J " BIRTIS DAT CONTEMPLATION ONCE,in the fight of igis pasty i TAer tei a wan j- 'and ttA wa ? 3oriai hawe'erthy lat'be cart, " " ' 7'Aal Manrestmbled Jhii, ' CMow the region of hi, birth, ., TJuJandin which he died vnkno&ni J 22i name Ms perish'dfrop th( earthy Tjftijt Jyandg'rtef, mdhofr andfarj, y. Alternate triumph' din his breast ; f t jr cad wof-rtf atturi won ioi iic r The bounding pulse, the languid limb, The ciantfng spirits rhi aridfatf; ffitinbiikathtst tser'e felt by hint, ., Fr these were j 'fit ly all, If4 sufer'd butjiis pangs are o'er t Enjoy'dbut his delights are fed ; ''JfHUfftiendtMrt'novyno more j Jnd foes ihis foes are dead ' , 'Me loved, 'but whom- he loved, the grave Tfaih'tbii in it's iuwimseiout wmb 0 she was fair .'tut nodght could save - "' He)- beauty jrsm the tduib The. rolling seasons, day and nigki, Sun, mjon, tnd stars, the iarih and main, Esfvihilt his portion, life and light To him exist in vain. He serf whatever the hast seen, Enciunler'd all that troubles thee ; -' " He was whttUver thou hast betn t tftiswhitihoushaltbe. ';' i .'"' The clouds and sunbeams, o'er his eft , 'Thatvnct their shade and gHorj threi , llcnt left in yonder silent I ' 'to vestige where they J?cw. . . The annals of th e human race ... ' ' Thtir ruins since the wot Id begin, Of MM u for is no other trace : -Thau this THUS LirnD A XAH I ALCAEUS. it Foreign News. JFtajceived t(r ibe unital of the ship . Protcc- ' i tress, at Norfolk v Q t . . St. pETE'asaraoH, January 29. , Respecting .the aystcm of politic which our monarch has a dopU id,, . and the future line of conduct to be pursued, the moil pro found silence' is tbe observed i and they re ifiain, ofcounc, an impcuetuhJe inytlcry; b)ui, fir want of exu-inal iiJ, the mottex rarKant kinds ol ."uinour nd coi'jccture Uke their full scope, lu th UiUrim, evey ihinj rctui us to the sla'.e whivlwil exiitcd Jfore the waiw Our armies iecrvati from Germany, upproKch the lluiktfcrt truaucr, it k ccu(y llicir garrisons. , . . , litRLt;, feb. II. The king and qviecn, with the royal family V proceeded i 1'utiJamtu w'ttethit i hi of the niriiucnt uf iruards, which lKts l Jc thid y. To-morrow the infantry, of Moircndorfi the rcii U'rmek, the baiUitoiit tif Krciiudiv-rs, uud olicr troops will rvluru Either ' ,, - M. llock, a ca'ntt mtsnnr, tarrivc4 purr the day bclure yclcid l.otn M. ic- trbvirgS. I (e is airlpt.-d to he the U artr of t cry important Uipatclc. It hat -lrcurfy been btaicrf, that the rcjjt- num of the inttxcii-vu of lltrl n, I oiularn, jPuinvrania and the Marc. rtuuin on the yttr fuvTi'i ; anl ilut they have reci iyedcr. d r, by tufcltt, nut tosclllhe liortcs cm- ll't to carry their bjirirakre and ltiu. i'luie' rcinains iu conc(juciitc ou the ar - LnCfif n l'ruMan army of too ajuadron jt ml j battalions, without indudin,; the in. )(u;cU'mwf Hayrcu'.h. whkh U stul rdy to Tt Ruiiiani lef; plate -inij;ht a f o ijfi I yro conv'oyi ior Hal. In the road of ijililthere ars.npiv onljf Iwo UuslanXur gates. , All Uc. Kvmuo v,ticraU ko arc Hont, writ to have tnt ha(he horof the TeiiuiMtion, bpt it Uthtaehl Hat they hate PtWm WJtvVqrr Hie il?lV4''nVf p V1 rAiUtftj WitK a garrison ol.Nt I hey batl puscf ,bJ4Vtial lroo of the linc,rs;fucd in rrr.i tlialiiij;. -1JV1.1K anuai ' AlVfhe Corps '6f tVSelif hlh apua.' ' Alffhi corps 'bflVSelU H ' 'l reVibV Va rtk en, fy. " F.ort St. KW.d ' wfliHOr-ieveraf tlce n'U pimillc. tiWffacWtrf.' OfikHl Damai U now Tan Jit A KtftXa whtrt', ilH tcht!, litis- aingUt "cTiliHtil him to rcaiirfw Ucrrl AtuN, i3oa-t f the liu rdiniaiep, it now iitptctor jKrl of the troaps wkicb remain Kcr. ypcal. Utroct ha tbf ch'itf toenffissvd i iU crfr.,,pi.yednesdy uttbc ingsV Id W VUininepolilst; if jkU rscpfr ywo7ntv,.ihtctoto prince, the iicr n atvd aWtiraf tM Ualtoily atillrt V.xfhrc:i Anta.fc,UnJtutcilh U'Mt mrit4' ail' also all lie tfrttr lM trrsHjry ull.sjljwn KuatUf) V jjale tU hafboOf pi, tais Kejdy PfU'aipttg with, aeretal pn4ats and a. ZV-4 "aloos,' ' If Is laid jut aom fi tVvoT 'hart rtfuvd U Utance (f lnat la Vf4i, , , , . HE, COMMON LOT , T - BatariA Feb. 7. It is reported th.thea' aret8 secret; arti cles aohfex.ed to the treaty pf Presbttrg ; kFaghl huiulrd piece of cini)?1 mfr tars, 0 the heaviest caU6rev frm. the r seJaV of Yenna, ( sirenow at pranna'u. tin c--counlofthe badness iqlf the roads theycdQlil not be jcohv'c jed vaf .furthiri Tifr 'WiH - consequently not be ; removed till, the arriYal of mbrcfavburable weathf r. .Till . tHe pre aenf tt'me,' 90 wagjona wHl money haje pas aed uiider fa escort of ge il'armea, ihx ' BasA.WStnia'tiurgh.' -' ; ' : 1- Tho present vice Relnfc 6f Italy speaks the ' Italian language tery fluently. : . ,t : o . FRAKC9u,.?eb. 10. At Manheim, -the roanhal of the court,' marquis de Ntohtperny, is extremely busy in j)ie paring t he palace of that place fortWre ception of the electoral prince of Uden jind his future consort, whom the emperor .Napo leon intends to adopt, and to elevate (o th dignity of princes of the empire. , Within these few days, several wagyona filled with wild hoars, for the chaces of prince Murat, have passed through buabia, on their way to France. Forty orphan children of soldiers art go ing from Munich to Paris," to be educated! there attlie expence of the emperor. ,' The electoral prince of BuvaHa Will proba bly continue the. whole year at Parish" ' ' i - 1 tataas-i Ha SAtf, February 15. . The Frinkfor.t papers are quite filent refpedtiig the circumltancts in which that city is placed in tonfequonce of the contri bution impoCsd by the French army. It appears that it is not thought proper to indulge in any conjectures on that fub jet. The French army in thia quarter condfts of the divifion of Angereau, the Batavtan troops, oc thegarrifon of Menu, Thefe troops occupy the countries on the Maine, and exte.id to the Rhine and the Khinegau. They are receiving reinforce ments by ihe aTrit at oi corps fro;n Mora via; and befiJcs the divifion cf gen. La.' val, whic'h, befpre the adiuftmctit of the differences between Pruflia and- France, formed a part ot the army ot the rtorth 6u the frontiers of Holland, and afterwards returned towards Strafburgh, has received ordcts to march to the bank, of the Maine. Hanover, February ft. Greater harmony cannot cxift than that rhkh prevailed between tlx Kullian'j truons and the inhabitants of Hanover. 1 ney teparaien witn muiuat iccungs 01 re gret, iclterday the Ccnrril fvcjuie cave a dinner here to count Mimtter, and fonic of the moll diftirctiifhed perfons, at which leigned recipric! orJuluv. Mr, Pierre- potur, the LnglMh amoa(laior to the Swcdifh conn, was prefent. In the ge nuirie hnlilh character, heptisaiely took his gold fr.DfT box from his pocket, and gave it unobferved by the company, to a KolTtan folJicr, who has been in the fcr- vice thirty years, and wore three medals as luklns ot hit valour. VirKsta, Peb. r. Baron Thugiif, whu has not been I tan at Vientia lime his retirement fiom ad. minHtiaii.).,, has wiihin iheft few duy, liKMvmy mat Ml apjearai.ct again in that iiiy, in the ireat attoniihmei.f of t. veiyoic. Th s a(toiii(hmcnt hasasfiimtd a fi iiout character, fince a reptrt has he n cirr.ttattd, that he is about 10 nUme 7m part of his lomtr hfltmnce. No credit indt-e l is iven t 1 Issst irfiimptioH, which n fonts is t! e clfccl l tea, in others of e ivy. Tin Es Mini tier, w ho before ri u led at Piclbur, wheic lie remained du. ring the villi of .ihe Flench, noiwithftan. iWnz ihcir sniir.oliif aitainR him. ksve I 4iew jrol of the energy ot his character.- vviiiie every one cue was anxious 10 con- ceal (umftlt, be can led the followinr n IciiptiDii u he placeed, in large letters, on the front ol his rcfidence, Tit Ho. lei i JJaron Thugut." . The French fail IcJ at it, but tl.ey ciNitd not forbear fpcak jnx with cltccin and commendation cl it Ja rofk of firmricu. JT'itiite Viclor, de Rohanj lncfudct a-, jpWtbe geneiai iefScers who bitf bee 0 Denhopedotf, has, it is faid. iuOified him. Kfrfiomthe olftcial charge bi ought againfl : Mu,fortio'ha.tingctccutdthcors1rrir;iht ! Achts)k-jown,- H hat prtivn), it it rt ' pned, iSathi ficvtil rtctived iKnfe otoVrji. i and tfcai'be will, in confeouencrbt in iffedUtfly tmplovrfl ,lf liii oflfi cert,' and )t FrrrKr) tKcmfcre, WiViM lie is inn 10 compKic nn surr. fom a woui.dby a .MHilVtl bJl',wbKl, fatl'ed tbrwigh'thf ibaoroft. . .J' . 1 ' V Wt ire Snutf A rWW trUrfnd Vtln. erbf 'BaVJitjWfrltrtbeitrJ lTa$I, Vet t fubn trm'ftiitl?miiPcirfu4. tlONli rSfrlf-rtlkvtWteli aaOietf fi f vlr4 g.iaH camYiouVaihtntV ' i-:tl .!i j4 t..n ii .:... tai(H priTi4 m wvvrst parrroi Vicmisv. ti ' lis rl.'nissitr.buttd i6thHuf Csk ptifori;Uil iU f hff.cliDi who btt Itported drvh Jt'.Ti J ft tl as kirtJf tirV. dyi fivef, 'mVlib fs tofnbvon'ai,iMi ff. fcr anhic'Lif' Wn: aojtsHcxI t r ity and the evil attendant; 6rTa f arare; " -I i fG h TotohJHn pan Hate r war 1 parti ot 9 Sna'bra and Francorkia.'iu which? the RuU fiaii neyer weie.-?r J - ' . tl " r.-;-i -t'. '. -i .l Xmmm ! c 1 '' 7 - r'ti 4;:-;':A'....J4uMiciFeb.8. : VVitHio thefe aw day I, every thing haav affuraed the appearance as if our array were again to take the field. All the furloughs vyhiciv had been given fiad been recalled1 and; alt4he irooftf collected in (heV depots have received orders to hold thcmfelves iu readiliefs to march. ' It. is hoped, hovre Vef , that the circumftances which may have given rife to thefe meafu res, will ba (pc'cdi)y adjulted. The Marfhals Bsxthicf and Bsruadottc are arrived here. ' ' Amsterdam, Feb. it. I nere is a rumour nere mat a naji 0 f truce has-been lent from England to has-been feat from England France, to demand pairports from the French government for negoc.iators for a general peace. Even frbm Paris, wo have had letters expreffing, that Gnce the' death of Mr. Pitt, new hopes have been indulged upon that ground. ' ' , Stockholm, Feb. 4 .The Engtifli Admiral,'. Collingwood, has written a lettei to the Swedifh' com mercial agent at Malaga, offering his pro tedlion to all the Swedilh (hips lying in that port, and promifing them a convoy as far as Gibraltar. " . . FVasktort, Feb. it. Since the 8th the French and Batavian troops in our environs have been coi.lide rably reinforced and it appears that, ia connncfion with the ganilon of Mem?, a coiilklerabie army will be formed on the Upper and .Lower Maine. The report Is, that' there will be an army of 100,000 men extending frorri Bille to Holland, which will remain in that pofiiion tiU all the fo- iiu iryop 10 tnc , iorin 01 uermaity Dull have entirely qui'.ted that country. The cleaoral Prince of Baden has arrl- ved here, and will fet out immediately for t,.:. ,t.:. k. 1 - : mi runnel i,m i guin to marry Ma demoifclle I)e Bcauharnois, whom the em peror Napoleon means to adopt, and raife to the d;goity of royal highnels. .NF.T.YOttk, Auriisa. City of Fen-Ttfrlt, Ss. JkStf Pierce, matter of the sloop Richard, a coasting vessel of Brandy wine, being duly sworn, deputes and says, that as he waa nn- proachinr Sandy Hook, and was about a quarter of a mile from the beach, and two imlcsiouth horn the Lijjht-Hwusc, in his said vtutl, on t ncuy tvruing ahoul o'clock, two shots were fired at diHcrent timea from a large lki'ith ship of war, with two tkrof guns, uppo-ed to be the LcandcrThatooe of the ad shotatru.k about forty yards a head of the taid vessel, and the other A stit nearly over her upon wlicli the deponent rounded to bis vcssil,und aLout (he ininuus after another shot was fin-d from the t.id ship, and struck the tafiM iail and quarttr an, w.ii. Kitivu iiiiiiiruiiaici v iii.iu 11 ine beim, iiatucd John Piere,- brt.hcr of the dwponeut, and who wnl a hnnU on beard of h.s vesivl Tlut the dc;viiH-nt wnnnot actual ly dcictmiue the distatice of thefsloop '.from the Ia-uikKt, but he cotijectftrea it to b bove m imlf. That the it pom ot then cnti linued his course, and cntcird Ibo llwok wi.bout auy furttitr molcstsop. ' , , . .JllU.i!lHcE. H.k.i. ' I. Ih.'I ia-A I A foi e tue lit M'.ii Utr.uu,, V .rt Ifeitliah Pratt, master of tbttirifr'Snlly, deooscs, That be was annrnuehirVthe said pon from St. Thomas's on Vriday eteninc;, and within 20 rods distant from the within mentioned sloop, ht observed the facts st.Ud in Uc foregoing alTidavit of capt. Pieicr, and tln: to the test of hit knoUdge and belief, tley are true, except the kiUingof the man, of which thedrponent has no person! know. Ied(e That there were at that tirot tkrte ships of war in the Vfling, and that the one mentioned in the within affidavit, was a t decker and trnr largesf. 1 ' That all the ss'ul vessels of wsr fired at the deponent's vtssl at least tscnty sliots in the jhjjc but that "be proceeded on without coming ioT'. That a sloop cf war Grid at the ddnthfs f essel when btwafkbout s quarter i a, mile frttn the short, and after ifctftUtfii sncniioned dtsrh Is ssid 6 hvt occunefl. That about Uer)ty tail of vtsstls wrtr tbmirig iblb 'pvrt at thr same ltxe, ahJih'al ubWsrdl cf a'huft. dred shma wtVe fired ai'the. laid vdseUhj the Said fnpi'of war. 1 .' y 1 1 EworntCtb April, Hlajle- ., 1 CAnUt. V" - 1 . , -' lor t rue Ue Wut .f 1 :Th Till' ftini r ' la tbls' fosters of our nsanI iffsfrs. (a MltednWx.pressed as we'ate fiylie ttd tyrsttu of Uit octsa, I have considertd! it my duty to this community to Inform Ihtraj .IbjkV- -ewvsa fxJiMiciVUve nada atlsp. H'CAUonlkartsldarit far a nisaL bmrJ 7. itwirg,afctinorUlrFM,VMwrsulyl .... . . 1.... . . , . 1 vYk wm wausouvvsvai v sit sa oi t . ,tniatMby Out marr.lng's tnslw .r Y . . lUNia WOUTIIAS.! C'lf t i-r tti c-iy aaco'.vy ) , , M f Tvk, ,; ,; ,$, . . .. fcarc To thcjPresiderit of the United i vTha. me rrional of the -may or, aldermen and' , commonaUy of thje.city of NewOforfc. f Respectfully ihevttji-m , .ThatrourifvtmorialUta jpo full xonfi dence ia.the wjsdpm and patriotism of .the. prencnt .admini UaGon .of-the United States', j Thy are aensible that the general govern , xnett is, disposed to. afford, a kufficient an(Ta , equjte prpieqtlpsi 'to evcr portion ql th"e . ? A melancholy event baa. tHe,n pacc i This day consigns 16 the grave the remains) : of John Pierce, a fellow-citiaen inhfjham.lr and waatonly murderel by f he 'British.1 Our I port is blockaded-i-our vessels intercepted-- ..our seamen impressed bUr. commerce' in 4 A terrupted, and our jurisdictional rights "most grossly violated. A British squadrpn islnov before our harbor, evincing a, disunion tb renew its outrages and to perpetnile aaditioa- 1 cnurmuici. We therefore, respectfully request that tf naval force may be immediately stationed at this port, and that three or more Amerjcahr frigates may, without delay, be sent for our protection.''1 ; - tE .WITT. CLINTON ' By orJer tf the common council ' ' T. WOUTMAN, City Clerk; OUTRAGE UPON OUTRAGE The" LIEUTENANT of the LEANDER Is nosy in this Citj. Captain John Shepherd, of t)ve Schooner CjOncordJ from Nor folk,' wjio, bout six days ago, was boarded the Liep tenant .pf the Lesndcri and cruelly ' trcatei, Anodes him well Capt. Shephei'd states' .that lie yesterday morning saw on the battery, aj4 tewhere in the city, the LIEUTEN ANT of the LEANDlill disguised, ia ecmpany with ? or 10 PEDElALfS'l Si If this statemtn be publicly denied) it shall be substantiated'.- . Yes,' fcllow-citiirhs, when the FEDERAL ITS are hypocritically . passing resolutions) dcplojing the death of PIERCE when by e lectioinceiinj; artifice they are endeavovring to'torn'the SlURDER to the advantage of the BRITISH PARTY when we were solemn ly and religiously devoting tho day to the ' awful funcralof our MURDERED COUN TRYMAN, behold the FEDERALISTS . walking arm n arm-frith hisMOllDtllER ! Walking arm in arm did I say I Heboid them DISGUISING the MURDERER 19 SCREEN him from the indignation of otur citizens, and the oflended laws of our' coun try . I ,! America n Citizen. ', Cspt. John Shepherd of the Schooner Cosw cord, personally appeared before nit, and be iag duly sworn, saith, that on Sunday Jas7 the 57th lost, he saw an officer of the Cambri ah frigate,' walking on Murray's wharf alone lie befievesaud feels confident that ttiisoflU eer is a lieutenant, as he had a lieut:ninj;'s ti' niform on when he boarded the Concord off the Hook. Aftsr this officer turned the cor her of Murray's wharf, into South-strret, be was joined by fourorfiic gentlemen. 1 ekhef of whom were ktiown k ciit. Shenhcrd, ii- thcras to their prl.ticaJ or n,itidnattharacter lie iarlher states, that be saw the samp cer y'etrr'.ay morning the Cbth inst.at abouf eijjhl o'clrk, valkinR on the tine aharfa beVore, aiid alone. )lc knows th person of th-cIT.cer well, as thcsbusiTe Lrgue so gaehim ctT the llonk, on Triday evening Isst, impiinted him pretty,, atrorgly co bis mrrr.ot'y. And tbij deptntt furthrr sailh, trvavhe, nevtr saw tlw sid ofiicer in the hatts ry. ' - ' '".JOHNMiUriltUb ' Swotn te 19tb y of April. 1(06, W. W - Jf Kf,?l rub. Notary . JfirfVork' FtetimJ.)t) Tliuriday Ur minMcu t)e ejection for iepresvtiitivef Ip Congitss, snd Senators and roembers xf Assembly,; to th? State LcpUlattmr . Wf ac hot jet been able to obtaie aotbentis returns 'ol vntli,r the fifTyrtM cndidatv An'evening psptr states, tkat the Drmocrv tic fillet lor Congress succeeded by a lla jority of aVout &0. v learn from Staeaj IsiahO, ths,t Mr, Must rtu, hat Vn v lecttd a member of the Assembly, y a a Jofityof 17 votes over Hr. UtiuatV feii ril candidate. ' , , Yesttrdsy arri?td, atbV tj'Cwi StuVgis, Udsys from St, Tbojsiasno forms that Daa(s had, by pctflsmation, Prohibiltd U trade tad inlersmrM bctwteu u T7"T . 1 . . ' s -Carolinlk fyold Mrfc C-tpn f, t Wt obtftulbst company is 'fo'rrod'un dtr tliii title lhl Washinyon, Ciy," JIup tH hls .UfVin'sml Iwfrtiipri Yf tUt Ci ty, has bwthssed JliOOO sc4s of ldio Mofltgbrtifry wutity, (which is supposed to ccrty'u. PyLJ in ccniTdf rable qusntivjesV-Jato ne properfy CoL Thomsi Orson, dtx, whUh.be kst vssfedU Trtistfes'for tht tuus vtlktCosfipwoy. T Jrvpirir divided 1atoiharM.'a4stvttt'r)irectofs wcrt to i. .s:.si.2..i... ,. "w's BUbiux oiBcsaowtrw vn ir.t Crtt ltsUbL. ti'p . ... I. m t . " Thf rckulf of rnt.'VsjsicXuutti elcctfA 1s ar)ngiW Mcrnslncd tblc'jn favor of fede. fkRsin; rbetbta ountlxr ( vpfs given, tk Ail Uril WSITU93I i cfwlcb SunitsA the tjuMkiiesftdidfe,nJ 3i,r)lrSfrc4r t).ef.dtratcaAdH!au: ka4 Jf.SoJ, tnsjoH te.Btrong l.til, t1 ; ' if. - . , 1 m ' J'