of Premium, effect the same against loss of damage by j'tfeoV Iloast , Buidings,; Stores, Household Fur niture, , Goods, ares and Merchandise, ei ther in Town or Country opr the following Rates and Conditions,;, viz. - : . ' ' : . Rates of Annual Premiums To be paidfjfstSSURAMCE against FIRE, Hazards for the First Class,' tiu Brick or Stone ihiildinjjs, covered vith Tile . Slate, or Metal. ; -,,. .. .s-J-,', ... ' .;.. ,.. .Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous contained in such Buildings. ''i For sums not exceeding 10,000 Dollars in one U'fsW, . " ' S7 1-2 Cents per Annum per 100 Dollars, , . - '- No. 11. . . . ' , Hazards of tht Second Class'viz . t. Buildings having the Four Walls entirely of . ' Bvicli or Stone, carried through the Roof, and covered with Board! or ShiugleW , . Furniture or Merchandize ' not hazardous, . contained m such Buildings. Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen tine, Salt-Petie, Flax, Hemp, 1 Oils and Tallow," in Buildings of the First Class. 1 1 Xur sums not exceeaivg 10,000 Dollars n one Kisk ' ' 56 1-2 Cet.ts per Annum per 10W Dollars ' ; ' No. 111. , , l. ikzards of tlte Third Qii,7z. Buildlngi constructed partly with Brick or Stone aiid paaly with Wood oV having either of the Four Walls I Frame-Work filled in with Brick. Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such Buildings. Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen-' tine, Salt-Petre, Flax, Hemp, Oils and Tallow, In Buddings of the Second Class. , Far turns nut exceeding 10,000 Dollars in one It isk ' 74 dints per Annum per -1 00 Dollars,- - - : No. IV. Hazards of tht Fourth Cf,vit. -Timber or Slight Buddings covered whh Shingles or Boards. Furniture or Merchandize not ' hazardous, contained ki such buildings.' IlazardouaCoods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen-tinerS;alt-Petre,-Fkx, Hemp,- Oils. and Tallow, in Buildings of the third CUss. For sums not exctriitng 10,000 Dollars in one Hisk, 100 to HQ cents per Ann. per 100 Dollars. Ships in Port and their Cargoes, Ships Building or Ktpatrmg also, Barges and o mcr tnuii rait, wan tioocs ou bvaru, may be insured against l ire. til Larger sums maybe insured by Special Agrctmtnt. All Buildmi'S hi Ccutituity to othtr hazjrdu Duihungt, or in other. rc- 'spects situated cisadvantgcusly will be charged at an extra. Premium. The Hates may also m some cases be proportionably moderated upon Timber .Buildings in the Country, or when standing an gle and detach ed, or attached with ciicutmiances of pecu liar security. Jcy Tallow-Mklters, Soap-Makert, Brew er, Vintgarand Sweet-Makers, Hemp and Flax1 Dressers, Pi inline Houses, Coopers, Carpenters, Cabinet-Makers, Coach-Makcrt, Malt-Houses Bakers, Ship-ChancUcri,Boat Builders, ltope-Mtkeis, Sugar-HtCners, Dis tillers, Chtmuts, Varnish-Maker!, furpen line.cik, Ibeatrct, and all Mills and Machinery, are dicmed cxtra-httardous, and the Hate upon such Buks will be pro partionauy increased. "A 4 ... ... . the aaine are, deposited, is to be described also, whether such goods are of the kind de-' nominated hazardous, and whether any Mn. nufactory is carried on in the premises ;And if any person or persons shall insure hi or their Buildings or Goods, and shall cause the same to be described ib the Policy other wise than as tbey really, are,' so as iheaaipr ! be charged at a lower premium thanlsherc-: in proposed, such Jnsurance shall be of w ' .force -"' y ; II, Goods held in, trust, or n commissi on are to be insured as such, otherwise the Poii cy will not extend to cover such properly. III. No loss or damage to be paid on FTre happening by any Invasion, Foreign EnemyV Civil Commotion, Riotror any military or usurped Pover whatever; nor for damare' klone by fire occasioned by Earthquakes ow pfluvricanes ;r but this company will makr.' ood losses on property burnt by Lightninee, i IV. Books, of Accounts, Wtittcn Secufi. ties, Bills, BondSi Tall.es, and Beady Mo-" Iney, cantwt be in sured. V. Jewels, Pla.te,Medali "' m.iK.. t :.T . . ' vimi Ull K-f utiu veart, arm tnc an. 1 1, ceo dulli. lor ten teaii drtM'd, rr'ienKption.gujr1!n ernhat other name Js yet more wortl y inthe rtdlstffiroe, , Or more aVts'd, or fit U iu-d by ir.e Wlocati cxitUi.ee to tl y c ate aionc; , TO KENT; THATomtmiCiftus BfirkStorfH ,'. 'A few door etst of the Court, houie ktt-MtetU Posse liiouwillL riven U.m.U. a . . 1 . . r . : IT7 i Litt.Mt Mil. se, a- nMar- A ItM.L CONDITIONS OF INSURANCE. I. rF.ftSONSc'esjTeiis timtke Insurance an Il iildingt, are to deliver in to the Agent mc i no irg paiiicuiars, viaji wnaima Uriels the walls and roof of each Buildine are cotutrwrled, at well as the co.uiiuction of the buildirgt contiguoutthereto whether the same are occupied at pt irate dllingi, or hnwotherwite where situtled also, the nme r naraet ti the present occupiers, like manner a septate sum insured on tht property contained tl.ereia. All Manufactories which contain Furnaces, Kitnt, Stovts, Cockles, Ottus, orotheritise tiie pre-licat,' arc charge aide at additional ratet In the Intuttnre of Goods, Watra, er Mitcttmiirr, tke bnil lircr pSatf iti wkith tQ.Uf$.' Paintinn- t.i, , "-..hvuih, are net u- eluded in any Insurance, unless such articles are speeifrea in the. Policy. ' . " 5 - Vlv'Persbns inistirinfir nronrtv ' i.t- A must give Notice.;. of any other lnsu-' ranee .inayc viscw ucicon their behalf on the same, and cause such other Insurance to be endorsed on their policies ; in which case" each Office shall be liable to the pay njehi on lyfa rateable proportion of any lois 6r da mage which may be sustained ; tmd unless such Notictf is givWr the Insured will not be enti lied to recover in case of loss. ' ? ' VII.' No order for Insurance will be or any force, unless the premium is paid to the A gent, or1 unless a sum haabeen advanced, and the Agent has delivered his receipt-on Ac. cbunrof "the Olfice ; and all persons fvesi rous to. continue their Insurances, must make their future payments aiinually within fifteen dayi after the day fmiitted by their-re-spective Policies, or tht same will 'be void. s VIH Allperwns aseurtd by this Com pa-' riy, austaining any loss cr damage by Fire ' , arc forthwith to give. Notice to the (x.mpa iVyf Agent, and as soon as possible cfu-r," ta . deliver in as particular an account of thtir loss ordamage, signed with their own hands, as me nature ot ine ca? w'ttl admit of, and make proof of the same by thtir oath or if. firmation, and by their bonks of accounts or other proper vouchers', a,s shall be rrasom.bly required ; .and shall procure a Certificate un der the Hands of a Magistrate or Sworu No tary of the City or District in which the Fire , happened; not concerned in such loss, im porting that they are acquainted with the character and circumstances jf the person or person Insured", arid do know, or verily believe, that he, she, or they, really auriby mtslorti.r.e, without miy kind ol fraud or evil practice, have sustained by such Fire, loss and damage to the umotitt therein mention ed ; and u itil such Affidavit and Certificau are produced, the Lss Money shall not It payable; aho, if there appeara anvftaudor faKe swearing, the Claimant shall forfeit Ins Claim to Restitution, or Payment, by virtue ol nis Policy. , . , ... . IX. In cae any CifTtrencc or cirnute sht II arise between the Assured and the ComtuDy, touchir.g any I.s or damage, suth dih'ci i lice Irtnr t j . ..I . .'.r...! !. ! ....1 . ... . .. .1 . inn; iii s'milllliril v IHC JUIKIIi 111 KIIU IC termination of Arbitrators indifferently cho sen, whose Awaid in writing shall Le con clusive and binding to all parties. And when any n A- damage shail have been duly prtnd, the Jri-suted sbull receive aatufactitn to the full amnm t tr.erecf, withoat allow ance of any ' discount, fees, or other deduc tion whatever. X. pirions chusing to insure for ri ven yean, will be charged for six jeart onlyj ftlo, for a lest number of years than nveri will he allowed a reasonable discount. . X. B. This Office insures to the full t mount of the real value of the propetty, tky also insure for a term of time lets than a year if required, and pay for property Insured if burnt by Lightning. For the convenience of penens living. it a distance from the Office, oiders for Insuiarc (post paid) will be duly attended to, and on remitting the amount of Premium, Itc Poli . ciet will be executed and forwarded conform ably thereto, free of any exprnce cf Bruke raje or Agency. Seeh person at may have been already Insured in the Company 'a OfT.ce in Lriidnii, may have their Policiea renemtd atthh Of fice, oa the terms and conditions here of fcrcd. . The Agent hfipca. ftom themo!ertcratea cf premium which the Company have t aed ; their well known ability to satisfy hvssc. and their very liberal conduct towardt suffcrera Insured in their OOCte, tkat nofuitacr in ducement waa reqnirtd br persons wiMrc taiitfactety aceurity ol their property fi-om lost by I ire, to mate Invuitnce thereon with them, than the convmit nee and fcili'y f efTtciiru Insurance, iccurtfi by thit Lstak liihmtnt. JNO. MAYNAIID DAVIS, Agent fotht Ihtnit InturCnt t Ctmfejtf Loi dj.' Chatkston, S. C. UtOctwUr, IIO;. ' 'c. 461 3m. REMOVAL. - nrilt Sutcrit frhttremovedl.il Ti)tor' Shop fron Mxrktt.ttrtct, a fw Ulow the Court-House h Frt ikt-street. He tikes this opportunity to u lirlt a con tinuance of the entourattaibt cf bis ftiendt and the public. JOIIK MCAU 'y.t a X re : nxxti .i-s " t Ihi M pot n i ah Ih at! K al 5 1 u a r i i a 1 f I i

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