m campaign, in me event or nosuuues. After speaking of the last campaign, and the sudden departure of the army, from Bo logne, the Aurora remarks i . , ; . " The present year the trcnca nave earner warning, - " They have more than a month's notice. armies, better than a fortnight's time and te41 saved, by the position of their legions itlOrilCr , siugcrcau icgiui nut n.w fourth September, one on the frontiers of Sax' pny and Westphalia, the other with its ad. -vanced posts on the, Prussian territory. Two legions under Ney and Davoust were ad van ced into Austria beyond the Inn. Lefebre In ' command of 7,000 men auxilleries of - the Rhinish confederation, occupied Suabia. . The two Italian lcjions were ori the Taglia mento, and their light corps in possession of GorKz and Uracusca. l lie stater ot lione xtia wiljl have been called upon according to their ancient constitutions to declare for neu-4 J trality or war, and if neutral to supply forage, or the all of the house oj 'Austria ; and to stop intercourse with other unfriendly powers. : "Three, or Derhaus five leeions.; will ad- . vance in different directions for Poland, two by Moravia, will cross oilesia, anatheotners will cross the Danube by lower Austria, and., enter Galicia (plrl of ancient Poland) and if rniitia mjv:s a pawn, he will be checkmated, perhaps by Lucien Buonaparte declared king of i'gland, feudality abolithed-rcligion tole rated and Kosciusko, in the 'decline 61 his years, may see his country and himself aven ged, bettered in condition altogether ; and IVUnrlliprnme once more the barrier aeainat northern barbarism. 4 ' Such evidently isthe apparent current of events Sweden ml again be stripped of her monarchy and. her territory and htr ; power concentrated in Denmark."' -'" The Belt and the sound are generally clo st a by the frost in the ehrly part of Decern-. ber the legions cf kin Louis of Holland, , which have advanced to the Lrns, will have passed the Kibe into Pohiirania, and the legi pns my pass the ice from Rujen to Zealand, and into Swedish Scania. . . . M Siich my be the outline the details may be easily untinpa'ed for France will beside' her 70,000 Hhmish auxillei ies, and the ar "mies of thtf Italian kinsrltom, have eleven great ai miss of 6J or 70,000 men on the chess Hard." - . CHARLESTON, November U. , IL W. Bentin ck, Lieutenant-Genefal-of F.a,sequsjjq,Pemerara, Sec. has give notice, under date of 16th August last,-that aBea con is about to be erected on the E. coast af the colony, to leeward of Mahaica,to pre vent vessels falling to leeward of the river and that all merchants ships or vessels arm ing in said colonies,' from and after the 1st day of December nexW shall pay to the re-. fceiver of .the colony chest, a rate of aix stir . "Srers for each ton of their- burthen, for .the purpose of keeping this Beacon ox perma- , "raent Land Mark in repair, ., ,,f'"- Cant. Cook, who arrived at New-York on the 30th ult. in 9 days from SuThqmas, in-, forms, that twodays before he sailed, a Pack-! ' et arrived tWre from Rarbadoes', with infor- mf.tion, that a British fleet, consisting of two 74's, four frigates, and two brigs, had gone, down to take Curracoa, ,in aid 'of Miranda's expedition. : ..'"'' J ; November t . " The following is a statement of. Slaves re ported at 14(naainxxthpctuOipf the port : v" z , , --ln tlie Year 1804, - 5,653 v .: ' :' : . 1805, - 6,71' 1S06, - 8,804 v.. Total 21, 179' Some vessels with slaves, being in distress when they "arrived at this port could not bev brought to for examination, Consequently th number of Slaves were not ascertained. 'PETERSBURG, November 13. WASHINGTON CITY, Not. 18: . v . AARCX LURR. " Rnmcnrs, of whith the name cf Aaron Burr is made the vihicle, actually swarm j around us; mny of them of such acorn- I plt-xion that it might be criminal e'ther td 1 treat them with indifference, or to receive them as absolutely true. Under such cir cuniS'.arxes it is our duy to record them. They vill incident! vigilance and the pro-, pr tty of a state prepiralion for any evtnts ' nbivh my occur. Let it not be imagined titt wc 'have any .u!i of the virtue ami patriot'sm of the. WeVtrn tutes, cr apiire htusi iiis if any trci.inations to separate thrnt fro n the Ui.ion. Oil the contrary wc bclfe tb-:r Taction to the union and the adr.i'iitistTtion utibonndcd. Nntwitlntanding there my bs men among thorn who are de-' 1j led by th;it'atn!iliout views, and who may fyim tilt m'jit unpromising projects. It is airamed ain untqiivocM f.ict ihat a Cun'.ract has been cV'trei into with Comfort Tylrr fr favnishin -nn the waters of the Ohi , n'.nnil the beginning of Dctober,' pro visions t; the cmo t it of !tf -thcusand dl lars at ii.- h;hr:t mt hi . viff. This is n ithe l 1 cred'.tnMc tntn, v,hrdeelare they l ive tiiTri.if.jrtiu:i w f,!ii those who lnve sevn tha tt.ntrsttl' The fjrt it llkeiif co; ,! 5y ijfti.l prison to whom cBwrs ci Lurciisso were istnir-, oui mw, i.cuistJ i.'.irc'y t't-oyi t!ie' rysieiisns spiKatanre the ltu-.r.e. It is iHrm-d a undeo'utl:, " that .'iiriuic the l.st w:ntcr ?.f r. V, jrr ottered general l'.aton a commisMn v!-:i i the la-'tcP irjcctcJ; in ci srpn-.i'Csi of i ith ti c 11 ttr gtii'.Unnr, a i.n eo'f'an.oiia at nh.h Mr. Burr was pre;. v., 'z - i-'tf Al So.tl is efft c' " Msv h a jihr v;;; ?rH, and the a n:u.-jii'n ol ll.c i'tc. xm, 3.- Ixt'Jit t,f Utlc fror Stj.h (Gtrtgia) ' Ii a jfcur&jn it this atjt uaui Ctiebtr 14, 13)6. ' Thti city f.n been under arms for two rights pat fxfftttng "a iimiiTcftifio f;om the Blatkl. . It appears thit soars! sncciins. had tal.'n place bViut lour nn!ts fren town yheie they sJ aiecd toutk tlu- nhi'.eiin the city $ hty h I ajpon'tl j'f.cala and o. ll.cr t.T,erf. AtC'triitni ta their plans thef erf t inula three ssprate lAcinjsj cne t Wtyns's !jr.t'"l one Mhe Co!T:s ftWe ' whaf f, aiJ tit at the f'rU They were then to stt Cre t the town and tnaMv re ti t while'. I'.-it a hirrcn ex'itd 1twta two nf the 5r la-ier, an-1 nrt of iHttn ditol yi& the iffnt fitly in tli? sferi'm luf.ire yc.urday. i conuq itnee ut wMcU the d.f- It -rut cwtn,ni vuhmttfrs wtrt ta4ion. " Representatives ta Congress, " Vft congratulate our republican brethren on the triumph of principle in almost every ' section of the United States, where elections have been held for representatives to Con grsss. In New Hampshire and New Jersey, the whole number returned are republican. ' Pennsylvania has shaken off the iead weight which the " union of honest men" had hung.. tbout her neck, and returned to first princi ples. Maryl4nd, with the exceptisn of three, . remains faithful to the republican cause. N. Carolina. has returned one federalist'. From South Carolina the returns are not complete ; but Charleston ha done justice to the repub lic, by rlecting Robert Mari.-m over William ! Smith, whose slanders agint tiie preit. dent, will remain so long as the Mm and curriloupars of Phocion shall disgrace the "federal libraries. Georgia and Rhode Island areunaninmnji '? In Gne, we piftiidly exult in the result cf the recent elections, as an addi tional evidence of the Mipcrior happiness en jo ed fry the people under a republican ad ministration, v WILMINGTON. TUESDAY, NOV EM BUR 25, 1806. Letters from Rolterdara flat, tnat our metchanti thete have fixty'wara houfei fill of ftigars-r" If 'peace, they add, the owners will kfe-;o per cent,- if war, 35 per cent. ; ' Bad news this. ,We Jtave been informed by a "gentlerna cJT tjespectabiUty, that a silver minfcias been 4fcSre red "about 16 miles from this place, VT.i 11 i..u j r ii.f adds, that he saw the silver which had -been extracted and on cuing if wHS a knife it ap peared very pure. lit also saw a quantity of the ore in a house in which was erected a small air furnace. ' Morgantoww Gezeite. "' The Prefident of the United States has annulled thetexequater lately held by gen. Anthony Morales, as eonful of thcTEata viaa republic, iot Sottii-Carolina. W underftand. that the'Secretary of the Treafury lias iffued a circular letter to all the cqllelors of tho cuflomi, inftrucliigg them to enforce with the moll rigid'xkei nefs, tl) provifions of the non-importation aft, which was to go inFq effedt on the '15U1 ot the prefent ttngnth. The fol lowing is a lilt of the enumerated articles prohibited by the law v All articles'of which leather ii the ma terial of chief value; all thofe of which fiik is the material of chief value ; all their" of which hemp or flax is ihe matetial of chif value ; all thole of which tin or brail is the material of chief value ; tin in meets excepted i . woollen cloths whofe invoice' prices fhall exceed five (hillings per fquare yard ; woollen hoifery of all kinds win dow glafa, and all other manufactures of glafa, filver and plated wares ; paper of every dcfcrip'iJn ; nails and fpikes ; hats ; clothing readj made ; miliintry of all kinds ; playing cards ; beer, ale and por ter ; and pictures and prints. ,....'' Raleigh Reiser. - - .. . DEATH OF GEN. KNOX. - - "bearSiiV : lrrrit, Oct. 20, HOC. " It is with the deepest regret 1 have now to inform you, that the great and good Gen. Knox departed this life yesterday morning. lie was confined about six days. It is suppo sed that the cause of his death was his shal lowing s sharp chicken bone which perfora ted bis bowels and produced a mortification. The erent was very sudden and unexpected hy hit physician, till a very short time be- fore his death. It has covered us w;th the Jei-pcst tloom. The funeral will be to-mcr- rou when every testimony of respect will b: paid by all cla&ses of people.". 11 " 1 t DIED, at his planfa'ion, in Dlatfcn county, on Sundty the ad ihrt, Cl. 7h- mat Owen, ajed 71 eati andO mont.nj. ALMANACKS For the Year 1807, Just, received, and for sale at th$ - " Printing-Office. JTK. Rank ib moll refne&fiiltf re- lVX turns his Bunks to the worthy citi zens ot vvilmingtoiy tor their particular attention of patronificg hitri the upwarifi of two tnonthi, and that tht companIV have tiever failed but clouded to the lad not only of the generality but the mou e minent chara tiers ot tawn and vicinity. And Mr. Ranniei is hanny to announce that he has difchargtd his Xpe&ators every -night with the greateft fatisfaclion and haj- meny, and found civihlerncnt far beyond his expcclation. ,s :J Adieu Ladies and Gentlemen, fori can- not he always in one place. Regimental Orders. H .1 e l u-i'fr fe T, sndthemditisstSptin,, jj her rii;inc hanging ptttnii Itdt. wt.f M'Uth of tht hrad tur n i f tho waitt and dririns:' 'tnii reri's r c taVoi, and will I tried in (j hinds buily tnifjvj! in c if l4. Having lira tg fur.uf,t:a is iskt t head mtn, wc late not I itirAlinl lo ft if, at tH rat ppor to b Vjuttt, The rijTocisrt to tlii hitta tight t9t-nt 1" Captain A. StodJart, tf th Utt'itt 1 Statt my, a few Jays alntt, ntchc4 f.oin thi tity nh 3 ) tntf at Cait'ialt fc wilt rccrit I Ijl inyte mi f.otn thfit procctd t Vort Ajami 6n th iUts'ttiippi, or U lttd Arrived hereon the 21st inst. the ship Re bet c a, J. Eldrige, master, 21 days from Bar badocs; left thers trip Mary, Snow, to sail iext day lor Portland, and Severn! oiher A mertcan vessels whov: names capf Khlricit cannot recollect. On the night of il.e 4 t Oct. and the fyll6winj; day, a tremendous am danS'ti ous sea hove iu from S. W. withoa a brruth of w'uul ; the sch'r Packet of Ken neheck, capi. Siii. '.;, was driven ashore ant the vctl and r.di : tfttally topethar wit 10 or 12 ininr'rcd U.P ,rs in specie bclonjjinj to the unfurSunvu Optun WbcJmi cf tht sch'r N.Miry of N. w llavtn, Loiiml to De maiitrs. which on the 9th!':pt. in Sat. 15 N inah'.uticsnr, Its,.herirainin.itl fMftmist, I erp'an, (ho msi wished . vet board) 4 no i ri'pid at lla:b.n!tcs. Oo the COih OcUur livrd s Ikij Irrint Portland houml to Dtraara ra. huvte;; encountt rcd a'stvere hurricijie on Uiu f.h, in Ut. 9 N. in whirh ahe hit her ir.t'm-boom, mainsail, gall', fore and main-top-n'Vttyardi.fcc P.rpaired and rundown t.tlecwuid. On the 1 3th Sept. off Martiulco, bwU,d in, the sch'r Artemi, Cupt. Davis, frcm Salem, was taken by his Britannic Ma. "JrflfrictrrMoanr Fonmne, Captr Brtmn, a. J carried into Ilatbadoes for adjuditatirn, ulu re tht was tried and vei'tl and cargo con demned by the Court of A.dmiraliy, cn o emmt of their, bcin fou'ad on board a, cck of con'jt Ltlonpnc tn one t f the .tailoit, wl ith tunkntn to the captain orownets htr carjjowaa wurth I7,00t dollars. . On Jhc COth Oct, tbe tnornins after feavinr; Pathailfs capt. lUdriJge was boarded by the . British frtRS't Sfine, with Central JJircr.Ja on tcard, and informed ihtt after an timtic cef'il attack on the Maine, Miranda had purchned a ship of II punt, which he sent fo Trin'xltd, and carrt on board tie Seine frigate bound to Darbat'oct, to seethe Ad loM-al. Nov. , Ut. 31 21 N. Iodj:. I S 't it !ay liltt s a dualled al.ip to tiindward Learinj; don for us tht foved to be a "it'.ih frigate with her nuin tor rallant msit ami f rt top-matt carried away by the bard pt tmistuoutiy aboul her verbnanl, and all huA in clearing tht wrk tcinj; hove toon the oprwit tack we drew imi tittance apart espectins; her boat on bt d, bnl we wart onltftd by a ft'nt td vnakt tairi lttd being tKtn out tf kail, pur. sued oar vvyagt without iofwrmatioa of tht frigate's tr.ltjortonts. , Kentuaky papers to tht thirtctnthrf Qc toUrarc wholly alien! at to a corarrotioncf therople htkc Western Sta'.et, Inettir g bondity againit the iottgnty of cur country. Dcnjarnia Panrekrr, tht ican ailionomcr, died all tbe celebrated Af- rican ailionomcr, cieu at iui ical, in uau tiatoro county, Maryland, n the 9th ult. at the advanced an? of 72 yrt. , V CUST0M410U S iT W1LM 1 N GTONr I.VTCaEB 21, Z'iiuE;:lerp'ize, Congart jVVrr.JVl 52, Rcbecct, E:drdgr Xtrbudoes 5Q puruhor.s vaii to Cautier if Co. CLr.ARtD Nox. 17, Sch'r Eetsfjlf Jane, Cottent, lla-li- r.ipt' 13. SI Hp Chtrlottt. Carlvri-Jil, Kanuktt Sih'r Lis, Arnold, JtarbuJes MICES CURRENT--rittvcr9s. Dls. Cu. Dli, Qfu BACON per 100 lbs. It 11 Cotton per lb, to 2; Ccn'cepcrlb. 30 : Corn prr btishel, 73 Maaldo. I Rice 3 Tobacco i iO Hour per barrel, net? so 7 - lltlfptf half -bawd, . 4 .. , Lumber per M. .10 W.o.hhd. iaet, 10 15 11. 0. do. do. do. It V. o. U. do. rongh 1 1 j Shintlct per 1000, t 7J I igar itr cwU t 10 hlola$-.t per ftallost 40 46 Rum, W. 1. pr. . 3d p. 75 Jamaica do. 4th p- 90 N. E. do. 55 Tar per barrel, I S$ . Turjienline, I Tl , TIIE Officers commanding Companiea compoliri the New. Hanover Regi- 4 km 1 : . : a 1 t ment 01 ivimua, are ncreuy required ro appear at Wilmington on Thurfday the X bin dav ot L;ecemberr.ex, torether witli their rtfptflive Companies, armed and e- quipped agreeable to-law, tfn the ufua Parade U round, there tortneu and under arms by tleven o'clock in the forenoon. And tht whole or the acting Commtfli onedOnicers art further required toappear at the court houfe in Wilmington, agreea. blcto law', on the day preceding the above, at the hour s fort laid, to receive ir.flrudlio.t from tht jpropcr Oflicerfortht duties of tht next day. Pun&ual attendance, an4 complete returns of the different compa nies is expeled. ' The Cavalry and Artillery attached U faid Regiment willalfo parade therewith, . on the firft mentioned day. . By order, SAMUEL BLUDWORTIf,, iJl MajerN. H, R. Af. Nor. 24. aaawaaBvMMSMaMaSHSt BHMBaaaaMaaaMatK Under the hammer ' 'tmr -a i f T 9 ww . - a WILJj oe 101U litis morningai eirvent o'clock, on te fubferibers' vvl.arf. Fifty Puncheons Rum, imported in the Ship R .ccca, Capt. EUrufgr, cn the fol- owing credits, viz. alliums not exceed ing 150 dollars at 60 days, over ihat and not exceeding 250 dllar 6c and nodays, and if above aco dtilars 60, 120 and 189 dav, in equal proportions. Notes i.c'otiale at the Bank of Cape. Fa.ir widi n approved ir.durfer, will ba reonired.. - GAUT1ER&CO. Nov. ic. For Sale On a credit of C, 9 and 1 2 months. irifA appravd Xttut ntgocicble at the Dank J' Cap-Teur) , Nineteen Lots' Bounded by Trinccd-fbier and Tli'rd an! . rourtli-lf recti. A.fo fundry Lotsadioin- ing Richard Ltrgdon's and tht Ckurck- YarJ. Ont Lot on Fiont-flieet. aJjoinlnc T Fitigctald's. - , i wo hundred ana twenty acres Land on Lotkwood'a Folly in Hrunfwic k county . Appiyto jutirt mak 1 N, BliN. BLANF.Y. LTil. JANE EWINS. Nov. 25 , tr The Rev. Amaziah Biiggs preach at the Mcthotlist inert' ing 'house in this Town cn the Cth and th of J)eccbcr next. November 25. Samuel Parmcle, Ttm KMniVKK, RF.SPECTTULLV inforroi tht In tsbitanucf Witroietton and iu vl cinuyi iVat he kit lattly comrneoitJ tht CJMNtT UUS IK CSS, at tit touftcf lames Rkhsrd. whtrt ht will furotv hit cn (Wert at the fLoittd notict itd laiht Bcsttd msnncr Orders from lU CCUfttry Hill ht f if,! culsily attendei to, Neteroler 34.'. tf John Parmcle, Frm N Lir.TO RKt RESPECTFULLY in'om.s the Inf.a; bitants of Wilmington ititrini'v. ths re has lately commenced the BLACK SMITH'S USL5iS in all its various hraothts, at his (hep tn Peter Carpe nter'a Wharf, and ras lor laic on more rtalon- ab!t terms than can bt bought in town, Aissof all files, made by his own ItaMa and warranted rood All other kinds nf Iron Work made in the nested manner and at tht Giomft notice. h'tvtmbtr 24. , Notice is hereby given, TU AT the ftibfcriaer, at the lift count Court Kdd tor tht county of New- HsnOvtr, was appointed and qualified as Admiotflrator (with tbe Will inreied) of I faacBahlwio, lately dsccsfcJ, , He there fort rsqiiiret all ptrfont Ksvirs; demanJs sgainrt ike F.fltte of faid BalJwin, to pre ftnt thctn legally sittfled within the time limited by an ACL of tht General A tomb!; f Ncrth'Cs'olins, entitled 'Ao Art to amend an lQ entitled an AH concetiirg provirg cf wills and grantirg letters et s!mloillriiion, ltd to pitvent frauds In V mnar,nnl tf Inl.ft.'a.' fli. ether ife 1 he 7 willbebsrrcdcf recovery. Triofc indebttd art itautOeJ tt tnakt im mtJiatt ratmtnt. VVILLIAM DICK, .Wf. Witjilr itop, Nut. tj.