; Further Notice. " , (M MANYperfoni continue to hunt and hawl away , wood let. from the lands belonging m Greenfields Rftate, notwith ftanding ' the' repeated notices forbid ling them Jt is' feriouflyiarendeirto profe-' cute offcndei Wcufie'ras far asthsJ4y; rrill admit. .' '-. " , , . Dee. 16." ' 3t ,. Cenuine Madeira Wine '' AND " Old Red Port in bottles, rorfaleby " J. FLEMING, j , December 9. THE fubferiber bgs leave to inform his friend and the pill ic io general, that lie 11 opening a general and larc al- fortroent of FaH,, Winter,'' aid Sprirg Cofils.,. Groceries and jiarilwarey which .hi will fell by Retail or Wbtilefalc on the ; Jovreft terms for cafh or county produce. v f vUADD t.'T Wilmington, Dec. 9. For Sale On a credit of 6, 9 and 12 months, ' with approved Notes negociable at the ' Bunk ' .tf Cope -Fear, -NirieteeaLots . Bounded by Princef-hrect and Third and Fourth-fireetl.; Aifo fundry Lots adjoin ing Richard La don's and the Cfcurth Yerd. One Lot on Frcnt-ftrcct, adjoining T Fitzgerald's. ' - ' i Two hundred and twenty acresLandfrn- Lckvood's Folly in Brunfaick 'county. " Apply w JOHN MARTIN. 1 EEN. BLANK Y... , EPH. JANE EWINS.. Nor. 35 ; ' caution! fTHE public arc requtfted ta guard a- JL tf3Uifl the villainy of a particular Man Mho cil's himftlf JOHN SNOW- DEN" He profeirei iVa houfe carpenter 1 t K..r. r- :. ,.t - ...mh-a. ...... - five feet 7.r 8 inches high, full featured. .ftupp fhoulJered, brown hair, and when convoriing hn a down look. He made his elopement from this place on the 7th irift. where he re Tided fur federal months back, cheating and committing frauds on his brother workman as' well as on men of other occupation and at lalt made choice .of dark Jar Uzht, to cet clear of any .clurjre, and cfcaiie punllhment. It is un certain what rout he has taken, but it is 0fMrclurcd he is eo:;e towards Favettevilie crCbaricfl on, , VVil nington, December 9, 1S06 jw. ' Bank of Cape-Fear. NOTICE is hereby given, that from and ii!;r the twenty. fifth day of Jan uary text, Ojfering xfjj will be on Mon day, and D'ijaunt w oq WcdncfJay, in each week. 'i By Order of the DirecWr, k JOSHUA POTTS, Cojlitr., : November iS. - Notice is hereby given-, THAT the fubferiber; at the lafl county Court field tor the'eounty of Ncw ' Hanover, .was appointed and qualified as ;, A(mifii'ftraor (with jhe W ill annexed) tT h Ifaac Baldwin, lately deceafed, - Tte thete. : lyfe rtqiuits sit ptuuns Mjing cmanus ' againlt the EiU'e of laid Baldwin,, to pre-. fer.t them legally aitefted wiihin the time limited by au AcT of the General Aflitmbly of Nurth-Caiolina, entitled "An Ac! to amend an Act entitled ah Acl concerning proving of wiils and granting letters of adminiUiatiopr and to prevent frauds in the management wf inteftates' etlatetj" oiheriire they will bebarred of recovery. Thofc jndebted ate icqucUtd to make uu mcd'ute paynunt. t , .. WILLIAM DICK, Adm'r. , Wilmington, Nov. 25 . . i " ; ' WMingtonyttmbeP Ip, 1806. . 'nPHH&ubscriberji 6i consequence of their I , lata importations- from Newbilry.Port, BcstQf and New-Yoik,) otter for sale, whole sale and retad - ' European and India GOODS.; particularly adapted to the present and ap" proacliiuij season. ," v , Their assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY f murfh enlarged, and a constant supply may be 'l . .t t ' I . '.It. & ' nrpenaeu upon, wnn a uuerai creuii 10 uiuhc who may have occasion to equip vessels, tir ther by an indemnification here or any part 'of -the .comment, - ..1 . Also, huvins; established a regular Packet, to ply between Newbury-Port, Boston'and . this place, they will generally haye for sale almost every article furnished by the Eastern Srates; among many others now on hand, arc N, E. Hum by the barrel or puncheon, Pota toes, Onions arid Ikatsin barrels, lui nilure, -White RoprWhttrPiri"r1inards7t)i IrPatmSf Sole Leather, Shoes snd lioo'ts, Cotton Bed Ticking, Tow Linen c. with a considerable quantity Sweed's 8c sable bar Iron, German Oznaburgs and Ticklingburgs, Cotton Bag.-feine,.&.c. ? Every description of produce will be taken in payment, more particularly iouacco, Cot ton, Bees Wax, Tallow and Tar. Cash may be had fur a few hundred Bear v N. V. RUGGLES, . "'.'No;.?, Bradley's Wharf, offers for sale ; 80 barrels of Mess No. I and No. 2, Beef .. 50 barfeUof Nt E. Rum - -rP ;i30U4frelaof lloHr- ' v ' -j Pipes and quarter casks of old L., P.' Madeira , VVine of s'trperior quality to any in this place i Quarter casks of Sherry and Lisbon ditto 5 tons of assorted Sweeds Iron 1 ton of Sheathin? Paper Barrels of Lampblack Ditto Red Ocre Also,' an Invoice of English Goods' suitable for the present season. ' Dec. 3. tf j . ' ? ',. : t Wholesale Store. s Skins. Liberal .freight will be piven for 300 tons , shipping to load for Barbadoes. CAUTIER k CO. JohnScott NOTICE. THE fuUctibcr lereby forbids all and every pcrfon arpciftjns whornfoever, from hunting with df, or gun, or lir.dig tosts on hit lards at and adjoinirg the head tf the found, anJ alfofrom fihingortsk Iftgup o) tiers thereat, under the penaltiei eflaw. P. MAXWELL, Who will (If applied to f-on rest for one or two ycjrr ; tbe Plantation 02 the fuunJ csUed Sedly Abbey. December 9. 3 : ,W$ SALE, " " A Tract of Land on the SOUND, eight miles from Town, con. tabing about pa acief, adjoining Ian Is belonging to f.Iijor Walker, and lias fdeafant t fituatfon 11 any oa the Sound lor fummer refiJence. . Poflc dioatnay be hid on the fit ft diy of Jsnuaij nut, Apptf to HICHAUD LANGP0N. November 17. if . Notice is hereby given, THAT I purpofe motifjg 10 the ftifs of Georgia, ml offer ait my Linda for fa'ev bting 1035 aercf, 3100! which Is good corn land fiutJy tcoacrci c!eir. 1, tha ted gybJ tut jjsntit c and tar Isr.d, anj convsnIe.it toTopfsd.I nlt, with teoj tnarlh fingi ia the win'tr and good futn. mcr iane in the back wJs. Taers its fi the pftmifes two good d w! in honfri, birn, kitchen, a'fo the Ttttnat ttofs foaJs occupici by Mil. King. Fur further pirtkylafs apply tv UENAJAil rilNQ, . Dittmbtf t. sr.. received fo lb late arrivals from Htvf. ' Torkx the fol!iA9ir.g Art'tchs,' which he will sell on the most reasonable terms for Cash or " Produce: , SUPERFINE, fecond cV elaQic Cloths, Cafimeici, patent Cord and fattio Cloth, . ' Waiflcnatlngs fuitable tf the fcafon, Fii7C, Fcarnankht, Coatings, P&cLirgi, Knapt Plains, Kcrryiand Kendal Cot. tons, Ri-fe Hiankets 7.4, 3-4 at.d 9 4, DuttA ditto 6-4, 7 4 and 8.4, Kugs, A handfome afLttment of plain k woik'd Muflin ilsnuketchicfs ar.d Cp Pstterm, C'uton and linen Cambrjck, Callicoci, Cordeil and diamond Dimities, Cambric k dw. Cotton Shirting, Thread and cotton Lace and Edglpgi Cotton Footing, Do. Girdles and Trimtnf, Furniture Frirgc and Lace, A variety of Ribbon, Flat and rour.d fliiit Lulled, Do. ' do. Uwbbin, Tape, Long Larr, Linen rf a very fire quality, I rift and Uuifia bliccurg, Diaper, IWTickitic. , , yrOCrUNG'-Mca'i, bo)s' anJ tlil. diet.' Will, ted, Men's ard womin'i cotton andfi'k, GLOVES-Mcn's white fcoluied H'k, beaver ami hits lid, , Women's blick and while picnic Glutei aitd Mitu, Da. InngwhiSr, black and colored A'.k 1 Gloves, Do. ibort d.i, do, do. , Dfi. )on travel and white ktd do. FaftiluwaH's v.dd Ear llcon, GoU P.ic Pitu, Iap$ an ! brail turtle liuil ComM, Laiics' Myroccu IVckn Duki k J Coitnn Poifes. Fafhlonstfc f!k Watth Chain, Sliver Toh PUki as J Pinvil Cafe, Smelling LVi'o, Conk ShtM Ut9 C ittoni. Men's, womiii's i itiUi f rs Shocr, Womtn'i ai.d chi dffn'a ikmneti, A terf get-citl altitt merit ol HsrJ Watf, Da. Giocetict, anJ a vaticif if other at tlcWi. He hsi trcrived conftgnment if Fttrth - Rrnfy, HtfnTrs, ajl NrjtoSWr, that he will hit low let nyict 4l 09 dji pay sti at the r.n: u Lire.j c.f . Fh-ii., CuAir U if Thi subscribers are now opening and ajferfor sale bj the Package or less quantity, j Avery large and general Assortment of , Dry Goods, Hard Ware,, Hats, cScc, ' "t -'.; -i f Consisting of 1 : ,:. "rV T ECRO Cloths of tardus kinds, Elank- JL ets, Coatings, Flannels, Broad (Moths, Cassunere9, .Vtlverets, Thicksets, ljireads,' Muslins, Durants, Linens, jOirr.iifcl,' Cali mancoes, Ribbons, Shawls, Hantl&raiiicfs, cotton woolen and worsted StockingsJCjcapts, Edgings, Modes, Suttins, Gloves of aU kiftids, Bedticks, Oznaburgs, SwansdownV, Cardi nal, Callicoei, Checks, Nails, Locks, Hinges, Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Guns, Pistols, Knives and Forks,, Pocket Knives, 1 Penknives, -ijcis-. son, Rumors, Brushes of U kinds, mill, cross' cut and (ilandsaws, Piles and Rasps, Bridle Bitts and Stirrups of all kinds, Plated and. ii4H ned Saddles, Carpenter's Tools, Shot, Sad I Irons, Scythes and Sickles, Fins, BuUon., Paints and Window Class, English Gun Pdw dcti Men's Women's and Children's Hats with a variety lot' other articles tou tedious to mention. - '. They have also in addition to theirSrork already on hand, imported in the ship Duiub iust arrived from Liverpool, and which in a few days will be landed, . 120 Casks fine drawn English Kails. 7 cases Guns well aborted, Pistols of various kinds, - lo casks ;Hoersuid a very general assort ment! Hard Ware. 1 Giles iY Bur gwin., Wilmington, Sept, 25. , , , A. HALL keeps constantly on, hand, at the -i Pnntaig-oUice, A large Coilecticn of BOOKS, 1 Among which are School Books' of almost every kind, , , 1 . .. , . LSOt STATIONARY, B consisting of LANlC BOOKS assorted. 1 nick, rest rono, Thin ditto, Ouarto Post. Giit edge Puoiscap, SPAPER,, Plain do. co. I Pot, Marble, j Blotting k Wrapping J , Ink Powder and Quills oi the best quality, Shining and common Sand, Red and Black Seaiing-Wnx and Wafers, Lead Pencils of various l inos, Some Charts and Stamen's Journals, Cyphering ar.d Copy lluoks and Copy Slips, Blanks of all kinds in comron in;. (n Wanted an Apprentice to the Printing business. Inquire at this Oflice. k Puifcf, roil SALE' A VAI.U -MiLL I'.atutiiin r Horth Lid KTv:r, i. James Perin IfNFOPvMS his ojd Friends and Cufto X rjaers, that he has uken a Ih op ia- Front Street, where'he carries On the Saddle' and Harness Making busi- hess vt all its various brandish' l IJriarnywTrhMndnffartiitfr en z joining iuth Wainin'on, co;.tair.ii p fix hindicdai.d futy acrci, one l undfcd ct which 11 tin. 'tr gondfer.ee, the who'c pte J to the cu'.tate Ccik, Cctfon lt d Rice. There sic on the j.fCin'u'cie tubiabie ood Dwel lirjj Iloule and convenient out houfes.- tir teim ly to lie fubfciibcr in So. T. IlHBloodwon!i; Nof. 18 sf. V- Sheritr Sale. 0f the ifth djy cf Heccmber neit, will be Sold at the t'oiut-IIuuse In Wil mington, trsct ti Land with the Improve. mentsthcrtrn(S.poiiit.) to sstufy sun. dry execution, vs. IK.Vitl M Clamu y, re turnable to Janosry Cuutt There is god houtt with out hcutcs thcrron, and the land is of an eacttlcttt tulity. A further dcscti; tiun is unntcrsiiry as it is well known. Nov. 1 e. w m. n urr, surf. Men's and Women's .Saddles, of the Rift quality, Harneffes, plated and common. WHIPS. &e.all - cf -wkieb he u ill fell cheap ftr Caffi. N member .tf. . 1 ' The fubferiber is mw opening at hjt Shre t next datrjxiffi tf Mr. ftha Letifitrd -. in Market-Street, ". A general Affortment of . Boots and Shoes, . ' Amp which ir e "Ladies' lace; pattern Englilh ki.l Slipper?, ! Befl bli'cJc and colo'u.rt'd-'Maroccp do. vrivk'-'.. anil without heels, " , Do. do. with coik foles, fu'nable for wet , weather, he. tic. :j. ' SAMUEL METGALF. ' 'November to "if -. . - r-", ... BlLL&l?ANKINi u m r.Rs, ' RESPECTF U LLY inform the Ir.li bi'snts of Wilrr.-.naum and its vicin- tv, that tr.jy nave-iuit arrive 1 irum iNew-- York with an Adoitniei.t of the mull fjiih-. icnai.e Hats, that could be pttocure ' roiiulti.-y of 3tavcr!, Ca.flois, F.clt Hatf They have tr.ker rsrt of the Hnr? oth TO UE SULD-rw ftr CtJL tr Jin. AVr, 1300 acres of Land about 30 mites move Fsjeiietille 00 the r.prhcs(l fiJe rf the titer, a h,h pleifant fimitiiin, on which are food bpriry,, and aG(il) Mill on arf cacclU ol flicim, a t,uoJ de,llrg lloufe andrcritfriisM nut llowfit. Tlvte Is in land itwgh to wik it h or llve ts(k IfarJi. It f uiutt sNtut ort mile and an ha'f i lie liver. The law land lr,ff. liut to t.ct e en i) liitt irtt I. :j H lard c!l aiptcJ to the cultuic sf what ai.d toSarco For irtrri artlf to 4 SAMUEL N0RTII1NGT0M. Xlortclcr to, if - . . . s . r - the v will Miocic t:e linC ,.t Yoik Pi'uts. i N. IJ. Hats reatly tfrdr.'. ""Wilmington, November o, r to For Sale HOUSES 6- LOTS. For particulats apply eilher ;o the Eritor JUyN HILL' CAMPBELlT " .Watch h Clock-Jtlakcr C4 Jeweler, RESPECTFULLY acquaints i-1.-1, . habitants of Wilifiiguin and in vi. . clnity, that he lately nmovrd to ha bru-Jc houfeformetly occupied by Mr. John Wil liams, merchant, where h? has for ft?e av r.eat atforttrent of Goidi: Silver Wn'ches,y jcwcliv, &c. 'a'fo coriniiePTlinWtfy repair Geld k Silver WatchcVClo.ks Jtwtlry. Rrpaits on Walchc are injur. eJ Jtr $ne jrr, and on Clod kr tv )tsn. ' -Novemb-.r ic. tl ' l S. CANUi : watch-mAke I!,.. INI'ORMS the puh'ic that he repaits ri'" tols, Swords srd Gum in j ie a manner ss to rendtr them cj illv s whrn thty came out of the li t-. ,s 01 I'm nii nu 'tc' ure r. V M;i;s.-c.5n, Nee 4. if . '- " 11 '. :vit:h. - A EL petals h.dtbtej 10 the ef!ae t f X X Makv Kfiit decfjfti', ate l eiebr - . . .. tcqiseiir.i to and thi fe to a a ctoita ate ttquuea ta pr?:rr.t connti ptepeify af.ctlcJ wii'.i.i mia; iminfiute piymnt, wl.oni the Lid cHai li in the a:-me limited bv Lv. n!hcrwif4 the will Le k'elatrel of teciveiy. RICHARD LAKGDON, EsV. Kvamher if. if Ten Dullais Ueward. RAN away ftom the fulLiiUr cn the ltihofMay, 1 r,rK irm nod JOHN, about thirty trait nf ?, f.i feet fix or fevsn Inches hi$h, ic'.Unv com p'.aclcd, maikrd with the fir a I fi'Jt, l;ttf a little (il.rtiiijii haid'y j tictiv1,! e,) i j. cafmr.cd fcy his thih ttif bn-kcu vlett yourg, fpeaia Fre t ch, which is I : rato larguie ar.d fjeaki the EngtHli br-m's io!ctibW plain, has rsihtr a liw.i !owk took with Iittra ati 'ibut Hi it sd ttowffia with a unibrf of n! tf clnthti. He wis Hopped on the toid 'cad n?u Fty. cticvilir, Lui made his sfc;r, If jvir all hit clmkii cv.'?t thefr ha t 1.! in it if fuppofed he iuicnJs (vt Wil r,l. tm,, htie he will er-dcaw.f t i' iImm I firnt vnfilai af-ih i, whifh Uf.rf) I t hss tulloweJ aJ prrhsps nn ttdj ufi TN atota tewai l and .Utl.Jfi wt.J be f aid for fuvlr;! lim ficiud m nVj j,i tithe lls'f , 1 v L'vt i'.i 'lti a fur la chstgti wi:i ttf,fjlwf hirii rfeliteud 10 (ultctVn liilig i it.wditto;h, AitiH C i ir. AU i.-.lUii wf ttllc i at? w,!(-t r ! s. gsiotl trtetvii t sinj-Vyir-j lim n I tvi-l lUtf vu-.i, li tlty buy l.jts iu anlecf the Cwi.lq.i Wu. JOHNSON. S5r-tticiot;n.My 24, isttt 432 at

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