; WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, FEbITuaR YTwfi IMPORTANT ! XxtrMt y aJettcr from a Member "of Congress '"to the Editor of the Virginia Argusi dated - ": Jan. 21."' " t ' I enclo.. bill brought in by Mr, Wright cf the Senate. It willsenre to shew the tem . per pfsorae of the members of Congress. I hare good reason to believe, that the government of Great-Britain U determined' to use every means jn its power, to e nbar. S'?f K?-iWc toc commerce of the United States.", .' ; ..... In SENATE or the UNfTED STATE? Agreeable to nfil(. -t;r( iv . it r , T ii"t" u" we iota init. ! lM.r y"'?11 ed and obtained leave id bv.f)f? inthe following bill, which wasread - and passed to a second rcadin.-: -A BiUorjhr protection, and indcmnicalim of American Seamen. Whereas, bjr the treaty of amity, com. mcrce and navI?Bllon, -nude betwecn'his Bnunn.c Majesty and the U. States at Lon don, on the 1 9tl, day of .November, one thou sand seven hundred and .ninety-fW, by the first : .rt.de of the .'aid treaty, ft is'. agreecl' That there .hall be.a-firm, inviolabfc and Jnifersal. peace, nl a true and sincere friendship between- his Britannic Majesty, his fce.rs and successors, 'and the United States ot America; and between .'their respective ccHibtncs, territories, cities, towns'; and peo ple of every degree, without exception of per ions or n hi ... aj' T .. v,Fcr r-- wnereas, indirect vi olation or Mid treaty, his Britannic Maies'y e.u t , ... """eq oui oi the' shins 7.". Ul"t ttiim( on trie nigh seas, clirers cuins ofsaid United States ; Id J compelled thVm to serve on a' d hi ihpi of wP of hi, said Britannic M ,jesty, Y.oUt,on of their liberty, and t ihcJ HrSarf ttrance,ofthe government of the s.id'Ui.i ted Stas, contuses, said unjust Practice nd the .eame of the United States W And whereas, the United States ars nemi!, Jy boUild to nrntvn ull .1 I. . , r','k;mn' ,ii 1 " who are -bound Zrf t'SUnce.l a,d UniltU Suiesr- TiKrc. '"''ww'i the Senate and House of th8' a"tmUtI. from and Ucr . day of -"fc,t! J?"1! n,r pcrson or P"vns, who shall nrprespanricamen-on bFd-alsT pon the high seas, or in ny river, haven b-on, or b,y under preteaor color oU Conine,,,, f,om any fJlej);n p0wC, sh' -"chendedor hblVittdt "f" "tJ, That it CUIlca OtrfUk. unnn Ik- i.:..L .. . . . fcV river h...T " " ,ea, 0r ,n a y nrer, haven, Um, crbvt toreiHrlsuch frce by shooting or otherii k II ni des roy,ng the, or ,,:,So m! , r, icprclcmk.Vr. c u. f ... jr,.lfr enatlea. That on Information bv nr rlfrn t0 lLe iwi . r K.m ,1.", ' "vvl"X tuUctonly to OTi that anv ciinn. ..r . . . . ' ,w whosha-hjrt I c Mates, Z , ,r,Jh- Uvn impressed or fofced bv Mdeuc or threat. ,0 ,,r on g nstu,h.,,swfrcr d,.thor.,,yol Co" Pu,ment ty ,hc authority uf uC fi- (.UltllnCUniUll.Mat.a ... . I that eovtriitmriii. k.. i - L Ticr io.s.d and con,,Hllcd 14 Nerve I Ul UrentUird to recover tht same In 1 aowont in any su t f.r s !jti., An , j'' rta an4ninriy.rtfur M,e-rrlU ,.,,. rised, shall not (so far as is neceissry in the execution of thi art nr.lt. k. 1 - J . . 1 . . .. .-..w...vt ngiuci le gally obligatory on the government or citw Zens Ot Ihc United Ktt. . P. Bono, Pis Britannic Majesty VConsul General for the Middle and Southern States of America, has published, for the informa tion of the Merchants of the United States, a Proclamation, issued by hi;. Majesty's Lieu tenant Governor pf the Island of jamaica,Vn the Uthday of October last, prolonging the period for the Importation into the Island, of aheep, hogs, poultry, smalHive strck of ell ktds,- fruit, and all sorts of fish, flour, corn, COm meal. hrpuH. rr trj. .C -u 1 1 ot evt.ry; description, in vessel belonging to neutral and other Slates, in wu a , Biitain,'-until the.20th day of Jun, in the presgoi year 1 806. ' ; '.'j.',-..'. And this furtJier information is given, that the Port of Belize, Honduras, is open to ua lpteroourse with Hie United States, upon the same terms as with the' hknd of JJiuaica, and that permission is"giw.ted for the Kx porralion ot -Mahogany not excijeding twenty inches in Diameter, 'in rettrfh for Cargoes, carried thither". 0 Capt. Garrow, who arrived at Norfolk on he 23d ult. -12 days from St. Thonias, 'informs that 1 shrphadurrived there, one of the Cork convoy, the captain of which states, tharttie convoy was met, (as stated in-the accounts via Nassau) and all except two of three were dp.troy.ed bythcRochlort squadron aftertheir leavinjj rentriffc- . The Washington Federalist says, "The accounts in the papers respecting the com plete settlement of differences between Spain and out- governmentrare not f milled to ci l oit. .We have'been assured that the Prtsi dent h,s cxpresssd his disbelief of the intelli eence anrt fiihir,.,. -.j-. 'l.. ,. . . -. --v. ...m iiu nisua.cnes nave .Oeen received on tlwit subject;" .A'h"I2,."a?e,Ph Gazette-of the mh nit. wwywa UUL 1 ITffnf tTrriMu MruJ. I 37i,tffliw differcen with pairt;' ana ol a salisfurmrv . . court of London; appear to be unfounded." ; r C'PU VVcIs' ("rived at New-Yorkj from tunacoa, i0f0lms, that he Wand of AL. yabout 30 miles to leewardf Curracoa, had Jconif T lM Wfchy.k Dutch oop of war Mbcre were eight Spanish pr ize, at the island, A British tender of U gun, engaged the sjoon or war .two hours, put se veral shot through he quarters, and 'stfc e 11 200,000 dollars : She got v,fe into Jamaica., FORT OrwiLMlXCTONT ,4 n. ?3, Brig Jenh, M'C.lintnrl. w w T n s- n cargo, ,UpBPt rum.colTte U mola,sc, to Kichard Langdon. nriCrAJnUei J'1.C. ,Iammf"d. Charleston Sch r Dolplun, Cox. Annotta ny, J.Tllica P";P' Barbadoc. M. 3,SchVLa,,ra, Rich, Crenutla tain. rUm' & ma""' t0 lhe Cn ASfD C 5rM If?-eph' D,,d,eIr Nesr-York Srh'r Van l Pt 1 r' VI,Lcn ""'"doe. v. ' v I' 1 u"ch'. Charleston t ,7an ' do. BArnv . CtJ- W'. Ci. CoiTte per lb. Cornjr bushel, 1 - Meal do, "Hour per barre'l, new ';" Jiuoptr half barrel, new Lumber per M. W. o. hhd, staves, -io . ..do. do. 0. U.' do. rough Singles per 1000, Molaics per gUon K'm, W. f.pr.t.3dn, Jamaica do. 4lh p. ' N. II. do. Tsr per barrel, Turpentine, Tobsccoper Crt. -10 35- 36 f0 6$ . .7o r 4 13 25 12 12 3 :s 13 13 35-2 80 50 42 SC 40 'n- 50 53 1 1 4 Very chcan for rpllE suUcribers sre selling etT their tI. S Unsite assortment of Vt kt "SIS. C"C &w U'" Tdfcw BUls cn CIasot)W or Ixmdon, bv "Sheriff's Sale. . . ThuX 2? Mlr,. atd .Martin. ! Eotterv Tickets. A FEW tickets in the New-York Stste Lottery for the Eacouragement of Lrterature, to be drawn in thirCity of New. I01L, the iLiixl Tuesday in JVpril next, for .Mic oy... . , LUYD !c ANDE11SUN. r .Wilmington, Feb, 4 U06. ..t."'i .The fine , hew. Ship Belvidera, : - ' . Captiain Hathaway-- i"i:'r'! ;i in .1...... cn n iiimen days.' For freight of twenty or thirty Bales Cotton oh rwir j T j ... , -ryj v,vut x.iiain on ooaru or to . v ... -: ' . . , .. ,, ; ,. 'HOOPER if . MITCHELL. j January 117, 'T(7KiT. T? HE upper pan ot a. brick- Houfe X s coniejr.ot ron.t acd Dock-Sirc-et v",th 8 Kiuhen and Yard to iu F or terms Pi'iy fo tfie f uhferibec. . ' . - .: . THOMAS JENNINGS. Wilmington, Jan. 28. .rrilii iubl'criber is n; w penuig at the vAwt.uf,-Mr.'Jjnnes Divit Ion (Front ileet)te jotlowing j-oods which having, pufchafed tor lead; money he will JtU wiutltfaie on the lowctt lerm vj2l One hala anrlinr T'l .,4 . - Two fmaJI boxtJ4-4 Tcpcrfin'e Iiifli Lis- : nens, . -; A few pieces Plains, Di...vvhiy: 'lani;d, .- Do, Cotton Bagging, Do. Bojtes Ciaitt, T wo- Chttts youtyfon Tei, ..... . G fc.ORG E M'BKIDE. WJlmington,Dec3c -ft to tA, abohtjubscribtr has how i A .nxore gencriil assortment, ." .' Sr.l.' a follows i ; UtoFlNK, Clo(,v Common do. ;A6nfdovv..s,, Vrlyeret. Superfine f . 7- -v" ww. 11 air onacfied Jrilh . wrown do. fvKkot Handle fcr,c. All , wlu'rli U ..Ml f.ll Notes at jays, or in Barter for P,o- duce. . ... . VVilm igton, jMary ao. fi :6 A great Bargain. - FOK SALE, A VALUABLE Tract of Land in the X X county of Bladen, contai;r;u cres o,Mhe n-mh-e-l! fide of the Nor.h vvtll Ciipe-Fear, twenty miles below ra)CMcvillc ai,leife,i, in aDOvr Elizabeth n vh:cb is a r,e iUl:inr U.,r. U td, 30 by 38 fee. ir,cd,rR S,cd and Kitchen, fnulf llm.r. a , ,. v dl t,aKd a,,d in itlliliTy fy f 1 ra on the River. ' 7 r -. Fo,,r ndrcd acusba k Land nesrl join.njc the -bove Oef rite.l Tr,a, whkh mtr T V " tW.wwwi r Tar and. ....sor 1 uiumme. Range I r car lie ai'd hogs at ibis place, is ne.rly. if no, quite as Kovd as any 'in ih ilat'c ' defctipiiou is onnecilTar? a any rerfon inclined to purchafc woulj p.evjpLfly .win, lofeeil. lTlK K9 mjJ be known by appl., ,0 the luhfaileV on heprem.fr,. C-fh or Nroe. will betikcn in paymrn., and poflcir.on Kiv. en any uma previous toiU fiillday ol A- f, , c . M' BOLTON. January 17,, Ec6. FOK AT 1. M Ih, Suhtrjhr', Cllor y.ndt'rtht tu Mar. OCMAC Br-ndy. Holland Gin, Unwed I iPruues, hlUru. AlmoLs. VemiuW Wit Teas. tuuuUL A 1 . i- V'' Cualitr. ari . . i.Vr w UP Fresh Garden "Seeds. Vii;n.,.v t F' rNTAI.NL. - Livcmool Snlr. T fiL f W U,e M"T. con. A Cii.o. ,4 Livtifooi. Salt, a Kr Tons CoAt andKas,, Tomcco PiriT1 forfalaby GILES A LUjU VN VV.lmfngion, DtC. 31, g3j. ' ,W' Court, on tht Etui. ..rn.-1 . UMf S.M Estal, must brin iem m JX.i 1 ho raa be indebted V.l 1 t f ' . JOHN LOUD, .tj. l rc JAMEStDICKSON II ESPtCTJFULLY informs the h'. AV. dies ai;d gcwSemco or Wilmington, .BudiiKpeupV i general,, ,hat he haslutt '?7rn Sf o New-Y with a roeat -audfafhiooableaffoTimentof - DRY GOODS, naleto hfraro. vvhichhe is openinK one door no 0f iy Thomas Jenningsf. 'n Jront-ftreet.- and Vill fclf at xe docjd p, ,cta for Cafh or Country Produce. Wilmington, Dec. 17, tg0f. of Bargain I HAs well known and vaJuahle Mill X Won Holly Shelter, bot-thirty miles Inmi WilmiogtonUtc tUc Vtorhif of.Cu vJohn P. WnJlam.-its fituUu, is hea!. and g,tcabli- ,!,erc is on the prerri.fes a t wo Hory Dwdlu.g, Kitchen, and other out Honfrs ihn, ,. ...- o b jtqua toar.jr.lh the State, with a let t Mi ls a Mi ri f . . -w . Mill in fw,d order. The terras of fala may be made, known by application to Koeer Moore Sheriff v xi:.... n. f ' -.- . 4icw-ijai, over Conn.y, or Robert Dorfej, mtichant, vv rlmii-ton. ' iie!e.nter 17, i&oc;. , 1 w. " Will hi Sold, on Tuesday jhe Wh of February .'. 1 Lot in the tovn of Wilminetbn. . On front-street. Mn l . i- ' Cunon in, my hands, Benjamin Smith and o tbers against the heirs of Jam Read. January 1, 1806. ; " : ' J . , FOR SALE, 1 2 Cases of 4-4 5c 7-8 Irish Linens, . 2 Do. f 3-4 brown, o ' 9-8, 8-4 and 10-4 Diaper, 1Q OiurlrrraaLt nf kl . r i I o n V i V ",,c,,7 wsoon. v me, J fljxes and CcaU !?.;..:',. A -, . , , Airranii Window Glass 10by8 arul io'by 12, - Ilibbert's Brown Ntm.t , . if itfl rr assortment cf i Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard " ' - ware, T. at the lowest advance for Produce or rooj LiiU at a short sight, by b lw iliYMnwtAn TV., ia . . rou SALE ' I 51E Piintllinn I . jhic 5ampfn, E(q. formerly lived, wi 0 ws& & in nr ur . 1 1 ' m . jy, containing r.ear t.so hundred aciti..-. l.heie are iui IAA Pi. .1 . ctcs ude amp under Junk and disj. ,.J u.tyjed into two f..;ld5, q, ar,cr dra.Md.' . now 6t for .l'c cuhivaiion t,f Hkt, -J ha L.i,d U well calci.laud tor a U4k qiur. ter, havi.u a t:cod rart-e for l,V ,,d Caul.. On the land are Pear Trcrs scfr valuable for the WimiiKion n.aikrt.-l Or.e, two anJ three years credit w i l be ten. Avpficatiou t Ve m.de 10 the Fiir.ier oHhisG-tette, or Samuel R. Jjcelyn. Elq. Attorney at law. ' December 3, 1805. IN tonfciencc ot Mr. S4.m,cl R. J0. A fclyr, junior, havir.tf from ie ,u:8 hereof, so ir.tentt in mv bi.-finrf., J i,vo I ! 5 n,e hoHfc ''r - CsspirJ If Mr. IMlnun ; v.hrc the tltul Uifir.tf. thrumeaddtiiuiu, will be carried on un! dcr ik firm ol Ga ut i i r $c Co. It being i,c cclLrf ilt my forn.e, bufi. ntfi lhouid be ikfed, all peifor. ihai l av claimf,are ittjutOcd t,i(id ,hn ln Hf Pytnent ; and thofc that are in arrr.M. in male payment ttloie ile laft dJy tf July ncii,orfoi.s will be ii,flii.r. 1 T.N. AU'I ItR. . W. till, ihcc. CAU11KK (J COMlW UrrtK lorlf!e .t ,yt (lc M lately cciped tr Mr. H4im, , lei liv aH.'rttiert r .SHIP CI MUM LhkY.s wtl,., I)HY GOODS ; I fry have irctised by li-c artists from .U We.1.1 ndiet , a confi-lct shtj Vj fof SUGAR, RUM .,KlCOf ?tE. ' ik? ' r t " Lao i ! A JotirncyinaiT-Printer vv t si .tu.u. v, v . . : f i - t . V 1 :i r (3 .y i A- l' (5. ? 41 3i 1 1 "2 I , ! ) 1 l Ml 1 dhrr,,.r,u ALl.MAMl MI

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