PUBLISHEDX BY ' '.witfZ flALL3ZhX, JANUARY 7, ISO taVo..470. CI .TLlST- of ACTS 1 1 Passed otitic last session of the Legislature if v.-Tt' Worth -Carolina ',';. ' "".. An act torap pfd se vouch of the 2nd sec tionof an-act, passed ia 1786, entitled' An act to3direct the method, of appointing jurors and surveynrs to run out disputed lands, io far as requires jurori of flew- ; ''"' ' To Incorporate a company for improving, the navigation of Tar river,, d for. keeping ' the same ia good rpj?akr..;."iv; . ; To amend the lavs regulating the polic of the tow.njtfjyBT,tfYUi t " To incorporate and establish a Bank, to be called by the name-aba ttuo of in e state BankFNortb-Carofina. To alteranTTETnTtiic EUROPEAN NEWS. Wis, , v. if id a part of the 5th sec lion of an act, entitled t an act directing in Vht manner any person . who hereafter may : tntcr lands in any county of this state, shall be entitled to 1 have his , pr her certificate returned. '. - To repeal an act, Entitled1 aa act to repeal to muchof the, severafjaws now in force in' this slate as grants power to the .trustees ,of the' tTniyerii ty Vf .. N . Carolina to seize - und possess, for the use of the Slid Unjvcvsiiy,, a- " ny escheated and co.ifi.cated property.' .v 'Vrocoggre 6t. 'Tammany's' ydjj,-. No. 30, Wnttungton. ','"'" . '"TB'jT'ff iUiVers and dnncrs of i;s-f!- and boat, auduny other peuns, iiom trxdiog'wiih slave.- 1 -To alter the time of holding the several elections. in th? county of Bladen, ajjd to grant the inhabitants i of said county,'-two o Uier separate elections. '',. Fbr altering the time of holding tbe supe rior courts oi law and courts of equity for the of M jrganton, anoValso the times f holding the county courts of New-llano-Ver. ' .7' -, : , To continue in force an act passed at the last General Asstmbly, entitled. . an act to amend an act passed at Xewbtrn, iatb year 1797, entitled an act to encourage the building of mills and directing the duty of millers.'; . . '. ' To prevent rice anrj immorality by decid ing the ofTencef'therein contained, to be the subject of indictment. ' Hespecting the elections in the counties of Brunswick, aud Randolph. To amend the 2d section of an act of the Assembly-of 1795, entitled an act directing the manner in which .the clerks of the sever al superior and county courts shall hereafter xnake their returns to the Comptroller. 3 To prevent Inspectors from being concern ed in trade or thc cxporutioa pf coiomodilics liable t b i n s pe cWJl U" 1 " " . . , To incorporate the NbgnLIrchnical .Society. ' To repeal all laws heretofore passed ai thoi'ising the Secretary of State to issue war rau'ts for Tands for military m ices. To alter the time of holding the county Courts of Cumberlaitd . To rau a remnue for the payment of the Civil List and Contingent Charges of Govern ment for the year. 1 808. Relttive'toihe Court of Conference. ' ' . To abteml n act passed h 1804, entitled anatt to simend an artentitled, an act concerning proving of wills and granting let ters of adiTunitration. and tc prevent fr-uds in tltt nnemeni of iotettatea' estates,' p acd lit the year For Impiwiving the navigation of Roctfith creeks and Iwer Little River, in CumUr anrcoiyjtjM ' . TITamend the several acts no in' force , granting seperaie electlons-Wthe Inhabitants of DjUiXjaoniXj and eslaUUf'mg bite other aeptrate eledtion itt said county. - KeUtive lands sold for taxes. - Appointing tfa notmiof for theitwi K. ing, pttsittt of fle bard or trustees cf the UnivcrxitfKorth-Casina' n (f nunj further time for provimc ami rt gi.tcnng bills 9f uie and ded cfgilu ' I To incorporate a .cQmpany tor the purpose f cutting a njeaLle canal funn Lockwood'a IVJly toElifcuethti!Duxtt-t Torntpower the coutity courts of J)up!in, fl Oo, to )ij a lax lb pay juror for-f-wj couuiici to Uieiupcriorcouits-V----, :hy;:''?- !--LON DON," November 7.1 American bottoms The folloWins communication will be read with much interest by the commercial world. it reutes .to a suojeci oi raucn .ii(wuaui and embraces conisequencts of the greatest magnitude. ,W shall offer rid remarks on it at present t ,;. . . 7 " ' ' -r- GreatL Cumberland Place,Oct.2S : " $ir . I have the pleasure to encle you V copy of a note from Lord MuJgravei contain ing information thajJus.irlajobt'y has thought fit to relax in certain ttsptcii . the . 'blockade of the ports of Cad't aiid ' St. Lucar, winch is now formed by his liaval torces. " As the m'odifi ation 'whith 'r given to., he blockade of t&tVe. . ports I y. this (dectaj-' aion6fn'ismftjesty,rnaybeolrimpoVt?tice tothe United States, I h-dVc io ' request that' you will ' be so good as to communicate it without de- lay to tneir consuiy at men- yci4 4 that their' citizens may have the udvantage of it. ' '';.; :' . I have the honor 'to be," sir, vour very.obh iredsemnt. : JaMES'MUNROE. '-Gen, Wm. Ljtttm,Gr.suL- "' . , . of tht United $ietest tf?k ; ' ...;. To James Muuroe, Fsq. v. Duwiiing-stitei, Oct". 27. ".Thundersixiied, his Majesty's princi pal Secretary of State for foreign afiairs, has the honour, to inlorm'Mr,, Munro'c, that the ; King ha:r;g been pleased, in conformity to tlie note transmitted by .hc undersigned to Mr. Munroe on the J25lh of April last, to t'i rect that the necf s ury measured should !e ta ken for the blocluJe of Cadiz and St. Lucar, md such having been umltjeingnow .blockt ded, the undesigned is cci.uivnded to ac quaint Mr. Munroe, that his Mj.siy is i!tas ed to declare that such blockuUc will not ex tend to prevent neutral vessel fro n entering Into and sailing from the said p'jrts of Cadiz and St. Lucar, provided thai the ncsm K so entering and sailing from the said ports, shall not be found to have on boa; d or to have car- t ied to said oorts any wai like or naval stores. or any article or ai ticjes intended to In;, or usually converted intowarliks navul .stores, ; or provisions of any kind .-whatever, except ' Ing such may be fairly deemed sea stores,' for the use of thie crews of such Vic'utral ves- acl. , The undersigned is lljcreloYe comnrtn !dcd tp request Mr. Munroe to apprize the j tYnerjcan Consols and 'merchants residing ' in England, of this, determination of his ma jesty., The inuler.igr.r.1 'requests Mr. ; Munroe to accept the assurance rf his high consideration. nULGKAYL." The Austrian rmy which hai been liern i med in on every side, has been totally defca ; ted. The garrison of. U tm has capitulated ; ' men have laid down 'heir arms, and (been made prisoners of war. Some corps ( that had Bed towards the Tyrol, were vigor ously pursued . ' 1 . The consequences ofsuch a victory ar? tn- l ; calculable ; all the passes oi the Tyrol being ; in our possession, tte army of the Archduke !; Charles is placed between the j?rand army ': : & the array of general Massena. "The routes' I lb Vienna1 are optin, and the.Russiau co j lumns, which will certainly iwt oppose, the m ! . ' selves to the victorious French army, . have j Trio other course to ddtow, ut to return .as thtiy came. The history of Europe, fur the j .last ihrgs centuries, presentSvnpt any eve.iU I "to be compared with this,or which could have. rsucTi consequences. Cw a frmvd , Announcinir the defeat oT Gen. Mack the re duction of Ulm, and the .takiug-of more than 40,000 prisoner. ' , t ' .' , - ' ' ; October 26. Oii the 22d Vendemaire,. 1 itiv October, Marshal boult ' seized upon Memmiiigen, where he has made 6000 nrWoners."' In the mean time his uiaj'jsiy surrounded. the city of Ulm with the nwiu body, ol his army. . "" neighborhood of Llm the whole ol their lor- C2, with lite exception ot au.uyu men unuer prince Ferdinand, who endeavoured to get into Bohemia. In thx mght of the 17th and 16th October, the ;ovnof Ulm capitulated: i,u Mack, 47 Generals, und 23,000 men were made pi iso- nrso4 war. , Prince Murat reached on xhe 2kh the rear of the column winch Li;. Ll.n on the 2lst; l. ..x-tAJ Irifui t.iu..i' ..-u OAll. ika Jilt III I VI W ipWMi.lPt J 1 1 WVI' ltM whole corps Lid dav.-a their arms. . ' Bavaria i. .:alacly tvac'nit'ed : Marshal Jlernadotte has rt'.nov.d his advanced posts It Ihi Ion. It wu.t believed tiiit the head a'larter-i of the euipt-in:' will be removed from Uhu to Augsb-Jitr;.; on the 28th. I he oitKi..i relation gives details of ahese great events. ; Moniteur. We are assured that his hxceluncy ar shal Masscua has received f"om hi Majesty the Emperor a iviter of which the loilovring ' is, an extract ' ' ' 'lhe Austnans.. retire continually before tH grand fir my i .They , wdl be- beaten, sup by stent, as wcu as the Kussiaus, it we should campaign I hart dispersed an army of en hundred thotjssnd men: 1 have almost taken the half of them prisoners j the rest are killed , woundedjordeserted Sc.reduced tothegreatest constellation. ' -These brilliant successes X owe to the affection of my soldiers, to their patience in supporting fatigue. , 1 have only lost 1 500 "men in killed and wounded; Sena tors the first object of the war Is already ful- -filled. The Elector of Bavaria is re-established on his throne. .The unjust aggressors , have been 6truck, as if by lightnings and with V the help of God, J hope, in a abort space of time, to be able to triumph over my other " enemies.-' - ::, 41 From my Imperial Camp at1 Elchingen, ; 26th Vendemaiie, Oct. 18. .. ; , "Napoleon. . . - , . . iJQtfavw StattGatttttoftht tt JvVtf-. We received intelligence from Frankfort to the 27th of October while our Paper was at Press. ll'adds, however few particulars of importance, to those Already made known . through the OfTicial Bulletins of the French Army. The only interesting news is that which relates to the retreat of the wreck of the Austrian Army." On the 20th of October t,lis l'mle Colninn commanded by the Archdflke Fejiinund arrived at Nuremberg. It bad Ivenon the 18'.irat Gunzenhausen. This Co- ' lcnin carried with it 50 or 60 pieces of artille ry. !t h-id. scarcely departed thence when Prince Murat's corps appeared, and made soma prisoners in the suburb of Gostehhof. Priiice Murat rode at the; head of four Rtgi m?ptsof Cavnlry, and pursued the Austrians , . ' nearly to Eschennu. He came, back himself, ' however in the evening, and took up his head quarters at Nuremberg, while his corps fol lowed the Enemy. Another action has been f uglu at Lscheiii U, in which the French toi-k . a number of prisoners, and some cannon. The Austrians then continued their retreai ta king the road to the Mountains. At last, on the32d, the French Cavalry which pursued the Austrians returned to Nuremberg bring ing with them twenty three pieces of artillery, an immense booty, and four hundred prison trrs. They had chased the enmy to the other side ol Grasenberg. On lhe-23d the French troops had marched from the environs ofNu . rcmbcrg to proceed to Katisbon. The head quarters were at Peuchton the 82d, and were to be at Neumark on the 23a1. Another Aus trian corps retreated on the Uthbythe way of Fuess-n, to Bregentz and Retiti in Ibe 1 y jt toI.- Two days after the French were at Fue L sen.1 The Austriari Gen Wolfchl is at ni-' fh $ Stlnrcrf Afv tfuhtd ftom Art. York i vsit savxajia assoetkimt or ;.:, V i Ki o o d s - Eiiitt4 to tht season which lief ofr for i.hi ui rt.aublo', ttnnt,' fer.Ca.h orcoui.ujr Hooper St Mitchell. Genuine rortVInc m csucs of 3 .dnwfeick;" flld Jamaica Run by Uc hohrsd, lsugsrbyt)ieh4gshadorbrrvl, baip Bread of best quality. - j Tobscco, Hour,1 Bmtcr, Bttf, he " . Jtts ntceiiKrv tnn the (rrnorct ynntsits that bate uktr. plc U r.onsc qucnccof.Vte tb'ihonotr of Krvsnts that are at til for goods to look ai or perhipi iaatcu ranci :! our own, o adrrrtiHt ovrtustomcrs laat we rausl decline that pruutt in future December 2, IW4. , Vc learn that a secret exp:dition consis ting of. the Coldstream regi menu the 3d (guard, the th orKing'son, t!ie I4thand ' 234 regiments, the 9 jth riHc corjw, theGr mun legion, and the ry, saii.-d from the Downs for tbe cominviit on the 5th of ?io vember. The Duke tt York, who was to have hud the command, will join them in the 'spring; but the Duled of Cumberland and , Cambridge. Geitera'U Durrani, Moore,, and (Lord Chatham auomi'tiiud the ttocps as comnicnders ofcolumtu. The advanced guard of the RuMdn'trocps 'entered Couzenburicb. on the Lle, on the . 27th of ottoher, the Prussians entered Han over on the following day. The armies uf I'tula arevdivposcd into four divisions l ,onc of, these Temlorced ly .21,000 Saxpns, and ,20,000 llessitns, is to , cover the frontiers of Fi anronia t a second has proceeded to IliMeshcim, a third is to 'march to the Rhine, and a fouiUi to reniuin Un'Brande&turgh.' The DuLe cf Crurmi kk commands tfi'd army in I.iwtr Saxony, thich is to oe joined bf the itUksianit, um the JUi . s ' s si.M.a mn expeuition aoorr noiicca. inert is a probability that one of the Prussian armies will invade Holland i tndefeud ahich French troops werd on- the 'poiot of msiching into the republic, . t. . The Ottoman troops at Cairo have ob- . taiccd a complete victory over tbe refractory , Ilcy.t the hesds of seven of them, it con- fohnlty with the uiual practice of Turkey fwer publidy lumnp at the gates ol tbe be ragiio afcoinuutiiictpic, among nuota vat 'taid'tobe the Celebrated LLi Ley . ' ... .'. 7 BidUtin from Heulcent, I Captain Owcn.vl the Inuncrtslite frigate, on rtcctvmg from toe, trenca commodore Kvbin,, the late Uromc buiktia, rslaUve to i the entire defeat of ths ' Austrian si my, re stunted Immediately tha Wlowlng neat Sat) irital rtsly i . i - ; 1 -"CiptsirtOwen, of limmorialitr, Is very ; much Ug4 to Commodoca Rol.ln (of Ihi news be did biro tbe honour to communi cate. .; ; " He rTjw-sU further to know, if that re. j t4t Is at all siatdar to Uc lately ntsdc by AdmirsH Vethtwl kul Ii CrotH 2 attd if this come up with them. 1 am ' sorry that our H berach, with about fi or 7000 men. Marshal noun i.ns iiierciieo uimicr. ana .Marsnjti r;t gercau is advancing through the Black Forest to form a junction with "him. Address of the Fmperor Njpoleoh to lift' ' Soldiers. 'The evening before the surrender of Ulm the Emperor issued the fallowing proclama tion : Soldiers, a month ago vc were encamped on the shores of the Ocean opposite to l'ngi ' hnd ; but an impious league compelled u to fly towards the Rhinet ...... 44 It is but a fortnight since ire pmed that river, and the Alps of W'rtemberg, the Nee Lir, the Danube, and theLcthi those ecle bratcd barriers of Gcrmaoy have not retarded our maich a day, an houroraninsunL In dignation against a Prince whom we hate twice re-seated on his throne, when it depen ded entirely on our pleasure to hurl him from it, supplied us with wings. The tnemy's ar my deceived by cur manoeuvres and the'ril pidity of our mrvemrnts, is completely tur tied. It now fju'his onlv for its safetf. 11 tnoveranU and success .diminish the nuiil ber of troops you con.bui. ; there shall m luain less for you lo conquer,". CONSERVATIVE SENATE. Extraordinary Jlfeeting, Thursday 0t, 26, At ons o'clock this day, the -Members ol the Conservative Senate met in virtue of a convocation extraordinary, ordered by his Highness lymce Joseph, Giand Elector. ilis Imperial Highness IVincc Louis, Con stable; hiiberene Highness tbe Arch Chan cellor of the Empire, andsome.of the Minis- lets were present at the sitting, r. . It was opened under the presidency ot the Grand Elector, with the following speech pronounced by his Highnosi ' snators lo the midst of his triumphs his Majesty has felt the necessity of giving tthe Senate a new proof of his esteem 1 it is the object of the message which his Ma. jetty lus ordend me lo submit to you. You -Kill perceive, gcntlejieh, hat his Majesty is impatient thai the French youth should lake Idiir share of the successes which await him.i Lut slrfsdy , our-oong con- Jl would cb'My tmbrace an opportunitv of cs- scriptsare in riot. on thty . arc setting out, capingandretuininghomb; but it is now it too or have ahe.d) tionc so, .All paretls know, d late. The fortifications whirh it erected at a that wheu their ch.hlreti go to the t;rand ar il great expence along the lifer, expecting that we should advsnrc through the passes i f the Black Forest, are become useless, sinr we have approschrd hj the plains of Bavaria. M Soldiers, but for the armr which is now tny have exceeded the hopes of the nation ;j in front ofyeu, we should thisday have been I have the hsppincss of inf. rming you,' that ! in Ixndon; we should have avenged urtchu my, liu v go tu place thcniKhcs under li e shield of the n 1'aiinr of the French who is more sparing of their blood than be is anxious lor glory. 1 he Emperor and ar victory has heen as decisive as thai of iuis. ' ; Vdteotufc'af- . . ... . . -i i ... . , Tsaif, Ottoltr 32. ThettlfgTafhhas announctd ibis day the grod etsnt. whiets ibv Uit UtUctia of tho gt sodsuay IU us to picsat it answers, in a msnntr woitny of it. the glorious Invitatiou ol its Chief." , The message .f llm Emperor and Kirw, which his Imperial Hi(Uiiesv read to the meeting, is expressed in the following man ner i . Senators! send you forty stand of co lo irs which my aimy has conquered ia the ditTerrnt actions which took pUce since that at W'crtingcn. It is a homage vhicb I and mjr army py'U the Sages of the Empire j Ills an off. i ing made -by children to their fathers. Senators, accept il s a proof of my latuLction for the manner in which you have altsays assUted n.e in' the nvi important comtrns o' the Empire. And you, Frtnth nun, cause your broiheralo march t let them hasten lo combat by our sides order that, without shedding of blood, without extra ordinary exertions, we may repl fat from us all the armies created by the gold of Eng. hnd, and ovrwhshn witri.rotifoMon the al lies of the oppressors vf the sesi. Senators, tnonth is not ttt cLintd since I told you i'thst toor Emtxror and his army would da .i i .i. . .... i . . . . . j ineir uny -i am impiini to My, mar my people hata Uo&e theirs Since 1 hrgaii tlr for six centuries of insults, and restored the freedom of the seas. " But bear ui mirnl, to-morrow that you arc fighting against the allies of England, th:.t jou have to avenge yoursches on a perjurnl . Trinre, wlioie own letters breathed but peace, at ihe moment when he was march ing Ids arn.y against our ally ; who thought tis cowardly enough to suppose, that we should tamely witness his pesmge of the Inn, his entry into Munich, and Ids aggression gainst the Elettor ol Bavaria ! He thought we vrere occupied elsewhere j let him, for the third and last lime Usm, that we ktow ).w to be present in every place u here the count iy has enemies lo combat. Soldiers, to-morrow will be an hundred time smote frlrbrstedthan the day of Marct go, I have placed the enemy in tbe same fo siti'tn. H ItecoltrcMhat the most rtmott poslet'n will rtmatk the coodect cf eith of yoti on il l i Memorable day. Yotir progtay, five burn! re' years hence, who may place themselves ondcr those tagUs armiml which we rally, wi'i' know in Detail evtry thing hat your rcsprft. ie corps sh-U tvhictt to-mwrrsr, ai d , , i i

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