, PUBLISHED (weiklt) 3T ALLSlXXd, Tuesday September, 3, i ios.' ft. 3C4.V " , Foreign Hews. - ...;.,.. t JVaw Lcndon papers to the 23d of June, recciD V i fy flf jij -Hercules Capt. Bradford or . r ived in Hampton Roads n Thursday last, in 42 days from Liverpool. ' . LONDON, Tune 18. -"'' . The rumour of a negotiation betjyeen tbii country and France continues still to prevail. The appointment of Mr. Adair to th Court of Vienna and the arrival of D'Oubril in that city, are supposed to have relation to this ob ject. It is considered as probable that, af ter some conferencevwith the Austrian Ca binet, they may proceed together to Paris. YVe understand our government to have al ways professed a readiness to treat in con junction with Russia, though it peremptorily rejected an overture for a 'separate negocta tion, A" conjunct negotiation would un doubtedly increase the difficulties which stand in the, way of peace ; but then, should it ter minate happily, it would give a permanence and solidity to it, which we should in vain look for in any separate and partial arrange ment. The next Hamburgh mail, will pro bably decide whether there be any good ' grounds for the sanguine expectations which have been entertained for the last three or four day f. As' to the report of Lord Yar mouth having been sent to Ptrit with dis patches, we do not consider it as deserving of credit. He might have returned there tor bis wife and family, but persons ot his rank are not usually employed as couriers ; and it isnotyinour opinion, very 'likely that the conduct of a negotiation for pe"e, or eren an arrangement respecting the overture or preliminaries, would be entrusted to his Lord ship. -That Buonaparte, may. be anxidus-for peace, we can well believe ; but we are per suaded he will never make an important sa crifice to obtain it. He will neither relinquivh i.i ti :f . wimi uc lias, uj- miT ui, ll ('otsiuic, . w ic ij tain what uri hvp wr"itri fi nm lu nllici ! . his dependents we should rather say. He would have no great difficulty in restoring Hanover to the Elector, but he would most probably require the Cape of Good Hope as an equivalent. It the country prepared to jive its consent to an arrangement of this na ture? " Thomwalson, the celebrated sculptor, at Rome is finishing a statute otI.ifortjt 22 feet high, for the United Slate of America. It will be the brat pieci ot the art sent Irom 1- lily tothe new wer u. .. f An occurrence has taken place in the fash onable circles cf Dublin, which has excited much conversation, and is Jikely to furnish employment to the gentlemen of the bar. A ft, marked for. 10,000!. was on Friday morning granted-against a dashing Ha ronct, tor criminal conversation with the la dy of a noble Lord. , Duelling. fa a proof to what a pitcH dual ling is arrived at, a letter (of which the fwl lowing is a literal copy) was exhibited be fore the mtgistrates at ilowstreeta ft Jays a so, by the person to whom it was addressed, . wheyu wella.hit opponent, arelwo journeymen hair-dresurs, just turrit to town, to learn the renl fuliicuofdieiilng the Udies ; Mr, II ? for the uncnteliranl'.ke conduct l.what you have been saying alout me and as it is lotinmy twurtoyou fight you in the ! if title IfWynu fight you to morrow mar. rung wihuii liearthe w;:at six o'clock ttuI litlamlj lUend. 44 J. W." .... Muudy Lrc l 7 o'clock . . June 15. The lliim'wrgti rnsiluaeon Saturday arri ved this mottling. It brings no intelligence cf moment. The srrangemmts v hiciiluve been nude with re'peel la t'-'rrc, j not aJV-j-eur to hata Vranspircd at Vientia. We tibtlJ baf expected that tome notitr vau!i Um taken in the CWrl Osuitt f aUrt tn confidently announce J in the trcnih rh. t cul paper. Tht only io'elliSft.ic T loch c ' tceie frore thd Austrian capital it, that timtli diplomttic actititf prevailt there, in I ( that great exertions ate tr acing to PI the Sim V jut n.e void treated in the art. nil ty French t Jtpicity. Th; cmptror of Autiia l,t tetn ) coinptlle4 to shut the rortt of Trlcst tn.l icume actintt li e iiuunt and Liirl.th Thit ictttklioti upon the freedom of these prtt lit'lted lobe cdy a trmpotary and ondiihntl nitisurt, dcjienJing, for itt l't'intf, upctt the tt jcuallon the moutlt ef thCt!tio. Wt art not trpiled that Auiri, findin!?rtcrelft!ttle lorcnitt any t;cof the iiiuliiplitd u.t'anctt of insalt and Hfttiiinti r,h hicbtht has been tvtttm. , lie ally crtr whelmed since iha ct-nclusimi of the unfortuai trtatr of Prttlitrg, toull cmkarour la eca? from ihem at Iht a jtenct of any ttcnfice howtitr rttt. The c'lf tie between I'iuiia and Swe Jin Its riotb.cn prndntiife of any fjrlhtrbot. Me fipfitiofit than the MotkaJc of the ports t,fihe forme in Iht I'liic. Hit Pruitian Miif tetmt aruioat ts co-nprt.mlt the ejjirril htomtnty. Hi ii.terftrtnce ( ItutsTa. bas Deti Saliciled, and if it be but cor dially employed, must certainly, be success ful His Swedish Majesty appears either to be rery" confident in hit meant of resistance, or to be little apprehensive of attack, for1 he has disbanded the levy en mas$t whicjrhe cal led out in hit dominions in Pomerania. A rumour prevailed in thenorth of Gefi many that the Prussian troops were about to evacuate Hanover ; certain it is, that th ey have received orden to hold -themselves in readiness to march. Nothing irmore likely than that his Prussian Majesty would be very willing to retire, for a time, from that Elec torate, to obtaiii'the auspension of , those e nergetic measuret adopted by our govern ment against his commerce. But would, the independence ofllsnover or its restoration tctits legitimate Sovereign; follow thttiem porary evacuation ? so far from it, 'that the' moment the Prussians retire, or rnakc ditpo sitiont for that purpose We are pursuaded the whole ol that unhappy country will "be a gain inundated by French ttoops. Now as the former are we believe, less rigorous task-masters than the latter, we 'wish to see them continue in possession of the Electorate until a difinitive peace bhall restore it to its lawful Sovereign. The following Is the substance of our pri vate conebpondence. . ' . '"Hamscbg, June 10. " The French troops still in Germany are -preparing for their return. Marshal Ange reau's corps on the Khine has orders to hold itseUin readiness to march' at a moment's no tice. The number of French troops in Ba varia, still exceeds 72,000 men. The city of Frankfort has made another application for a remission of the contribution imposed on it ; 70,000 fr. of the Ruin originally demanded have already been paid. 41 The last letters lionrViennarof the 1Ut ult. state, that a mescViK-'i has been -nt from thence with very impartant dispntchci to London. Ilia name it Beyer, and he pit ted through th'u oity the day before yeUr- t'T- . " The Prussian troops in Hanover have or ders to hold themselves in readiness to march at the thorteit notice, and ithould that army really evacuate that count if, a French re-invasion of. that part of Angcrtau and Lefevre is confidently t-Ihsd or. " It is ie;)0ricd thit Piince Joachim Mu rat wi'il tede his hew dominions 10 the new king of Holland, r.i be urowncd king of SufiUcilitic!; 44 Baron Uedeh. the ILmoverian mini'.fr to i the Diet of IlitUhon has K fitliat city. Pre ! viousto 11 ilenntiirc he addrjiti d tutnch of the diplomatic iorpt at tie nut hostile to hit. Sotere'n;h, a pamphlet, entitled 44 A mjre particular clucidutitn of tt condtft of the King of Prussia, tow.ud hit majesty the K'mtr of Great-Britain, as llkcior ol Brunvitk." It it the production of his on en. , 44 Hit Britannic MaicMy s !.irth-dsy list been kept with the usatl fctMriiy by ell lim clubt in Hanovr., 44 On the 24 h ult. the H iitin life-yiardt received orders to hold ihemiclu s in rradi In march at a. momcnt't notice. They a-t t-jbe cj:nrr.undej by the grand Duke Con tuniine." . Mr. Mon,-oe, the Xmeriran minW'er, hat tsken a I.onse for the tenon at Low-Leylon. It it cxtuord'.nary haw timetddt to the ih:e of nine tuir.gi: n hr.tfhcfcrwr.t T . J.ir.ifl H.'coined in InLi J, Ittely t;ld Lr i t, r f UKc.it, At a t&le of the eiTec'tof te Lie Mr. ! VidtikUnd, tf busies a loadstone t id for - an Orrcrr far 3S'1. inj k ::,uUe L'at'.t r. . I . . 1 . i .. . i . d i jr one uiusur.u n .Jr f .un.if. mf 4 I Jir.e:o. i itcd tii-tnclve ytwttiij e pieteditifj Uy, at. iht I The uw.s tusta nt the ptif ei of the I 'tumour of a rc-rc'uiicn rrccived a'M,ti: nt Ccr.iirma'.'pn irom th; certtinty tflird Yar. pjonth't havin? .rPir.vd la France. Hit lor 11.' i; e umlertund, tailed from Ram.,; i;tie on Monday, in a cnilf t Wc!..it.ii:; to j lord Ktiih't t';uacron, and wat landed tie t ime ecnins at Cth:. A me'trner in a 1 him. with dtsiutchet. onSumlv. hit tot- tide that citctlurtt for ptcification tnie,ht t)4vcbttt rtneued Ly the l urch gotcm mnt, and lhl the dupt'chtt IransmiUcd br I the infisenzer rnicht ht ttliltd to thil tn-. jet! but il it not ury t.ktly that lord Yar mouth it the betrtr of any propotition o! iht citiarc llilo-Jliip it i;uI,fid ntithtrty hit. itt nnr eipcritBce for conducting tvcri the prtliminti amntmrntt connected with tt Importtritanohjtct, it.4 it it not te ry lively that hi wVuM It twphjtd it a con moo ouritr. A ntgncUtion tit(n the Iwo CotitftmtMi tny btKoingon, but wt hstcrttton la Ul.tie thai tta object la rithtr the ttuUithmttt of a tiMtl c f etchtngt fwr pi Unntrt of tr, than any diicutsion of umi of l'ctce No pcibc refo iUnt ttn be ftly tt!cruiid, eitrpt In ccnjvncticn tiih llwttia arwl wa d nwlCo-Uhatehhtr M. t)'C)iif il hit arri.td at VarW, tr ihal I'.'-ra it any nriiish Rfgotlivnr In ihitctpt I. i'htr,jUilidcr au'J cMti t co-4p-UK with btiJt 1 merican papers to the 54th bit. arrivec yiterday. Great pains teem to be taken to kip up that political ferment into which the Ulited States were throwA by the recent oc Cilrence off the harbour of New-York. The Vipt and search of another American vessel -atihe moutli of the Delaware, by the Cleopa trh English frigate, have furnished the.press oSihat country witlj an opportunity of pour. inf fresh poison into the public mind. For tunately, however, in this instance the viola ti?i of American jurisdiction is not-cmite 80 clar as we fear it was in the former instance, fo the Vessel is admitted to have been above :i:league from land. These papers contain n nours respecting Miranda's expedition, b t they are generally inconsistent with each c rier,' and some of them, we are persuaded,' 'a wholly unfounded. V'c do notiielieve t XI he has been joined' by a British force. ,; . . June 2J. Wc are 'ctitly informed that a dissolu t in of Parliament is to take place on the ter- r .nation ot the present, session. Yesterday the funds were subject 'to Vari r s fluctuations, and closed something under peces at which they have opened The late aihance h! doubtless been induced by a va rfrpi'evalcnt opinioii, that our government fa vorably entertains some recent pacific over lies from France. Mr. Fox has repeatedly dtclared th&t he would cheerfully miike even a tolerable peace ; it is the obvious policy of jonapancio oriain peace on aimo,'t cny tims ; and under these circumstances the rinottr of ncKocintion is at least probable. . ie are relieved from much solicitude on tH- subject of the pending differences with A. til i ica, by an assurance fronj a very resnecta lli authority, 'that our minitten, while they r. oiei.utu 10 oo avnjue justice to Uic Jegi tiinte claims of the United Stales, are de ttj'irined not to concede a tittle of our rights t-ilhe br.itgar.l clamours cf their rovern- ntnt. SlKiuld the bill for the non-importa- i.jnoi nri'isn manuMcturet .be persisted in, itiviil be t ncountered on our part by met ml es of cipial hottiliiy. Should the right of ..! u ...l:. i. i . ii.M pYiiii.M uiiiuii uc tirmcu oniy lor toe p( losc of giving larilitv tsihe commerce of U. enemy) be resisted it - h to be enforced ; . th forces in our narthern provinces are tole strriiRihenrd, although we incline to think thiy are at present fully romnclent to their defence, and ai rangements arc making with a tew to obviate as far as nosMblc anv incon vfienre whirh miaht otherwise result to our '.islndn from the suspmiion of their accusto- mcl supplies trom Amei ica. sir. Pinrknc-y, the American ambassador, isc' inrid ith important negotiations m?i our government, nrrived with hit fami lvlt Liverpool, 0n Thursday m the Diana, Ift l'Moke, from Hrhiniore. By this conrey. ail:, we yesrerrlj? received a letter fr'ra thr pr.it, which dccltres that Ihe inhjbitar.t oli'ut town generally tlipprovtd the mea sm f the executive; and that in Maryland if Virgin;a, meeting wre convened for thj purpo of rrtisiinp that ii.temnerate W'(Kncu which, hv provUinvr tl hrslility of B Kiin rwiM not fail to throw their" b Ccuitry under the e jminution of France. . q Stiur h: cvrnin Mr. YVilbrabam a. rivet in loirn from France. He ltnt'rd at l)- r th, morning Irom one" of the loaf! of tl? Venal fiinate , who had taken Imn oul ' trench boM which came out .f BnJone H 4 o'clock. He was aid to te the hearer of f :tp:itchr s to Mr. Fox fror., TalJevrand. Mr. Wilhraham, wc iHoierMaud, it one of llio whowere-tctainrd rutvloiitlo iy mm! meinntnt of hos'.thiict and it is ir.ferrrd Irov ihrnrc l!mt the cnrrM.iunieaiion entius tc,d,:o hint rrlaif 1 1, an ttlinr:c of priso wty The orr.vtl of this rew coir(T did notorolure ihethci! ijv.n il,c fyr,!s thst m'ti t have been eirticeitd. Ti c fever of tp lUtion l.st considerably lubtidrtt at the Sloi c rschaner l ct5 the cxprctalicnt of pft : ne nt itnite d ttnuipe iht niom inpJai 1'iey'wtre tord il.e ti.-i of the werl. We hte rereivrd the Paris pjj tit to aWry ltc dale, (Friday L0 and we can. not pour from the m that tithf r M. I)'()w hril.htr. Adair, or any other KunUii or Jlrl lihrt!oc!au r, hat orritrd inth&i cipitat. II tli ilurtua'ion of the Frtmh fundi he a f.ir tt of the public oi.if.ioit in that conn. tty ji"pt' oi jacc tccru 10 ue lett cofih i't r c.itrttiinid there tbtii liter are amnn i -r.. .1 . cleo tit Their fittper r'rnUlnve hm advanced one i d a half per cent, tince it was abov tilnftd in ihe Momtrur thit the cbfitr. entii rtiptttinii (.'attain vit adjuted, and thatj he turd army wr-iihUeon rtiurn wiili tvuf tntti li t! there It butt dni-tr that ti e trsM iij.iy of the continent nil U ditt.rhfd; hut j y n nt tcnttin the leaat l.i.it cf the tri,bilitff of pciec iitt Li-clind. , . Uutriit rntininr, Mr. W.lhtthim. i,n cftf Fngl h jjmtlrftra to long dttt'inrd it l'-tncf, artitfl at Dote r, iili ditpatchct fti the Fff n-h coertnicr.. At4 6Vlock it t? nnmf ht wit pnt onbotrd Frvnch r ptoub tne. and ctrtird la the VeMal 1 Hgi e,liyin in Rwolone lUtdt. Iibcicg tft. iht Yetul manned a lat. ttul tmt lr.V;tfilitit U Itr to Dofr( tttht tflf.J fcxpt " -'j(55" tonves aike. A Lest 5 -o'cloct the boat reached Dcver beach, ar.l' Mr. V. immediatelyvprgctvdtd tothe Lon don hotel, from which in set c T in a chaise-; and four for London about ttno'cluvk-ia the evening. We believe the d i s'-ate hes were f-tlelivered to Mr. Fox;' but no -council ln.t been held upon them. Mr. 1 Vas at home during the whole of 'Saturday nnd yesterdaj; Lord GrenviHe left town en Saturday moin- ing and had riot '.returned last night. Earl- Spencer also left town on Saturday-, kr Wim bledon, where' he had a party to dir.ucr yes terday. We had, in the tolirse cf last wctV, good reason to believe, that the basis of pre liminariea has been agreed to by our govern ment, and that a messenger was eptcted id bring arrangements and passports for the purpose of formally signing and settling the preliminaries. In the present state of hit power, some may consider Buonaparte as having accomplished all the objects of his ambition. Willi a king of Holland, and a king of Naples, in the persons of his two' brothers" f and fiefs and principalities to re ward his favaurite generals and ministers, 'dr-whsm some have already entered into pos session, it may be conceived-that he has per formed his task, and has no farther occasion for war. Others may think, that this is ordy , the first or second stage of his progress to universal dominion, and aware cf the insatia ble spirit of his ambition, conclude, that he. meditates nothing short of the conquest of; the worldl In either case, peace, must be rftsirabk'v In the. former, he has nothing to ntchieve by war and in the latter, a peace it necessary tothe accomplishment 'of his plan-, because a fleet it essential to its execution and a fleet he dm only acquire by a 'peace He msy tend out squadrons, and lay down new ones upon the stocks of Genoa, Toulon and Brest ; but as Ion; .as the war continues, he can only be cor.sidered a tip-builder Id England, supplying spirit andtvrenglh tothe British navy. It maybe further observed; that if the-revolution of ministers was as ru pid and great, as that of the French rulers, which preceded the goveinmut of Buona parte, a man of Wore pacific character than Mr. Fo cotilJ ?.ot be expected to appear at the helm. I looking, then, at the state and interest of Buonaparte, tbe character of tho British f.inistcr, find totinectm them with, the activity of the 'correspondence between the o governments, of which the dispatch e arrived on Saturday, furnish a new ami incontrovertible proof, ,wc think we should be justified, even though wc had no private information 'upon the subject, in attributing the gicat rise in the fundi to an expectation of peace. Stock jobbing frauds alwaya act by surprise, and th; bubble soon bursts. "Those who consider the progressive rise in the funds the effect of tuch a cause, pay & poor compliment to the tigac'ity cf the pubi lie. , BOSTON, August 5. From the mott authentic infotrtnatlon we ? n obtain by the latest arrivals from Eng land, and, letters h'ch have hrtn received; it appears that the disposition of the govern 'mcnt n decidedly in favour t-f an amicable explanation, ui.d thit an arrangement ol alt our ditpuUs in a fair way of being com pleted, on conditions, vhich would in all pro bability have been satisTattory to the Ameri can people generiill when the news ol the proceedings of (.'ongrttt arrived. Th.it iii consequence of this news, the aecemmoda tion was ir.trnupied -that the r.i'minry tnid it wat ajsurJ to tuppest Mr. Mut.roe wet aiiihorUH to effect an amicable treaty, r. htlc" bi f;ovtrn;neht wat proceeding to siolcrrc- and mdi.cct hcitihty ; that they ec.nsidercd the Kon-iinpoit-tif n act at a ilishorxralls attti.ipt t-j intimidate ihem into conrettiom; which they now heri'.ate to admit. That iho rrult wat tviy i;ncetiain and far frt m Hat ttrinr. From v.l tt wc cm letrn, the Kon impor tsticn a'.t produrtdbut one ici.tintTm among; Amciiran n.trihnnlt in Fnglan.l, crd thit seit'ltner.l t jc-rs'inlhefollowirR letter fitut a f.rntic; .ui of Bcstoti lo hit friend io thil 'mi, tti'i:: tf Uittrii agu.'.Umn in th'i icr.'t .Vf. Mjrv.hevtcr, (t'LrJ) lfty 25. 4 I am i.ot sute tlu.t the act of Ccrnrcti prchibiti'if ih? importation tf certain ar ticle!, will r.ot L conridcrcd a hostile mca ture by thit government. 1 tm hiformed the l.tcdt merchant! htc had a meeting rtt- rctitig the Americtnbuiineti, indtlut tJejr ae rt vihcd not to il.ip any kooOi to Ame ti ca imlrtt they arc guartntetd for the amount by tome re;H,nibIc hout In thit country. They apprehend, thit if the tct alluded li tb'iuld be enforced, it will tctd to a tuplure. 1 tl.'t.k iht act a scry foolish one, and not it aft likely uoLuin iht object aimed at Thitffif rn'i to cmbartutthegotetn tntnt cf Great-Britain, miVtt cur torern n ent t( cir tidiculoui, and cur kguiatort lf)otinuei." liLANK CHECKS for sale at tliU Office.