-Li iriLMLXGTQX, fV TUESDAY, MA RC 1 1 1 if. 1806. : -. : ' A STAXMENT ' ; ' , ' " ' Exhibiting the'affwunt ofmonej which has been drawn from the treasury of the' United States, and disbursed on account of tjie navy in each. ; year since the establishment of the navy fife- In the year 1798" 1W 1 900 " 1801 uoa " -1863 180 g -570,314 24 2,848,187 26 , .3,385,340 4S ,117,420 74 : . , 946,213 24 l,l07;925 32 3-4 1,246,592 74 3-4 1,409,949 67 ' 1805 Jtfavi Deba tment. Accountant's Off.ee, Feb. 6,1 80& ' THOMAS TURNKRj Accountant Died in Wilmington on the 6th instant, in the 26th yeaf of herbage, Mr. Ciiutit jam Cause, wife of Mr. Charles Cause,; ; - panegyrics on tlsceased,- have now btf. coma, so common, that the good deeds of some, do leas for them while living, than the fruitful imagination of.un ingenius scribe, tof- tcr their decease so -that we at e lien exci ted to admire, and imitate the most dignity, ing virtue of Our departed nc"igbbou'rs wh'ich". Jiaverwouldfcavc been known, bad they not appeared in public'print, or in' some funeral oration und we are in dun$er of being invol ved in the general censure by attempting to do jiuiice to rel merit-however, as t'hu4b ." who had the happiness to be intimately ac quaiated with Mrs. Cause, .-.could but but obi serveiu every part of her conduct,1 4 display of all those emiable vx6mpiihments,';vliic'i r tlistiiTRUisih the best of women,' lhfy will up 'piove oft',is last expression of uuchssemoltd friendship, and acquit the -writer, of ailUame of that sort. At' a period of life when fusion nd gaiety app,r Unusually attractive, and Iuad many to dangerous extremes, bhe disco vered the delusion, and refused to grasp at' ftying shadows, but Piude' the will of GOD as revealed in the holy scripture, her rule of life, and 'pleasing subject of meditation; while she found in. the ali-suOWient atone merit and intercession of thli-compassionate Saviour, an infinite source cT pure; deiight. For a nuin'oer of year, she protested to enjoy a sense of pardoning yve, and the most ex uiplary piety, and unwearied diligence in every good work, to the. very close of life,' lrove that she was not mistaken. . dispo alUon nss-lfcnt in itself, and sweetened with all the charms of divine grace, cou! J not fail to render her peculiarly dear in every relative characferof socinl Lf ; ..whether a a wife, a mother or a friend. Her, heart was tender to wards the distressed, the poor partook of her liberality, and all about her experienced her kindnot m aa,ne way or other. Her appearance in company Wa5 pWf decent, fenteel andpol.ie s t.oi ceremonious, but en gaging; always manifesting an semklaire or. m-njr admirable ipalilieations, Hut it is ftard 1.. say in which ,f nmt cx.:elltd. Lut Christian 1, i... more ! he has bid adieu to all the Lusr sccr.cs id life, tout mir, now wiih the inhahiun; or another, region 5 she ha. removed ffomatu.-ng ,ortl,, ml l,fi to the care nrkiwl providence, two teller babe.. I a,;J J-"i:acr, trhile a affertioaale nu.ar,d, and a numerous acwuihunce, la rnent their irreparable h,s. Yet, we trust, ha when they recollect her perfect patience under the Mrvmty f jli!P iUiu, fclJ , chec. fuln.Ms with hid, .he record her in, Mediate spirit to h.1.1 w ho iu lor wit i hertxp.miun,of triumph in the Ut ltruffRcrr diM'lvjnr ,ulle . tl m t sorrow, as ihuseohntm H n," but T'tpare to follow bcr ,,, the ,l,i,k KhHims of de-lb to the ma.n.oru of eternal lht and glory. PORT Or WILMINGTON'. A , , lJTl.Ka " . Jf;f ,0'. hnricTwollrvtJ.er,roite,f Tor. II h kX i""" ,nd.th to the captain. IC h, ..Hit F.aty, Covrtl, , Sch-rChamy, Allen, Sc. Thomas, iVh u. Krtothecaptam. ura ,u ""Vntrhidoe.. will, si hseMlee to V4,en,,ne UusseyandtU irth Drij Sally, Man, mint Peter, C.ud. i t, hchrUctTt rICP, nn J1' rw, Urown, do. it'.!; 5n 1' Stanton, . . TrinnUa -P'WcyUW, " !l.m,n',nj, RchV MnAf,mv Ju. tUh,!:,n?;c, K. iJl! r1" 1 11 ,,f rr, ' Bif. " Slr Aufot,. C.-,k, f S1pmf from I tH j Dm,,., Mi.e. f Bwim,. iu 'Boll on, deta! tie rl forjadjudicalion.; ' B igs Aurora, Pe'eg IiulFcy, of Nahtuckeri'frotn a whalirg voyage, -vellel leaking and then" fick; a Brigffoq)thccoaft6f Afr?ca','detaTn', Ted for adjudtwtTpir. Schwnersi'.IfijV A- noid,' of Providence, io fail iii'a fe.w days for Charlellon j Federal' ,' Sargent " fame My ; : - . ;,, r ; -; n;: ';.;'''. f ,On the Atnora5 anchorage jn the the Bay, .(he va Uritliy examined ty . fome of. his Brj'annic. Majefljr'a ohHcers, ' her log book and even the private journals were overlooked,- and they were told by . the fe officers, 'that 4"f fhe ''had (lopped at ! the Cape of Good Hope only for ' fuply ' 'if xOaftr," it Would have been, luffccicnt ,! tor thiir purpofe. ' ' '.- 'v; -JV-' ''':';'' The (hip Merchant; Wyer, of New. York, from Batavia and Buurbon w)th a , carg6 oT coffee, fugar, indigo and fpices,' wascandernned at BarbadDes 011 the h January., .V",''- : . . . Thelhip Angeroca Co2ns,' of NifW- 4 was contictnncu online 24m Jan.. j.Two Ffeneh pfiva;eer . fhoooeii ,With fome fpecie and dry goods on board, ..Were brought, in a few dys previwus to 'fhi fail-': ing of the Li.crctia, ,; , v ;V : Captain Allen of the fcKYCharuy, so days from St. Thomas, (poke Feb.' a, iii ':u- 23, 34, NV long. 6;, 50 W,' bi'ig "' liiabfiK, Stone, , ffOrn Attka, bound to Charleflon M trch i hi.-10. "All ' lo:u. 72 brig --. VVill'mmsj fioin Wilmi 'tokt bound to St. Vhicents, iiayiout i I m i 1 1 a miCES CURRENTWu 'DACqKpw iQOlbs. .Cotton per lb. ' ' CiiTt'e per Jb. Corn per bushel, Meal do. l'l"Ur per barrel, new tittopei,hiU' barrel, new Lumber per M. " , W. o. hlid. staves, ' ' ' 11. ;o. do. do. do. W. 6. hi. do. rouh S!. ingles per 1C00, . Sng'ar per cU . Molasses per gallon R'.un,V. I. pr.g. 3d p. -Jamaica do. 4ih p. - ; y. k. do..! Tar per barrel, Turpentine, Tr.baccoptTcwt. h. Cii. Lis. a. 9 ; 10 "19 20 . 35 ' . S 60 ,. 65. 175-1 , 50..' 7 $5 12 12 I 10 ' ,ia r-28 "'1.1 13, 752 I? 75 I ' '60-' 1 40 1 75 4 50 42 80 '' The full blooded Horse COLDFINDEU; I N bfh order, will ftnil at the fuWcri br's liable in Sampfn coiinty', the pie-' frnt fcafon, ' and be let 10 Macs, on the following tf rms j Ten Di'b'ars the fcafon ; Fif ten to In fore a Mate with fl, and TUe Dol'ar f'-r a lin-ie (rap. Iu unlive patb.ivgr - J Httt-it lor Hov grulit ; but ih,. fiihf.fi bcr iviit i.ot Je kiiUtrable lur tfij) ti r, accidents .f any k.nd. Mjiuiu, I c It! h yrain tri rckl'craHe lernu. 1 1. c-fe (t f1airi btin put by itJiitancc aiid j'an. i hi h kcfciv.il can In: fettuine.', liui they are wiih loa!, the. owners' j ay thcfiB.c as il tl.c v piovc wi h t..!. VCiOLnFINDUl Ii a dark l a;, fi tas cM, ! fi.cn harm's and an hi! hih, si .lii'i k.uic iXetUcd by iulioil-. He Hasgo; by tleitnp.i ifd Ho.ftS Ivtr, l,i Duvn H) ths- im,.u-. ud Hnrlc b.p,t, cut title irnjuir- t.d Ware , the prujcriy of 4 Mr. voallwot. OWEN IJOLMKS. . March 1, 186. '80 3 m. M'lmirc &c Boaiwrilit ftAKHY on the Black & V I. ier.i.lih'. VJ buti. tli in nil in vaiiou! brancUi, onleHair's Wl.ail; 4r,dwil luimfh cap. lain, cf ulleli a.ij all oil.ir wiih wln'c nrtlrv may want in their lineol b (i.if, l the Ihortefl notice, wcl eiecuicd, and on ihe mud rcaf ..able tcinii. , VViimiigtf n, Maith ii WMF.KF.A5 J..hn.Wuii has-sen hill, I-II il.c ItK.iblc 10 inlorunbc ptbiUlntl.e I'! week's oiitii thai j hate aMtdu'td licm l'i htdand Luaiil, wnl.tHjt j frvoca'i. r , 1 have taUu lie f-m irr. ih.'d iu Oovii.ee Ihtin thai 1 have had he n oli u.grr t pi..voeiikM, ji.iM.nf? wbUh bis not plov j vkhiall, ctnah.nj;,M a ny oihrr t.c.tttaiy a. the 'cad j ui l e ha.1 the irh.iinar.iiy fr.rjoc.ily la teat 4ih1 It le mc crn 10 t!c dai'i t4 c'y life, Mhuhany man ui bono, or put tTplr wouy fiorn the iw'ra of U.'i aiiJ li dfadol f n.i. .Ug Im Mei t. was In duty fcuui.J to iV, ht biilnlim.nilly 10b bil lueoiiry wcaili jj nl i.d oiltr thills that I ;u.l c'IUurd b) my Uboui. To any ft. Ion irul kf. ftal.f aic tool fMlTkU.il bf my l,aicg h.i, iuy Le bb tye witt(f iu bis 11 aii lal ii a ti.ulaitn wrncb in hit Utift to irukc cl Mi Ltd ndUiard, bvwl.iehl.c I'rrn'ci l.irnfe f beneath t!.c dirtiuy i l if r l.i.ie Iri1i. . KL1Z WOODS. Wilmington, MiKh il. 1 4' - r' NOTiGE. rJpIIE suhscrihers iiiiciutinft to leave this i stfcte i.i a few iiiimtii-i, retjuehtali per-ons in)cbii to them, eilher H I'aytttevjKe or Wilmington, to make payn:cnton or before the first day' of April ntxt, m ihut they may be., enabled to settle the demands hKuiitst.' tlitfirn, Thoe i . in ho" fail to comply wiih the above request, Vy depend on bnnrj Itally prwttded against with'out respect to persons, j those w4k have accounts against them, aieides'ncd lo prtsenl them lot setiteintnt. DaVHU U R. C'AMOCK. -Wilmington, Febniury loili, 1S06. ' 1 '1 1 j .... 1 i Fill', subsciibi hs on hatid remaining fiom Jjt l all'b Jifportation, which wtre ' I'i.d iu on the inoht vdvantaeous trims at . I ir: pool,' and which he i disposed to sell lov. . White lead in Legs of M ik 23. l!j. YrlW Paint lo.l4k28 Sp:aii,h Uiownt'o. 14 k 53 . On-eii Pnint in I'ots of 3 l. W iftdow Cla.s, lo by 8 Sc 12 by 10 in lulf bcxt, . . ". . . l,uitiol,Mdlcri.r71Kearhl Hookkt)e Hinges tt 10 12 15 1814 8c 50 in 1 r res, ' - NVikEnr drawn 4d, lOd, I2d, 20d tk 30d, Floriiij brr.ds, Broid nti, falllnj and club do. Car-n!in Plaints, well assorted, 11 U III. lliiiii, rsitted jniuts and others, KD O.V H.iXD nther iiiipoiiuiiiiiis an ussortment of Hard Ware, Paint, Oil, ic. he. ' ' ' ' D AVID SMITH. , Wilmington, March It, I3C6. Selling under first cost. nplIF. M;brribcr in'tndin-4 ta leave t,own in a few wck, i.iformithc puMie that he is no selliuj: the rtmaindrrtil his ixf. nive assotio-ia of Dry Good, Ac. nr.de r 4iit enstj fur cash, at the Mere of Mr. Dickson in FrorVt-htrctt. r.KOROl- M'BRIDE. Wilmington, Marrh I. ; Notice is hereby riven. "yrjAT tnr w.ff Mrtl s Vd. b kbkcond td from rny bed aod board without pro. Toeition. Alfpcronirellierrr..re forworn ed haity.urin crcrtditinj; heron my account, as I am determined rot to pay any debts hc roayt n . act from this d-te. '. " JOHN WOODS. W'iJminRton, refwuary SJ, ib'6. 79, 2w 'I. To lca&c on geiieroiiH terms, A!l'.adr'iiiiiii Mr. Jan.U 1 Lit man's on Dwck-Mrtri. Apnlv to r.Lt.AHU'i n DOUSLY. Wilnyrjiton. March, 1 1, I8j6, TcIiTx wji.i.kincs v co. AT ptefeni Hwpr the fma.ll P.wr.e bi.il.tiiig In ieoiJ Hc,'fM(b cf f t matk(, uic'tr tirun jr fnuih welt toner ai. l rpp Ctc tbe dv.ti.;. t houfc of Jol.n Wi lbit)i. A Dwelling llou'c (or i!c. Arply isa-ivc. Tcb. iS.. " Wanted Immediately . T)V the fubferiber, a ount? .maiTw'bar'n f-J-haj a fnllnowletlge t ,accomp.s, apd the bufinefs of a (lore, fuch well re commended will fneet Vvith an agreeable fiiuatioa by applying it ": v - " ' - ' ; -; -DAVID BELL. Faje.'teville, March 14. " -- mu sai.. v-;'i?"- '' -u ', r f3p,660TOuridcd Cypres Shingles, 1 drawn and inintrri. . . v 6. to 80Q. Bermuda StoneJ .- . . . ;fiWfeWwiac4,VValnut, , , . !'Wttwngtonv Feb, 25ih, 1806. ' : FoirsAS" : Hv the &hstrilierriri Prfacess.$treft " Sugar by. the .hbgshead ; barrel, 3:. piuoi ivun, ...... , , ; -2d do. do.- i ..; ,,.v v MoUiTcs by the bogflicad. . 1 1 '-' .1 i A'!je. '. : jTobacco-Potlcl' lour Butter Lard. - '"; JOHN LORD, '' -Who wants to Pw chase ' A likely 'young Neib Wench; t list under Ii ands Cook i ng 6c w a lb t ng, , i ud fuber and hohtlt. ' 1 A good smartAV ailing Boy who. is fuber and hoiieli, and accoitoined to the Care of horfes. - ; ;VVilmi'igtohi, Feb. 24. . 4tprf. .' . ' '. -? NOTICE. ; pHE fubferibers give int'ormation Ihat A tiJcv have opened their Itor'e in ihe .j'ic(t ' flufk!inw lately oc'eu pied by Mr. Rowland Cr;-i, fouth fitfr' ot Market-,'. .nrcr, whe're t:-s"v reqtiell all thofe who . hiV bnlintfs wiili tliem o make applica . tion, Having faVed theif Uock of Goods ! fron the late conflagra'tion, they have (m hauj a general alionmcnt, which ihcv of. er tr lale on reaionable ttuns for 'call) or rroduce. ' - iiOOPER U MITCHELL. ! r --v- Diflrla of the United-State T ,.,For the DilhicVof Cape-Ftar. WHEREAS Owen jone, mancr of the Schooner Aily And, on be halr cf bimfclf, the owners and marines cl faid fchooiitr,:hafh filed 'a Libel in tbi Court fctting lohh that-iri the rnonin dt January lall pall on the high leas, fell in with the Schooner Frederick, WilJtarn Appleton inafter, dif malted and in grx cjiflrcfi, and that he the faid Owen Jor.e "' towed t!)e laid fehooner into Cape. Fear ri. ve,r, ' And, whereas the faid Owen Jones bath by his faidt Libel prayed an allowance . tor fuch lervices, by way of lalvagc ar.d the Jude of faid Court having appointed ilic rirlt Tutfday in: April iiexti tpbear'tbi faid Libel, and the rnaitefs ahdlhins'there in let forth Therefore tlie faid ;Wi-iriarn Appletoi ; and all other's interetlcd in the f4'd-Sehooner .FrSderKk,; her. cargo &c. fc, ne,e.hy ootificd 10 be'siu! appear before ihe jud'e of faid Court, at the cottrt.houle in .Wifnuogion, ou the, full Toefday iar April next, then and there to (bevy caufe if.any they can,i w hy, the prayer of the l.i bdlani Ibouid. not be .granted ; and why the laid fehooner Frederick,' her cargo, ice. Ibouid nor he ioid to fatisfy fucb decree as the Couft arorefaid IliaM make in the rie- mifes, in favor of 'the laid liklfant. - ' Hcrfin fail not. ': VVtr.efs Henry Potter, Jud-e of faid Court, at Wilrr.ingtoii this 15th day of February .'jiEcO, and in ihcoih year of Indef eiidehce. ,.s Tell carleton Walker, cicrk , ' and Regifterof fad Couit. aait a aM - Wilmington, Feb. 25, i8c6- INTOKMATION WANTED, IF -Pet4r M 'C a l t u m f rom " thq Nett;hboihood of Taibart i Argnilc lhire North Britain, who in the fpiingof thecar 1804, cmbatkedat Greenock, as a Seaman on b. ard ?he Ship Mary, Cap. tain fjruce, bound to Nt rlo k in Virgi nia, and by ltjbltqvenr accounts went trem thence to VViiuiiugton,. Noiih-Ca-rolina. will apply te the Primer of this i'apcr, l.r will hear of his Family who have lately arrived it America ; or any in- ; loiinat ion concerning him will be ?eiy ihatikiirlly received. . : A great Bargain. ' rOH SALE, AVAfXV.JJLETrait of Larnl in the county ol IjJadtn, toUttininj, 640 a. eics, 01. the nofh-calt ftJe oltl.e North wefl Cape Fear, tie.,iy n.i'es below Fayetieviilc ant eitfrteU, aUve Llibe:!., on wh eh is n r.ew dwtljri liolJc lcaf)y hr.ifhe.1, 30 by 38 Icci ii.d..dii,R Shed at ' Piaza, a llo.y ind m iJi j,ffei, . a Ki-cl.tii, fuioku JJcufe; &c. e:c. It ik eil fituuttd and itJuk! i, fcniiiiy tu arv Trail on the River. ' LSO, Four hundred aius lack l ard r.rarly oinjng the above defribeu Tr-U, wh.4. jhoui di vviih Light wood tor Ta and Pines for Tin p mute. Uaige t,r c-ttla and hogs at this place, U t;,iy jf ol (jiiite as good as any in the llaie. A luttt.er itefiription is tjr.rrccHary, as any ptrfon irclined lopi.uhafo ouM ,..eevioi.lly sslfli to fee it. The price may be known ft) apiljing to the lulfcnUr on the prerniUs. C-lb or Negroes will J1'' !'-);, and rofliirion iv. cn a"ny time pustous tg the hilt cay o A piil ci.fiiii.g. M. MOLTON. J)niary 17, i8c6. TAKEN op and committed to jail in this Town, t-n the iothinfl.a M11-Ij-.i.i ftl'ow abui e Irct 6 inthis tol'tribly He'd let, bai a fear over bit ,'1.! . - ... ... I . . rijA . . e eye, appears 10 be tHtmju iBjind 19 yfi( ' Itiinlelt John. ffe fay "fi - - of &J.C and calls be bc oiij; u John Carman in Ch4ilellor a.ai 1 and inai ne uas ucen runanay dlout f weds; tiy Utile UtirtndtMc however ran he plated in what lie l-yi. The riht tmittr is it quelled toceme and prose Mi prt-rH.rtyt pay thirds and uke him awav. fiLNjAMIN blltPARD. Wjlmifgu n fib. 2ob i6eS. ' foit saiTE .it the Subtittbtr's CtH'ar UnJtr the tco'lhr. 4rt..tur, COC.N1AC Uraitdy, llollmd Gin, Ijncrd OibhpeinikteliOtl, UictnPaint.H.uip, l"u,rrUK, filben, Alironds, VtmktHi, plil I'mn ntot.bkd Cai.dlek of a lupujor quality, htnl parcel of Frcli Garden Sccd. V. IDN'IAINC. Wirminrin, Jinnary 14, lo. ii Tor Salo A DOUBLE CHAIR,' tart Ai pli 10 J. GAHNIER. Wil.Ttit ttor, Macib 11, iSet ,1, iVV; 4 - . 1-1 - ' t, - 'j, ': - n ; if . Ma fV .IV-. 'IV lit 11 - IV" I 4 1 4d' 4 r f .'f ft I! In it 1 1 i 1 1 1 V

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