SATURDAY NIGHT. TV BY A JOURNSYMAi MECHANIC, t NOwif and childrenrUt't 4'6r My work is done and here' the pay ; I was hard to cam, out never miaa Hops rearM the shelf, and peaceful! UU1U IV Six day Pre toil'd, aad now we meet To'share the welcome weekly treat Of toast and tea, of rest and joy, Which gain'd by labour cannot cloy. . Come, ye who form ray Jear fire side, My care, my comfort and my pride; Corns now, and let us close the night, In harmless sport! of fond delight. To nw row's dawn bring blessed peace, And eacu domestic joy 's increase, To him who honestly maintains, . Thatoourse of life which heav'n ordains. Tlween rich and poor,' the difference' what? :,: t ' v In warking or in working not. Why then on Sunday we're as gtcal As those who own a vast estate. For, on to-morrow'), happy day , m ,Vc sliall work perhaps than they : Aiitl though no tisimies I afford, "What's sweet and clean will graco my board. ; , For which and every blessing given, Thankful wt'llbow the knee to Heav'n: In Gvo's own home our yoices raise. With grateful notes of prayer and praise. These duties, will not interfere, Oi-cioudraybrow with tho'.ghts severe, Bu sti'.l leave time enough to spend, Xo u.ks a walk, or see a friend. Sweet's the tranquility of heart, Vvh'cb public worship does impart, And kweet'slhc hV.d, and sweet's the road. - To Kim whose conscieace bears no los.4. Tit.)-; shall the day, as God design''!, IV.. 1 my health, unbend my mind, O' Mot: .lav morning, free from pain, Ci.cerlul I'll g j to woik again. Ou- life is but alengthen'd week, ilirouirli w' ic!i wiilto;I lor rest wo beck ; . "y And he whose la'i'itir well if put A joyful suLituih linda at last I T. KcasJfit. assaaajsBs, t A iincfp.iitr. Whatever in.1u''.n, olikrvcn a tttt.iVe A.itar, u icajicd from riHfofV, may be rcJje' Iriim . ncwipape:, which is hc 1-fl.ry wtrljfrtm dy tt Hit, NLW ARK. (N J. Not. 4. " COKXCKICATIW. &!it.ri. FJttort, , ,V..u- f years s-ic? I p! Jtn'ially ab- Uhk'w .1 i .-.i.e. l idiVi.r. :i o, rniiiitr (, a rcC'At, f.urf IK; s? jit. 1 made tl known la pi .! jcs; :"itn who were sf ii f,ed,lilj this 'iib'kdy ; luc niiu'e trial of ihtf tvnif 'y and wiJi lurcrts ; indtei I hate cv.r i.' : it t f.:! cf effecting a rur, -sheii t'i mvl- ..!. v... Ue poper!y rr.s le, d'lly taken penevered n. I csuld fnrvah Uiinv iniur.retoliis great and happy c5Yen, but i '!! ru ion on examp'e only. A la i'y, , i t )trolJ, lind ihe Drotxy t i tlut J..-ue. that wn fcsrf jl to stand on lur fn, J;t !.r V;,i aifxiM t-rst. I saw .'-i.itht kiMu'iiu n1 it f spn-ehended ' . ou'li n a tctf sno.t tiia. She b ,c' h ard ihut I hd a rtcipto curt the Jir,r.v, and wtasaiiojs lo f tpcrience it.-;. H y.H t' f.edieine, scr tin to the pre. krr.;. i h I hn s s tfaeuation, .Ue r-l'm4 ther baly atirly aba'ed, and,' ii.' I'irw.ili ihrs.fter, ile was rsstortd fo f-f V ealtS. T t. lp so.. hrciroein jtrst damsfid, J Ud copie f it lod'tTtrs persons i .if v U miich' tu mort t;f ttHr Von, J p ' i!h "' i; hi t.e i'mintltf trttJ'mAmti wM-.l. I ha . tw lie p-teitt priod, bttn trti- :'" '"td nti by persons, not only in i .hi i 'it l,in the state cfNcw.Ywtk, f ip-, vid hate this moment finish, c ! 'Ti ' ; it fvr a friend at a distance To M inrM'f the trouble if pnsihle tl trans acii'diiif .He rccipf, ss heretofore, end tUl rill;res!r publicity ntay be s;ifcn t U, I mpir.t that you will sfjain l.lrt it la yeur p)tcriand shnuld the i tintrri cf osps. pa'. It the United Sutet. rfpuUish lids re. Cipe, Ihey probaS!y would rtnder esientlsl kincClU luauy if lUir fallow citiwr.. 1 I'iimd ci Mai. JttWmfk, ;Vt. 3, If 06. Tea Kacin. . , Vol li to sinus Df eaiiHem jor, (slSo cftiU tosr citr, together whH a dtU Itstdi'gl of psrVry hms and loa, cut fiej twuMsiinimfj'rhfnM(4 mutsrd d J , )ilf unMince 'ttnr!Uf t'j.iils k ttu "unit of jW.B'f Wtr'ts. The Uttt to t lpi wirmby ihe 1rt. Iniy.fcur httt $ I9 l, t.fiii itatf 1. sndtle i irsinr4 f r us !... r . VI. tislf a srint rlt f.i'd, tHf--,ti s f tmply sicreath.. I' ' '.y bt '.rvrJlf r.ftf.ff. t 1K ) Lt discbarft I, its! 1 5 t ' ' tnole ta'a f itftne Su'juit p. n aim 1. 1 det, at4 sliulfi La CI f i'WfS as mta is psnthM . ' : . , A-committee of the lloirsc of Assembly of New-IerBey,haTe ra ported, that it would be inexpedient for the Legislature of that . State to accede to any amendment to the Consmv-' tion of -the United States, for pfevcnUngHbc extension of the jadiclary power to control rersies between ct'ieena w the drfftf rent states, between citizen,s of the same state, claiming lands under grants trora dinerent staies,or between ; citizens of a state, and citizens or subjects ol a foreign stste, as proposed by the ' Legislature ol Kentucky. I4ie house unru isaously confirmed th report. , . , . ' &ALEIGH, Nov. 24. s. A writer in the Richmond Enquirer, hs seems tar be in the secrets of Col.' Burr, has attempted to account for the business of that gsntleman in the wast, from which be dc duces : nothing unfriendly to the Unioa.'- t rom tltw publication wt extract tht follow- 1 In oae of the Western papers, it is said fVrt Col. Brr h.s 1-tely been at the house', of col.ChArievLyBch, in Kentucky, where be, remained seteraldays; thatLynch lomettma; jo had puTchased an ihterest in the claim' of Baron Bastrop to thirty rntleii sare of lauds r in . Lfais!na, which the Spanish ;o- -vernnieat had granted to him : that Bastrop' was bound ts settle a considerable number of fsmllies thersoa, as one of the conditions 6f, Here then the whole mystery is unTotd ed, Bastrop, being unable to fulfil his con tract, has sold or confederated with' Lynch ; Lynrh haa eiher sold to or confederaled with Burr ; But has told to r confederated with other persons, who hare sufficient ea.h cpi tals to make the necessary settlemfnts. M Having made, these arrangements, it was natural for col. Burr to etvgage yoiWg'' men of talents and enterprise, not only to' become tettlefi but also to ptorribfe the elie- ral purpnsesof the plan. Ysungnien of this descriptior. hare been employed, and because the wise ones could r.o' discern wherefore,!) they hjire thought fit to say, thai the prr-1, pies were treasonable,, and that col. Burr was not only the author but the treat mach ine, upon which all the minor parts of this supposed treachery and compiracy, nutud cr did depend." .: RALEIGhTdcc. . ' On Friday the Judiciary Bill was read fcrr the third and last time, and ordered to be en. ffrowed. Thia bill provides that there shall be two mpeiior courts in each county, year ly, and. that. the county coin's are Hjtry jury causes twic a yrer and ol'uncr if the busi oes rtq'iires that in- addition to the Juries and Solicitors now ii office, thtre arc to be 2 mora Juices, and four more Solicitors appoin ted , a Judfce apd a Solicitor me to perform oie circuit ; t Stat being laid off into six dtcuitaof ten cout.ties esch, and each circuit romruencinj: on the fi-st Monday of March and Sen?cmbr - that ths Judges are to hokl a supreme court at Raleigh year, on the teeth iay 01 jur.c. In a'ddiiion to 8 mas ters in chanctry, there are to be it more a ;i n;el and in add, ioi to the clerks of t:s p;cnt superior courts, j 2 more are to be ppointtd by the judges. ST n?ousx or Comons. MunJs, December I. The bill establishing a superior court in esuh county, was read the second time , in the Senate, end amended by aUnking out the Ust clause, nhic'i weLtto limit the u,eratira of the hi!I trt three years, and passed by a ana jarity of S votes. Tuesday, Dee. i. The Speaker la d before the House ace'oi mcnics'ion from John Havv d, EQJCl.;iurer. From thi document, we nd that the amount of all the laxra received i) the treasury from the first Nove'inbcr 1 80J, ts the Crsl of N tve niber, 1I0. intkdingar. rcsragts and the cotton gin tax, is3ft.95S IS 8 ; which, aJdcd to the tccripu prtvioua to K"V. 1 801, amounts t 61 t7i 4 9. From this t'.sl sum. disburse nicnts hy been mat't siice KvfmHer 1605, to Nuveir.Ur I606, intludW.t the m jrey burnt 1.t seiM'.n dmu cd unSk fr um, leaving a balance In the (Vc aury tt tie T4rst 6.j uf Koter&Uc ao; pf 4l,5i4 US. Some part cf which is wern somorli as to be unfit for circulation. eien-lilurrs of the last Asm rally snd tVtt clsi cs, reduced it. e Ire stury to the sn.all sum .f 14,SIJ 10. Tie. monies in the funds. r t!;e Ctiti4 St.tts. amount to slx.-it L.i.riy IhoMsand J!Urs i ihe io'erett ef which a. tnourtt'nir lo alout fnir ltouisddbltpra, has W t -t Is.d out by tbt Trtaortr in ihe pir. chas -f adi'niof.I sink. AcrtsMe Kit the actcf Assembly, to relieve censin ritiina f Mccller.bun;, 81c. the Trtsturc r of the U. n'uersiiy hsi tsnsferted to tV State Trea surer, 113) htt f i nrtdtsrasd sit pr cent, stock, this sv:r, f,in sdlrd to the satnetc!,r?ransfmccby,hfTrt4si'rrt(! . the Urt'vcrsitf, emocfiia 10 J, ST J jy ard covers U the eUinta omint w.iMn the lis cHfiM ofi set abwerecMrd. , A bsllotim Ut 3i.atrr took pls-ft; wftn ro rae In nomination had a rtaoriif. Frik I'm bad Cft. riio'int 41, Sreiil, 3t, t)Mi. II, ad UitUd T vsws Tha name f Grn Datiswsilhett stiihdrswn. VednrsUyt l)c. 3. A farther bsltot lock flare this dsy far St rater, snd ro one had a n.sjsrity cfvetsi. Ftsarn fci l 44, Smith II, Blount 44, Dsvis 7. an 1 Biniors 7 votes. fienTktiraii Dasis, siillrva P iooo- Thursday, Dec. . " A farther ballot took phce this day for Se nator, and no one; in nomination had a majo- nty. rrankun had 67 Smith 55, Blount 43, j must rest m information and Uhef. and Davis 12. Mrl Binford'a name having The court , ought therefore to' issue v war been withdrawn. i" 1 rant or capias for the. accused, and examiner :;." 7 ;' Friday, Dec. j(. . ; , v; The bill to exclude from the benefit of cler-v gV, persons robbing bouses in the day-time,' and to extend the benefit of clergy to women convicted of certain villainies, was read the third and last time. ; Saturday, Dec. i. ; V; A further ballot look place this morning lor a Senator, when no, one had a majority. Franklin had 7S, Blount 46,. Smith 46, and Davia 10 votes. . The houe agreed to ballot again immedi ately, and the result was Frankl'ui had 7f, Smith 39, Blount 5S, Davis 6, and Little 1 vote.. A further ballot being necessary, the House agreed to the same, when "uo one in nomination had a majority. . Franklin had C6, Blount 34, and Smith 34. votes. '; A further ballot is to take place, oj)yMvnday. , - JMtfolt iu the' ttitrti Court of the Ktntvehj District, against' Aarn Burr, Esq, Utt Vice Prtsidiut of the UiUi States, fir high rimtt andwtitJnKanon, ' On YednesJiy, about noon, on the fifth. Nov. J. H. Dav'rss, Esd. Attorney of the U. ;' States, for the abovt district, rose, and ad - dressing the court, said that he had a motion . ) to make of the utm'osftnajr.nitude, and extra-' I ordinary nature, and which regarded the wtl ! fare of the union at large. That the ur.hap , py state ef hit health alone, had prevented aim irom mating it on tne nrst ay 01 mc teTm That he should ground his 'ra'otioa on an aSisvit which he would present to th Court. He then made oath la the folloniu. affidavit : ' " ' - , UNITED STATF.S DP AM ERIC Af- - EXtlTCCXTDISTatCTi-Stf J. H. Davicsi attaroey for the said Uni ted States! in and for said district, upon jiia corporal oath, dfth depose and sir, that the deponent is informed, Sc doih verily believe', ; that a certain Aaron Burr, esq. lste vice-president of the said United States, for several months past, hath been, and is now engaged in preparing, and setting on foot,' and providing and preparing the mesiiS, for t'tr; litsry expedition and enterprise. within this district, for the purpote of desrefldinj the O- i hioand Mississippi therewith, and making war upon ma suojecis nine aingoi npam, who are in a state of peace with the peop'e of these United 5ta'ei-To wit t on the provin ces of Mexico, on the wettwardly side of Lou isiana, which appertain' and g to thS Ring of Spain, ah Eurppe'an prince, witk Ij And said depoointurthsr saith, that he is I informed, and fully belie ves, that the abort charge, can be, and will be fully substantiated by evidence, provided thia -honorable court will grant compulsory process to brinj in Wit ncssss t'a!tstify thereto. And the deponent further saith thst be is infor ned, and verily believes, that the agen's and emissaries of the said Bur, have purcha1 led up, and are coniimng to purchase, large stores of provisions, as if for an snny ; which the said Burr, seems to concei is great Hos iery from the people at large, Hi purposes and projects ; while the rain Js cf th good pfople of (his district, sfem igitated wilhtho current rumour that a mditary expedition a stalest same neighboring power, Is preparing by ssid Burr. t ' '.VUref re. said attorney, cn behalf of said U. 5. pray,-. that due process isns to com pel the personal appearance efthe ss'd Aaron B irr, 111 this court; and also of Buchwltnes: ses si my rra necessary on hehslf of the slid LT -ited States ; snd thstthis honouritlle court, w 11 d ily rcognite the laid Aarnn, to answer sucb charges as may be preferred against him in 1I1 :.prrmises ; and in the in fan time, tha' Ls desist and refrain from all farther pre paration and prsceedtog in tha said anna mcnt, within the ssid United Stttes, tr the terntarie rivs or depenJencici thereof. J. H. DAV1ES, a. v. a. Having read th s affidavit, the attorney pr ceer'r d in the following words 1 The present subject has much ertsced my min'l. TIe ese wrde exit is o? ly as to Ike etpe t'dion sgslnst' Mexico t but I have in formstinn en wMckJ ran rely, tkat eil'ibe western territories are the next object of tha scheme and finally, all tha re jlon of the O. iiioia ealcutstcd 4s falling i&tn tha vertex cf ihe new proposed revolution. What tha prscticsbility fthil scleras is, I will not ny . but certainly any prcgrcss in it, might coat Our country math bleed and treasure to on. di and, ai the least, great pablie agiutiod must be expected. I ant determines! lo use every effort in my poter, as an officer, and as 1 mas, to prtveat and defeat it. Ilav'ms made the affidavit myself, I shall make no comments cn its lufhcieney In cases of ftlsny, the a&datit must bo l-isiiive, asloifstony a dull y comtaittcd j but in a m!s!wtfsoT of thli nature, vbtra 1 He talc ebject of I he law is prevention, aucb an on cnws ve rtiirex 1 the iniAf rmisl tt hi belief si to the rasin point cfgu'.lt 1 cct ld easily pros pmitivtty tha perch sso of sopptirs sf various kinds, but this is no of fence. Mr, Burr may purtbsso svfTlrs l a may import arms in msy enrsge men, w'licniem una is actually Mguoyst st sll encl 1 of his these iiings tKing proved, maks no a He nuttier can proci 01 the detlatstions Vrotu confidsnis, cf which abundance night be la J, attach ruilt lo him 4t is the dciiro, ire .r.uoi nna wpicn ue mtliltMse prtpx. !j ' I There must be a great xerti5a Jed; 'sfivpo ! sition to imaginc a case in wHriclv positive ! proof of the illegal desieo can hi htdit Ij witnesses , when the cowt wtflbe awe to uc cide whether Mr. Burrabould ,bc b-iuhd to . good behaviour on the premises, or. rt coni- ' aed to appear here and answer an indictment.'' His honor Judge Innea declined,' oa ct-' count of the-importance of the questi jsk tw give an opinion without taking time for con sideration. This opinion he did not deliver' 1 funtil this morning about eleven, which opt- Dion went to overrule the motion ofthe attor- l! nay for the U. S.' da the trrouhds 1 si. i naiuie court was noi investcawua tfie poweri ' 2d. If the court were, thit theevidehe was not sufficient. The attorney then moved for a warrMt, tar summon a grand jury, before whosn, ho to prefer an indictment .against cS Burr. It Ihe court immediately granted; and a ar il rartt was civeri to col. Crbcket. the marshal' of the district," for, that purpose . T he Judge ordered his opinion to be entered on tti'd- reW cord. . '''''' I o'clbck. After the names of the grnsl jury were called, col. Burr entered dttendel by 11. Clay, Esq. as his counatr!, ai4 afe4 having seated himself a few minutest, rose uuA addressed the court in concise and iruprcuive teims. He statefdlhat he had befn upon the eve of his departure from Lexington, yvhea lie waa informed that his name had been. l4en tioned with reproach is that court ; tbit ho made it his businris to hasten' to th"!s piactj and present himself before the court for inn Vestigation ; with several othor chaervntioiwj which we shall publish at length in our :v :U. At present we can only say, that the jury were- ordered to attend on Wcttiiestlajr warning, at 10 o'clock. Ztirtctfrm a kite Pans Rente of PoaiUc, bj - iU Barrere, The United St ates, by a policy forngte, to tha old orld, "purchase countries Vrhich they might cocjuer, preserves sentiment of gratitude for llie French nation, and feebly revenge the Irish outrages of Fnlaoi',. Yet "' thdr territory increases, their popiation ad vices, their revenues are more propt;a :sj andlhsir growing ntvy dicta'.ci .as tino the coast ol Barbary Eii.atd atoni Jieida the prosperity of America, ad sceri to tc?I tliat greater glory -awaits the American up oa the banks m( the rivet St. LaWfcnc.' VA Indon paper of September, II, tctxt tains the following articles i . .. - The sntssures about to be adopted in tea pect to the csptnre of Ayres, will, wo 1 r a st, be such, as to secure the commercial interests of this cHin'.r srery advantage that ike posseisicn cf sa vjiu'jle a settlement can affardt and at the same l:me to promote the prosperity of the Prorirxc. We have already expressed our aoxitty fir the speedy arrival of reinforcements, to enakle the vie--Ws to retain possession of the important fruit of their enterprite and their gallantry; and we are now hppy to find, a pxrt of th6 tooipi Wh4 haTe lately eccbarkeS, are destine ed fur thai service. Wa ae perfuaded the ju.hl'.tf will' feci yetf great fatifafl;'ri in h'lri-s; that Mr W hit bread hs sccepied ira offiteot 5ff creta.y at War. We rr j?jttd!ir th country on the section f fcth 7t' ccai'jutor tntfta pufent vitcia siav.r'f tration. , The Agamemnon, of 64 jtu. asltho Cerf floop, snivsxl ytPfiat if yti iir-n, with 160 fail of ihe L?waru lflini Rett bound for the Th:rnee. Sir Ssmge' Achinuty is appointed to'w of the mil tifv forces it Du'icri ' Ayrei, Sir Homerobham has wrUtet a Ulttr Um Buenos Ay res, tnthemsjor andcoipo- ration of Uerrain;ham and other principa! VUIIDCI hill VIUC1, IU Wlllhll III WH.IVU, IWV Import ante of this conquest to the trsle nT Ct cat-Britain ; he asys the city r-f Bt.taof At res, alone, contains 70,000 iohsbitants- The stsplcs of the country are indigo, tcbsc co.f incenta woal, cotton, titer and set! li'.ni, CgSt diicd toaguca, bssfand hams, si-oit, cocbinelU, cocoa, hemp, bides; laBaw, ltu, gold, silver, ind precious stones. Of the ar ticlc of hides, there are ctported, every year, epwards of 400,000. Tho HoRtn ChrooitU (syi, w Lave Bfl yet fssn ill too teturai of vtres icfe lot reprcfeautivsi to corgrsll for (nil flail 1 but ikluk II hihiy otobsblo the d!s'ian will lead thus Rot ubllcin, IU Fdri1 . Csptala Sfnrgrv, of l be Ettas', tr livid it Philadelphia tofoiani, I Vist it tvao it pot tad ai St. ThoSai prtvioos t Mi drpsrtarr, that three French, Clips of tbt lino tiJ got itrtn MstioUjoe, ifier K'a)o nad it offgigemaat svhls 1 Biiiifli fuadtoot la which she French haJ loft four of itlr ennforti, hitlag oa board If co iroopi, Fwuhci fstticulifs wcrt not known. U J i ALMANACKS For the Year 1807, Jatt received, onil for sale m ilit 4JLVaiiiing-Ofncc. H fl