Wilmington, 2iJX'tnber Qt 180$. (j THE subscriber (in consequence 01 tneir u Jl late importations from, NewDury-jt'on, Boston and New-Yorlt,) offer for sale, whole sale and retail - - ' i-- Tr.:i noons jparticularly adapted to the present and ap proaching season Their aYsortmenfof- SHIP CHANDLERY i i nr.rl . fnnctint tunnlv mav be depended upon, wUh a liberal credit to those who may hare occasion equip "Ei ther by an indemnification here, or any part of the continent. , M V: Also, having established a regular Packet, to. ply between Newbury-Port, Boston! and this nlace, they will eenerallf hare for sale almost every article furnished by the Eastern States ; among many others now nana, are N. E. Rum by the barrel or punchr - Pota toes, Onions and Beats in barrels, Kj-nitore, White Rope, White Pine Boards, Oil, Paint, Sole Leather, Shaes and Boots, Cotton lied Ticking, Tow Lipen &c. with a considerable quantity Sweed's & sable bar Iron, German Oznaburgs arid Ticklingburgs, Cotton lias- jmg, Sec. Every description 6f produce will be taken in payment, more particularly Totacco, Cot ton, Bees Wax, Tallow ana 1 ar. Cash may be bad for a few hundred Bear Skins. - - Liberal freight will be given fof 300 tons aVipping ts load for Barbadoes. CAUTIER U CO. John Scotti Has received by the Ute'arrivils from tfeiv Tork, the following Articles, which he vixll ' sell on the mdsl reasonable ttrnu for Cash or Produce . . ' ' SUPERFINE, Ucond tc elaftic Cloths, Cafimeres, patent Cord and faitin - Cloth, WaiUcoatings fwitable to the fcalori, Frfre, Fcaruaut;hr, Coatings, Bocking, Knapt Plains Kerfeys and KcnJal Cot- tons, . Rofe Blankets 7-4, 8.4 and 9 4,, Duflil ditto 6-4, 7-4ajid 8-4, Kngs, . A handfome aflortment of plain U work'd Muflim, IMufliii Handkerchiefs and Cap Patterns, Cotton and linen Carohrick, CatlicocJ,' Corded and diamond Dimities, ' Cambr'.ck " .': do. Cotton Shirtintr. .... . . pf Thread and cotton Lace and Edging, s-otton rooting . Do. - Girdles and Trlming, Furniture Ftlnge and Lace, A variety of Ribbon?, , Flat and round flu it Button?, Dc do. Bobbin. JLong LtWn, L'neni f a very fine quality, Infh and RuITu Sheeting, Diaper, Do. Table Cloths 6.4, 8-48 by 10.4, Bed Tirkii'K, STOCKINGS-Men, boys' and chil dren's wotltcd, Men' and men's cotton and Oik, GLOVKS-Mcn'i whito ic coloied fi!k, beaver and white kid, Women's black and white picnic Glovts and Mitts, Do: long white, black and colored (ilk Glure, Do. Inert do. do. do., Dj. long beaver and white kid do. yafhioi able Rold Ear Hoops, GoU I!ftaa Yr, Lrng and btaid turtle (hell Combs, hadies' Morocco Pocket Cooks U Putfci, Cotton Purfci, Pafhionabx filk Watch Chains, Silver Tooth Picks and Pencil Cafcr, Smeliing Bo'tlci, Conk Shell Sleeve Bottom, Men's, women's and children's Shocr, Women's ai.d children's Bonnet t, A very general alforttnent ot Hard W4ff, Vo. urovcnci, and a vatictv of other ar tides. 1 lie has received a conlignment of French Uiaudjr, II; Ion lea, and Negro Shocr, thai he will fell low for notes at 90 cjjs payiblat the Bank of Cine. Fear. Wiimitijltn, Qabtr 31 if NOTICE. ' - ALL firftns inJsbteJ to iv ala'e of Maiy Miic deceafer art hcrsby if'uHcd to snake immediate paymsnt, andthoft to vtl.o.Tt the faidtflan Is in dcbttJ art required t$ frefrnt ll.eir ac count! prvpeily aiuflsJ within the tim liroiied br law, oilutwifs tbty will bg debarred f leeovttv, RICHARD LANCDON, Zt'u Navembcr 17. if ALL peifvns indebted to tU ksSste of Buiiir Afhford, deceafed, archere lj ttquef.cJ to make immediate piyme n and thoUto whom. the fid Eftaie il to dcbt4 ai required to prefent their ac counti rrfeilf aiuftsd within the t!m; limited by Uw't otherwife they ill be barred of tcvtry, SaraliAfiiiord, Tix'x; Bank of Cape-Fear. NOTICE,? hereby given, that from and after the twenty-fitth day of Jan uary nexr, Offring day will be on Morw day, and Dif count day on Wedncfday, in each "week. . . By Order of the Director?, JOSHUA POTTS, Cajb'ur. ; ' November 18. . -James Perin IN FORMS hi old Friends and Cufto . mers, that he has taken a (hop in Front Streef,' where he carries oh the Saddle and Harness Making busi ness tn all its various branches ; He bat new on bA$d Undjor Stle,' Men's and Women's Saddles, tf the firft quality, Harness, platsd and common,. - Alio, A handjtmt ofortment ef'TRUNKS, rrijlPS, &e.al of which he will fell cheap ftrCith. Nevemhr iB.ff. Sheriff's Sale. N the lOtli day of December next, will sold at .the Court-IIouse in Wil mington, a tract of Land with tht- Improve ments thereon (Sloop-Point,) to satisfy sun dry executions, vs. Daniel .M'Clammy. re turnable to January Court .There is a good house with put houses therein, and tin land is of an excellent quality. A further descrip tion is unnecessary as it is will kntwn. Not. 18. Wm. NUTT, Sh'ff. Town Taxes. THE Town Comrnillioners being pref fing for the Town Taxes, notice -t is nereby gitn, that I am rea.y to receive .1.- r. . . iwr--- r . r n ' uic imncj a my v'cc in r nnceis-11 reel, r and call upon all concerned t t.kc no- I Wm. Nutt, Sh'ff. 1 November 18. . POU SALE A VALUABLE Plantation on the North Eaft River, adjoining South W'iihington, containing fix hundied and forty aefs, one hundred of which is un der goodfence, the whole adopted to the -culture cf Corn, Cotton ancji Rice. There areor. thepremifrsa tolerable good Dwel ling Houfs and convenient out houfes. . for terjns apply to the fubferiber in So. Wafliir.iton 5 '' ! ' ' X.:'U Blood wortli. Not. it. tf. A. HALL keeps constantly on hand, at the' Prinling-onicc, A large Collection of BOOKS, Among which arc School Cooks ef almost every kind. JLSO, stationary, B consisting of LANK BOOKS assorted, 1 hick 1 tm r cuo, Thin ditto, Qunrto Post, Gilt etV.e I 'olscap, SPAPER, f Jain dc, do. , Tot, MaibK lllpTi'tr.'- k Wraf ?v Ink Pty!ef sin! Quil! . nl the Lest quality, lied ni.d Black Sc-lii-V, n snd Wafcri. l.eaa I'rrrusoi v-rn,t. kin'.s i , Cyplierir.R and Cnpy I'c ks nu Copy Slips, Blanks tit kinds in cimn on use. . i.urrii. CCi Wanted an Apprentice to the Priming business. Inquire at this Omcc. Nathaniel Dana, . . IV A TCII-MARER . RESP1.CT FULLY acquaints the inhsU. ttnU of Wilmington k its vicinity, thst be has taken the shop adjoining Mr. Jscflb H irtmsn'i, at the corner of Front ajid Dock Streets, , Where he hit fir !t, Warrsnted Watches uh atul without Se cond fnnU, Gold Seals Keys and Chnint, F.ar Drops, Ureat Pins, Combs t,f newest fashions Pocket Hooks with Instruments, Pistol, PUitd Candlesticks, Silnr Thim Lira, Silk Purses, Ilrscelcts, lc. N. ft. Clocks, Watches, and CompsssM repaired in the best Msnncr. Cold snd Sil versmith's work done with Hdchty and iit pstrh. Wilmington, "Nov. 4, tf. CAMPIICI.L, Watch i ClockMakerci Jeweler. T'X L'inrnTLIM I w - Kcji cu i ruLb I acquaints H in- habitant! of Wilmlrg'n and itsi. I cinitf, thst he lately removed to the brick J rour loimetly occupied by Mr. John WiU llami, merchant, 'where he hsi for fa!e a neatalTorimentof OolJfc Silver Watches, Jtwrlif, Ut, alfo continues at n(us' I rrpair Gold U Silver Watcl.ei, Clwki U Jewilry, Krpairi cm Watcbei arc injur fd Jtr tm jtutf 1 on Clocks fur u Jtiri. N'vcmtcr to tf Wholesale Store. H Tht subscribers are now'opening andl offer fr soft 'bj the Package or less quantiijt ' - .. Avery largej and general Assortment of Dry Goods, Hard Ware, Hats, &c, I Consisting of "V1EGRO Cloths of various kinds, Blank- Jblt ets, Coatings, Flannels, Broad Cloths, Cassims, YeWerets, Thicksets, Threads, Muslins," Durante, Linens, Dimities, Caii-N mancoes, Itiboons, Shawls, HandkerchiefsT " cotton woolen and worsted Stockinsrs, Crapes, ft Edgings, Modes,5 Sattins, Gloves of all kinds, Bedticks, Oznaburgs, Swansdowns, Cardi nals, Callicoes, Checks, Nails, Locks, Hinges, Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Guns, Pistols, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Penknives, Scis sors, Razors, finishes of lluids, mill, cross cut and Handsaws, Files and Rasps, Bridle Bitts and Stirrups of all kinds, Plated and tin ned Saddles, Carpenter's Tools, Shot, Sad. Irons, Scythes and Sickles,' Pins, Buttons,: Paintsand Window Glass, English Gun Pow der, Men's. Women's and Children' Hats ' with a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. They have also in addition to their Stock already on hnnci, imported in the ship Danube justanwd from Liverpool, and which in a few days will be landed, 120 Casl fine drawn English Nails. 7 cases Guns well aisoi ted, Pistols of various kinds, 10 caks' l!oeva iind a very general assort ment of Hard Vfare. . Giles 2c Burgwin. Wilmington, Sept. 26. . TO BE SOLDlotv ftr Cap) or ieung Nerces, ' 1300 acres of Land about 30 miles iDKVeajmteville-on the ror'h-caft liic "of the titer, a hlh pk-nfjr.t fin'iat ion. on which are good Sprit es, and a.Grifl Mill on an exce.l.'nt .'It ream, a ood !f-tin Houft andcunvenient out Ipufes. Thfre is operand enough to work ten or twelve tafk Hands." It points, about ore mile and an half on the river. The low Und infe rior to rone on the river the high land Veil adapted to the culture ot wheat and tobicco. For terms apply to" . , SAMUEL NORTH INGTON. November 10. tf Tbi Jubf'cribtr is ntw opening at bis Sure r.txt tfitr xvtjl tf Mr. fthn CsihtrJu'st in Market Sitter, -t V t A general Ailortment of Boots and Shoes, -. Athtnf which art . . . Ladies' Isce pattern Knlilli kid Slippers, Coloiirec and plain American do. Bert bUck and coloured Morocco do. with ar-.d wiihctit heels, . Do. J-. Mfith cot'k. fold, fuitable for wet weatlier, c. kc. SAMUEL METCALP. Nwevler to. Bill & Rankin, haii pus RFSPEC1 r ULLY inform tbe labs. L'l..nn of Wilmington and its vicin i i v , th: tlicyhavr jutt arrived from New. Yi ik wiih an Ailortment of th? moll fsfli." inj:lc Hats, that could be procured, eoiifillut ot Heaven, Cattori, Felt Hats, o.c. T)ey sv tsken part of the ftort occu-. pied by Mr. Jimei Perin, faddler, where they iU difvfe of the fame at the New. Yoik Trices. .. , H. It, Mm neatly dreflcrl. VViimingon, November to. tf mOPOSALS WILL be received at the Collector's Of . , .fcce in Wi'rtinRton, until the 1 3th day. of December tiext, for the building f a Vessel or iichoontr, intended as Kcvenue Cutter, of the fallowing dimensions, viz ltDgth of Keel forty three feet strait rabbit, Irnjthaf Ilesm seventeen feet, depth ofJli.U six fed; tA- Timbers to be composed of Lie Oak and Cedsr only, well naanncd Ycl!os f ine Plank clean of Sap, one and three quarter inches thick, for bottom, cielini and lec.k solid Water Wrs of Yellow Pine, together with qqJ tnj tiiOTicleBt Masts, Yard and Spars necessary for such a Ves sel ; ty be Curd for carrying sit Guns In the waist, and all tLc irtin workc&mpicat. Her Uoitom to be Coppered, the Copper, cnm position Uoh sand Nails for tht same, In N found ft the builder, and delivered at Wil tninptoa. whole to be f.n'shed In a workman- like manner, Ike tiding rf the Cabin except ed and to be delivered at Wilmington a t.rceal!f to contract. Security tor the faith ful performance will be requirtd For further f afllrujars enquire at the Col lector's Office; The Eatintatit U te scat la scaled up. Ntivber 10. ., FnrSale' HOUSES6-LOTS. for raiticutati applr eiihtr to the Lot ftt JOiiNllILiV, P. S. CANU, W A T C H-M A KE R, INFORMS (he public thar he repairs Pis tols, Swords and Guns in so complete a manner as to render them equally as good as when they came put of the hands of the ma. nufucturer. Wilmington, Nov A, tf - : Notice. ALL persohl' indebted to the estate PriscillaSilllate of New-Jlanover Coun ty, deceased, , arc. requested .to rniVe pay- ; went, and those bavhig demands against the . said estate are hereby notified to prestnt their ' accounts properly attested to te "suMertbeT, within the period prcscfibed -by law, other-! wise thex will be barred of reoovery. f THOMAS CO WAN, Adw'r. Wilmington; Nov. 4, 1606. tf. ; THE subscribers rtspectfu'lly inform the Inhnbitams of Wilmington and its vi cinity, that they Jiave opened a Shop adjoin-' ing Mr. Cprsry'i; where they intend: carrying on the TaTloring Business, and will be thank fc.t for their Custom. . . Those who may think proper to enip!ny . them rriBT be SioreH thit in-ii- work ii! fea donewilb ntne thegreiiest rtsp?tc?i, and. in the latl 'fahliio'ns. P. II. SJrtiT m. ov.. ' tf. J. COLLINS. 20 . Dollars Reward' RAN away from the f.jbfcri'ser about the firll of Jurifla a retto waman name j i A Jiie Jo well Known li;Llt, Jiic Jo wen Known that a psrtinvvir defcriptiort ir 5e w.48 for ;-cri t! c pro- in i his p are that is tinned: fl'41 y- pcrty of George' Mrtrick, Llq. which in- ilucts me to think lite may he lurkijig- a bout his f laniaticn on the Sjunrf.-I will pay the above reward anij all reafonahh charger for ihe dclive'yof fald ncro wT ine lit VV ilnnrgtcn. U Mitchell. Wilmir Not. A. Proclamation ot Outlawry. State of Nn tli-Cnro'iin" ) , Ntw-IIanoer County. ) BY Hanson Kelly k Samuel Bloodrorth, requires two ot the Justices tf the Peace ot' the said County. Whereas complaint Im'.h been this lay mtideto us, by P.. Mitchdlof the s?.id comity, that a certain Ncio Slave beli-r'in? to him, named Raehai-I, Imtb absented hersrlf tro;a her sflid master's service, and is Unking bout in the County, committing many acts, of f,lony. - .'these are tliereFore, in.tl-e nirre of the sta'.e, to command, the said s!ve H.ici I for'.Lwith lo surrender herself nr! uturn home to her saiJ master. Ami we c'.ohcicby also require the ih r.h'of ani count) t f New-Hnnovrr, to make rlii tnt seuith si'l pursuit after the above mentiund nljve, aud her Bsavtiiij found, to a;.prehciut and secure, so that she may be conveyed tn ler said mas ter, or olhrrwi-e discharc-a as law di rects. And she said Sheriff is hereby em powered to raise tc take wiili hin hkIi jvver of his county at he stUil think fr. f'r orpre bending the said slave. And ve uo I rrihy uy Tiitueol an Actol AsemLiy ct H i concernius; servants and slaves, ir.'iu.ate ,-r.d declare, if die said slave Rachact t!ocs r.ot sur render herself and return home, iniined.ikie'y after tho publication iS th'.se picsei 's, that any personmay kill and destroy the j iid stave, by such means as h or they may think fit, without accuaation or impeachment r.f any crime or eHVnce for so tl'iing. or without in cwring any penalty or lorfcihtre thereby. a .. a t a. i . . uivcn unoerotir nanos ancj seais tnit utrs day of October 1806, and in the 31st year of the independence of the said state HANSON KF.LLY, (Seal) 9AMUEL,VM)ODYORTH, (?cl) . Tea Dollars He ward. T AU twsv from the fubferiber on tl e. XV I lib of May, a rtPto man nar tl JOHN, about thirty years ct ig", hve leet ftxor feven Inches hich, yeifow com plected, mirkrd with trie (mall pcx, nmrt a little (though hstdlr rercrisshle,) ev calioncd by hs thigh being hicken sr f oung, fpesks French, wkich it Mi name aruage and froka the Erglifh larguage tolerable plain, has rather adownlork- took with ItitYl an oZnahtiifcS fhiri and irowfcis with a number if other cfothei. He wsa (topped on the road leading ta Far ctteville, tut nude his efcape, leaving all his clothes except thefc he had nn -t it furpnfed ht intends fjr Wihnl.gton, where he will endeavor in go on bnar-f fame vcflel as t failor, wlith huCrefa lie bit followed and perhaps un 'tr(Un!i. TIm ahevi reward and all charges wMl be paid for having him fectirrd In any jsl the flate, to Fifiv Dollait and all rra lonable chsrfes will be paid for living Mru rVlivetcd fio fubferiber, living in Sfirrdiborougr1, Anfr-n Cmmtf. AU mafleti vf vtlTcls tie cimiored i ralnft receiving or tmyloylng hiiri qs U.ard their vedelt, at tht; m$j hate t aoUei tonCtqucr.tn. Wm. JOHNSON. Snstdilcroujri, May 34, i to4S 43