afturt the Jit.-Hon. .Ge&tlemari, , his jnoft tealotv andgw!ateclnaircrs,; that; du ring all that time,I never oppofed hm; froOT.afptrfonal Imotiveinfrjiy life. ' I wilt gctarther ftg&aad hyMv another: motive would lead me to fupport the mo tibnand that ii the refpea Which' 1 en tertain for many of Mr. Pitt's perfonal 'qualities.; GreahqUalitihe certainly M had ln rid ordinary "degree, i n pri vate life ; and great qualities alfo in points connec ted Wit h; his admihtftrationV; 1 da not think this a proper time td'enter upon the particular aftsof fhat adminiftration ; but U theJSeafure of the Sinking Fund, he had always mv warmeu luppon, ana i : freely 'declare ray 'pinion that for thtr, .therefore, the country is highly obliged f to him Y loud cries of; hear" hear !-- Therc is another quality for which he de serves great praife.; N6 minifter was e- ver mure difintereftcd as far as related to pecuniary matters. 1 His integrity and Wdderatldii in this refpecl arc confirmed by the ftatc of his affairs when netueu. ' 1 allow that a minifter is not to.bc confir derfed as moderate anddiiintercfted, merely becaufe he is poor during his life or at his deathJ Rut wheal fee a miniltcr, who has been in office above twenty years, 'with the full command-of places and pub lie money, without any peculiar extrava gance and wafte, : except what might be exDefled from the careleflnefs that perhaps neceff.irily arofe from the multiplicty of duties to which the attention oi a man m fttfk t (if tiatinri mil ft be directed : when I MVft A - vfee a minifter, under fuch circumllances ufing his influence neither 'to enrich him Jelf nor thofe with whom he is," by fami ly ties,:more peculiarly connetled, , it is Wpolfibl? for men-it to conclude that this man is difintereftcd. I muft fay, that he jias with regard to. private emolument: ac ted "with a high degree; of integrity and moderation. In the ' courfe ot the long adminiftration of Mr. Pitt, all that he took for himfeif was tm: Wardenlhip of ' he Cinque Ports. -This was certain!) in him highly dilinterefled ; and his difinter ellednefs in this refpect fhines with the more luftre, when we conflder the mode in which, according to report, this reward has been fince difpofed of. 1 therefore, fir, have every rcaW, from my intimate friendfhip and near connexion with the li ving, own privato itelings and refpeft for the dead, who undouptcd ly poflcttcJ many ettimable qualities, to give my fupport to the motion how be. . fore the h'oufe. But there arc cafes, tir, in which our public duty is fo dear and imperious, that nodehre ot praiie, no ' motive of perfonal refptif, no wHh togra? tify our friend hof any other confitlcra. tion, however powerful, can polfibly ena ble bs to, difpenfe with if.' Wc mult iKc.i atlas ouf conTifoucc dirccls, however, J painful this iriaft, be to our feelings. In tny confciencc, .fir, I believe this to bs one of ihofJ cifci'i if the mark's of re fpefl were fuch at did. not couipromifo my pjblic duty, in the compliance. - no perlon Would join in it more cbecrf uly aud more eagerly than I won I J. i If It had been pro. poled tti Comply the-deficiencies ;ijt his own 'rdtlur-lr, , J.would molt willingly voiifcnt that all ihti'motilil be done in,the moll. liberal manner.' We ought not! flr,t iafucfa. cafes, to bei'bmpStineied 'out of uurcoufem, it bar publkd&ycomnundi n tp oppofir the grant of fMch ,hoiio(sl- ' 'he puoiic henon are mttm of the inh.'' ell impAriance, becaufithermuft more or' !cf if.tluince polleriiy. They bugfd not, thcrciute to be oh.fcrreJ lightly, buin iy,wtrrc mem is cieaiijr icen auu ac.f 1- used rial now. ftr. 'add a'nv 'ihn--irr ,h been fXJ rtfpcfling houorn .yn fVrrfU'pojj military men aud flatcfiisen,' byjny bona friend on the bench' jiear.'mc ,Mr Windhamlv 'who has fo ablv iaiid clearly pointid ouX Iheditlintlion between ,j U I a calc; I rai ilwayi one of I hole w by cooftj to t fy ft id th t ' the fc f ft cm, i o iPrtt'lt ru bis aid was an unfor lunata and dangerous -frflem, 'and 'jhe grtat ,Cittf ot"liH!w mliloriuti aiif,ca laOiUiei that lOsi'cd Uf during the" couifc of hi dmfli!ratUo;, Being of this ipl. iibntf i how em I-conrcieViUoi.JJay Ixi lwaUwtJ tfiii'fvflftn wis' an tx edcm III efman r 1 bate f'lrmljE of opir.ioe tlili rineraTiipon which aim ritr aea wss prouutiuc ol'tua clfecli 10 lire country and ,to tha'l .11 II'. . . . . t . Hi iUat, call k veil over it; and conced ihvU thing h.cti other wife' would havt ooca cspoir in an ineir odiooi OtlonmAr, t.t.. i. , . r . I i ucitwrc cor.uuua wi;n ujirg, that 14 , my pioiorwy public duty UocicaUup t on ro m 114 moa impriiom andjir. rcuuauii Diirintr,'to cppole ibo motion. ' and thai Hrmcvcr psicfal to roy fedinp 1q . -y lefpta tmf be, 'I mall iafn 'Tat AltU water of Ih'b ocean tticcced rich iw thtr, and Egypt (tilgcd'' PLaxab, odi4 Iht tnadociiind infaltta'ica 1 I f the JJi itish Cabinet exls.t to the last breatb of the late frantic Minister of Great-Britajn. In laying before the Parliament of thi U-? nited Kingdoms; the treaties of George;HI. wijth . the powers of Europe, lor the lormanon of the third coalition, the noble JLords pro- tessea io Keep dbck tnose, wmca impgucy might render injurious to the common cause.- In our judgment, it they had been thus anx ious, if they had hOf been infatuated to give the French Emperor a pretext '. for the full ex tent Of his ambition, every one ol those trea ties, would have oeen suppressed, for they give a basis much broader than any publicly given heretofore on which Buonaparte may round pretensions without end. ., V The first articles, of the first treaties con cluded upon, stipulating for the dismember ment of Prance, openly confessed in the out set of the British agreements were their foun dation. And, as if the developement of those articles had not sufficiently manifested the in tentions of the two great autocrats,. Uussia and Britain, the following was added : ." His Britannic Majesty and his'Macsty the j Emperor of all the Russias agree, to make common came against every power, which, by the employment of its forces, or by two uHimuiz un wuun wun i.'iance, may pre' tend to raise essential obstacles to the de yelopernent of those measuresj which the high contracting parties may take, in or der to obtain the object proposed by the prcscyi concert. Tocbmijlete the whole, the speech of the King of Great-Britain declared that the inti macy ot union between him and Russia ought to be- sirengthened. Such folly , and such madness never before followed the councils of any nation since the creation. Here is a coalition of the most powerful nations in Eu rope to invade and partition France, and they declare that they will not merely crush . any power .that attempts to aid France by. us! force, but any nation or state that maintain ed too intimate a connection with her. The language was in efltct declared by the British Ministry, when they protested that neutrali ty in such a war as that of the French Uevo lution was giving aid and countenance to the disturbers of Jvurope; but never was this doctrine so explicitly and avowedly published as part of a, treaty of concert. We may ask the most devoted admirers of Rritish Ministers and British measures, if the indefinite tetm 'too' intimate an union with t rance" may nothe used by , Buonaparte to excuse any art which his ambition or his in terest may induce him to undertake or exe cuted If Russia and Britain may judgfc and determine what forms a too intimate anu nidii with France '," why may not Buonaparte decide what form l,'too intimate an union" with the powers opposed to him. He may meet them on their own ground, lie may challenge them with language whitlj had been used by them against him, and he may wield the weapons they have put hub his hands, and doubtless he will do so, perhaps to their destruction. Let um not hear exclusively of the ambition of Buonaparte what project can he meditate, what plan exectfte, that he may not justify by appealing lo those medita ted and attempted to'bc carried into cflVctby his enemies. .There is. not a connutst that he, may. undertake, or a throne he may over turn, that he Cannae tivc irt ole.i of rniln. tiniate an. union with ltritain Uuia." Such are the efTacts of the counciU'of Pitt, which from the commencement of the ii t crtjsadtf against France ly the expiring hour . olthavMinifjcrr-wcre directed by the me vil .gwiiusiusucli -.counsils that "(lie d?y on which theyjvere first listened io bv the I'rin e jn die c-ibinet, U)flit tu'itand forever ac pursed ,ia their csUndar, . ' Tooiutwna'e dn union with lrarce." ' , Let us see how jumcH may be juktiHwd 'by Versing thn plea.- . , 1 By Opting it,) Buonaparte will be j a stiff tdn4s I ' ; f i;hc subjugation of Germany, The aniubdationfcf Naples. ' ' :The,erasure of i Sweden fi urn the map of XurojM-f r- The-aunibilalion of Riiikia. ' . '.Tbecloiinu of the Baltic. ' f ' ", . ,And he will be justiStd in dismembering Prussia alsoi forl'runla Initixlcd to, ifibe did not actually form1 too Imlmare h" with Bt itam and Kusiia. It wi the buttle ( f t'lm, in UcU that prcttnted decrdt!Sv hes- tile movemcotaof Proidao troop! the battle of Austcriitaj eaaicd the cle la, fa! .from' I'redcrick'a cyrs, d sfttrthis surgicsl vpe.! rat.-niia tuouat biaw cirartyl llisvill fmuitb-ttkm for the dc-l, aid sb-wld Buo naparte. itaby futur period, call Mm TO an i account lof bis food tntentions, let h not be iadMuctdai naihir- msrk of the 'bcundlen imbitbn of the I'Naeh EmperoTbut Jet it ,le rrmcm'rcd tJvat Fru( form loo Irt umatt an uiytnr wnj unuta and ituina a eaintt lranc. Batnsnart miv i claim.' . w itb Dm iW, id the 1UH hunt W venice i . , f ffO learned CourKiUot-a, I tbank, ton fur j teiitle.M . !' - . ' ..Happy, indeeJr for tb t'n'ted Maies that Mr. Adarat had nbt totemed tbrm four Ur$ logtr,;or wirgomntncot might havt. furmtd too intlmite an union" with Britain. Tbtit tfrski of iitUfatilon art' not occa a i lioord by aprwthrinioAtof Frirvrt or of all J J . that bef power caa effect 1 fn t jroAi toutt wt ' na niiMDg so war'irom uaonanarle, the- whole tatrnt ot the vengeance or r ranee, a ftccUrat'toa Tir, of a tea yetn war with that (wwer, would hot be to injqriotii'toiht IdtUei r thett tuttt al tin tund friend, abip of ite UrtUth tablnH, at adrorstrd by tht fedtrabsta, uAdar tb adminittrsiiorit of 1'UIp4 Adams. m Uiiuln, ( Titt'i A-JalfiiiUas, was the Pandora's box of, the universe, she VrtS the cause, of every misfortune that hasafHic ted every nation or Prince that received, her. gold andi formed " too, -' intirnau an union wlthTiefiHappy. would it have been for Eu rope, and the whole world, bad the, Robes- picrre oi uruain never oecn porn, or nau nc fifteen years ago ceased to direct, the coun cils of his stupid King. In that case Britain might still have retained Some influence and given some example of justice, hionor and truth but, -alas, in an evil hour, the demon orestruction-whispered phce nd power in . the ear of Pitt he entered into the engage ment ', and trom that moment, commenced a system, which taught France to realize her 'till then dreams of universal dominion. Good God I And are there.,. Americans who have advocated, and with all the consequences be .lore their Tyes, stnlMdvorate tue measures . of the late British csSmd ! ' .: ' ,. . - Aurora, .The Morning Chronicle, the leading paper ot Opposition, thus notices the -decease oi this great man, PI! 1 . ' - ' M The world are liitle acquainted with the true character of that distinguished body, of men, known by the name of the Oppdsition, if they impute to them the indulgence of any secret satisfacti jn on the melancholy loss to his King and Country of a most eloquent and aale Statesman. It was not with him that they were at war. They are at war with' a ststkm which, has marked with calamity N e very period of his Majesty's reign ; vhich be gan with making America independent of Great-Britain and which has now made the continent of Etirope dependent upon France! " Of the justice-of this clear distinction and of the steadiness with which the Opposition have invariably applied it, no proof can so strongly spe.ak as this simple fact that when ever the illustrious person,-who is no more, was at war with that system, he aso thk Ol'l'OSt TION WKRK Oil.Jk ..--.' " Independent, therefore, of the esteem of many, and the admiration of all, for splen did abilities,' and for eloquence rarely equal led, the Opposition; we can venture to say for them individually, as collectively, feel the death of Pitt asV great public calami 'y"' ; ' RICHMON D tV'r.) April 0. MVRDEk! And the most inhuman consequent conduct t Un Tuefday the full ot April, in the afternoon, ihe w'idow MORlSETj vi fi fed two negro wouiv-n and a girl plough ing on the. bank of Jauics River, in Chef, tei held county, Lockahoc lilaitd. The miltrefs was kicked in the head with an axebyoncol the two women whilll flic was' fpeaking to the oihrr. The firfl blow ttaggercd her fo' much as to afford an opportunity for another,' whirj;, by the united" efforts of the tivt ' usmen, cauled inllant death. . Some pine butiics, were thrown over the body io leciet it til night, when a negro fellow, a boatman, named Jim Strode, Imlbthd to the woman giving the.firfl blow, coming 10 their af. '..fiHaucc, Jhe canicd fome dil tancef, up the batik, to a. place where the water in the rivtr is uncommonly d-ep, and the .current not rapid and here! yes litre! was a benc too horrible' almot! for , tcpiiition t The corpfe was cut up will . an axe to more picres than have yet rtntarcertaincd ! Thc neighbors ha vj teen able atter tvto davs fcarchin witfi lieu, to find but eight pieces of ibuino l unfortunate woman ! ' among wh'ch wtt touno two legs cut u.1 at; the knees ; part of an arm part of a ihigb, and, four o. tl;er pieces l,;aicely J bo know; Thf other pans m yet, and peihaps, . nver can be found but are iiumot rlcfr! ' and no doubt funk thereabout. I The trackl oi the, inhuman wretch are plainly to be r.,.,. ...1. ... 1.. .1.- 1 vwii itwiivic h wducii niu ins iivcr ani diflribiiied.tCe biincheoni of hii biitchery I So mbcli if 'his mod atrocious deed was bioughr 10 iiht oh Thuifday aid Friday la 11, at well from circumtamti . at from the confffiion vi the ' two turner!', 1 l.e tlrl too confirms their confclliofi. whilft the ht'fbind with a countenance of ruili. flill denies lite tal I but fortunately for thecaUftfof jufllc,ihe ihr,tcViwfl, and tht hi.fb.nd have been commuted. loee- 4h r with another boatman, ' who it frema will ihow famt light on tht affair, and f ct he hirafclf innocent, ahhoueb be It hufbind loihe oilier woman. ' The wil tcrof Ibis dlfliefGng article wji an eje witntfson ThurfJay and Frklay, wben bis mind wis fomewhat teturned by tbt proceWlngi of thole wbofe duty both law nd humanity "had (timulated lo action. numaairr jud Kimuiated 10 action. finnecefrary to detail rocrt par ticu t)f this p ti'nfut caft ; '.the tnt ft pain jocej prcfence offercral of the It it Ian 0 k fi unfortunate wocun'i cUUrfQ at tht In micfl 1 it may hqwever,t welho fay, tnat'the affair it utnn$ai1t tiNlunatten ed wiihany iittmflnttt; to txcift ? piehcnfioftt or alarm. JH nolf f.n- l(uui cait 1 , . ' . 1 . , - trvm ihtGietjn RtfvlJUan,; ' 'm Eslrsc) of Utter from Major Drory5 riurt, to' , tht tditurt 6f tbia paper, !nttd 'JacVon' nly, suit vi Ttrtnettce, PebttJtry i Sth, . iio(. t,hf 1 '-'. j . M 1 tranttalt yon imJ1 drtatl of the trtnt att'tont and drprrdatloat laul totamiued ty jjtl rioter fciyifltf back l iiit,, m the ther side of the Mississippi,' bti the bodlerof eleven people, seven of whom were rneiyon woman and her three children, 01 the ' 13th. insu This affair took place about 4 o'clock An the rooming, when to tny great astonish- xnent, 1 heared . a tremendous Jiallowiny, shouting, cryinc, and shootintr with cuns ; I immediately got out of bed' looking lout ot yx9 .qoof, ,and obserye4 a body ejnca.mpea , within about 400 yards of my", hotiswherc they struck up several fires ; and on seeing them, we immediately took5 our cloths in our 'arms, and retreated 10 the ' swamp in which ' situation we continued the next day & niglit, without any refreshment, except Swamp wa ter -at last I formed a resolution, knowing 1 was to be beggard or reduced to hardship fir 1 the remainder of my life, I took my depar ture from the swamp, and shaped my cours"o towards my. former' habitation, my hope's were in the Almighty on approaching' my -dwelling houser 1 tbund it on fire, and I im mediately penetrated the little building which contained my furniture, and other effectSj which were rummaged and plundered, ex cept a small desk and two beds, which I put outside the soTr-so 'that they might not bb destroyed ; when I found that Ihe fire came Aoo hot, I departed 'from the house, taking -with me my beds wrapped in a sheet, leaving my little desk behind, intending to return lor it; and accordingly v I did, and- when tp proaching within about a quarter of 'a lnilo on a rising hill I observed between. fve and six hundred of this tribe ; I went back and a larmed my little camp aud packed our horses, ; .consisting of only .five, took our departure, and came in eleven days to Jackson county i"! ! . BOSTON, March 31. - 1 The ship Atahualpa, Adams, (late Porter) -drom N. W. Coast, arrived Novtmber -; the; Atahualpa in June, last on the K. W Coust, was attacked by the natives ; and : ait obstinate conflict eftsued, in which captai Porter, and nine others were . killed and nine wounded ; they defended' theinselvea with .great spirit arid bravery and with great diffi culty brought the ship off. .Amonvt the kil led were both mates of the ship, aud Mr. Ey .man, Plum.merj of Salem, nephew to the pwner of the ship, who was . 011 board as clerk to the captain, a very worthy and promising young )n4n'. Only five persons on board es caped injury.; Near fifty o the natives were killed or died of their wounds.,. . 1 WILMINGTON .;. TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1800.. Extract 'of a letter Jrom I.aguirafdaHii 7thof ; March, 1806.- 1 " k . ".We have 10,000 men in, arms to re ceive Gen. Miranda, who .-will have -a -warm reception. An embargo is laid on aI vrllils, and very iiicenain when it ' will be taken off." ret. InttU .'General Mit fl'a.---Ca plain I'dks, arrirci yesterday morning fr:m Carfafats, informs us, that an 'express Ut from Triuidadt brought accounta two days before be sailed, that Cknt- ral M 1 r a k i a liad t H t ct ed a land ' in; al JJjreei'orj, on the Spanish . Maim It ,was fitrthar stated, that he had bet n-joined by two British frigate. This int.lligfnce had exciltd considtrahle interest tt Barba does.. Hcports fixed Mi m akda's force frord jhlte to five hundred men. 4 -u ' The Briiih outward bound Jamaica fleet ct il.iMincf tiulity-riAii Rail, under convoy, 'bad tour bed at JUtbudocs,'atid aailtd'anin', several days bt litre (,'aptain V.d left that poit, -The Pr'itUh admiral had called In a! ihe armed -vriktU on that lUtitn his ret ions were not knowo.' " : ' 1 , (J ) ' . 'Timet, , A. letter received In rown from France Pates, that the Pope it about-tq take tip bu icudcnce irr Paritrwhuh i lr'ii' future abiHle d rf St.' Peier'tfuctrfTrsl and jartlclbf the f?omiCj i hir?nj -to live a lilcf e!iba;y. that the fcccleb's ate no lonner Thcetter fbrther 0atc liiat TalUvrir4 and Fouche fyive betn create J piicc, they richly defetved (he hoaorj Dyonapart bein emperor. ' lnrtcatl of lr ing of Italyt Eugene Peauharnois, albt Napoleon, it 10 be jnveflod with the title of km t tho RoaianiV ., 1 - 4 , Kt IV I DjVj Adv. . ' .. ;.. . i .r ' ' u -f The Senate aava consented U and advisee the ratine alien of the 7W se Xra 1M tact wcreYtai 2I Noes a. : Tho Sepate yetttrday pasted bill, (rota tht llgust of Hrprcsentaiivtt, probiUittrtQ the iaiportation of certain British goods, wares, and, merchandite, without . ajntada tneni Yeaa ItNayi 9, . Tbj'n bill only tfjuirtttbt s'cstute of ibt rresidcni to bcu a law thd a '; In the Houit of Hrprticatalivea, r lU Ith Inst MrHaoolpb latrodacti lb fol 1q inf resolution r . . ."Iletolvtd, that tb commiitct af Wayt thd Means be InmucttJ It tn'uirr tote Ue cipediency of rtptabnir so much of any. act ai lays a, duty e sslw and te report lodi provision, at miy in their epiaion, be caitw ated to meat the denckwy occat!ont4 If that rtMaL1 . fc 1 . '. : v 4 The followlrT nif,t vat rrctlrtd Creta the PrcJot of tbtftutcd Rtatts. ! To the Senate anj Houae of Ilcptatefrtftitet During tht tWksjf ff TriptU by tbe t'jadrwu sf tht Vroud State t, 1 imtlt crvt

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