CONGRESS. SOUSE or likPRESHTATlYLSt ' February 5. M'. C .'vrninihietl orxveJ ilut thp W tfr had ou trie 3d lift. dirctted the fc '"-' cre'Vry iH'.ic rreafury to lay, ..before them . a lf..trrnnt of imports and export! from W Grea-B.iuin to the United States tor the two latl yea". I1 "was- probable the fc criiiir won I J not be able to furrvlli a ftate- met for thejear 1805 ; but that he could Mr. C. faid he had been anitious when this fubjecl; was before the Houfe, to have received a Itatemeutfor the, year' 1802. r (.;..! r.U.. .... iV'n. milk Ml aW! UUI 1U ll lUllUIAt null produce on the idea that wc did nor enjoy the coio-.ial trada during a pe riod of piace. Whether this is a fait will - be iLcidal by the (lateroent. he wiihed to obtain, as the year 1802. was a period of peace. Mr. C concluded by moving a re solution directing the fecretary of the trca fury to lay before the Houfe a like ftatc men of exports and impor'ts for the year lbo2,s was directed on the . 3d inftaut,. to be furniihedjpc the latt t wo yeats. ' The Houfe immediately confidercd this icfulution and agreed to it. February 6, The bill laying a diitv of ten dollars on every flive imported into the M, S. was read a third t aie. ., Mr. Jtbn C. Smith dated in . more tl,-t ai'cJ way, the objections prcvioufly of fered to the provifions of the bid, and . moved its recommitment to a felecl com 'nvtiee, in which the Houle concurcd without a divifion. A conh Jential meiTae in writing was ' j r-cuved from the Pielidentof the Unfied , - ivatu about 11 o'clock; VV hereupon the jjalleries were cleared. Ihey remained dearth until near 4 o'clock, when th houfc adjjurned. ; . . February .7. ' On motion of Mr, D. R.. IVtitiumt, the Houfe caxne to the following tefoiuti " on : '..'" RtfilvtJ, That a committee be appoin enqre whether any, and it any, . w'ut addi.iofial provilions are ncccirary to pr;eut the iiniKufation of Qves inu the territories of the U. States. co nmincc ot five members were ap. p'irt:d. ' . On. Motion of Mr. Chrrjjn'tnfh'tU the to tits following rafolu ion : ft rf lived. That the fccreiary of the. T'fitjry oe directed, tojay before this Iljofc a ftaicinriitut the exports from the United States of all foieign good', wares and mpfhiridite, during the lail thiee years, hichhavc not been particu'ariy 1!. reel el to be made by ths rcfulutiou of the 3 I, and 51b ionV Air, J. Ri'iJityv, agreeably to notice (::ven by hi n yciUJay, ruade the fol-,-ving tn-xiv.t JltfJvtl. V.j the Senate ami 1! nife of R Vfe.i'r e i t the U. Sacsof Ame ri , i i Cunref a(Te nblc-l IWotliirJs of v 't I l.v. ! cm.Mrrit;, Thst the follow, in aruclr bt fjbir.iitvl totlit legiilatures of the L,rul tt.tes, wjich wt,c.j ratifitd 'ititirincu by the Icgifluures of three f.;i;hi ol the Lit statej ul be vlnlaid b-'t lii4 it 4 part o.' the ccuiliiutiou of the Ur.tif J Siatrt. ' The ji: J;;cs nf the fupreme, and a'l o 1' cr co ins l: the United States. Hull b r-n.iire'j trom office by thr Picfidciit, mi t: . jtilnt adlefi cf otth Hoafci ut Cou rtf irqiitltiftg 1 he fame " The Hot fehivinn agree ! to confider ;he rri iof., it wa, at the iritnceof Mr, J, JlvtJtljb, it'tcd to a coiinnitice ut ti.e vlu-le 011 the itie f the union. lii .n I el :m n.t'ion n i huifday. Mr, tflth'tjn hd he wilhed 10 lay on tin tajle i fwtnlutifn relative to the fuW. i - . 1 rr . .1. it . -, .itiiiriK vn'enes ociwren in: u. Slates n i G'cat Criuin, on whiff frvcral rf.i iiu iM had !ieadv httn ottVrrJ. When . ihii l.i'if fk hi'A cme iutii i.iilL-p 1 mf. ti mu . t . q 1 in 'ii, ui ix'i '! ( icrii in Jl 1 ii ni;tt J-j.l to the ppcfitioti of plans ' victj .iTiif oeepi attea the revenue 6t 't:e gvettinenr. . wa,hrrtfJe, ar.x- J " w js int it tn'i!itr-c ref tied to rlj tWn. iui Way's aoj MtVnt in whole hinds jeflwou'J confluent! y cojne . before the Haofe in an undigeiteil foim. Mr, N. faid he had, fcen two propofi tkmi, neither of which be liked. One wtt a rcfo'ution oifcred by a gentleman ffOia Pennfylvania (Mr., Gregg ) VVhen heconfidcrei that our importations ffroin Gfeat Britain amounted annually to about a? ,000,006 of dollars, and that' the whole ot this trade was according to 'the propo fition of the gentleman, to be prohibited, and it was alfo confidere J that- average amount of duties on articles imported from Great-Britain was t wenty per cent, it would at once be feen that the mcaluic wouli affecl the revenue to the atnouut of five millions annually. Nor did it, in offering thofercfolutionJ, appear to have b.een taken into view, that wnile the meafuns had a very material cf" feel, on the revenue, it had likewife an immediate eft'l on the habits of our citi zens who con fumed goods imported from Britain. VViih regard to theung!e arti cle of cotton, jhs prohibition would ope rate iaihrejdiffefcnt ways. I iv the firrt place, the wants ot our people will be in- created in proportion to the brohibition of cotton joods j, rn th fecondpla?e, the re venue would be affccled by it; and to the la(l place, it was extremely probable, that thejtorcign demand fur the raw materials we furnilh would be confiderably dimi nllhed. A finale fair would evince this with fome force. In the year 1791 there were' ea ported to Liverpool 64 bi"cs of I- miu Way I t t f the revenue Avasj 1-ceJ. To j Lis commitue it was jcicr. ( ret in tf e ftift inltsnco.. But the llotife . !ltrri1 !.uifit , hi. o tiikhmv that ( t'l.nrr.ittre fu.n its cotfJeraticn, an4 to; ' Plrr it to a ciim'mitrre of the wnolcon the Ih'ri'f iiu li tiu 1. '. Mr. Nichoii'o.i ob. cotton; anu mine nut nine monins ot 1805, theie hid been exported to the fame pLcc 93,000 bates. This would (hew what the ttfedt might be of die prohibition of ti e importation ut articles m mufactur ad from totton in G Briuiu on thademahd tor tk ncriaU we furniih. Mr, N. fid he had ' leeii another propo. fuioj not ctleitd ii.dctd in the ilouletif Keprefentativef, buvelfcAhefic Ihiding it is fuppofed to the teport of a committte in the iinutej which aid not go. to th ex tent vi ti e rr.otjon ty the g:nt!man from Punnfyania, and therefore was not io urlctcrious in it efff cis, but wlnth inhis .j'jgmcnt wis extiemcly o.jcCtionible I his picpohtion went to piohibit the im portation oi woollens of ail d.-lciiptionf, linen, tails, hats, looking gMlcs, turn, hardware, iiate, f.l, coa , boots, fh as, r.:bo s, (i k, plated and .glafs. wares. In tnu liu there weie for arti ts of lie.t importance with which t are fuu- pne l frM Orcat' uritaio, which our ha- 1 bits a Icait hve enrolled ou the nil of i;e. (cifarics, and w'nh which we cannot be fupl.ed either. by omfelfcs or by oihcr v niuoaf ie wo,, em ve are tun- yiici altogether from Great-Britain, and c carrot procure them efehere. Mr. N. laid he hai-taken fome pairs to en quire into the ftateof the German manu factures, and he was convinced from the intormation hc had received, taat .wc could get, neither from Germany or Ibllatc', thole coacle cloths which are catenfive y cunfumed in the niidd' ard Southern (tatet, and he pie fumed throughout tlx wm!c countty, except by 1 hula who qn. ved in the higher wa.ks i t lite. In ilol.' land and Bfaiant, thete were fume fuch naoutadures, but they were too narrow to fjpply us witii any couiiacrablc j ua til j ol ihcaw Tiut kind of rum wrtick we derive from Jamaica, Aniiua and fiirbadqcs, and from which a laree revenue is uhta.n. ti, Mr. S. piriutuul was not tu b? gut ellcwcie, is the whole of this article which wat imported into the linked States wit (O' tumed, and no part cf it cxputcJ, r followed of cwuifa tiiit the revenue would be dimitiiihrd in proportion to the cx'.cut of the f robibuiua. The manufactures of Errmingham and SlkUi-ld, ginj gcncial.y by We iuhic of hard-ware, couiabe got uovihtre elf 1 l-c whwicv f tlnfe iuiponed were1 coi.fu mid in the United States, and tt cirpro InVnion would have the fme tffciX on our mrnof. , , . O. fli wl.icli was im'por'eJ from d.f. ft rent tounti ki, and which amounnd an nuaUy id ihne and a half niiilioos or bu. fhelt, not muif than the hundrejih pan was eiponitf. By d ruii(hing the qiunmy impoitr.l, we 60th increafs the pure ol the article, and decrcaf the a Wvuu of the revenuft Mr. N. fahl ifi contfa which feemed to h:m mll proper, was to Select amrtag He irar utaaure ol Gfeat.Bihain fukh an udt s asc itnpDrt frora ene,'and u f'tpply mirfe-ves with by our own in ouitir, i t r.btiin iron other coHniiilt.L. 1 1 I 1: If, qn the contrary, we aJopt a fyftem 1 which is practicable, u whicMt irle:.i j that we can adhere without, injuring our- ' 'f elves-, and which will ,", matenalty atTcl ; Britain, we may hope that meafures will be wken iy licr government tor the ad juftment ot our d.ffsrcnces, and the ten. during us complete juttice. . Mr. N then fuumiued the following refolution t Rtfolved, That from and after the day bf next, ihc: folicwin'g. articles being of the growth, produce or manufacture of or Ireland, or ot a y of the colonics or dependencies' of Great -Britain, ought to be prohibited by lawTfronTbeing imported into the Untv ted Sutesor into the territories theieof, viz, 'All articles of waich leather is the ma terial of chief value ; All articles of whigh tin or brafs is the material of chief value ; tin. in ihecis ex. cepted ; . ' - All articles of which hemp or flax is the material of chief value , All articles ot which lilk is the material of cUief value Woollen cloths, whofe invoice pricca fha'l exceed- , Woplen hosiery of all kinds ; Wmdjaw glass, and aUothur manufactures of glass-; Silver and plated wares ; : Taper of every description Nails and spikes ; - " - . Hats; t Clwihing ready made ; v Miilineiy of all kinds; .. Playtng cards ; ' ; - Beer", ale and porter ; and " , Pictures and prints, Mr. NichoKoii concluded by remarking that he would nut undertake to say that lit; had made the best selection of articles. It was with great difudeiice he had mode the se lection. He would, however otter it at thi timer, that gentlemen 111111 give their at tcniiun to it, and be prepared u enter on its discussion when the subject came Wore llie" House. lie submitted these yropodiuons at this time, "to avoid any delay which mljjht a rite from withholding them till the House should haveeutere'd upon the t.uLjtt. This resolution was immediately con-'u'er. ed by the House, and referred to a commit tee of the whule on the state ol'the union, and ordered to be printed. r-On motion of Mr. G. W, Carr pbe", cer- ' tain resolutions onered oft the 3d of jiiu..rj 1794, by Mr. Maduon, on the diHerelires at thit.time subhi:iuf between the United States and Crvat-Hutain, Merc ordered to be printed. . Mr. Crowtiinshield said the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Nichihon) had rlcicd several iCKoluiions prohibiting the importa tion of sundry articles, ot tiruish manufac ture iu'.o the United Slates. Mr. C. obkci ved ttat he had another jtitjcU whlcli lie wUhcd to submit, relative to our trade with thel)i-uiili Uest-lndics lie tliu not mean at this lime todUtuv the subject, either so far as it was connected wilh the piouosiiions ut the genileiujti tn.m Maryland, or With tiut oi the &entlcnun fioin Feniiaylvania, ' wnicn went tjamucn greater extent, iiut .with ica-rd to ntie idea expressed by the gciiiUnuufruin M4r) land, he thuugbt it pro per to say a few words. Tiut gentleman lias observed the proposition ctkftd by the gentleman from rennsylvaiiu would afTttl the n. venue to the aniObiu otfne inuhons cf dollars; and thcrcfoic -iniprcstcd opon the HoukC the dut of being tatreniely csutious in tihirur such a step. Mr. C. said he did not lnhtvcthe adoption of that pi oposltion wuld ailcct the revenue to any such extent. He tlid not believe it would afTcct the revenue to the amount of a miilion'of dollars. liee&ue, although we should prohibit the imp itsi'n n of British rkhIs, we could pet mott uf the , s ttne ai title Irout other couiuncs. We ;;tt ' til from, and Libon, and from sc ve rl other places. Hum could be cot from ' crcrv Island In lhcVct.ti.itir '..1 tf f should not be able to Ret a suihcietit quantity ' to itupply our wants, we could import from . I rsntc iHsnuics which will be a good lUb.ti tute. We may aKoget wooKtns from the 'continent of Europe, and every aitick ou the 'list,'perbspt higf-er piken It riVt, however Mr. C. said, tn object at this time to.discuts the merits cf cither proposition. His chief object was to i.lTcr his own pttijcct, which related to the Wctt-lndu.. liver . one know thai those islands are dependent on the United States fr the necessaries of, lifts I that the cannot art tnaar important! at tides. Ihey," s'nolutely wnt from otlwri countries. Lvery one know that for fuh,l . Itc f, pork and Lumber, they art dtpcudtnt on us, insaroucn at they cannot ret them between the Uniud States ard theWe-tn-tlies there were either none, or very few 1 reign veskeU. . . Mr. LrjwninskiclJ then offered tha ibl lowing resolution: " " -'' . - Resolved, Thai from and afier the " day of--; next, uogoous , wtci or mtr cuaiidlie Shall be rmpvi'ted from, or impar led into the United SUtts or the teiritorua tbcreul, in any ship of vessel waaie ver, to or from any European colonics or settlements situated on the euv.crn SiOe ol U,e contintdc , ol America, or its adjacent seas nonhyvarkt 01 the Lijartlor, unfc ue importauon ot U& fci'iiclcs oi the growth, product, 01 manuUo ' lute of, the United Stales und their tcirno ris in American Diltonis, is at all tunes Ad mitted into the fcatdcyionieS)- or settlements, and unless the expariition of the pi oilutUona of tlie baid coioiites, oi seickincMts, is per mancinly allowed m Aiticncaa botioius Irom the same to l..Utufcu Suiea, and the :,teT iitonc thereof. The resolution was considered, and refer ' .red 10 a committee of the whole on the aiatc - of the uuibn, aud ordered to be printed. ; OUFOlA, Hb. 14 : ; By the schooner Yirginia-Artb, from 'Sit. KiliS, w icaiu, ibatcciuin td vices had been received in the cst-hidies that'thfe Liiest i ltthT, wcreatsea. Itsvtmsthktto'the nufa " ber ot eighteen ktil of the hue, and. in too -ajstace ol aamira! Cornwallis, they put to j tea about the beginuing of December Uiio ol the bmish Cruizing ships on Uie I9U1 yt ! Dtceihber, in lat.0 loVig, 10, fell in wnh ' thik flceV-steering W. Yr . livm. tVtiia ; course it appeared to be destined for the "vV j -ihviiijS ; tiie'ir arrival was not known "at Hu Kins on the 2lt of January, nor a: Cauda loupe on the 16th of thatriionth. i he citcura staiVce of being -so near the c6st ot I'ariugaJ, is rather aganutthe piobubiluy ot this tieet being bound to the VVcs.t-indies; this T'tight, however, htve been occasioned: by headwinds. It arHJeai s that ai late ui'tfie 25th ot Dec. that the hect had not pauses! Cape bt. Vincents. . C 1 1 A tl LlisTO N , leb. 20, I805. CaM. ' LtaRocx, from St. 'lhcinits, in fjiins us that certain, lutcliitrence had been rcteivt'tl at that islana,.lliat a 1'rehchflect'of 10 sail el the line and 1C frigates weie ai an chor a the t-lity ofbt. Domingo the latter end of Jauuury. A hi'jlish squrtiiron ol i sail ofti'iine. and 3-fiigates, coumi'uudeu by Ad.i.ii-aN DLcawCKin.CocnnAKx and Low is,,, arrived at St. -I hbrau on the 3d iij star.t ; on rect iviti; intelligence of the French fleet, thty sailed aaiu immediately in u'r tui ol thtru. Extract of a letter from a Student of Dhmifyt it bilging- to Bjiloriy end njw in London, fa a Aiiui.icr cf tht (tospcl in Minachustttr . 'Lokdoh, Serpt. IS, 1805. r "There is now in London a converted Jew, by Ihename of TRLY, whom doUtA less you have heard or, who is preaching trio gospel to his deluded countrymen, and wifh considerable success. Many yount; Jew steal from their rigid parents, at the hazard of their lives, to hear him preach, h is Vo nishiirg what persecution he and his fotlow trs c.cct with from their enraged country trrn. He is obliged lo be attended to hia meeting by i-guard. The angry Jews p- . pear to cry out with the spirit ol their fathers, "Crutifj Inn"-The g: od people her ex pect much' from his exertion. He is a man of threat abilities, and the most fervent pie, ty." ..... . r 1 . 1. !.t -1 . 11 .r...v..w,.k,e.f.,e,eniiui. Xh, puM t riCRt ttl Gftat.Biiiiin a . .oofr..yrcfo!u,lun. en,.: rUlttU, wou!d a, o,,ce be feen.c be pr.c t b ye l, is ire; 1 (Ufcb.,. Uf , . rroUbi,l,.n ,he . Cl. H. t lhll5fjb GlCat.B,i..if,S,r her r..i.w.U.- anl iv 1 x m Ki a. . th;i ftfe5 tommitttf, s f t. or fei of iff..ViwM in a i4i2c;Ud foiai imtiht have I t ltd, aud it mitht haa bisn re-;- i what nsrnr an 1 1. whurxtcnc ?t, fii't.ff, ifiotutrt.Mii wrre i-IIfcl i- 11 ., t, cii, u was iTiprr.iiic it . ,t ; t Lea tlCuu.Lr.j, aU the lub. ftTrcls rtrtfl tnfne. Either we thall be LifteJai br Gieat.ntitafn and thu. ; iher. Kutnpran powers for adopting' 1. ftf cni ImpisclicaUe, rcatifs: wanftrnM inhere to it ,or wt (hall Int. with 10 her uiin Her, whufs tharaHer (or dec dim is welt knowa, a pre et f.r' fw.epm he rKeao of tvery da.lar of puccity aSgatou it. rFrcsh Garden Sceds . Juft receifd and far fiVt-y " JOHN Wl LLKINGb ii C6. Wi'm-pton, Jan. n, 1806. .jX. Itie where, llow ia'fl.e trade carried on ? I (iresMlritain .as adApfcd a urivu's Vni-1 tncrclsl principle, bottomed em tt e pHftdfle of her navigation act which in time f peace ; almoat amounts toar4.ibiil0n to;httvdu'ro into her hUnds any artittrs cfe6rs; and which in time of war fpn ll extta cf afw of her Uandsfor the lntrof!cttitn of particit. Jar articles for three or s1a months. Mr. C said he wihd loseeUds trd tH-rmsntntle cnen to the dlisenscd' the United Mate. I'e 1 thougt.t K pn.luUe this nuRht U done by the adoption ( II. Ln. The gtntlemaa from rnnyivanla hadeffereda rrrrsTli.n which was calculated to mctl in pail ti c prattlers of (Irrat-fWitain. 'He first rru lo tion related to tradiPK to the Wtsl.InlKS in frrrija vtstU ar.d hot Jn trods i f the Cm tedbuus. LftryctjcUtTTtlittnthcUade HANK of CAVE-PEAK. NOtU'k ts'hcieby tivcr, ihst tU Bo VJ UtredVors )f ii e V it t. ape.Ftar have rome id tlx rcfo!uiyn to . 1 -MA .ji lAl.ttl t r M.t . rif 1 flli-V, .ill iV. . - .- - - - - - - - - b ' -- fuffereis by tie late Fire as have it no In tlxir power to rrplace their buildings, the fum ot Twenty Ti onfan i Dollars, on at . ci cdii of twclf e 'months ; and to rtccivcaa a fecurily for ihe payment, amor'ga(era lie prtoiifas on which atcto bo erected. A f pllrtllotis fof losns if rfeelhjf to fihh refo.uiion, mull te made txfoie tie hK day of Marrh, injhe meantime further .particulars as lo the terms will-be oaado known, oive-Uu, at iheDat.i, Cy Order, , 't . JOHN HOGG, Ca&fc,. .Ftbruiry 14, jvr A Bargain. fTllAT Well tfluHn aiidvalU Affl Sesl 'p!y Shelur about.lLitlf nm irnm rv umippTon,' Ijtc IhC PtrTertT ol Co!J,n Wiirrainl-JJu fiiLatlort isbtalihy ami agreaM, ikre la i-rirti pfcmi(csatioflry Dwelling, Kittntn, and oil tr oor Hmifciihe dresm ia knows) to t eoual to lay in the ftiftr, hh a fet of MiUsaTntteootof trpiifihe Gitil. Mill IngtHHlordrr, The terms tf ft;0 mjyht msdt kniu'Wo by efplifarlon mo Kotr Modft4, ShtiUTof New. Hanover Co,nt;, or Kobtit Doifey,vrncutaLt. Wilmington, , , Dcct&ibei 17 1I05.