W hen Paul lur wo, marched hU, armies against France, he.aoon discovered that those errors are the least injurious wlijch are the shortest : and after one campaign he with drew his troops. J" If .Woroiizw, (now ifl London) were not m.re an Englishman than a Hossian, a very ndit1crent.idea would be'formed of his talents,, to admit rliat he could suppose that 60, 80 or t oo.OOt) Russians were competent to disgrace Franca, to induce - her to bend to the British yoke, to abandon Belgium, and to force the tmperor to resign Jus Italian crown to the "degenerate race of the Sardinian sovereigns. -Ttie Russian troops are brave,' but infinitely Jess so than the French. Their generals are ijujte inexperienced, and their soMiers so ig norant and stupid, as to render their arms by no means redoubtable. ,' -f Supposing moreover the possibility of the Ituisians beiBg victorious, Russia herself must have been depopulated to have attained thi senseless object', prescribed to them by t.he oligarchistsof London. The battle of Austerlitz took place near the tomb of the celebrated Kaunitz. This cir v instance has made a strong impression a mong the people of Vienna. ' ' ' By his prudence and Judgment, and parti cularly by invariably maintaining harmony be tween France and Austria,, he had brought Austr'u to a high degree of prosperity. - Here follow the names of the Russian ge nerals nude prisoners many others were sUin in the field of batUe. There are mor over, 4 or aOOofncera tilled among whom are reckoned 20 majors and lieut. colonel, Si lupre th.aji 100 captaiai. Prebizenski, Wunpfcn, Muller, Zakoum ky, MulbVrg, Selcchow, Strizy, Szerliakow, Prince Repnin, Prince Sibersky, Adrian, Lajjonon, Salima, Mazenkow, Woyickoff. The emperor has corrimanded M." Ta' Hr,l,,d who. wue at Vienna, to repair to rirnn. . '.- M. Marct has joined his majesty at Aus-U- i litz. ' ' - The emperor eleptlast' night at Bujnn. NOlH OLK, March 54. Br the siii,) Shield, Captain Carpenter, iti 38 days from . llurdeautr and the ship Su san and Sirah, Captain Marncr, ih 2ft days fiomt.ie. in.e ortj we have received our regular file of the Moniteur to the 13th of hst month with other Paris papers and copt. Mat r.er lus politely favoured tis with Paria papers to tiie Uth and Bordeaux papers to the lGth of February. This last arrival briogsm London advices, via Paris, lo the ih of Frb. thirteen days later than the intel ligence uccived at Charleston. Anxious to lay the most interesting arti les before our leaders, we have not been a lie to give the papers moie than a cursory view. The intelligence from London will be regarded as important, as leading to a gene ral j an-. The change of administration in" oLtd ii the mfit complete, of any change 4 tli.it w .s ever made. It it composed of men oi tah-iits !kI i!lUcnf Cf ino adverse tiiks ti the late administration. When we ule u ret tea of tiie prrtrnt administration, c m-i.i calculate tiuta peace will follow, at the sum-time we du n" believe it will be a 'ugrarefi.l peace, and if the war is to conti ri'ic Wt. admitvstration is such a one Hohi in t .Vrita and ii flurnic, as will inspire conG I'riicc, a'ld call farth the mighty resources of. thi im 'i".i. h was never our opinion that im le Hirifistrauon, was hostile Mo this a? mm, Uu very c ertainly the leading mem " li of t Inr p rsent, have tlaays brcn censi dend as peculiarly friendly to this country, hem e r rnli-ii!.iie wit'i certainty, upon an haii'inridilv' trt minalion of all our disputes wi'.h Gu at-lVcnn. ,'T,,e p",?;:r"r Npoleon, hid returned In l'ir( o!srrvr the day on which letrtiwd, but it was before the tUh cfjan. fcar). f 1 :e crrperorrf AuMria, had returned to ) cap'l. Lis br ithcr were also at Vienna. Ve bav;rtr.c;rd the ilt-nai'ivetreaty between I'ritice am Austria, wl.uhwr shall publish . 0:r i.rxt. j;.th;ig Ct fini'ive is settled tetwrrn I raiitrit l Nwrden and Piia, and Piusaia Ppp-ar i,h? I ii tctd in a vety e f iIvikM .igj'i'.ri n'i Frniur, lut the Pa. p. SKrt iittett Hut tnntttrlve been tern ' wy im I. that dLfiiiiiive arrange nui.it w'iIJ hinlv J ' rl.vr.a. I WerUii.hiitf, a'e erecicd in- ti uliv-l' i'., ti .J in dtlflii u Hirir fi.iincr .oiM ,n., firuMi pais ftl,e Austrian do 'dr.iot,. .re d.Ud, ! n il b rtn ly tli trraiy bciwtrn I'uii'e and Austria. Iluonipaite hat I f a fornul '.cfaralS'n, y'tSft (in cae ut lAvt t,t heirs of hisUJv) tW K W),; Join i f ti!v tol'itene, the sort tf lU t ntprci j ihU ata'e paper me shall rie at vkmi s ira'Mlatrd. This prir.ee hat m'arnVd the pitPci ffi?r nfi,t ntw kir.n'omof j. Vki. The Kmdant of Naples it added to the Kingdom of Italy, Ilaonaparte has pro. l.o iMfcd in fate hiTn addren la hi army, which be his nrdereJ lo Lake fxsien'"on of id ThrBritiihanJ lluu'iaui had cmuatcd tlut coufury. 0.naldfVi!e dwbrt have prevailed wi'h re ape ft u the number of ship thai have late ly wade thair ttai frm DrtiU A few weki ajjo, when the harbour wat rtconnot. tnJtf rt,fi.gr cru. iff, thcrt we In it Ueoty-ona tail of the line, aeven frijitiri, and e.,rUt ciettft. I itert from iha Algle tfthe M aud 4th title, thai the hid been in anJ cJly reconnitrt( fa htrbodr en on U ibw days, tnd touW ret count mora than t:n kai vf the r.rtt, Ke fratt and W bria - ilee tail oftle U. tis fnt;att and tin Cjiurtt, aiti Uticrurttnta Ucir ti;i; ; du ring the time our fleet has been blown oft" the harbour. T - . ' January 13. It wat strongly reported at Berlin, when the last letters r.ame away, that Schimmel pennick was about to resign the place oi Grand Pensionary of Holland, and was to be succeeded by Louis Buonaparte. Thi is not a Very improbable speculation. ( There seems no doubt that the Elector of Bavaria is to be Hing 5 and that Eugine Beau harnois is to marry his daughter. But there is a talk of setting up another King. The Hamburg correspondent insi nuates, that the Erector of Wirtemberg look for that dignity. It would be strangr enough, if the daughter of onf most gracious Sove- ; reign were to be raised to the rank of ,- Qjteen j.by Uuona parte I It is certain that Buonaparte hat been plea sed to accept the Grand Electoral Order presented to him by the Elector of W irtcm burg. We understand that the Emperor Napo- Jeon has demanded of the Elector of VVir temburg, the whole population of whose do 'mlhions does not exceed half a million, an immediate aid of 10,000 men. The Elector has published a long and laboured address to his subjeett mithe occasion. " ' ! Saturday the letters by the Lisbon mail were delivered at "the Post-Office. The Spa- f nisli government is reduced to a slate of the greatest embarrassment to furnish an inyme-- ' diuteannnlvt a Ti'.II Ik. Iv..n c. u.. vn winuiii iiuni tl Pope, authorising the King to tell Church properly to a certain amount t"he Prince of Peace has sent orders to the different ports to equip a fleet of 25 sail of the line, to be ready for sea by , the end of March; but the arsenals are unprovided with stores, even for the. refit of the vessels which escaped destruction off Trafalgar. , DREAbruL HuBRicArtEv -About the 20th of November, one of the most violent huni canes was experienced on the coast of Spain that ever was remembered. A letter reviv ed by a resucctahle house in town, f.f.n, V... lentia, of the 23d ult. states its effects to have. oeen most dreacUul at that place. 4 1 rained incessan jy for four days, during which time upwards of 200 houses were waihed away, and not a vestige of them left behind ; a num ber of persons, in endeavouring to save their effects, lost their lives. To add to the disas ter, nuinbersofkhipping were driven ashore, and shivered to atoms, and many of the peo. pteon board perished. The Berbice Pack et, belonging to the house by whom the let ter was received, was one of the shipi driven cn shore and although strong built, the did not turvive the hurricane half an hour. January 30. Lord CornwallU'a death will U deeply la tneuled. He had an thtt qualities that be-' long to a good man, and many that belong to a great one. He knew how to blend vigour with moderation, to temper justice with mer ry, and to be firm without bein austere lli life was eminently useful to his country. In India he extended the influer.e and the empire of this country, and by his wise admi r.'ntraiion increased our populariiy, whiUt he enlarged our power, lie assumed the go--tcrnment or Ireland at a crisis of (ccu!ur de litacy and difficuliy ; but he adeptrd so con-,, filiating and humane a policy. h.t the spirit' ol'dissflVcli'in and rebellion was e(TVcWiIU and decisively rhecked. His accrp.Mi. oV t arduotM an app-jintment, as the R'iern . mcnt of India, at so advanced a periMi of ine, eo, proves that Uta miereia of hi num. try were paramount 10 all other comidcra. tions. ' In private Jife he wa a most amiable man -an afTcctiilnate ieNtie and a wrtn friend. Many years ago be lost hi wife, u. whrmhestas most tenderly atttchrd, and her loss is Mipnord to prHluce the air of me Imwkfdy and reserve which was (rc(ueiily tihstn table In Um to the last moment of hit l.fe. r, We know n-tho will he appointed to iicmd tl e M.f.pii!CWni wallis. The oppn silion have tl.rady named Mr. Fraotis, ho, t'.cy imlOly pi edict, would at once secure to is iraiMjudity in the territories of the com I viv, . d crmmen ia adtantagtt otver yet obtain 11 ..m Ui distant dominions. They ssv toothat " this is the moment in which it is yet Wible, not merelv !l'r:fM Liim napartc's aeooiaitum of a Cemntoir at Pondi rhcrrr. bit allies in evrrv nr t,t fn.l'.i j tl IKilsible ! . as if our inlrr klaand tmnlr had Urn im. ired and injured, iiuttad of having been o matcriklly advanced, impro vid. and MrePRthtncd as they hae leen by the brilliant administration of the Maruuii Wellc.ley. 1 The impntninnt cut upon the conduct of the Mar-quit of Welleiley, as gf.venwir' ge neral of India, call up a Muih in ihe cheek of every enlightened politician. . Hit I rdhip has raised the splendor of our armt to a Ulijht before onknown to the East, and hat placed our empire on a foundation, the strength and tolidlty c-f which give very plau. tibia assurance of duubility. He hat de ttra ved the meant of resistance to our power at the nry time France meditates ita over throw j ht hit rendered hit rime llluitrvHit at agreatttitcitnan all over the wold Mr. February 5. Li il if the ntv itinhly, nth 21 tl wai djf- rr I'MtJ ytittriaj k9irn tkt Kr auJ Mr. tVikiaeJonlcHanceUar. I)rd (Jrtnvillc, firat lord of the trcttuff. Urd lUaryl'ett, thantellor of the . theuuer. y.c. Fot, tecrttt of aula for the foreiw dear1rneht. Fail Spencer, lecrtUry of state fVf tt.e t hotai elcpartmcM. Mr., Windham", secretary at war. Mr. Grey, 'firat lord of the admiralty. Earl of Moria, grand master of the ordnance.- f. ; ....... ' . Earl. Fitz-William, president of the court 1 cil. r - - . j : 1 Lord Ellenborough, ithnv a volt. mtfwut Jluictions, The further arranfrrmi.nt m ni a finkively agreed upon'; however, we think utj sftieiypuDnsntneieuowing, as about to take place. t- '-The duke of York, commander in chief with a council. Mr. Sheridan, to be treasurer of the navyi Gen, Fitz-Patrick, under secretary at war. - Lord Minto, president of the board of con troul. -;'. ' - : - Lord Temple and Mr. II. Addington, pay. , masters general. . . Lord St. John and, Lord Spencer, post matters general. Earl of Derby, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 1 . - , The duke of Bedford, lord lieutenant of Ireland. - Mr. Tierney, principal tecretarr of Ire land. . -Mr. G. Ponsonby, lord chancellor of Ire' land. . Mr. Grattan, chancellor of the exchequer in Ireland; ' . . Mr. Adam, chancellor to the Prince of Wales. Mr. Pigot, attomey'-general. , . .. Mr. Romilly, soliciior-generaT. Mr. Vansittart, and Mr. , lecretariei of the treasury. Lord Hamilton and Mr. Elliol, lofdt of the treasury. Mr. Bond, judge advocate. Doctor Lawrtnce, solicitor to the king. ' .. JSipFranris Vincent, under secretary of state to Mr. Fox. Mr. Cieevcy, under tecretary bf ttatf to Mr. Windham. . , . , No change haa taken place In the King'a household. , " There will be a Ptivy.Couttcil to-day, at which the new members of the ntw cabinet will take the oath. We sincerely congratu late our country n the imposing and respec table attitude which the administration it a bout to give it. , Lord Hanowby and Mr. Hammond, have arrived from Berlin. JVtsv errange&inti (onctrninj tlti JJmitittra. lion. Mr. ( j eevey, oae of the lords of the admi ralty. Mr; Elliot, principal secretary for Ireland. Lord Minto, governor general of Bengal. Lord Robert hjxmcer, inspector general of woods and forests. Lord Carysfordand lord Fdrtetcue, direc tortof the mint. PARIS, January 0. F.1TZ OpN.IPLES. , PROCLAMATION OF HIS IMPERIAL AND ROYAL" MAJIlSTIY. Fnm mj ImJ trial mmp of CJrhbt tn, thtith A'ivfsr,jtiir 14, ('ilih Dtctbtr.) SLD!CkS, . ' 1-hr ten yean patt, I have donr evry thing to fcuVc ibe king t.f Naples ; he hat dot e every ll.mv; to ruin bin nlf. In the bjf.l t. of Dcno. Mcndovi and Ix-" ll, ci uid nly tppoa? to me a fettle, re sistanre. I trusted to Uie ior!s of Uiat ri):c, and was generous towards him. .." Y htn the second Cnaluii.n was dissolved at Maringo, the king of .a pics, wlowtstha fir.t to l.rk-ii, that unj'ist fttr, abandoned at l.tmeviltc by his ailici,' remained alone ar.tf without defence. 4Ie Iraplored me j 1 par dtnedl.im a strmdtime. A lew monilit ago you were at the patet 4 N'tplrt. I had reason a sufficiently legiti male both to support the treason that wat meditated and to avenge the outragea which had been done to me. 1 was again generous. I acknowledged the neutrality of Naples 1 ordered you t evacuate that kiiiicdom and for the third time the HQie of Naplct waa ttrrncthentd and saved. M bhall we pardon a fourth time thai? we triuta foutth lime lo a court without fa uh without h iiour,'wiihot.t re a ion t No I no !, the dynasty of Napltt l.ss rested to reign its eaistence it incompatible with thercpota of Europe and the honour of n,y crown. "vSjdien, 'march, horl intotht waves. If they await you, those letbl battanobt oflhe yrantt of U icii. hhow the world in what manner we punith perjurers. Do t.ot delay to inform roe that all Inly is ibbmitted to my Isws or to those f my allies ; that the Cnest country on earth it freed from the yoke of the moitperfidioui men 1 that the manet of my hnvt totdien murdered in the poHt of Sici ly at their return from Egypt, after eioping the periltof thipwretk, of desent and of a thousand combati, are at length appeatw). . M Soldiers, my brtthcr will ratrch at your head 1 he knowi tnv projtctti he it the de positary of my authority 1 he htt mide mj whole confidence 1 turround him with the wbcJe of youra, (Signed) Narotici. XJy order of the Emperor. , lit lt$CtntttatCniArjt ' Atai. Btaiaiaa J BSBWaaaBSisiBaaa .l VIENNA. Dec. SI. The c vilt of ar, which have home to hea vily tipo ui.havc at length terminated. Tit lerday the wished for loUlligenee wn hrouht from Pre ilurr, of the conilusloB of a peter between Aujtria and France The war laa listed two tpcnlhi, a ad ptttr C4 U tUnktd, vt a n4 tq r ' According to the term agreed upon, the? French arc to leave -Vienna in U dayt. . They will evacuate Brutm on the 4th of Jan uary Vienna on the 10th, and all the Aus trian' statea in their, possession, excepting those ceded to the kinrdom of Iulv and ta Bavana, within aix weeks. There are, be aides the public, aeveral aeeret articles in this treaty. Tho contribution of one" hun dred milliona of francs, laid upon the Aus tmn states, has been reduced to thirty mil lions. ; : ; n , , . 4 ' - This day, after the tignin'g of the treaty of peace, the Emperor left Schoenbrunn to pro-' ceed to Paria, hy way of Munich, where hit) Majesty will not atay above three days. Tho peact concluded teems to be definitive. His Royal Highness the Archduke Charle haa had an interview with the Emperor Na poleon, and was received with the mostdis-? tmguished marks of esteem. The Frencla army , waited to receive him with militarw tnttaic ; During the conference, the evacua- . tmn of the Austrian provinces was agreed upon. Such affairs as are still to be arran ged, areleft to the Archduke Charle. tnLMtNGTok, TUESDAY, APRILSoZ iaw4tiaw WE-aincerely congratohte the citizenVot this Town on the late manifestation of pub lic spirit in support of the.Ordinances of our Commissioners tending to guard against the future effects of Fire, particularly the proirpt r.ess and unanimity whicH has been eyincedi in the establishment of " .V Wilmington Xighi Guard." The false security into which w have heretofore been lulled by a hired Ruard at tho exjer?ceof )Sto 15 hundred ddlars a year,,' without producing the least good or pie Tenting accident in a single instancy evsnby tjmeJy alarm, ledtothta patriotic 'measure ; in support of which one hundred and thirty of our most respectable citizens have alreadw pledged themselves. We have the satisfaction of furtlret stating that the Guard is so organized as to render the duty light and extremely easy fo be per formed, at well at to insure its. eficacy an eontmuance. Notwithstanding the competeat number of which this laudable institution- n already composed, ii. is hoped that no respectable man in the community, feeHog wvinteresliw . the future welfare of the town or security or his neighbors property, will felese to coati'W bute thereto penonally or by eUtitute. list of the Guards wrtt appear in, ae next. AtaSpeclal Courtke!dattf Court-Howetj of Sampson county, on the 5id ult. caan on the trial of a negro woman live, the property of Silaj Myhan, offaid county, far poisoning a negio woman, the property tt Mr.Robert Butbr; when after a very lengthy and impartial bearing, and the exa'min; "i-m of a great number of wrneces. bth w'e andhlatk, she as fomid puil' bv the Jnr, and by the curt setitVnred to be funj: on t Friday folio inf; which irntcrew;is accer dirRly put in eaerr.tirn. At tfe gallows V.t made some rn.ftMion. w. Iiir h itiabipi4 " snay le productive of pulllc ber.eilt. w ...The New-Ymk pppert received hr th parVtt Vrnas. artivrrt yeHirn'ay, rrrtain tke impcrtant iMcRieenr of the tkkii( of th Cape of Good Hope, by a British fnrre nu der the emwtard of Sir HomrPopham is4 Sir Datid talrd,-ow the Iftb oi Jaawry latt. We have been diiappointrd in obtaU'wf the marine list for ins'rticn in tl.ii paper, in come pie nee of the aUcnce af the Dentil Naval Officer from town. . . MARRIED, On Tuiai tinting ih iJih nil, hj lt p.. yrrcad ir. SlinfJ. el Colisn Crcrt, DUn Count t, Mr. Jet I, Srtctt,tJ0ni1ovCmifu hand late e thit' plate, U ih omichU Xiii Ctruurt Mittiitowttf Duplin. fietH ih ttitrtburg RtfMhKtB The lite arrival from Europe hare af. forded matter cf mech pith and moment to the United Sta'ei. The cn H crmmlf. flonm of I he council In Eap'ard have come to tdetrrminatiop, tkat fclpibelpj Arrerkan property, but wot American bullf, falling under, fci litten. canno te coaCdcrcd 11' Amnion taffeta, arai confecucntly are rot enii!ed lo import In to Grtal-Crlta'n, under the actof the 371k cf Georre the 1 1 1, chip, pj, In addition to tie above, let tcrt from London tncnilon, that no ccndrmritioni of AmcvWantfffeli had Ketn mide forma lly eli thai Mr. Monroe wii to htv an audience with Mr. Fox, on the? 91)1 February 1 and that It waa tipefied do further eJeientiortitfoiild take place. Thprtndrotitne(r(cat the opentng cf eopgrcfi, ard the rnecnorUa of our caerc hanti lave been pub'itned In T.tUr3t and bad produced confiderablt aSiaiiont lih icfpeQ to A met k-m afalrt Mr., Fox, It Ii faldbaiaiorclTcd hfnf1f averfa ! thfrocedirp reif cOIr ctuirtlcocv fercc. Inconrxflionwlth tbcfaartlclcaof Infor. toatieo, weohfene, that J. Er&ir, Ef. ii ifpe'iuti CsiliQa olcifttr lo Aoetici.