Books "arid Statioimy Fir till thr,PtiiinOJ!i((y Wilmington BUttSyET on the New Testament Family an4 school Biblea , Prayer Books,, Blair's Sermons, New whole duty of Man Sermons and. other practic&L .Worka.of the Uev. Ralph Efik'me, , A. M.. ThomDion' history of Christ,, with; the. lives of theAjptlesr and their successors for 300 years after the crucifixion Hervey's .Meditations, Watt' M,iwellaniee, Doyle's Theological Works, ' V Jieautisa of Watts, ; Family Instructor Zimmerman on Solitude,' Pilgrim,' Progress Tracts, Serniohs, ,8tc. on important subjects The Christian World Unmasked Tlie sincere Christian's Guide in the choice of religion f; Hallyburton's. Memoirs The doctrines and discipline of the Methodist .Episcopal Church in America 1. - 'J IT i:. . J Sacrarnenul. Directory Theatre of God's judgment . Poor Man's Help and young Man's Guide Methodist hymns and spiritual song Kippons hyrnns, The Scapular The Naked Truth, concerning sprinkling of Infants.. ; lVmer's Magazine, American Husbandry JohnitonV Sheridan's, Jones's, Bailey'aand Entick's Dictionaries . DUir's Lectures, Rollin's Belles Letters Kairne's Criticism, Slieridan's Lectures llcid's Lsjays on the intellectual and active powers of man I Sheridan's Elocution, Duncan's Logic ! Goldsmith's Greece, Ditto England Harris's Hermes, or a philosophical enquiry concerning universal grammar Morse's Gazetteer, , M Salzman's Gymnastics for youth " -Gibson's Surveying, Ferguson's Astronomy Paley's Philosophy, Nicholson's 'ditto Stewart's Elements of the philosophy of the human mind Hutton's Conic Sections, Simpson's ditto Ditto Logarithms, Elements of Euclid Dilhvorth's and Jones's ilook-kcepmg An easy mejhod of working the Plain and Slidiug Rules, for.the use of Archittctors Fentig's Ready Reckoner, or Trader's use ful Assistant Murray's, Lowthe's,' Harrison's and Web ' ster's English Grammars A to llu Exercises, adapted to Murray's Grammar Murray's English Render Orator' AsMiunt," Enfield Speaker " Scott's Lcvor.s, American Selections American Preceptor,' A merican. Monitor Yown tcciulc nvn anJ bdy's Monitor Yotti; M.iu' Comnanion ' , Ji,;ht's Geo r8u!; question and answer Pres!e)-"a minci Cantons observations relat ing o'- Lectures on female education and manners Atkm'a Lemu rs from a fitlier to his son. on virion tcyics relative to literature and the cuii luct uf i:f Wc.'.'i Letters to a young men on his first I'titrr.ce tnu life W" d' Mi t tor, or the American Teather's AsUun, ( i'vmatc Meitlor Lettcistoa yfun l.idy una variety of useful sUiLi-itcrysiiiix Mil-jects, ruiciilatrd to tin- prAu the heart, to firm the Manners ana enlighten the understanding .Se:i -a'- MtrJ. li r IU;Ur' letters ?o his dnighler on the . ',f .it. i f ;!ic t'luti'.ian Reliin Jtirul 'i'Uu, Ithssnnif of Morali'y The linif jing Soliuol, or 1s.hs from s I'jct, vi st to tier Pupils riernenucf Mortlily tjuttn Mb (..iy'i,CraalL'snd Dodslry's Tablet Primers, chap books, .Copy Sb(:s ' Uoyi-r and Nri(cnt's I'mith slid r.nrish and English and Trenct Dictionaries Pcsrce's Lonmus Virgil, Horace, t'ictro De'jibioi, Virgil Dilpli'ml - Dav'whon Virgil, ' . Clark's Intr odw uon Cordfrii CoUomukm urn CeMuria Seleela Eulrvpii HUtwia Kotuaas lirttisriuni Sslum Cornelius Ncpotis - - T.ltmenUry lntuciift) to the un Gram- mir, I.4'inGryn-i, Nrv 1' 6t. Cbsmlmiid's r'rrti b tt'd Enjlikh Enrcius r.o!lin' Ancient Hisnry , Poxrnr's llikVui vf Ameriis Snowdr&'S ...j . . r!o. J l ime's d. of lr,land I!iieil't . ... t do. tf Modern Eurrp Gvli!imit!, , il, uf the EariU .d Ahlmtif NVfift BarrmHaV. in the interior districts cf lioujK. ern Africa . C4rVtr'ai'lritU ihrocrfK! the Inktiof trts North-America tat mors Uaa fteit'isod miles ; Travels in Europt , AU ss4 A trie UcXjouc VtiTitrs, from Mora ft si Utre tb Continent of Nortb-Americs, kc Spaning Mxt'f,t ltf on Csmnicrte, llobn jbrtok'i Trtcts JtlTcrson's Nottion Vifini. JVeKford' History of t rance f ifford's Residence in tlA. llrtsu's History of St. DnIn Trstcli of Anschst ' tke Yountr ia Crt tee . rMk'lTfatthlntht inuricr duvrxtsef Af Bruce's Trairels'tortljieOTXti lourct: W'tHe Niie ... ; : The Voting Gentleman's and i.adyfs. Monitor, Coek's Voyages, Robinson Crusoe The AlgcrinevCaptivet.orthje life Jiddea- Uiresiof Dx.-XJnderhill, 4year a yrisoiier among theAlgerines . Memoirs of Major General Lee Life of uonaparte., .. . ' Do. of Suwarrow , DoV of. Robert Lord CHVe Stern's "Works, Winter Evenings, Eucti- brations ou.Life and Letters The Spectator,; The idler , Paine's.AVorks ' V An Enquiry, into the nature and origin of Evil ' ''rr:'".:";'-' ' ""' " Beauties of the Studies of Nature, selected ; from the works of Saint Pierre Beauties of Nature Principles of Natr Young's NightThoughts . Columbian Muse Select Poems, Spirit of Despotism , Voltair's Philosophical Dictionary , Junius's Letters, elegant and commoa edi - inns' .. Political Dictionary, Democrat Caustic's Democracy unveiled An Essay on Crimes and PunishmenVw Defence of Usury iZimtnerman's on National Pride Somerville's Political Transactions Dramatic Dialogues Teleroachus, elegant and common editions Row's Letters rrom the dead to the living The Complete Letter W riter Lady's Miscellanies : Free Mason's Monitor The Frugal Housewife, or complete Woman Cook Steulien's Militpry Discipline Cavalry Discipline Milion's Works, Paradise Lost The Works of Peter Finder 1 Little's,. Savage's and' Cunningham's Poems Thompson's Secunrs, " ' Pleasures of Hope, Do. cf Imaginut'nn Science Revived, cr ;hu Vision of Allied 'Musical Miscel:.oies, ' Songster's Maaame Do. Museum ; The Kulfinch, Masonic Songs ! Rhodcrick . Random :ciii nia, Don Quixote, PtjygarGirl, Beggar Doy A Peep at the World, Evelina ., Romance of the Forest, Henrietta Bellmaa ! Aii'oiiia Percival, Armenian, Alexis : Interesting Memoirs, by a Lady The Coquette, i Female Fodndlirig - ' Nocturnal Visit, Ambrose k Eleanor, HdS Been JancTallbut Vicar of Wakefield, Vicar cf Lansdowa , Vulmout ; . a novel by Harriot I Lee, Children of the Abbey Zadi i, or the dethronement of Mubamed IV' Stephanie de Bourbon, The Monk 'Roseau's EloisJ, Camilla, or a picture of ; jouth, Visit for a Week, or bint on the improvement of time Montalbert, a novel by Charlotte Smith v Gratvil!e Ab!ey, a Komaiicr Cecrlia. or mcii'oirs of an heirevs Tale cf the 'limes Ts!r.f Wonder The Pii'.u. a talc trui.Ltci from the Ger man ol Koti l.ue - The Ca'.!e, cr At'ntyn & Durbiyn, a Hi,;!i v Uii.lSto.-y, Sans'.nrd and Mifcn TUe Miitiiel, or Aftccduti: of d'utingu'ubcd . ptrotuge -- liletcrtc, Q'ltrn r( N'orwsy rVcrv, Avkl.iHe i'c Ssnrrrre , Dorl, or 'lu- Speculator, a tiovd founded oa , recent T.vnrsl HaMif?. Orcan pectrt Thr nirna!rd SUUton, Mr.irfaunt T c RivJ Mothers, Zeluco Charlotte Temple AtaU. or. the Ivt andCouitsncy of two St I vi(ts in the desert j i tst itin, a rpanisn mory The RovalCspiivcs A pliloothic1, l.incricsl ind moral Csssy 1 on Old Maids Tl Orttnbert; f smily, by Kotsebue .Vsi'rUt sru! Diiiarbet, by Dr. Johnstoa. The Negro, Moss Cliff Abbey flielLunted Cavern, Dtack Vsllry CunffsU, Philsntrvpitt, Tie Mirro ( ; Spirit r.f Mi Caile. MUtr riel of UdoipLe :ianof Frtlirp, George firnwell . MiiilJa lltrktlty, l utyOrmond D'UrstW Rofnrs, St. Leon Laws of North-Carolina to tbt jtar 1103 In- I elusive j Msrtm's Kw-JuUei , .1 Pjrk'on Iniurtnci jl'mkicroa Gblijcstwat t: , 1 niherben's Natuts Bt(er ' , t Mcrcu-ii Aentrksaai . F.piaMs's Nisi Tiiua t -,Y.vns's Lauts , fTsjlor's Rrporti GiiUrt's Duris, j('Hd's l!rpni. , Mhierrr'i rrsxtlct tl Ltw ,Site Trists rrector's Prsttkt Tk?U4'st:iti - IjhMheWike . ' ' Msrtin's Sutut ! ,AlrtaM(V(ei IftCf, fee. t . ! AUO, Quills, ind Ink Powder fcf mperMf BlattinjRafier, ' ' Sand, .. Pmncej Vaferi'r Rfed andtOack. I!-- Sealing- Wax, Black and' red: &ead i; Pencils of an excellent quality'' ." ! v ; Seamen's Journals,1 Blank Message Cards 1 ' Ai assortment of Blank-Books " 4 r .' tBlanks of most Uttit '; -WT- - 1 i Charts ' , f TWe N"6rtli-Americatt Pilot, being' -colleen I tionof sixty accurate Charts and Plans.. ;' m i i i ii .. .. i ' v Spring-Hill Academy Lenoir : " " ' County. ' -t ' i.UIE'public are informed that the Acade . my is how open where Yotith1 will be taught Reading, Writing, Artthrna'tlc and English Grammar at twelve dollars per year. Also, the Latin and Greek Languages and Geography,' at sixteen dollars per year. ' The subscriber will engage toboard those who wish it, at forty-eight dollars per year. 6v Jofcph Eliot. Wanted Immediately BY the. fubferiber, a young man who lias a full knowledge of accompts, a iid the bufincfs af a lioic, fuch well re commended will meet with an agreeable fituation by applying to , DAVID BELL. Faystteville, March 14. INSURANCE " ; ". Against Loss or Damage by Tire. JOiiN f t AYN AUD DA VI 5?, Agent Iwr tic FIu?,.ix Cumpsivy of London , . ctr.ti-nuts to inkc Ii.Turaiice on Buildings. Mcrchiiitzt, Fur iuire and Ships and C'arot iu jVo?t 3j;ai;.ll Ids or damage by Flic, at his Office, No. 36, Eaft-Bay, Charledon, South Carolina. For parti culars enquire of John London, Lfq. Wilmington. w Jno. M. DAVIS, Agent, &c. Charlfjhn, Iji Martb, l8c6. N. U. Lei lers to the Agent pofl paid duly anfvvercd, and on receipt of Premi um policies will be executed and fotwar dedas duelled, without delay. 4T93ra.- The lull blooded Horse GOLDFINDER, IN hip.h order, will fiand st the fubferi ber'i liable in .Saippfon county, the pre fent fcalon, arid U let to Mate on the following terms : Ten Dollars the feafon j Fifteen Jo 1 ln fure a Mare with foal, and Fire Dollars Ut afinglc leap. Kxtcnfiwe patlurjge and lreJu!j4 for Eojs gratit ; but the fubl'crL tcr will pot be anfvcub!c far cfispet cr accidents of any kind. Mures may be fed v. itb grain en leufoiuMc terms In csfc of Mures bein cut b) ii;fiiijnce and part. ci i:h ber'oie it can be nb-ttiained,.. that 1 bey me with loa the owners to j.ay be farue -s it" tl-.cjr rrvc with toai. GOLDi'INDER Is a dark bay, (ix old, fifteen hinls -and.n bait bii b. iid in licure rXLilltd by nofu'ilc. He n ot by the impur. 1 ted Ili-ifw Silver, bis Dam bj tiir in'pur. icJ lit tU Svucpir, cut t. the ibipoi. id VLrc , the proptrty of a Mr. Cuj.foii, OWEN liOLMLS. March I, iSc4. r 3 m, I'ORSALE tht iubiriitr, in Vrintm ZtrttU Sugar by the hogshead barrel, 3d pri'of lum, 2 I do. do, MubfTss by the liogOieaJ, A'lu ' Tobacco Pork Flour Buttef Lird. JOHN LORD, Who -cnts to ISinkait A likely young Negro Wench that under funds cooku g lc tradiH;, anJ s fober and hoccfl. . Jtfi. A good smart Waiting Boy who Is fobcr snd fionefl, and accuUomcJ 10 the can of hmfes. Wilminton, Feb. 34, 4toetr. lor Charleston, l be fist ssihng Schooner CERES, Joav NiLiov,, Comman. der. Shell Intended as a ree,u!ar Packet, and has good accorao4ariohsfur . . 1 utcri. For, ftttyA at patsag spply to the i apsis an board, if er Atfen LaiirvVs store . Wdaingion, 1st Aprrl, 1104. t'i '"PAKLNop andceiwtritui tjilitbli ; I i , tnww, on ibe lVk Jtwiry U, a Mk llot siiowl a. Itct'4 4tcsi's Rii-.tii ifend bis lest ; oneof KilwUtb-lli9s birrwwlf Joa ' and says be Urooi;s to Samuel Waddles FT' ' wertaoICkarkston. . . , . . iiF.NnifwnicnTvKJtTs., Bank of CapeFearr THE StttttsoiJert of the Bank 'aV Cape Fear, are fcejceby notified, that jrhe FourrH .UstaMkJ -9,F- $TOC Ssdue anJ payable t tb o , $tf day fhe third of May Det-OoiaVlo psyment, the Stock aocj the previoa pa mcots made tiiereun ia ioifeUcA agrttbl,, jo a"9t of Incorporation. , t , l 'By order,; " I ' JOHN HOGG, Cijblm Wilmington,. April t, 1806; j -,, , ";v .: 1' ' r. 1 . '' " TpHE subscnlr has on hand remaining. I fram last, FaJI's importation, which wero;, laid in' on the most advantageous terms at' Liverpool, and whic h he is disposed to sell low; ' " ' : . " White lead, in luegs of 14 & S3 f lbs. tellow Paint do. U,kp8 Spanish Brown do. 3 f Green Paint In Pots of -2, Jh. Window Glass,; 10 by ft -8p. 12 by 1.0 in hal boxesjl Putty in bladders of 7 lb. each, Hook 8c eye Hinges 8 10 12 15 13 11 (c 30 in : ches, ..; Nails, fine drawn 4d, Iftd, I2d, 2Dd U &0i, Floring brads, Broad axes, falling and club do. ' Carpenters Plaines," well assorted, II It TIL liinRes, raised joints and otherif AND QX U4XD - " of other importations an assortment of Hard Ware, Paint Oil, &c. &c. . DAVID SMITH. . Wilmington, March 11, 1806, . RICE PLANTERS "1X7110 may be in wantbf DtPRE'snewiaw v vented Pkmduli'M Screen (under Pa tent) can be supplied ty applying lo Joshua, Potts, Wilmington, or to Juhn C. 13ker nca' Smithville. . . The Screens are warranted to sift Ninety "hundred weight per day, making a eompleto' separation cf the l'lour, Small Ilice, Mer chantable Rice, and rough or head Rice, with the labour of one hand. They will be fiiiished in Charles'cn com plete in all the parts, and delivered at either place above mentioned, for filty 6ve dollars , each, the purchaser paying the freight. They will be so marked, and accompaniedr by such particulsr ditectipns, that any per-, sun of ordinary capacity will be1 adequate to the task of fixing for use. T ho. simplicity of their construction, and grcatj, durability, together with the immense say ing of manual labour, . and the mote perfect cleaning of the grain, renders tlnm a truly valuible acquisition to every Uicc Planter. They can for the additional charge of one dollar, be rendered so far further useful as to .answer the purpose of a Ki.eimu ScaaiK, I wltich separates the rough from the ground. Rice before it is put into tnc .Vioitur, and oc ! cajions a grcit saving cl the crop.' They at. ; so may be attacbtd to any common pound-' 1 ing muchine. Prson wishing to havethera , so fixed wiil plcav: a;j !y as abyve, and leave a descviptioii oi tluir macbinc, wl ich being .maHe known to thr. pitpr'atii. the ictecn , will be furnished in such a state, and with sucli instructions as mil en-b'.c any Mill. wright to put tkcm iu operation. uharle&ton, ,111 f tbrvury, UOC. Uw, TOR SALE T!IF. riantaticn wheter.n Michael Sari'tfon, Efij. fnimtrly lived, oa Morgana Cicek in Ncw-llcr.cver Coutw ir, couUinmg near two buiuirtd acre!.-. There are 011 faid l'ljptjtmn about 36 iltvidtd into two fitlJi. Qitanct drained. nt'w fit for li e cultivation of Rice. Tto upland ii well caUuhtcd for a Qocku.r ter, having a for Hcts- aM Cattte. On the land are Tear Tictsvery valuable for tbe Wilmington matket. One, two and three years crciiil will be gi ven. Application 10 be made 10 ike Pi inter of this Gazette, or Samuel R. Joceliow Lfq. Attorney at law. December 3, IE05. ' KOTICE.- ON Tucfday ihc 15.I1 itfet AfrU next, will be let out at' t,uMUY,.;- jtlucioitit lowea brJdtf, at 1 he4 Court'. I loon Ih OcflowCour.fy' i BuiUipecf Cte Onflow Court-Ijoufe. ,TI'cvnduoT ci payment and Me rUn fcoiliJicg wm ti 1 1 w m 1. 1 i. mvm k k . . - f . m ... LKMUELDOTY, 1 klCHAHD jWARD, CmtBfl0eni VVMi MONJFORT, J OnQow Ffb. 31, itctS. e' SOME time last moath, t9tt Tin Hit, msdt of lis;bl CshvUI, U trifled V "C Tbe rrton Vho ksttKtni in posstsiloia Sanrptwnl letrtatw tlitrri imnNJiiuly If stolsa, a hand tome rrirtd bl U Wvei If ike fader tf the to. 4oaa as m. k , Ij ' VRt, Ust rjaHjrwJm?l Iot ir,4 T!jrxston, Apiil lt lie, .

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