artIcUs art txtracled frtm the Darbadjet Mercury, received by the arrival of the brig Jomina, at Savannah,, from St, Lu- ►TL f II «'» Bar. April$, The rollowiiiu cxiracl o» « leitor Irooi Trinidad, dated ilie 98h ult, received ■era left night, ii highijr itiierening. in« •imucha* it developev theobjeft pi a (mall ■rmament which' war, at the American P**?*/*., '**®‘*' f‘*'‘'«l'*i>io>ifly aqijibped at, •nd failed from Ncw-Yorlc' iVi' Fcbruarw lait, under Ooii, Miranda i — “ While 1 am vyrlting, a fma|l launch I* •^fi'^ed frUm the Malh, with account* of a Britifh and American fquadron Ha- , ving taken ihp iilapd of hfargaretfa, and were proceeding to Cpiiiana and Carraca cat. The whole cofintry wai under arm*, snd that gencrAlg ^dLifa^dJf was joined by. thoufandi of the iiihahiiantr. li will, we are of opinion, be of great beneiit to u* here, a« we (hair have a free trade imme. diaiely j and it i> riippofcd the whoie Main will be in our poircirion very loon. Whether this projedi, while it may o- pen a wide field of new Commercial fpi;- ciilaiion to Grcai-Br.tain, wi|l not ciri- broij the Uniied Siaics in dithcwlilci both with Fr.ince amt Soain \yiiich full expU- naiiuni and fubfequent eveptt pnly can do. cide. , • S ' ■ CharUJItn, May ii. ‘ A Jew davnprevioui to the lading of llif juliui Ccefar, Capt. Hall, from Rotter- oam, II lva^ oiTi iailr made known, that his Imperilil Maj'ellv Napoleon, had de. ^r.'nioed to declare Holland un inJtpendenf kingdom ; and had appointed li/a brother bouis Buor.aparte to the fovercigr.ty, un der the Mile ol King of Belgia. ' Thu in, telli^rnce *as hy nO meant pleafins to the nnllander* ; who were thus deprived of til'; only confoUtion ptevioufly left them, that of being govtr- eJ by onq of their own rountrymeo.—Timet, {hit the Spanilh agepti •t Mobile have agreed that that city (hall be It place of Jepofit for goodi brought in velfcls of citiaenv of the United States ar- Tiving there} and that goods baving been Jo depoficed may be carried cither up the river or outwards, .t-n'^f ®o"requence of the dinurhod ftate ofthe frontier, a large por- tion of our army, amounting ro about one lio’’ r",®"’ direaedlo lla- poa tbeuifelves at Fort Adams. Ailf. //It, PORT Ot WILMINGTON. ■ Lvtered T«llm«n, Liverpool M'MilIan k Co. Gika & nurgwit, and'the captain. 99th JJrig Hiram, Cullum.Falmonth, Jamai- . da, wiiU Ritm and Fruit to Hubert Muter an'l the captain, Sir Sr.hV Regulator, M'lHienny, Charleaton S>ch r Vtciory, Learock.Antig,,a, with Hum and Molasaetto Itautier end Smith, Cau- tier and ihe captniii, Sloop Charlotte, Cartwright. Charleston Cl.EA«eD, May 37, Scli-r Veiiua, Oliver, New-York Barque Mary, Basdett, Bermuda 30th Kitly Ann, Gre.-n, Philadelphia Slat Set) r Millr, Cameron, New-Y ork Brig Matilda. Hunter, Barbadrws SchrkoungLion, Uwia, Jamaica O MARRIKD On Sunday evening the tat instant, br the *e''i **‘’’**'"8» Mr.Jiames Flemingto MraJ Marj Schav)* ’ PRICES CURRENT.—WiiMtireroH. BACON per lOO lbs. Hit. lo Ctt. DIt. —11 Cs. ..Cotton per lb. Coffee per lb. la so— laj 34 Corn per bushel. 60— 65 —Meal do. Flour prr barrel, 6 75,— 1 SO Ditto per half barrel, 4 Lumber per M. 10 — It W. d. lihd. staves, 18 —30 R. 0. do. do. do. 13 —.1.3 W. 0. bl. do. rough 10 — 13 Shingles per 1000, 1 7s— 3 Sugar per cwt. 10 'll 1 ! . Mrjiastes per gallon 40— ’ 45 ' Rum,.VV. 1. pr. g. 3d p. 75— 00 . —Jamaica do. 4th p. 1 - ■ N. E. do. 57J— 63 Tar per. barrel. i 18— Turpentine, 1 SO Tobacco per cwt. 4 SO— T he fale of the Lot advertifed to be fold the291 h May, belonging to the ^ ehaie of the late John Shuter, dec. will not take place until further notice Samuel Shuter. June 3, i8c6. To hire by the Month. O NE or two likely Negro GirU, ufed 10 waiting inn hoiife, or nuifing.— Apply 10 the Prinr- r. Wiimington, 3 I June i8o6* rOR CHARLESTON, The Sch’r Aurora, Tho mas West, master { wilt •ail on 'WWIncsday, tlie 4th inst. (wind It weather permitting). For passage having good acrommoda- . lions apply oii board aiCar- Benter’s wbai f, or to. JOSHUA POTTS. June 3, I80G. T fjtfi.fiibfcribers in addition tg their former gllurtmeni ot GOOD'!, have imported by the late arrivals from Liver, ipo'ol, a large aiTortmeni of Nails, Hoes, Paint, Window Olals, and a general af. 'fortnioni of Hard Ware—All of which they will fell wholefale or retail on the iiiuft rdafbnable termi. Giles 6c Burgwin. June 3, iBoS TOBRS)LiT. OnThursdav the I Si A inti ant, before the Compting House of Mr. llanton Kelly, on Dean's wharf at public auction, for benefit af vnder.writers and all concerned, 1 he ( argo of Brig John, Jofeph 'Hiidfon mailer, having been bound ^ogk CharleHon for the City ol St. Domingo, and put into the poftuf Wil mington in diflrefs—via. Dpw.frds of 600 Barrels luper- Fine good Flour, ‘ 4000 feet Scantling Boards, '■ Five Crates empty Bottles, ' GIB pair HnenaiMOMabuilir Pantalaoai," I Box Manns, 1 Box Glauber Ssitt, 1 Barrel Flower Sulphur, 3 Boxes Medicine, assuited, Invoice to be seen,' ^ 30,000 Tacks, with J. POTTS, •• Wilmington, June S, 1806. J. B DF.MOrET, jeweller, "D ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladiee J.» and Gentlemen of W ilmington, that he haa for sule, next door to Metsrs. John Winkings te Co. Market-street, '! • An elegant assoriinent of JEWELRY Watches, Silver Soup Ladles, Table fc Tea Spooiii, Sugar Tongs, Coral Beads, he. plain and ornamynted Combs, a few Parasols of the first quality. Sword Sticks, also a trunk ol Dry Cooda consisting of Msn'i Stockings, Muslin, Silk and Madras Hank- kerchiefs, white and black Feathers, Artiii- cial Flower*, and other Articles too tedieua to mention. An carfy application will be necessary, as he intends to leave this place in a fewfdaya. Old Gold and Silver taken in Exchange. Junes, 1806. ^ NOTICE T hat the CoparinerlhipofChrilla. pher Dudley, fen'r. Chridoplinr Dud'ey, juo’r. and Robert Dudley, Mer. chaiiti, trading in Wilmington, N,C. under the firm of Chrillopher Dudley and Co. is difl'ulved this day by mutual con- lent, of C- Dudley, fep'r. andC. Dudley, jiin’r. in confcq'jence of the fuppofed lofs ofMr, Rob 'ft Dudley at Tea—all perfuns therefore who have demands againll the fsld firm, and all ihofe indebted to the firm are re quelled to call on C. Dudley, fen’r. for adjudmenr and fettlement of their account;, he being duly auitioiifed lo fetllo Ihe-fame. Chrillopher Dudley, C. Dudley, juii’r. Wilmington, N.C. Junei, Fifty Dollars Reward. A bsented hlmfelf trom tlm fub- Icriber’s plamaiion at Santee on the fecund of May, a mulatto fellow named William, by trade a Cerpentcr and Mill- wright—He iv about thirty years af age, five feet 8 inches high, has railiev ilraighi hair, n fetr on his fi'rehcadand one on hit ■ un^rlipi He has had one of his thumbs fpiit open by a ChilTel and is very civil and plaufible in his Ipecch. A reward of fif ty dollars and all leafonable charges will be paid on his being ^prehended and defi- yered to the jailor of Georgetown, S.C. or in Charteflon 10 James Ladfon. June 3. ’ NOTICE, T HE fubfcribei having obtained letters of AdmtuiSraiion upon theeftate of John Shuter, late of W iluiiiigion, dec. rc- quell ihofe who were mJebicd to the dec. t* make payment. And thole who have demands of his ellatc are required to pre- fini their claims to the fnbfcriber within the time limited by adi of aifembly o- iherwife thev will be barred of recovery. SAMUEL SHUTER, Adm’r. Wilmington, April 14, notice. T he fubferiber going to leave town tor a few months, requelli all thofe that are Indebted to him to come forward Bud fetiie iheifaccoiints.—Thofe that liave Watches with him are rcquelled to call for them, if not called for betuie he leaves this place, they will be left with Mr. Jacob nariniau. N. .Dana, jun*r. June 3, 1806. ^d'^kHE fubferibert having qualified as 1 Admlftisiratort on the estate of Tho- mas Xttrner, dcccafeH ; hereby give no- lice to all peiloui having demands against laid estate to bring them forward vyiihin the time limlttcd by an aA of the General AJieinbly of ibis State, palTcd in the year 1789, concerning proving Wills tnd gran, ihig Iclieri of Administiation.Bnd to pre. vent Irauda in die maiiagcmeivt of intef- tatet estatci-^hefe indebted are requested lo make inimediste payment. HEI.KN TURNER. T A/mi. BRITTAIN HARGROVE, Ui>a. RICHARD HOLMES, Jters. May 12, 1806. notice. O N the tSihor 19th of April lad, I give my note of hand to Mark Lof. toil, lor fifty-five Dollars, payable in ten da)s; which Note I hereby caution all perfons trading for, as I will nut pay the fame. STEPHEN BAREFIELD. May 27th 1806. 2w, For Sale, A WHARF and Lot on Eagle's Ifl. and, known by the name of Am llerdam, the fame being loo lect wide on the river and containing two acres more or Icfs; on which there ii a Dwelling Houle and Kitchen, apply to F. Fontaine, May 37. * T he iublcriber uifcis for Tale at a ve- ry low price, a Philadelphia made Carnage, with plated Hariicfs fur four ' horfet. Alfo a well tun’d Forii Piaiio, ■Imoll new—A long credit, if rcquelled, will be given. He wilt alfo tent his Dwelling Huufe in Fayeiieville, the (itu- aiion is plealant and healtliy, and capable ol accomniotlaiing a Beuteei family. For terms apply to Mr. John M'Millau, Fay etteville, or John Lord, VVilmington, Robert Donaldlon. May 27, 1806. Wants hmployoirnt, A YOUNG man from Europe, who has * * been regularly bred to the mercantile business, has a perfect knowleilge of book keeping to the double and single entry, end the nature of accounts generally; \w>uld •have no objection 16 take a school in town or country provided sufficient encouragement •IS offered him—A line directed to C. B- J. and left at this office will mi;et due attention. Wilmington, May 37, I8O6. Ten Dollars Reward. R UN-AWAY trom the rubfctiher,‘a negro fellow by the name of JOHN, he is about five feet ten or eleven incites high, likely and well made, being a car penter by trade and having worked for tome time pad in Town, it is probable tliat lie may lurk within the fame. The above reward will be paid to any perfon who will deliver him to me at my Planta tion or confine him in Jail fo that I get him. JOHN POISSON. Wilmington, April Is, I8O6. FOR SALE T he Plantation whereon Michae Saaipfon, Efq. formerly lived, or Morgan’s Creek in New-Hanover Coun ty, containing near two hundred acres— There are on laid Plantation about 36 a. eres tide Swamp under bank and ditch and divided into two fields, quarter drained, now fit for the cultivation of Rice. The upland is well calculated for a flock quar- ter, haviM a good range for Hogs and I Cattle. Oil the land are Pear Trees very valuable fur the Wilmington market.— One, two and three years credit will be gi veil. A^licalion to be made to the Prinie of this Gazeiiq, or Samuel R. Jocelyn, Efq. Attorney at law. December 3, 18S5. The Printer isauihorifed lo bartar the above ^anda for young Negroes. FOR SALE, A NEGRO Woman and four CbiL dren. Apply tu the printer. April 13. , MADEIRA WINE, Gin ot good quality, in pipes, Ticklcnbiirg, Bagging, and Britaniat, by the piece—for fate by James Fleming. Wilmington, April 39. RICE PLANTERS T^HOmay beinwantof lIvvitK’i newft. ^ ’ vented Pxndulok Schxxk (under Pa tent) can be supplied by applying to Jothua Potts, Wilmington, or to John C. Baker neat Smithvillc. The Screens are warranted tn ‘sift Ninetp hundred weight per day, making a completa aeparation ofthe Flour, Small Rice, Mer* cluiitable Rice, and rough or bead Rice, with the labour ofone hand. They will be finished in Charleston com. plete in all the parts, and delivered at cither place above mentioned, for fifty five dollara eacli, the purchaser paying the freight— those to be attaihtd tooilier inachiiiery will require a proportionate augmentation of price ( which, however, will be amail.— They will be so marked, and accompanied by sucli particular directions, that any per son of ordinal^ capacity will be adequato lo the task of fixiitg them for use—‘Jh* simplicity of thetr*^onstnietion, and srCW durability, together witli the immense sav ing of manual labour, and tlie more perfect clcahlng of the grain, renders them a truly yatuabie acquisition to every Rice Planter. They can ior the additional charge of on* dollar, be rendered so far furtlier useful as to answer the purpose of a Rkkihc SeaxEtr, which separatea the roogli from the ground Rice before it is putintn the Mortar, and oc casions a great saving of the crop. They al- so msy be atttched to any common pounda ing machine. Persons wishing to havethent so fixed will plesse apply as above, and leavg a ileacriptioii of their machine, which ^in# made known to the pi uprietors, the Screen will be furnitihed in snch a state, and with such instructions, as will enable any Mill wright to put them in operation. Charleston, 7th Februaiy, I8O6. 479—13v. ' The full blooded Horstf ' GOLDFINDER, I N high Older, will fland at the fubferi- ber’s liable in Sampfon county, the pre- fenri fcafon, and'be let to Marcs en tha following terms 1 Ten Dollais the feafon ; Fifteen to in- fure a Mare with feal, and Five Dollar* for a fingle leap—Exienlivepaflurage and feeding for Boys gratit ; but the fubferU ber will not be anfwerable for cfcapes or accidents of any kind. Mares may be fed with grain on teafonaLle tcrmi.—In cafis Mares being put by infutance and part ed with befoie it can be afeertained, that iliey are with foal, the owners to pay the fame as if they prove with foal, GOLDFINDER - Ii a dark bay, fix years old, fifteen hands and an half high, and in trgure excelled by nohoife. He was got by the impor ted HorfeS iver, bis Dam by the impor. ted Horfe Sweeper, out of the impor ted Mare ——, the ptoperiy of a Mr. Coalfon. * a* a - OWEN HOLMES. .March i, i8o6.- *80—311 For Sale, A HOUSE and Lot in Sonth Wad ingUMi, eligibly fiiuaied fora Ti Vein and Store ( the hoiife is roomy at well calculated—on the prrmifrs is a do houfe and other neccITary out houfes, all an excellent garden fpoi under fence. For terms apply to o ea.. .V. ALLEN SLOAN. South Wafliingion; May 6, 1806. For Sale, A HOUSE and Lof in f ayetteville, 4 the foutli fide of Grove-Street } il Hiiufe is large and well calculated for private Dwelling or Tavern, and the fi uaiion efleemed as one of the mod hcaltl in that place. On the premifes are Kitchen, Smoke Houfe, he. The terms fale may be made known on •vpplication Mr. John Matthews of Fayetteville, the tubfciiber in this town. „ WM. MOORE. Wilmtngton, March 13. B roke prifon in this County on night of the 3oih of April, a wt.o calls himfelf Henry Hyal, fay was born In the (late ot New York it a (lout well built fellow, of about feet trn inches high, had ro partic maiks as we remember of.—He ( committed on a charge of robbery. A reward of Twenty.Five Dollars by paid for apprehending and refur him to prifon. ^ L. FLLIS, Jaik Onflow County, May i, 1806. A ll perfons are cautioned againll c diiing any of the cn w belonging tile (hip Kirkham, at 1 will not pay , debts which they may contrail, William Soiomon* May ao—SV.'

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