; HOUSE OF RUl'UESENTATlVES, f I .... . . &. I r - 1 1 1 . tcr from the Secretary of the Tre&surv. Irani. Hi tjon ijurti for the ensuinir,. year, together? Cyjih statement of the receipts pod xpendi lure of the U. ;!wtt for" ike .jse preceding' . ...... i i i urtm I . . ."'The House went into an ejection, fw' f"KnJai in tK rnnm nf Mir. C.rrift: . M.-.I. i v""'""- -i juautist H4 ivtuuvii j fcr Hit- minated.' r--;.' JiVK'.A'. v ''.declared Mr. Laurie elected, hs having &2 - votes, vw.'..,' - ....,. :...v.,; - - ; On motion of ' Sfr. Sailyi . . , . " Rsoliie&, That a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency, of sa far a mending the act entitled an act ;t0 provide for mitigating or remitting the forfeitures penalties and disabilities accrued In eertain cases as-to extend the Dowers vetted IntW district judge of the U. S- to the, Judge. . vi wic juuiwia vuuru oi me several states and that the coiqinUtte, be authorised to re. port thereon by bill or otherwise. T Commiuee. of. five members appointed. '. fr ind!V fggested the , propriety or charged with whatever respects the lands of .1 the U, 3. and anoVvl a rle for the. appoint, men: of a standing committee of seven mew. per, .t bst styled, A' committee respecting' the lands of the United States which mo itoh was agreed toAycs 51-Noes 31. '' r .-'; v; ;.i' Pecembepnfi '. r. 5.tfnti tnTed he fpllowidg resolal Xtstfocd. That the committee of Hevisal 4 and Uuholhcd Business be instructed to en quire into the expediency of suspending . for a limited time, so. much of an act T'egoUting Foreign, coins, and for other, purposes, as it contained in. the 2d section thireof, with au tborityo report by bill or qthtrww. 'i v ! ''. Mr Alston observed tnat this subject Vat unaer me consideration of the .Committee . ol pevjsal and Unfinished liusinesis wlw Vould probably' soon muKe a report upon it, the re, solution was eMssgreed to Aves 39. ' ' V' C Smuh; Trona ,the.Cornmiuee or Claims, made a report on the petition of the crew of the late fi-lirata PhilmUlnhU .. r,. yorjble to thV petitioners, which rflrr..t to a committee of die whole to-morrow. J, On ihe amendment offered by Mr. Findltfi relative to the appointment of a standing com. fniltee respocting the tands of the' United tates, a debate of tome length ensued, in vhich the amendment was supported by Nessrs. Gregg, Nicholson and Smi.ie;md oppoted by Mr. ftcdinger. .. Mr. , Btiinpr auggestcd his fears, least a standing committee, vetted with the entire buiness connected wit huta public lands . should gain such an ascendancy over the sentiments, and decisions of the House, by the confidence reposed in them, as to impair Jhe sslutary vigilance witU which it became every member to attend to so Interesting subject. , , . rvf ty other hand It was contended that he buii.ess,of the, llouie would oo this jioi'nt, be irrtatlv facilitated hv tha of attnd'.a j cemmlttec, whose dtcisipna i woumoe uimorm, who would from along experience become more enlightened than a select committee, and who would be enabled to dispatch the business confided to them with greater etltritv. Zhe amcn'lint was agreed toAyes 87. The Mouse resolved itself into a commit. Tee tf the whole -Mr. Vamum in the chair r-on the bill for the relief of Thcodorlck .Armsteadj on which a debate of about one . liour'a duration ensued. '' l"Se Lill as supported by Messrs.'Crown hstiield, Smilie, Newton, Alston arid Mac Creery and opposed ly Messrs. J. C. Smith v The opposUion was sustained n the iti ledgtd Invariable practise of the House, to establish ttntrul printipUi, instead of pro vidin,: 5or ?tcM ttun. A a general princJ. p.ft hich. would emhrare this case, was , prndinj before the committee of commerce and Manufacture, It was contended to be mot proper to wait until adccUion ahould be made on this principle, by which provi sion would be opened foe all similar cases, Ly tAiny off the txistlar restriclion on te Importaiion afi'irid which precluded their, adroissioo to smaller vessels than of 60 ga. The friends of the bill declared the case Jo be an extiemely hard one,' and esplalhed the peculiar circumstance attending li. Tbey represented that delay in thia case 4wwild be, equal to a denial of justice, ar.d would, by the accruing expence of demur , .rage wr.Uh fell oo thi petitioner, tat tip the jtslue of his brandies t that the general pre vision alluJcd lo would prt.Wr excite ntucti ,ditrsiiy cf acntimeM. and might, ifitr con .wderable delay, be rtjeetrd. Ilk id riumi r i V.- I. I, f .'.J - aW, allwlio tothertcent flritisb order, fpoVe of item " ei J itrt'f AnV. . 'fltttilj iktir truths icrf Mr. AVsr rtprttfotrd thm aa M pirotiral tt$, iimtd 'b tht kin j nd fnrilCrta(.Brtt'n re tSiarklngthat ht uU call them by to alter barn. ... . After adopting an imrndmrnt for securing Jhe payreenl of the dmles, offered by Mr. 7. Crfthe committer agree! toll bill N 5f t and reported it lo the House. - who ordered It to U eagrgHtd hr i third -Mr, Gregg -withdrew a motion made by. huia"a 'fear, daya since, relative to tRe djis pbsilwn - of puolic lands r'ecemly acquired me suDjcct- wouu joi course go to tmr ataoo ioilaaa-comnmtee.; "r?:- V Mr.aamc a, report, to the name oi the cmwiueef jctiiilm& uailuuei bust ness. -, .rr'.y?'' r :? -"- Cjvir-rT'-v-B it; r'iMt Morrow, presentjeil $ettnn from Francis Messouter,: a native) or France.'sta ting Uiaifroai: aumerous eaperiments Otado fay iMKh Ja the yiciiiity of, JCiiicinnati, m tnie state i of Ohio, he believes he will be able to cultivate the vine with complete success ; tfaatxhe. experiments made have uaued in re suits eu.vai to his most sanguine expectation ; that he believes he wilt be. able to supply plenty ot wines of a quality (ual tA thoe of France, competent, to the demand of the state at one fourtli of the ptice of imported wines, tftauhe fever and ague, so prevalent on tljo etern wateVif isj in his opimoif ; greatly owing to the inability of the people, ftxim the exorbitant price of ytne to consumf it in- cortnecuon with the iJatfj th,at he is con vinced that the bottoms of Ubio are lirfavor able to the ultivationol tho grape as the bill of prance,; and soliciting cither the grant, or the sale on an extended, credit of auction 39, in township if 'a, i range 9, en Mud river, actuation which he considers singularly f vorablelo a vineyard Referred.. i;n v-,f. . Mr. M. also presented a petition from sundry inhabitaftu of Induna,'praying to be atmtxed to tiW sute of Ohio, Mluch wa re ferred. , ... . .;.;?:,:.: Mr. fenny presented a"b4llto" revive, and Continue in force an act totausVend in'ipart the . act regulating foreign Coius aiid fui' O;. ther puVpOses which was committed. V Thi speaker laid before the house a let ter from tlovcrnor Hirrisonrcoyting sun dry resolutions of the legislature of Indiana against a division of that territory, which -were referred.. ':.,; , s?n, s'f-'y- Q motldn of Mr. Stanton, Resolved, that th Cdmrnititre of Ways' and Means be in. atructed to enquire,' whether any, and if any, what "alterations are neceskary td be made in the several acts fixing the salaries and CIMUlUlUClll Ml lilB VUUCblUI'S i UIC UUllCSOfl irrtports and ionuage, "and that they '.be au Ihoi'iscd to report by bill or otherwise' Dccertiber'. -T-Abill u supplementsry lov th,e act making j provision lor me payment, oi cikvus ot . cut tehs of the U. t. en the' government of!. France," Sec. under the convention, of the 30th April,' 110 J, was read the third tlihe and ps. sed without a diviiion, also a billj repwaling to much of an existing act ot, Cbngreksk.de. (litres foreign coins not to be a legal . tender. ' i .u ... ''-'j j . ! warcau inc imru nutc huu ajca wunout a divSkion. , ( -' ' , . ' Mr. Crowninshield' submitted, from the Comiiiittce of Commerce and AlanuUctures, uiu w mwiiu hi "His vi iBftiu ire oain ' and giving bond in case of drawback, and for Other purposes, which was submitted. The bill extendi the time to twenty days i ana uirccis nvc uj bvmicc io dc given oy the collectors, for which twenty cents, to be e- Sually divided among the collector, baval of. Ccr and survcyer, shall be allowed. " December 23. A memorial was received fromtlie mayor and common council of New York, leqncst. ing the attention of Congress to the taking efficient measures for placing the1 port and haibour of New-York in a state of defence.' Referred. V ..... A memorial was presented (rom Samuel lUodett,' representing that subscrrptlous for . 'an Ur.rversity In Washington hava already been made .to the number of 18,000, and a sum received amounting to 30xjo dolls, and ; requcsupg Congress to designate the site with the Ms or land that msy be intended there for, and to rant such other patronage as they may think proper. Referred to a torn mittee of five members. v . : ; ; A message frrra the President, with com. ruuntcatlons rclatitt to the territory of Mich cean, was referred to a committee of 5t I members. ' & m v. m .a i .ir. uavson, irom the committee appoint ;' ed on that part oi the President's message mnim reiaics o sggrrkMons C3mnHUcQ wy the vessels of foreign natrons, kc made a re port In part, aubontiSpg lo letters rtceivt d from the Secretary of the Navy, and three rtkvlutiotis In substance ay follows i- , ' ; l.'That a sooi not exceeding iJO.wtiw'dol Isrs be appropriated to cause our talis and harbours to be protected. ' 2. That ft aunV not exceedmg I30.C0O d"of. lars be appropriated tb tauie to be built a nembxr of gun-boalK'nof exceeding 40, for the protection of our haxtoura. '3. 1 bat 4 sum not ttucding'dttfJbOO dot-) oe ppropriaxea to enable tlit .'resident of the United SiaUi to cause to be built six Tine of battle ship. Kt Tcrrcd to the couiroit tee uf the whole on the atate of the uiilun. Mf.Dawson oVtemd that fa the year fttf lances due by several of tha'Sistcs to the U. States, by which those lufes were thstled to discharge ht balances by tifXnding "a part thcteof iq the defence of tbeir ports ami hsrbours. !l understood that one state had made an appropriation to ihJt, object jbnt it was not known whal Va4 the Uue of the an rropriatHW, of ht had been dwe by other ' sta'ts. 1 ai the ubjeit might teelucklated.' ie ciBtreq ine i6itoicg resolution i fnVi, I hatthtVrtMdmtof the United UUtfs Ue requested to Infarnfthia Hmiaf.' laken by tbt8tatet fedebttd to Ae V States to discharge' the balaftceVduc'jbndcr the 'pro visions of, the aCtthi'-MdfrJuBei-ijiyj entitled an act for tne drthef lfrto of tAe porn and harbours of the? United Sutes.- .Agryedi-v'fT WfWflUv Vt.iiHHiiixj. '. On motion, of Mr. Bid well the house1 ret soWedilseMwi! a eom?nit.ee! f the w-tolei frrtgg in ibw chair, oa the report of the select committee to whom bad be.e.n commit tA the cekoiuUoa rseUngA illiam Xak ion, Ei. ;..f: . t y-. : jr:'i v.The report of the aelect co'raroiUee . .re" commends the amendment of the brigjhal 'e ' sojufipji, o a Q Cfriftr a mtdaL instead of Aperdi and so to amend - it ' as to 'recognise ; tbe'taking of Derne. ! ,. ; .,; , Both amendments were agreed tc go to ,;..:.;,.sv;:..;V ..:; k... .; , Mr. S anton "., moved further to amend the resolution by adding the) following worda.- u By which atchievmeht he has shewn him self capable' of uniting information with ta ieut, reflection with experience, and strata gem with bravery," . .. . ; This amendment was disagreed to Yea 1, Nsya 101-the mover ajone voting for it , Mr. Smilie expressed hia xeeret that on subject that so eminently called for unani mity, that on. which there was no ' difference of opinion as to the meritorious services of mr. naton, mere snouid oc sucb a diversity nit" .bgAiu i lire, iivici tnuuic ,q oe Be stowed. Considerinc it hichlv desirable that the resolution before it received a final vat. should be so-modified as to unite the varying opinions in mc iiouse, He mova the re commitment of it to a select committee. ; In this motion the House concurred Ayes 57Nocs 55-.when the resolution was com mitted td the same committee to which it had been previously referred. "ir. "I TDR SALTS; v Tfc last advices from Evrrope appear to announce a winter campaign under very auful auspices for Austria. -The elector of Wij temberg, son-in-I?wof the king of Eng land, and brother-in-law of the emperor of Russia, k fhro' iht ftmatt infiuence of whose family Russia has been engagedin he war, is ap auxiliary on tlie idef Francer The elector of Baden is on the same side'sThe elector of Bavaria's main army of 30,000 men s Moer tne command ot rrench generals, from piiradrts we injer, that Prussia'and and Hesseswillbeboth mvolv'ed oil the side of TfihUUVxt wftf.""- V Thu mdependentfy b( PruVsfaVaUhy first overture, the -Germanic body fina itself divided and attangtd MnAirVwtitirsnpeEarltt the ;Gallk- and the ' Russikn and a hulc Wand, and once in obscure province ofRome, mm lng these imperial armies, like pieces on a chess boartLIt would seem that the Ails trian stands a chance tote checkmated be has' already 4ont one of h'rs costUt ; and' lira bishops appear in a aad position, as one of the French kings' knights has outflanked him and left him no alternative but to sacrifice, a' ftwOfhisbesjtfttfir. avoa- ' AVe copy the fvllowing' article from Lon don psper of October I i t ' . HAMavtca,SepUmoe'r'J5. "The Senate has exiled from this city and terrrroryi tmder penalty of being arrested If tbey enter them.Rcaisf Suit, a captain of a ship, and the Ilaron de Roeder, convicted of unlawful rccrclting.' Baron de Roeder traver sed Germany to induce the inhabitants of the country to quit it, and seek their fortune fn the United States-Those tinfortunste per sons who were ihtis seduced in the hope of becoming happier, were'echt to Ruben Smith who when he had a full cargo, conducted the victims to England. . u The baron de Roeder received from Rube a .Smith three guineas for every man wbomhO sent to the depots of Hamburgh and Bremen. The latter was paid seven guineas for every man whomhe delivered at Tonnlngen f he received besides eight guineas for conveying each manto England where he left thctn, pretending a contrary wind or want of water. There they were enlisted amongst t!ie Eng lish troops, or transportedto the colonics, or sent back to the continent, if found incapable of service. The following letter is from the mtst. res pectable source t it shews that our commerce with Europe in colonial produre will, lis all probability, be put an end to, if it is in the. powef of British cru'ners to effect it. If the dctermioaiionof the British government here mentioned, should take place, the modifies -tlon of the' blockade of Cadi x and St. Lucar, will be of little a vail.. 'to po, October tfl. ' We have already written you 6f th'n date. Tlie present serves solely to mforrayeu, that It Is gtneratty reported that our governmcat is dcterniiaed to put a atop to al! neutral trade with thecolonieaof the enemy, except such as .was permitted timing peace. - Jt - - - - T T w.-.. . v .1 VI l ' all dealings in augar, c4fl'ie, indifto, ood market, outfit it be tcrtiin tkki will toot be' atopt iby cur cruiiera ondtir I uaKf cTcniiMnoTHerKa so r.uropftrouii they a Wild have beca furtbase 4 in Ike i Uritd.,Uit- . 1 M)V hope yena did not follow up yc;r late 1 ahlDsnerrts ta Knalttiatul h Ma-fUmkKMR : . by any otbeia, as ibry arKI b espoaed obr- ; ! wise to capture by ;x raicrrs, arxt not I almanacks"" for the car i 3P, tor salt at this Ofac ' Apply to''jir DcDUDt(EY:iVCoi;2 WUmingtoiir P4ofaVa0fk ' . V..o-..T r in Tf BP. SAT TV i - ; " HAT wcU'known and ytiuibU fifty ;4. Seat ort Ifjr Shefte abdur thirty miles from WiTmingtotj, Jafe!ie propfTty of CoI. Joh P..iWilim!ir-i.t. :fitui.twi ia.healthjr amt agreeable. ; there tson bf fremHeM twottory fpw?lling, Kitchen; nd bthcr.oujt Houfjea the ft ream ia knovr jo be equal to any in tlieitate, with a fet cf MiUi. little out of repair, the Grift, Mill in goodotdeti The: terms ; of fale may be made known bv application tb Roger Mooret' Sherirbfew-Hanbver S.Vhr ":Pr RobeVilDdtfey; rijcifclittJt, K Detembcr i;,."!:. ' ' ' :, ' ' RESPECTFULLY informs the 1ar dies and cehtlemen: of Wilmington, hd thepeopto In eneraf, at he hai jqft returned frotn ''Nevr-YorV, Wit t jjeii ni fafliionablt atfdrtment of DRY; pOODS ' Tuitable to the feafort, which he is opening ne door north of Mr. Thomas Jennint. in Front-flreer. and' sm fell at re ""jlp'' for Ca(h or Country Produce Wrlmmgtonv Dec. 17, i8de. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A CAREFUL PerfOn sveil acauaiwej with themlinatment of a Rice-Field to overlook about 1-orty Hands. A fifiptf Man wh6 :ah read and write, being well recommended for fobrtety and induriry will qiect with good ehcouragcrhent by io jlying to tire fuhferiber near Wilrtioe. ton. "None but Tuch, at (an come wSl rccommenJed need apply. . - u . . )AMt;y WALKER. Dec. 31. 3VV. ; , '. : Dick's Hotel. HE Subfcrlbcr infbrms'the p'iiolic that he .has ' laken-ih( hn..r. j-.ivn 11c iciiucs tor another Wkes ihia opportunity 10 folidt the cur torn oftravelieri, andotherswho may be alTured to.meet with every .attention txA the' beft fare the place will arTord. ; Thofe indebted to him are requested to cpme forward and fettle their accounts wy WILLIAM DICK! Wrfmhgren, December, 1 7, 1805. TIIE ubferiber . Ii now opening At the Aore of Mr. James Dicitfo. (Front Srreci) the following gdodi which 'havlntf rpuvthsfed fcir ready rrnoney he will fell wliolefale en the lowest terms viz, Oti bale nhor,Dou!aaV' Two fmaUboxei4.4 fuperKnt IrilhLto- .jJ&nenj, ' A'few1 bieceiPlalnl- EU. -twhiic I'laantt, Do. Cotton Jagging, , . , .... Da..fiaxesXUxef, . Two Chcfls young ilyfon Tel, wit' GEORGE M'BRIDE. Wilmington, Dcc-ai, H0)c. 7 '. - , NOTICE.- . .. rpilE rooTctiber having eualified 11 !- llA,rraiilr,rl,, 10 lhe of h lata Williim Smeeton, at the lift count court, requclla all perfom hiving accompli or de. rnandi of iny dcnortmitlon agalnQ ihtif. lite to prefent them properly attefjed for feitlement wliHn the tfme limited by law 1 and all Ihofe who are indebted ohii eflatt re tfqt.fltd to come forward and pay tpe amount of tbelr feveral debti on or before the firfl dayof March 1B06, otherwife fuiti ili he conjmenced agilnft thofe who fail tomake payment, without (fifcrlmlnation. AURTSMZEXOlt, Jim'x. .Dttt 30, i6or.f ; t . ASSIZE OF;lmjUAD f i-iirljn. tn the price tf fltwr . i 4 ii and not over J 1 .and under .1 k.i 5 l-Sinddo. 5 S-lacddo. $oi do. f r 9 ' and do. C . and da. . t and de. t ' aad do. e and do. . inl . . . ibt.aadco. II .11'. and do. .12 11 wf. J 144, ox. la -J 3J $7 SI 11 Ja J., ,a is ...11 , ultthcraMif and hat Weaaurti have Ucfv ' T. IV DAM. T.tU; iLW. uli m m . ask. t