pVictory of ;Austct2, Xatintabtht PrentiTArrrt. nZm. 1 - - - --r ww www wmw . from the 57th Noverubeir to the 1st Dc " ceraser,vry effort was mad to bring me. JRiaanntttt, friKPfralenyerant ajulth. ..measures takea to proraoiipthStobjccVHiVe"" Jjd ttoc jnoit favourable result. , ' Indeacrioibie was vfie joy vitn which thjb ! French army, irofh iW heights on "which Na- PolcOIl. in th"o'D?lTfie!flT"s-t nnstrrL h-h1rl i 1 tlyaiiced twiof. ihe4 Russian ariy ab-v' flank, wuh 'a view of surrounding the French Tight Wing. The' Kussina'inatc6d In co lumiu, Ju orre line, to he, length 6f 4-Fretted Oiilet beyond the French army, which, meanwhile, remained Immoveable in iu posi tion, in order that the enemy, whb jiastened , with rapid strides to meet de&riicti an,, might advance so near as to render it impossible tor , them to escape. The French Emperor made his depositions lor battle in" the following order: He gave to Marshal Lahnes the command of the left wing j to Marshal Soultthe com toandof the right; and to Marihal Bcrna dote the command of the centre. Pi nice . Mural received the' command of the cavalry, with winch he was posted on a particular point, she left of Marshal Lannes approach ed St. AnUn, which lud been foruhed and mounted with eighteen pieces of cannon. General Suchet's dilsionTormed the left of Marshal Lannes) thedivi.ion of General CafisitiU formed his rigbf, and was support ed at the same time by Prince Mural' caval ry . The van of his cavalry consisted of General Killcrman's hussais and' chasseurs, and of ;"Vahher and Beaumont's division of dra goons. The division' formed of Generals Mansouri and HuutpauU's cuirasrkrs, with 34 field pieces, was posted as a reserve. Marshal lie rnadoite, that is to say the cen-. tre, lud on the left the division of General Ri v.iud, ' winch alto communicated with Ptmte Mural's rigtl wingv and on the rikt. the division of Central Drduneju Marshal Soult, who commanded the right win of the army, had on huleft the uivision of Gtiieral Van Damme, in his centre the di vuionof General St. Hilnire, nod ou his l ight the division of General Legrai.u. Mar. U'Avout was detached to the right of General Legrand, to observe the road bti tweenthe lakes aud the villages of Sokolmtz. and Felsnits. He iiaa with him Gtncial B'jurchier's division. The division of Gene fal Gudiu wa directed to mnr. h i rlnv hi-lr from NichoUourgh, t. top the Corp of the enemy, which waj enJcavouriog lo turn the right wing. i he Lujperor Napoleon, with his whole Central Sutt', leu luiuliuut of the Imperial Guard and tin .bkitalions of General Oudi liofs Grenadier., formed the reserve of the rmy. Th e troop., were disoosed in colun ns in e doulle ltne, aod drawu up in battalion, but placed at such a distance from each o ther, tnat sufficient space was UU far duplay. in In these intervals fopy pieces of can Oon were placed, wiiich wcic .erved by the artilUry of the guard. This corps was in. lendtd to advance with the grcaicH upedi. tt n to ary quarter in which it presence mifchtU: nectsi.ry, . The iiv.in.il, K- ,1m o began at Kni'th to an. ii,wui kceiutuiosppiuicil toi uluwiy ior the w.!ie ofoih anu.es. Sirrou id.-d br a! Ms Mrha!, WieemiKror Na,KUoi, wil d Uiiiil the h jriiu w speiiecily clear, U faie he Ciinniu.iicateil hi n.ul t tiuft,oa V hen t'e kun shut forth her firt ray, iht Ja.t order was given, and a.ll his Marh.. "Cs off in full giup to the.r resietUe he j .yfulcry of big live iht ,,,x-r0r Uch jelled along the wlwlc line, atl.e Uual rr e.aemtnt. At th n,w Dieiu the cantionaJe tHcatue heavy on the ex trcmily uj the viht wing, which ll.e a.lv,., Ud gua, J0f fa Hu.siaus had 4re.dy.,e-th I . T, ,b, y fc "li.Uuca. r-ctedly w.U, Mmf)-, U-At0Ujltf wlu, ,.uc .thtm hult, ana-ibe batil Uincaitly be gin. A the ssme time Msrshal Sonlt put him MUin nwuoo. ml Jsenticd with the dii. iwn.ofU.ral Van.D.mme uui II,. klre, tow.ris tl.e ht.ghuor the ,..lag cf . Ji?.nq??Cenof ,hct !HTtions the light w,ng0l the Rus.ur, ni,v f.,und tUeir otrtpletily turned l pt;ni Wcr nnh'ed. burprised br s s.oe rnent on the fives suddenly .:ucktd. lSom th.t mo- r;ifVctur7,,ri'hiw,newMco .The cavalry, under Prinr Murst now W- VXa ?r t tTht ,,ft WDjtr lLe " msad or Gn. Lannes, 'nurxhrt forwsrd a. Ml the trnt drawn u im ik. r.- . taenti In the $am kmwm if thtrhad- tvtet SUnbsl Bem.M, kkw.M van. errand itsuUy a ttmWt cannanade rt. '1 Jong jhe whole hoc J.O0)tnen aliened at onii,a,. pfodi ce.HresnMJt any W nulK Xhj, srlfagra content. i The bt.W 1,, KveJ, two h0uft whrfl ht UU wjmof the Kti.-Unl wa ut of. and m hea4 qsncrt of the tw9 i:,, were t Auuerlui, aa4 tht; ret vbupi u Tt trv oritur. tA lK 1i iiitta i , - advance f re-esjiablish, if possible, uie iuac tionoftheleftiingaiidthrenire. Mar thai Bessieref lhoed forwarffVith his Infin ciblesnd immdiateljr the ffench Impetial .guarslAerAingagell.:, IT ry The Kussian euard was driven hrk in 'disbrderi -It" commandePkr arfinr nt- j . i . . ' L jaianuaro wt a.u- m me power ot the vic- liTcu me vrana rriuce tionstanune, whose regiment was entirely-ut tA-cces, has only t thank the fleetneaa of his horse tor nis ew.pe. The action was obstinatel maitM.'m.,! i. the remaining parrot the Russian arroy;Tb centre ; of the ; French' army , withstood Jthe well directeJ attacks of tho cavalry. , Thc French left wing also continued its attacks,' in all of which it was victorious, i At I o'clock, e. at. the victory, which ne ver was for a moment doubted, was decisive Iy on the side ot the French. ,. ' The cannonade was still constantly main tained on the French right wing. I he Hus sian curps which hud been ; cut off was sur rounded, compelled to atiandon all iu podi--tions, forced inpo a hollow and driven up a gainst a lane. Here a most dreadful specta cle presented itself. Twenty thouunU men spread themselves over the icy surface of the lake, only to be drowned. At the same time the Russian columns, of 4000 men each, hid down their arms and the whole tf the artillery, at least 120 pieces, fell into ur hands. , Ou this day we hud the whole of the Rus sian army to encounter.. The haif of it isde 6troyed, una the remainder has tnken flight in the greattsi confusion. The greater part threw away thtirarius. Of the whole French army, the reserve was tlic omy pan which was not engaged, and the rc.erve alone was equal to an m my. The French army, though strong, was tio so nuinciousasthe enemy's which consisted of 105 000 nun, ..viz. 80,000 lius.ians, and SJj,ooc AusUians. 1 hc rc-H. of this victory, placed in the lianas ot the French army, 40 Russian stan d.rd. including the ci.iurs of the Emperor Altxan er'slilc ,,tiard, from 12 to 1 5 Russian Generals made ju isoners, and among whom are i he Prince Galli:aiu and Repnin.; und, fina.ly an irnnensc number of Russian j:ti Voiiis. he French General but' does not ytt know iheW.ibtr, hut returns of newly . 20 OLD ure Hi tv'y . made. '1 he R ussuns . have Usidt s hit 15,000 dead on the held. 1 hou;h exact accounts are nut yet recei ved o t!e loss of the French, it appear to he only about 600 killed, and from 1500 to 160.) wounded. This cannot astonish tcti ciamj tor every one knows that greet mini I ers are seldom lost but bv those who tak4 flight.- Resides not one corps of the FrtB'li army was penetrated, except a single battali 10:1 of the t i regiment whichhtdt. trkn Hie whole of the first attack ol the Russian Impel ial guard. l'he French generals of division, St. Hi laire, Ktllcimttr and Walter; the GeneiaU of brigade, Valhert, Thieubaut, .Sebastiana. .nd Conipans, anJ Fi L.tly gener-l Happ, j imperial majesty's udjuiant, arc an.ong the wounrief; The last general hcuded the i;re-nadi.-rs of the l'rci.ch imperial guard i the 'tatk, aul to,k pri.-Mier I't n.cc Kepuin, who conin anncd the caval.y oi the liniM.. duce or manufacture'' of the uj wa. bui.u 'auirtsrn iisiiirmsL'.SBinn a thi imoortation inioUhelr WugbeyarfttHtfgrVjthTro- tl iianufatturc of tljejkitedStaU ift-lf i or vessels of thetT. St Aes. r "H fioni General DearborW, Secrfelarf at War, inhich i4JereaiiptovUjLdechir that jjeV ther the administration, nor any of the heatir ofideparntsindividual)V,haye any knpw. Ipdge of idestiftBtioof heLeahder i lhat on this i&ji$tltKtiQW Madison ever had anvtiolnferer'i'ri' vft.v muqicaUbrt v ivhh'faeneHd was h9t,atil,afterhe'hid83ed, .thaf they ' were atlvh'ejd.of hereindestifleio'ao's- ? -."1 Jin 'tj V" it "vusu against iae VPS. 5,5fVdK'-nd IhuV too' befprsany representation, were fnade.' to tti-"b ; any forgn rainUter pr agetii ''1 M,t-'r' "sf ' ; ' -.,7' ' -'tMGcittxt.:. the Pnrtugueec Chared :acs' Atfairs 'a'tid ConsulyG.enc.raV neafthe Uniieti 'States; "Ve this public notice to the Merchahts and Tra ders whom it may concern-' ;: That all Masters of Vessels tt'om the TJni ted States to any port in Portugal, or 'its'lsl ands, n.qst have thtir Ji'ilhi-eMlealth and Bills of Lading certified to the Undersigned or the respective Portuguese Vice-Consuls j and if any passengers bn board, they must be furnished with a proper passport. ' . Should i he Master, of any vessel omit to take such Certificates with him, he will on ,his urrivalin Portugal be obliged to undergo such a quarantine as the Board of Health there may deem necessary. 1 JOSLPH RiDliMXKIR. rnladelphia. March', t80fl.' ' . ' In the ITousc of R epresentatlves of the U- -n to! States, on th 27ih Feb. dufihg the dt bate on the bill authorising a dctacbnicni of the militia of the United States. "-i. Mr. Masters, of New-York, - said that he hr.pcd the bill would pass.. As he thought from the disposition h hud seen in the house it was all it tms Likely t1 da. He r anted ex ctedinly to be able to tell his constituents we had done something. When 1 go honw and ih-y sk ine, Well, have jcu mtdt prcvis on for fortifying our" harbours?" I halianver, with fu M i.n flt .; Kut we h..vv authorised a (ietaehment of one hun dred thousand militia." Have you rttistd a ny tronps to-ttptl Sporish atrtssiocs f IV); nut weluveaiuhoiisHn.ietarhment of (ne htii.d:(l tl.nnsM'.d mttt i for Ms cawardice la ihriaking from J?lCr,""'"i "fryng n sowerstrapnera i.Congrfss, rjje measurea tip aired . vvipt, Auar Drrprw mat , h xi peclo Spain, and oar territoriei t Mk tfn? private mA tta ' J -wMWak oftb41ooa- foraying terri tory i wee of Spain, the second time under pretence of purchasing athtr ihim.Ji... JSlwlLMm TunUian Am. oassador, in hisbe..t,alny7lccritr. -ACTa. dispn, and his book he Heated ith the rreau eft contempt tf m &wffltrcth$& i'te' ,hc A ?.a5e but there wa so ? T. j u"1 "c coma neither tec vim It - ... y-u.vyv, ana oiivmHCa. buch men as Grefftr.r CrmrH?Ti.i.SW.fc.ir-4 JnnmV Bidwell .mn: "'i:?."? -A.: ... . ---7-1 , IHBICU Willi not finished the HaMmr Mitics. ; c Novi Scotia, ih?Utilhe clPtl. ir , ' Arno,? P.i:6dota, w ith Kum 'fc .Molasses, toCaut trit rinU-- 3 1 st, Brig Robert, Hammotid, St. CoL hjV. Si SthY Befcolut, CooW, Tnnad, whV W 1 and Moia.se :, 6 the Captain ' ' o jvioia iiarlow v-. ' .' - vttutv, -i 55th March ScliV Itelvidere, Slater. St.Thet, ,26tb. Sch'r Regulator, M'llhenny, Chleston Net. r Vsetott, Learock, ' . Ar!!i Sch r Louiza. Her nlss, Washington. NC 29th, SrhV Charirv, Allen,- SfW 31 st. Sloop Lucincia, Todd, rortlarid ling 1 wo Brothel, Fostrr, Tchago Brig Robert, Ikmmbnd, 53 Hf3T, from St r.roix, arrived on SuHav - , h ine- Ori- hvelma, Twyrrnsj.'o'f f!on-.n. Sr. f mi Packet, DcCa&to. pf Mi l..,I.Ki:.. i. j. hWH, of Newburf Port Ariar. WJrVof innaneipnii, ! Argns, Clark of N.i!aveo Sch'r Lark, Hunt, Kew-lkven. ri,.;i u. Have I itnperial guai d. KT Wc nre authorised to notify that a Cinera, UciCM of the New-lf jnottr R.-Ki. me.it, u to uke place at Wil.nit,-on 01, the trst Cay a May next. , Our correspbhdint at Washington Cii i,,s us that on the 17th u!t. after setcr.l . i.esoiution, it, the Home of Heprtsen. kinrcs and cariad-Yeas 8rNay 3j. Rt.M, That f.om and after the ,lav w. next, the fol:oii,K articles, lieing of Jr l'odui e or m .nufacturc ol Grtai- hr Urn or lrt land, or ol any of ihe ii.loi.Us or ctp;ndmcit. of Crcat-Brrain. otiRbt to be .,,,.u.,(Utj ty Uw fn,(1 Uj m Si"Ufct" imo4,' riieri All anirletof ohich tin r.r brass is ht ma. tcrh o thief v.Juc, In. in ,hr. s i , rt ird, All aiiicles ol whuh I.e.. p 0r fi.x u lhc material of chief vat, H M All articka of which nlk is the mattrUl of ciiui value, ..?y.Tien c!oth l!0,t lnvoi Pricea han JVJrti hosiery of an kinds, of Rim gU,,' Md Whr raiauturei Stiver and plated warts, I'pe.rofeury dtKMption. . siU and spikes, Halt, Clothing really mad, J-Iill.n.ry of a.11 kind, J'J'jing cards, He er. ale and txmtr. I'Kturti and prima. yoir.lakn any measures to avei.ire our im p Bscl fellow ci'izem ? No ; But we have authc riii d a det. chmri.t of an hundred thou. -n:l militia." , Have you lilt any r.iry lor the prot. ction o! ou-. crnMtu rce i No ; But wj hvi. autpoi i-ed a de'srhmcnt of an hun dred thouand rr i!, J hope we w kIy to gel ivthin tNe, we shall at least havp the satisfaction f this tncus-irc. 44 I hare no ptt-u i.sh to physiognomr.. ra . I. ...... ..., . . - . x --, -,. ,mii v(i,t,ingion,) ntlitaeve ft It ty I Is lend i. .ia were not lcnsihl Cfjrprtcvn Gstttte. To'l S..ms disbursed by he United States Jar lilngJUdauij, iihm the fc4" iheTOih of March, 1794, to I cctmber 31st, ltC'5 r If a. a Hiirboutt. I'ottsniotith, N. H. Gloucester. (Cape Ann) Mns. iaroie.ica(l, .lass. Sl.m J.. P. rilanj, , do. Pomok, do. Niwport,(ll. I.) N w-Loidon, Ccnn New-York, Fn Miifiin, Penn. Hat. 1 more, Md. Aiinsptlis, do. Norfo;k, Y'ir. AUxinilria, o'cv. DotLu Ot. IU, 594 48 4,iiH 66 U,:3 69 S,'d21 08 13,934 66 S6,lfrS II HT.93S 0 I?,3I! 93 117,454 14 171,184 .17 tlJ.jia 48 3,:co as 3u,803 S3 4 S36 36 ( ..K.',... f r-m -l.L fl. M - -"V' ioici, f,. W. 33,5 J4 74 Chail ston, S. C. Gr... Kti, wn, do. ivarnih, Georrj's, ru.t-Petre, (Su Marys) dt. 1,316 49 56,651 09 833 54 .us :o 15,880 91 -trices arJtitr..vT.. BACONTper 100 La. Cotton per M. Coffee per lb. ' Corn per bnsh-J, Meal do. Flonr fer b:.rrrl, IMttnpvrha'.f barrel, LumbcrperM. W. o. hhd. stages, R. o. do, do. v do, W, o. bl. do. rough Shiitflesper tOCO, Si'ttar per cwt. Molasies per gMloti Rntn, V.'. I. prig. 3d p. Jamaica do. 4th p. N. Yw, d j. Tar pet barrel, Turpentine, Tnhacrortfrcwt. fir Mtycrvr. ll:. Cts. .n.'t. 18 . 34'' 60 . i 30 J 33' 6 4 13 io 13 12 I 10 13 33 13 it 37i 60 I 50 I 50 4 60 42 80 2 943,619 3( 4Stt9k(d, That from and afier the f'J of riett. It shall mh be UwfJ i Import Int. ih. U. Sut.a, on board fo! i - " 7. "ormerchaoditr, li otbc Ihsa luchu arc C Hi lPlhl Trtal. l.i...:.. r .i . m vi ui aurq ci EJ3Z,aiO 04 expended by the Stue, for which she has rt. criud a credit at tli Treasury, on iCt0unt el l.e balance due by her to the U. Statea. hr Dtjmrtmtnt, hbrMyMih, I06. K UKARPOKM. ' ' ' ThrouKh the aittfttiooof a friend, we hava nticip.ud the W ashinitcn raWrf ef Sa. lurday Un, r.ib sttei th.t Mr. RandolLh spokathret lura oo Wtditidiy, on tit uoject of Mr. Crcft, n-imporutiu, rc. oJ(iofu ho man (uys the rW,4f J can satacct us of partiality to this recti inaoi but truth, bida us lay, thai Mr. gandolpb hti trade lh most ah-qutm speech tvtr deliver, ed in that houtf, a ihtorirlaaliiy.iieriioeft. tf 'f vf his gx,rei no C(.Uld CtCtl bin- bit arufnt .... - o f ws;aj W . RtM irxi miftld with a vein of humour and u.ng Mrc.sms toward! fcla ct?or.eBt-.recH as aildom Is witnessed in ihat kouM. ,t vtbok spttih wss la to-sl eppoUUao toiviry thing dirnocraticaL arralnfd ihe cost' duftcf the rrtaideot, for iwHtaororaniag to ihe Co.mu.uoo, u, tncsunccuci cfwu. . Mm aTi' i. A VALUABLE Trat of Land in ih countf of Bladen, rontatnirif d4o a cirr, on the nonh-tall fide of the North wtfl of Cape-Fear, twenty miln beW Fajettevillc and eighteen above Elizabeth on hicl li a new dwelling Houfe nearly JiniOied, 30 by 3! tcet Inctudirj; Shed ej Piaixa, a flory and an half high ; K.iche.1, fmokt Iloufc, &c. ice. It f icll fiiuated and equal iu (fftilny l0 triv 1 la-a on tiiO Hlver. 7 ; JLtO, Four hundred arret back Lerd (etlf pmlng the above 4lefilfcM TnQt MC IHourvdi h.Llghtwood JorTai aoai. finej 1 for Turpeoiliie. Range lor cattU nd hogl at ihi, plc, li nearly 1 tot tjuita ai good as an; in the flat. A further dcffrfntlAit la fr ' ti any peifoo inclined to purchafe would previoufly efl, to fe It. The price mty U known by appljlrjc to the fwbfcribtV on the pretnirti. Cath or Nfgroei still t lken In payment, and poneffion tiv. en try time piei It 1 tottie fcindayolA. ptllenfulng, ' ' . M. MOLTON. Jmuiry iy, got5. NOTICE. I '2J,w,,ft til pcifoni from hnntlrgwiili Dog or Gun, cutting any Timber or vtherwila trefpiflipg on Si rlrg Field PIib, lIon. and all the t .rJ.f,- . T - - . . w.. 1 iik I m s..t ; .1.- r,. - ' . ,y"M "r ipi i)is iifKfp. at. itm lura CarnpUIl, tinder penalty of pufceu loo aa far n the Law win admit. Johnmjfarlak; ew-llsaovci County, Vtarch J4 jw ( r kuii, 'THE lubacr.Ur intending tokareiownH - , . 11. wef , iriorma tne pvblic that U Iiftow idling the rrmalnderol Matitciisirsi tssovtme ftt ol Dry Coeds. Ac t nd,r jet cost, (ore ith, tttha Hereof Mr. Dick o 1st FronUtrecU u.rw. GEORGE M'BRIDE v iirjictt, Ms.'( I, i -

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