vJ7 THE WILMINGTON GAZETTE Published ever Tuesday, by. Allmand Hall atfTiufo in advance, or Four Dollars if not paid within ' Year. Wilmington. N. C. Tuesday, October 7, 180G. rNuMBtR 509. 00th Year .- m mm.m.m--mnmmr-m.- a- AV A jm mW.M.WAr .XT AT- r.Ar.AT' a" W. mT'W-mr kT-rmAY -T -Wmf -M J -M-M . W WAT aT AT-. AT. A- A m-W a- a a His I em- ice-ipc- treat lot. IllCT. 11 01 Urth -law rcr s o, ci ror'a hrtc artc, at.J jc im. JTdreign: Intelligent . , LONDON, July as.; r ""The French afe fending all ihelrdifpo-' fable force .on she ;her tide, of the AJps,v into the Neapolitan territory ,of Dal mat ia, evidently for the Intended conqueft of Si ,cily, and to extend the : French power on the Ihorebf the Adriatic . j . diyifion of French troops has alfo filed off towards Leghorn, and every fortrefs' in ths States of the Church is occupied by I hem a prelude to the downfall of bath ihefe fovereigns. Before the expiration of many weeks we (hall hear that the Pope and the Queen of Etruria have been depri ved of their refpecVivedigniticv and con demned to pafs the reft ef their days in obfeurity, upon a dinted and precarious . bounty, Theweaknefs of both will bea l:ke urged in juftificatton of thti aft. Tu rin is already named for the future rcfu cence of the Pope. "V Fout new fovereigns are talked of in Germany, namely, the Eleclors of Baden, Heflf, HetTeDarmftadt, and the Duke of. Cleves (Prince Murat) Napoleon could not adopt a more effectual mode of annihi lating whatever there is of national fenti- tnent, feeling, and character in Germany, than by thus frittering down, and parcel ling into petty favereigntici, the whole of that once venerable empire. : Expectations appear to have been enter tained at Conftantinople, that an Engliih fquadroo would fhortly make its appear ance in the Dardanelles. ' A Gmilar report prevails in the north ef Germany, Letters fro n Hamburg and Bremen mention it. Are we to believe, then, that theie.was fome truth in the report received from the American veflcl off Cherbourg, a few days ago, of Buo. uaparte's intention to march an army thro Alia for Egypt ? . A private . Utter from Hamburgh fur. . ni flics us with the' following important ar ticle, in ad.iition to the report of the A meiican Captain The French are ptepaxing, it is fiJ, to (end an army of 60,000 men, in three divifions, through Ahatic 1 utkey, to attack the Bnulh pof fcflior.jt in the. Eaft. Indies." Can it be any part of the object of the expeditions now fitting out in our ports to couotene thefe dtligns ? The Ruffian fquadron in the .Mrditcr tanean, confilling alieady of twelve fill cf the line and nine frigates, is to be fa ther augmented. This docs not look as if a ifolinion was taken to abandon their fcttlciVents in the Seven Iflands. The King of Sweden bas not accepted the offer of Rufiia to meditate between him and the Court ofBeilin. He confi Jeis hiirfclf as acling in quality of an ally: of England, and that the aid of Ruth's in the adjuflment of the exiftini difference, Is iunccifliry. His Majcfly infills cn the cvacuationot Lautiiburg by the Piuf Cans, and its rc-occupatioa by SwedlCt troops ' July 16. is reyorlcJ. in the German papers, that the Grandees of KufTia have attempt ed to treat the Emperor Alexander in the fame manr.srai his Unfortunate father was 'liea'eiU-; ' - . , The' embirkanon of troops Jot lift. grind I expedition, Is now completed. Their destination is certainly the Mcdi tcrranean, it is ptcfumed for Sicily. Whatever propter Is made in the nc codatioo wit b France, remains only t.itwn.f.iihe fihinct council. No hlPg fartUr has trar.fpired, than that tlTOca feifed good wtu.txtm ttueett in two jotrn-ments, that the Paiis papenbtcathe a fpltit cf mildnefs, and Jcmpcri 'uiud o the cpeninkj ef pacific, Jifcuf. Soiii, . Mr. Fox continues to co tm in a (lite of regular progrcfriveconkfcence.' A lUirte is .iwj to tuve taxen puce m the Ruftan Mioiflty , favorable to the f irncn iMierch. 41. Noviiilioii bat K tirrd ; ai d (be Kig of Sii'ru laving re. , fulrd the RuttSan mediation, fome frigates arc faid to be fattinj oat at CtonUxdt ta taifo the blutkadc cf the Prufuan ports. Swe paitWnlars ttfeAirj ih r.atore a rx I tfuli tf the imponar.t enquiry which been icfliiuied tn'.o tie conduct of an illulrioas fitnale Sfeincirculiiioti amon hellchea circlet. Tlieexsrr.laations are faiJ to haJ be n cohfir.t J to.two to'u ; the fuft itfprtting I tit birth inJ paicntsce t m thit.l i.l f.iui teats old. ci!tcacd un ia ht Umtdiate pru'tUton i f the Uoyal rttfoaloqitfl ii h ritas to the Re iftal d.ftutn cl her conduU. The In. giftryi and to its parents,' as well, as bv the concurrent tefticnony of every perfon examined oh the oCcafion, to be the child of - perlons in a very humble rank of lite at Deptford, and to have been maintained, and educated by the Princefs on the pureft .; and rrtoft amiable principles of Chajity & Benevolence. j i On Ihe fecorid head, a large tnafs of e vi dence, we underftand hasbeRnhrought fcr ward, in the couife of which ,moft of ihs terfons in her Uoyar Higfinefa's Hbufc.. old have been examined. . The whole of the report has been piefented to his M? 'jetty who has ordered cdpiesto.be fu rush ed to the two Koyal perions pei tonally in. tereded in therefult of the inveiligation. '. ":'( .. "; ; . ; AugUSt 4. We stated yesterday and on Ihe best au- thofity thai'M. d'Oubril had, jn signing thu preliminary treaty with France gone beyond his instructions. We can now add, that the terms are so ignominious and disadvantage ous to Russia, that it is thought by some di. Slornatists the emperor Alexander will pro ably hesitate to ratify them. ; In the mean time, Napoleon acta as if even the definitive treaty was sintied.On the very day that d'Oubril signed the preliminary trea ty, it was intimated to the Austrian ambas sador, that his master must immediately ab dicate the crown he has so long worn as head of the German empire, and confine himself in future to such matters as concern only his own house. Lateil from France. The editors of the lew-York Gazette have received by theach'r AUantick. from Nntz, Paris papers to the 29ih of July. - Their con tents are interesting. See the translations below'. 7 It appears certain, however, that a separaie peace was signed on the 20th July between Russia and France the terms are not pub lished. The fortfess of Gaeta surrendered on the 1 8th of July, after sustaining a fire t-f 1 1 dajs with open trenches, dining which time 800, 000 pouiidsof powder was consumed by the besiegers. Thus, after am.mly struggle, has this fortress fallen into the hand of the tyrant of the world. We have seen a letter from Nantz, f the. 1st of August, which Mates a report of the preliminaries of peace between Great-Britain and France beings signed at Paris on the 25th of July. The writer says this wants con fir mat ion. .. The same letter says, M Last evening's mail brought news from Paris, authorising Jhe free exportation of grain to any port or ports by neutrals. This khowi a pacific dis position towards England. The harvest In France is stated to be llu' most abnndsnt ever known. Wheat would aut sell for more than six livres. translation. . PARIS, Juty tJ. The Jesuits hive been ordered to quit the city of Napl' in 2 a hours, and the kingdom as soon as possible. It U supposed ihcy will retire to Hu isia. the rules ef their, order not permitting them to settle in any of the ca tholick states, not even in those of the holy falhi-r. 23d A courier from TJrittainy has tfcnl closely in the steps of the secretary to the Russian ambassador, who arrived at Calais nn the 1 3th with despatches for M. D'Oubril J the former, arrived b'n Ihe I9thi and Immc diatety proceeded for Cars. The smallest appearance rf a rcconciliaUon rece'nes tlic wishes and hopes of the fihmds of peace and of humanity. 24. The minister of marine has written a circnlar to the different ports, annoncinc the signing of peace between France nd Russia, ani ordsred, that all adtni;!!, c. and cooit-:iUinuof por(s4ue-Uhe Rus-, sunvesMHRifiiefli. . 'tttte announced fur Afcust, U put otT till September, to Rive time for the jrund ar mv to be nresent. . . ' - ... .... .L It il said, that on tht IStit ot tin momn, tb distuiiions which haw been carrying pn for tU Itrangemcnt of the fiairs af t'.cr msnr, ara terxmatetl t- and tltat U Tninis ttrs bt the lungs oi Havana anu utnuu bunj, of the elector of Uaden, the landgrave of Iksve D&rmsudt, tbe duke I Ucvcs ana Kerp, the princes ol the house oi asuu, ke. &e. bsc concluded a treaty of alliance and reciprocal gtiamntce, undar tlJ title oi federation f the Hhine. We believe they hs?e coma to t rtsolution to separata thtm- ..1... fMiH it.- Crrmnvi k tnt. In order to . ..... . i-..; .k.t. t and rolicv. 1 his federation to ftfl unjer tn pmec tioti of Trance they will havt n foot CO.iXki T. , m m ... . . . ... fi. i.. it.i...!,..... mens, ana ins elector oi mich,i. .vl-.. f Darmstadt, and the duU f CUves, will iiVm ih title uf erand dukes. . . . m j The Jewish deputies sscmwe lor me ' lime cn Saterdiy tu'.tin tl ancicut chaptl f Su Jahrt, which has been preparea lor uv CKton. Th Kinpldra U Italy wUl ssad Ucitpat'.ct. V 56th. The movement of tbe troops from tlieinterior, towards Germany, has been sus-. pended, in consequence of the peace with Russia. In a few iiburs after its !gnature M. D'Oubril set. off for St, -Petersburg in haste, having first taken a hotel for the new Russian Ambassador. ' It is thought the ra tifications will be exchanged in a moath. " ' ' 8th. It is believed, that Lord Yarmouth, lately arrived from England, will soon ap pear in a publick character. .; In our Gibraltar Chronicle of July 12, we observe a paragraph stating that the Spanish ! government tftI Uud rdera to put 18 re gimtnt of injaatry, two of artillery, and 12 of militia, onTthe war footing. The conjec tures concerning their uestinatioh are various , the following are mentioned 1st. An ap proaching rupture with France 2d. the re gulars to be sent on a foreign expedition and ; the militia to do duty in the interior -thi o pinion is corroborated by the fact, of orders being sent to the commander of kthe Cadiz ' squadron, consisting of eight sail of the linej to liold himself in readiness to sail at a mo ment's warning; and by the well known .want in which Spanish America stands of the as sistance of the mother country, (owing to Miranda's expedition,) it is supposed to be intended for that place. The 3d opinion is,' ' that they are intended to garrison the Portu guese ports,' which are to exclude English ships, and thereby save French troops the trouble of overrunning the whole country. . - Of the disagreement between the members of Administration in England, tbe Courier of the 2 1st observes" dissention and di vision have ciept in among them their most bitter enemies are to be found in their own party ; and the most decisive opposition to the Ministers proceeds from the Minis terialists themselves ! The t'oxitcs disagree among themselves, and disapprove of the measures of the Fo::ites and GrenVilles the Gvcnvilles are not perfectly cordial, for Lord Tempje disapproves cf the measures of Mr. Windlum. The puny party f the Ad dinfttoni arr at variance with each other, for we hare seen Mr. Van sit tart in opposition to Mr. II. Addmgton. The Vicc-Prebldent of the Board of Trade sets himself up in op position to the measures of the Secretary of the war department. The Treasurer r the nary,, recommends what the Ministers rcprolwte ; the Treasurer of the Navy con demns the conduct of the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of the Treasury seconds a motioi; which meets with the decided opposi tion of the first Lord of the Treasury and of the wlole cabinet. ' The Vice-President of tbe Ktard of Trade, who had assumed an authoritative tone to the Secretary at war is him clf severely rcbuded by a distinguished mersber of that party which was supposed to h ve carrirtl its decisis c support to the Mtn.try Lord Temple complains cf the conduct of the opposition w'tli respect to tht volunteers, &ad Mr. Panks takes up the de fence of the opposition, and pointedly con- deptss the manner and June with which hit Lordship had " upon the present, and indeed almost, upon ' m..ioii, niictn.nJs thoee who difief with him in opinion." , M Are not these pretty strong symvtoms of distention and disunion 1 And yet, though they are unable to be unanimous themselves, Ministers expect that the pcplc will be unan imous in approving all their measures and in believing that they are ministers of the greaU est talent, virtue, consequence) ami capacity that ever existed 1 1" 1 Pin L ADELP 1 1 1 A, September 22. , We understand that intelligence has bn received at New-York, of separate prace having been made between I'.na'.ttnd and Spain, and ttU treaty raving been, signed at Madrid. ,' s Jaoif tvn oniisJ'o.vcxKr. ; Air.roxr.'S. 17. ; This forenoon arrived the ship Delaware, captain Farrier, who left Portsmouth tfc7ih Autrusl. and brines London dates to the 6lh. The Clyde frigate landed lord LatJita. due at Calais, and cast anchor off the pier i i - Contain Farrier left tie Tcictl en the fc5;h of Julv, at sshith time he saw the Dutch tctl rfiinunthnr. The troops hsd left HolIartL Capt. F. ssw I or ine seventy-foura om a . the stocks at Rotterdam ana Amncroim. . Spoke ihe Fame, from Kenncbunw, ots- tasked. The Faroe had spoke tbe lletsty and Eeliiianas, oi wion w II a a. . A. ft J csm. II . II Frmrnet anl fWufli-The Hlowtng ex tract t a ic-utr Rivet w mvn u' tr prthtnd that a pec 1m tt actually signed i, it r. ,.einmcnts. The letter is dated ll k iti .if Aumiit. and was wnuen pt n hi- .. p- v . i- leUutentenUemanat Nan.a, ho f.om fcis Hcviliar situation, must rcesarily receive Another letter states, "that no tfOgress has been made in the ntgociation wWi Spain, in tonsequenceofthe impediments of Piunce the iatter visy ing the United Slates with a jealous eye. -Six months may.ahow many strange tventT." - : ' trance and We are informed from . a source that does not' : leave rs room to doubt, that no progress -whatever, has been made in tbe treaty with Spam ewntg entire ly to impediments, jinterposed b f ranee ! And lJuough several different channels it is" perfectly understood that tfi French mean lo tonic to an open rupture with the. United States, and that within six mouths." ' . k. r. . Pom ': : ' MADRID, June 19. ' A Memoir has been published by his mi "... . ...I . 1 - I. - ;j.?i a twuuiumy - containing a cieiau pi me successful i experiments which iu.v'e been made in this country, with a machine for pu rifying the air, constructed by Mr. Cayton deMoryeauw These have proved, beyond a f doubt, that mineral fumigations are an cellent preservative against the yellow fsver. A physician, whose Skill is equal to his intre pidity, Don Megual de patfatinellas, . lalety shut himself up, with liTs two boiis. and fortv- . eight persons besides, inihe hospital at Car thagena, where a number of victims bad pe rished, and where the traces of the yellow fever still remained,, and with no other prei caution than mineral fumigation, they rr mained there forty days, without esptrieni cing the least inconvenience, . . ."NAPLES, Junefr. The present eruption of Vesuvius exceeds, any thirrg of tbe kind within the memory o, man. "The summit of the mountain is torn. ' to pieces, and the rim of the crater is quite s L altered, in consequence of the number of fis sures, to such a degree, that it is thought . that, in the course of a few tlnys. i whole side of the mountain will Tall in. A 'ut one hun dred dwelling houses and est es have been ruined, with large tracts of V: ne ird ground, corn fields, &c. The volcano ill seems to contain a large portion of matte,-, as the sub terraneous noises are dreadful. Plashes cf lightning art; 'emitted, from time-to time, from clouds of smoke. People aic extreme ly apprehensive, that the Torre del Greco Wy share the fate cf the Ilerculaneum, in the year '79. A fart of the streets of Torre 'del Greco have already been ir. undated by the lava, which the inhabitants have rentem-d Villi incredible labour and fatigue. Still the stream tontintfes to run very near the place, and the Inhabitants arc deterred T:r,m leivkig their houses for fear of being injured by the flowing cinders discharged hy the tnr.uirain. A great quantity of abhes has also fallen in Naples. KINGSTON-JAMAICA, Aup:!l ifi. We oreat Icngtrr enabled to prefect cur readers with a correct relation of the move ments of that tliftirguifhcd officet General Miranda, as Cpi LJ thf lwmuian Amiy, cntrufled wiih Difpsfh ei from the General, adJreHcd to the Na val and Military Vommandert on this fla tion, failcJ frenn" Vela dc Coro, .on the night ,f tho nhith inrtant, in the Tender oUJis Majeay's fliip Lilly arfived at A- ru'oa ibe following mominf, arn came in His Majelly's brig El Ripola, Lieutenant Campbell, to this lQand. We ur.detftand .1... L . . . - I . . .. at... f..rfwl K(! Iiiiiuup.l ill), gcnucuian, nia i v. raada failed fiom Trinidad on thc 24'h Jtf- iyi wim i.ne luuuwing vcucia. I . nnn. I .nl. I I fTlMjf 1. Attentive, fixteen ditto, LUut. Cafr. Exprtfs, Cxlecn ditto. Prevofl fch. 3 Gon Basts. -. Ameiicsn Private armed (h'p LeirTf. l8gunl, Capt. Jchnfort. Arherican brlf Cofmodore Uany;, ind,, Pilvalc Enlifh fchooner Trimmer, llavlrr on board a tonfiderable 'rein forcemeiit of men, cnlifled Under hi$ flai dard, and arrived pn the fictmd Intlant oil the olt of Vela de toro, wnere on ire mm a. S Mm !htj(wfr. pned by me liaccnime, oi a on, capt. Uarrcf, -iucn vtuci auinea la covenrg'the difembaikaiion of tho licori and mafines. who tsun the cc.o - . - -a iT if relation cl the aimarotnt, not poiuiimri of two bstietler, mountinf nineteen pie ccs or cannon, ot vanooi ianuii, ammuniticn, 5c. and on the fame nlht, martheJ to the city I Co, diflmt s bcn 4leajuci, -which entertcf at 4 o'clock iha . enfold mointng, wlihout meeting an ppcyftiton ct confequencrj tha whole of the lots on thofe days, sa moontln to only ore ptivata killed, Utii unant Col. Kttkland, and FtwiU liam, Kfq. fecretary to General Mifanda and 11 x men wourdcJ, but who wa ata happy to adJ, were Itl, ia i tail way ol recovery. . ' In legsrJ to the Cisoitcnei, we csnnoi tfurna to irow tb'sir ccntenti, kut th prtfut fiat It ifuitatBcJ, by itfcietto me ic