. - IMPERIAL !)ECRr.E, , At the Palate of Scncsnbtun Nov. yS. : N a polk, tniptVor f the Freucfi' and: - kin of Italy. " We have decreed and do dfereeas follows i Title I. Of 'th gyvevnmcnt aud ad tniiiistraikmnf Austria. ' . Art, t. There shall be a governor general A and inrendaiu general over the provuJceof v Austria. :-...; '"'''. Art. 2. There shall be a commandant and in'endanl for , each circle, which will make five commandant and intentfants for Upper Ustfia. and four for Lower Austria. TitLk. 2. of the governor and intendant general. " . ; Art. 3. The governor general : and inten danrl general bhall reside at Vienna. . Art. 4. The governor general shall be char god with whatever relates lo the police. Art. 5, The intendant general shall be ' charged with whatever relates to the adminis tration The commissaries of war and in spectors employed in the Gnances and for tire army shall be under his orders. Art. 6. The -pens d'armerk, the troops j of the country who serve in their places, the r.-gencies, tha caotains of circles and the burgomrnters, shall be ii;ider tha orders of the govjrnot? and iri'.en lant general. ' Art. 7. . rh " flpttr rtT I hi i.ivtnAii nrt.l . ittffndan' grneral shall be to arrest' straglers and put ap. end to irregularities in the army. 1 Art. 8. The governor and intendant ge n nl shall ooperate with us. V;-t. 9. The general of division, Clarke, i a: j rVmrH iivernor reneral of Austria. An. to; The councillor of State Daru, is nominated intending general. , , Title 3. Of the cimmci'ilants at. I Intendanti 'of circlet. Art. 11. I he commandant and intendant of e tch circle, shall reside in the chief place of the circle. " i Art, 12. The cownnmtants of circles shall correspond with the governor' general and sh-dl he wndt-r his orders. They, shall ulo correspond with the etat major-general. ...... M .1 . irt. u. mc miemiann oi circles snail cor respond wiMi the intendant general and shall be under bis orders. '' Titlk. 4. Art, 11. The major-general ,ijall to-morrow present to us, the comman dants of all the circles. He shall at the sum time, present to us the intvndants who shall be chosen fVftm amongst the inspectors or sob inspectors of reviews , ri. is. Ah soon a Stiria, Carinthia, and " Ctrniola -.hill be taken possession of, there a'. all h'J givn them commandants and inten drl, of circles, wio shall correspond with the governor nudiutendarit general of Austria. (Signed) . . NAPOLEUN. By the emrrnr. The Sseretay of State, (bigncd) ; D. H. MAKET. TWENTV-FIFTII BULLETIN. Sihienbrunn, Nov. 15. Prince Mural and the cotp of Marshal -L'uMes, yesterday overtook tiie Russian ar lj.y at llollsbrunn. A ttktrmisii of cavalry took place, but the t".?.iy i.u iwJiattly abandoned the field, icivnig luj jagg.tgo waggons in our Innds. 1 lie e.ie.n .wid a Joe led a junction, and wliciiau Au-trian flg of truce advanced and re. j iuitd p.i ;tisuu '.r t.ie troops of the K .tv-tor oi Germany tosepcrate themselves fi die Kuitaiii. 1'Ucir req'iest was ac- Clued to. ."shorti after, the Earcn inttirgr rode, Ai i-uv-camp licner-1 id his Majesty the r.iupjiorot bit t.ie Kimus preset, cd him s.;t al the advanced' post, ami wfltrrd lo ca ji.niUte for the Kimiati army." Piincc Mu ni imctided to CJU'wnt to it, but t.ie F.r. lc ri ol l'i"4ucc dtd not approve of lit Cdpitujj. ti i. ' Tne hmptror did not v;ivlus ton iinl to it, Ucduieihik capitulation is ft kind of treaty, f r the fuliiliuti.l of which, Mr. Viiiuuiterode ilia not 'shew his powers from the Emperor of Husia. In the mean lime, his Majesl), on ordering. his miny to march, declared that ifjiie Ku.Dciur Mcun. tier who was in the ncihtMKhood, thuld a ree to a capnuUtiou, tic was ready lo raiily n. . fieneml Vialannts, corarnanding the ca valry f MaihalDaf oust, nsd tnuied i'les Lu., Utn. Count de Palssi, hat written a Icttvr, to which Marshl DavouU has rc tumcd a answer, i Uc two Utt.rs are sub joined. A body of 3000 Austrian have intrenched ! .thrmtclvit in the pnaii.oii of U aldciuuncl.en, o i the borders of liohemi Gen. Uaragu sl'ltiltiers at tie lirad of three battalion cf demounted draKons, marched against that corps, whitli pretiiuivly abaodoticd their; post. Marshi.1 Ney lusbctn appointed to take fKsuon of the Tyrol, lie acquitted tim svlf with his uual intrepidity and sagacity, lie turned the fort cf Scharnitx and New siuik, and soon nude himelf master -if Ihem. In this effuc he took 1190 men, s'jhd of colors, and 16 CclJ pieces. , Un il.i Hh at i I. M. be made bis entry if loiprucl. lit there found an arcn diid with artillriy, 1 6,CJD muskets aud an immense Uin"ny of powder. The same cay he enured jlalle, where he alo took possesion if a large and very Valuable maga. tme, of which he has not gitin an inrtMf. iy. The Archdbke John, who commanded in the Tyrof, escaped by the way of Luth. suL lie ordered Colon si U ddirer the r.ijjaVoe iritis the binds cvf the Trench, 4ntt to it torn rue nd to their totrwsity 13P0 ikk vLo iters '. lofpruck. . To all these glorious deeds, has beenjidded & scane which hs touched the hearts "cf alt the soldiers. During thejastjvar, the 76th regiment of the line, lostTtwo standards in the Grisons. : This loss has been for a long time lamented by that corps. These brave,, men knew that Kurope had not forgotten thfir misfortune, though it could noi accuse thent of Vowdrdice. The Standards, Ithe subject of such noole regret, have been l'oun I in the arsenal of Inspruck. One of the ofli- Lprs recognized ihera, and they were imme- eiaieiy surrouudeu Dy the soldiers. When Marshal Ney restored them with the mual cere'monjes, tears tick led down the cheeks of the yetef an soldiers. The young cou scripts were over joyed at having assisted in re-taking those standards," which were wres ted from thrr brethren in urms by the vi cissitudes of war The Emperor has given orders to have this affecting scene comme morated bv an emblematic engraving. The French soldiery , entertain for their colors an attachment bordering on veneruion. ; They regard them with the same affection as a present from the hands of a mistress. . -General Klein has made an incursion into ma uiviaiuu oi uragooiis. ye every where observed the Russians to.be held in detestation. The depredations which they commit, cause the loudest lamentations. The. irruption of those barbarians who have been invited by the very government itself, .has almost erased from the hearts of the Austrians all affection for their prince. " We and the French (say the Germans) are the children of the Romans; but the .Russians are descendants of the Tartars,. "We liad a thousand times rather have the arms of France again . us, than such allies as the Rusian3 with "us." At Vienna the ve ry name of a Russian inspires them with horror. These hoi des of savaeres are not content with pillaging for their subsistence," but they curry off or destroy every thing. The poor peattait, whr pissessea nothing in his cottage but his rags, is even , robbed of them. The rich man, who occupies a -paliice, has no hope of appeasing them with his riches; they plonder him, and leave him hereunder his naked roof. . Tin., without doubt, is the last time that Europ- will invite to her p otcci ion such dreadful allies. Hut should they be capable of doing so a?ain, they will have to pay them tor nlling cVvn their own dominions. For a century to come, it will be impossible for an Austrian Prince to introduc e a Ru. aia.i army into his territory. It is not to be supposed that there are not in these armies a number of well educated officers, whos- man ners arc 'mild, and whose unders'-ambns are enlighiened. In speaking of the army, we a.' wa s allude to the habns oflhc soldiery. CAPITULATION . Proposed bjTthe Russian Army. It has bv'cn agreed between the General of IVivi.ion. Uclliard, chief of the staff, provi ded it shall receive llie sanction of his Serene Highnes,. pri'ice Murat, Grand Admiiyl, Marshal of the Empire, and Lieutenant of his M ijesty the Emperor of the Fimch and King of Italy -and M. the ilarou de Wint zinijerode. Major General of the Armies, Aid-de-camp it his Majesty the F.mperor of all the Rusias, provi Ird it alull be con firmed by his Majesty, v z. There shall, from the signature of the pre sent conditions, be an armistice Vrlcrti llie corps of the armv uuUcr he onlers of his Migiine.s Prir.ee Murat, and the Russian ar my commanded by the General in Chief, Couut de K'iuhow. The Russian anny shall q ill Germany, anJ immmriliately commt .ce its march by ' t:ie same rout 't.-fonK in tnterm it. In which case Pnncr Murat cousents to sus pend his march into Moravia. The present conditions not to luve effect until after having received the rat.iictn.n ol the Emoaror Napoleonl In the mean time the Ruj'un army and the orps of Prince M irat,h til remain in the positions tihich , they at present occupy. n llie event of their non-concurre nre by iiiv i mm , ijur nuvira noiiwe klull Dc KlVtn previous to the breaking of the armistice. Dm- at IlolUbrann, the 1Mb Nov. Sifitud AU(K 1111.1.1 RD. Gen, of Division. Chief of theStalT. WIN TZINGERODE : Aid-deKstnp Gcueral. i!!;0!aie;ii N0U10LK, February 20. ', A gentleman of veracity in this place, In-forme-! us yeterdy, that he received a Ut ter from a member of congress,, stating, that dispatches had been received from aur tninivter at the court of London, tepresanting that the British government was much more friendly than berctorore.' ' 'A Utltt from agsnltcnjn the Jtnt rcsfteta. ttilitj m Litbon It a mrrthant in thit forf, Jjitd tht 2 III of Uitjmitr, arJuint ihi Jd liig i u We have no farther neirj here lhan the continued triumph of -the French arms In Germany-after entering Vienna they stilt ! pursued the enemy, and the Lmperors cf ! R-mia and Germany Uvt retired as far as , t rarow, n I oland, in conseouence or a great bat'.hMost by the allies at At, near Bruno, In Moravia." IThe above ippeartocorrtipond with Mr, Adams'a tccounta under the Baltimore head, nd to be contidcrtdU dirett and tor.tlunve t'irr to that from the Ioodon Coyrict 1 n shew the number i.f trjwp France liable to raise oe any emergency, the tdlowtrig ilratl U a letter fiwm Marsadlee la tiveiu da'edNov. 2, 1 805. TLrlowo t,f Mint I!ti it t fanish ht Its quota, if necessarJ. 10.000 trtMs-n. ar. jj et t hirtweveti concriptsouly have been de- wanucu Dy uuonaparte tor Ibis year or the warby his regulation of ihe lih of Oct." CHARLESTON, Feb; 21, 180. Captian Hudsow, - frqm the Ctty of St. Domiiigo, informs us that two French ships of the line and two frigates, had arrived at t1,fr . a i a l . i jon iiu tanaeu 7uu troops ; and that i they remained there when he sailed. In co ming out of the harbour, Captain. II. saw 10 ships of war to windward, but could not de termine of what nation. These ships were roost probably the British squadron which touched at St. Thomas on the d.inst. February 24. ; . Captain Ehlers, arrived on Saturdsy, sailed from Lisbon ori the 1 4th January ; but bring-no news of importance. . . few days before captain Ehlers sailed, a fleet of 36 sail of English merchantmen from Oporto, under convoy of three men of war, left Lisbon for England. Eighteen sail of Swedes left St. Ubes the same day, in or der to take protection of the convoy but the Ilevt- flatf- all fV,. U . i 14 j)VCuC5 rciuniea into poif having seen several sail of arnied vessels, which they suppusetwere French. It was reported at Lisbon; thatuhe English mer chantmen were all taken-This again was con tradicted ; but it was added, that another fleet from the Mediteranean had certainly been captured. ' .... TimtSt , WILMINGTON. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1806. the following is . from the Baltimore Tele grapheof the ISlhult. By the late a'rilals both to the northward find southward, as well as at this port, our European aavices ere brought down to the 3 1st day ofDe. cember. The latest we are now in psenion' of is the verbal information communicated h cap. tain Adams, who arrived here last Saturday, from Lisbon, which place he l-ft on the 1st Junuarj. II, pertUts in the correctness of his detail, which in substance is, that on tu last of Uscevtber, he saw at the Swdhh consul's ffiet. official bulletins of a continued ac' ion between the trench and Hussions, that lasted aith smalt in. termisston for tigUt days, and terminated in the total dismemberment and destruction of (he Rus sian army. He says that the accounts stMtd,. siuvely that 40 000 laid d.wn their arms, after i'ipuh:t-ngfjr an uninterrupted return to their ovn cjumrj ; and that 20.000 attempting to ford their nay though the French army welt cut to picas Now let us contrast this account with ow advices from ether parts of the continent of Ivrope. 1 hose from Li.gland mrt to the Wthof December, and gives accounts of battle -j fjught wit h vanout success, frim the 2d to the iih if Vccember. Jn general the tide of Victory in thest detail belong tithe Russian A., . w .i... v.. Uff far from aenyinp. all we mum in ;r.l s far as they go.fhry confirm the accounts by caput AdamtA Litis, however, a t other tu. . .VU1 M.mji.w:, mas ine Wttisn Uovirnment should rW remained silent if the success ef their MlJiet wjs so triumphant, -atsrt forth in the Londvx morning prints Formerly we wot ft. vored with an Extraordinary Catette, if but a sinjf.etost or tn.lim nAnt vcr the French ; but now, although their Us, tnyrgemem ts stotea at 37,000 men, we have neither on extraordinary, nor not even en ordinary Gaxette . the accounts poutively state, four days cf those iattlrs Mentioned by Adams," end to far corf mt them; although the termination tould not be known at tht date above mentioned. Let usnno tract our vie ti the detail jpvtn by tap. taut Decost. wht aniwd fr0m Rotterdam, at Chart, ,ton ihe Blh of library ; kit advices bring .our eminent al news to thtlQth tf DtiembJ, 4iid positnriy.stjLt, thatct that time in Holland, adv eesfrom the ecnter.dmg mitt in Moravia, state, teve't bjtt'.tt rf many dan continuance, which full terminated in ihe arms of France bring signally victorious. Now if those various arewtt art contrasted ruth emh other, en cannnol avoid bet eving thut captain Adams's a. count it correct indeed a f,v dajt, will, in ell probability, clear uo tht aLulit tLt t - "wvm wfw trtry ttrton't mind, at they mcy be variously cf. fectei. . In tht meon time, this UttU statement t ffjctu may tent to bjing tht tubitanct of all our late advice t into ore general tuv. Ine .Secret ilUfor purchasing the FWWas patted ihe Senutt on Friday tail ; and vat tar. tied by thet tttttt tommiltet to the Jrtiidett on Monday, t Washingtoa Federalist. ew s SiMieV Turii. tsq. Isippo-ntedCoUcc. tor for the Port of Charleston. miCES CUR RENT- B ACON per ICO lbs. Cotton per lb. Coffee per lb. Corn per Injihtt, Meal do. Hour per tirrelnew Dirte per half barrel, new Lumber per IL W. o. hhd. atave t, H. o. do. do. do. W. o. bl. fin. rough Shingle per I0W, . Soisr ptr cwt. Melastet per gallon Rate, W. J.pr.f. 34 p Jimica do. 4th p. 1 N. 1 do. Ta.r per barrel, Turpentine, . Tobatcopetctt. Wiixtitcme. tils. Oi. Dlt. Ct. 10 It so 3 f.O 7 16 45 To 7 4 13 3S 1) II I 10 is ia TI-.2 It r 42 10 CI CO' I -40 I 7S-4,-$ TO The it solution inttrucf'yg the president i3 negotiate with GriauSr'ttai'n, was. ted t in the Senate of the United Slates on tht Uth uA.23 vsnttol .. PORT OfvJLm"inGTON. , Enterid . ; Feb. 25, Ship, Minerva, Leng, . , Liverpool with salt antt-coiil, to Giles & Utirpwin. Sch r Mercury, Kelly,. x St.l homB$ with coffee, cocoa', fruit & wood, to tho' master. , ' 26th, hch'r Polly, Selkw, Provincetovt n bloop BoWdoiu.HV heeler, St. Croix With sugar, coffee & rum, to master. ' 28th, Sch'r Betsey, Foster, ' " Baibadoee Sch'r Ann, Woods, Halifax, Nova Scotia March 1, bloop Carolina, Hall, Charleston 3d, Sch'r John Adams, Lewis, . St. Tbomae'- with sugar, & coffee to T. N..Gautier and .Company. Cleared, &b. 25, Sch'r Rambler, Crowtll, Sa!em Sch'r Harmony Tobey, " Philadelpcisi ' Brig Friendship, Taggart, : New-York Brig Nancy, Moody;: , Dominico 26th, Sch'r Venus, Oliver, New-York Brig Harmony, Farnham, "Boston Brig Speculator, Little, Bristol 37th, Ship Belvidere, Hathaway, Dublin Sch'r Kennebec k, Johnston, Tcbago March 1, Brig Juno, Purkins, Tobago Brig Betsey, White, St, Croix Sch'r Doris, Mullet,: Trinidad 2d, Brig Marmara. M'Cliritock. St. Vi.H entf Shjp Royal Charlotte, Brown, Plymouth. Kng. . Y - . and a market Captain Leng from Liverpool spoke m'lat. long. o,.i m? tlenjan.in, Hall, of Savan nah Jj-f.m Charleston, out 2 days all wtll. Lat. 31 SO, long. 73, Sp0ke the Rattkinaiiei Charles Bisant from Fclenton,out 3 days. t Captain Foster of the Sch'r Betstv, spoke in lat. 20, long. 65, the ship Ccorge, Gieeno, of Portsmcuth, fioni Demarata bound to Portsmouth. . Selling- under first cost. ."THE subscriber intending to leave town in A a few weeks, informs the public thut ho is now sd'.infr the remainder ol his extensive assortment of Dry Goods. &c. under fimt rpst, fortash, atlhe s'toreof Mi, Dickscn in Iiont-sircet. CFORGE M'FRIDE. Wilmington, Mttoh 1. nllE stbwriber inh.ims hisfntrZTnd 1 the pui he in gtneral, that lu a tuktn the shop adjoining Mr. Jar. b Har man's at the coiner of Front and Dork-tiifi, ...i It l as for sale Grid W atth Seal, and Key,, Breast Pins, Far Drops, Fit pti I iiisFac- cycommt, rocnet roi,kr, bh k lead lVrwils, Stgar Boxes, Raiois and Razor Casis, Gilt Watch Chains. Seals and Ktj a. Nathnniil Dana, jun'r. N B. . Watches cleaned and repaired it usual. . V ilmington, Feb. 26. NOTICE. rt.--r.,i.r..!i i nr luiuLiincr renuei i n II l 1 v jaj IIVIU on .or before the first day of April mxi. These to whom he is indebted will receive payment on presentment .ol their accounts pi ot-eily authenticated. G. W. Nobe. Wilmington, March 4. 2w SpringOiillJdcmYl aC .- ' "TflE pnbhc are 'mformcd that the Acade. . x niy is now open .'where Youth will be taught Reading, Writing, Aruhmrtic and I.ngh-ih Grammar at twelve dollars per year. Also, the Luiin and Greek Languages and Geography, at sixteen dollar per year. The subscriber will engage toward ll.owj who wish it, atforty-eightdollaiapccycar. 6w JoftrphKliot.. Taken up and comniUtec! to la'.l In this town, on ihe 3d initant, a Nero Man who calls himself Jack and says he be. longa to the estate of Peter Mallet., lie it Guinea horn, very amall and appears to be tween 4J and 50 year old. His owner it re piested to come and prove hi property, par charges and take him awav. - Mo&s M'KVtlicin; Wilmington, March S. Itrp ON TutfJiy the 15th day. J April rtt, will be let tut it public cn due to the lowert bidder, at ihe Couiu Houfe ia Onflow County, U liuildip' cf atrofi New Riser, reitly oi po Ce Onflow Court.lItMife. Ti e c ondu Ion cf rivrr.ent and U plan of ruildlng will jc fully raids known on the djy 4,1 111. IXMUEL DOTY. V (ICIIARD WARD. I CtrmifTooeh. WM. MONTfORTj Oj.Cjw, Feb. 31, iBc-rj. j0 I 'OR 5 All ""7" C0,000 roitntlftl Cypres Shingles, drawn ind joihln'i. . , C to (CO Rermuda Stone, SCO lect Black Walnut, Awlrto , JOIiN MACLVLIA. Wiaj- jrtonjJcU. iivb, Uui. . 111 its ma- a Kii,h.i

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