J JAMES DICKSOr T ESPECTlFULLr mforVns the la JK. dies and gentlemen, of Wilmington, andihepcoplo in general, that he" hasjuft returned from New-York, witha "neat and fa fb ion able affbrtment of " DRY GOQDS, fuirablc to the feafon, which he is opening one door north of Mr.' Thomas JenninjS Front-ftreel. and. will Jell at rc: in duced prices for Cafh or Country Produce. Wilinington,' Uec. 17, 1805. - A Bargain. Mill. . TO BE SOLD, nHAT well known and valuable X - Seat on Holly. Shelter, about thiriyT miles from Wilmington, late the property of CoU John Pv, Williams its lituation is healthy and.agrceabler there i on the, premifes a two llory Dwelling, , K.itcheh, and other out Houfes-Uheftream is known lb be equal . to any in the State, with a fet of Mills a-littVbu of repair, the Grilft Mill, ie good order. ; The: terms of fale may.be made; known by application to Kpger Moore, Sheriff of Nevv.Han.9vec .CDuntyj .xr vKObcrt jjoriey, niercnaiu iWilmington. . .-:.- ' -.December J7, 1805. ; , -; i Sheriff's Sale, -4 . Will le Sold, on Tuesday the Sth of February 1 Lot in the town of Wilmington,' On Front-street, NoL 18, to satisfy an exe cution in my hands, Benjamin Smith and o thers against the heirs of James Rend. ' R. SE AG ROVE, D'j Stiffs January 1806. '' ; . . : i.itt of Letterttiom remaining in the Post-Cf-'J; . ; . f ee at Wilmington, N. C. ..A. APTAIN John Allen 4, Joseph, V- Ahull, John E. Agkis,.William Adkasin. -V. " , . . B. Jehn Barret, Joseph E. Bacon, Captain Samuel BeekiW'lliam'roadfoot rnliu Broadfoot, James Blake, Edward Byrd, Wilv liam Brovi-n, Wilfiam Grove Berry,' Captain Samuel Bunce, Timothy Blood worth, Wil liam Belloon. . '., C. Cameron Barclay,' James Corbet, Keneth Campbell, Mr. Crosbey, Captain Hen ry Church 2, William Crighton, Mrs. Ellen Crightort, Andrew Cooper. 2, John Campbell, James Carson 2, John Clomous, Charles l;6zzen$. -' ' "'-'O ' Di James Donning, John Daufin, Joseph . Day. J'-'. : ' E. Miss Mary Earl, James Evans, Captain Simeon Eldridge, Edward & Son. . - ' 1'., Henry Fosdick. care of A. Lazarus, Alexius. Mutter. Forster 2, Stephen Filyaw, G. :.-M-r. : Christiana Gibbs, John Gilford, James Grubu. ,; 11. Uook3 U Slocumb 6, George Hall, Samuel Hall. James"Hail, Neh'emiah Handy, George Hutchinson, Thomas HeatleY, Cap- vtaio Davis Hat( h, George '-Rowland, John Ilarviston, John liallman, jonn lirgson, Jonn Hyncs, Joel E. Hobbs. M- J. Bai'tin Joyi Jacob Tngraham, Captain Davis Jiukins, Hinton 'James, Captain llow- land Jones, Henry Jocelin. . - KjCatain Janies Knight. L. Jonathan LindUy, James Larkins, Robert Ly'.Ifi, Doctor Laroque. . . i'i..M. Daniel M Clammy 2 Geo. M'Clam my Jacob Moores, Captain James Mills, Mr. .M'Grath, Captain Meaner .2,, John Maret, Martin & Blood worth 2, Captain Benjamin , Mills James Moran, PMiss Betsey ,More, Martin Meaner. 2. George M'U.lloch, John I1Aliister, Peter M'Bride, Alexander Dun'; can Moore, Miss Mildred Motte,, 'William Morrison, (Taylor) Mrs. Rebecca Meorev James M'Mictiael. " . ' ' N. Thomas Norton care "of ' Willkihgs Scott & Co. 5j Richard Nixon 2, Ozias Net- . - ' FOR SALE, - f 2'CaseS0f4-4& 7-8 Irish LincriS, Utoh, George M Nobb. . ' 2 Do. of 3-4 brown, ; do.1, - O.' (Pt.vDuvid qrts, Oliver Omstead, y i m . i-v:... . ' v Robert Ormsby. o.. ft. i and 10-4 Dboer. 10 Quarter casks or Sherry Lisbon Wine, 8 Pipes 4th proof Brandy,'" ' 20 Boxes of Claret of 2 dozen each,' " ' ' ' "V2 ' Boxes and 6 casks of Raisins, Currants ( and Almonds, ' '"' Window Glass 10 by 8 and 10 by 12," " Hibbert's Brown Stout, , . . .' With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard?' " ware, at the lowest advance for Produce or good Bills at a short sight, by . ROWLAND CRAIG. Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1805. FOR SALE :, t"HE Plantation whereon Michael Sampfon, Efq. formerly lived, on -Morgan's Creek in New.Har.over Coun ty, containing near two hundred acrc.. There are on, faid Plantation about 36 a cres tide Swamp underbank and di'ch and d.ividtd into two (cdst quarter draiord, now 6t for the. cultivation ol Rue,. The -upland is well calculated (or a ll'ck quar icr. havind a rood ranee for Hogs and t Cattle. On the land are Pear Ticcs very.' valuable for the Wilmington maiket. One, two and three years credit will be gi ven. Application to be made to the Printer of ihi Gazette, ' or Samuel R. Jocclyn, Efq. Atiotncy at law. , Decembrr 3. i8f'5. ., . . jnlmingtin, Dtc 31, 1835. IN confcqiicpcc of Mr. Snmcl k. Jo. eclvn, junior, havir.fi from the date licrcof, an intcrcll in my bi-fiticD, I have taken the (lore hotifti lately occupird by M(. liallman; where the ulual bufincfi, with foine addition will be canicdou un der the firm of Gautier & Co. It being ncctlLry that my former buG rtfi Cxould-bc clofed, all pet font that have claims are rcqucflcd 10 hind thrm in for payment; and thufc that arc in arreati, to make payment before the lafl t!ay of July next, orfuits nill be inflimted. T. N. GMJ PltR. Robert Ormsby i P. Moses (. Powers, Miss Elizabeth Par rish Aaron Phillips r. Q. Richard Quince. R. Mr. Martha Rutland, James Robeson. . S. - Jolin Sliuter2 John E. picer,.Tho mas Snead 2, John Swan, Edward SullevdH, ,1 ydia Sujlevan. ' ' ' ' T. Demean J2?yhlrl5Vj!liamTrner -T-TJ7 llenry Urtnilurt. V. John Vallrune. , W. ' John W Uherhml fi, Edward Ward 8c Son. Janvs Walker 2, Mrs. Chloe Walton, Capt. Nathaniel Wo'mble, Capt. Ebenezer Wicks, Hugh Waddle, Betsey Woolviri, Col. William Winate, Henry Wrigfit, Nathaniel Webb. Mr. Williamu nn the Hill, Major Ed- ward Williams, Capt. Elias Williams, Wil liam Wilkinson, Henry Watters. . Jan. 14.- JOHN LORD, P. M. 1 . EOK SALE. At the Subscriber's CilUr under the iievf Mar ket.Ihuse, . COGNIAC Brandy, Holland Gin, Linseed Oil.-SpermaceiiOil, Green Paim, Raisins, 1'iir.s, Prunes, Pilhehs. Almonds, Vemictlli Split Pease, moulded Candles of a superior quality, and a parcel of Fresh Garden Seeds. F. FONTAINE. Wilmington, Janury 14,1806. i!mtnter, Ott. yft, ihcj. GAUTIER fc? COMPANY OFFER tor file at the llore houfci Uuly occupied by Mr. 'liallman an e'enOe afTortmcni rf SHIP CHAND l.tRY at ell as DUY GOODS, aa l CHOCLRIES cf ever v difcrlpt ion. They hive received by late arrivals fiom ht Wefl-1 rnlir , a confideiable qnan. tityof SUGAR, RUM and COFhtE. N. E Rum in f nnchconi and Catrcli, Ravens Duck, "j RuHia fheetinj, by thepiece . Cotton Bagging J Every dilciiptiou of produce will be ta ken in baffcr WANTED iMMLDlATKLY A Journeyman Printer 7 HO iqualihrd la perform the practi. W cj! duties of a Weikly Newspaper OlTtcc, Tbe situation to a man cf sobriety and decent conduct, will be easy, ceinfutille and prrmsnetu. Al.LMAM) HAL! W iSu.ir.gicn. N. C. J4:t.ury tt, Insurance AGAINST FIRE- TlQ Phziiix Insiftanct Company ' t cf -London, HAVING found the circuitoui and expen sive mode by which persons in thu U nited States were obliged to effect their In surance against Fire at their office in London, preventsd many from availing themselves of the advantages fieltlout to them by the Com pany ; adopted the plan of appointing Agents in America to do business on their behalf. In the execution ofthis plan, the subscriber has been appointed Agent for the Southern Department of the-y nited States with full powers to Sign Policies of Insurance binding the said Company! and to settle and pay Los ses accruing thereupon; , ' Public Notice is "hereby given, That the' said Agent has opened at No. 36 ' East'jtajt Charleston, the' Office of the PHOENIXFIREINSURANCE COMPANY, . Fur the Southern Department of the United. '' , States of America. , ' V-'UERE he receives offers for Insurance,' and on payment. of. Premium, &c. effects the same againsnoss or damage by Fire r Ho'Jses, Buildings, Stores. Household Fur niture, Goods, Waresand Merchandize, ei ther in Town or Country, on the fjltowiiii;, iaies ana vonaaions, viz Ratc "of. Annual : "Preitoiums - To bi'patifor ASSURANCE against FIRE. ; " ; , -Ho. i.; . . " ILitdrdsfir the First Class, viz. Brick or Stone Buildings, covered with Tile, Slate, or Metal. Furniture nr Merchandize not hazardous . contained in f-uch Buildings. - '- ' For sums not txtciiing . 10,000 Dollars in one lisk, 37 1-2 Cents fer Annum per 100 Dollars. , ... ., , . .No.. 11. . ... v..,.:.-.:. ; Hazards of the Saond Class, vis.''" Buildings having the Four Walls entirely of, Brick or Stone, carried through'-the Roof," and covered with Boards or Shingles. Furniture-or Merchandize rot hazardous, contained in such Buildings. . Hazardous Goods, Viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpcn ' tine, Salt-Pet tf, Flax 'Hemp, OiU s.n'd ; Tallow, in Buildings of the" First Class. For sums tut exceeding jO;OOaDollars mOTc-RiskT Very cheap for cash. rPHE subscribers are selling off their x tensive assortment of Goods at reduced prices ; amongst which are Ship Chandlery, C-ordage, Groceries of all kinds, Flour. Ship Bread, Pease Beef, Bees Wax, .Tallow, Butter. Hills on Glasgow or London, by - AXDERSQX U JONES. Jjnuary 7 ShcriffTSalc irMU SM 0n the 20th Ftbwy next, THE Brick House and Lot iu Market Strtet, now occupied by Thomas N. Gautier, to sat My an execution in my hands, Trustees of the University against Blaney and Martin. R.SEAGRQVEtV4.ShJ Jamay 14. ALL perfom who are indebted to the ellateof the late John Burgwtn, 1 y bund, note or orherwife, are requeued to come forward previoiu to the id of March next, and make payment 10 the Ex ecutors in Cafh or approved Notes at 60 dayi, rcgrxriablc at the Hank of Cape Fear In fai'ure whereof fuiis will be commenced without difcriminatlori J. G. WRIGHT, A. J. DE ROSSETT J. V. BURGWIN January 14. jw. iinanun TT, 1 Ea'n. 1. s . A frv Cctiflaf The Laws of North-Carolina, to the year U33 inclusive, and Mania's NEW JUSTICE, may be had at this OlT.te, where Clerks of courts. She rift ara tubers, fan be supplied with BUnks, !c. Iiamttomcry pnntcd on e'e gant new tvpes aud rj(Hd ptr, at the most rcdurrd jiivts In the Insurance .of Goods, Wares, 6 Merehafidize, the building Or place in which1 the same are deposited, is tq be descrihed j also,, whether ' Such goods are of the kind de nominated hazardous, and whether any Ma nufactory 'is carried on in'the pi-cmist-s.-. And if any pfcrson orpefspns shall insure his or their Buildings or Goods, and shall cause the same to be described in the Polity! her wise than as they really are, so as 'the same' be charged at a lower premium than is here in proposed, such Insurance shall be of no force. ',-',; . II. Goods held in trust, or cn'rommissio.n, are to be insured as such, dthei v.-ise ihe Poli cy will not extend to cover such property. III. No loss or damage to be paid on Fi re happening by any Invasion, Forti'nh F.ficmy, "Civil Commotion, Riot, t.r ar y military or usurped Power whatever j phr for di-.nlage. done by fire,, oc casioned by Earthquakes oi! Hurricane; but this .-company will make good losses on property burnt by Lightr.iii-; IV. Books of Accounts, "ilun Stciiri ties, Bills, lionds, Tiiliies, and Ready Mo- nty, cannot be insured. . . T V. Jewels, Piute, Medals, on cither Cttri oiiies, Paintings and Sculptures, uie not iiw eluded in any insurance, unless such articles are spec ifi-.d i:i the Policy.. VI. Pc 'rsons insuring property fit ' tins Of fice, must give Notice of any ether Insu ranee made ehevvhereon thei? behalf on the same, ar.d cause suc,h other Insuranccto.be trdoi sed 011 tleir policies ; in width case" earh tJflice si ull be liable to the paynietii on ly of a rateable proportion of any loss or d;i maj;e v l,ich may be sustained ; and unless such Notice is given, the Insured will not be entitled to recover in case of bss. VII. No order fop Insurance will be of any, folxe, unless the premium is paid to ihe A gent, or unless a sum has been advanced, and the Agent has delivered his receipt on , Ac count of the OHice ; and alUjiersons ck-si-rous to continue their lnsurcucrs, must make their future payments annually within fifteen days after the day limitted by their re spertiveTolicits, mlhe same.will be vt-fd. V.I 1 1. All persons assured by tl;i Compa ny,' KiHtainiDg any loss nr damage by l iie, are foithit1i to give Notice to the Compa ny's Agent, andfcs soon as possible rfter, to deliver in as particular an arrount ofthi if loss Or damage, signed with their ov n hand, as the natiire'of the case wilL admit of, and make prool of the tame by tht ir cath or al fit mution, and by their Looks of accounts or other propervouchcrSi as shall be ieason;;b!y 56 1-2 Cents per Annum per 100 Dollars. No. 111. , : Hazards of the Third Class, viz. . Buildings constructed partly wiih Brick of Stone and partly with Wood; or having either of the lour Wall of Frame-Work "filled in with Brick. Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such lluildings. Hazardous Goods, viz. Pitch. Tar, Turpen tine, Salt-Prtre,' Flax. Hemp, Oils and Tallow, in Buildings of the Second Class. For sums not t xceedmf 10,000 Dollars in one Hisk, 75 Cents per Annum tr 100 D.lars. No. IV. Hazards of the Fourth Class, it. limber or Slight Buildings covered with" Shingles or Boards. Furniture or MtYchandize not hazardous, tontained in such buildings. Hazardous Goods, via. Pitch, Tar, Turpen tine, S-It-Pctre, 1'Ux. Hemp, (hU i,d Tallow, in Buildings .f the third Class. Fur sums twt exceeding 10.0CO Dollars in one )Uk, . 100 to 1 50 tents per Ann. ptr 100 Dollars. Ships in Port and their Cargoes, Ships Building or Htpaiiing 5 also, Baizes and o ther small Crult, with Good on board, may oe insurei anainsi l ue. tit Larger sums may he insured by Fpccipl Agieemcm. All Binl!iigi in Contiguiiy to other hazardous Building, cr in otUr re spects hitUrttcd c!isadcai)tgci:Uy, will be charged at an extra. Premium, i he Bates rrmy alo in some cists be roportionuMy moderated upon, Timber Buildings in the Country, or when M.ifidingM!.glc and coach ed, or attached with circumstances of pecu liar sreumy. fJT Tallow. Mclters, Soap-Makers, Brew, ers, Vmcgarand Swvet-Makers, Hemp and Flax Drcktera, Printing Houses, Coopers, Carpenters, Cabinet-Maker s. Coach-Makers, Malt-Houscs, B-kcrn MirGhindlcrs,Boai-Buildci,Hoie-Makers, Sugar-llefiners, Dis. tiller. Chvmuls, Vnrnish-Mikers, Turpeii tine.Woiks, Theatres, and all Milh 6nd Macliinery, are deemed ettra-har.rdoiisf and the Hate upon audi Hik will tc pro portionably increased. CONDITIONSOr IXSUH ANCE. I. rr.RSONS desirous to make Instiranre on Buildings, arc todchver in to the Agviit the following ptrticuUrs, sii.-t)f what ma terlals the Willi and roof of each Building are constructed, as well as the construction of the buildings contiguous thereto srhethtr the same are occupied it private dwellings, or bow otherwise whrrc siltiMrd ), ,he name r asmes tj the pment occupiers. Lcb Buihllrg must lr itartrty valued, and a ipeeiiied sum ii ured thtrmn imd In like manner aarpira'r sum insured t the lHoprtyefntilfied ihtm. ' All Manufactoriis whirl, r-ntain t'urparr, Kiln. Staves. ('oaMrt. Otrni. or ttherwi.e : ue Firc'llea 'erhir.' t.; rddinri4 i t'rs. TemnrecT; .and chall procure a Certificate tin der the Hands cf a Magistrate or Sworh No tary of the City or District in which the Fire happened, not concerned in such loss, im porting thut they rue acquainted with the character and circumslai ccs of the perton or persons insured, 'and do know, r-r verily Lciit-Vft. that lip. hi. nr iIm- i.itliMr,1L.. niisfortune, withemt any kind of fraud Of ft if practice, J avc btritaincd hysiith l ire loss and damage to the amotipy therein ftuiuioii-, ed ; and until such AHidavit arul Certificates'" are produced, the Loss Money shall not he parable J also, if there appears any fraud or LUe swearing, the Claimant shall foi frit his Claim 10 Restitution, or Payment, hy virtue of his Policy. ' IX. In case any difference or dispute shall narisc.be tweeti the Aufed snd the Company, touching any loss.ofdamsge, stch dillerence may be submitted to the jiulgnieni and de termination of Arbitrctorb indifferently cho sen, whose Award in writing shall be con clusive and binding to all parties. And when any loss or damagp shull he bern duly proved, the Insured sha!l receive satif fanlcm to the ftll amount thereof, without allow ance of any discount, fees, or ether deduc tion whatever. . X. Persons cl.uxing t" m-t.re fifferr years, will be elMiged far ti: jefi rr.ly ; id io, fora Ics nnndcr c f jefiM ihm kevt'n. w in or aiiuwrria rensonallr discm-r.?. N. II. This OiT.rc insures to thr full a- ! mnutt of the leal valuer f the prcpnty, rj ho insure, i r a term d wwr l thn a year if required, j,n(l . Lr trteitv InsaiLd if burnt by Lightning. For the convenience of persons livir.5; lA a distance from the Office, oic'es for lakurance (pol i.aid)Ni:i he elnly attended to, ar.d tn remitting the am6uni of Premium. !tf . Pufi eica will he executed and forwarded conform ably thereto, free of any office cf Brckea rage or Agency. hPch persons as may have been alrest'y' Insured in the Cmnpany't OHice inLondoti may have their Policies renewed at this Of frc, on the tcrrti and cotid. lions here cf fere a. The Agent hopes, from tl.cmofTerste rale hf premium which the Con-patty hue fued j, their well known ability to satisfy lutse. and tl.efr vety liberal ecniluct toward Minefet Insured tn ll.eir Oft'te, that ho further in durrment was required ly rrrv.fs willrK satifitMy security ol their prt,prrty fn.tu loss by I ire, tomVe lniraife thcrer-n wlt!i tlirm. than the contttiier.ee and farlli'y r.f etretiii g lnuratue, srttired by this I'.sU'n. Iisl.ment. JS0VMAYNAR!) DAVI gtmt' Toil flfi lt.-t.n-t Ct ff tr rtf I tm.lr. Charleu.n, S. :. UtOctot.rr, H ii. 1'OH SALE 40 or 50ticrcesoriHtv HICE. Ap;.lyt' Wi'-nlii'toi. f. IH DI.t.V C

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