- . . i i ... i - i ., , . i .! : a . -. r-; wv.Vji TTTTTTTr.rr -j.i: . 'f i sj I ' it: ti 1 . - - r -'" -- . i . ; ,7G . . .1 r-w i , . n r, - , ., i. i. "mi , . - mi . i m i - ..!,. I..' i Li. ... J . , .jy . . . .i.i , if in'' i lni in COHlTtNUATlONOP ,:,V pwfpnt to our readers anfiew. the FrcnchkHtmy in Oeymftoj!, -'$wn t.ihf ate of tHc i fifth bullet ip (wbtcln tas tranf. : Utud ttthii ar !a Yew days ago) t q he . t ffofni bf tjic ietB Whklt Vkmreherid thft lateft idyide'i rective'd frbtti that Muar tfiijtion of v the ppiluiU -i of t bk ?c3 , medtbetorc Caite, .v V 'E" I ' '! SI XTH-BUS,ETIN. : : ' , hit 'felcKlnven. oat. is. rnie clay of Vm wa 'ose of vht itwft fii-ifffirt. in ftfiW-'hifthrv-:; rf Franco 1 he ' capitulation owtwa it annexed; a veil as the account of the regfqi'eut.". fljut up there.-TheEinperortutBt hi0- urkeu ahpjace by afoult, but'.-twenty, tboufand niCQi defended by iotufications and wet ditches ; would have made a icfiftaiiCe, and huydefire was to,fave thceflfufion uf. blood. General Mack, Commander in vChktot tho army, was in the town t it ii - the fan? pf Gsnefals ppefed 1o the Emperor to betaken infonificd places. It wU,be ' jecoljeced, that after the -brilliant move jjnent"-bn the Brenta, the old Field Mai iftalWurmfer was made prifoner in Ivlan lui : Melas was fo at Alexandria Mack is fo al Ulm. The Aullrian army was ' 'pne ol the Sueft that Audria ever had s i ' conGlled of 14 regiments 'of. infantry. "of the army nf Bavaria, as it is ' called; 13 iegierts froin the Tyrol, and five, icgi meats which had been lent in waggons from Jtaly altogether 32 regiments ot intan try, 'and 15 regiments ot cavalry. . The emperor had placed the army of prince Ferdinand in. the fame fituation In which, he had placed that of Metas,! Af. ter having long hefitared.' . Meiss adopted the aoblc refolution ot picrciog through tho French army, which occ,allonjbd ihe. battle of Marengo.' Mack took another .fcfolviiton 1 Ulm is )hc point of union cf 9 great number of high roads ; he had for .medihe plan of mikiug- bis divifious re- -- Jteat by thefe roads, to rc-affcra'jlc them ' in Bohemia and the Tyrol. The divifion ni Hohenzollern and Werneck marched ' off by Hcydenheim. A fmail divifion rt .treated by Mcmmiogcn, but the emperor Ion the 12th fattened from Augfburgh to Ulm, immedratcly difcooccrteJ the pro. , ircls pf the rncmy, ordered the br:dae and 'pofmon of Elchingen to be carried, which , rendered every tbio fecure. , Marfhal SouU, after : having taken Meramingen, went in purfuit cf toe other , columns. Prince Ferdinand had therefore no other rtfourc than to fufftr hioifclf to befbui ub in Ulm.or tuandeavour.1 fc crofs roads, to join the ditiGi-nof IIo- nerxonern j-tni prince aaop tj me lat. : ter rcfolutiun, and proceeded to Alien with four fuadtons of cavalry ' n the mean time, prince Murat was in purfuit of prince Fcrdiuand. The divu iioo of, Werneck endeavoured .to oppofe Ijsm at iangenau. Ilejoolc three ihuu- j -and ot them prifoners, pneot wmch was general omcer, ana iwo tunui 01 co- , Jouri. While he made a movement on Ins r gM to-Hcydenhcim, marlhal Lan. nermarenca towards Aalen anJ lordkn- gtn. : The progrtfi of the enemy was re- taided by five hundred waggons, and ihey , , were weakened by -the battle of Lanct t-au. At ibis aUon, prince Murat had ' much reafoa to he fatiined ih the con Cuct of general Klein. The aosb regi mem 01 uraxoons. tne 01 a item intaativ. and (hechalTcurs of the' imperial guard rarticularlay dillinguilhed . thcmfclves. The aid.de.camp Bruoct dlfplayetla gtcat deal of courser. , Th adliomliJ not retard the march of ptloce Murat. He advanced rapidi to 'wards Nercthe'im. and on the nth. at fir a f in the evening, he arrived bcyretittfo. i fit Ion. The divifin of dragooas of ge ji ncrai rvc:n cnargea tne enemy t wo faodatds, a gr octal olliitr, aud 1000 n a were again taken ai the battje ot Neuf hcioa. Priece Ferdinand, and fesen of hi's generals, had barely time' 10 get 011 hot lc back. 'Tlcir dinner was found on uble. For a dsts tiny haJ noplsceof red. It Bfpcarcs that prince Frrdinand will ft' t U aole to cfcape the French atra j, un Jtfi by difguifing his peifoa, or letting tff with a few tijuadiups by fome bye t sth ot Germanf. ' . - 'As tie tbps io, wai pafllrg through.! " "!' I L.i-' r.V S-i: I'll efd f firlfoneri- aW MiRrtan colonel xpretTad .b a(koihjneJt: Aq:.fiki tc 'era mcaneft drummer, in Wit arraM Ope ef a id, da. tam paOmua ggxnuiaea qquo , -, 4 f :- rTr-.t: what the Au? 'ffii tot ordefefHWsSfcf ervobe miidt s IccYthaV rw?i faSkkLl 'Bo M' will . ;i"he.ippearahc9 i. Wfitm d t,lie 15th waftf c4ly moit injtef)tftinV;" iwo thatai teHi in r tortcwe ; f. f&ld r had ,fMr'psoi6ons aliHribtit-ai tlu thein't .ty ; wer upo their kwwain.-muaV' But Ubi"! emperor Infufed fstlhl fpTMtsiiuo them ; Jind at the moment he oertsived who'e to ; fumnt in thii ftate. he oiMed long hvtt . the empefbr 'tfrbe ' crred.;--'" t ,v It is alio . menttonca, inanne emperor, icpiied ,t$ oOictrr:.whaJ'urr,ounded him, and wh'txpclTcd tnVirfurprife, how iu a fhomcne -'tit' fuch diftrcls, the .loidiers could, forget all tt heir want' and appear on -ly fenfible to the pleafurc of feeing hiiri- , They are riiiht t it is to" (pare their biood that: I make them undergo fuch great tatigue. ' ' , '. Thetmoeror, when the army occupied rhe heights which commanded. Ulm, runt for the prince of Liehtcnftcim, major ge j-jcral, wh6 ys fhut up In the toven, to communicate to him, that ne wimeatt Wool! capitulate t telling him, tkdt'if he netsmty- ot aaiog a nc ,uu ai jana, where the whole garnlun was put to the fword i that it as one of the ielancholy rights of war that be mined -that both he and the btate Aullrian ration were fparcd the neceffity of iQ dreadtui an action that tha place was not tenable: that it o'ucht thcrtfore to furrtndcr. . The prince e . ' . ' 1 ' 1 r- 1 1 1 . required trial inc unucra anu iwidicrs Ihould have UOerty io,rciurn 10 nuiiria. "I will grant It." replied the emperor, t to the ofHcers, but not to the foldvers : or who w ill be my feomty that they will notbe made to icrve again f 1 hen alter having hefitated a moment, ha added, " Well then, 1 will rely upon the word of prince Ferdinand. If he is in the town, I wilh to give him a proof of my elleem, and I will grant to him what you requite of me, hoping that the court ot Vienna will hot break the word of one of its piinces " Upoa M. de L'chtei.Ilein alfurinff him that prince Fcidinantt was not in the town," 1 en, laid the empe ror, I do not lee who is lobe my gua rantee that the foiditrs I Tend yuu back will not be employed jaain." ; A brigade ot four thouknd men occu pies or.e of the pates of Ulm. On the night of the 16 U there was a terrible hurricane ; the l)-ntibe compltt'e. ly ovelflbw'ed, and cariled 'away ain.ol all the btidgci, which ttiailrni us Very much in our lupplieiof piovilions . . On the 15th Maiibaii L'erjiacfptta having pufhedhis advanced polls as far as WaHanuourg' and liasg, on the road cf Brunau, took .4 . or 500 prifurcrs, anJ 17 pieces' of cannon, of d.fLrcot flits, having thus t.krn, liner his cm ty at Mu icb, ioo ptifoncrs. io pietts of can. non, aco hoifci. and a ctcnutt of bac- gage, without the lcfscf a finefe man. . The emperor palled' the KhTne on the ft cf OQober, the Danube the 6.h. at fie o'clock in the morning ihe. Lech I the fame day, at hall pall 1. l is troonsen. teitd Munich on ihe s2tb his advanced guard arrived on the Jnn on the 15th Unthe fame day he was caller cl Meia OilnEen, and on the mhol Uim. lie took from the enemy, at the bat, tlecf Wertirjpn, Guntf burgh, Elrhln gtn, the days of IV.cminir!fen and Ulm, ai.um ma actioas ot AlBecx, Langenso, and Netcrhcra, 40.COO tncn. it.fantrv ai 1 ell a cavatiy, more than forty Hand cf colouii, a grrat number of tannoo, bap. gage waggoni, &c. ' and to sccomolifli all ibis only marclciaad maitruvrcs. wcte employed.. . . , Io thefe partial aQtoos the Jofs of ihe Fiei ch army amounts to no more than k lit I. 4 . ' l . M . common remaikatrxng the troops 1 the ewperornas loundcKit aiuw method if tnakin war lie n"v mskes 01 ufe our )gslniltad,f our bsyonltl., Five lis' I ot theatmf hava rtctr fifd iDtAr.-.uA 1 nai nioTiinca ihcm much. Cut they have l all marched a treat dca, anJ they te- 7 . awtiiiij, wr.cn iney cave riopcl 01 overtsking the tnafny. The cu 7 w,..,,'' army, may ie made two WeUl, It ii wt)nhy bfMMbief. - wMWw - The AuRriao. army nl?y ht conUJered '1 as annihilated.' The he Aullrian .atdlRur; II Cans wiu be fcbiiged to makrrnany levies oX:ecriiti ,,tb"ieCft the;', Ffencb, Army1, vyhJch hai deftoydaA:a"rrajk of one htn dredTthaifaW "wUhyureiptikocing! ten, and theccedend i HoiMilRiM lion of Wttheck' t&cmi ti' France"1' pr'Aliriets c-f;'waKVi'i .-ijia'n iWohtanki'Uvalr)' riV u-tit'eij. and a'briatfe,;bf 'diM'oLnteVf dra- i It iAflerved ihar ttHev rcfervcitilfti ot ihe'Aiiltriah aVmy, coyliiiing iftive' hurw ' Urtd 'cartbges, ta .iakeh, 4 it is luppotcd tiut all theiemainder ot'he' column 'uu'. , def riuci? Ferdinand .is at; iliis inothent 'luriuundcd, prince Murat having'uuiflin'. 1 fced hif ti'tu pnShe'lke ot Aalcb; iid maUifi Uanncs his kit towards Nordlin'.. geh. 'W expwdt 10 hear the lelult cf ihefc manoeuvie't J prince Ftrduiand has now but few menlett. t- . , . Aficran audience",. which the' emperor grantf'd' to general Mack, at iwo e'eiock inis'aticriiooni triarlh! erihicr and that general ligncd an addiiiou v ' the capii uii ton, put porting that Ulm id ult bu eva cuated by the. Auitii garuiwi- oh tbt lay.h----, " , V' . ' ', ' There arc at Ulm 27,000 men, 3000 boilcs, 18 gtnwalj, 'ai.u ' lilax 60 to fc'o pieces of-cannon, with their horfes. Hail the emperors gvatd had already let out tor Aulburgti j out injj-itj iotj- fenced to ttUiain here to.tnotrow, to -e 'the. Aullrian arti,y fi;e clt. ,Vc become 1 more ceitain ctiy uay, mat there are not men cicupcu ti ina niutj , vi io0,6to men, and ihu "cxiiac'iuir.aiy ad V4iiu has been obiaud wuliwut tUuIiuu ot nlod, . ( " ... The emperor did not tlir out of Elchio. gen to-ility . The latLucs and continu al ratu to which he baa oecn expyicd for the prcctdu.g week, required a lhoit re pole. lJutrpolcii not compel ibie vvith the direction ot this imruvnU army. E very hour of liic uay and ii'ghi cflicersar rivcwiih rcportt, and it wak rccjifue H.at the euipeior . towuld ili'uc orders, lie Iccmtd much fai'uficd with iha adiviiy anazcai vt marnui uvrir.ier. Tu.moiiow (the Soihi at three in the aiicrnoou, 27,000 AuiUiaQ fulJteri, 60 pieces ot cai.uop, acd 13 gcucj-b, will pals tilt; ceipercr in ft.e, and uj down their armi. . -r ... . , . The emperor pretents the colours he has taken at Uim to the fcnatei tliev a. on ou nt to 80 ir.ltsad of 40 ilaudi, at which lie formerly llaicd them. It it iupoofid that the emperor willfet out for Munich to-morrow cvcninE.- 'i tic Kufliao army has armed on the lun. tljUh luXttinof thfjrctiiarmj, " LLCMikekk, Oct. 30. The following arc the two capitulationt announced In the bulletin ofmterdny, which were concluded by order clTrince Murat 1 the one being signed by the chief of prince Murat "a siatT, and the other by General l'iu coeneU Thecmpcrortookhiittation.fromS o'clock in the afltrftcHi tolavcn in the evening, on the heifbte near Ulm, where ihe Austrian army tied off in his pratencc. '1 dirty thou and me a, two thomand of which are cavalry with siaty pieces U cannon and forty Unda of colours, have aurrendered to the victorious armr. The French army v. etc poi'ed on the htli-hts. The emperor, surrounded by his lile-gtiard, sent (or the Austrian gcoerals ami kej't thena wilh him enitl their troops had filed oj. He trratcd them with the uttnoU disUnction. There were ffcnt heaiJes the cental la cbitf laxV,al(tbi ftnerals, and Nren 1 lieutenant teencratt. 1 tic tames of the general sad rrvmenu i;i be evn , The numUcr of the prUonm tinea the cornmcnccment of Loatiliurs, amount to (0,000 men, ard 80 standards bare Lee ta ken, bctidrs artillrry, Ucrfa. hr. It la suppand that the cropf ror, aftrr dipthii.c hiiuuiki,iii ciuiipiacTrnittg lor Aug Jburgh and Munich. . , Captha'Knrifftneral Werneck It has Keen agreed npoo twren runrufcal the fjmral of diin, iWJilaid, tMef cf ll ttneralstaSfef hit rotal hithucaa nrinca Murat! marshal i( the amprf,atyil:euitrsat Pm Elclnent mip ?0n the'i3 ni';Wfhvc &UW 5-nlM.'--rfoce-VMr capuuiatiou.. .i ne. jermsfVc eapnuia.? Viaia will 'ndt . 'art lv2 juVjiJ ti-nuitt W: LfcutenaRt'gtneravfWerDk 1 i . II. ... I'll iioiictizui ern, aim gencriti . igm, tvif kk ; ery; oheiifielt'Vyeibtr And Oijfberg; are jp'riontU tin pate vvtVpcrmiifion ife'rtiuihhome.! heJtfiAiVri.vViliittoiV. :.n - MMt a.::--fi feeRtril of his fnileity; the emierte-etahfe t fenthaad WrK of lvly i and M. Xhlit.' efral Werneck, coftvnunder and tha.btr: Uhrin tkti emcefWt tniijeatf the Empe ror pf Gtrrtayr W cdmiftahdaht of a "dm iion fttmys''-.sf!' .', .-t u.'r " ' t Thit tbti bbdrwT tbhifunaet 'fhe-er- Saert of M.1 the lieutenant genial Wernfeck of wahlitod'BirAb'traBet:'i1.!tr .501 Th MisliavK ftttal an'subal ternJ bffittew'hJobe !jiisehfctfa of afj on parole, tffid le s-ehr4nto!ibstriav .;:th'eyeha tage hbt tftiiefYc'agttnist1 the Frcitcli' atateif Or tliatf.thc allied Vf'Ms rrtalestV tbt'trn pertr"W!: kiftgi Kjlprtedn, iititd they fchalt .tttfejtnkM. ;?.: f-t tit . (" ry,1ihc aVd!Vryf wih OKf.cftiisbtist oirvrKiiiuluiHUUIl) SUttn IW BUITeHUCTCU lO French'-army.-.'l fhu.tr t :'. r.tui ;J i" . . ' 1-41 'AH ihe nsjtAftidtbri, sqi'ad roniy bv eHiicliiiiet,' separated frm Vhe body oT'the Vbop" iWMle'rthe brders'Df M.' the eutenan't gefrefal Wee'ck.HhaU lay down invir armsf ami occome prisoners 01 warj subject to tnttdV'ba and '4vK article. J v - " ' OlkrvatidnWktrneiaf Werbetk. " I im- derstand this articleas applymgtd itach troops as belong to the body .under my" own' t'oftt xnarid." " ..;;.!;:. i.'-t. '". . 5. All the "horses and equipages belonging to Messieurs the general and subaltern tff?. Cera, shallW left in their "tiossesSiotl. . ' 6. All this. French prisoner or war at Trotelfingen, 6r other placea otctipied by the Uopa under the tomWianU f M: the lieutenant general, Wetiiecky shall be Knmet diately aet at liberty;' 1 Trottlfingen, srth Vendtmaire,1 ' r 'T " Hth ytar, (loaiOcr. Itt0,) ' ,!; The general of division andchlei"' 5 '? of the general atafT,1 . vie (Signed) BELLIAHlJ.'I . . Lieut, general and commandant of a body ; of troops. ?' ' (Signed) WERNECK ' ' CAflTULATION" -if the Commandant of tfie -utorl iftht Mv$ ' 1 hat of the Austria army. ' ' ' ' This dny, being tha 26 Veudethaire, lath year, October 18), th Brigadier "General V irucannet,' one of the commsn(lati tf the 'Leffnm of Hoinor, and commaffdant Of the CriaUsseurs of the ISth and' 14Ah rvgitrivnta of iheSth'divinton of tha grand Frtrttb arnvf - And M. Locatelfi,' Major of llohenlbh'a refrimtnts of drtttoons. have concluded the 1 1 subjoined capilulaficm, in conse'cjvlenc br"a summons :nt "by M. tle Central Tae connct, lothc said M. Locatelli, (0 came the corps of cavalry npptntt-d under his rofn nund, to escort the, heavy bajgage of the Austrian army to hiy down their as ms : Article I. All the hui.ars and light hor?t, which coruj-oske the detachrncnt t&ccvtinir,. the attiilery a'iTd bMgage of Ihe Austrian army, are priauners of V-tr, and slull be . conducted into France. They thjll there, 'fore lay down.-their aims, bnd deliver iip their .horses to the rrgthienta under the or !dersof M. the Uencrai laucotinet. Autecd to. ' . II. Mesiieurs the Onlcera 'alian rttatnthe horves on which tLey were mouiuid nt tic time the corps was tken. lrh of hem shall also bate the "privilege or retaining a Valet In his service, and their equ'patre kliall be preset vtd. Thcsddienfcha1lrct-inihriref. fecta. One v'ala th.ll bi allowed Tor the Major, and each of the MesVicurs the Cap taint, and one fur ever two Lieutenants or Suu-Ueutenants. III. All the petty detachments c,f Infantry end artillery, turned in Rank by the Ttfcnfh,. troops and closely pressed Ly the cavalry tin. der M. the General Faucennet, are alto pti .oners of war, and shall surrender their can non, waggons, caissons, ' and arms; and Messieurs the efneers shall enjoy the same adventsgts as tlote grihled to the olTtcers of cavalry. Agreed to. IV. Meiuri the tRicers of cavairy, ar tillery, and Icf.ntry, made priaoncis, and Cotnprltcd in the present capitulation, shall be at liberty to return home, on giving Written parole of honor, not to trne axaintl the armiea f hit majesty the emperor end king, or those of his allies, until thry shall l ave bun exchaeged, r until the cohctea sion of a peace, should an exthsngt hot tske placet His royal klfchhtta prince Murat it cqurMcd to grant this condition, which it snh-uittcd to Lis approbation. Done at hetd quarter, at Jlbptingtn, Octbltr II. lint. fSirn.ed) IX)CA1 EIXI, Major. Ti fatticnl ofBriga.hr, FAt'CONNLT. ! STNlII UUI.LEtiS. Kilaihcsv, Oct. if. '("I'll. Mur.ivi. L. 1.,.. !......( l. ..l.L .'. . cd prrr law strand d-rrtts 1 - HK mUMy set off (ur Atbureh at ton this day. We are nov in tSMauon cf sn btcurafe list of tie army which was shut up in b'Ni , It conlted of mrn. tr wl kh 11 I number the JCOJ wouuled being ti'or. tf.r I tital imtmte t 31,0?. There were U I ?.tfnd la the flace, CO plrtet of arUUcrv, M J ..7'