JTilmington, jfarth 3, 1 606. Gautier & Co. Ksvt just received from JVetJ-Tork, an addition -to their Ship Chandlery & Grocery Stores, which mikes their assortment extensive. Madeira, Sherry h Claret WineS , . VS 9UilVI aafcj Shrur, iioI!una Giot Cogrnac-Brandy Loaf and Muscovado Sugar f IKmin. li.npri:il nnrt ?n,,rtinr(r TV J,-'' -i S. w Iu.ineg Clokts, Cihnaifnon J? ace and ground Ginger . Aipice, Pcpucr . kuids ' ' iV .Molasses Chocolate, 'Gun PoWdcr $hot Bar and sheet Lead, ' . ' Zj , -,' AUu in, brimstone , Mould and dipt Ciidle3 ' r Copperas Glue .. , 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Wndow Glass "While and brown Soap' ,- 'Cast iron Ovens, Pots and Spider Mustard in bottles, . . ' Sweet Oil, Olives, Capers, Anchovies -Salt Petre Spanish Segars " . . Sheet and cast iron Tea Kettles1 ' ' Looking Glasses,. , Russia and hugliin Canvas ' Ii'dvens Duck, Russia Sheeting 'Sewing 'Twine and Needle Sheathing Paper ' " Ditto Nails- . ' . Bar Iron, Nails of all sizes ' 'Cordage of every description ' ' "' " . X.vt:xc and small Ancttors "- ' r 'P.ii;it and Lamp 0 ,1 ' 'Flints dry atid gi aund in oil of all kinds 'lllack and bright Varnish ' .' V'erdi'irreise . o Charuof America Sc West-Indies in general Nauucui F.ook.8, Quadrants, Spy Glasse Log and writing Paper Serving and caulking M:rtlets ' Single, double and treble Blocks Sheaves ind Pin Hooks and Thiinblei assorted sizes , Honks .- ditto ; . Marlyi Spikes, Boat Hooks, Cuulking Irons . ScuDoer und Pumo Natk .. - - Trucks r Upper and lower Pump Boxes Hand Pumps, Pump Leather Lampblack ' Deep, Sea and Hand Lead Lines and Leads L?, Fishing, and BonnetLines Ihrpnons, Grains, Tormentors, Ladles 1 inder Boxes compleat .Binnacl. and other Lamps Sand Glasses from 14 seconds to one hour' F.nM;nis of different sizes Bunting of all colours .. .Tmmpets rf different sizes J'urn and Tin Liiiuc:ns Sirnal ditto J i ir tirooiTis, .Cloth "iiik'its Mops an J linr.dlcs -Long r.d shut l h.ndltd Frying Pans L.i Kttl iron and wood hurv'led Scr.'.pcrs Ours r,f all siz' . Hand Spikes IIi-hm nnd wood Com panics Grid J-nns " ' , Hon and iron Coffee Mills Hanfc,' Tin I'o;s, Hatchets, Pimp Hammers Palm Irons,. Wanted 1 rinks , 7?.iir hao( dJ.'O on hcr.i An assortment of Dry Goods Suitable t. the cpp'tHkhing ifaiou amlgtntraU If hot a larg wtytj cf Fork, Tteef and llour, m barrels B'lllrr and Lard in firkins Bacon, Black tyrd Pea's, . Indian Corn On Ctnsignmtnt ' -A' fc.v tierces, barrels and boxes rv n and wo- i4'i SUoat i WftlderkerB- tv Cotton Bapging Ftt jr inho'shradi anJhhmli ,' S 1 and i p;nof ' MottMci . ' '4 0 su-.r-or drctsr d Calf k'p. ppnci of every dcuiiptioti will he taken i ll birt r. . .- u' p t'?rc"s Rice, for cash or a ' Bottfrfdi4 ijr aprtfi jiper. . Pint, tar and write wash Brushes Scrubin.r Brushes ' MILLINARY. TV TRS. FMRCHILD informs the Ladies', 1.VJL of this place, that in consequence of her tor'e in Iarket-Street being burnt, she . has removed to that occupied by Mr. Charles Jones in Front-Street, a few doors south of the court-hoiiseL wheie-finddiiion to heV foroat-r) she jias received by the late arrivals from New-York, an4 elegant Assortment ol Fashionable Split Staw Bonntts, Feathers, Plumes, Sec. which will be sold on reasona ble terms. She returns her.thunks to her customers fur their past and hopes for their future favor. . Wilmington, February 95, 1806. 3w. ; f()rsale" , fly the Subscriber, Hi Princess-Street, Sugar Jy the hogdhead barrel, 3d proof Rum, 2l 1I0. do. u.. MoUlTcs by the hoftead. ' A'yj. ' Tobacco Poik Flour Butter Lard. JOHN LORD, rrjo wants to.Pitrchase . A likely , young Negro Wench that underibiids cooking 6i walhing, anu U Cober and honetl. ,"v -- Mf : A good smart Waiting Boy iyio is fober and hontft, and accuUomji to the care ol.lici frs. Wilmington, Feb. 24. 4,ortf. REMOVALS. 1 THE fubferihers inform their friends and the public that tliev have icujo ved ihcir Good to the More formerly occu pied by p. St R. Dudley, next door to the Ptiniing-Otlice. . , WaLKINGS, SCOTT & CO. TheyhaDercceiptdby the lastjrrivals from Nevi ' Tork, Huhichthey spill sell on the lowest termt ' Linens Callicoes, Ctftton Cam brick, Muslin, Dimity, Men's, Women's, and Girls' Cotton Stockings Lace Edging, round . andflat Bobbin, , Lurta'm Tape and Fringe, Cotton Casinare, Nankeen, llu'm luims, Checks, Btdticking, ldissia Diuper, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas,' Blank Book's, Quills, Writing and Wrapping Paper, MenV Women's, and Children' Shqts, Swett Oil, Mustard, Sec ' ' Wihn'mgtoni February 25, 1806. 1IK Post-Oflice is opened on the West J. coi ner of PrinccHfc,.Sin;et pH)bite Mr. Cozens' Stole. Should any person, hjve . saved the case containing News-Papers, I vill ! be thankful of being iitformtd where, to find it. JOHN LORD. Wilmington, February 18 Dick's Hotel. 'T'HE fiiffciiber inioims his fricn 's It Jl the public, that he now ocewpirs the upper part of jht brick Hulking ccuner Front and D.rk-ftrcctJ, where eriilcrncn may tie accommodated at ufual. . y Wm. DICK. Feb 18. NOTICE. THE lunfcribeis ivc luformition that ihev hive opertd their Itore in she brick FtiilJiiig lately cccnpicd ty Mr. Rowland Cra'p, fouth fu'e vi Mukrt. ftrert, wheie iy rtqKt all thofe v-hn I ave Lnfinc fi wub tiem to mile ipplica. tioii. Hiving fjvr.l iteh link (f fJooc front ihc latt coi flipratton, tlcy luvc u 'hjrH a CTetal aflurirren?, hu hhey t f. fer (or h!c on rtafoua'jle tcrn.i ( r caili ' or proJMce, . 1IOOPF.R& MITCHELL. Feb. I4N ; . . FOR SM.F.,1 ..V 1 The 1 0'vn of Palksisbcioiigh, .T.YINOh s.fVk tf p.Uck Bier and MWm-' i i-tk. Pop if tin apply to the 'Editorof tV A i!rrini "nCTv,!e. . Wilmif;''-. Fh. 2$'.l, ltnA. ShcrifT's Sale. ; Jtn tVt lSih')!jth tnt, llci'vc't !J Si 500 acres olXand nthchrAr. f Lonft.Crrck.' Liktie f.fty ""c rtsadj" 1 .0 - lux's of Sstnue I Bunting t ostUfy ,n exfrniiTi in iiy hjndi Giun Ales. Jgn e, ht, . Sutpi-tl Kl oilwonh. itUGPO 1 D'y.Sb ff ' Wilm'TctnnJfcbiiiaiy 3i, 1104. I, ' 1 1 Very chca) for cdsli. rPHK S'lbvri'rs trt rltinfj fff thttr ri tcfiivt Mirlwi f C.oo at ixtvttA fticr 1 amoi st h r Ship C'hindJciT, ru4t . vr cni 1 11 no, r h r rip . J fsd, rea, Pf, Bit Wii, Tallsw, Hills on (Ilasp;dw or London, by T""H E fti I fc libers avirgbren driven by. JL ihe Lite hie, fro.n the Itore ilny lor n ei'y occnpird, have taken the honk Lc "loping to Dr. De Rnirct, rear the ril MatLtt ar.d rcit door weft It Mil. II oil. Ifi's dthing houff, where ihcv fffer for fi'e a gfntral jllnjiirrnt tt Will. India (J.hhIi, cheap for Ca!h or Incxchire lor any klnJ of couciif PioJuce. C . P;PELII.Uf. A'. 5, Li1 ot the ali;hl vi the hrr, one baricl $tit maiknl P. one log IV p. r?' one talk Llack Lead, n.J o..e h-!t b' Ihrl liUfd whit fbudry uti le rot te co:ieaeJ. : .. C.&.P.P. Feb. 18. 3W v FOR SALE, y f 130 Tierces of Rice, : whiili can bcdcliveied at a moment's no tice . Apply to .' "" -' " - A, J. DE ROSSET. Feb i87"; ii;: . NOTICE , f ' THAT on the first day of April nest, trill be bold in the town of Pittsborough in Chatham county, allthe sharesof Stock inthe Cape-Fear and Deep and Haw River Naviga tion, belonging to such subscribers us have npt paid the lull bum of Twenty-Five Dollars ' on each bhare by them respectively claimed. Those who suffer iheir Stock to ieold will forfeit all the monies that have heretofore been puid by thtm to the U01 porajuni. T'hevSnle will continue from day to day, . until the whole is sold. , HLM'.Y BRANSON, President. F b. 24., 1 806. . 3wp. ' ' " D:ltiiit or t. e Untied &ta ev, V For the DtTtrItt of Cape-Fear J T T7HEREAS 0an Jones, rnallert V V , thi bchuoner Aicy Ain, i n be . half r.f'imnfeU, th owners and maiiners ( t h .i ivhoontri hath filed a L'belin this Ci i rt fctting totfh that in th? rroiith of January la'lt palt orf the high fe:', tV.ll in wiili ihc Schoqner Frederick, William Appleton mafler, dilmalled and in grt-af diltreft,:a'td that he the faid Owen Jones towed the f in fchooner intoCape-Fear ri ver. And ihtTcas the faid Owen Jones hath by his faid Libel played an allowance for fi;th fervices, by way of lalvage and the- Jm'oc of laid Ccur havir.g appointed ti e hrft Tticfdaf in April, next, to hear the . fiid Libel, ai d the matters and things there in ftt forth-TrTheref6re the faid William AppU tony inuai Others intcreflrd ir the faid Schooner Fred' rick, her csr$,o, Sic. ate hereby notified to be and appear before . tl;e Jodnc of hy Court, at the Ciuirt-houfe in W ilmtng'on, on the fult Tuefday in April next, then and thtie 10 fi;e w caufe, if any they can, why the prayer of the li belant lhould nnt be granted ; and .why lie faid fchcorer Frederick, her cargo, iVc". Ihiin'd not be-(old tofaiisty fuch dtcree as the Couif atoiefjid (hall make in ilie pic mifes, in (jvor of ihc faid libellant. llcttiu fil i.,t, Wltr.tf H-nry Potter, Judi'e of faid Court, at Wi'rrinL'ton this. 15th day ct February, and in the 30th year cf liidcpencitncc, Tell, CARLETON WALKER, Clerk aiid Rtiiler ot fat1 XV.uit. I THE Subfcriher Joforms .his frienc?- , and the public that, having purchal- ed ihe Slick in Trade of Mr. JohnJCellyr ,1 . ..e ..r.n;.,., .;' r. Gentrai Jiftrtmtnt sf DUT GOODS, IFhST'lbDIA pjtoouce, tic. ice. he has commenced bufinefs in the.Houfe late ly occiiyiej by faid Kelly, where ihoferj: who foruner-y lealt will find the fame ad- , vantage aud attention In coniinuing theif . ciiltom, w hich he follciis and hopes 10 ob tain, i. l' Mt . Kelly having declined bufinefs a grteably .to his intentions made known by a Jveriifement in December la(t,h3s au ihuriftd me to make a final dole ot his mercamile traiifaciiom in this place ; tx 'tice ik therefore hereby given to all thole' whu are indebted to him, that immediate ' payment is required. Thole to! whom he is indebted arj je . quelled To exhibit their accounis ot de mands, for fk.ttleirert, to " . JONATHAN EVANS. Fayeffevilk , Feb. 20th 1 806. 3v;. Ten Dollars Reward. BROKE out of Onflow jaii on the Sh v of January lalt, an African Negro M o, about five leet hi&h, has on bolh hand? fix fingers,- ' fptaks very broken Englifii, and had on when he went off ' Bath Coating Jacket and Trotifcrs. He fays he belong to a Mr. John Galling of Ktafton in this State. The above reward will be paid for de livctintitho aloitLid Negro to' LEWlb ELLIS, Jailor ot Onflo Countj; - February 2o'h 1 8o6- " " TO RENT, A Dwelling House at the lower end cf Ihe Town. Apply to Feb. 15. M. HILL. JOHN WILLKINCS & CO. A I rtlMl uccooy the JroaU 11 ore il iitaiLet. 01 e door from the f!li well coiiier siwl oppodte the dwelling hotfc of John Winkings. A Dwelling House for sale. a Fib. it. Apply is above. THOMAS AUCHIIULD XIOW occupies Ihe ftnre loicnerly Lf. JLS U CsrroFs Vcn4u $tvrr, on the Iwuih fiJe tl Mitkst.Stfttl. , -lib. il. Wilmiiton, Feb. 2?. iEc6. INFORMATION WANTED. F Petir M'Calium from .ike Nc'xhborbood of Taibari in Argute tiu.e Norm Urltam, who in the Jprin. ot the er 1804, embarked at Gictmnk, as a ic.;nan ontioard the Ship Miy,'Cap- a':t Bruce, bound to Ni-ilolk in Virgi. r.is, and by lubfequcnt accounts we.u trom ihcncr lo Wiiptiiijtto.T, Noith-Ca ro ina, wrU apply to the Piirter ot thi i'aprr, he will hear of his F.mily who h.ivciaiely arrived i-VAourica ; or any in. icrnmiJii cor.certiinK l.itn uii bs vtrv il.ar.lully reaivid. 'KiH SALL, . AVALUAEI.LTrattof Land inthe com. 1 y ot ntaden, containing 640 a. ere:, on ihe iim-h-catt fide ft the Notth well t-f t'src-Fcar, twerty miles bvhw l aytt'cxilte an ' ri'.tcen abo F-Uia'jeth, on v h,fh it a new tlliing liouTe nearly Ki.JiIkiI, by 3S Kct loc.udinj'.Mifd and Piaii, .a luy and an llf hih j a Kiiihtu, ImoKs liuifr, nc, lie. It 'u vtil iitnattd an.teriiaU,ii Uriiltty to ai,y Trait oh the River. LSO, Four hundred actes l-atk Land 1 ttesrly joinirg the sboe lUf.fibcrt 1 f0, whuh abounds viih IJ'.l.t wd lor Far and Tines for Tiwpinui.e. Karge l .i cattle and hogs at this, place, is neatly if rot quite as good aa any in the date. A further 'Wfciiptioit la unnecetTiry, ai any pci fen inclined lJ furchifa would pteviouuv wlib 10 ice It. Il.cpticemay be knw.t by applying to lh fubferiber on the premifes. Ca(h or Negrrrti will ke taken In payrtient, and polUfiioo gir en any imi picvioui 10 the fird da; o A pill tntuirg. ...... M. MOLTON. . Jiruarf 17, lEeo". SMBB"SWSSSBSSBB TAKtN up sod tomn.incd to jail in ihU Tp, on the soihirfl. a Mil ls 10 fellow about 5 feet 6 iothrs hih, tnlcratly well fct, haia fear over hit tiht eye, sppeatl tobe btlwern it rJ 19 yeai cf see and call hiuvftlf John, lit fita i he tVoor-i lo J hnGarmao In ChailcCont ? A I .1... lit. . HH.Mrl. .I.M..I r mm (lit in. vu ivKi-.f aucvi 1; 4 wrcks; very tittle dpcndenct however, 1 can t 'Iace4 In what lie f7. The tiSt ftwncr is riqueflfd tdctne and pioe hit i ifoptnv, fay cliatret srd tke him aj. WlV.lffitoo kth. ao h UC. , NOTICE. ' 'T'HE M'bscribeis intending to leave this state in a few months, request all pcron indtbttd to them, either .at l'ayctteville or Wilniington, to make payment on or lefoic the lii-st day oFApril next, so that they may be etiabh d to f.tule the demands nyaiii't them. '1 hose who fail to 'conn, iy wiib the ubue request, 1nay depenijon being lei'.iy proceeded ogainht without respect to peioiis - Those who Juve accounts C(j ii:ist thtm, are disitedto presei-t them ler beiilement. DAVID b: K.CAMOCK. Wilmington, Februury lOih, IK'JO. j.i 1 ii j nmtM.1 imm w mum m wm . TOR SALE. At the Sukcrtier'j Cellar uiuUr the m J!jr tct-Il;us. CCGMAC Brandy, Hollund Cm, LiiiMtd Uii. pet maceliUil, Green Taint, Hai in-., 1 iii, I'rut.t s, I'll Urn, Almoin!?, Yemictiii, Split 1'ease, iuotlded Candles of a suptrior quuluy, and a parcel cf Fresh Garden Seeds. F FONTAINL. Wilmington, January 14, ifcOO. Stateof Norh-Caro!ina, f . In 1 quisy, . District of iifmngton, j Nf.;-rin, UC6 Jjjr.nl Marten, huCunruitH, vs. . James Jjcfaorth, IN this caiHt, it ppurin tn ihc cnirt Oitt the dtfendnt ii riot an inhabitant of this stale, liisUidcrtd, 'Hint unless the aaid dc fiiidant file hi. answer within the Ihtte'Tn it I'ys cf next ti rm, that the complainant' bill shall be tct.c n pro confesko & heard ex parte 1 and that this o:dcr he pvibliwhtd four Mctks ia the NN ilnnnron Ciaiette. D'ji c at my c,(T.cc in Wilmington, ths) C'h of 1 tbruury, IbOb. F.DW1N JAY OSliOUNF C. k M. F. y. f ..1 1 , . 11 ufDrr.c tit if X 1 11. U l: SOLD On the irtr.tffattS tf Mirth rrtt, rTHlKTFl.N Nck"! two HrUk . Hcwkts at the corner cf I rout at d Frin. ts-sirees, to salmiy an csrcution in rr.jr hMl, Dunahkon, M .Millwtt U Co. John Mtitin. ljkewise one l.undud Uf.i.y creS) of Land, to satisfy ait earcution in ny h&r da Administrator of J, 1'oilcruM . Vm. De vane. And a piece of l.aad wherton lu.Urt Orii'sly furmcrly or docs at pi event live, to satufy an esetution In tny hatic's Htgtr Moore vs. said Ormsby. 0. SF.A(iKOVL D'y.Sb iT. Wllmirgli.n,Ftl.ll. FOR SaT.K ' rp5!K PaMstlon whereon Michael I Satnrfon, Ef. fotmerly lived, on Morpo'i Creek in Ncw.Hatovet Coun. tr, containing pear two hunrfrtd sctea. Theft ste en faid Flirtation about 36 a. cm tide Strimpiinrr bark and ditch md divided Into two CtUi, quarter draUtft nowfitfore ciinvation of R'cr, Th I np'.ar.) Ii wc'.l ca'iiilatrd for a dock quar j tcf, Nviri; a Rfinl large for Hci snj 1 Cattle. On the Ut.A are Tuf Tfees cry i valuable. f.tf the WilniJna:on mailet, ! One, two and torce year credit will ven. Arn'icjllon tribe made 10 tr-t I'limrf j rf this Gaiettf, or Sarouil R. Jocclyo. ciq, APomey si uw. Dcfctr.tci j, 15,

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