-V ft- . 6:; v PUBLISHED (wMtiT) xi:JLlriifa 'MALL , tESAY,tAPRL ji, :lli9. V Mo 483. VoLUitK X. i ; ; :: 1- ' ' - -' - - 'U i : . i ii ii i i i, Winn i mi I. I "Mlla mm, I i i II,.!, . , J mi.. U-pwiIH I L JI T!f .-. . jl Foreign- Newl. - ' . . (Thirty-Ant Bulletin ojxht Grand 'Amy Austxkutz, 14;A; Frimaire, year 14 1 - The emperor set out' yesterday from Aus terlitz (or his advanced posts near 3arrtchi where he placed himstif .near hie Wtwac. T.he emperor of Germany-was not long1 in ar--jiving there.. . The two monarch had an in terviiiw which lasted two hours. The Em peror, of Germany did not conceal both oa ; his. side and that of the Emperor of Russia, ; the contempt they feel for .the eonduot of England. They arc a set of shopkeepers, he repeated, who set the continent oiv fire in or der to secure to themselves thd tvWe of the world. :":-''. ,A These two princes agreed on ah 'armistice And on the . principal "conditions of peace, which is 'to" be negociaUd arid f terminafed within a few days. The emperor of Cerma-' Hy then informed the emperor, that the em peror of Russia likewise deVined to make a separate peace ; that he entirely abandoned the affairs of England, and no longer took anj interest in them. The emperor of Germany frequently re peated) 1 tlure is no doubt but that in her dispute. with England, France is it) the right.' lie solicited also a truce for the remainder of the Russian army. The emperor obtrvd to him that the Russian army was ssuwoutJ J etJ,"ahd that "not "a man couidf escape;' but, Added he, " I desire to do something agreea ble to the emperor Alexander, 1 Villi 4uiLr; the Russian army to psi I will stop the. march of my columns, but your majesty must promise me that the. Russian army will re turn into Russia and evacuate tier many 'and Ausrrto, and Prussia Poland." Such '. is the. intention of the Emperor Alexander, replied the Emperor of Germany, I can assure you, beside you may convince yourself of it in the tourseofthe night by your ooflicers. It is asserted that the emperor said loth emperor of Germany when he asked him to , come near the- fire of his bivouac, ' I recciVe you in the only palace I have inhabited for these two months past." The emperor, of Germany replied laughing ( voaa lire bon parti cette habitationu'elle doit vous plaire) It has been so much to your advauUire, . that I dfiKtf.woiider J,,lts.j?Icasij; you."-n- . - """ " " . . I I i i ins pi is near us couiu ue .unacratocu thf wonts wbicn tlropt trom lunn .ltoe nunvxi- toui suite of the two prince re not ko f.jr ltsi:it but they hearcdsomcihim; that was ai 1. The emperor accorfspnnied the enipcrnr , of licrt.i:t:iy l l;u cferr.;iire, fttid . chiinw! prii.if l.ichte.ii'e'n an I gvti. pi incv Srhwart- actibeii; to '.J ;.iecntvU to turn.; after which lie returned to sleep at Auilcii.tt. Cery lufirjuatioti is collecting fur tfie . purpose of vriiiuga 6ne description, of the taltte of Austin litz. A great number cf En tfmeers art drawUior up the plan of the Cold cfbtittle. The loss of the Russians hes been immense. Gt nerul Kutuso and UusliowJeii were wounded. 1 n twelve ireoerals were X.lk-d. bcvcrl aid.de-can,ps to the emperor iiiuiiviivii nihil 41 9 IIV IC cc of cannon, but ISO, which hare bven ta ken. The.' enemy's cofunwu..which tliiry tht inselvts into the Iskcswerc favored by the ice, but the cannonade broke it, and two whole column were drownid. On the evetiintr of thedjy and for severe! hours duitnij the ri.l the emperor rode over the field nf bat-tl-', and caused tht wounded ;-be carried a W'Vi a h irrible spcctscle. it ever there Was i c. Tle einpctoriftounfcdoii a vtry fleet l.orf,j;alloptd klonfj es swift a liglitcniniV tiothins ws more aflcctlnj ihsn to see thoir irve fclbwircco:nie4iimln the field, inme forgot theirs ifTrrinj- and ld Al least Uw Victory u cert. n :" ethers " I h wo sufTured furth;se e'.Kt hour and since the bcn'in Ing of the tiattla 1 mi abandoned, but J Lave dafie myduly;" others, you ounl.t to be satisfied, iih your soldiers to ;yk" ith each wounded soldier the emperor left k guard who caused him to be transported Into the movable honpitids. It is horrible to say, that 48 hours after the battle, there ere still a fjrtat number of Russians whose wounds wt wcr; not able to get dressed. All the French were so before night. Instead ef40 pair of colors, we have already bsd 4$ broViKhi In, and our soldiers still fiud the re- kmiuuii ui mini Bintu, 4oimnfr cm e usl the taicty of the loldiers at iKrir l.irini. cs. They scarcely fjcntitc theoflicerof ine emperor, but thty cy out to him, whal sue emperor orcn utiih'd with US I In valh.iftbcfoie tls.alth cf the Jir -which his a great miTiScj of cftrfcrJptr ci vijuoi an.i oi tut Lrwer beinc, the mnroil;dloi Hmri.ihf lh Not . - ! I irt , A 1 . . nun wm uiiinguMn th-nlf ivei ta diy." I py KfpunctrworJ. ,The Nnr ntnidlf. tinRuifhed Ihemlclvti. 1 hacrnperer who Jtinwi thtcompofi'lonof euh raiment fiU l few wofd.'i1,ff ft MA. ,,,L ved ioJ fpkiiqtbe hesrji of thofs ItT wnom tfiev . wrre i4.!refTel- ind b-nme , re nVjtz Cral ia Ovs mida cf th fire. Hp fatd o th.lth, , , recollect,.. It nbany yean Gncef fur named joutheTer riblcV1 - It, would be neceffary (o torjame ill the regiments of,, the army. , ,The i was jiot.onb-which.did.uot fliow prodigies of bravery and intrepidity, twe indeepj it ( might be aid that death fled affrighted be fore our ranks, and thiewr himfelf Intfl thbfebf thee'wmy. ' Not 'a corps rria'de a : retfogide pioyemept. The emperor fW I aye fougt 30 batttesiuch as this,'but. I neveruw-one in.whicn the victory was more i dec five', and the chances fo Jittle balanced... The Foot Guards cf the cifi- peror were not'emjaged. They wept WHtr, rage. Whcjuhcy aflted to be employed.' fl tne emperor tajti 10 ujem rejoice wai ypu have not yet been ip the action, you are c'a tall on "as a referye. So muth thd 'bette it yoii. are not wsnted to dayj..'' . V , Three colonels pf the Irop'ral'RiuTajT guard were, taken with the general vVho commanded them. Thehnflars of thu guard made a charge on the divifion of CaHneflj. This charge, colt thsraj30o rnirvvbV.rt! miined on the field of.battlp. . The French cavalry (hewed itfelf fuperior, aud acju'it- cd itfelf admirably well. , . . ; At the end of the acliotik, the eroiiefbir miftnA wills i fn si A rrt"rt ot his guard as partisans, to rule over the 1 field oj battle and bring in the runaways; ;" He took leveral fland of colors'," a:i5 I, coo prifor.etJ. The gnarcstieadiri- gref 'MreVol.bf "ths Tt'oite fingers, Mori , Und,.-who was tilled with al'grapviaosj;' n he was.'eh.ifi'ini' the artillery of tht RiiHiari T'i'n;x'rial guarJs. 'The artillery tas taken ; but this brave tolpfl To-:nl liis.de'ath. - We tQl not onc"gcuera! kilicd. CoU'Mazas, of the fourteenth of t he lilic, a crave man, was killed; Mny thicH ot battal6ii. were woun.led. The Vol"i- eurs vied with the grenadier. T'c 55th, 43d; 14th, 36th, jo h, 17th, hut we dan. ii.cntion no corps;' it uoui'l he imj-.H ,. t 10 Hie others, they al! 'pctfoinied wet- Cctt. I neie was not a Pogle gei eral, an otlicer, a foldier, but was detci mined to tonquer or die." We mull nut Conceil a trait that jlou tonorto tliaonerny, 'The cdrrm)aderc-t U'CiriiUciy ot the Knuian i.npeiul gi.utds I. ad jull tutt ins cannon. 11c met li e cm- eror bittv laid he, scr n. t fliot ; I nave juit my cannon.' 14 loiinij . acfwetfd thcrmpcror, ' 1 jppie. ciate y ur tears, but one ni.iy ' e bii bv my army and flill have a title in .g'wr'v' Our advanced polls are arrived a; Ol- mut-- Ihecmprels anlthe wlmle court hae rled fiom thence in the grcauil halle. vii v" win"", pibiij 11. iiic ciiiyifur, coTtmanderof the 51I1 rrghnent of Kan ;ersr had 4 hoifes killed under him ; un. .l I illklll.tll I t Jt V . tf ,A .1 n tne 5th he was wounded inmklf, atttr etzinn a Hand ot colors. 1'nncc Murat otfljwi great praife on the ft crn incuvas ( gen Ktlityman, n the h--cthartts t" uiy si.d u llslin'ur: ai d in- fine on alt tho irnertU, lor one knows rui whom KMiaint tacai.fc i!u y tliould all be name.l. i he Ul.ticr , the train Imvc ttielittd the praifesnf tnermy. The ait tillety inaite a drtadfi.i h-vock amor.c the riicntv. V. nen a', aC(kri.i wit vwtn .I it to the tinted r, c fij, Ut fuccrfLs give me pi. -ift.ii ; f r i i .ne not lotvnt that it was in il.is ct tpt that I began uiv military csicer. .. The perm's aiJ-de-nmp, grn.'Sa vsry, had aciotiuaiitd the emperor if (mm many afirr the iftrrview. to kuow whtthei tlietm; tior oi HuiHa adhertd to 'he tranltiilalion. iltfcui d ihcwfrtnf the Rollian auny wi .V titjier artillery or bsrSct an 1 in a triilol ilift.rJrr. f . " a. a . 11 was mMnignt 1 gtn. ? rtcidt rul ttca lepulfeJ from GhI.!i oy Marfhat Da. voufl. The Kullian army was furrouo ded, not a n.m ruuld efcapei 1'iirce Czartorirfki introlu-rd gen. Savsry to the emperor. Tc!l your it after," cried that rrincc , 0 that 1 am going away ; he has wrought many miracles ; how this day has incresfed tny admiration cf him I he it prcdiilincdot Ilsaycn my army will require hundred years to equal his but can I ictiie.wnh fafeiy I" Yes, fire, in fwered fererat Savary, if your msjetly rt lifiei what the two emperors ol France and Germany have sgreed upon in their interview. And what Is it f Thai Iht Ruffian army (halt riiirt home', by the Oigts that fhall be rrgutated by the trap, ror, and that it fhall evacuate Gtrmaoj and Anflrla Poland. Uw ihUcondirion. 1 hate the etnptror'i ordus to repair to our advanced pofli, which have already lurn'd you, and 10 give oidcrs to arotrct your icucar, at tre emperor wilhts rore lpu the Irietnlol the ftifl cor.ful. What Ciaur.tet tnuft 1 gite for that I ZUt, your Word. I give It1 jroti. . ThU aU-rfct, camp fet off in tulIRl0 mar Dial Da vouit, to whom he orders to ccafe all movements and to refrain quiet. May this generofity of the Emperor of the French not be fq foort forgotten in Ruffia as ilie fine procedure of ths empe ror, who fent back 6,00a rrven to the em peror Paul with fo much grace and fo ma ny tokens of ejleerri for himt Gen.Savsry converfed an hour with the Emperor of Ruftaaod found him fuch as a mart of heart and fenfs fhoutd be, whatever loifes he miy have experienced. iThe monarch alked him to Kve him fomtf ociansoiine engagement. iou were infefroe to' mj W he." indrhoweVer. you- were fuberior in all poifttff.attack,." l Sire," antwcrel Gen. Savary, that 15 ,! the art ot war, and the fruitM 15 years of glory.. Tt is 1 he '40th battle'' the Em peror has fought." "fThat is true, he is ' great warrbr. ' For my part, it is the firfttime I have Teen fire. 1 have never haiKihe pretentl.vn to ineafure with yo'i." $u?& when you iiav'e gained experience, you wilifurpafs him, perhaps. I fhall now return to mv capital. I rame to the afTiflance of the Efpcror .of Crrrnany.r He has .made 'known f me tlt'bt he is la lisfied -1 am fo.t'oo." . On !us ii,trvipvyr vr it h the fcmperor of GiTtnany, tl.c Krmeror told hirii, Mr. ai J M, de Cnlleredo, MiellM Paget, ano tvaiamunlki are all 6ne with your trw. t'lder, Cobentjcl. Tlkv arrtlie rcarcau- les ot :he war. nrt ii" V. 4 mnilmiKc in war. anaridnn ynurfclf toihole intrrgueiS, tbcv w'" ruin your afl'iirs'and a'ienate tbe 'xarij i f vrur Inhjicts, you whb have fo many quali'irs to he tappy and beloved. t An . Auflrfan. major having pre fp'n'fi hitnfftf a'r'the advanced poD-, 'with ';f-,-atchtS from Mr.', de Cohrntjel for Mr. 'eStadiiu', sfVieiini"; the Emperor faid "I will hive n.ihinMo io" vfitti that f ir.au,' wht has Tol l himlc'f. to Knaland o (V ttv his eft ! . and who hi Hi'mrd h5 f benfe ard his ) aiion by ftitTyyinj hii fif. ft Ws advi,e.; - S' J'"Xberfprto rookrttie'ttea'tcit' itoiice of Prircejohn of Lichvi flelii. ' .He fre- rfOTtW :(, How u ifwhen one has men ofqrfaf (!i(1inl:on, :thii one cjn fnU eronr'e'f to ! led hv fools and intri guers. In tai Vcrt John f Luhteh Item is one ni' i, inft diOinuifhed rha ra'lcrs, f.ot nn! ior his military ulcnt. but for his-o olitic and kttowliJc. It is confidently aulricd 1h.1t tle Rirtpcrnr faid after - his mntcreofc wnh the. fctnperor of Germfny, 44 That nsri has made me com mit a fault, f,r I could have followed up r-v vu'L.ry ami taken tlie whole Knflian ntid Aull on aioiics. but. lown-'i. there will lo forac tears Ids (lied." , Thirlj.ttl.i ul Bulletin clht Creml Armj AusTEtLtir, December 6.. General Friaut. at the battle of Atisterhit, hd four lioi.es killed under hhn. Colonlls Couroux and Df tnomiierdistinguished them selves. I he trials oi murage are so nume rous, that as they were rejWted to the em peror he said, " I need all my power to be able to recompense worthily these brave men.' . The ftuMlan in fmhtintr. have the htd.it. of Uyingdowh iIicm knepcks; andthc vhol Rnssian army havinK jr-ri rnt to UlirrSt. JkXMvre taken pusstsif n" of J.yJour.scU cicrs. A trreat quan'.iy oflucrjac was al so taken, aiwl the Soldiers have lound in it much money. nrr.l lleHrsnd, who had been dispatch cd aftrr the buttle with a squadron of the guards, ha brought in a Rrest number of prisoners, It pietfs of cannon, and nuny bfrv: w.-Rirofl well filled. he number cf pieces of cannon taken up to this time a rncuntsto iro. The emperortestiSed some dissatisfaction that plenijoteniaries had been sent to him the day before the battle, and that the diplo matic character had been prostituted. It ia worthy of M. Cobenttel whem the whole na tion lecards as one of the principal author of all tit calamities. Prince John de Lhtcntteln ia come to meelthe emperor at the castle of Auattrlitm The r.mperof has rrsnted him a conference of several hours. It is remaried that the trmperer conversed freely with this general of. deer, who has concluded with marshal Iler. thier an amistic of the folloinr tenor 1 M. Talleyrand la going to Nlcclsburg, bre the negociations arc soU cpeaed. , Atmitl'nt tolw!td krwttn lAri'f Imfittiai .Vis- Ilii mjMy theemperw of tbe French, aod l.is majesty the emperor of Germ soy 1 desirous reach the period ofdcEoitivc m. goelationa, for putting an end to the war which desolates the two states, have sorted a a pftliminary loUpin by in armistice HhUh ihall tobtlbue u jOI tHe conslaa'.ca cf re 01 ntj . . 1- ; . gociations ; and in this case tlic armistice hall not cease until fifteen days after that rrupttire, and the cessation of the armistice; shnll be notified to the pkriipotentiaries of -. both powers, and at the bead-quartera ofbotla armies. ; ' ' . . The conditions of tht Armt'stkt-artt 1 ". The line of both armies shall be in Mo raVia, the Circle of I glau, th circle of Zu aim, the circle of Drunn, that part of the cir t:le of Olmutz, tipoh the right bank of tho kmall river of TreEcboska opposite to Proa 1 nitz, as far as i empties itself into the Marck ;and;the right bank oftfie Marck as ftr a " 'the lu'ourh t ttfattiver into the Danube ', in - cludifrg boweVer Presboure; ; but bo French or .Austrian t ,rbopt; atalioAed, within Si . cifcumrerence 'ofnvcor' six Jagie'a roundj liOhtch, on the right bank of tht Marck. The fine of the two 'armies shall, be&idest comprehend, ' in the territoiy to be occupied by the French army, tlie whole of Lower and) Upper Austria, the .Tyrol, the States of Ve nice, Carinihia, Styria, Carniola, the Coun ty bfilorita and lstrla ; in short, in Bohe roia, the. circle of Montabar, and all the coun try oii the'east. of the road from Tabor to Lintz. , 2. The Hdssian army shall evacuate thei Austrian Stales, a well as Polish Austria v.".. M6ntvia and Hungary, within fifteert days and Gaflicja within a tiionth The or der of.their march shall be traced, the; it may be' always known where it is, as well to pre vent all misunderstandings 3. There shall not be made in Hungary a ny kind of levy en manse, nor insurrections and in Bcdiemia no kind of etlraordinary le vy; no foreign army shall bv permitted to erhcr the territory of the'HuUse of Austria. NecAciatiorts on eadi side htll meet at Nicolsburp'h, to proceed ihimediat'tly on tho busincbs of negociations, 'in order to rsta bfish promptly peace and harmony be'tweert the two Emperors. Dne inti-rchantteabTy between us the un de'rnrd, the M.SrMml IlerthieV, r.ilninter of war, major geneni! of Ure giviid army, chur--' Red wi'h full v-ert fi'om .his n.iij -stv thei" P.mrH-rorof the l iei c'i 2nd Mr"i of Italy -and prime J"hn de Litli'i-nMciu, Iieutcr.iint rj'rfinalvchoijed with full powefsT'Ora l : m'ajeitv "tlie empeior -of Aubtria,' Linij ' t i Hunuary fcr. " ' - ' At AuMertitr, the 1 3th frimaire, yearlij (Gth Dee. IROCO Sighed, J. tunc - .. l.iJitenstcta, i .ieutciuiut-gencrati ll.irtj.'thitil Ftul'mn of&t f7-fr f Amy. ' AcsTKiiiLiTr!. Tih t)cC. The RrVieral in chit f Buvhrwikn l.iu bcert killed, wiih many other Russian generals, v-hose names are unknown. Our soldiets have collected great rj'nairltit ef booty. The Husslan ftencral Kutuso was wound ed, and his son-in-law, a young man of great merit, killed. The dead have been nnmhrred, fmro which it appears that li- 00ft Russian. 6 00 Austri an", and 500 f'rrrKb air kills d. We have 7.000 Hussians woidcd. Includirg all, e have 3,009 I'rench aociuh il ; KntiJ Itoqer VaJhuhcr is dend in imutquenre of h'n wounrlai An hoi-rbtlorc Ms death hewrM the emperor cs hwm 1 ih-d to have rlnne mre f'ryru in onu hour I shail be no more, 1 regrtt it not, Since I have participa ted in a vi. uy which itire to vou a hap;iy Hun. Wlun you shall think cfth'w Lrare nicn, who devoted themselves to jcU, re mcmler me. It Is er.ouch for tnc to mention .to. you that 1 have a family, I need i,cr ro defintuve peace, or ontil theffuptu! commend it to yonr protection." General Kellcfman, Sehastiard, and Tlilcbourareut of danger. Generals Mausy and Demount are wounded, but not dangerously. It' mint be intercatisip; to be informed of the. different decrees successively made by the emperor in favour of tbe army j they art) here subjoined. The corps ot general fiathowdeo which oerupied the left of the army consisted f 27, COO men; not a single one hss reioined the Russian army. It was cspoacd for several hours lo the fire of 40 pieces of cannon, a cart of which composed the artillery of the Iff re rial guard. The eamsre was horrible. The . less sustained by the Russians cannot be cal culated at less than 4 J .000 men killed, foun ded, and made prisoners, and the residuo who will return home with the emperor of Russia, will not exceed 15.000. May ibis prove a salutary lesson to this y6crf Prince, and indue him to abandon the policy which litlih gold hat purchased. Msy b recur to those cM principle which ar adapted to the Interest of his coentry and etiaratt. and hmk tli& lmrA n. II w - - " ? - , " VI. I him by the vileotirsrchistsof !don. The ajrtst Catharine understood well ihe(tniu and rraourctsof Runt a, when, at the lime ef tht Erst coalition, she de dined sendiftf tri army, and was content to aid 'it w'lth hef (ouruels and food srishev But ah had tho eiperienceof a lont; reifrni and a knowkifgo fthe character of her ration, tofrvide herj she had reflected oa the dangers of oalitiom Tbi etpcrience canaetii curt iilhf sp ;!, tt - I 7 di 1 I !