6-TUt5D AY, 'APRIL 3,!..,Opr:4 ; i No u 77 vTT f "iff" . 3(fXCMtltjt FAlltDt'tO kit CoHtittttnth:!: 1 V: riT-.Krt u'-w j:! , ii I'--: .;t Ti local ituatiot of my friendly depniten ; ; them of thrlnformation which ii, gnerftlljr V' oatnd by the newspapers, skI ;inkes it: 7; taf diity the more5 frequently to oomtoutticat . . tathem bu coneresuonttt proceeding ; thii : ' I ihall itwayt be ready to do, except in those , mattdr or thine which v confidentially . ' transacted 'Khtn' closed doors this way ; of " - proceeding in legislative .tjuwnessn is ery. unpleasant to such rhembera as are fond oC ' communicating complete information to their " constitttenti. But in the pVesent situation of - our political affairs sound policy appear to , ' dictate sucft measures, V"-"--' ' T great national question, tfori Import- thtnfrim Cr'eit'Britaint Mtiiih Occupied the' erious attintion of congress and much agita- ' tid the- pkiottc tnind-after discission of, tnany dayT has ended in the adoption of Mr. ; Nicholson's resolutionr "Which prohibits the ;. importation;' of the -following articles otilyi Viir f-All articles of which leather is the ma , terial of chief value aft 'articles of wMeh ttk is tho material of chief value all 'irti- cles of hich he inn op tU i jte material of chief valuerail articles u whishlin or b ' H'U th? i material of chief , valuer Un in sbt;vt excepted woollen. Cloths whose invoice prk ces shaU, exceed five shillings sterjing per quare . yard woolen. l)icry of all kinds vindow glass and a!l other manufactures of glass--silrcr and plated wares pitpcrs of e very description inillinary of 1 kind play, ing cards-cluthing itady mudci hats,' nails, and siiikes pi'ctg'rs ; and prints beer, ale nd porter ihe, prodace growth' or nianu ' Afcture of (ireat-Diitain or Ireland' or any of Ihe colonies or dependencies of Great-Britain. - Many of these articles we can Readily pro xurc within ourselves, and ihe residue we tun be supplied with from oher markets : '1 he . votes in the hous of reprcsrntaii ves'on adop ' ting1 of the- said resolotron, tret -yeas' 87, ttays 35. ' On passing the ci!I, ayes 93, noes 92 and has' goneto (be Senate for concur-, vence.. The titb of November next is inscr ' ted for Its operation. ' v . . ; 4x - Taa howic'of rcpreieBfatitee have roted o approprute I iO.OOO dollars for the protec tion of cu;'. port and harbors and rtpuSring ftrtifiJatlrtis nd 350,000 'dollars toWaro tu'l f. f y. r;:rj boot: IrsrpeCt a Wi n i!l to cui ryticse operations intoifKcu ' The propAsUion- for- buihlinvj six Ti't Was . ijcir bf Urge ptajority 'J ; 7 i A nfll MilKrting tlia sertetary of the trt sury to hatfe the. Coasts of Nurth-Carolir.a be tween Cupe-llattcras sod . Ope-lW to be survtred. h is pamd our houe, 74 mttu- .' bers ap'otUied to approve the heaure, ar.d io:xj doiurt ts to im apnrrpnaicu 9 nave ii done like wi.'c 6,4CK dollars by another vote -tfur h'ni'-e Is appropriated &r tlir purpose i cf mrveyln and cpei.iiitt a peth way1 foui'fttt t " "vVde between Athens n.Gor;i,ui)dtlriiy' lef NeWiOt-lanson'Missssippif 'tobegin at wt liiU shoals f Apilchich, thente ito Coweta,' thi-nci? to Fort Stoddert, thence to;; New-Oitcn, fort h purpose ofcsrrvifij the I ' ' mail i( fU United .Htaus. . This pUfftai ri.1 r.td Into'eff ct, vll be of convenience to such j of rnyjcoiiHiiin nis, m shsll attrwpt to visit their friends and reUiiona in tbt Mississippi! . ..... . 1 ' , 13 A aiiii io coniirm a conqjromitf tetirecn theL'jdlco States and the ants.ff lst, Is commonly called) the. Yasoo Uiounu, . yesterday pssrd ths Sns'e 1 9. to I U Hut tbit!ay ws takin up in the foiM f ft pre -j jeutauves a4d rejected-to , v. ' 1 tantvot conjecture -tie precise period Ui' tttiiouwill cloe but t lutewJ Id ask travel fsWnfe aioul the of xt motrth And I hope Ihe liberality of tay optitiMms ' will uslifr. my dgin it, whn H U consiJtred, .thit tf pcettxt Ua'jswlukly necessary. t hsyeXUsille iSuperkyr Court to Ot.fcrul.ijfc 7 luruee from the invidtjus amnions, of A set- of the mott unprincipled, drfsmatory jti'S mf i V k'irtl,ng$t that em pester, an hwvt ra-in. ,n.. . . f FaoH the tint jngnprnt I discovered thcif IroseeoUyns io Mve eaUiengnsl rue, It such VnaV:y Ut the rcspectsUiity of irt t district jjitdfiown character, that T,fi(i UdeViryjuNt anlprtiprinens(in niy powrn ' , so anskle the public mndtto dtienujie tori Vcttlyi'wlvctbcr) the step , taken r.wrnt mi ty roy enemies have ylmt otVl in, pure cr , . eorrvpl motives Is tbqrsfarf nereissry t ho'uld attctid the neat court Sif ApI if rm- ".Ve r!r' arf iainted vitb IRft iLrattr "and souduct of mv rrt'ovi oppwvn!! must b already sai.nSid,. thst the only induce , ,'fnttts whirh .vt raftneaud lfctm iitthta u! ny otlur ii.kuiirt,.if. to fiiiy their , , ; pairt rtwrir;e ar'nt m. f"f hi'igor ,.',rqluesdrt4lwt'ppv4 U'St nth su ai'.f JMh',clf .n,!,''""' o4or':rUsrinj i!f itrns. s us wot ia wtiicvcntusii ,Ls sliiV e1,dfv-;.ii..; i. 7 . , Oo.ti.yJc i nitj.tr vtu L Ji (tie a ft. Ihrr rtciul cj it pveerdiays of our tovrn irat, ss bv rtjir'sttrn'jo in dihsr, ti'tik'? liI (.!'( rv.a(ihat I have sin.lonv.ty adicta'sd asd oorrmiutetly pur lotiday he House ef.JlepresepUtiyes c'lusively cngiged liti jSiP'fKt.' ed doors, in disenssipg tl9 pfpprie- s':?"ji t -ii tU:''i tiff''; .'''ji44. jti?"a tl :'k Konnltifta ofm fellow-citi2ensi Mnd prombtts the interest and prosperity f. f; H jkr.WhilhU waa io Me press,. tUe,ii junction of secrecy was taken off, t Te .cao lents of which; I am ft present unable tp give i satisfactory aecount qfr-i the mq;its w?r, 'discussed and it in operation previous to. my; jkrrivaj. I Can only sy,;,thaL k relAtes to pegoci4VuD pendipg wHh.Spauit for ft?- PUJ Dose of adiustini? wiHtUfertniCeu establishing ; a boundary line,; and an, appropriation 9f t woj miirions of dollrt to pyrhaie. the fimdat.:- ", WASIUJhTOH Clty.Apnl Mt$v Ort,M were exclusively with closed doors, it of takine of the iniunctiatt of secrecy ,rela. tire to the aicasuret taken on SpanW'i alfatrs, .which issued in taking off the - V'ioa -of 1 . t'L r.n : ; .u.. : l r.P I secrecy ; 'Jtuiiowiiigj-, s aijyuiifa thess proceedings.- jng as, tt is, '$ but a skeleton.;, ;5u.chf howeyi;r.as., it is, .H. 'Ji oreaa wrttti- dkp-w . vWe haveuJioV.. 'time to aceonipany tbe(- proceedings 7fith any elucidating remarks.; Wf shal merely suy that there appears to have, been on this, subject an honest diversity of opinion, which resulted in the adoption of measures of a pact-, fit templtciion, by a Jarg rO''jrty, .,. On the hnal irassageof the bill,, Hiesbplc yotes were, 13 J, of wliica 76"rpublicun votes were, in lv. vor of the bill, and 37 republican and 37 fede. ral (including every fuleral member that; Vo ted) against ,it., .'.-.;,,j'.;:j,1j ;:: . i i HQUSKer BE PRE SJLNTATl FZS : .' - ' ' . : .', 7 '. Deeember.A. . The Speaker laid before the IUhc a let. ter and cumtnuuit ation Irom the I'reMtlcnt of ihc-Unitcd States, which were read, ' OrJertd, Tbut the Said kttcr jtnd commu nication, together with the documents, ac coinpaiiyin;; the smc, be referred to Mr. Johir dtidofph, Mr Nirholkoo; -Mr- jln Cottou Smith, Mrj-Mgmford,:Mr. Williams of S Curulina, Mr, Didcll fti)d Mr Drowq. -.. .-.-v-'.-Janiiarf 3,j 1 Mr. Jsh RnJJp'i, from t lie - committee l wh'iin wer.- ri ftned '..i mtiw:e m toiiimtjtiica'ion from the 1VettU-nt of the U- iUed State s of the Mxih. of netttnhtr la; to gether with the d.KUitituts fCrr.pnvmtj ihe same, made f i(iort thereon, as lollow edit'1'' ' ' "! ' ' i Rtfxnl itthe ttnmittit tit rhm-4VJi rtfeir.'d " th wfsia$e 0 ihf Jkiint l violet, The cornnihtce haehthLhl with juf md'g nation thc"hoti!e s;iirlt' lijtnfvitcd LV the court of Madrid tu4U the government ' of the United States In wltl.Vddlnfc the rstihra. tlon ofi's tonveutioii with s, sithotii-h i'i n ed by its own minister tmncf ye eye p In sovereign, uJess with altcraiirxu ifit tfriiM, afTcctiiig claims of the United Slatis.'whhh., by the express condition of the intriirtiti itsulf, wcrereerved for future dicoion : in pimticsl depredations upon oof f iir com inrrce t in obstructing the paviatirn ofthe MobiHei ip refusing to come to any Mr, fend amicable adjiittmttit of the tM)ui)dat KSf f.ousiiiiii' 1 and In a daring violation, ty persons kr'ing imHcr the authority of Spln, and n (Tdubi, apprised other sentiments nd iews, of pur ' un.tipi,-d liniirs which she JjSU sxirmiuj recnLiMi'i pt ircavj . 'To i government having h)lerets irnl'mct ffwn thfKf.pf its people and diregarding (heir welfare, here i ample cii fr I '"r mi declhrj'tionof K pn the prt of the U. Stm'es fend lurh, id they ohey the 'impulse, of ihVIr fcelinrt' alone, ll the 1 'the committee would not hoi'.att t trtomJ us to expect oa: the general pacification. o Europe,) ;AMths commit indulge, a hope, , jhat,' ip thej ehanged aspect; 9f. ,if.air ; in .4)uayteff Spaijvwil find motive for a jufcfM-, fihnehtef Aerstipidavj0" !"!ft ,"d.'iinfa-" ;nicable, tleraentof hinits, upon ,termi". t mobenliicial to the Unkea States than fedianta'geous to",herseif,ecuring 16' her art ample barrie? on the side of Meiic6,'and, io. B IOC countries wuicreu ujr uc uiissiaaiui, Wd to th; eastward f of it. f But whilst the committed pcrceivei, 'in thegeneral uproar or EutopeV .a state of things: peculiarly favOrV r able latlie peaceable pursuit 6f pur best, in terests, they are neither- insensible to the lit;, dignity,', which liasbee'n offered on the part eiCSpaia. nor unwilling to repel aimilar ouV rage.j On the subject of self defence, 'when he: territory of tho Vnited States is insulted,' iherecnbe but one opinion 1 whatever dif. j ference rnay exist on Uie question, whether, j that nrotection which ' a , vensel finds in our . harbors,. Shall tie extended' to Ueri, by ihe iiu- 1 "tioii.' in the Indian or Chinese seas Under jthU.lmpresaioni ftecomntiltee submit the , wiiourrng resolution 1 tne anuexed letter tiom the secretary ot war will explain why it is not man vr'irit. .' " ' . ' .' ti ' .' , RtieforJ, that audi number ol ftoops not ;xc$efling'.r 7 therelt-' dent of the United States shall deem suHi cien (6 protect'lbe southern frontiers of the Uoited States from -SpinUli inroad apd insult, and tchaitise thiir iume, he iitimcdiatclyi iaed.,,','tt--; ; 7,;, '',' 'l-..j v Tlre said repor was read and ordered to be referred to the CutisUleration, of a commitM Jit the whole IIcue ha Monday iieiijU , , , . Qiijinotion wwdg-Atvi! seconded, that the House do come lo.tjie following resolutions ' la'rsbr ippropHatcd'oyaw for the purpose tif defrsyiiig anj txtraoidinat expenecs which maybe wfctirrein tlW iotereouKe between' the United States aftcTTorcign nutjons, to fce paid out of any monies in the treaury' Dot othtfrwlne appropriated, and to be applied, un der the diitaion cfthe i'lvsident of the Uni ted States, tvh shsll have authority jf pe cet?r,' to burrow tbc sa'ni sdwi or any part thereof, in lxrhulfof thr United States at a rata, of interest ii exctrdiritp'o. pt r centum per annum, and shall cause, an Aactitmt of the e xpentliinrt Uitrcpf , to, . U'u, ifd beore , Con- JUsJ d, "That the iuiditloiud dy'y tf two and 4 half per centum ad,.v)urcakiii)pkit.1 ly sinct, entitled "An a cf further y liscthe.C'inineive and seajn.en ofthe' yujitj States aiiil the Ikabary r'Vwers,' b,con '.in ltd for ' .. ,v years,, OrJthJ, "fh.tt tni saifl rVtiojiitinn be'ciVm. mittcJ to the coiuuu'.tew of ihe'vt.ilt l!out;, to whoni is committed til bf fore irenttijfied rtpoi'VoitlircamnMUce cn the msagrid communieathm fnMn flic Tretident of the U. ,SLue oiiit6ih,fUiieniber lai-t. " " :' ' ! .1- . 'r i 1 1 t v January 4.')' i The Jlouse according to 'he outer pf the ;riay resolved elf, iflio wcomtiu(tee of the ;4hIe House, on the Report of ihe tooia4te , .ty.wJjqm were referred' l U meMHc iid Cofw ' niuhicailon tliv 1'rvsident ot the United States if the 6:h yf Dtepmcr U'si; and the w-inoniii srcrifrpativinu tl, same, as also p the iyt.)l i'loii f. irerf (o' t ho said com, mil .- iji in ."ir iiuut un f i maj . ma, t n J iftc r v,oo 1 e t i I'm re 1. 1 the rt In, M r. Sue sk 'r resumtdilic chlrj alul Ma'. CsruC r'e ' poikd. Mti tK" tifr.mhet had, artording "U ortlr r,' Ii id tlx id rr pbtt and resolution' ondartoini J rat ion, and mWt some prtgrtas tbeerin, uvt tiot navim trms lo go throcgb; the same, jd ;irrci.bito 40 move the Ums for Wsvt to sit aait. v ' T '. . , fitt(tlvd J hat thia lotis' to-mor." nt, revolve it.clf into tomn,juer f.,tl whole iIousc on, lbs saij rcpoi a nd rtsolui y.9.n. J. U,.:, . i . i .. it,! .. . n '".u7 ; h,0tl motion . msde sad sreooded, thai the iiescdocome to, Vhe.fullpaing Jtsoju. 'on , 1 j ,,.:, ,,' (."Triaferdf Thai srf artsnrtnent of fcnM ictWren tbt United StsleS S"1 S ;urt, vh'.th shsilVcuc (ilisr an ml 'barrier ct) the s; let, M .!,ro, nd,iiV United Ststes, the cniiutrir Watered by t!, Mi!ss!pl,'and ' to the eastward vrrt. wlll n ret ihear-j'tc'yatioq and support of this I louvt and1 ' 1 l( Of4rtJ,'Thtrv.s &Ml TTsolmioh It coma mlutd-io ihfe tommlitvVaf ike whole ltouC to whom is refrrjvdthe report, cfths commit ' trt'mihe'Jiimriirv atra tBramunkaiiiln frr the J'rti.!ottih!;Uriit4Jaitafibestx!h jf Iyer nVtr d;hr 4ouraaM stttny pny trig the MmwmvTy.Tt ti ferrcd to the ssmc jumteiAtec of the whvlt course whicbi :qmJ mtnd f b,aio a tovernment hlefitified w.b, ,l',s tituj-ns,' lo far removed from the, puweiful nations' 6f the earth for its safety toj fc tn.lantrrd by their hotility, pesre mint -xtwsyrte divintUj'feoJorjgsi lt Is eerajmi LU wiUvth4 houor im1 miarasla of the comi imwf v- v s - . . in n an 1 AVhJtbenitedSUtrtcof.Unneuurthen? e J with s JeUswhid.aaiu.lly absorbs Ud .thirds. of tfieir rrvanue aod dutVs wpon inj perti 9tititut the (mty resource Srm whica tlmt rtvenutf can U rslsed, widwmlrasottlr lo .yiflnaof laiition, not pt ruihns and IHrvti"ti ib4n Uty kre incenaln ead prer csijobs, She besnrtUrts4lhwronry s loedCwpcaciaf VTbrM'ihat, tUUabl k bwcnklMCharged. slid tha resudrxet eft.etis lio tWrchr itbrnueda thrn snafwo rsUon- rally cipectbortdse, -even T Ua tut cf sf, ' the supplies w tilth our ifugii inatNtHKin re- 'htitta wUWit fecurtiar lo th hateful, and ' istrurivt expedient loans henr " 'ttU tfw may waoid de&anewto tsa wrM.-- ptravnt tnomiM b peudiarly atiapioious ; .rt&tffwfen4 aesirafeUI wvru now, t h 1 ir, the fiatKHial dtl It ta to paid, by such nanrla! amngewjeMs as 4 artcJarate Its' ciufKtinn, by, rvapinf the riett harvest aP ntemUiy, end thus pvcsidinn iot4bat dimW . nul3( rstenet r wbkh t xpttiree ttst'.is t '-- 1 v ' j r- i,t v ij-.' 1 ' ;i t.U ' ' ts . i I 5 i ,1. loue on J'ridiy lsU I' I , T i f louse then, seardirf o ttaorJtr 1 'ff (hi 6ay, 'an1! rvo'.u 1 Ue!f , Into a com- j1 nii'.tfeot tii I t.r limi'v, t n the a m rtt crt i retoii. ifci,t ana sr.rr aime m . . t i - . it stt-t ,! iKfre'Io. Mr. V.Jfkrr re tumc J II iVn.r, and 1 )U; f.HZt rrjnet', that, tf t t( im.lttrv 'fs'ffercorr.ji.fo'r'dtf, again bad the aa4 1 fft"ArtsnJ f ,7''- t s "wnltt lonMwrtaSloa, an i rW.e afunl.cr J fogrrss II trtto, lul not j l a ihf tiTT t g" tj.ronyh the aamr. $ H I r, trd birfj wjnm t..s sh f 2f' i t fffitJ, Tjisi this ottseJwilu tb-ttoN r7 ' tnw. Berlin rwrAvti itkIT mfn i' rrtntV1tti"Of he whole1 House'on the said renort hd reso . . . . - 'luiRjfisV u :;, H7!;;"l''7 ' The House ecrording to the order of in ; ; i dayL again t-esolvd itseiirinlo i committee tjf .7 thevhdlfr lIoUe,Ioa,the teport of th'c;an&l; mittee 16 whom referred a roessSKc hndi 'communication from the President of the Uj., nked States of thd th of Decembef last, end j the docuroenti,'ccorupay!ng the same, atj 7 : alto btt two tesolutions reierred to the same , rcomniiMW pf'he vhle llouse on riduy IJast, end, one otier reiolutioo terevJlft.V.?:. i aaipe committee of tli'whol' House 01) TUes ,bf. 1 uwy jasi, nimnuc Buujc uius ujjtuy iiicrciu, , ,. !Mr.T speaker. .reauma the 1 "chair' and Mt, ' viutcc reported, thai me' committee aa,'-7 nccoi'ding to ordcrragain had the said report; v end reaolittfdne 'under''-coMidefet ion; nd 7 made a further prrgttss therein, but not having-' I ; Uine4o gb thrttitgh kUS tuuic) had . ftreJcieu 7 hint io' move ' thtt llousc ?. for leave to ait : "gin.w:"'v.;-?: id?-.' iv v)T C- ; tij$:tal!3 Jf3 this ilouse wJl, to-mnrrQWf, , again resolve itself into a committee cth , .'wboU llvuifct 01 the saULr;it,aik4fesolu t -ir w. . t v v v Jantiary 5. ; -.r -A.the jlouse, awordlng to fhe otr of Ihf . ' ltty,',agajn resdlycd lisi-lf into a comm)ii.ee bt , tin; vrhpje (louse,' On lHe rtpoit of the cbnW V iiUe'c.to who'm Wavnfcrrfcd ineinage1 ihdt cbmHnkatUH Trom the Preiitfntof ftt'W , lilted StftesVrtBe 6th bf 17cclhlber Iailt,' and ' thie dociiments "s(5coniphy ing the same; a aUo on two re solution rtferrtd t6 thcaaimx committee of the whole Jlouse, on I'riiiaf lait'andot oj.e e?her reiolutiDrt VtlertTdi to the same comniiUeu on Tuesday .lasty; ae4 t after feome lin(e spent theiein,. blr Spr n4ef " resumed the ch,VW and Mr. Citruo reported, thfu ihtcomru tiec had, according to orders ' . at;aiu had tlie said report'aiid resoliitioti ynr 'f dcr consideration, ajid mad.a lurher pr8 tiess therein, biit.'not hsvific time tn cu through the same, pad 2i retted bim lo mova ; the House for leave ft Sit agoirf. , ' , . 1 evtd.'-Tlial Vti tlouse WilJsittorW anaini resolve Itnelf injoa CMvrrittei 'of he' whole Hovse'cn the iald' report -'fend WsOlU ; , ,' ' , Jai.tlrylO. ' of the 'whole lloioeon lb rrj'-oit r,f Ihe tctrta -inince to whom was refrrred atiitMiJ;e and kommunicatiois fitrnvtle Pj ts'd'tdof Ihf LV jttvd Mates pft h fl)tfn.brr JsMi rd il.e d(a.npms .vrcorpat )ir n the tie.jAfe' also pd the to rcTi.uti Jiu n ftirtc) to thv anjecotitBi'Urti.f the wholej Hop,oa Try jdv,)alj. ,n3 ine other rcrdution lefetrfd ' -f jtothe fie a muiitiee n.Tjeiduv ai siu! aftersomt tiu-.e spri t herein, Mi'. Stealer, r; " 'a'utrcdtlie ' hi.1!. f Mr. (ri-gg rej'i.ht'il, ihst tTie Con'im:ltee had. drenrd-n V i.i'ert htd the sa'id Tcjpirt.'and rcvihitivfni titidtr consl ,; 'cfcration,' and directed hitn Ko tr sirt 'to thro ilouse their diiiretnint w tre'reso1uMn contained In "he report of the iomnsitteei- forewiid. slao tliir agreement to thr &rst f tle twe reiolurinr.a rffeileJ to thr ntpn.r'rl day Lit with sutu'ry fenetu!niniu j and fur , thtr, that .the aid romtuutre .( tbe,w!ioJe llousc njthivinl meto ro through thewltole , , the bnsintis; rrftrred tu thtm,, had dirte ted him to mw tl.e House for t'av t lit v gain.. " I "tj ;, ,.?'J On thd nutation, Jrpt 'A'f comrnt tee it the whole House havv ia to sit s;h, " ltjed lo lhcHl:e. . Orde ftd,'Thkf tlietrt tf tV eDmmiu Jet tf the whole Ilouse do be vrt theiahte. V ' '" ' ' JaVt.Vr'yMl. ' : The Ifouse fforeeiietf tn cotvfc"idcrfliye- port ofthe nihhff of (he 'wh Ifotie Ensile yesterday, on the trport'ef the tftm mittcc to 'whom tat tvferrcd the iwcssae and cmuunign'Kn from the President vl )t4 t'aited Nfetes sJ tbe fib of December Ut hd sunriy rtspiuilona ofthe 3d feud 7tJ to4 Itsats wbereupon, ! , 1 , 1 .The, Jtsoltpton cnts!nefltnth rtporf the oirtmittce on the Trrii!ent' Mtssare Xnrnsld Uin real ini the verdi JaUgif, M ' . .... V. ..J'..'-...i .. J-'u htS. lUtiuch fioft 1 r ff tr'cpi, ho iir.rf,rr ':' is the frtiiitMcf j ett; fl'e M.4rn frwotirre rT fhe Unit4 I dhashMihoutne, x Ifi.mf l,srly rtisfd." ' I'l'kt (.(TvUi'M v taiin t;,H tl v-ttotlsede agrtt wiihlk'c.initit c tisa Yttc mute !l0lhs4tiaifltmet.tof:heslne.-.'.T-. 1 tl . And trsoWt J,b tlv afT.rinauu Ttn 71 -S'syn llni' 'i 1, .i.. -v J I, . 1 ;; The ,tU pre fredtd 1 tr.niif'fr athn sroTdmnii"Jrtporl i y.tht, (cmniitee of the whrile.ltuit to the fcrat .rtiolb'kits rv!fir red te tfcrn wTlhe. third Uir f h'wK, r I'lt't'.vs av! Vfiicr. I ncnn Ut rps? H 111 r a, i'.iw I , , . "-'fu-vi'Thst, . ' ' 'fit'n the .rtlatf i Vy Us fr lr pvT tf dtfVsy ta'fsorinrtery tspeuffS plt) rwsy i 1 K IncUrttJ Is lis intercourse ttrnf the VftheA Vetei dndtife'gflriatVrfi,' ta f si 4 Mtof $rty la wvlti UO i trtsry t"4 wilr i wise iptrphi'cd, as 4 t fpt ef4 tdtl j 1 tt:.viii iKsM- tV7 j J