if;' J-"" .'5 tfc cuflom of old waruatsij'we Have pub Hkly acknowledged yta tote thrchitf of -the government v Done at head-quarters, at Portad Priace, Oflober at, 1806. " (Signed) C. GttiN. Mini&er of war and the marine. " PETION. . ,Cijtmanding general of the id divifipa of the Eaft. ""' ' ' Satork and Vtvat. , Generals of Brigade. ;. V;-. BosntT, Adjutar.t,Sgenera ia'chief of the flaff. Here follows a large number of other frgnaiuieS' , . .... (Baltintirt American.) ; J ' CONGRESS. SEN ATE.UN1TED STATES. ' Monday, December . 7 The resolution,' offered by Mr. Tracy,'cal Jingf'upbn the President for information re lative to thenegociauons pending "with Great Britain, was taken up, and negatived Ayes ' Agrerably to notice given on Wednesday Mr. Bradley presented a bill to prohibit tho importation .of slates into aoy port or place wilhiu the jurisdiction of the United States, from mid after the. lt day of January 1808. This bill is the same with, that before, the senate at their last session, ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - wmm ' ' ' . Monday, December t, Mr. CrowninshieiA offered a resclutionr re questing the secretary of the treasurfto fur liiih the house f Representatives with a. statement of the . amount of .deposit of mo ney in the United State and other: bnksr for the three last years, together with the balance therein remaining, distinguishing' the amount for each yetrv Hi 'object wss, jf the rebo'.utioa passed the house, ultimately to taise a revenue from thtie balances. He believed there were three ot four million tuy.v in tie bii.ks,' ,which, at an inures! ef tlx percent Would yield an'anaual revenue of between two and -'three hundred ihousand Mlan. Th. resolution waa agreed to. ; ' C i ., . December ll : . The hi'l ini.pVndii(? the operation' of the non jjwport.itiyn la till the lt July next was ypterduy read a third time in the aer.Me.' The quc4k!i was1 then pM shall the bill (,;-vhen Dr..M'.cVelJiofrrl a amend ment nearly ta I hp fallowing wards : Sect. i. Awdb.? further-enacted, tha it shall be Ulc TV the President cf ilie Unilad Siates, br7jrocUtniuiv,to'fcrani .; further, euspen- arm . of ire brlore-nuniioned law, lor any p-'ricvl rn exceedu-g lhe;ra'day of D'fcanv L:r r.i-xt, if in his opinion Ae national honor in! inieret shall recfViueU - ft was thenar.. dtred tlut the bill, together with the prcpos-' el amendment, be rcferrtd'tb-a tec( om:i. m.Uee of 3 nienibrrs-,ih'' committee .10 consist of Means. Giles, Mitchell and BU win.. ' , . In th? House of repiesentstiresi this dly, Mr. Clopton, after a speech -of considers l.'nth. sbbiniited a resolution o tho kiilyw, in;; effect; llcso'.vcd, by th Senate and house of Representatives of the United, htijca ,9f America, two thirds o( fcoth. Iioujes. co, furring, that the follovini; atoendmept to the conMitutiun f the United States, whn ratified by three-fourths of the legal Vres of the several htatei, sh.ll he tiled to altlhicnts and purposes as prt of the saVe conaMibtion,' . via. the he words roittained iri the last elsuse of tie eighth srctlf of the constitution of the U. Stuua, as foKf,wsT(.Conrev ahsll hsve power M la mske ail laws wluxh ahallbc neces- iry anq proper for carrying into exccutit a the Strcgoinjg pvnen, andiill other powers vetted by ihii constitution in the ,iovfrr4n0t pf the United States, t r in any (iertmeul oreSice Ihcrcf," tLsll HtrctnMntcd so is to com ;i t he lid" only surli a.v as ?halj ha,ve a naiur! connecrtan' with s ur' relation to the wontn expfrssly m'er.ti nrd, or which nr.sr te delesttrl hy the5 rnnvwi, to any de partment tf the f overnms.it. He hal brtiURlil fa. ward this pri)pml!ion, lelievius k he did, that by MitcorulriKti'.it ol tn wbids in ihia dtiuef which, he said, were not peihp salnyrn'Jy e;hrit. a power had been Ur inerlv carrcind, whiclt the constitution had ' t initndrd to be veiled jn'any. department tf tht fi rlerl fprernment t he alluded to the "ever 'to he ttecrated scditioii Isw.'lle thtft aJirUerii'the unrert'tints'' Which e Itted wiitrrtapect t ur iewssor fuirtty from wl.Kh he tontlutkd. lh irhotyh there alidrmt MMelV adipoliion atpretio re Bfwt'if la, yeltlii might not always he the 4oi ic mirhi at M ditttt jlay S acai re ,)(cvrd H ifp tovk a rsriUWw efth lA!t(.f fliafcJeralitfniiituiion-rf the jrrviuJ sup frora one isurpatf n I anather of tU t!erp at! aolitary Kktsna f,d rciitm which ti BrevailcJ in rns-;y. covntriit cflhe K'"h, dwH rhurh on Ilia Uanrrr of '... 11 . ni'7.1 1.1 n tnfwu.iKia'ra n"trnnjcii ana rrnayoea '(fjfl fcttftx sin'tf cl lli KrvtlnospVrnri. '"fwr whkhty WH.sed that the nlrv aittf their Uf-ay fH rl tjvtrnmtl.l tnlirMlX ro-tUi whS-tlme.". : i The rfaoKiiKwt wa then rtft rred to 4fp. .rnixtM aC ike wb1 hMiaoa the ateta Utha raaa, and arJd u V prtMe.; - 1 ,1 V1 ,1 1 DrteraUr tl. , 1 Mr J Ril 1j f-'orii the coieni( u a. , W tlhanfrTd the amendretau af tHa Saivata taihat ll to auipo4 'lha im las 'lartationaci, mi Ui rapw, trrt ' , To agree to the first amend me'nt proposed by the iienate, which, is to strike out the fol lowing words at the end of , the section This act shall take effect from and after the t passing thereof with an amendment, 'Vie.' to add aner the word remit," as louows on narment br the oarties by whom sbch Tpenakj, fine or forfeittire may have been in curred, of aU costs which have accrued, or may accrue before notice of this act shall have been , received by the attorniea of the several districta of the U. " . , And to agree to tie second kmendmentf aulhoriiing the President to suspend the non importation act tUfthe 3 1st of December. - A concurrence with the fivst amendment was carried without a division; - r . , Mrt Dawson moved to amend the amend ment of the Senate by substituting the word l public interest," in lieu of the words "pub lic service." ' ; . '' ' r':r:. ' '" ' ' Jr. Dawson's motion was agreed to Ayes' 43-Noes 40. r ' ..'.''. " The question was taken by yeas and nays, and the amendment carried Yeas 8a Naya ,23,', . - .'i-..:.' , , , , . Tuesday, December 16. ;' A message was received from the Senate seating that they had concurred in the amend ments of the House to their amendments to ' the bill to suspend the operation of an act) en titled, An act to prohibit the importation of certain goods, wares and merchandise, and to remit the penalties -incurred under the same." . ' ' t ' This bill, -consequently, only requires the i gnattire ol the President to be a lawi s CHARLESTON,. Dec 20.' Previous to the sailing of tapt. Camphelf,' who arrived the day before retterday from Montevido, the Spaniard assulled end retook Buenos Arres, which had been captured' a shore time before, by the British troops undef 1 General Bcresford, making the Whole bf the BritUh forces their prisoners. - The squadron. of Sir Home Popham, howevsn wm attlt the neighborhood, an1 Mintci iiio was threat ened wuh a olockaoe, NeuTTal vesseu were aHowcdonly serca days to di p&n, and then to take with them the cargoes they had biof in, ;or utin haluiu rnl .veeeia entering or quitting that port, after ths time just men tioned, were to be considered as prizes. . " Bueno Ayrcs was csp'ured by the Dntitti on the 28ih of June lsst, and rttnken by tie Spaniards about-the nitddte of August, if w.n deemed of so mnch consequence, that Yt isritisn governmeni it iaei 10 na?e appoin. tad General llefcsford to the ovemorahip of it, with tha same salary that bad Keen al lowed to the Span sh governor teri thousand pounds per annum i, ; ... . . uee. Yesterday arrived ;at this port' the Tlam- bnfgh Ihipe Johanhal !!einerick"1i Gefrud, from that eitv. Gp; 'WUtern.' pf the for mer ship, left the crty btithe'firat dy oi o- . vemher. He trives U.s the ct'.aih ol the ope-. rations of the (Vrahd Armies up to that peii-' 6d.-: The battle of the 14th October, of which . we have already giveh' the French acouhi wsalhe last one which fc'fd been fought V'nrn he aailed. The atateWen't f that bt-Je $ .iMsiled by cabtsrt"VVi differ ms!er1a!!w f;om whst h.u Veil puMisbtd. The French j aVmy is sia'ed tA have , consjated'of tJO biv) men ; fhtf Pru.sian army bf 1;0X00. Tht h'att'c wasj' onsidt rrd as one of the maVt tyboi rfy 'aftd, t-betmstely contesled whkh hii tetn foninht sinrt the commence mant of Iluoca psrte'a rareer. For a long lime the victory doubtful t The TiRht ! left wings pf the rrrlch arm? were rrpuhed with grest Josi hyiht Piuosian cavalry ;;hut tlie1 hhlk wasultimaieU won hy ti e superior numbers of the French iufantrv. A fresh bo !T. tJid'meiu foninanded by Marshal Ner.'wha tame up in the m.ddle r ihe action; deciced the fate nf the day. They penetrated the centre ,of the Prussian line In the form rf a' ,w;ed, end succeeded in breaking it, and .routing the armv. The kss in kil!d and -wounded is considered to have been about 4-' qua! on each side.. Two Frcr.ch Genrrs!s of V.Uiincilon fell In the actUn. The Duke of tlruhswick lost an ere in the actlop ,' but none rof the Prunian Generals were k U d at slated in the Titnch account. PrSoea'Louii lVrtlii'TJ narid was killad irt a lubsiquent ergspetnett. ' The Prussian troops s re a red to have fwught ' with a courage bordering on jieipeatloft, but they were tfrpowertrt py swjnor r .rce Notwithstanding this defeat, . hf ve'r, lh FruMan fortes hsd again raflied. and another tstile wss hrUrfltt' ' The rmslsn rmf wks eolhecrtng at sad In tfc vicinity of llieimafttahU fortrasiiof Magdrharg. An army of reserve, of ,80,000 men, was alto In rttriintit to meet tht enemy. ITwo It uuian 4rtnls, rntofiO.CC v men, and anoiker cf lOflMf wire approachiodlv forced marches tha scene of action ; ibry hid artivtd in Prui.' jtn VplatxS. Buotiapatle liJ srriud at "Potsdam, within a few m'det of llerlin. AH he tiaatirt, military starts, sVc. hadhetq 'e'raoved from that city. 1 k Cat.'tr, ; r' - '!, - . J Zirrwrf fJlUtlf Xrrf JTaj. afj.'raf,! , tOttr1tik U64l w J I u I f nd msrkeis d1t, the people apparintfy pwverty struts. I Mtnasi r.ina have ij , artMaav frot Into Pllar. bo piMin itf thWIaladdbelnf br txrvaJal eo'botitv nro. hiUttd tndg tl.nf ptoduca lei' mrtt . Vhrre.lt ts' wanted, and 1 Uig4.U ihtp ,it , Id Kogland, sthtra tha jeeple,se two poor1 to buy btii a tf ty arsaU rrpponipn rf it, and tlucspsrtc bfirrg ia banj Ixsrted at ti pe. rftlitadmHstonUtoarrqost atlthe ports la r.aropaj af cavrte ll f malos onwitj iatle Hiag' Warr-hauatsU f.hfHrvt. The ioa. an dnlr ttaj tit wtrfniht, pitmJ. i r a um and other cTiargef they pay en the ship ments are more than they will realize. " Nothing seems to keep life and spirtt in,, these poor oppressed people, but the licensed . bpamsh Traders, who kindly bring Doubloons and Dollar, about sufficient in . quantity- to pay for the real positive necessaries ot lite furnished them from America. The conse quences must I think soon be an opening of their ports, and a free trade with the United btates. - ; WILMINGTON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1806. f ' " - - ' ' waariMMNfec aa. List of American Vcsseh lying in Kinjrstcm, fan. Qcto6tr29th 1806, waiting for adjudication) detainti by different ships of war of his ZJri tannic Mojtstj; Schooner .Speculator, Enoch Lee master from New-York, found dismasted in tha Mo- na Passage, towed into Jamaica by . , afterwards libelled on pretence of her being bound for Lapuira. v Brig Truxtpn, Jones, from Sahia Hofidat (Cuba,) bound for Boston, detained in con seouence of her coming from au cut Port of Cuba. Brig Richmond, Sawyer, bound for Bostoni from C.avannas, (Cdha,) guilty of coming from sn out Port of Cuba. Brig Mary, Foster, bound for Philadelphia, guilty of coming frn St. Martha. Schooner Four Sisters, Dowland, bound for Boston, guilty of coming from Laguira. . . Schooner Eclipse, . Frazier, Irora Balti more crime not known. Sloop Saucy Jick, Gareia, from New-Orleans, bound to Havanna, with Lumber, sus pected tobe guiiiy of having money on board. Brig Mercury, Adams, bound for Boston, guilty cf coming from Trinidad, Isle of Cu ba. . '. Slwp Two RUttre, from Philadelphia, guilty of beb:g bound for St. Jago, C. ' - The frfcooner Mt'fockavtanJo, John P. Swan, of Salem, failed from Sf. '1 homaf . Dec. 9, in company with the fch'rHope, Jfhn Noble, ot PuriAnoiiih. N. H. hoRd to Philadelphia at 7? ' m . fpoke him bouml 1 Lack to St. Thomas, wiih his main boom carried amy. Lefr at St. Thomas Shipa rf ....... . r i vienerai napniilon, W Hliam, 0! Forjland Hiram, Mammon, of Vifcaffct; Biig Doufe, of Portland. . Charleston, Dec, 15. Th British ship John, capt. Phillipa, from Congo, with 389 slaves, to Mr.T. W. Raw linson, in beating in yesterday, got ashore on Cuming' Flat she, has aince bilged, and will be totally lost. The ciew and slaves were brought up to town in the pilot boats, laat evening. . Capt. Malcolm, on" the 39th November, in iat. 30. 48. long. 67. 40, tpoke ahlp Fnnice, 11 days from Grenada for Boston. Decem lerll, in lat. 14. 10. long. 78. sprke bri Rambler, II days from Tobago, for Wil mington Capt. Glen, em the ICth November, in lat. 30.. so. long. 40. spoke hip Independence, from Charleston,' for"AfHt'a. December 6, in lat. 3D. 49. long 76. 8. spoke ship Savin naf , Delano, 77 days from Liverpool for Sa snnah. DrcemUr 7,'iis Nt 31. 3.1. In long. 76, fell in with Ike wrerk of the chr Polly, capt..WilHarat, of AVtlmlngitin, both msata gona, aad nearly full ot water. The a?a run ning very 4iji, on boat tould lite ; ai.d rapt. Glen was compelled to run ah ng iidt wiH bis bpg, and throw out ropes to the petple on the w reck. They aucceeded in getting on board, capt. Williams and a boy; but the mate, Mr. aitas iialr having unfortunate 1 left go his hoM,'w. drownei. The Polty sailed from Wilmington, N. C. fhrthif port, on the 1st Deterr.btr. and for 'sevctaj dsye after ejperienced very 'severe -weathers tost her detk load, and ;n a pje ftom N. N. W. 00 the 7 tit, she was to'slly dUmsi'.cs'.. She wss loaded with naval atorce eui lumber, pnnc:pi'y owned hy the capt. Mr Hale wa a tiauvo cf Glaitcnberg, Ir. Coitncctirut. , , C!aift. M'.lkr left at Ing lsland, the achec. teri'ai eUpcr, Bar J, cf this port, to Mil rxst dav. Sch'r Itelaey, Choatr. cf thia port, sailed frt.m Jorg-IiUrKl for Rigged. 'IsTaM, about the 3th UU On Friday last, in ' 1st. 33. 40, long. 19, 35. capt M. spoke hHg " ..; William from Antigua boand to Wilmington, 19d;tout. ' - ' ' Dee, If.' Cap. Hildrrth, (of the lulr Venus f,on New. York) on the 3d bit. In lat. 36. 1, long' 75. 10. waa brought loard boarded hy the Biiv'th frigate Can.hrian, who .overhauled the trig's paper, bills of lading, andpcoplc'a ( rote nans, and deia'mcd heran hour aad an , alf, December II, spoke Uoonoe Nancy, Warr'irgton, fiom Jamaica, bound loWil , tr in ton, N C ha 4 .lost hi mainmast len days , before, andwas .lkaai under bis far- ail , ami ill, which sare tanr tnoch sh a tie red 1 Ik bitwl L. W l. ls.. I- - .1- II , Chest peake, Ul aald V xxpoctcd to rxa ' that sthV " ttwindcamau the J MvrMvwvi f imi 11 i.iu awvui 1 rai,. yesterday, spoke the ship PanallwrW, Shirn. we'd, af Halt irroft, (rf Uverpovt.out 6 wte is, !a a very leaky cunditiefc about to put back Iri; CVramete, of Balirnwe, put batk in disiTss roe week out t ad, In lat. 31. crr, U, alip Tbcma, from livtrpol, leund Ncsf-Oilciti, cl 22 4ju . His honor Bfckhoia.Lmcgtloc, trq. haabcen appointed by the Preliiient an al". fociate juttice of the fupiemo court of ther United Statea in place ot. Judge Patterfoni. e'eceafed.1 .. . -: J . CUSTOM-HOUSE YJLM1NGJ&. ; V. 2-3-s- A. . I, llalej, Charlcstom Brig Rsvbtn Slocking Tobago with rum to the V ; ..' , ' captain ; , Rambler, Pope, Tobag 39 Sih'r. Regulator, JlMlfier.ni, Charleston : Powder Point, ' Smith, Salens Ship oVancy, Morton, t . NtwYorh Sch'r Madockawando, Swan, S Thomas, wUh : tugar, cofe and rum,"t Gautier U Co, Sch'r..Union, Titcomb, ' Kewburj Portt rig Merehant, Samuel Pcpe, , Tobago, wit r-m and molasses, to the Captain V...-, ibnttxuma, Lincoln, Antigua, within -g-ar aj rumi't0 Qautief V Co, Sch'r, Confdenct,. Merril, .'"' ' 'iobagt Ship IVashington, Porman, . , Jamaica; Sch'r, Gotham Level!, Level!, . Host 09 JJrig Alexis, Lewingston, Greenock, with salt" - and toatt to John Lord, JHramt Church, Jamaica! '. . ' Cleasrb' Dec, SiSch'r. -Rainbow, Pkimh, Rarbodotf Ship EnlcrprizeCongar, Liverpool 23 Brig Matilda, Bostwick. Darbcdoev ft if Sloop Sally, M'Ltan, Barba&oee PRICES CURRENT VTiittixGToir. Dls. Cts. JDh. Cta 1 BACON per 100 Iba. I 30 30 7 J 1 30J. 33 IS Coffee per lb. Corn per bushel, Meal do. Rice Tobacco, , Flour per barrel, new Ditto per half ban d, Lumber per M. W. o. hhd. slave, . P. Or do. do. do. . o. bl. do. rviugh' Shingles per 1000, Sugar, per cwt. Molasses per gallon Rum, W. I. pr. g. 3d p Jamaica do. 4th p. ' N. Et do. f S 9 0 4 10 SO 13 13 I 6 I 3 SO 6 JO 7 It 2f 14 7J 1 -9 40 75 90 50 331 i ' fat is Tat per barrel, 1 3 Turpentine, . Will be Hired AT the. Court-fioufe in Wllmirgfo cn the third of January 1807, foro ra valoah'e negroei belonging to the o. Date of Thomaa Mcore, dec. Thecorv d'uiona will be rpade known cn the day of hire.' - ' ' Thomas C.Howc, Ex'r- . December 22, t8c6. Will be ofTered for sale, at auction On the 6th thy tf Junnan next, A VALUABLE WATER LOT adjoining the r.ew buildin? cf Captain T. N. Gau ief the fot is 66 feet wide on Frcnt-flrert, and cf Out vr'dt rn th ti veton the l ot is a fmall Hie f Dwelling Ilotife and Kitchen, and is fenod wi toaidi. Tcims fix months credit for or, ha'f the purchafe mooej, the puichafer . gtring bond and approved frcuriiy Sixty dascfecit lof the ciT:r hau, thepur. chafer jiving rotes w ith apptoved emteiiv ers, pivable and negotiable at the Bank ct Cape-Fear. " JAMES WALKER. December 1, ' H , THEATRE. , On Monday tuning, th January, tTt' The Taaitan AssoctaTioar will perforrc the much admired Omedy, in Eve Acta. written by Henry Morton, Esq. called A Cure for the Heart Aclicj To which will be added An Entertainment, lo two Acts, raited High Lfc below Stairs. ! Doors witl bo opened at six, and tha per fomsnca commence at seven o'clock. Ticket may b hsd cf Messrs. t Vyd and Anderson, Mr. Charles Jones, and Ike Trea. surer, Mr. Hiwill. N. II. The Assoclstion laving foond much difTira'.ty in procuring PUys for repre stniition, such aa will merit tht 'applause cf ihe Public, they will thankfully reteiva on loan from the Ladits and Gentlemen of Wit tningtona&r dramatic pampLtcUf which will be returned et the cipiraiioo of the season sr at any moment celled for. The want of a flock htort, induces this advertisement Those inrHned lo favor the Association, wilt please leave their Books at Messrs. Lloyd k Anderson's, with J. W. Hiwill or If. Ptllant. , TO LET, eTpHE-Store and Cellar edjoMrg lie JL - fobfet ibef 1 whereof immd'ute pof feli.ot will be r ivrnAlfo the two EiUlc kar H Si of el la,'Mafkct.Sifra, belonging to J. r. Uurgwift tlt y will becompieirl en J ready toitceive tcnioti ia about a an oath l etquiii vf ta i CUES ft nURGWIN. Dfcuobcr is. 1 1