jer, under the ftfe linQth two tri tct, (all of Trifling . vlU) attempted :i4W cr Irijpott, wa -tujracd, back, warned, and aaUmptinjf again to enter, wa taken and jle lifteaftf priae by the squadron. Ur restl unaflaimed by,he Bey off .Tunis, with a threat f.war in.ferpwao aerious, that.on wluwawing from the, bloqkade of Tripoli kite vvjmiiiiiuijj, i - . v -4 - - . though; it' hi duty to repair toTuniar with hi .squadron, and. , to require a categorical declaration whether peace or war was intend ed. - The Bey preferred explaining himself lfy;an ambassador to the United States who oh his arrival, renewed the request thatjhe vessel and her prizes should be restored, i It was deemed proper togive this proof of fciend- ntp 10 inc ucy, una uic uwusssauur wo in formed the vessels would be' restored. - Af- lerw&jdsj, Jhe made a requisition of naval stores to be sent to tht iieyfin order to ,se-' cure a peace forthe ternicf three years, with a threatof war, if refused It has been rcr fused) and the ambassador is about to depart j - without receding from the threat or . de- ' j roand. '.''rV-,- ;m . . Under these circumstances, and consider ing that the several provisions of the act of Maredi2J&, 1804, will cease m consequence of the ratincattoa of tihetrcaty of peace with Tripoli, now advised and consented to by the Senate, I hu thought it niy duly to com nnica,te'thei.e 'fact's in order that Congress iruy consider Jhe expediency of continuing jtha panie .provision for a JUnited time, or making others equivalent. ... RtjfeVreu eVr&l'to the committee' of ways and l ' ap w means .' .' Washington City, April 24. . The Prefident ot the.U niied iutea has nominated,' and ihe .Senate oanimoully adytfed'. and conTentcd thfreio,. Janie M Jti'roe,'l,now '..MifttifeV Plenipotentiary or the United States aV'ilie' court of L'on rfj'n,' and William Ti'i'c kitty,' ot Mary-'la.i-t; tdbe Mir.iiters F'eitipotentlary and 'ilxtr'aQrdinatjf fur' fettling all' matters, ot difference between . the' United Stages anJ the uniteJ 'kingdoms oGrcat-BritairV and - .Ireland, relative to wrongs ; committed 'DeTvrefcn the b-rties bu the nigh feas or other, waiter, and tor elUblilhiHt, the .1 . ... ' t i ii "i i i ' 4 'pHncipfcs ut navigation and commerce "betWcea I hem. ', We tindYrstand 'that the latest dispatches received from Mr. Munroe bear date tluiSath cf Jvmrarr and that rhcy state, that in con- icqiielTce oYthe indiiposition of Mr. Pitt, no.' uiumaie a.-vanemems nau Dcen made lor u.c , .'adjustlrneiitof our relations - with Creat-l)i,I-' ' tain, but that hotrcs of such adjustment were en'lta'med, from, the compleaiouf Uie iilw adininiitraUon,. . , On londay night, tt 11 o'clock, the first kse?ionof tlie ninth, congress. lerniiuted its sitMng's)' afcr trariiacting mucf.jutercsting Tiiiue.' tTlie wov prominent meusures a ' "dbpted diivio fins itnpbrUi'nt seksion, 'are' lhoe relative t Spain and CrealjHliiln. Vlthbdth oi'tltenaUont wc hije points of the ittmolt drlicacy to discuss, and the inca "'ires Mofed to bnhjj tliero to a TavoraMe ii aue, SriM 'ft-t(-tth'jppTotatiouof the preat boly of. United fAiuric; ?Tis time, the voice of ditcotilent lui u:n hoarcd in tli'c .md ; but the faint w.hincr yra in a moittcnt silenced l),thc general buiU ofapplu that proceeued Irotn araitUI peoIt. 1 he most . in'oundeg cdiitldcncc attends the present ad 1 niniilrjitifJTi and, ts'in federalist! hare io ,dHljnUy-Uirncd thjir Rark-i ori, those vile tlu-vlcrrrv who. to ircp tin r sinking reputa tions, have dared to attack the ftrt charac j ten of ilie iKjliiM-i f VUt rnt pnuidingt untht tnt i iriJi cf ienfs, 'Jg icn and Sml umUr Tf -rl j W HJi litis. union f, ei4d)cu(, e. rny calculate reasonably on tl''T I'loYatlv: tcrntrriii-,11 of our disputes with rrrttr:hrg Rp. 1 - BxJyn. Abril 1C Six French, line of battle (hiuf ind Xaw Xfliua, fopfqd; from; Bien. 'haf c -.H 0 g,bing intot Spanifh ,poii, fa.iJ Id be rottoCabc'Io of which jnlorma nion kfbceti rcceirei by admiral Duck worih', wno i Infurluil of ihem. -CpU.W41liamron, arrfted PhtbdeL phta, loformi, that fMarch J2, lat. ar, Jng.$5,?r$ fpoke ihe Dftn(h ffJgJttC . itri,.fipfain .White, vwo i.;tomfV, S)V;?Tw'?h uwJct Atlmiial !v jte6"1-1 captured thcotmtaiJ VVl1-' I EngUftJ. ..I. fi.l ..,, ! ,i ,r1; ',"' -. 1 t i,- r,ect,eJ b7 Pro cflrtf, i r - Siar toihe a;th february, l,Ve 'avouied br 'one nf our iff Hunj Aof Vert Smnofiin'i. ... Iff Tunff nWOf I Tlofih IcJr Ti ' firmly c LliliV.'.l- K the continent doti not ip .K lin I ' I1. IfXih beta rf .'.y!,.?,iny4. ' rcctitt thi l?i$Vl riMibtii policy. TUy tn Wfi.Uio ,ih trarnlatri of B.onal t.V.,C0,,prrP'fe fo "Mince by foict. Wlirf Vliii ; tucctfa ihfi U abl to trfifl, rnaf U rcadilr foppolcd. lUtontj pjfft will net ttUoi fcU pUv 0f fl,uu , lfcitVOfmapoiu aM tb Cahica. hot alien V v?hlvootMlifiquiItng tbeli In . dependence, and Dimming . ineynaoic ruin upon the cqmtncrcie of tbeir fubjedSi i Captain James Barron -4s i appointed Conii modore of the American squadron in the Me diterranean and Captain Stephen Decaturi jqn'r. to command tneTrigate Chesapeake, ordered on that service i - ' .Pol' Aeg, r - , ; Charleston, April 29.. , Two day before Captaift'lSAvirfc left Ha vanna, a yessel arrived fron Jamaica, the master of which stated, that just before he sailco, a Uriti&h Packet arrived with accounts of the DEATH of GEORGE III. King pT Great-Britain. Several letters received from respectable houses at Havahha, mention the same intelligence V . , , - Times. . ' '. Captain Beckford, arrived at Salem, from Calcutta, informs that the English forces, after taking possession of the Cape of Good Hope, had gone on an expedition against the Isle of Francei ' . ; ' y. " Philadelphia, April 21. r r. i ' i . i i.- i .' . .... . un oaturaay arrtveu , .ww cn r vicioiy, WuiJion, 21 days frort" Jdcquemel. Left, there March 2t, ship Mary, liunbury, from Baltimore." By' tiiu vessel, iniortuation .was v caaied out to Haytiof the pasa of the act prohibiting the intercourse .with that Island. Theotncers of the Hay' iari government dis credited the intelligence, aliening that it was pierely a. stratagem of the Americans to lower the price of. coilee. The Mary was to sail in 8 days for Aux Cayes, to join the ship Eutawj. of and for Baltimore,, to sail the 14th of April. ' , Also arrived this day the sch'r Bacchus, Morse, of Phiadeli)!iia, from, Luguira, was dstained thiougU ilia influence and advice of Capt. Lewis, of the Leander ; who charged ner with being dbpatched by the Americana at Laguira, or by the Spanish' government to aicirtain to what point-the Leander was bound. Cupt. Morse finding. Uiiuseli. thus unpleasantly situated, was about to dispose of his vessel to one of Miranda's ofiket s. . The ship Empei'or had; sailed from Port-tau-Brince to join the Leader; but hearing at sea -that the. govt rnrient oi ue U. btaie had prosecuted ;)gdc"- h pv.t buck. , Capt. Lews, ot'the Lnui i, h.t: ;joue. over land to consult the olY.ciT' a Emperor and. induce the in to-tVr. ve;-f inlhe ekc dition. -The Leander, LHi,dS fsul ir wo or three duyi forCum .na. beveii yV.k.!ic.i. had been induced to oin htr adventii i "i.ut Mm precise nature m.i'' i b.'ctt of her aCvint waskeptaprol'oundsccrei. ' . Trw information, conmunicated to con gress in the message of ihe pi-eider resjuc uug the stale n( lations with Tunis lus tit-en for sonic time amicipatcd." V hen the ex--minister of Sji.ij n,-2 VwV W!Ts at Washington, a is said, l:C labor'f ! vti yjTai d with JAV'mr. 'i the BaHyur'un .iv..:iTlir, to exc ite his enmity jtint oui u vtrnment ; indeed he ' sa'i4 to have so ii.r i revaihd as to dia'f front ho Uaf:fian thr most bnitel and con tuntelloLS iXjrrs.(oU tovnU the lnit.d Scutes. 'the citizens ot which he denominated i!iks or transported thieves, an appellation derived from a place culled Ycibin in Alrira, to whic'.i cotvi(.u arr transported. A ih- course 'if this kind passed in presence of an American, who had been 'in Barb try; he rose and resented it, saymtj thnt, ai thry were prtrileKtd cluracers lie rould not treat theru as they tK.criie'(l,-hiit tlmt he cnuld n)t nay in the company of men who dii;- ccd their-tnisiion mid tiolaUd the hoipitali- ,ty M she Kimntmcnl that protcctid them. Mclimclli ha,, we are toldi Lihavrd very disrespectfully to the sveretary of state. In ctiniPMiience of this tH-culi.u tate if .Uiingi, the Mtdiiuruiieun fund wdl be continued. ; I I ,, . , 'Auru-e , A rintlmsn frJm JfrU'a, arrived jl Chirk. lit, u-ixitu f hat a cr'radful wjr it r.oT rising -4civrtn the l'rt,ilHri-Liijt ui tht tp. uh the StmtJ r,vrr, and the rativi. Ike French Jt kin? of tltt natives impair duties en their trad up tht rietr : aid the tcntttt is ehawtetistdlj ' The thi) 1 onion Fctket. StatriL fret tiwort. ftr the Mediterranean, i litres fat ey tLtjt cgopr:iuut,jrt noljti rei , "rSlClSCUBKEXT DACON per 100 Iba. DU. Cn. Dlt. Ct. 19 -.10 Cotton per lb. ., Coftce per lb. Corn per bushel, , Meal do. , J, t 1 lour fr Urrtl., , , biuorhslf txrrtt, . IonnUr per Ma , . i W.o, hhd. itaret, . ; i IL o. do. do. dv . W. o. IU do. rough ShiagUifcr I000r r i.'t Sugar r U , . Molatscs ptr xalloa Rra, W Jamaica do. 4Ji p. N,L do , tt, Tar ptr barrel, Twrpr ntinc. . . ; ;7 Tobacupcrctu a it 60-- 9 75-- 1 0' I t 10 sto. II .12 .11 -1 13 -Is ?l ' to 1 , e 60-. 1 13 "TT' PORT OP WILMINGTON. , Jlay ht.UBrig jippe, Litciteit,' Antigua, with rum to he captain. u , ; - i tb, SehV, UeguJator, M'llhenny, Charleston , ' Cleared, ; , April 29 Sch'r Susannah, Berry, Salem Sch'r John ,8c William, Smith, Philadelphia 30th, Brig Polly, Bigby, Kingston, Ja. Sch'r Fame, Caldwell, t 'Halifax; ' May li--4it ig Ulyssis, Ilutchins, St.Thorna9 ' 2d, Sch'r Federal, Sergeant, yest-Indies '-3d, Sch'rPolly, SeUew, : V Boston. Sch'r Aurora, Eee, ' ' New-York: ' Hiram, Bostwic,k, ; , , Gauduloupe - J)ucl-Yesterday morning at jday-break,1 two kemsJhteTBrtiJiciatJjristi and the -other.aCrma5ZJ5cfor, mei in Cannonbury fields, attended by 'theirv seconds, to fight a duel, in consequence of the former having dejrraded thtfprofession of the latter by the appellation of Qiack. The parties tired with out, ot course, doing any nnschiei,:the pis-, tolsbeinj loaded with powde'r only, and in the" second fire the Doctor appeared covered with blood and actually, exclaimed "I am a dead man .The pistol as loaded with blood, but the joke was carried to such a length, thai the Doctor was put to bed, when he ar ranged his family matters. '.'.''" London pap. NOTICE. H AVING obl ii'ra m the three laft iiapers an a lvei ;ifement by ,13enja- nun,Stnith-.offerlne lor Ta'e .f among o- ther property,) " a nde f. amp trart be tween Old To n and Clarendon." I think it pioper to inform the public thai Gen.tSmith owis nofuch Lud ; having conveyed t James Ctfon all his Lands between MalUryCfi'ok and Old .Town Mai tation agreeably to whiv'h Deed, 1 now poiH fs that Land, k Aoy pufons" wilhii'g fiir'tlier'informa-. tioc may' fatisfy tncriiicives l,y perufirig' faid Deed which is in my pofTeifion. . Wi'mi'nmon, A rl' Ki,!tHo6. iw. . l or bale, IIOUL'.ro L.t South Waft. A .'r.K'on, tiiLrJv Gtuatcd lora Ta- vi in and b'orc ; the home is roomy and .well c-'colared on ihe prenufes is a Hore houft ant other ncceifary om houfe, alfo i.i excellent garden 'fpot under fence, t For lerms apply t ALLEN SLOAN. ' South Wadiingteit, May 6, 1806. 1 UK Stibsc liber informs his Customers and the Tublic ii. general, that he has re moved to hi lorWier llou'e, the second at the corner oi Market diul 1 rnnt-strects, where ' the Harber's btislnf n will be carried on a ti- sual, aud solicit '.lie fav hat has been for merly shewn h'm. PHihp Razoadi Vi)mington, May 6, i3C6. Notice is ht.-rt by riven fTO ail m il every1 pt.rU i r pcrfonn, of I havirivany 'l,iir'2i .ttii Junt Alii. ltr mv wile, in licr giving any Deem, .,':u- ' Put . ..I . .... i....-: ,t in-, inn. v i, vi .i j I'liin this date, tt'C SQtUday cf Apit!, jSoO- taiii . k . A - .ii a ni i ntrvny twin t r iwcwarn an anj e verv rcrfoit tr rrrfpns. it liavluc av Vcaliiitt with her o li4i oi;ring cr, ur.tlcr jthe ptiipliy o( ihr law.Tlie rcafon I adV ;. I : L ' n i .i vertuencrr. occaitie mo Ijki Hie woul.l leivcme iiul rit m ticpcity to herd- . cUr childrtA ami lcac me and my young crchi'drtn toUSTaf. t JOHN MILLER. "1) HOKE rrifon In this County on iK V ruh- of ihet 33 b of Apii!, a man U caurhitr.fell Itirn Hjut, fjyt he was born in the (late 01 Niw.Vmk ; he it a flout well built fellow,, of about five feet trn inch h'gh, had ro particular wc lencmber of tie flo! commiticj on a charge uf robbery. , A reward ot Twenty.Flie Dolliri will be paid for tpf ichetiding and returning him to prifon. . ' .... L.-ELLIS, JtUsr. -'Onflow County, MiytVlfco. For Sale at Public Auction, On Sitturday tht tf Mfymxk, API ECK of Land, on Topfait Sound containing one, hundred and tweni y acrci, about fifteen tni'ci from Wilmin?. too, the propartv df the late Lewir Hinti, ceccafeJ. Six tnonthi credit will be g ten, withapproieJ fccurlry. ' ' Michael Hinci. . Wilmln(tonv April 39) i8oda' For Salcy ' A Likely Ke.toGitt,f abouV Eftcta yean of age fof tetpa inolyio Iff id GWlThoo not Vt foil before 4 tnleirc 5v tn(eirc Syotf 1oiCoui lh wl then U V1 l!P,!fliri;r tottttircO bid. . J; P. 'Apia j. FOR SAIiE;e:, I 'fti the iftkjnsuiw'dl be told al auction; V tlieIot where the subscriber! kept their " Store previous to the fire,, with one half of the adjoining wallspaxmenito; be made 'irC2, 4, 6 & 112 moltra"by notes payable and nego . eiablfc at the Bank, witj an approved endor ser.'' - .,X:"'( ,. ; . ;. .''"'V Vk' , , WILLKINGS, SCOtT & CO. .. May.6,..loi5v 2w. ., , ,f , ' -: MADEIRA WINK, : ; Gin of good pipes, - i ' Ticklenburg,., ":" '; ; ! ' ; ' :-. ';; Bagging, and ' X '4" J v '' Uritanias, b'y the' piece-for file by ' ' James Fleming. ' Wilmington', April 2Q. t : . Terv Dollars Reward. RUN-AWAY from the fnbfcriber.'a . negro fellow bthe ; .name bf JOHN ; he is about five feet ten or eleven tnches high, likely and well made, being a car penter by. t'raue ana naving worneu tor lome time patt in town, it is prouaoiQ that he may lutk within the fame. Tbd . above reward will be paid to any pet ton who will deliver him to me at my Planta tion, or confine himin Jail fo that i get him. . r JrtHN'POPSSON.', Wilmington, April 15, l06i TO PRINTERS. rr,HR subscriber-being desirous 01 relin- (luishmg the business ot rrtntme, will sell, in whole orinpart, THE ESTABLISH- MENTofthe WILMINGTON (JAZETTU on terms far below its value, and on a liberal crwJii. This establishment is equally if noC mui-cf roduciivcofrealprofitthan ar.y otlierof the kind in this Stale, the oflice is supplied with . i '. ...j, : i .. p 1 niuieriaiysuiucieiu iof 111c extension 01 uusi ness, Scthe'situationiseligiblefoi Book-Printing and Hinding, it beiii our most conside rublc Seaport, imd the Mart of an extensive and rich back countrv. A particular description of the quautity and quality of the printing Apparatus is unneees ary here, as-on application by post cr other wise, it will be rtirimued, and the ostensible! conditions of sale made known. Al.LMAND HALL. Wilmington, North Carolina, ' ' April 1st, I8O0. rl1iiE Subscriber being determined toesta- bliidi an , iri'.ine iiHleieiidcnt of the :, fares,' anxieties and disappointments utitiri-" diiift expectations from Negro Labour, iv willing to di"0t! of the following Property ; and will receive payment principally in Uanlc Slock. The Urick House in Market Street, now occupied by Mciurs. Hooper and ltclleU. A Lot in Mm vVn's or Q ly optKisite 10 the ab vc. A Lot in Marst'i'ii'sor Quincu's alley, n Rear- A. Lot in L)ock-.v.r?et, westward of Capt. Scott. adjciniiig 1 to and - The Plantation and Lnds late the proper ty of Col. James l!ead including a (it ist and Saw Mill.Vplenty of wcS; liir.U red land and a birgebody of prime Tide Swamp in the very bent pitch of the tide and perfectly free from freshes. ' . A Tide Swamp Tract between Old Town and Clarendon. A Tract of I .and joining Rowan containing 3 so acres, part bfwhUh U Cypres timbered land and the Swamp very fertile. Sturgeon Creek Plantation where John. Jtoots formerly lived. . ' . luoo acres on the North east ltiver, at Mail LluIT. . , , BENJAMIN SMITH. April 1 5th, 1306. .; Wanted . . I FREIGHT to r.Mla.Wphla for about . Five llunlrpd cubic feet, confiding of fevcral boaea of fire arms. Apply to the" Piirter ci thirubRtibef. JOSEPH G. SWIFT, ' l.f Commcndant. F&t Johnston, April l .'.. , Tor Sale, 6 tO acres of land on the west su!e ct'Cachejr Hiver. Cti.attd bet ween Hl leput and the Sand Hill, about nine mifci fiom Town. Tht futaiion it hindfomo ind flrafaM, being 'tbruf upon tltt liver, and utcrdsihenon about awMc., The lane) ,ti well tlmbcrtd anj an excellent place for range, both for Cattre and llogi, About forty actei Rica land, andfonio .higUMatCioo tht river, which can m drained. Alfo 150 acrci well timbeieJ land ion Wood'a Crctk, which It well known ait qooJ place for tarre. Tho ttrmi of fale art Ux tnonthi crcit for occ half, ira.1 twefvt monthi Tor the other, I f fnt laid taaJi OimiU cot bt Told before tht fitfttSay oTthe rnfuirg Suilor Cooit ihtt will ihtn le fold at Vendue. . I v , t JOHN NlTT. For Sale . A DOU13LK CHAIR, WUniagtcp, Mcb it, if. A