THE MANSION OF' REST. ., I TALKTJ to my flattering heart, And! chid its;wild wandering ways j -I charg'd it from Foots to part, ..,-. Anil to husband, the best' of its days ; I bade k no longer admire ? ., The meteors that Fancy had drest ; .1 whisper'd 'twas time to retire, And seek for a Mansion of Rest. A Ch armer as Honing the while, Who caught up the tone of my .lay ; Oh come then, she cried with a smile, , And I'll shew you the place and the way ; I followed the witch to her home, . "And vow'd to be always her guest; " Never more, I exclaim'd, will I roam. In search of the Mas sio "of lUs r." But theswestest of moments will fly j "' '.''' Not long was my fancy beguil'd, For, too toon I confess'd, with a sigh, That the Syren dccelv'd, while sheBUuTdl eep, deep, did she stab the repose Of my trusting and innocent breast, And the door of each avenue, close, - That led to the Mansion of Rust Then Friendship entie'd mi to stray Through the long maic wiles of romance, But I found that he meant to betray, And shrunk from the sorcerer's glance ; For EptniENCE has taught me to know, That the soul which reclin'd oh his breast, Might toss on the billows of woe, And ne'er find a Mansion of Rbst. . Plkasimik's path I determin'd to try, Hut Prudekck I met in the way, Com ic no flashed light from her eye, And uppear'd to'rllumine my day ; She cry 'd as she shew' a grave , With nettles and wild flowers dress 'd O'er which the dark cyprus did wave " lkho'.d there, the Majjsioji oir Rest." She spofc: and half vaniih'd in air, For "she saw, mild Keugion appear, With a smile that would banish l)asAiii, And dry up the penitent tear ; Doubts and fours from my bosom were dri- sen, As; pressing the cross to her breast, And pointing serenely to HfcAvsM, She shew'dthe true Maxsioh of lit. sr. matkTinal LOVI. What pen can inscribe all the feeling of Xrief, or jvy, w hieh Hikes place inthebusoni of a mo' Iici ' tier tender solicitude fvr the o'ljvct other auctions ;. her alarms, her agi tations, m hen she is in danger of 1hii him, )k ' d.'k'.uir when he is lost 1 '1 he wife of a n W; Vmetian. seen'thiir only von d'.:, iih.iii 1 I licrieit u the most cruel and excessive grief. A minister of emim-nt pie ty en lcvorr I I j console her. He reminded l.;:r of ,V'al tin, whom Cod had command iuvcii tn )iaii;;c a poiimud in the iu of hit sin. wt' t.atl obeyed the thvinc will with-ii-tt a murmur. Alas ! toy girj talhcr," reo!;td ln-, with iiApeliioti' y, (od has ne ver Jcni.ui'.U'il this sa rifict .f a nwtha." Sir J dm Sinclair reco.nintn'ls Ucitiug calve wills hay ua a a cheap plan, and us Ui mean of tviug tmik foi other put jm,.s. In order loan ike tlii lea, take one pound of i A clever hay, well gut in, and six .putts of ir jr mt water, b it tl.cuMouhci till t ic it reduced to jnni tv, ilu.u , :-kv o the hay, init a pound of oat ley, o!, I) i i meal id a Imlc water, put it hioihc j -t a'i 1 kn p it slirrmi; till thir.kcncd ; when (.-ji.ivvc mo ttic calf, adding as much wlav mi a Ht iii.d.c a anlli-ic-ut nikul. petition of the bldody'decd' of -MarcV 5tii;-' 1770? Will they behold the murder o: Jonn lercey ahd not' fise" up at the great calf of Mature, td avenge his death, and demand the head fthe"rturderer,' as aa atonemtnt for the insulted laws of God and of Man N6 -Let the citizens of the ITnited States : assetilble' in" Uieir cities, towns and villages, and proclaim to their brethren of New-York the deep concern they feel at the blockade ot their port,' the restriction of their commerce, lajid the murder of the innocent and unoffend ing John Pierce.' Let them declare in the language of 76, that they will support the, independence of their country, at the risk of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. From the National Inttlligincerl The following details are taken' from the Ne w.York prints of Monday . There is no American who will, not teei .mdig-. nant, m common with.. the citizens ot New-York, at the Injuries and infuhs thus inflicted upon our s;igts as an inde pendent nation : and wlia will -not wifh that it were in our power, without "com mitting; the peace and the great interelli of the nation, to hurl on the heads of ths offenders a condign vengeance. Thcfe lawlefs acls, we hare no doubt, will be met, at they ought to be, with fpirit ; and the bed mcafurcs purfued fur vindicating our rights. While, howerrr, we join, in the honed fenfibility of the citizens of New-York, we cannot refrain from the cxprefiion of our the wanton attack made by men, who proftfs themftlvcs to be jtderal'rtpublicans, on' the condud of the federal adminidratioo. Was this an occafion, when unanimity ouht to have been chcr.ifhe.d, to light the torch of dil cord", and carry it into the janks of thofe whofe common interefU (hould have leil them to the adoption of vigorous mcafurci ? Was tlii a time to propagate fUndcrs, which thofe whodifFufe them do not, can. not thcmblve believe ? Is it for this that. certain men, high in cmfidcration, have' hitherto worn the iiuTk: of "niodcra. tion and candor a:ul l"ri;ndlhi t Where is the proof that the prtfent aiaiinirtra tion have Confented to pay inonty to a. void foreign, or trt prevent the violation of national rights? Where is the proof tliat the jdinir.itlration fatiinSty fennUs foreign armed. Ihij'S to iiation t. c.r.fclvei olf our liarbors, a;-..! dure to llop, fcarch, and capture our vc!!!s, unit to iinprcfs, wown.l anJ tmudtr cur liii- pidit)- whh whicirour mfdf raant states the flames to proceed, exceeds any thiag tltatf cau be described.!, , .' , . ; i .- . Increafe and Multiply-t-A tcmarkaWe inftarrce of which .occurred laft; week in Southam.Mairachufetts; The wife of 'Gapt. J ofiah Green,' a gentleman abotit 8o years of.age, produced him a child, his daughter a child, and his grand daughters child all whbinr24 hours. ' Ir. tiie London Times of March i. the following is given" as the'genuine Will of the late William rut. . ' I owe Sir Walter Farquhar one thou fand guineas, from October, 1805, asa profaffionardebt. ' ' 'W. Pitt:" , " i2,coo. with iatereft, from 0l. ,1501, to Mr. Long," Mr. Steele, Lord Currincton. B'fhop of Lincoln, Lord Camden, Mr, Jofeph Smith, and I car nellly rcnucd their ace'eotance of it. I iroofi cxi! 1 Jin jhi'hl anion is vmy t itr lOHIHI I i 1 lie (lite of the .Oi.l p.o'.it'us rl Nw-Yot! Tlx i-niu fj-i.n wlmh we take the pit t i 1 zem .' w ncrc, we iiemanJ are t:;c of ihclc chaf cci ? We deny their Ti c who'; nation know tlicm 10 be Ijlfo. Vc fic aj;a:n why the propa f;iii (,i th.fe Ulfehnuds at this time i An adcqiutc anfer 11 only to be louiui in k. cc: hi.s arc dale. I on Mondjv, a;.d ti c c- IcCtioi, i f mi mlirrs 0 inr(s and t?atc lepicli-i'fativcs vj t:'i ukc phc-c l.e nct dijr. Wc an juAifii I tl.:n r f.sin ihn It j? lor iljjs f altrr purj'of.-, ti.t ,!,cfc atroc;uj h i Ms, wl.ifh are utr. riliy u a; nv men, am: r.;uch mine i.i ot thofe u.i-ii .w.iof fiind moil pr J-v.i'.ci.ily at wifli. if means can be found for it, -of paying double the wages to all my fet vanti who were w'uh me at my deceafe- W. Pitt. "I wifh my brother, with the Bilhop of Lincoln, .'.to look ovir my papers, and fettle my affairs. I owe more than I can leave behind me. W. I'lTT.' '. FROM TIIERICllMONl) LNQUIRIiR Militia o the.itiMidStaUu,-- i.j We have'receiveiffi om a friend at Wa'sV ington, a " Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a statement of the Militia of the United States according to the returns received from the several states and territories."'''' April 11,'tcad and or dered to lie on the table." Thii statement is distributed into too many tables and spuu in-' to too many details, .to be either interesting oi; instructive in iti present form. We have therefore deemed it buflicierit to throw these different details into one general view. , Two principles are clear, that few govern ments can preserve peace who are notalwaj prepared for war: and that for a republican government to preserve its liberty, it mut . prepare itself fur wur by a disciplined militia, and not by standing armies. Hut at the pre- ( sent moment, we have the mot delicate le I lations to'adjiist with the powers of Europe. An amicable accommodation of our deferen ces, 'm perlnps, beyond our reach. l.ave CTi-n heard ,oiie vague but ahrmingrumours, of a " threat of hostility from Trance." We know not ho .v far the intemperate passion of Hiiinapuitcmay hurry him, how toon he may patch up a pence in ) urnpe, and unite 1 Ins troops with those of Spain, to invade our ! southern or extern frontier. Under such J cii cumstuncts Umay not In- i-.nmtcu sling to ol our numbcis list of InfaftcYy wliich is pliCed last en Utess) returns of the MilUia of the United, States' comprehendi2(53Captains-i 1093 Lieuten ants; 6951 Ensigns; 499 Serjeant-Majors j 275 Quarter-Masters Serjeants ; 452 Drum Majors ; 442 Fife Major ; J4569 Serjeants 2222 Corporals, )ui95 Musicians ; 24 5 40 iieersT7 l 56a Privates '; besides "60 CaUm ba W'arr'r9 S. Carolina. V Tlve following is a table-of the whole nuna ber of privaj,ca.,.itt.IheartjJlei7t cavalry an4 foot, belqnRingto the different states and ter ritories.; Under the term " foot"',w.c masi to includej grenadiers,, light infantry, rifle v rneri and infantry. , . Art Cavalry - NeWrHampshirt ' . 462 . 1.6 Masaachusett ,2069 212,, . llhpde-Island! 1 "86 . 57 " Connecticut ' il , . .1 -487 U96 Vermont , - . 324 1098 New-York JUS 1784 . New-Jersey ' - ,136; 903 f Pennsylvania - -Sio' , 2i8i Delaware , , . ; , u Maryland . , ; ' , ; ' ; ..Virginia i-' . ,;A10SO -30?$'. North-Carolina. 'J 1 53i' "South-Carolina f ?7$ lf43 tleorgia -( 71 530 ' Ktntucky .Tennessee. 636 Ohio . , 46 , 50 District of Columbia 81 43 Mississippi Territory -Indiana Territory 16 Michigan Territory Orleans Territory Louisiana Territory In the United States 7033 l6:.v .Foot 19 1 & 41U 18f"08 21742 C19S2 r5r87i 'J.M8S 16650 25.385 H28J 1895 1633 1710 4'6J95 17675 7082 Number liable to military duty, 30lh January last, ?J19 H txmnine this general vietf Tl": following mcne int 1 ouycts the it- 1 po. 1 of the sccu'tary ol war : 'I !.e Sun 1'lvMt-r it a St") pr0f.uble4.ldnt j'J Kn iilun; i .tjit have fun. jliiiudjiiCt ol''e t.d.U r f.rtuilu, the llowir ts , smi!iii;; 'mi Ik.iii ail ''.rm r l.v ilun Up-. ply uf li i.ity. u. I iu prudiu'iiuk ijuaiuity f ':e lat.r,Siii,: Sal.lublc lwU Ll slccit. l' 1 I 16 I JUU.UV, ftv. MMKIl'Ot' 7... Wlunthe i.iciiioimMc Uoitoit poi t-lill,iiiul "tar ;i of oprcsion and Injustice on llic prt ot (treat llnt ii.i. turjrd Ur llun u,f, touted the spirit of Americans to .it itiii niirum the rich's i.f Imuun im- I tie, the iUctiic priticiplc ,rtad, LLc light. Hint.;, o-irvit tgntmci.t, and in oi.e liuiittni produced a bhe of p4trioti.n1, ter rible to the enemies of freedom. 1'u.m Maine ti (ieorn'ia, from the Atlantic occtui, lathe western bwiindjry ul th uui'.td colo, the flme Ucmns grncrsl k uiMiueticJ.. fcblc. All ranksesiuciul divine tntloiMasin, kho'y fervor in Ulilfnf their iol'id and uprctsei brethrxn of lSo.ton - ami cttty man was ready toanie the b!o. of ou ttryiuen Omy, Matciirk, Auurkt, nl Carr, tnhumiiicly murdfrcd in tglJ blood, br the ssnsu.njr lliry of (Wwim: 111. Thraul;linut h Cohm'ics ptiiutit lutciirigs Were 1 an I spiritrd tcsoluti.wis adoi.tnl. dtclsratwiy of dclttminatiur) to lender eve- tf sssisiajice ta the nifurmi tn'urns .f llostoii, and si J them in tUc defence cf their iiKiitiBml Mettles. VirKia, (to her itn. mortal honor be It recorded.) setths tWri.., essmpie, ami resolutely itrjt (orwurd t the call oi ptrt., And fchallUu f itiicntt f lh United Ststes. at this dr, be rtrroathtu i:lt a wait of thst spmt ,lch animals d, thiir fatbits its. flf Wilt iu v: wiib u!.M iiiJ.Jcrcuee fiJctlm'iMJit hf, ticw 1 tt. H-'.LTIMOKK, Ar.i' O.ircnv, in v.riui.i pir , UU t Unl. l!t c:uuili.,uii.ul lis oVlock lad even. iit;; Mi l r. in.,rt o' ,,nie di.'idi.l cxrlo- Iimii was d.:li.ia:y li a i Iro n the i.onh wi?l r-'iaMtf by nm leiforu. ulm Were n'uth n a !rl 10 account l.j it . nJ .i,r.'ly tf'cr. i.jiuvj oi.a .n-iUar ipi enai c ada iced from the fsire r oinl cuciiiiijlliil gfjMrr c ii..f.ty AHdou is, hoccr. were fuon arrefl..! htf i!i ml... t. llnuS that Ihc V&WJc t'oss.Vl.M b.l ii ting to Mr. Lorinan ai d Mr. Don- ti . . .. . . n. 11, itur iniici from th: chv. Ill bhlAII Up, "I heh.fs f ropcrly is vm confiJtiaT b!e three luufsf, ivo.t which were the inilU, ir quiir d.m.oiihjj and anotlier nui.h ii.j irc.!. Oi.eof ihc wofLtniti ic. erivr.f a cuiiufioii on ihe licad from a d.. fc;n!iti (rji:mcnt of one of the ot wlmh he died ihW morninj; anothei is to bad!y burt.t as to leave to liopcs of k. covctyan.l a il.iid confidcrably tnaiionl. How i,.e cs4lliyphe uiginaied, cannot be 4l.cnai1.eJ. To the Senate und ll.use t.f ncpiesentttives cl tl.c Unitcl'Suics. 1 no'.v l.iy In f ; i- t'on:cs'i a statement of the Mi!iii.i c! i'k- Untied St:!cs, a.cuiiling v llic' ivicivcd bom the scleral sfulu and tcrriim it-.. It vitl le pfieo'ed. that Rouse of llic c ;.re t.t of recti. t dates; aiiil t!iat front tl.c states t.f Mar;. Ian I to.d Uelaw'-irc no ictou.s utc sU.Ut'. As far ap-rai fi'nn our records i.or.e nero eve t;u- I dei ed iioio titlifr of thf u- Mates. 1'ioiit the n ri lioi in 01 1 m ic?h 1. 1 . uii:ns r.ini o.icui Hun, Ci.i.ipkte letuihs lute m l set been it emed. Tp : jj;i ruusoN. Tlf (Ii'nerat and field St:. rT int Lidea the f ll )i:i ijiiks and nmnVcr of clocrs; 7J M..iirf.en-i.ih ; lit ltiii'sditr CtticruU; H IjutHei-Mis'cr OrtK-rol ; l.i Adjutant CCiitulsr Ttt Aiddcfsmpsi I Sate Ln f.'oicfr; I Commiitasy of 1'urcl.ase ; t ('outiuiss.'.re ( of Issues ; IC r.ii';sdc M.j'jrs; I I'ay-MaMef (iener-1 ; I l'h)sican I Cenen l; I Apothrcarv Cetteral ; 0 Deputy A'lj.itam (it ncrisl 1 Detnity (ju utcr M.s ter (Ifnrir.1 ; 1 ig-;..MjMer (lenersl ; 1 tora?C'M..sicr (lenci-l ; 2i lUigade Quarter Ma".tri 'I he second lit, u. i f I itlJ Of f.ctrs htnl l!t?i'icni Staff, comprehends ihe following rtnks mid numbers of ofLccrs ; ti Ct.toi.t Is ; 76 ) lo-u. Colonels Ctiionaidai.ts ; I SO J Mi'.is; 4' 2 I'av.Mstcts; S? Sur. fcons; 3C2 Surgeon's Mates ; tin carter- Makers; 73J Adjutants. Tne rrtiirtiof the Arilty ir.cltnl M Lieutenant Colonels; 45 Majors ; hM Cap. taint j 25 first l.ieutenmtt; Second Lirnirnsnu 5 IT At!jt;t.ut ; 16 tj.ih.ner- MsMrrs; 733Sergcnts ; 91 Cotporals J 3i ,!t:sif ians ( lii (junnrrs; ii Atarmima 93il Mstrotsri.. Thf ofCasaJrr embraces 33 I.feuten. ant-C'donrls ; Msjoisj 411 Caplait.s; 77 !4turiiiitt ; 33 Colnntls; St Adiu- tar.ts ;"i I'a) masters; 1 Oitrtrr-Mastrii ; I J6 Strcesntt ; 4 '1 Musicans; 3f l'r ti ers s bsd.lkrs; 17C72 Di spoons. A d stuittlisl iscivenefthe CJrtr.adiert but they are sery few in number. It tontalus 3 Capts.nti 3 lieutenants; 7 Lisr,; 10 Serjcar.ts; SCornorsls; 2drurnard fifeai I If Hank an.l File. The r. umber ef the liht inftntry t!io li scry limited ; It inn ho ruortthsn 7 Capsini, a Uruteas&ts Ltt sitis; 20 Cort J;t!si SSeriesnts; Musi ciar.;!tl Hank anl Fdr The list of KIHc tnen induces 32 Capts'.rs j If tj bnitM t ?:f fkiiesMt; 9 Cr;vaJsi M M'iiKtsas j Id Htak sb t lV.r, f mhkh XnrnUrr nf militia. fVIutivi nf .:. . " ' : n oriicers in those states and ter ritories, front which returns 563075 were received at different years. The arms, ammunition an accoutrements,' are -arranged voder the, the -particnlarcpjantiticsin each state and territo- ' ry. being distinctly specifu.d. We arc satis fied with exhibiting the sum total only of each. Brass twelve pounders, ; brass six pounv ders, 51 ; brass four pounders, 4 4 ; brass 3 pounders, 136; how itzers, '2 ; iron 4 poun ders, 8; iron six pounders, 3; iron four pounders, 3; iron three pounders, 13 ; (thes are the pieces cf artillery belonging to the United Mates.) Artillery side arms, 933; sabres, 1J,6S9; pairs of pistols, 10,984 ; muskets, 501,153, rifles, 1 5,0 13 ; fusee, 1231 ; bayonets, 1 1.1,7-16; cartridge boacs, 1 lu.fl3 j'knapssks, 33,414 ; mm rods, steel ri,070 ; espontoons. f0 ;' pounds of powder, S?,r.3a ; rarlritlges with balls, 7S,27 tuna! lulls and tvaci'ons. lf.7 : stunds of colours. it 0!; Wie l.ntl. ).7a3! wi:U 211 in' Virginia; wirti aud bru!n-. i-u,3Cl ; flints, ?i?,2M ; sci'bard uml belts. '. -',i'J. As it may l.f of si.nie initNeC. Iionevcr ts I. ate a particular view of ih pr.-prtio:is iit which some of these ar'.iiles arr :.e found in the dilUunt r.i.tcs and .cnitcr;fs ol the u iciwn , we hive fi.r this pin ;o.e vkctcd the three most common and r.reM:y iiistru mentsofwar; sic sabres, pisali and inus k ti. Sab. fr. Cf P.t. Mtlk. 1H01 ner 137 7 l"'.0 l;.l 1733 NOIUOLK. MsrS. We believe thai the oldest inhabitant? t!i IkiI retucoibi rso lun a drought ; the const. tp.nKeofl.iclsii, feaied, will be ruiaouS tothe Kriwu'iiytt, sshieli is how rrs'ly in jmcd f r liter sunt r rain. Tl.e Rrcat Dil ma) Swamp ,ai l fyr soma weeks on I is, whick has estei. h.f for uuny inikw We liasetontrrsed with igmc j;enlfemeti cf in. formstieii from that tjuarter, vho issure us, that ihe damage already done, is m!cra!cly estimated at one liundtrd thuusand dollars. Two mllliutis of ihrte feet hinr;lri ready (or insikct art Consumed, a number olbuihlicijs, br.djjrs, and in immense tjysntity timUr are also ttsumcd, and tbc f.r was ytster day isjinjfitt every dirtction with great vio If net . Wukuut rain, iKere i no hope of its f:pn., short of Ihcdestrwtibi ,f alt ib l.tunUrwibi.gttsiiiatte.fwfcuauy. lUti-li Teuajjlus tls L'.i iU:Tl9 New Hampshire Mm( hif-etts Uli(Hlc-lsLid Cn.iiicrttcut Vermont New-York New-Jersey l'vnn)vanit I);iaw.irc Mai) bud Virginia 3f NoriWCLJina 71 South -Carolina l?33 Ceoruil .: . 71 Kentucky ' Tennessee 73 Ohio Dietiitt ofColun.bia 2? Mississippi Territory Michigan Territory Orleans teiritory Louisiana Teiritory 1703 23?7 h7 Uli , 1.111 C!t 1513 m in :r 22) -. .13 39 ISSM 46t'2S 30s: Ijrss 88:4 33)14 l!43t 2C0C0 15410 1021 17:8 39t6, 4MV 57T mr 3S( 576 cr be- in i:?8J l"ll 23413? Whole number loiiiiif, to the nitid .States, ) The return fiotu Virginia is !or 1103. I'Mract of $ letter from the t New (ilesns,this fm.iiin ! .! jJelpltia, dated March Uth, Ik 5, MC.ovenior foalk, i iums ci',n ren sacola and its dependencies, l s t vbHf Mr. White, the pel son w ho carries the Mo bile mail, to land or brir. a rnsd by water , ihro'kliy cf SJtiih Mytttf'i I) mr,i$nu 1 waited on (.vs. Claiborne wto advised roe not to send a mad by that toutr. If we are not permitted tor sr 1 y our rnsd throujli the dwttiinionsof his mjesty, we if all for while Ire at a great inconvenience, is our mad c in m.ttjoby InnJ farther than Point C otipe e Y(u, as weU os myself, know the litustisti ol Ihe country j however, I wll do tpy best for the .bhc Rwd You may test as.rcd ihst lh tommunicatiw will Pot be Moj-pea'.--rteae mfxra tl.e mtrchstts cf fl.ilade'jli oftl etime. I will write ytu by u 't il any ih r? sl.out: Ksjn, Ur Wl. iemV

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