. A . .. 7. rr' - -4- Louis,' Ihe'.Captains, OUider and Seamen, and to the, OCkcrj Non-Cmrnissirnied Of- ficer,aml'PTt' of th RdyabMarines, tttf Vfarmet ihppkst And rUesirc. Jlwttjtbe Captain' wlU ;couycy. tho'o- pjy aeuument of apwoijation And adViiraiion, with thank lotbe ywostTgratifyinR. manner, tq. tho . 7 ' ; cera'ana SelmehrWd' itsyal MarTne, 'a f proof of tny high sens oflheir services ini ; (sighed) ieSf! "f"1 WJ- . : puc&wbRTiri . To the Honorable Rear WdWirattJochrahei - Rear AdniirattiI'te.CtatnsiOfficer j-J Seamen, and HcyalaVhScif )d fttjbai - ' run.- " .'"''', '' .- , Tbji proclanjatioo whicb the ptnperor Na,, brated battle of the 3d December t ; . ''.a '1 , PROCLAMA'TKW.,"t f,: " baule of A'H'ii.?, .you havfriiiitied'L-Vb!U; I expecid4 WtWJf)trfpWrtj'V3UhaV j covered ?onntns,W&mim I ; jiiiUK' htrt .-'iiV ,.ff.vri i't!'i' I i iledby tbe limpcr.ors m Rassif 'unfliAlfttoaJ-ha-f$feirs-thn fvsft?6':ri, 'dtfcWjfit ' off or dispersed. . Wlut escaped yoiflrolrnj . . bave"Thrown thej(ii9C.b,s.i1rAo tlf-lai''j . '. ty'stand of colorhty htdimi. aian IfopVrM guard, IK;) piera taorMhV' twenty ienen!s,.bbv? pYisbhrV . ar the ft uMttftMU' M$:fteinar5bfe tiHU." That uiiVntryjso MbS'MdiAQ tv you in "nmiibt-rs, have piuf.WibVs-'ia V" ' resist yur charge, aiid,htncc$ttji, yoiitfiV no rivals to fear.' ' Tlni,s, in lcthUn two ;?tbettmc Hire'tV i Rbine, twill c.inclqde-'tt Wr' Wfi'-'reiW onsistenV with pivhJjilje, aivl AV.rurth SnH i-CtfreVitWtteVcaiP Soldiers ! '.VJbeJ2'b ;;r!v!)c'li "p phte-l tlu loiperia'foWVtpH'iJiiy' b'-faft,' tr.i:ted in yto enBMeVVilfhtUVIi Crown wiruvS was ijiV'f !y t!d 'blod of iJ many Frenctvfutn, WDuliiiy hae cbropfel- foe ; on cxtr.iV imHAUh ' prJ's'il which vu havii jro.rht to nought a'. thv5tJ jtlveftr.ry of h'rV M-irpr CorgnVin.-i. yo.Lhave t'hViftsiV.Vfi'.it it IfeuWrfor th'e'irf't.i dJiV u'mf 'ibVefc '.prtMliin to sVuc ni Soldier 1 Vh":f fc'W" flj'iVrsa- r ityiTour tV.bf.lry, 'ft'tii '.l'ln 'acli5hed;"'Wi1l' 1 return you my ditT''r)j Tli'th will 7U;; be t-,': c'.cii' ofn'y' tll-(-re';t'Mirc. My pt-cplp wi; j".tlTe y'J ivi;!i'i4''','"i "np ' jy. To say to ine-'wi h' t'!b;hV.'C'' . AurterliiT.' wilUw eno'iMf to eu'l.rtjsje leply, tht i i brj-.'fc' xi: . ' ;i" 1 4. I ffecd Sicrtsrs a An'::jjiz, fiat s, I8C5 The nMhjr'cf 'V:!t:in -the p,rt nf nc Fr.- ic' tn-ul-of A;;Vri.i.TX, .J on he ud li.c.'isMiattd ai"jCwo'-wuuii. ! ronrorAyHtiTONfi' y JIjrA 20'.h, Eljp ,lhrit.ipcri(Ifi;rari!"T), St b'r Tiegul-j'rf,,M ll!n;nv I Charh t.n , 21 nri.!ly, BUI. r'.ni G(.ir II.rbv.w,J-m. J TiaC'iarhfs, wi;h:u hhdi. riiifr, CoChri", lopi.'er DidVr. ' 1 2, Scb'r iuiauusb.'tterry, ' Saktn 18, RriR H n ry. i'u ft!n n, - 1 f,t..Thom ' Ilbad'Kt, ..puiton ' 'flni! IDemir;.!! " SC CrW " do.' 19, Sr!t r lli'Mi. ljyitwltk, 2j, .brs..;ifch S'-.' "v:..r,rMn, SVi'.son',' ' 11, s!c;p(,:si:!ue, Hjtr, VIZI) iiM.!Wwnto!t FrV'Vft It, Ctoiii,'Mf.iir"i"s.'-'-iibf3 'yeirt, ". At M.-pii C-jr' h- i'v 4 j'n tl.e 16 b . 1 itit. llrV) rv Trf'ilai.'i'Sfdll -ce Ti-ir an 1 Ct mouths, on of Mj tr RUodes, of I.tiniH-no u A ''t f LH tty for rrfbiiijf a tutu ol rn-'iriry fjr tfc purpyse .f Jnj the rx-HneewftnaVinj t e Coutt.llWg tire tiw-l. IVurnhftOH, iljfth 21, l. 500Ttek-tat - $ gj 5,o 1 I'riu cf 3f3 1 do. Uio M) . ! t'fi. ' 10 , o 2- U'u ' ? j 40 141 tr. 10 1 3 ; 1 do. hit drawn TitkeU 400 3.3C9 14T frit-s. V vtA'Ti fr.m the Pii. .jrcrffnt. prot'u ! 100 psrronciC remrrjtl umil 1 , IbelAitery m.lU t.injir thtn. ! It rnt t.f JuiNaC. WriKlit, 'Arrl..l.!J I '. M'NiiJ, Anbibikl M. limine rd J.d rt ' Coalition isconquerVffW.dU'soW'e, Vi&i f.Lrintit be at a e-ivat rsfince ' RliV. 'as'l 'ftr'6- mic ''tb 'my'ptJopTe: htll)rt;1'i,roisi'h&,;t t!r.a hi;;h .p!ctujur of d'-.Vy'. vv McV'dt:W tint utorae.it ollf'epttu-s njteithwfd Aff'hf h.Mt, a ml hlc.nntM dNin ; vh lh 4rt SUnf.tj il Ily nm. . . , I h imr..l.M- .M of h lawn CsUff di ir si, s if. a j.tojrftt, (tr raUinjt fmnij fi.e ; i v , jt.,c, nt,J I,, jKcvtt I II I tot..tiitf t-J-ti ihtf t!,t h.biiitiaMs wmh ...'tMiti-l b r b tttbsctiptiuni, tJfnr j rcif. ft-tniiiit. ItU. .... CALLLNDin, I.C. .' .... rj ;cs cuftniifiruihNcitr. . . .. DU. Os.'Mli. Ch BACON per 100 lbs H'J--liao,J:,f 1 Cotton per lb. - ft ' : !;- Coffee pt-r lb. - . 55 Meal do. ?7 ; ' lAVi o. hbd, sfavls,' V4 ", JR. ',do. ' do. . ito. T2';1IS ' sWngWpeVtodo,-'- lri:!'.te-s . ' ; Sugar per r, 'l ":;:' lo'" "'-.ir v V ' -Jamaica do, 4lh p. ; ' . B twites. .VT Kb ihlt.IiiC '.r I .cii;Ji V tomA.lfTro .that Mfi fotf a.tst timie.; n'fP R?3!-"'-' '.-:f-':'F. '?aii' J:;i s'r'''' KawJ 1 T . . 1 Uk'tiiengaestT'eiiri'iui '6tixiin iinchta b.iuitf of wii t lyitig i il.e fl rie' ihaLoj-' l.;5.dt.-3'lijlWCaH.ou, i t Kl id ,i cc!:k r:-;!,-.;M.r henry-t vto.'- "7I!U nuiy be in want of TJfriix'jView in- VCl.tcd PffMULUM bl.MK iiu'tl tent) canJtfll(Pl'U) '"Xj l'ii'J'K 'A'L?!'-'' 1 otu, V. :Im:t.Ficn, or i Jcl.i. bAir ner Smith the Scctcrv tre;Varrald In s li Xlnttj ' thv illhe tintoJcrf in 1-VtrhvoV Poti p!: .bf all sbe pur'SiH dVMnr.l ut fhlicr plice' a)'vf TtiiitiM.td.'Mr finy lit d-lthrs rath, tre pmvlvur iinn the'fittufit Thcr vrll be sn TH:irlA. anu xcon.pit.icd by otH.h puii'uvl.ir d'n:iu.j,., .tlt ai.T'jier- ion ol L-ninty -'ic'i'y ,J! bt: dv-0uvV j. to . bs Anvk f fix.i.rt ilu-tp 1- r vx, !.. rrtHlli;y . 'of tbir. ubiyrt.i ;it.vf auu pry,: 1 coiibilay. t.jjcJ.!;er Ti-h Uj. jtvi.Lii nsv- j clcanii.g t ll.i-prdin. .rcii'.'rr; t truly T-tuh!e ttqui.i'Hb to -h I fAittr. Tin y cn r the ar'di'.i'.'ul '.a-nf i...t I drlLfTEi' re '' riTW ri TTr t.scful os u tntwer tin, j isrfrt,e t t i r ri ; SrrM. 1ikIi -pr;ti fS.O Mj.h lf A. (cTuitftd "Btt UKr It ivput ir.'.d tl. il.i Jut, ajc Cisioti aurfa' aafinK tf!iimtro; Iy a! 10 jnay l,H4('lu-il to mv Cunlaon' foil.)..' injr maci'inc. i'uous lbti c. U hstetl n .vitiKfti willpb tnc atp'TiH tuti, ur$ Ita. f,t.cr:pji.nrf thiir uiK.i c. , which htiri? W.e ki,u it Li Hie pi'rr,twis,. the mith win iir luni'f iri in rue 11 a tute. trr;i'.i v.i' h ir.tniuic-s ts iill tiuUe any Mlil.. w.ibt lo pit il - in 'nvr'jH iaSir'. ' ChaiUitun, Tin titruJr,. fo. ' . ' ' 47912. " H)U .SALK-- ! T!IR ?lin'.M.rlKiti)n Micharl Siinpf I-.iq. fi rrr.rtly lived', .p Mirga U-rik.in Ncw.Ht.!,vei t yun. tv, c 'ft'a ning nerr two hundred acitS. hc are oi uid rl. station about 36 a. ct n.'e J1 amp under bank diub ud 1 i:Sidtd iniit to rc'd, qi a ttr i!ai. t r,' new lit It tr oilnrtilon id Ricr. 1 upland it welt ci'n lned l ibk qi.iu' ry, blira f' t.r Hca tnrl Caillt . .Ou at4 'aft' lie Ir Tirti ttiy .ta'.kibU fat ib WUujUiir'W n.iU, ' Utirt roan4 ll,;rr vrsu crit, wnl Ns gi.1 Aj n-ifaliou u be mi'e n the 1'ijr.te ji( (jiuut, or 5muJ R. Ji.Ci1;t., I (4. oin-y at !w. , , ' . , . pevenhf 5. U!' j ti.nutn s r,. in'roiirKit'vf, .1- ik o j J - 1 II;; J iecK".uX' , '"' : I .... .,...1. .V. 1 -j- :. ...... ... tl'Mol-sfo ty rbc'V:fbi(.Y,.,;;.r ... ,,. 1,. : i'::llaJL:.i i .ii.'.,, 1. . .j ... j r r a '..ii,iij. t - w . . ...it. . -.11 '.!ii'9itn 1 . ! ri imii t lit iiiiTii r ? iw iv s t - 1 t . 1 . 'j'ijf'a5t'i,Vl tl-.e"''Jl)Ht,' S.ilT p.Htl,' ."icr ch'uiitabltf Ti 'and rmn,ji.jLr iVia IHcc, 'xAth'thi Lhl.iii'f f tit.t' liMMl. " 1 ' . Tor Sale , A DOUiiLV. CIIAUU f.atl ww. Arr'f " ' J. OAkNIF.R. Witrtlt-gton, MkIi it,l;6 f, tll.t.1:e Void;'' without jrscr?,'f. on the?1 T;IiiAdayiKpfJApril(3e)xt, tCe ItiH Season' Hofi? Shelter.'' which bas bteli advertised binc time past b f 1&&vlVar& U "') in this rTl . town, nti th 1 1l K UnHirv last, a !"; toopthSMyJaBttaryMa blacK( i Eoy ttidut 5 fc pt.J. inrlit'ii liUrh. anil, lias 5')Sl black'1 ne c nn we lectn-ue cans nmiseii juy ,, eln8JW.MAVftsJ. T Ten DdUris sicidejwficf 'aiif fci'fid jjEitorflt Tay bf.f jrh grain on f eafnaM- terms Inltrtfc: J !by no hcrfe.''- He wa'',r by.r'i ititp , 'ted Horfe Silvifr lt;f 'I ).'i$titopil!f n paB-i't !n-d Horfe f? w letafrT--'.- Wttrt.-rhll itniMtfJ j t c-d M aVe 1 rlH'-Vt V. r' rj Cqalfjnj. ... . "JV Vb(I, j ' March 1, ., . . , ..,:"ijMVoiiloV 1 by the su'-jn WpXj Vflivt riStrttt ' UtiT - ' A gutxl smart' vTiitMg;B'.vy.Vv.io.;; u loLt-i s-l I t t'iejl,- iuJ JU'.iiumrM to nn caic -nf. fr. !! n ' . t ' VVi,,Klir?4t'n, Feb: 74 . ,;-f: jtr.nf. 1 ' - 1 :yMHi:jisr',i t .tc ;.;i.;Vrr?'i:ar j 1 t!!ty i,s tpti.i i Jtr4 re in Uu k Lnlditi ..laic.y cmi. i:y At, K.mlnd'-Crlii:t Sbu-h Ime'tl :.rUu ItrctVwhtiei '! requcii .iU f'inl'e whv l-tbuft'itfi with tiivu. 10 mnke v"niica . h.nt the luu'cor.fliirj uu, lure oi r.an.1 a grreul 5 j,Mrtn', wliitih itM ti fr j'e of uti iial!t irir.n ti ihe if- .aib j?oorr.ft'&'r.;:Tcilti.L- ! n"!!! lt'bArriW-i'uCenvift .tp . lrM'e-tht r Mate lit a. it w mo:'Jt t. reucci I all rn-r tiiru i:)'U!''eJ to them, ti'.htr at ik'a)tUct,UK:r Wi'irmjitrai, tUikr payment tn,.r Wore the fbstdjy of April uHi i tht thy.ry ba. rnbtrl to setdji Ibtf diflian'bt B);irrit t'ictn. Thoic who fail t .ctii'ly with. tlic a'. me requi:', may tlrptnd ou being lc'Jy inreiad ti(in9t wulioul respect to pcrsom. T(We"v.bo he itccoUntt aza'tnst them, j arr v...ucU to prccnt them lor icttkrocnt. .DAVID t H.CAMUCK. V. ibnlnton, tcbniary 10tb, ICoi. "lir. u'icribrr hai on band recuinir. ' f.'oin Is a Fall'a Importation. tbicb wrie i.i.l in 011 th tnnt diUncoul ttrmt a l.itrrpo'il, and which he is dupused to . kII . ! 1 'White lead in kr of !4 23 !. 'Yellow rainl J. J4 3i2i Spanish II 'udo. f4 h. CJret'n I'ainl in TtiltV of 5 . W iiu! jt CU, lu by 8 h 12 by 10 In hair full in hh'blrrl off IS. fatb, ' KorHcie limgiai 10 13 IJ IS 31 In. eie ijmgt j viji,xx.yjrAtxTt-ivy"' I : ' 7.' n-r a .ungie ieap.lfH vjjPPH Vh,. fi with before It tii'He 'MiWr.Www iw;v.oui fi.ivm .arpi'wiwtf tl.eyr'e'vfrh 'Icbl'iifie WtV- to jft ii!:fiVTt!4lyiirA4 tfexMdhe.oU tlic fanw a 4 if tboy JfHTn'lt(iat.;'-'1iaiI1'4' 1f;4'' ''i aniihe matters a: d thir.f'.fctrel. ' rWtTV'y' ivUdiAo'JU in (et forth-- ThEtcfcT? the fa id William isn dark biir4-.liitt-fciU Hefcn bAnfk ; riJdrf.'dj' l4 ru,'i:.- J .-'i th. N.iU.bii" drawn 4d, lOd, IM, 3)d Llll, Hin( brads, Itrosil sues, f dllnsj and rbttt t?o. Csrjn'rrs I'Uints, wilf H'.r1t(, 11 k III. IImif. rsUcd jr.'nui and ot''rri, A :D OS U AN II of oher lrpjrtiK.iii an aMOrtirtnt If Hart! Ware, Paint, Oil,, Uc, nwinsMirn. Wilflnlnmn. Mrfb 11, IdcC. SSSSSSSSSS tM m MMSSBSS, StMMMSSSl MM aSMSSStk SS.B,MiSlkBSSSSSB SMSSSBk - 'lo :i gcttcriuk terms A tftjvi.in;; Mf. Jh'i lUtimsti's f.A a V Pixk-Ymt. A f ti j i.ivtAtu.i if notiiscv NVil'um, Vuh 11, ten. NOTICE V; TfforjolmFCnSt pVpopfdupiHTburMlay the JZtb infant r 1 ; CJl!rr -tAr fire rrtcti ji,- . V.-A f f-r" iv 'muv Xi.7r vvd,! , ; - npHE suoscritver thteifiAfnjj to leave towh tk ii -:a feweTt;k, infoi-tti the public that be .. h ndw 'seHipg the rettnmwrol his txtcniivO e0bt, for cadh, at the Store of Mr.-Dickaonuin I'rtXtttreeU ',.vi-..t"0,V ,., U'.tnv.'r-.'-i January iait paft.o.!, fMli'.fHJ! Bs;. ipuwtu me lain iviiwoi'ci; ii)vv?rcr! s?'iH S'aj!i '.hlft "afbtl prayed Hi !iivr(c, "are herr'by-no.iBfqi6 be 'ond'appelf? rtforfl - jtn VV t!rtiir.gtn on jr riJii:ijr iri JApritj ihcn.and there ty'j()iew (paUfe , 11 anyiveyicpnj.liue pra)cr.o) ine it- NJJfrnfc iUl:'j.d.ioti-iipi Krt,t-.-d j, -and v-hf'' the fiiii fcKother FrftUrickher tprgo, Ac IhoulJ i:nrf he'ioLditVdutwfy fit hi decree a the Coirrt. aeefui'd fiiaJA ibakclih W pre, mihs. iidfalvttrUnir.e Uid Jiilitltiht. u C.ariV WrtiWijiWb .'lis FjIrAfay rf. 1 . - xl I' ... jr.iJ i... , 1 , j .1 . 11. 1.. : v. ...... I (;;i.SAJ E, ' ''- ' ' A V AJ u A E I-1') T ra ct oP-f M h the ! r en: ii ty d lilad.T -,io1n''l''iA tk 1 i . tf, ur. ii:C rnjMr.ra.i t.ar oi mic .ir.nr. ! ? l'n'5Ur.va(t M- ol' heTlnHh wtif ( et; tV.rr.'y 'rt'i'rf h-l(?V 4 ... ... I m ' A n Ii-fh i r..'-'.Jt;u-,ti,i e- J.(M,rc i --arl tv ifh-.', .30 ?jy. 38 ke'V7.'tSi.;'si-cp';iViJ Pi-''., a lf y . , r.d jn 1,'a'l" bijrh'i. 1 K .tcid'iij liinika ,fniM.fr, 5c' &c. .Jr it 'hi! . tinted, ai ,i tti,l il ;tc;il. to tuf TrjS in ihe Pvjvrr. rOrbnndriH aciea back .tA neirlf oh'ii-j: ll.e a'cf-vc c." tU-ci T-0, .whit.lt jViir! wi'! !. bti 01-d Ir.r tar.anl l'iiu-s lor Tu'p n-it t. Kai e f ir' tt..!i a-.d hngs-a' ihiii'plii.-, K ti!jMt ntit tj'jne as i;'Hjd at f.y it. t!it ! e. ' ' ,A further tfcfrrtiun i: unnfrciTjrvt as cny ptiA'ii incl'ui' d 111 jmcl afd' Vouli pteviooy w tlh 10 (ce ij., T'v pi'ur may be tcMjwn by applying to tl.e lu'. UriUr nn the p riiiilci. L'.b ot Ncgroci"( wil be t kin in l ayinejii, and piifluiHjn, jriv en-any lime printout to li e hcii uay.wf A pill 1 1, fui nr. ' ' M. MOLTOVk . Jarnaty 1 7, t8c6. ' ' . 1 ,.1 a i .1 I S t- . , , . . rjAKKN up ar.d cotr.OTlt'fdlrtJjil la " -tii Tor, vn 1 he soihi'nlt.a Mik Jaao.ftjlow a4i e ject 4 i relief high. t' lfrib'y welt ftt, b'a !cr over hit riht rye, apjeri in be Utwern tS and 19 ycata ofajjeand ctU himfjt John. 1 lie fays hr bcHii( lo JohnOstmart In Clnlellon and that he ha fctco runaway abnol fix weeks; very little drper.dei.es bow ter, fan1 ptactd in what lie fayi. Th?iffht . U I For the Difttia of . pane, Fear , ; ovkperit tttjuellcd lotome and pote bil pttpcrry, py ihrjci and take him sway, v BENJAMIN SHF.PARD. Wilmirii.n Kh. 50 h i8ofi. ' ""roll sai;i:. 'rr" ,1t ihi Suhuttbtt'i f.V.Vkr sm.r . mw X!ar OOGNIC Brandy, Holland 'tftnjJnsee Oil.spritii.tetiO;i, Urccn ran. ftitn J'ittv I'runts, KilUrtt, AniiMls. VcmWeUI I Split l'rtc, ti.oiddid C'at.dUl tf a kupvrvof j quality, and a farttl of ; rrcsh varden bccdR. t. tOKTAUsE. Wilmington, January 14, !( . .. ,; I Va11tcd IfTiCii4Uly f BY it.cJi.fft tib f ot rnif who h a lit krt itn'rt I acrrop', iti.it lie h.fii"b .i i p, ir, ftli vtll re (i.ntrreM'ed viiil rrrct w.ib m vj;uealie .StiUatiun ty Jppliipv' o - UAVID 'r, -11 . i. its . 1 t "',' 3' I V IV A ' "ft; '?f: it! 1 ' . 1? k - .1 i ! 4 It . a .' 1 1 ' . .1 :t't . ; .t- V, t 1 v; 1 11 i, t : 1 5

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