. v i 1f Published every Tuesday, by AlLmaicO Hall, at Three iDpllari i Ycar payable in advance, or Four Dollars if not paid whhin a Ydar. Number 5 19. J r , Wilmington; - ' 10th Yak - - ' - . . . . THE WILMINGTON GAZETTE : Extracts from London Papers ... ..SentRmhee SO. . . : ' . The report current in Holland, that Frances ,hhu ucinru war xgunii rrussia, i..kvv -, in letter from other parts, but is believed to rr have originated ia the circumstance bf; the Prussian, Aanbaisador having quilted the Hague. ; General K.nqbelsdor(f ia at Paris. A letter received yesterday frcra the Haguej datedjthe l.Stb, taya; Tbit moment it is re- iart(l. tht I7lin Ppii;inu l.vi.' fTfffflifl .1 1 1 ! . tfl . - I. taiiiriifl 3000 . Bavarians on thV brderi of Sixowjr -and a amoft'oT'tr-ft'cegainft Prussia ia. hourly expected.' ' -. . i. An opening i stated to ht ve been made for the adornment otthe differences Between this' ajountry and Prussia. If Pruuia be really 'determined to hrow off the yoke of France, trhe mar be sure that this cuuiitry vnll feel e- J If tJhe' treaty .'between' Russia.' and France rl bean arrand between two i'rench, nego oialors, without the intervention of'-ihy nego-. wiatioti on the part of Ruinia, it could not Bave bee: more fuvorabls t'T France, or less lonorb!t or advantageous o Russia. Rus sia in fait vras to get nothing. France vras o obtain Cattaro ; bu? ;i order to evince licr $reut attachment to the Emperor Alexander," ahe wai to au'Ter the republic of Raguta to be -independent- under th protection of the Porte ! 1 .The independence of the Scve i Iil ands was to be acknowledged, and' the Rus sians were to retire to the Ionian Jslands; noi more man yrrj troops oemg to t; Kepi there, a ft;rrc too er.v&il to be of any service against th. Freriob--biir etlfVthls force -.vat ao bn withdrawn whenever BaOnrparte reem . iit necesaary. -But Baonaparte prom'ied fo remove hia troops from Germany. ! true -butnot till th? expiration of three montns, r which time hi pi an a with reaped to Ger many would all have e en complete ; and car TioJ into cxecuation. Ruaaia waa to obtain bv ihe Trenty vihat?' Vny terma for the Ktii.' of Napli? No. Any i'ndernnity for thk Kibg of Sardinia f No. Any counter- ite forthe Prttiih confederacy ? No A jty pUil, (hnt Franr'wuld top m her ca reer of ejicroachmtt" ir ..Germany ? No A.iy atipuhitiun that 5wuzsflaod" ahoaid-reV Dia.n aa it i f No'. Any 'coodition favtur. ab3 to Austria" No. She waa t obtain It ie to ue nr ood office! to put an en4 to tt-; war between PrjiaU and .Sweden and h?r '.iJ ol'iW.. to t'eitore p?ace between !n jn.ju asii Franee, Kn ;ljnd at that time nc Un-i4tin,f herself U 7io.-e oace, were to be g--cioa!y aecep-fd by hs imperial Majesty Isn-vdton '. ! Whfn we rt-d u:h a Treaty, iT 'i-tirot v;'b'Mit rtiai hsi(i'Mn th t we can jna iou ico it- to 'live btn p'rKluced by the reacfieiy or i:1 v- ;ity tl the HuMtjti Neg i ' )..' !Vr 'r ,jvtet iot,. or the ranked If .r a J lur II,' e I.,', oied that th Lin,M.ror of ttn 5 vrou. 1 "tij rtifitd flj.h 1'feit. I'ix-t'i if ?r r,it" ;t ecije .tur.f nm th- i jjc' which w i- Meat M. c' Ojbril f.w'm -ai irr.j--fMl T havir..; hi trayed hia coumry. It h-cci if i nt that Bti'J-.jartc nl M. iallcyu --.le made the ' -1 ;.-.! the p ict of te K -i'.sn C'i'el; thit the Roin Mecatcr .. acrih -i t J i'M terms pi, induci-ihe Fr n? t Oovernm' itna,-'ne tht tf e.tper.ir A Uiander wi:ij vs ?:ate, art.' f. u tnil-taenn(ff,.4-,jj'1.ifkcjnal t 'ion iih Frapre VoulJ induce the French "t.n 'r to fcpen , inniparto'i t.l'::i r viewa, "th Aah ret. ffcet tft A'.!r!4, Turk 5 snj ?ruiid. A4 ' lhi ijectura W w ili'.rengt .irtdhy IHa rircumvtancea o(M.U Oj lilltdvittg, m , Lis ratirrrt to Petenburshi mile an lmj:tant commuTf.cation tohe Ccntlff H:rt!n, which Js Ki.erally b licv-4 jo hav tcn ad lilon u ;iirU tnd ar .Uity to its mlhlary p'tpara Coti. In:rrat t activity has alotaktu pUie in the imtfrmtnts and measures of Aoi Uiao'CabincU i- , ' Sfp'emWer 3I 1Fetmnstcf EtettotS. The public mietinij, called for the pnrpftrfs f aacertaitiinthe general tntlnnnt ttip-cf. Jt the me tit, and pretcnstdnl of thoe w.i a(ire io (The honor of euceeViftg Mr. Fat ttt the representation for ViltVtinter( wit lel4 on Thursday, at the Crown and Anchof Ttvtm, in tfie strand. At Half patl II nearly 8)3 parwna vtre uembted t the (reat tocru , Mr. Wuiaat wMcs!)r4l'olhe chair, who .ftArr ratiu the ))ect.of te netting, hi! the irrcparstdc lots ikcs sinned by Mr. tftatb, en for red the nxvii ty .( coo,r 11 , man tl ttmralde charactv r and ptoer poii. hill prorif4ct to sKCed him, Mr. imtti then oTcnd hiwtcif to tlt otica of tlia rnrbn( lie said that ttia crmne would be clear bt ahon. .id trw l-d to think that Lot J Fcrcty and Mr. SbcrtJaM wrre Intlir.iMe, but ha'm fcrm cofttctf d in that o(miiIoii, he ahoultl as anon think iroppoirgthedficcndsntof the nMe Ixrl Hoti-iMt, in the command cl a arn.y, as f ppoatfir htm In the rtprtuMation fnr V'eMmimUr; With retard his hntat?e fHinJ Mr. Sheridan, he ehmdJ have no CU $uUt Intedins Ut hitm tat unlet iuf4.n Ibit ltt$ Vtrtj waa ffftry tftfV.t be ehould propoae: Lord Pcrcjr as a t'tuididate-' (Appisusts.) , .,: ; 4 ;, A.genaenian wKoiHieVefiritiind to ' bs Copkir, Kaid, that fhi object oTtTiernea ih;waa .not, only to choo's'e a fit person; but to choose ihc'tnoit fit. Of Lbrd Percf he tsiiw n9.th.Wi' but;t'n'eit Wtk ijo traits that could impress any mnn with an idcaVlha't he was the moat fit pereonr He meatit no reEec tion upon Lord Percy,. Wt he Waa an untried . -cliaracter his tarfiily lid grtt influweeiti' ?ar)iamer.t, and tie thighit haVeJiad afata't ii ariiawr.t,!sev4:re. ...Mi. Cocker thtivex b?eUdyhu cec regard fdriTr fohera . '& Had .been attaclved io for to years he aaid that out of respect for Mr. rox, he wcamteiz whom he thought the moat fit person. He should look lor him, and find him amongst those who had fought on, the side with Mr. pox Mr. Sheridam waa the man, and there fore ha should propose Mr. Sheridan. " ( Plau dits) . , . .' P.fr. SftiRiDAiir' "Gentlemen, inoflerlhg the feir sententta 1 khall addrc'aa to you in the preaent iprrance, 1 shall, I am afraid, require your inSlgence having but lately recovered frora a abort but sharp iiinesa. .Upon the one great tq'c, I'k iusv the irreparable loss of tbit e,ris.t and i'!uu'wn" character Mr. Fox, 1 shail asy but littl.e. There nut paw a long interval between the heavy .Haw and the con sicWation of te subject, to enable any .man to apeak u'fOTi it with convpolure. ( Applaust?) To say ay thing would incecd Us unTieces tar.y !:e must be atiiUiviiibelyie yotr eye,' Tisirtue riutt. be to yiur" !; srt as hU fua must lc ia oar depitir. 1 have seen in a public pnj:'sr vbat has "been stated 16 be hie last Wds. they were so " I die happy;? but lurning to the ueaital object of his affec tion, he added, 44 1 pity you .'; Gentlemen, if hi modesty would have' allowed him. he need not only have said, " I pity yoVi," but he might have added, "I pity England I pity Europe I pity human nature." lie died in the oivit ot psact -he' died in creeling and promoting the spirit of univtrsal peace. In hia b'.art, I say, he. -was hippy ! beraie he Sought to restore the tranquility of the vc "Id. Troi" thiacohaideratiqiTI pais o6ni coinT" paratively jnsitnifica ilUtoc6nideroll.s 4uetcn;ions of th'e who have the prciump- tion to succted Vim. ' 1 have bad a friendly hint conveyed to me thai I may cflVnd ti c e lector of Stafford if I off-r niyiel lor V est. minster. I a in obliged to the vi'icrs of i. ........ . . - X tor their soliniuast bull say ti.a ...erciy be a meniber for Westminster . at r.i t ao much the object of my wih as t' !.sve been chosen to succeed Mr. x. Mv constitu ents, I am sure, will feci that it is one thing to represent Westminster, and ;.nothertobe judged worthy of surcacdini Mr Fox. Ha ving alated thee iVit'C :, I hete but a word or two to ssy : I i.se followed Mr. Foxatr by step, through his whole political life, tnd in alLihosc meaiares which recommended him to your reverence and affection. It is true! have sorhetimet differed with him upon putir.uUr points, anJ there have not been wanting men who hive endeavoured to agjjra- sle tl.otr diffrrc nces. But hia noble nature rH' !f1reJ any suspicion to enter his It; te k:n w rr.e well, and knew that iTI diT-f-.l v;t ,w rrt from piinriple . a 0 j tie i.'-ttpriae ri nty ii! i jlorv t th;e in ht I i eti-um)i! j.-.m nontr, anu in i:t tr. ;. ;isn ifl "7 vr.3.?-i 1ut kine or govinsncbU rvjlJ beil-jw (p'4vHu)i and, K'n lrmrn, hid 1 1 pas my life itr aeain, I ih-.iild at'.H hate iHojf(h. U more honcraMtjhae liaicd in t'nat hi!on. than to have bera the most riccf '.ful instinct of servili'y to have beffi 'v.-Ud wnh t'rtlo, covtred wt.h dittinctioni, u ' t l a lie rn h-ft.perf 4 wealth ibu'H'l uf Hr"Jc cltht pople, (Lwdabfi4un)Jmj -naieus with ia, thai while tbi corpie-Mirrevarcd fnen-' lies u a. h-jried. not a ihi.it, heu!d be dona to -ronr I discord. If the rrr.f.dy shM'U be in y now retit'ng, this ohjeturo miM be mdt!-it iiir,u( b said, aa hasbeen vrry atf dalously ob..rvkd, thtl re ired be cu I a afraid cfriikingth- fis c f my ff.ciil hutk,? Gentlr. t i, I hou'd hire thnugh: my lift vtj'.d hive hcn a sufTicieat anwcr to tgch a rliirte. p.:f j ."t !r expects fnd in tnt a itr ! v.u r-y r' c ah! eer lain att! r ttt t n'H'uter. Itv. iU !.Jnt?f ufftf.emf . , r,t i", mrallh, it i re! in hrrnnta. it Is M in h'.'. Uh $ tui it is In the tf ittd. r itioltrt. r."lr iM here ' minittrt I the jiiiWe 'o say, that ihctc is not one of them ho will frfl inrd la f btike or crrmie try cordwet If I lute U, cd in offerirg myielf earlier in your ni'itc. I cannot Umrtt it (r whil! Lreath r;"jv?rtd on thoat lips I shoulJ livt fflt it wnbco. rning in rat to hate ttprtitf d i wiiK ir it aire tote hit iu,cft)r. p.ut now, gtt.ttt mtn, 1 crtn to wh I feel an un: leassnt panof tl itihnrt addi j eu. rtimcif. thil notw.tl.'tint'ir.j what I late taid. k no'wi'h.tandipj te ruarrr wl irh m hate dart fTt the hanr tt litttrofg to ire, I mM ftfl my stlf ufer if f pt tnhy of rttitin ffora th"ictit (Out rf K t Tr.rriwatln frleral.tpr !' vrt iL adtaotin, ttit while litlr. It wfttidercd r ih tr.o at Mr. Tcs t kiod cf Ut?-rhsrk, ted j his principle! as a gtiidefor our conduct; after hia death. Yet there is a duty incumbent up on me, I meati desire toconsider what would have been the wish of that illustrious person, wereitpoasible for him to view what is going on at t hia moment. I am sure titat if such a b. ject could have come Across hirn, on hia death bed, that any friend of his should start a candi-' date for hia situation, he would have wished him,rather thaarisk a pretence for a division a jnong hia-. colleagues, to decline the contest "t he would have implored that friend to make . asacrifice. Mr. SHcridan eoocudcdby.eayin(g, lhathft saw no" other mode of avoiding discord that lo unite in supporting Lord Percy Mr. Sheri-' t'an'a speech was loudly appluudjd. -' Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Graham complain ed,' that the chairman acted rather at the ad-. vacate and friend of Lord Percy, than as an impartial chairman.. After a good deal of noise in the room, ia tVe course ol which there were considerable iudications of tumult, a resolution was moved ' by Mr. Gibbons, that the Bitetingdo now ad-' journ. This was cuiicd unanimously on ao understanding that it was adjourned till next Fj-idyt in order that a committee might prepare, in, the mean time, a requisition in a moie regular manner, mentioning, specifi cally, the name of the proposed candidate. - ' September 25. Yesterdav, about noon, hia majesty came to ;he queci ' palace soon after which he gv-' audiences to the hon. 1 homas Grenviile (v. ho resigned his office of president of the ho&l'd of controul l furl SnfTirT. the urri-ti. r of state for the home depaanient (who delivered to his majesty the seals i.eld by the late right honorable Churles Jrnts Fox.) Via eounlHowick hud then- an audience of hia majesty, and roigiv d his otiice of Crat IajiI of fhe admiralty, when his o,jcty was plea sed to appoint him his princuj il ccrttary of state fji foreign affairs, on't i'elivekd to him the leal of jfhre accordingly. Vjitour,t SiJ. mouth hn.r an audience oi ' it rus'city, and, weunderiUnd,reikiied tt.c irivy seal, which itn neiventf toru itojicrv- The fjljowina: hal.t of beintr ttc. ten'ed to' i ntdjesiv t ,. Viscount Hov.irk wjwu beinjr n-.ir.ted' pri: eipal secretai y of the a': f I it st, nf. fairs, i-i the room of the rj'.i hotio-allo ! X'ha.les James r'wy, deteastu. t i. - i v r h Thehon. F. Grenv.llc, wiuii h'u maiestr was pleaded to declare him Ai t ! r t ofthe ad miralty, in the room of Vijcouit llowick, rcainrd. The hon. major Dmd. of th Scth rejrU went, who brought t'u-diipatchta fthe cap ture of P'ifnot Ayrai, upon hi airital in England. Mr. Elliot, trcVrimy to hit grace the duke tf Bedford, the !-l heut. of Ireland, upoa bit return to England. Hy Mr. Windba-n. Msjor-Reiieral Sir George Pretost, upon Lis bciig appointed to a battalion of the coth rRirricnt. . ' The re'?t:a'i -m ui Fitrwilliaro, at pretident vt the covi.ci! ni. kn'wti. ' nut offitially After the levef hia majesty held a privy C urril, at wh'chwe understand his mviesty ' was pleaed ta command ait order to the lord ehanreUor, ta further prormie the pailia moot iron the 9th of October, to the 3th cf the same ibtnUi. October 6. The I endow Gitatte of Satnrdiy, from which we lave made cttracts, cenvcyt the tfacial dctatla of-the capture-of- the five French frifattt, which we announced upon that, day, and which apptan ta be of ike ut most f onarquance at tint vnritnt. The four fnjft'rt captured hf the Hothefort Squadn,n, tinder Sir Samuel Hcd, art of the very first order t( vctaalt of that tixr, all new or re certly built, well found, Urge and rvm?, and r ah villi ed to be ear.V-vt in the P.ritish Navy at thia motne t. On h ird of the iimIs, and of the inpt'e and corttttts cf thettrae Sqtisdron .icl esrarxd (we ttusi nM finally), wire upwards of 3Xn ttfopt. jj Of their dfttinstionwt cannot tprak positive J It. If t uircnoi Arret tr to i. Uummfo, the liniitMt frohable point n tier, thtr capture It cf the greatest lr. portance. In the former cair, they iti'ifht, perhipt. o. j tn the Northern tide cf the lliver I-a Tlata, I ar.d thcrt Vy cp poa a attiuus insist If to ruf f nttirr.sU ettsMishractit and tucceti In that Colony t ard if the latter, the lesser cf ihe Wcst-lndia'talande vntr.kt have Un harvat i I 1 ltd, and become e vnjen ct their uraiira nrtdatioo. tucS a ( ret at they cariled whatever wtrt the KWtrf Bunnapartaa mwt I avt been forrnHlable, ad itt atmihila tinn at thit moment ii proportional? f ratify- ir.jr. The Vfiira, cf 44 fupt, riptured crT Ptl1U y Sir T. Lovts't sqvadrtm, it a rr 'markshly Km vstl and wvU-fttv'cd hnprt art eMrttalned, that her r tta r, cf 10 gnnttthe Sth,U, f at, and a tl p of war. rtny also he fallen In with, aa4 f f cur captmed, fcy ih litre Sqnadten. The fit i&t tltttirg (er L'OrUnt, a4 had parjad company on thfc 20th of August gale .of wind, fiora the above namad skipa. .. The Squadron under Sir Samuel Hood Consisted f the Mars Monarch, Petjpiiinutt Centaur (flag thip), Jtnritgt, Windsor Cuttle, and AchilUiVl, of th Iiner with aotne frigates. It will be seen, that the rction, AThich vvas vigorously contestfc?, was sbppbrtad : by the Centaur and Jfimarch alone on otir aide. Tl Mars vrat engaged in a separate chase j the ptbera could not get up.' r , The force under Sir T. Louil consists pf the Canobki. RtjnJuu Gmtes. (.'attain. iTlt 'n4-7ri; ahip-a' of the line,. jOfiicar in tfte British Ntvy liindrc looked up to than Sir S. Hood". I!iservicj( at Toulon, Abou v kir, akd Alg'ira., Suring the late waf; aro too well Vttuwn to be parucihi-jzed.-' In the present, he has already distinguished him-a-ll,. in conjunction .wi h Cer.era! Greenfield, in the capture of the Dutch Colonics of Ber b!ceDcmerara, and Surinam. ' The eoincidtnee is net unworthy of re mark, that Lord Grenviile as First Lord of the Treasury,-and hit elder brother, Mr. Grenviile, as First Lord of; the Adn .ty, are at present In preciey sitnilr.r s;.ut;or.s wiih those which their Cousins filled so -ta vears ajo, i. Mr. Pitt, as head of ti. Treasttry.and hit cider brother, the F.avl of Chatham,. at. htad of the Admiralty. With respect to Peer and Commoner, however, the case is reversed ; for, in the instance of the Pitta, the former was the Marina, the lat ' ter Finance 'Minister , A letter from Dover atatet, that towsrdt the latter end of Inst week, part of the ene my's caiwp at Boulogne bioke up. Two or three thoiisand men were seen marching, by ourcru'iKera, towards the interior, fur the pur pose, ns thty supposed, of procee(iir.5 to the Grand Army ia Germany, . Wa are inclined . to think they are rather intended for the pro tection of Holland. COERL1TZ, September iS. -Extract of a Private Let'cr to a Mer chant in London. lt,; - Wer ire- very uneafy' in th'ttlquarter ,;rthie onprojch of wrar tetireen Tranca aod tl kiojr of PrufHi. Tho latter aa in concert with Hclfi, Saxony, Swedeni ard DanmatV, rbofe lorcea will be join. cJ to hit. V e are prepared hera for the march of one hundred thou fa nd RufTiaua iroli tvii country, and for thefe three weakt f' A nehave had i ro(tn rrgimtnta ma.-e' ;r g through the tow, crcry day jvho ere in loch fpiritt, anJ t ant wahr fr'h artlour to ar.itV ff. Moonrparte, l it is a jpletfjre to hear the men tafk fo cor,?!! sre they of beating him. Win 'f ili inhtbittnrs ) x mo.s tr iegret !, the efffTire tlcjrr!?rt tf the (iiceiTarita of Hi, v. liich will be (In iri e vtl able fonfrqenco of the palfigc rf Co large an army : indeed j ifiona have al ready axperienced a cutifiderable .i;c eve ly day. Nevenl.e'efi rt all pny Heaven to rtorler fiurrfsfnl the underuking: of iha King of Piuffia ; rd may he be hap py enough to recover that chara6r wr ick be tainifheJ a year ago. The alani.i. gj aod ur.jut!inabl fieri foUowei by Buana parte have at length opened the urardoiu burgh Monarch'a evei ; may he be now nab!ed to fat bound to that Hid Min'i encroachmcnti, tbat the' vtorl i may ar Jscgth obtain tko invaluable bletftog of Peace. Year country hai prt yUli Woithy of thit grand contaQ, it.d will, I am furt, aot abate any thing of that vio reut rcliujnce vhuh fptiogv, no merely from laticd or conteatpr, but fi. tn tha f par it of juflico, and the love of rmior.al Marly, anhareot in a th'ekinaC ptule. It wet with very great murtifuatiun wa learne-., ibat yuur Admiral M not fuc ccea In itUalpgihe Uiri uf Uht Iira ifcer Jeromt." v1 llANAU, Oflobr 3. Tbe Corm which bit been holering 0 ver Germany for foma lime psfl, he. cornea more and moie emlnoti cf itn. poruni rtfulti, tr.d iflTordi the moll drea ry profpefli of fucb a cnarlid betwen lU two hodile oowtri, at to be per hipi with out paraiul in iiftory. The contend irg partiei which tic advancing againR 1 0,h't uncinnmonly mimtion, lad ihe couiiec cf both ho'di a inert lor. miJible equilihtigm. The French, lei by the I'fit griiiot, eoJrr wheft binr.eri thty wtie v cloiiout in f'i minv ram f aigni, move towttdi iha frene of aftirn ile a torrent which Uth'. ic in h'Hrdr. Te PiofTiri ire anintaieJ ty ibe irmem krir.ee cf ibe clerical tipkdi ihcy it. chltvrd under 'he gttai Fiedetkk. IN PrufSn Hard ready at ill polfi'i, ard ihe Fierch hifltn from alt qir'oi io wirdi lUKcithritifropiUri of KfiacoJ rpj. to ibe laiiei pari cf JeptcTer, t cy cicfed ibe Rkjce in ctstieail faaiCvri r t I

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