-J-V. i - - - T V , -.4 Voivai ;X.f . .' . 'PUBLISHED Tlttf) St H4M. TUESDAY, APRIL. 1806. famish 1 jp-- ". - J: ;. , i v..'.' ; , , bwsjt; jo. i ' The' emperor Teceiad yesterday jprinc : Repnini' made prisoner at the battle of Auaf ' terliu at the, head , of the. herse guards, of which .he rat the colonel. Hi majesty told him that 'it'was potMs wiah to deprive the 'emperpr Alexander" of .such brave troops, And that he had permiaipn to collect all the prisonerfioftheiRossiaii imperial gvuud, nd ttHirn Vith ttelnlo Rvftsia.j Hit majesty expressed hi regret that the em.peror pf RuV aia ahoyldshate -haardedri batfleand Obser ved that hadis majesty been lew aanguine he might have spaced the blood and honor ' of lis army, X v " . Prince J,oh? ,of .Lichtenstein arrived here yesterday invested with full powers to nego ciate The conferences between him and -jVI. Talleyrand are carried on very -actively, ilis majest.y'afiit aid-de-camp, J unoU who . -was dispatched lo the emperors of Germany and Russia, saw the emperojL of Germany -at Austerliu' yVhoreceived him very graci ously. He "was unable to prosecute fils mis sion, on account of the emperor Alexander's liaviug set off post for St, Pctcrsbuigh, atten ded by Geo; Kutuaow. - Hi Majesty received at Rrunn M.'Haug tt,vand appeared very Well satisfied with the cojAniunicatiohj made by tlmt plenipoten tiary whi he received iu Uie most Hatter iog jnamjer,. inconsequence of hi ' having been ever opposed to a connection with ling , land, as well on account of the reputation, of his counsels, in which it attributed, the pre aent prosperity of Prussia. As much, can not be said of another minister, who born at Hanover, has not heen "found inaccessible the influence of gold. JJut air these in-, ;tr1gues have and wi'lf prove impotent, when opposed .to the king' -of Pvu$u's superiour good -sense and discernment. A to the rest, the Fwnch nation it dependent on no one, and oae hundred and fifty thousand enemies i;i addition would have but protracted the war a short'time longer. Prance. and Pnusia, under these circumstance have reason to thankful to the duke of Brunswick, .Ike mar Molltndorir, Da Kpo!ol5oiir, LohP -and m!mvc all.tae Jtiu hiiucif. The iiitilkjues of jjjU'id!r.iVe oVCcii IiVp' uttetiUed witU sn'-.'iCS, but as'ia order. .t'jrm a con cKnionitisnece.ry' to Like a view of the question i'uill its h.-arins, allthc'u intrigue Iiavc becn'.iuUe'd by the wUl of the kn;;. 1st fact'tU'e wiirt r'ittlncttd them, strr.nt'y : hSei 'hi c- 'ifidtnce ; can l'iuia have a nifrf powcrlnl iid fuuhful idly th . Prance. , U'iKiiiit the only powtr in I'.tirope nho cst eu;;ae in' war liom mnivr of cspiirc f1 era battle lo-i or gained, Huskiacan rtjire;, France, Austria, and liusia, on th contra ry, must deliberate a long time on tire coime HKiirei rjf the war, one or two battles arc in uflkient w -xh ulthe chanct of it. The Moravian peasantry kill the Russians whenever tney (ne'et with them in small par tti,. Tl.cy have already destroyed a htm !ml. The errincorof tle French hat j;ivcn order forcnV-y patrofev to ride over the crtuntry jjid-jjreycnt thii'tkikncc. Since the errtiy army p:i retired, the Husti&rs 1rll behind it arj plued under the protection of th'ir coniueitr. It is undeniable that x'nry hva comiv.Ud many disorders and v;."icit.ii, tr t It i t surprirny that ven jyrvxi hwild be taken of ll.cm. Thty mal treat the poor as w II a the rifhi poolsih C sffra.to thtm but a moderate .chasi'ue merit. There are naToUra hch Uey have rot attempted. Pilltjre, firing cfiia ttauacrc; tnch w lXtr arousementr Thty have even murdered priesta at the al tar ! WrcUbed mut be the sovereign who hallbrioj surU a icoury.e on his coi;i)try,T The bUle oC AlM;rnia has proved an turo Zar.Ury, aitice t has remove J the ho pV'siurc which atUibeJ to the Diflic of thosa Uarhartant. ThU applicaiJonJ however, cannot' apply to the court, or the f'tr number bf ofTi- Cer, nor to the iiihahiiantt of the citirs, vhofca the contrary, are ci viliuievcuto lux tfry. , . ' ThiritK'BuHtth if tin Gt 't ' . . , - , By, l3ec. ll TheTvuitlan ftmy W 'thfta ctlurans,' be fail it mircb the irH Drcemhrr, cm it fx. tumtoltusfcla. Tht Krr hntaken thi'tar1 of Cracovia and Thetepl heetmd thul of SascHaw, Umbtr, al l)rtxll,4nd tht tyrd that of Cijfroau.iWaireUat.d Hussiatin. XlthcheaJ titha first has UrparUxlih envi Jk rof of Rusd; -ffitli Us broth r the gtuul ifukf CooiUotine. llt . . , . , rVt'idt th artillery fd in tht Uattk, 'aft nlir park consisting cf on htndred p'ctl ofratiBon hit hrtn Ukrtafrom Ike IUMuins; wtb all their ammonithii waon, Tbt rmperr haa Urn to k tlii ttk of; an.n rv ht ha1 given Oidera'Lc ill uaarporuUon I 1 MlKAtf, NOV. t9r: Weijuit tearn that an Anglo-RuBsian'squa dron, consisting of U bhips uf wari and se veral transports, had landed 2 brlSfiQQ sitfi at Naples, the 20th November last. . . -Imtoedlately after the landing, the ambaa aadorf hia ttiajesty, the eniperor of France and king of Italy removed the arms of Franjce, which whre placed at the gate of his palace, and demanded his passports. ' : . f The passports were granted, and the ani bassador retired to Rome. On this subject, a royal proclamation has been' published at iNa plea, the terrrfs of which convey a )wt idea of the earnestness with which that court has attempted to make its neutrality respected. - Private laturs, worthy of credit, assuro us that his Sicilian majesty has engeged to join the Anlo-Ilussian forte with a body of peas antry, the levy of which has already com' menced ; These letters add that the command of this Napoli-Anglo-Russiun army, is given to the Russian general Lacy (who has resiced in Naples six or seven months' past) and that the guard of the city of Nap'etjias been con fided to an English corps of 1 8,000 men. It ha not yet transpired what are to be fie projects of the military assembled at Naples. But all the world well knows what succtss ma") be expected to attend an army, composed of three different people, strangers to each o ther, and opposed iu habits, language and t Ten interests. . Nevertheless, it is certain that the Ettglish squadron suffers extremely, in consequence of an epidemic, that in putting into Sicily, it was underihe. necessity of leaving 300 sick there, and that since the landing at Naples, the hospitals of that capital have been encumber ed with Russians and Enli h. Let us hope, for the welfare of Naples, 1 and even for that of the Anglo-iiusslans, that the-bulletins of the grand army will reach them sooii enough to avert from theni th.' Ctttiti reserve, should they dare to oppose their forces to ours. Let us hope, that 'tlic Anglo-Kwsin will hasten to shew them selves faithful to the Gist article tH'Uie cai tnlation proposed to Prmcv Mural, hy th-aid-de-camp of hi majeMy ot u tha Rus sians and that they wi)lt'e iliCopirlniiity of returning to' their pom, lie sjwitvaj thj llujcanu. How.-Ver it may re,lthe nevr of thelrn ding at-Vajdeaand t'hmairtn-iin wli?ch th' llnssianttni I'.iitdith have fu-en there rereiv ed, dw-rrand$ of us a few obiei ration which cannot 1e sitppicsied ' . Thus then has the court of N'ap!es reser ved firUtlf t:i: deteMible hnttor nt surpas sing it) iHrrf.dv -vcn the coi.it .fliii!iii . Thm at the vert moment tl;;( thin conit ratified at P(n"u i, rfhO-tolr, ISO.', t!e trra tv nf neutrality, t! at htr ar.ihasiadur l ad aiRnedflt Paris 2 1st Sep', at thj moment she promised (1st article of the treaty) o re pel yWreverv a'tempt which should be mad against 'fcu rights ad duties of I cr neutrality iie not ci.lv ne-'lect to rtnel iau- tm-niir l-y forte, but moreover consent to t'tlivcr up htr own j,n p!c to i.t as uxiUi--vie t l.nlit.d and ltutiia aga:nt 1'rai.Cw afif Itafy. Th'is, at the mcir.ent"Uien th's coirt jim miked on her honour (2d ankle of the treaty) nl toMifiraiiy roips of troopj belonging to any hclligt rent power, to be landrd er ty a.. v jnce into any jurt f her tcni'.cry ; she pr -mifetl Fnpland and Russia to open to t tic m hrr poil, htr arsetials and her hospital. Thu at the inomttit when this court enca. cd (3d irticlt of. tl.r treaty) nt to confide the command of her srmic, fortified places, to any oltcer, Russian, Htigtikh or Aii trim ; the prornUtd to dirose her pcttin. try under tin older of the llussiun Kcntral Lascy, and o confide to the English the cut. tody cf its o n capital. Thua, In short, at tha moment when the emperor of the Frenrh ami kinj; of Italy, faithful to the 3th article of the treaty, with drew all it force from the ttrritor of Nt pic, and delivered up the places and rcrtt ofthf country, to NetptAitan f(ftr ft j if,e king of Naplc engaged to t hi own cm cert irom tnt iwtH and rtnlitary place, and to replace thcjby the English and Rut tlan. ' Such fofarny and batentts will not escipe sith hnputilty. The Indication of all peo' plf, the discipline and valour of the I rtftrh if.d lulUfi armlet, the genius rrtheir avrgust commander will avenge the present gtnera iHsnfurihe baw' perfidy, rf which the queen of NapUiha just jlvcato odious an tiam. pie". That Cod, wbo punuhet perjury will con duel, if It be necessary, Our tquadrona to w triumphs., Already, aHht very mum rot that th trailer , lay iheif hoult ttott, Ux that (ini teem to htvt fWtWtrned them ty tht ftrt of Vesu'viai, of the ftt rtwrtcd fcr them by our veteran. The people of the kingdom of Itslf wiUhe temperate In the raprtttior) of their jt m digntl)n they wUl eon&dt lq U t wlsdora, an lfgrfMfrKttfthe ptkrht,-Who of u can doubt that acf taguU monarch and hit wart 6t rtf fttcbutive hit taken it try measure whicjh'they have judgtd iiecessary to our defence and our interests ? : Should the 'irieniy Attempt ihW fodlish'pr jeet of marching' against "us, 'thVf will be doubtless arrested in thoir'cbyjrfethey irill neVer reach the frontiers of oiir kingdom, hyill . be Vanquished 'before Uhtih icyes meet that happy and peaceable country, iittU avhich they hoped to carry brutality, devasta tion awl ruin. . . '",'. " " ' AENNA, January 16. The Emperor arrived here this morning at 1 1 b'clock tfjt repaired to the Cathedrul, where a U'TiBem was sung, and ah.crl-aida proceeded thro' the difltient street to. tiia palace i. he wusonly idttnded by the Citizen LjCuard n -horseback ; the citizens on foot under arms formed a line J no regular troops appeared. 'The cavalcade consisted of ei&ht cai i iajj'es, in $he last of which wcVe the F.m pcrorand Empress. Great emotion was visi ble on the 'countenances of their majesties. The orrier which prevailed, the crouds of inf habitants in the sti-eels, the loyal sentiments which were generally manifesttd, furnishid a new proof of the virtues of the inliubitanls of Vienna ald of ihrir attaciiment to their sovereign. Before the arrival of the Loipe-. ror, the following proclamation hud been stuck up : . " Francis II, by the grace of God, elect 6f the Romans, ulways augus'.'.fertditary Em peror of Austria, King of Germany, lluu-. gary, lioheiuia, kc. " When I was at a distance from you,.l had good grounds to believe that our separation would be of short duration, for I hud luken the lesolution to return to Vjciuia immedi ately after the MUin; of the Hungarian Diet had broken up , my intention Was to remain witli you as long us my presence in the. capi-' tai could agree with my obligation to watch over the intere&tsof my whole empire. The force if circuiftoi.'iirrs alone prevented my ese :uung t hi rest lution. I conreivtd it wa ny duty to winds voo, as towaids the gene rality "I my loitlihil subjects, to remain in the nei i .boiirhood of the lombincd army. I mad; choice of a icpren in alive vhoposts-, sed your coiihdencc, end who, in ery res pect, dcjci ved it.- I have had vv il oc.ht. taken up with you, cm! I jvc watched ovei vour inteieb's as tout has unl'uitoiiule cir n mt alters hae i inuu il. , " l'rnvidenc not having hen pleased lo permit us to lay tie fmiiid.iiiiiol U lading security by means of r.ulit.uy success, 1 have rtdouJi e.l my ttlor's to restore itjKise and tiaiiqui'i'v 'c rny coniUrrcd sta'c by iiejo- lions for cace. 'll.e success i4 my ef fort has appeared tardy to my treiul ; hut an afiair who it cnhuttd the pre" tit and tfr !ut.:rc, and liic decition ol whith required a mutUHl (ontint, coold not bt Liouhl to a speedier tel mnatit-r. " This oitl.iruiiule lime ii 1.0f past. 1 etmninthe iiii.Nt of y u villi thocc feel ings which your rontunvy, your unshtkrn Lltachmcnt. your vv;il.ncc in ic!erving cr Itrviid repose, your tagitiess in shoit to ten j-cr by bencfici nce the misfortunes of hauvnity, have ,in. piled me with. 'I here ' odu'v but v hat joi huve I'ulfillvd, noviitur ' ut what you have practised. You have sc r,i;irtd the esteem of your felUw coui.tr) nun, and t tit if forciKMets you have in short the juMcl f laim to my gratitude. Vl hell Hill distant firm )ou and bearing the most pj'nfol proofs, I found n.otives.for liancjuili ty in this consolatory tcMimenl. 14 But if I-abandon inystlf justly to thl uy which my teturo in the midst cf thr 0od inhabitant of Vienna ran us in breast. if you romc glatlly lomeet jr.r tn.etetjn, nd forgTl in teeing him gr(Ce ynQlc )t ci. lamUics which have nvtrn helmed you, do not imagine on th. act ounltritt your pre ttiaituatbnU unknown to roe, and that t have not at'Antivtly toudeTed it. " ., gene rmi peoHe! you lavecpri- tnced mivfort unf w hie h hare thaVt n to their very foundation, the prosperity which your e!tortt and activity hrl ituind si not cou(tl from myself this state of thinx. t have even sought to become thoroughly acquainted with it, bcctiue thit knowledge Is iiidi.penviUr necessary in order to ettab ftsh the rtlition which mutt calsl between the trwjurcet and wants. Every ll.ii g hat tlretdy been done which it wat puib!c to do iinder ihcie onfonunste tlicurotunrrt to prevent tht. cttraordinarr tootumptioni which took platt from producing cither fa mine or an uatupportabl rframctt. In nr der to attain thii end 1 thallfor the future employ every means which providence hat plated in my handa. , M fe alwtyt at f.iihfal to your Tilnct tt yew have Utn.in,. the most critKal timet I tentribote, hy your loyshy to tha gtnerai good, to which all ray eflont art directed j redouk)e your indoaty cofiduct yountlvet tUsyt with tht i a ox nobler, that your ttrt to unj'ist teiisurtt J rtly bptvn the Al wgbty tad" Wn yoor prayrrt lo mint. Out woutidi, Uter tlctp, will thtrtiy bt tioted.-4 . . IRANC. ftiit, Mil;.?. n;. Before the Emperor Napoleon left tbij -plate,' he pdhliahed 6ri the 27th, the follow ih proVlamatidn to the army. . . .... Soidtcrs Peace between roe and the, 'EmpeVor of Austria has been aigned -Yot; 'have mhis late season of the year made two 'cainp'aifis,-' You have performed every thing 1 expected from you. I am setting out to TeUiriviJrrry capital. , I have prontottd and a.tiibutetf rewards to those who have dis tinguiihe'd 'fhemselves. I will perform -to ybu eiviei'y thing' I have prorfcjUed.. You have seen: that ypur Kmpef or has thared w ith you al datVger and fatigues'; you thalWikewise see him surrounded with all that grandeur . and iibiei'id(ori'w'hich become the sovereign of the first nation in tlie world. In the begin- ning oflhe month of May, I w.ill give a grand festival at Paris : you shall all be there ; and we shall then see, whither we are called by flic' happiness of our country, and llic -inter- est of pur glory., . . . ' " Soldiers, during. three months wntch are ' necessary for voiir i.eturu to France, be hc cxarnple of il nl-mics.,, You have now' to give exapipUs, tjnt of courage and intrepidi ty, buf.of strict dtixciplinc. May my allies no more haveto coir, plain of ycur behaviour.. Cohdtict youi'selvts oii your arrival in that , sacred territory Jike children hi the bosom of theiriamily. My pVople will conduct t!ic"m selves tOytards you, as they n;ust do towards their heroes and defenders. ' Sotdiet s, the.tliouhtthat I shall sec you in-less titan hidf a year assembled .round my palace is pleasing to my heart, and I- feci be fore hand the most delightful emotions. S, will ctlcbt ate the memory of ibosc, who in these two campaigns have fallen in the field of honor. ' The woild shall see that we tie ready to follow their cxari ple, and if neccs- nary, (6 do morclhau wc have done against those who attack our honor, or suffef them selves to be misled by tht old of the tttinai encmv of the contintiiW . . ftj crtltr of tht f.mfivrtr. Mjor Geh. Marshal PEHTIllLR. S(fnmliunt:t 6th A'tvvst," ( Dec. 27.) ' ' ITALY, Dec. 10. ,. rfcha' Matsena has in. posed a contribu lio'i of iK n'illicn of ' frunrs S on Tritsie, hJftobe j-u'ul in rash, ar.d the rest to bo paid-in i;oikI bill of exrhatt. All Ennlish jropert V ut Trieste i i ficatfd. Lvtier from Nnplr e-limuie the niisi:ins and Mon tcnrprii.' Lridid thc:e at 3(,ioo.tr.d tha Eflnh atS.Cuoiiien. h osveiia has detach ed a Icrce to meet tl.cm. NI'AV-YUl.K, Mttcli 29. The Fu ndi ship Alt .. dse of 0 glint', I.e Riavc 74, tmd Juj itct 71, . ptuuil in the er.gaj'eiiuM .R' the Ciiy cf M. J)ou:ir.gc, have attived at KltigMi r,' Jamaica. The lriiih sloop of vsr, Driver, capt. Sin.pw.ii.last Irom 1'ciii.nd.i, ai chortd with in the Hook yekttnLy. Two tfl'iccrs csmu up from htr list tvei.iiur, ,v. they furnish i.othii, nta. bl.c ki; 13ci:uv.da the 20th iiitl. 1'rpncisro cc'.ru a native of Fortuita!, ttn sictcdef the, loonier of Archibald lirahuin, in June ImA, wa vtstctdwy CAicuted pursu ant lo histcMciiCt. Cjf'urt cf Ot Cttft Ctrvl tf't ' hc ship Aa1'i, c"l. Msrthtr, arrired vtUroaj from Canton and bt. lltlcns, wo have rnelvtd the particuUrs of the capture of the tJap of Good lit pc, by a Uriiish force turler tl e command of lluruc rophim, ulid Sir David llaird, '-,, On the 23d of Jai.otry, the i ,t.glih brig I.'E'poir, at rived at ht. llclena from the Ctp of Good Ifope, and brought inltlligtnce of the turrcrvder of thut place to the English on the 10th cf January. The Enrjith troop were landed about the 5th of January, cn the Hottentot shore. ih-y were much tnry rd in landing, hy the Dutch Mil troop, and toon attarked hy the a hole Dutch force un der the cutxm.nd of Geo. Yanscn. A sharp engagement rook place. Vatiout were the reportt at 'iu Ikttba icttting the i-uit.ler killed ami wounded i lut it wtt generally tuppotrd that I OOU Dutch, and ftom 400 to fi0 f the English weic killed ar.d wcupdtd, Tht Dutch trtopt vere f.ntlly defeated, and Gov. Yanscn. with about 5CC0 troops, ie treated to the eovhlry , and the (lace ctpitu! cd. The fortt ttr.t igatnst the Ctpt consisted ef 7,300 it t p, vimtrr the ifcmmand of Ccn. hir David RVird ; and tU f'Jl" irr tbip of war Utvrlr r tlie cutnmshd vf bir Ilcm To phsm. via. Diadrrn, M tnt Haitcnal'v Ci fltniqutui, ; Diomedc, SO Ntttis u. 31 1 lda, : $ another 31 fvn fiigttr L'Eipolr, trig, II, and tnothtr brij; of II Vt J Indiamtn and 58 trttiport. Tht IVitintia, a ftne ihiphtci.gint;toth company, hsvir, at tetrt uy iOOMAt iUHiDg In ipcdt n hotrd, tnd a iransport, were letallf rott stIT bt. Roqwe two licV only tmtloat, r of whxh wuCAYrVrj f ih IU al Artery. V.; i ' ii R' ? X "xi- ' . vx JX - mil' J M 1 J' 1,1 4 , 1 t; 4

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