7 - J' - . f . . List of Letrtrt tu& trmaitingin th Pftt-Of- - Jiee at fPtfmingUn, N. C , . Ao HAPJAtN Johjr Allen 4, Joseph Y,wl AluluJotmX:Agkif WiUim Adkasin. - ' ('"! SI .0. John BarrVtJtoftft.Baeolu Captain ; SwoaerBecfcOTlBaitf Broadfoov Cornelius Broadfoot, James IJlalhei Edward Byrty Wik M Brown, WilliMn Crete JrJ7 Captain . Smurt Bunce Amotby Bloodwortln VVil- Bam Bellooni'r',; : ' ' ' ' C. Cameron k .Barclay, James Covbet, enethCampbelV, Mr. Crosbey, Captain Hen-, tr Church 2f Williatn trighion, Mrs.,LU:n prjghton, Andrew Cooper 3 John Campbell, - Jaincs Carson'2, John . Clomous, Charles l'0Z2ens. . ' TX ; James 'Donning,' Jojin' Daufin, Joseph feayt . 'I U4- ' 'E. Miss Mary.t'arl, James Evans, Captain Simeon Eldridge, Edward & Scm. 1 . ' F. Henry 'Fosdick'tar1 of A.'LaznrU's " Alexius Mador Fnrster 2, Stephen Ffl, G. Mrs. Christiana Gibbs, John Gilford, jr. James. Grubh.- : :. s; , t H.j Hook It Ploeurrtb- 6, George Ilal!, " Samnel Hall Jams Ha.ll, Nehemiah Handy, Ceorpe Hutchinson Thoma Hatiey,,Cap-' v tain Davis '.Hatch, Geefff Holland, John Harviston, John Hallman, John Higson, John, Mynes, JoerE:'ftAbB. J. Bartln Jov, Jacob Jmraham Captain Davis Jinkins, Ilinton James, Captain Row lapd Jones Henry Jo!elinU .'! j Captain James Knight- , jj, , '' V;'., Jonathan- Lindtey, .James Larkins, jobert I.vtle, Doctor Larnque. ', f, ""Id."' DanleJ MlClammy,.2;Gc M'Clam tnv. Jacob Mrinres, Captain James Mills Mr. M'Grath, Captain Meager"?,' John" Maret, Marti 8e Bfoodwortti 3, Ca'ptain; Benjamin ' Jvffllv James' Momm, Miss'i Betsey Moort, "Martin Meaner 2v George MUHoch. John t'Alliter, Peter M'Bride, Alexander. Divn caryMoore, Miss Mildred Moite, William "Morrison, (taylor)rMrs. Rebecca , Moore, ' James M'MichBeh?,; '; l:J: . v:' .'. Thomas Norton care of .Willkins Scott k Co. 5, Richard Nixon 3, Ozias -Net-tletontGeorjrr M'Nobb -.1 ; j . , . ! Capt. David Otis, 01We Oitnstcad, Robert Ornsby.I ; t I " -'--.''', v. p.f MosesG. Powers, Miss Elizabeth Par Tilh Aaron Phillips i tv ' , s - h . ' , Q. . Bichard Quinre.'; '. .. .SH. Mr. Martha Rutland, James Robeson. S.' John Shnter 2, Joh E. Spicer, Tho mas Snead 2, John Swan, Edward Sullevan, J ydia Sullevan Ti Dtincan Taylor, William Turner, , U. Henf r Urquhart'.' .' ' r ; " : v, John Valbrune. .. : IV. John Witherherd 6, Kdw.nrd Ward 3c Son, James Walker 2. Mrs. Chloe Way on Capt. Nathaniel Womble; Capt. Fbenzer Wleks, HiiRtt Waddle, Betsey Wool via. Col. " k William Wintate, Henry Wright Nsthanlf 1 Webb,' Mr. -William n tViIIl. Mjor Ed ward Wiriams. CapvElIas Williams, WH . . Ham Wilkinson, Henrr ,Wttm. , ; , -, , u "Jan 14. : 1 JOHN LORD, P. .MV i The fast sailing Schooner Boat ; RISING . SUN, - WILL ply between Smithville and Wil. minjrttMVat a rrfeular Packet, at least twice a week, when practicable. - -h . i The accommodations on board arei?od. . tnd the price for passage if reduced to 75 Cents. . ... . . t 'v-:r ' : .' Those who will favour the snbscriber with . Ihoir ctisiore, tnay depend on his utmost care and attention. V ' - - . ; , . . Small orders, letten, newspapers, ke. wilt be carried gratis . , ROBERT POTTER January 14. ' 3w ; ' :r! '' ; .-Sheriff's Sale; ' :; - "truth Sold on the tOth T'bnory ntxt,' THE Bn'ck -House and Lot in Market. I . Street, now occnpled by-'l hernias N. Ganuer, fo satuly an execution in my hanis, .Trustees of the University against Bliney and Martin. . . . ; . Il.SZAGR0rEtT'r.Shfc ' ' Junuarj 14. . , ' v - - - MMMMMMMMSM A LL pe.rfons who ire Indebted io the efla'ccf the lse lofcn. l3ufwip. bv bond, note or oheiwife. ireTemtefled ,lo come forward previous to the id of March next, snd make pavrnent to the Ex ecutors la Cfh or approved Notes at Co tays negociable it the' Bank of Cape. ear In failure whetecf, fuits will be totnoaencetl wiihou difcriratoallon f. G. WRIGHT, ...V A. J. DF..ROSSETTt,yEVf. J. F7-BURUWIf , J JLivcrpool Salt. ... HPHE Carroof the Birav Miry, frn- JL fiiHnfl cl Ltvmroot Salt, few Tons Co a t. and Bni eiTo a c co Pi ? 1 1 orfaWbv ORES U EURGVVIN. Vilmtrigon, Pec. Jt, lips- . -frw Ofjtsof Thc"iaws of North-Carolina 4 to the year 1803 Inclusive. e4 Martin' NFAV JUSTICE. wsyje hsd at t,h's Ou.ce, there Cktksrf court. Shariffs and others, can be suppl'if d with Blar-km fr.e. hnJvmtlr prtnted 09 tie gint new types and good pjper, al the xnnt rtduccd price ;;yery chep for cash ; rpUE aubscribrt are teUiiiff off iheir.ex A lens'wa Msortmcal of .Goods reduced, pfices t amongil vrbicb re,Sb'ip Cbandkrj, -ordage, Groceries of all kinds, Flonriihip Bread,-PastrBf, Bees Wax, Tallow, Batter -.-j .;--J-:.t ;"r'Ji r Bills on Glasgow or London,- by- ' - -Sheriff's Sale.- : Will U SaUt on Tuesday tki ISth of February ' I Xpfin .the tpwn pf Wilirungtdri,' Un tront-streelj.lNo. i, ioausiya".e'l:i cution fa my hands Ben)imiA Siniil) and ,o-1 thers against the heirs of James Read. , v . - itf&vTbe Lease upl0 the House and. Lot at the corner of Market, and Second-itreets,, to. satisfy an execution in my handi William Campbell against Bepnaul Laspeyre.' ... t-i ; .ii.Rf. SMGtiOV&t.II'j'ShJ, , .t January 1, 1S0S. ' ;; STRAYED . F'ROM Col. 'Ashe's' Catfish plamition', on 'the 16th Dec la'it, asmall Biy Mare SheVas raiwd in Fayettetille,by Mr. fhenias Matthews, and is about' five years oldf hvr hind fet vhite, and tail docked. -' '-' "I will generously rewR'.-d any person for GCIlVCI Illg Iier IU uC in: jiimm'&v" cm inc"intormation where she Vs. o . .,.. . . a . rirv Wilmington, January 7, I80Q. '' ' rOR SALE,: 1 12 Cascsof 4-4 h 7-8 Irish Linens, 2 Do. of 3-4 brdwn,". 4 do. . 9-8. 8-4 and W-4 Diaper, 'f"- " 10 Qqari er casks .Sherry. 'fcLisboa Wine, .8 Pibeiith proof BrVndy, ' ; ,' , 20. Boxes of Clarpof 2 dozen each, . 12 Boxes and 6 casks ofIiaiins,, Currants ' : and Almonds, ? , , . , , : u.. . Window Glass , to by 8 and 10 by ,42, . . , Jiibben'8 Brown btout, ; ,-, Vt: .' f , li it h a Mineral assortment ej . Dry Gpods, Groceries and Hard ware, ; at the lowest advance for Produce or go Bill at a short siitht, by ' ,' good Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1803. . . """ 'TOR SALE : X7 HE'P' antation whereon J Michael 1 . SamDlon. Llq. foirPerlv livea. on Morgan's Crecli in New.Haaoter Coun- " ty, containing near, two hundred acres. : I here are on, laiu rianiaiion aooui 3U a cres1 tide Swamp under bark jrd ditch and liiridtd tmo two fields, qnaiter drained, noW fit for the cultivation of Rice. The upland is well calculated for a flock quar ter, havinc a good range for1 Hogs and Cattle. On the land arc Pear 7iees very valuable for' the' Wilmington rhatket. Ore, two and three years credit will be gi. veu. Ano'ication tote ma!e to tlie Printer of (his Gazette, ,,or Samuel K Jucclti, Lfq. A'omey at law. , Uecemoer 3, 1305. m 1 1 i 1 11 " 7. u tt'iliningttny pic pjl, 1805. TN conlequence of Mr, Sanu.el K, Jo- J. celvn. iiMiior. having frcn the date hereof, an interelt in my bufinefs, I hsc taken the (lore houfes lately occupied by Mr, Inllman;; where the nliul buftne!, wilhfomr ailJiti"i.s w ill be carried on un. 'der the firm of Gaoti ER fr Co. 1. It beintf nccelTtiy thut tny f.rner bufi. ntfs fliuulij be clofed.all pet fn that have claims, are rtqnefM to hand ilwm In for payment; and thole that are in airiarj, to mike payment telVre the lad day ot July next, or lulls viikue inllnuird. .I.N. UU 1 I UK. . if imintfsr, Dtc, yfl, ir.05, GAUTIER & COMPANY. VFFER for file at the flnre lioufei a I ... ' tax isieif occi'P'ta iy Mr. uaiiman an estet.fi8 atTurtment of SHIP CHAND LERY si Bellas DRY GOODS; tad GROCERIES of eery difenption. 'They have received by late arrivals from the We(Mndie. a confidetsb'e otun. litj Ql SUGAR, RUM bd COFFEE. N. E. Ron in puncheons and Bifreli. Ravens Duck, "I Roflia flieetlng, bj the piece Corteo Bagging J 1 . Every difcrlptioa of produce will be i. ken in barter. - Wdmingtt D ft tinier CD, ISO J. THE subscriber hs ring obtained Letters of Administration, at the present County 'Court, on the tUute of the late John limder. on, ihirwwright, deccatcd $ ftivet public no tice thereof. All persons having cltimsajrViost eiJ Esute must bring them in properly at tested within the time limited by law, other. wie they will b barfed cfrtcoeiy4 ThoM who msy he Indebted and Itatt opto accounts ' ww rtipectiffty Be caued upon fyr settle Kicatia all January ntat. JQIIX LORD, AJm'r. Sw. UUdIi msy tc had at the pr1r.t!r.c&icc . . -..INSURANCE. AGAINST. FIRE. Tki Phtitidx Insurance ''Company; ' u j, ", uofs London t HAVING, found the circuitous and erpen tive modi by whicb persons in the U nked States werc'blird to fft their In surance against Fire at their oQice in London prevented many 'from availing thcmselvcsot tbe advantage held out to them by the Com "pairy t adopted the plan f appointing ARents . in America, to da business un thtir btlulf. -lutlie execution ofibis plan, the subscriber thas.bceniapiotnted -Agent for the' Southern JDcpartoont of the United States with full : pow-ers to sign Policies of Insurance jjindins; the said Company and to Settle and pay. Los ses accruing thereupon. - - 'Public Notice is hereby givtftf That the said AcjeU has opened al No. -36f ,' ! Eifstjay, 'Charleston, the Office of the ' PHOENIXTIRE INSUlLrVNCX COMPANY,- For thtSoutherri Department vf the ifnited t ft State of Amerittsj" " .'- WHERE he receives offers for Insurance and on ayrnent'of Premiumr &c; ''' effects the same against Idas or damage by Fire 6iv Ijousei,' Buddings, Stores HousfchHd Fur niture Goods, Waresbfid Merchandize,- ei ther jn Tows or Country, oii thr following Kates and Ltndtuons,'Yi ' ' ' Rates of 'Annual Premiums To he faidfir "ASSURANCE against FIRE,. ' '' '. ' No; I. , r, - Hazards for the First Class, viz. ' , . Brick or Stoae Bu'ddintcs, coyertdwith Tile, Slate, or Metal. .,' , ;;' '''' furnnure or jViercnanciiz?. not . haiaruous ... contained Vsuc'h.BuitdMigs. ' '.. ; V ; ., car sum no exteeamg tl - '"16,600 Dollap i,me kisk: ; ; 'Vf ' Sf'LJ Cents per Xnnw W '1'OQ' 'Dollars, v WO. II. . . , ' J . : Ihxardi ofthi Second dass.'iiir' ' 'Buildings hlVihg the Four Walls t ntirely of. bricK or atone, -camtcl tunnigh the Roof, arid entered with IVoar-Ubr '"iiinirles. Furniture 'or. lercbai:diie' hot hjaardous. tontSinVd in' such Buildmsts; " IlaaardoiHi Goods, . vj. 'Pitch, Tar, Tui-pen- tili; halt-Pelie, 1 l x, Hemp, Oth and Xiilowy in;lijiiWjng'ioftl.e First Class. ' , fjr tU'iis nvt exceeding "."'': " lOfiOQ Doll-iVs itVctie li.sk,' " 66 MtiiUt ptr Annum tv'r 1 00 Dollars, ' ' N6, ni' : i-i X9 t, - sutiarv 91 Vic intra LtuSS, til. BuHdinga conatructrcl. partly with Drick or Stone an4 partly Wii h,Wo) i; or having eitherofthe Four Walls of IVame-Work filled in with Brick. Furniture or Merchamliie ' not' bazai'dou contained In such Buildinc. Haaardous Goods, via. Pitch, Tar, Turpen. tine, Salt-Petre, Flax, I temp Oil and Tallow, in Buildings of the Second Class. cor turns not exceeding 1 0,000 Dollars in one It iikj 75 Ctnis per Annum ber IQO D jliort. No. IV. Hazards of the Fourth Clest.lt. Timlier or Slight Buildings covered with Shingles or Boards." ' '' " Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such buildings. Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch, TarVTurprn tine, Salt-Petre, llax, Hemp, Oil and Tallow, in Buildings of the third Class. ; Tor sums not exetedJng 10,000 Unllars in one Pil:, iCOljlSO etnts per Ann. per 100 DoSars, ! 4h'P in Purt and their Cargoes, SMps BuiUniig or Kepairing aho, Barges and o ther small Cralt, with Goods on board, may be insured against Fire. . , r tit Larger sums may be Insured by Special Agreement. AH Buildings in Contiguity to other hazardous Buildings, or in other re pects situated diadnUgcusly, will be charged at an extra. Premium. The Rates may afto in some esses be proportionably moderated upon Timber Buildings in the Country, or when standing single and detach ed, or attacked with circumstances of pecu liar security. , jrjTallow.Melters.Soap.Makfrs, Brew era, Vinegar and SwecUMikeri, Hemp and Ha Dresiera, Printing llouui, CtN-jtr, Carpenters, CabJnet.Makera, Ctwch-Makeri, Malt-Ilouscs, Ilskcrs, Sl.ip-Cl.andlers.Boat- BuiWrs,Hope.Mkets, Sujar Hefiners, Dis uuers, themuti, arnisU-Makers, lurpcn-tine-Works, Theatren and all Mills and Machinery,, arc deemed extrahazardous, and the Rate upon such Risks will be pro- ponionauiy incrtsseu. CONDITIONS"OF INSUR. : :-' ance. . , ; , I. PERfvONS desirous tojmske Inturanct n Buildings, are to deliver in to the Agent the following particulars, viz Qf what ma terials the walls an! roof of kh Bulluin are cottruc!eJ, as well as t,ht co.iitrmtiyn of the buildings contlifuou -Setctcl,tihr tbe same are ncoipirJ as piiute dweUir.ct, or how otbcrwii where situated .alw, the name or names c!t!. prtseutecoulerf. . Eacb B iild;rc mt'1 be scfcaUl vJinJ, and a spccld-d iniuml, th!oi arid In Itke manntr'a :, rue suta biwrcd 9 tie prrptly f otitai'd OtTftin. AH Msirjfsctftries bhicli coata'n Ftrrmcf, Kiln, Stove, Coiitct, Overs, or '.hcraiit ok Fire-JlVs, arccsTTsMe at aid'ttenal rsus. , -In the Tnsurnn.ee r,r Good. . Varea, ef Mcihandize, the bu'idinjf or place in which " the same e depnRtted1( is to be described, ale whither audi goods are nftbc .Lindtk nominated hazardous, and whether any Ma nufactory " carried on'in the premises And if any person or persons shall insure hi' or their IJoiWings or Goods, and halt cause' the same to be described in the Policy tithcr-' Wise (ban as they Teally .are, so as thesarhd charged M lower prmiun Vaa is here ' in?propoedi such Insurance shall be of W lorce ' - ' II. Goods held In trust, or on commission-, I fe to be insured as such, otherwise the Poli cy will not exiend to coyer such property. . 111.- No loss or damage, to be paid on Fire happening by any Invasion, Foreign Rntmy, Civil Commotion, Riot, or any military or ustirped Power whatever ;. nor for damage done by fire, otcaMoned by Earthquakes or Hurricanes but this companr will make? good losses Tn property burnt by Lightning IV. Books of Aceonnts, Written SectlrU ties, bs, Itonda, laMjes. and Beady Moi nev, cannot b insnred. :V. Jewels, Piute, Medal$f or othier Cur oshies, Paintings and Sculpnu-es, nrenotln eluded iiv any Insurance, unless such artfclcs are specified In the Policy. -. VI. Persona inuring property at this Of fiCeVmust give Notice of any other Insiw tarice made-tlsewhereon their behalf on the same, and cause such other Insurance to be endorsed ir their policies;- in whifh case each Officrhall be liable to the payment on ly of a rateable proportion of any loss or da maged hich may be sustained ; and unles such Notice is grven, the Insured will not be entitledto recover in ease of loss. , VII. No order for Insurance w ill be of any force, unless the premium is paid td the A- : gent or unless a sum ha.been advancedand the Agent has delivered fhis receipt on Ac count of the . Office r and all persons desi rous to continue their Insurances, must make 4heir future payments annually within fifteen days-after the day limitted by their rei aptctive Policies,' orthe same will be void. VIJI. All persons asfcured by thi Compa ny, sustaining any loss or damage by Pi re. are forthwith to give Notice W the Compa-J ny's Agent, and as soon as possible after, to deliver. in as particular an account oftheif loss ordamage, signed with their. owrt hands, as the nature of the case will admit eC, and! make pi-oof of the same by the'rr oath or af-fi-ration, and by their bo ks of acconnts or other proper vouchers, asshdll be rrasonably required and shall procure u Certificate un der the Hands ofa Magistrate or Sworn Ko-. iary ot me Lity or District m which tbe Fire "happened, not concerned" in stjch Toss, jm portingr that they are acquainted whVlhe character and ciTf umstancts of ttie person) or persons insured, and do know, or verily believe, that he, she, or they, really and by misfortune, without anWnil of fraud or evif practice,. have fcustaii.ed by such Fh-e, lon and damage to the amount therein mention ed ; and until such Affidavit and Certificatea are produced, the Loss Money shall not be payable also, if there appears any fraud or fake swearing, the Claimant shall forfeit his Chim to Restitution, or Payment, by virtue of his Policy. 7 , IX. In case any difference or dknnte ih!1 arise between the Assured und the Company, touclwng any loss or damage, Mich difTerenci) may be submitted-to the judwnt and de termination of Arbitrators indilleremly clrtj-" sen, wUouc Award in writing shall be con clusive and binding to all partus. And when any loss or damage shall have been duly proved, the Insured shall receive satisfaction to the full amount thereof, without allow ance of any discount, Ices, or other deduc tion whatever, T X. Person cliuaing 10 Insure for seven years, will I e thaiged for six ears only; alo, for a less number of years than smir, Wdl be allov cl a reasonable dicount. N. B. 1 his' Oir.ce insures to the full a mountofthe real value of the propel ty, fhejr aUo insure for a term 1 time lets thanayisr If required, and p?y for property Injured if burnt by Lightning. For tbe convenience of persons Jiwnj; atst distance from the Ofnce, orders for Insurance (post paid) will te duly attended to, and on) remitting the amount of.Prtmium, hj:. poli cies will be executed and forwarded conform ably thereto, free of any cxcc f Broke rage or Agency. Such persons as may hare been alrrary Insured in the Company's Offce in I.ondon, may have their Policies renewed at this Of. fice, 00 the terms and conditions here of fered. . The Agent hopes, from the moderate rate I of premium which the Company have fixed ; their well known ability to satisfy losus, and their very libera! conduct towards suffcrefa Insured in their Office, that no further in ducement was required by pmci s wiihins; satisfactory security of their property from loss by Fire, to make Intursncetherrf-nwith ihem, ithsn the convenience and facirny cf tftUutg iMurance, secured by this Estsb hshment. JNO. MAYS' ARD DAVIS, .'gm Te fit Htrrit lr:urenet Cvtrfeny tf LsndtlK l'litlrUTi, S. C. KltktoUr, ICCJ. r A KfAM. who is qiistifed t tesd.ch f. dreh the KdSfr.ni of the E f HQl J,angsff( r4 who Tsf decent irannrri' ard good oorstr. Is wanted as tcachcT Irta prUae family, ArfWaiion miy te wa-tc to thf erinr of this Gazettr., WKm'rr;tfnt Deccmbtt 31, 1I05. a n I 1 1

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