3s THE WILMINGTON GAZETTE Published.. eyery Tuesday; by Allmawd Hall, .at Three Dollars a Year, "payable Jn-advance,: w within a Year. W i lsm i no to n j - N. C; Tuesday November. 25, 480(5. XNuiIBER 516 ' NORFOLK, November to, The arrival of the Ship.7A7 LfiptaiH tyaytrtf in 42 da yj tram Nantes has furnilhed us with Paris papersjfroirj the i() to the loth' Sent, their contents are rtt interefUng in detail, bat" much fo in Tub (lance; we have however, tr'anflated near Iy every article which, deferved attention - for this day V jpaper, ' Lord . Lauderdale had fiat quitted Paris, though we eVnot perceive his name in one of the "papers ; verbal accounts irate that his baggage was' packe4flp andlbat he.was to let put for Kngland in; two days, :u 'I - All accounts appear to eocSrniHS that the war is to be renewed on the conti nent. Pruflia, as was forefeen and fore told, is at ler&ih comDelled to re fill the ambition of Rtinnaoarte : for this pur. pofe Ibe has formed the moli intimate. cnpnect oiv witn Kulha, and Mas lett'en -. her difpute with Sweden, by giving up the Dutchy of Lauenbourg, which has ' been taken pofleiCon of for his B' itan XTtcfc majefty ; the blockade of, the Pruf fian ports has been raifed accordingly ; indeed the mod cordial intercourfe now - exjfts. between thofu powers, ' who are with Ruffia at the head of the oanhcrn confederacy, The E feelers of 'He tie end . Saxony are alfo members of this league. Of the courfe which Auftria will purfue va cannot gather from the French papers, they rather indicate apacihek difyohtiorr In Aultria ; at the lame time France is' collecting large atmics upon the Auftrian frontiers.. It is not, however, probable, that Auftria will remain quiet during a conjeft, on which the fate of the Euro, pean .wor'J depends. . On the part of France, the i;tmoft aflivity in military movements, and preparations , for war an pears tobegoi sgan. The camp ahat hid been formed rear Paris is broken up, and the' troops which ctmpfed it, wh the Ircpctial guards had marched, taking the rou'e tor nctguini. . 1 Cap.a'm rt'atftn fays that before he', left Nai.tcs, i'tv.rirl-';''r had been received, which lla;ed that Sucuafartt hjd lefi Paris to take the comn.a .4 of the aro. This "is not listed in our Paris papers j thfe Toe-k ot fitch a circumftance as cettain to take pUcc, and we obfervc that at a ie-v tiew of the troops, beftre they marched they filmed Buonaparte not as Emperor but as tkeir General. , It is not poilibU to contemplate the is. is no coalition produced ly Briiifl) gildt re, the powers who hive formed it, are to fight in their own defence, and not to fcrve ihe caufe of Britain. The members , of this league, can be ro Grangers to the force cf f ranc, nor to the ct eritv and effect, wiih which (he wields that force ; they mutt it is to be preumsd be prepar ed with a force adequate to the object which they hsve embarked in. . Th Ktch p.rr afTeit that Cattaro, hat been riven up. acctrding to the trea ty ol Prefburgh, but this thty hate very of tea alTertrd biiore, and the Moaiieur is Client upon that fubjrcl ; the ptobibilily it, we tl'itik that KuiUa will not now fur lender a j.oft that (he has appeared to have ConfiJcied as fo important. We frail wait with anxiety.in.l trnpa. titnee for the aext arrivals, as the fitua. tfen of afairt, are by ihaff ajlces, hrcj(ht te that crius as induce an ex pec. 1 tation ilut the next will h of great in. tereft. The French paprrsjay but very little cf the lifers of Naples and CIj bris, ffo-n hich we imagine that there has breu little J oi rig in that quarter, cr that wlut U.a been done, was notagrcta t!c to nla e. .. Latest EUropcan Advices. ItanUitd from Pvrit toixrt rtttnti at tkr tfil r lh ri'itk Udjtr, hj thi shift H',l. tun Cl. H'liitn, in 43 djjs Jrgm Psatl, Sept. 4. A frtit Bumbtr of j.'nns tdf d ith ammunhioaef war an dally paiiing through Urunila to Maltvricl. . - . Sertsrnp If. TKli tnircerit we rteetfed ihs unelcoiae Intelligence of vie dca.h if Mr. Tax. " September It. , The itf htton rtittrJiy, In the moroin a rntat fiu'mbef ol tvlrona ef cHattcwr. and hor t;rtriafm, with a tliiichmr t if in J fcMiUerf of the irpri Uird, dettW4 from tbe bmilfards, and tifc, it it aalj the rottt fneli1en,tleie troop were re mat K able f r ihtjr fine appearance, ad the reiH tart ardour tt(hthcy tshibited, resent irrnt ana ittfiUtnca for ar, its re pah'.ca la its the countenances of the tfficerrand soldiers The gasateeri in the north of Gerniany, for the last ii weeii, have not teaied to placa before ua, the marchet of the Russian, Prus sian and Kirediab armies, which tbey think are. to form an allied army ; they appear to iarjet that, france has more than 500,000 soldiers! to sustain the glory of her arms, and to avenge the faith of treaties. M. (.Kotzebuei who recals sn,.happily and o apropos all the events of the memoralale seven, year war,is advised to count ihe victories of the French armies, in a war of three months only, lie should reflect on the imprudence of lightning a Panic that will nat be easily '.extinguished, endthatno ' force, cn oppose with, impunity, ?the first captain of his age, and the most warlike aWnv in the world, who is about to 'enter' the'Kcidsuf their former g!ovy Those brave men .who moved with so much rapidi ty from the 'borders cf the chartnel to the feate c( Vienna and the plain of Austerlitz, will with more fci!ity surraunt any obstacle ; that can lie noir'plaved in their way, anu pass frorii the lanVsof the Rhine to the freritiert xf baicony and Brandtt,b6urg. " . .ViKNNA. Sept. 3. Government his pubTi'ied ro official tc-: count of the ni'iiitfry 'stale of .this country. It is tmp"d f ene Generalisiimo (the Archduke Charles) eifht field-tharshals, 31 general of cavalry and artillery, 1 17 lieuten-nt-neldmarhals, 273 maj'or-'gcneraU ; the infantry is composed of 81 regiments, the Cavalry of 8 regiments of Cuirasers 6 of Ught horse', 6 of dragoons, J2 of Hussars, and -3 of cavalry, 6 reiciments of artillery, with bombadiers, engineers, and miners, besides a cordon of troops on the frontiers, and se veral recruiting parlies in Austria and Ger many. ' The French general" Aninossy is still in this capital, he has frequent conferences with the Anatrian minWters. , lie makes frequent expeditions to Hungary, but it is said that they rslate chiefly to measures necessary for supplying the French troops in Dalmatia, With provisions. Count Ratumowiky, who sttjlremsinshere, notwiths'anding the arrival of Prince Kousv kin, receives frequent couriers from St. Pe tersburR, and has nUo fr qnnt. coriference with the nrniater for f iteign afTait s count fu'.t i. ft is rnj otttd that lie has invi ted .cur 'fsvernrocnt to cooperate with Russia, and fo-m reff connexions witl.Jher, i but it is al:o reported that his majesty the emperor t as ' k.Tm'd!y cec'ined those invi tatiov,5 declaring that hs has adopted a sys tem of politicks since the treaty of PreS- hoitt?,from which he will nwt dtpart, and which does not permit In.n to enter into new enagemcnta et a treaty. , IIacux, Sept. 9. The garrison in this place, and his majes ty's guards, hare received orders to hold themselves in madin;s lr inarching at a moment's wartiir,t!.e"r provitoiury dealina. tion is the camp u tux. near Utrecht, which will be the reritertous of UO'iO in. fantry and 5000 cavalry, itichuling the French tronp, .a part of which is to leave Utrvcht thia day f.r the sn rendeavou. 1 hat camp will be augmented, as circum stances mav rrqnire ; it U id. it will be un der the immediate rmnind rf his majestr, eni under nun Kfnrr.l Michand. 1 he ill iion of our army will be commanded "by the generals Dunmncesu, Dacdets, and Roskap. Colonrl Pa'sficini will trmwiand the artillery. The tiocpi aru'in the highest' spirits. September 12. . It is said that all the corps of the army ' cf Holland 1t received orders to bidd them selets in rcdiries to march fur the csmp of Zeist 1 this nrtier has Uetn spti'ully gien to the 1st, 3.1 and dth rejr.imrr.ts of Dutch infan tryt tthe twa tiimrnts of lijht it, fa at ry, the two rrcirrrnu f dtaenrs, to il regi sacnts of Has G.t'ia, tt.f oith and 72 regi ments of Frtdch hfan'ry who are In" the pay of Ihtiaad, besides whlrli the DiHch rovil Ituttsrs, and a cempinv rf horsear tillcry ate to jutn the catup at tin. UailiraoR, Septv II. The enntent cf the note debt ered by order of the king cf Sei!en to the ministers of the two allied courts, accreted ecar him, rts pecting bis reconciliation witb the king or rruttia is to the (ullowing ciTecU MTh'e rstum ef the Swedish troope Into the Duchy of Lsutnbourth, and the re-ec-ropati'fn ,of that csuniry in the nam of Ms Untinnick mijcaty, having re rooted every cause of hostility', and placing all matters ra iKele former footing, hia msiesty cevldnot drtue a mori ssHtfactory remit, for himself and Ms allies j the andcraigrwd hastkere .far the honor to InlWm you by express ComniinJ of his sevcre)Kti,Jhst orders are glten for the ctsinit n of all the measures whkh ksd been adopted against tha com vnertf and ports of lis TrnMlsn majesty, whereof you were fwrmttlr iafsrmed fcv ike notes of the Comt dc l ersln, Marahal of the Kingdom, uader dattcf the S7th April and 6tU of May last. The necessary or ders have consequently been, given for rais ing the blockade of the Prussian ports, to- . gether with the embargo, which had keen impossed on the vessels of Prussia in the harbors of Sweden- 2 J ' letters from Dreslch say, that althougli , nothing official has been published on the subject, it is confidently asserted, that Saxo ny has entered jnto, arrangements with Prus sia respecting the northern confederacy. t The Count de-VVermar' conducts every thing relative to the army, in which an increased activity has been observed of late.. If ad vices arc to be credited, the Prussian troops hive entered Saxony. " - ; 1 , " Frankfort, Sept. 9. I Yesterday the marshal. Angereau received a courier from Paris. From that time we :ount on the renewal of war, v , Tlie Electorial Prince of Hesse has hasti ly quitted Hanau with all his court. The telerity with which he packed up1 hia effects, . md the anxiety which he discovered about 4iose most 'valuable, seetn to indicate that ' , the court of. Hesse has intimate' relations villi that of Prussia, and expects that war ivill break out immediately. The several French Commissaries, appoin ted by Prince Berthier for the purpose of as signing to .the confederate princes their new possessions, have all arrived at their places of -destination. ' Letters from IIes?e mention, that all the military on foulough, have been ordered to join their ; respective corps, end that the mi litia is embodie.d and orgnnizkd, but that no further movements are observed among the . Hessian troops. The same-letter speaks of a representation, which had been made to tie elector of Ilesie of the advantages which 1 Lis electorate would derive by adhering to the confederacy of the Rhine. This pro position was tsken into the serious consider ation of his highness. It it however sup-. potd that the iotima'e relati ns, family ron nexiona and military employments, wfiich exist between -PnHsia and Hesie, wijl de terrain the F.lec'or to r.ttach hinueif toslhe political concerns of the North of Germany. Letters from Hamburg stat that it is men liofsed in severnl l't' r ftr S . jn , ihat tne Prussian government', havs hinted to the nifrchants of that city, ihat'ihev would do will to ttfcurc the property, wl ich ihey may hrve in France. Thry ii fnm from Puchart-st. under date olthe 10th AuK'tst, that the Princes of, Mot-1 d, via stid Wall. cliia ate tefM)nly .alarmed at lie snovcmeiua made by the Russian troops 'oithe Dneister. Nolwi?htanding the devo. tun of those IVi. ce lo Husms, they are par ti.i'hrly tUrmcd on account of a Rusiian cmrier, which wa lately sent to Scrvia, ncaj tk insurgents. Stutcrd, Sept. 9. The dfpsrture of the Austrian prisoners rcntinucsdiily, Et detachments of the French ' artillery are daily pa.sing towards the-Rhire, ' bit after the new which we yesterday receive e we presume tho prisoners k the French artillery will take different direction. A: part of the equipage of Prince Alexander ucrthier has ernved at Munich. A irench camp ha commenced forming in the viciri-, nity of Koerdlinjjen 1 all the troop quartered in ihe territories of the prince Lttir-gen-vVbl- Unttien have repaired thither. All the Prussian troop which were sta tioned in the snrbnrhs of Nuremburg. be I wit'ng to the king of Prussia, have depar ted lor Dereutb. Sept. II. A rnncrrtMcfcf Ertgtde'oftbe Corpaof Marshal Key, arrived here two days ago, from McmmirtRien, and gave orders for the e- aublishment of a powder maatine, at Can- nonsdat. A company of artillery men, arri ved there the next day, for the purpose of making cat rid gt s. It is reported that the 1 ranch ordnance which was in our vicinity, and a few days ago was ordered to be trans ported to France, has been ordered hack The removal of the roilitsry store from the grand depot at UIra has been suspended, and Ike iioms which had been put in requisition, are still retained far transporting back those which fad been removed. Sept. IS. W have just rrcei ftd the judgment of ihe extreofdinsry militsry commission, establish ed at IlrsnnaQ for the purpose of trying sun dry person charged with serious offence. The judgment of the ssid commission, which hss beca published and posted ia ell public plcr, declares that Joseph Schoderer, merchant at DonsweM. John F. Palm, book- aeUer at Nurtmlrtinri Mskell, lnnkeeperat loveph F. Geniah, ef Sisy at Aus- and printer at VI- naciar. uim, in iavn rtr brttcTeikin IhebooWtort twrvh, Kwpfer, bookseller and rHnter eons, and F.nrich, book seller at Lint , In Anstris, were Krslly charred tf being tb authors printers and Venders, f certain pamnhltti rullished against bis marty l ha e;mpror of IratKC, and against the FisatB army, written vsith- tre Intenticn ef tiiitit g the Uksbitsnttaf tht Stmfc oXCcmacy, to aa insurrection 8c assassination of the French "troops, and seducing the latter to "dialoyaltj to their lawful sovereign (Buonaparte.) j The aaid military .commission has con demned them all to death, and pursuant to) tnat sentence, Schoderec and Palm were shot in'14 haurs after the olher 4 were condemned for not" appearing to answer the accusations, they are ordered, to be'arrested in any place which the French armj may hereafter occupy, and to be executed under its sentence. ' - ' Hakover, Sept. 7. ' Piqtiets are drawn from ihe several corps of cavalry, , in order to watch, the borders of theyeser, and the country between that ri ver and the Ems, in order to prevent the de setlipn of the Prussian infantry, w hich has ... become so. general, that some companies havfe lost a third, and others a half of their men. It is asserted that' general Ruche!,' will not retain the command of the array. Count Sclnilleihibourg is universally-regretted. The mandate, of the royal-treasury,' have experienced a considerable depreciation, since the repott of war has been in circula tion, . -Lli: " At'isnot'Rc;, 5epl. 10. A French courier passed Urouj;h our city yesterday charged v illi important dispatches lor Prince Alexander licrtliier minibicr uf war. Several ordinances of poficc, which wi'I produce the most happy tfiects, have 'lattly been published in, our city ; every rrar.chof athninistrttii'6n is amelioraitd 1 all the Rumaii CathoHck and Protestant churches in the Buvarian provinces in Suabia ara obliged to stod immediately all the supe-fuaus plate 'far ' which they hats no immediate occasion, X be made ue cf forlthe vents of governmcnt.This is surely a blessed effect of the mcsures of police.! ; . . ; . . According to letters from' Trieste of the 37th August', a, Prussian Courier passed through that CitV'the day before from St.Pe tersbui g, which he left after the arrival of D Oubril i his dispatches were directed for the Prussian commander in the Adriatic, his or ders were to cross it, and he embarked accor dingly for the place of hie destination, on the 27th of AugMst. The same letters add that the mouth of ihe Cattaro had been delivered hy the Russians to the Austrian, and by the latter to the French, end that the stipulations cf the treaty 01 PresbHrg, being nor com pleted, that the Count Dcllcgatde will rtturri . with the troops under hia conunJud to Triete, where they were daily expected, and further il is stated that the Ru.su.l troops wfcich were in Albania, had re-cmlii ked for the Se ven Islands. Viikna, august 37. Five hundred artilUrr nun arc constantly ' employed in inaking cartinVs. I trsic, Sept. 4. Etry week couriers tjisthiouh tbisfi'f with letter. hich ll : I i-.t wror of Russia and Kir.g 0 Ptussia write- r'i iprocallv. I.Atl-NDl'KC, Srpt. 3. His majesty the Kins; of Svedt-p, hss ta- Xtn posscision of this count rv, in ie name of the King vl F.nglr.d the 1 u.- un atnu and eagle taken awry j and every thing re established tn the former fooiirg. 1'aoKTUns or Ri ssu, August 37. The nsme of M, D'Dubtil i no lorirer found in the list of the Members cf the Fo reign Department. IUxks or Tut MAticr, Aufrust 37. We are assured that the Confederation e.f the Rhine has received on'ers Irotn its su preme head, to fat in ma.'ivn its tvtuirynt trrft r-ithevt drlmji" ' " A German Gaeette arnour.ccs that Ilia Prussian Majesty is cn the oiTit of conclud ing a Confedetalion for th North of Gcrma 7 . . , AtVOItA, Ntp'. 6. On the 21st Aug. an alliance was conclud ed between Prussia and Hear. Great preparation are tmlirg in Rui.i That empire ha 40,(0 men c n ti t froi.titr of Moldavia, 40.CXX) on those of Gatlacia, and 10,000 on these of Prussia. lUativ, Sept. 6. lfis Jesty will very tm (it is said next .Tuesday) repair the atmy the Cabinet Minister, Count llaogwitx, will, it is k' arconipsny bis Majesty. It is expected that the Foreign Ministers will follow the kingfs the head quarters- The Princea Henry and Vt'illiam. itt nut yesterday for the armyj etch ef tl.em will command a brigade. ' Nart.rs, Augut 4. ' The r.nglUh have now entirely duapprar ed in Calabria. 1 by are anil at Cap)i, in4 their sl.'.pi Ire cnilaing , in e,ur Gulpb. I It Is ssid that Marshsl Massena will joit the corp. of Genirsl Venj.er avdRes-rlcr and bst'le with all hi f ii. TheC -rl of Reggie, on the Coast tf Calabria, baa beta taken by the Lnt;lUb. Yi extract the following ititf meftt from Ihe Aurora, to elucidate the exact pctiticn of the i'M&ih armies, and IN f rclalle fttn aC its

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