' J' fORT OF WILMINGTON. Afar 6th, Sch'r Union,' Hatch, 3d, Brig foi AV-MUte ft Sch'r Two Friend t,' ' - ... -:. . CLftA&ED, , lih, Sch'r Ereck; AV bitnry, Sch'r Almira, Edwards, Charleston Charleston Charleston Boston New-York 10 th, Sch'r UegulatorMUIhenny, Charleston Sch'r XJnio Hatch, New-York Sch'r Ocean, Barney, . . Barbadoe Sch'r Iris, Arnold, T .? , Ditto , , r rAICES CURRENT WtLHtscvox. f tils. Cts. Dh. Cr. TtACONber lOOlbt. 9 10 Cotton per lb. : Coffee per lb.' . Corn per b'ushe!, Meal do. Flour per barrel, ; Ditto per half barrel, Lumber per M, V. o. hhd. staves, R. o. do. do. do. W. o. bl. do. rough , Shingles per 1000, ; Sugar per cwt. Molasses per gallon Hum, WVLxu'. g. 3d p. , .Jamaica do. 4th p. uN E. do. Tar per barrel, Turpentine, Tobaccoper Cwt. 18 34 , 35 60 65 75 I 6 50 4 . 10 12 ' 30 -25 1 . 11 io ia . i ri 2 io r. 27 42 - 75 SO .. 60 62 30 1 50 '. 4 ,50 A NOTICE - HAVING been published in the Wilming ton Gazette of last week, signed M. Campbell, respecting my offer to sell a lide Swamp Tract, between Old Town and Cla rendon, wherein circumstances were stated that might mislead the public mind respec ting ray conduct, I think it necessary to reply by the following explanation. James Carson, in January 1796, agreed to purchase from me part of tract of land ori ginally granted to, John Grnge, next above Old Town. From the bent information we could then obtain corroborated by the appear ance of Grange's old settlement and a divi sion iine marked by John Ancrum, whilst he possessed Old-Town tract and Grange's tract, and which line began at the mouth of the 2d Creek above Old Town Creek ; Mr. Cafkon and myse lf had no doubt .respecting the line of Old Town tract & of course Grange', lie in consequence built on the very siiuutioit of the old settlement, and a Deed was made on the 6tli of April, 1797, conveying all my land between thirfnouth of MaUry Creek and Old Town Plantation, with an explanation which shewed our understanding kuy ol'Old Town liny. Soon after "my sale tj Carton, CjI. Head claimed the land and-contended 'that Grange's tract lay altogether below Jie i l Creek, ml tbnt Uld Town Plantation or T-act extended no higher up tbe river than t; j hrit Creek above u ; alter a lung and well kn'wn suit he prevailed at November terra, "1K0J. In consequence wherewt I purchased ' the land 1 had sold Carson from Col. Head, 'and thus quieted the possession of .Mr. Poi sun, who had bought Hie low r part of Car ton's phmation which is the part i.ow owned ly Mr. U'ampUll and which was valued by two very rtsnecuhlc gcutlrmeu as contain ' ing h6 acres of Tide Swamp k C3 acres ol high land as appears by a copy of Carbon's Deed, now In my pusesion. . In this valcution i uiUvrstood and bchere they beg u at the line 'rttahlished between Cron and mysdf, and did not value or e acre below the -d Creek. A 'the tide land ws valued by the acre at au li(',h rate U bnt 6 acres to Mr. Pviskon, is it reaon:iblc to suppose that ('arson mould not li.itf l.vi the ITU acrvs below valued," if he thought he !iad any claim to it, lor by an ac curate survrf, that is about the qusntily of Tide Swamp between the first and second C:Tki aboT Old Town f Mr. Poisson sold' what he purdated from Car son to Mr. Camp bell who has thought it proper to inform the TniMic that I own ho such land as a tract between Old Town snd Clarendon." That Public will judge of the propriety of bis inlor tnatton whin contrtstcd with tbu verdict of a jury, and l o( Lis justice in claiming I 0 acres rf Tide Swamp more than was valued to l.ls predecessor through a mistake arising from the want of knowledge as to Old Town line, ai d which mistake or misapprehension, it clearly proved by Its being well known lhat I did not claim the land he now corlcuda for, tiU since the verdict of the, jory which was more than sit feiri Uhf the execution of toy Dcci. Th mistake, However, it I ap prehend, eas'dy cleared op to tdmit o( doubt bf reading t little mart of the Drrd Mr, Camp'wll mentions, than what be hss 'thtujhtfnttr ta publish.. Tor, siuSosigb he i correct, in slating that B.S.M conveyed to Jamct Caron all his lands between MaJarr Crctk and Old Tom rdantttion.? ttt I think Triyself equally win tisttitjthattke Deed goet tin to shew cuariy the understsncing tad, la miorioftfysrtiesl.v the est4snatorr de ecriptipri whicJi fclWs t M all Mult said ben- jsmin Smith's land, tlrostei Iriodat.dbe .Vg CsM-lVtr niver. Ut ween' ike inouth a Malsry Crtt end Old Town rlanUUort, U kria at rttjnontk tfikt U Old or TfrttkK aWve Old Tpwn Creek nd run thrtice 5. It U V. to a tak In the elUw of prV ( nver Dam UaHcb, MSeoB.Ttl. W.to it I.tkUine ol tract lately U!orli,t u NkhUat tyiUiiT, Hthenco with thx LmN. II. l.tw.i MJit Dint CrtTc k ft if Ttriout cour V set to the ritctk then dewn the river to the i - - - -- - '! l ,; 1 w, llnealed by Johf. FltfAwW (who viasml fi pltytd bj the before nuntienea James Iak w sow, to ascertain the lines of said Benja- raia Smith, between the mouth of Malary " Creek, the Beaver Dam Branch or Creek, i " and the lines of Old Tovn Plantationf -and 11 made return,) as in a copy of his plot deli tered bj said Jamet Car im hereunto annex- ed." If, therefore, James Carson's sur veyor did make a mistake in "ascertaining the. line of bid Tosrn Plinutiot-,w is ' James Carson or his representative M. Camp belt to take advantage of it, and I, who did 'didJhot employ the surveyor suffer by it ? I was so guarded in this respect, that 6i the back of the plot are these words, ' Be it re ' memberedthat the within plot is annexed to the Deed, to gratify Mr. Carson, but 11. S. is not bound for the accuracy of it." In the plot, however, the said 2d Creek and the whole of the land intended to be sold is clear ly described by certain lines, and I never can believe that a jury of the country will sanc tion Mr; Campbell's possessing land out of , these lines which at the time I conveyed all my land between Malary and Old Town, was not claimed by me, nor for several years after; wards,Ktherefore could not be intended tobe sold as my land ; nor did I know Mr. Campbell possessed any of the land offered for sale when ' I advertised, otherwise it should not have been included, as I undertand it is illegal for any person to purchase land from one mail, which Is possessed already by another. I-shall with draw the offer of it lor sale 'tillthe injustice of M. Campbell's pretensions are proved before thatTrlbunal which the laws of our country have wisely appointed lor determining ques tion ofpropsrty, not doubting in the sm.i!!et degree the issue of a conrroveruy in which 1 am drawn much ugaiiut mv inclination. BKXJA. SMITH. May 12, 1806. , For Sale, AIlOUSKaml Lot in frayettevilie, on the fouth fide uf Grove-Street J the Houfe is lart'eand well ' calculated lor a private I") welling or Tavern, and the hV uation clteemed as one of the mod healthy in that pla e. On the ptemifes aie a Kitchen, Smok Iloule, Stc. The terms of Falc niay be mule krrown on'applicatiou tij Mr. Joh Matthews of 'FayctteviKc, or the fubfenber in this town. WM. MOORE. WiliTiir.f'oii, March 13. For RO.W( Sale, A NEGRO. Woman and four CtiiL 'Ire i ' Apply to the printer. April 13. " JOIUrHAUUISTaylor,; HAS taken the shop lately occupicdby Mr. Daniel M'K.ay, in l'ront-Stieet where he carries on hit business in its va rious branches, und will be thankful for the custom of those who may please to employ him. Wilmington, May 13, I ECS. 2w. NOTICE. HAVING obferyed" in the three lift pipers sn advcriifcmcnt by- Hcnja mm i:inih, njleriuj! tor lale faii.nni' o- thcr prpeny.) a it!e fwamp uut be tween Old 1 own and Clarendon, ' I think it t'topci to inform the public tint Gen. Smith owrs nnfjch Land ; having conveyed to jsmt-f Catfon all hi. Laidi between Ma'.laty Creek and Old I own riai tation ; agreeably to which Deed. 1 now poilcfs tliut Land. Any peifor.t .wifhii'E ftirther infcrma- tion may fiti.-ly l!cm(.lves by perufing faiJ Deed which it in my pol!c(Tinn. M.,CAMPbtl.L. Wilmington, April l6, 1E06. if.. I. For Sale at Vuhlic Auction, On S.iwnuv ik 'Hth of Mjjtx:t API ECE of Land, on Top: jil Sount " Coutaining one hundred and twenty acres, about fifteen miles from Wilming ton, the property ot the late Lewis times, oecealed. aix'm'mihi cred.t will tx gi ven, with ip;.foytd Iccurily. Michael Hmcs. t Wjlminpton, April 29, . , Vor. Sale, A Like! 'Negro (iil, about fifteen years ol age. for terms ap; 10 1. rui Iffsid GUI O100M not be fotj before the enfeiaC Superior Court (be will then b put up and difyoftd of to tl higheft bid- Jer. J. 1. April i). ' WJmitfk Sufirkf Court Lav, Ttrm 1I0S. Rvli roa tax Taut or Causes. 1st, Cd, 2d, 4th k Jth dajt Kew II mover k llnintwiOt. 1 tth, Crimintl Causes. , ,, Yth, Ua&oUhed Crimintl Causes. . . ,, 7th, lib k toll, Pdaden, Duplai, Oo1ot, tod, out 04 the Lhttnct. 1 1 0th, Artument CaAitea. loth, tlth, 12th, k IJth, CsufttlnTquity . MJU WALlKIfi CTk. i. VlcuIcoarrn) 15. : For Sale A Hkcly youno; Negro Woman witk t wo chililreo. Apply to the Printer. May 3. " . . . - "rice planters "jl7HO mayi)e in want of Dupre's new In v. vented Pkdulvi Scrkem (unjder Pa teht) can be supplied by applying to Joshua Pott Wilmington, Or to John C. Baker near SmithviUe. ; '"'-; :- ' The Screens are-warranted to sift Ninety hundred weight per day, snaking a complete ' separation, ot the Hour, small Kice, Mer chantable Rice, and rough or head Rice, with the labour of one hand. " They will be finished in Charleston com plete in all the parts, and delivered at either place above mentioned, for fifty five dollars each, the purchaser paying the freight . those to be attached toother machinery will require a proportionate" augmentation of price ; which, however, will be" small They will be so marked, and -accompanied by such particular directions, that any per son of ordinary capacity will J)e adequate, to. the task of fixing them for use. The simplicity of their construction, and great uui'aom'.y,. together with the immense sav itig of'; manual labour, and the more perfect cltaiiing of the grain, renders them a truly valuable acquisition to every Rice Planter. They can lor the additional charge of one dollar, be rendered so Jar further useful as to answer the purpose of a RkexxSchken, which sepai ittea the rough li om the ground Rice before it is put into the Mortar, and oc casions a great saving of the crop. They al so may be attached to any common psund ing machine. Persons wishing to have them so fixed will please apply as above, and leave, a description of their machine, which being made-known to the pioprietors, the Screen wilfbe lurnished in such a state, and with such .Instructions",' as will enable any Mill wiiijlit tfj put them in operation. Charleston, 7th l'tbruary, IB06; .... ' 479 12w. 'The lull blooded Horse GOLDFIKDEtt, IN high order, will iland at ihe fi ber's liable in amplrn conmy, tl fubferi- y, the pre- fent fcafon, and be Ut to Marev on the lollowiiii; terms 1 j. Ten Dollars the feafon ; Fif:etn to in- Cure a Marc with toal, and Five Dollars for a finale leap. Fx'enlivi- pallu rage and vceuir.g tor lioys grant ; not. the Inblcru 'jcr will not be anlwcrahle Icr tfeapes vr . accidents 01 uny iuiui. iuris may be ti-u with grain on rcaJonahle icrms. In cale of Marcs beiim'out by itiluranre and nait. v' with before it ran be alctnainrJ, thii the are with loal, the ivnti to pay u.e (ne as 11 tncy prove with loa). GOLDE1NDEK Is a dark ba, lix years old, hftcen hand and an half ttiy.li, and in ttgure excelled by nolmilc. lie wasgothy the impor ted Horfe Silver, his Dim by tlnr' impor ted Horle Sweeper, rut ot the impor ted Mare -, the pioperty of a Mr. Coalfou. OWEN HOLMES. March r, 1806. '80 jm. MADEIRA WINE, Cm it quality, in p'per, Tickletibiiif , Hging, and Lnianui, Ly the p'ere for fa!e by Jamt'S ricking. Wilmington, April 20. Wanted I J REIGHT to IMuladclphia for about .. 1'ivc HunJred cubic Uct,, loniifting of (cveral boxes of rue arms. Apply to the- Printer or ttefubferiber." JOSEPH U. SWIFT. Ll Ctmmtt.iLnt, fjrt Johnston, April 1 4. THE ubkcriber being determined to esta blish an income independent of the caretj anxieties and disappointments ttttn- drhji cspecUtiont from Negto Ltoour, ia wllinS to dispose of the following Property j and will receive payment principally in litt k block. The Brick Home in Mtrtct tmt, mm occupied by Messrs. Hooper and Mitchell. . A Lot in MarsrVn's s Quince's alky, scar ly opposite ta the aboe. A Lot in Dock-Street, adjoininj to and westward of Ctpt. Scott. The Plantation and Lands late the proper t f f t.m. P.,t tnrtitctinv a filial and Saw Mill, pUnty of will timbcrtd Und and a larre body of prime Tide Swamp in the t ry r.l 1 j .r.'. r t 1 be il pncD 01 im uac anu pcrircuy ires irsn freshes. , . A Tide fiwttrip Tract between Old Town and Clarendon. A Trsct of I-and jolnlr Rtwtn contsialrtf SlOexrtt, part of which Is Cypres timbered land and the Swamp very fertile. . 4 Sturiton CVrtk plaoutioa vbirr Jphft Rcott torrucrly Uvtd. 1100 acres on tU North catt Rinr, at Marl WwlL . , BLNJAMtNEMlTIL April tsvh, CU THE Subscriber hai on hand rtmlnirrg from last Fall's importation, which were laid in on the most advantageous terms, at Liverpool, and which he is disposed to sell low. -.. . , ' . '. White lead in kegs6f iljc 28 lb. Yellow 1'aint do. 14 ScS8 Spanish Brown do. 14 2c 28' Grecj5 Paint in. Pot's of d Tb. ' . J : - V Window Glass, 10 by 8 k 12 by 10 in half boxes, . J Putty in bladtlert of f lb. each, Hook k eye Hinjges 10 12 1 5 18 84 k 30 la- CheS, . .. . " j, - ' ;; "" - Nails, line drawn 4d, lod, 12d, Sod &. 30d Floring hrads, " ' Broad ales, falling and club do. C arpenters Flames, well assosted, 11 ec 1IL lltnRes, raised toint and Others. .. AND ON HAND of Other imnortationa an assAi'impnt nf Hard Ware, Paint, Oil, he. &c. DAVID SMITH. Wilmington, March 11, 1806. FOR SALE . By the subscriber, in JVincess-Strtet. Sugar by the hogshead barrel " 3-1 proot Kum, 2d do. do. Molaffes by the hopfliead, Alio, Tobacco Pork Flour Butter Lard. JOHN LORD, Who wants to Purchase A likely young Negro Wench that uuderUandb cooking 5c walhing,'anil s toner anil lionelt. : a:c A good smart Waitincr Boy who is fobur and hontlt, and accuitomcd to lha are of horfei. Wilmington, Feb. 24. 4tortf. . Notice is hereby given" OF the deceafe of Oeore Merrickr Efq. late uf New-Hanover Couuy- and of the qualification of the fubiciibcra iti i-.nci.uwin oi ins tan vim ami 1 eua inent.All perfons therefore vho have afty demands on the tltate of the faul George Merrick arc required to pre fen t them to the; lubfcrihers properly attcllcd . within the time timittcil by an ail of the General A llembly, palled in thejear 1789, entitled an act to amend an art entitled an aft concerning proving ot wills, and grarrting letters ot admini'.trarion, and to prevent irauds in the niaiuemen' of inttrtaicscllatej," otherwifeihey wilt bo barre l by the f Deration of faid i(X ; and ill peifo'. s in'kbied to Paid cllate arc re queflcd to-come forward and make pay met t as fpcidily at poll.bli, 10 John Mac Aufliii, wjio is atithonlcd to receive fuclt pjynuM)i5f and alio to ruehe and adjuit the uemanM tcair.lt theelutc. JOHN MAC AUM.AN, p , OLOKGF- M. LKLC'H, rxtt' Vilfilnpon, April 10. 6w. 1 or Sale, C40 acres ol land on the west sides trCapc-Fear Kiver, fittuttd between Lil Irput and the Stnd Hill, about nine miles from Town, The fituation is hindfome and plealant, being ;tlutT upon the fiver. ai d extendi thereon about a mile. Th& land it vttll timbered and an excellent place for range, both for Cattle aid Hogt. About tony sent Rice land, and fome highMirfltrn tbe river, which can bo drained. Alfo 150 acres well t!mbrri 'and on Wood's Creek, which il welt Vaown tta ood place for range. The terms of fate are fit months credit forono half, and twelve months for the other. . li the laid lands fh nld not be foldbeforo the firll djv of the rnfuinp Superior Couitt they will tlieu be fold at Vendue. ... , JOHN NUTTr rPlll" Subscriber informs hit C'ustomrrs tind the Public In nersl, thtt he hit tuoted to h'n former House, the tctond attho corner of Market and I'rottt.strects, where the llarbrr's business will be csrricd 00 tt u tvisl, and tolicitt the ftror that has been for mcrly tkewuhiro. A Vhilin IhzoadicT. Wilmington, May 6, IIC5. For Sale, A1I0UE and Lot In South Wtflj, irigton, eligibly Ctustedfori Taw ttm and Store j ihf houfe It roomy sod well ctlculattd--sn tKe premifel it floro houfe and other necelTary out houftt, sl(o an eacelUnt gtrdcri fpot uodtr fcocc. For tcrmt spply to ALLEN SLOAN. South Wsfhiniton, Mty 0, lo6. R H r f T ROKE prifoit In ihlt County on tho 1 tj fdyht of the Joh of April, a mm who calif i.imuu itmrj iijit, lays r.s ! wit born In the Hate ot Ntw-York ; he ; It flout well built fellow, if about five ! feet trn IntlK Mgh, kid ro pnicutar ) tnut ai we rtmembtr tf. lie' flood ' iomralttc4 onachargecl rolWry. , A rend of Twcntf.Kirf l)ol!in win it paid for spprtrverlirg sad fduridh lira to rrifwo. ' . L. r.LLIS. 7)'jf. Or.Ccw Cccst, lUj 1, it;w