. ; vu ' - ' 'T - -. . . -s.. .'- v. -. - J - -- fcs-'v- --!,..---..-,- n . - mr wi -: ,..... -;. to -r-'i ; h 2 -.. m. . 11 . a.- 1 vs.i . .? - if ...u .jr.: bt. - ' Published ever axtvahceot Four, Dollars if not paid within a YtirJ -i Ril'm 522.1 5 " -.; y;pZ Wm -: mm. AN ACT 7 Fa Rf iftor uniform find cpnveftie'ni 'atntfnis :Hrs'i? Whereas, the deiaina eonceHw 'separable from, the preatnt conkuvpiiod f, " the courti of thii State do often rooupt,ie a .Ajcitiaioi jutce, ifieTum-otittiutPH-w-re rdewr change, th aJministriitioa jiiereof hdteible necesarrt .. - - t vV " "2? iV ttiacled bj the Ceneral Assembly of ther, Nrior court shill.be held at tho coui;tr)hWss ia i jaach ccupti in the State twice in eery y? vhich coHrtr shall have the sanie'junsai&tign , Jhat ihb fresent Superior -crti Joy and' 1 , vuivi v i-ur iaia :iu cci v:c -. 'ILVjiJAj h it farther tntiltd I'liSt the ' tate'shsll be 'divided into six' c-n-cu'usjahe Crsttircuit to be'compo'ed oF the counlies ff : yf CTutiHuct; amden, Pasqw&nVPwqw i : f - ; iioni Chowan,'.' Gate.liehfoillntie; . . va!.ningion ana lyrrel tUp second Circuit V ti be6mpos'cd 'of -the counties of Joh'cs, Cr; vt, Onslow, Duplin, VVayne; Gretne, Le o!r," Craven, Beaufort andjllyd ; the third Circuit to be composed of tli counties; Pitt, lidgco'niht Nash, JohnstonWate, Franklin, ; vAVarren, Hulifax, Northampton and Maftif j f tht fourth circuit to be composed ofthe eoun .-, lies 'of Chatham, Randolph, RoVaiv Stbkel, JRdckinRhomj : Guilford) Caswell, ; Person v; Crenyille and Orange j the fifth eircuittff be '. omJ)osed of . the counties of Montgotnery , ArtOni , Richmond, Mooro, Robeson,. Ciim- vtmnW, Bladen, Brunskk, Wew-Ilanover, fi T". , 4nd Sampson t end Urn sixth circuit to , be f ' , composed of the counties of1 Surrj, Wilkes ; ;: ','' -- JLshe. 'BunLOmbe ' Riilnei ford. Tt'urltei'. Lin :?f tolnvlredelli CabaVnis and MecEienburg. -JU';Andl6e'i( furtker tnaettd, That the ioirts.,in ; the-counties ccmposing the first h'cu'it shall be. held on 1 tbq following' times, to wfv'Cufrituck to begin the first Mondays '. f 3larch and Stptember, Camden the se. eon'J ilondays of March and September, fcas ' qqotank the third Mbndari of Mirch and Srp tembsrt Perqulmons the fourth Mondajs of 5far"c& and September, Chowan the. first - Tlondays aHtr the fourth Mundnys'of Match .'and September, Gates the second Monday after the fourth Mondays of March and Stp , fember, Hertford the third Monday after the Ciurth 'Mondays cf March "and Kptemberi 1' m?m: ' Msroh srni September, Bladeo tfie first fifon, s day after:, the 'fourth"Monday in March and September, Brunswick , the ' 'second Mon jd&y afieP- the'.faurth Mondays1;' fit March" "ind ; September, 'NeW-Hanovcr i'he third Monday afteMhe fotirth Mdndas in March ahd ?Septetobe r, Sampson th fourth Mon-- ltday aftiOTe'TWrtirlcljdaysnn and September," Cumberlahd th fifth Mon-, day after the fourth Mondays ia March and "September, Moore the sixth "Monday after xneiourin pionaays m iJiarcn ana oepiernocr, JThe courts ta ; the eotmtier composirt-j the aixin ci remt, siwii be held oa the lollovrir.r iiitteii (to wif,) -Surry Jhe first! Mbtidays a marcn ana beptember," Ashe the secotid Mttttdays ini'llaretr and Septeftiber; Wilkea ' the third Moftdeys fnr Mufch arid .SejJwnitier, iirke the roorth Momdaysin March and Sep-, tember, Btihtombe the " first -Mdndtty ' after the fourth Mondays in March and September,' Rutherford theL secondMondsy after the,' fourth- Mondays in '-'MircKriiftd September,' Xinceln the third Monday .after, tht fourth Mo'mlaViinMarcli aind September, Iredell the ' fotifth MOhdayd after the fourth Mondays mi March' and Sebtember, Cabarrus the fifth Monday afteV j.ht fourth Mondays in March and September, Mecklenburg the sixth Mon ay aaer the fourth Mondays in March and ' Bcptemberf'Tr-v -T:,, vc-r. , , 'IViml. h' it furt!i&m&M;!Ti tfie said 'saperior'tourts'gffull'bs- lit id by, the' Judges nowift office,and ! their successors, iand "those to be appointed 'by Virtue' of this act, and shall continue their, sitfmfes from day toj day; for six days, should the, business of the .Cearts require i;.;ft;?Vvi?:'?;'.:.r .fiViVJni'h it further 'nhtxted, hat tlifre hBllbe'appointl by joint ballot ofboih hous-. es of the General Aemb!y, two Judges, in addition to those who are ' now Judges of CoUrtiiof law and courts oferiuity'of the pre sent superior courts, who shall be entitled, to the same salary, and hare and exercise the same powers and authorities as the Judtres ' of the present superior courts of law and e-J qulty havd hitherto had and exercised.' ' ; , v VI. Andbi it farther enacted, Thatthesaid. Judges shall, in such manner as may be a greed on between themselves," 'attend - the siipcrior eburts by this act established in ro ution,"'sb tbat (hey shall not attend the same" cointi twice trl succession, '. I .. yiT. "y- bf f:rl.r"c'-:-"' T' - Sr.''' be pending in any of.tha courts established bytbi act, jn whjeh-it shall be suggested,1 on oath or- afhrraation op behalf of "the state bf the traverse? of the bill of indictment, or of the plaintiffs or defendants in said causes, thai there are probable grounds that, justice cannot betbtained in the counties inwhichsaid. causes;shaltbe pentf ing-,thafihen-and m that caie the Judge, of said court is 'hereby ,au (hofised to order a copy of the record of said iiause to be removed to some adjacent court for trial s.Providtd always That alf state caus es how depending in any of the present, supe rior court, shall, be ried in the superior Courts of the countries where the district towns are situated, , 1 ' X11U!'4J M ft i farther 4nncUdt iTliat all civil causes pending irt the present superior eouits of lawand cp,yts of equity, shall be transferred ' with , the Vprocess 1 and T pro ceedings therein to tb, superior court of the Bounty where; the plaintiff, resides, except Causes in" which' " the ' plaintiff" or deferi. dit resides out of the district, and in.JuctJ eases tne causes shall be translerred te ttie superior cpurs,of th Wnty where the di's trlct.court titow held and esccpting alscy, actions pf; ejectment and' trespass, uarsl 'dausum fregit, which shah be transferred, to the superior court "of tfe county where the! 'land is sKuateuv5:--" v-'l; b; f :;:.:'Tf':3 .silXlV. And it it fa ther ,faf,-:-That the Clerks' and CUrks and Masters mrKquity 01 'the preseut superior courts of law courts tt ecjjuity, tliall be Cteilti ,snd lilerkVcnd, Masters In Equity in. the cpUHbjf tWi'act established, in the counties; respectively In which their oHiccs are now kept, and the' Clerks '.pt,d Cleik and Master, hi Equity ef the several superior court of law courts 1 equity, Ihajl be et;Wc4 tp M tTie fees al ready accrued on the said suits so to be trans--ferred.;'" ' j .; - ' ; :. ?, - "v' ."fXV y And bit i( turtfier enacted, That'tne judges of the. superior! Ctjurts by this act itabfished ' or a majority of them, shall hold ,the supreme .com t once in eseh and every I year In the city of Raleigh, on the first di.y of July, thai if said day should happen onf ;hunday,'thenon the next succeeding-day, with the same powers, and under the same .rules and. regulations is is now prescribed by ; law f and the said supreme ; court shall pre ' scribii ahd establish from time in time, "rutes ;?ty he understood there wa such a project' ,' ; -j and they should,have an eitimate for iu-- : n .Dkndwing what these buildings had .cost ; jjth frequent appropriation called, for, aod' rtcoll'ecting that every appropriation was thi' psr, luey would know how to act, andwheih-" ; jer ther' were about iabe; involved in a sea of v ' ' : ? expense,, the copfine of which they: could , case in the building In which they sat, the tlie cbndact ef the persons employed on it , ,hBving always failen short of the promise ( ... ; , . ' ' -T;e '"Dillon was then agreed to without 't division ; and on the next day Messrs. J.'. Randolph ahd D. R. Williams were apooiu- " Jed a committee t present it 10 die presideriu ... -y.- "' .Uecnibr 15.,'-- r ' Mr. T5anaallfd up.' his resolution reUtvecr to av aiirvcy.ef the coasts of tlie -UStatea -which was agrepcL to.with.an addition, pro. ''' posed by .r,C'owiaBteld, Sn4tiu0ctii)gtho ' cuhimhtee.o commerce aud" rnamjfact'ure ' to 'eflrjjre into tbeexpediency of, s'lrvejina S(. GeorCti bank OP n other lVir.l anrl . shanks that mav baiartsrfcroiis to vfturU n. proachiiig tLecoa.itsof the United Staler m ' ' J ';' ' - . ' Pecember 17. Mr J. Rsndofph, fronv the committee p- pointed ycaterday to presenVa rtsolut'oh t the President of the. JJjiittd States 'pxpiistf iBg;.lofrtiit'rdatiye Jo jhesums ektjenc ed w iMm-lhe. city f AVisihing ton, reported ' that ih'e comm)ttee,ljad.jerfunmed thut ser tics, Slid ixreived foratsver that tfw infor piaiaon should he laid before the house as soon kit prclicable.:-:;i;.;:.-;.;rv'?:;V-:i!' Pi.dXM 'The peker, IbfiirTfied the -Wwise that he had received an anonymous romiftinication; addressed te.,.Cjpngressw from a writer who prefesscid himself to be a . foreigner; .and dc ' , sired his conitnunicAikia niight be read mi . tloied doorj'-.,i;:;w,;4, v'ji u-f., " A sltoVr ccnvemiion ensued . cn; the pro--per way of tNatmg the commun'tcaticst, when" it was agreed that it was test to take rlo or-: ;tler whatever upon it, vv-., . ; . , v , V, '','"' :;',!. j'.;,;r December 1 P. ' Jfr. Clinton, presented a memorial from; iundry inhabitants of New- York, praying that 'tneasstrea rhay, be .taken more elfsctuelly to " brtiry-that port,. which was refcrmdto the, ' oommittes appointed on that part of the mea- ' sage ot the prcydent that relates tQ.therel (- 4 t t .,.j:..'.y ... li.c i-Ktwi iiw i!i'js '.-1 ) J.Iarch anJ tlepteinbew -The courts in the i countitf s compoitng the second circuit shall ' be hsldon fillowincr times (to wit,) CaN tercl th Erst Mondays' of March end Sep- Umber, Jones the, second Mondays of March'T and' Sptembet, , Onflow the third Monday tf March nd. September, Duplin the fourth' ldor.dajfit of March and September, Wayne; ' th first Monday after the fourth "Mondays ofs : If rch ami , September, Greene the. seeond : J!nndyf'er4he frnirth Mondsys- (i March and September, Lenoir the third Monday s-; ' tr- the fourth Mondays in March" and Sep tember Craven tha fnurib Monday afterthe fourth. Mondays In March and Sepxcrabei', liraur(rt the fifth Monday after the fourtA 'WomUysin March ah-eptemJr,IIrdee' x.'a'xth Monday afterthe tourtli Menda'ys. "in ' March and September.' The courts, in the counties composing' the. third, circuit, shall. fce belo tba.loiiowmg rimes, uwu,j .rtaioo Jirst Mondayaln March and September Edj .comb the second Mondsvsjn. March and Sep tember, Js'ash the third Motidays n March fc - Keptsmber,. Johnstoif the irnnh Mondays in '".k Warch an.4 September Wake the first Mob - day after lh fourth Mondays in March and Scie'mbcr, Vrpnklin he second M6ndar af ter hatoprjhMomlays ih Msrch nd Seiifem LeriAVirren .the third . Monday t afiec tba ' fmirth Mondava in March ami Septembetr Hslif r ther fotirvh Mondsy after the lourth iondsvs la March and ScntembeNi Nbitlx.' ampton the -rh Ibnda after fhe.Jourth " Monday'"1 March and SeT(ember,Msrt'tTHhe " sixth Moadar fter the (bunh. Moo'daU in March and September, , Thai courts in the counties wmpeb"efoOTth"entfit,iha11 bs bell OH. the fullowih J-tlmVs," (toSfitvJ' Cinfilleiaefirst.Menuays m Mafon ano:be WmbeY, Person the second Mo'ndfcysln MaTch' and Septcmbcn Oranje'. the third Monday I"; in March ana aeptemasr,' V"H,M l0,ff fourth Mondsys In Mfh nd. September", KVo-lotph the firsf) J.di)dji riirr.rUjJairth' Motiuay ia arcn an eprrmuer, nown , ih ieeorid'Mondar afterthe fourth Mondays ln!arc'h.ftna4Sci4cfhner..Stokcs the .third' Monday suer.ine. i"urjn-.ionusys in -ixi andScVTe'mhi'fVCu'ilford the toiith tonday afjer the fourth Mondays iiv.Mac andSq) ; tembir,' Rothiofitam the fifth; Mendiiy after -1 thefouHli Mo'n'days in'Murc.lv(d; Srptem Ler, Caswell the;ia;r.th ).Mopday .after, the I'tinu il'"y jy , r". :i?FKi, . The ' court's "in the,,We coroposing.th , fifth' eicult, shall be, Veld or jheToltowinfJ times, frn wit.) Matgomerye firt Mon- tnMirch And VietHcmber.-Anson the t ' ..-..-leoii'nionJa'js hi Ma'rcbf nd Se pteroVeT, P.ich-' ' Ik.v tU'.'T'1'.iilvi In March and Sen- lilWlKI III ....... j- - - -r teraber, Uobcsen tha fg.artbi Hondayi In cue in Lchuif of the tte, iti the resj-tttive circuits for. which they Shall be appointed. , " VIII. t And be it further enacted, That tha Attorney' General shall attend and prosecute in behalf of the State in the superior count compoainK the third circuit, and that the So, f licitors heretofore appointed ahatl, attend the supenor courts composing the totirth ctrcuit. And the Attorney and Solicitor Generals, to-! father with the . Solicitors iininied under I thwact, shtJl teccire tke.snmof ten pounds lor, eat.h and every txiurt they Halt attct.d tohe p;1 by the Trtasuier oiMbeirproduc inir a cerl'.ficute.fioai ths clerk of their nu , teidjnee, togtdicr with the, fees arising, on j state pr6ec-jttnr;s, which shall t Jn full j eompciisaiiOTt or meir ervist -1, , . . IA. rfini V . yurj.icr rfufin, 4 nr.l 10 tounty courts shell retaia the same powers '! tnd iiinsdictions which tiny heretofore, have- Lad, and shall Jsc held four tunes jatich and s every year, as t,liey ncreio.ore, bate been,' held; "And the sheritTs br the county courts' shall w sheriff of tht superior courte bv this att eslatlisSndi troviied ci-warm Thst-no tdunty tourt withia Ihis state shsll be Obliged 10 luiiiiiiou j'uiro auenu ineir saiu conns 1 mora than twice in esch and every year, un less the business of the said counrskcOld s, require. Ktl. jV-p '-:i f: ,,. ' -'Xi And he it further enacted, That the . tveral " judges , of the superior courts by this 'SotesUb'ished, shaUsppoip Clerks sidClerks ' ,U Masters in Jvjuity, of,ti!l and prbb'ny, of theseve'raijeectivecoiirtsliewbyes'.ablishedl lrcnUed exertheUs$ That th if persons: to ifp. nointed hallba resident within said CMin'r t tJ.';.U4Sing,tCJHVl3 f jni; toXJ side mi cm the same Curing ihe contitiuanye irt oinde; who Ihidt tie' sul.ct to t,hp, same !rulei rcKul.tirnni,'an4 petaiijesiUe ClvtR of the superior courts and Clei,e, and. Mas teVs'nr'the crts of .'euuitr. heretofore es-' i;ta?dl.htd'.Vw.'J-.: .u.&.'.' ' 'XI Jnt! 6f ft further enaclL That the ' Jtnilicei of'the"s,e'vtr"I f'ounjj court' wVhio 1 thVs'.sraii',"1 shsll. et' (he'.'rcpc'ciixp' courts- '.nAt,prifcerj;'.be f)Uip:,c(.,tlj,,iuperivf, conrtain ineir rtspetwv pouijucs, sppoiiis thlrtyirork. li'n,sholj te iwnjrooned.by. t,t Sne r) IT. to it rhd the',' sa'id' , inferior,, court in th- manner1 pfe merited by law i Jpii'trrf, tici?rthttyfw f VhyXithe, sshl jreurts jshbuldhnpeiiV'ihinthirty dsys of tin sitting 'ortnt 's'uptHo' cAut f ibs'ir coViWftlieJps- tices of the tsid county coiirtsi.i, ippoirt the uiri aim for non nrcsent.su ptwof court. M. U itf.:,tUr ,.,.:.:, Ti.r.t t.'l the civil buincss of lite stale, militated by th TrtBwvr, shall be tiitd in the. arperior court held in and for the county of Wake Irt the city Of Raleigh.' ?"",J '"j. , I f "XyiU.: And be it further enacted, That the 'fces.. cif Attornies, Cletks and Sheriffs for pkiuling and acting in said superior courts, sfiall not exceed those tlrfadr established by law for pleading ajd acthigin thecur,ty 4coyrts of picas and qunrter, Vssions. ; XVIII., And h it furifo' enacted. That the several ccooty courts in ttiis Stale shall 'i have the SAnrie powtr to alio pay , to the Jurors "..the superior, courts by .this, act etabljhr. they tow have respecting the county Court Jurors. ,-. ' ; ' t r "XIX. V Be it further enacted, That all laws, ahd clauses of laWs that c'ume within the, purvie w and meuning of this act, be t epeslcd and mado yoid. :.' '..'.':.', . : ' ' ,J. RIDDlCKf .5. S. ', J011M MOORE. S. II. C. i and ratifed inV , . y '. tices ol the .saw county coorliiipp JtioW'sfaress'id tht eoiij-t,. prcedii thi'tWe sUr jurors ,' slull V.Jille t ..'atrendkhre" Vi jurors jire Jia the pree k XII.' Aid it it further enacted, That In all ciusts, wbctbcrjciv.l or crlmlnsl, tsblth shall .rdiMf timet and ratifed inV , ' , General Attc '.DectmheK 1808. lidusE of RtrunsEKT ATX VEi. '" i ( Monilay, December ,;' ', " Mr. J. Randolph offered the following tt. soludoni.-' .j '' ' . . ,v - AfcwJ; That the president of the V. S. ' he,- ahd be hereby is requested totatuetoW i I i r .. .ir. ' t . J . ' ' lB(il tciure inn uoinc an, m.wuiii, uhijj iuo sealaums jhleh lav bft expetwd m; tlut capitol, the bresid nt t bouse, tne tobnc oITtes,' the navy ytfd, am! (he marine bsr- racks, respectively, and the amount expend, ed on other objects' of public expense within 1 the city of Washington.' :' ' - .Mewrs,' Ahton tna tJlir),:Tftetfd that tt eight be cmlmmtsirig (b tht public ollWrs to give such a detailed and rcti-oipecuvc stale I , Mr. J. Rsndplph' repiifd 'thst hU object iwaCto-Tpct IrifoTtna'tfon,' for which purpose "tii.: Utilr' IA Kv' . ftn(1n.l view (if jwhol expendituVts within the'cTty of Wash ilnffWn At flment whtit aft appropriation fra particular object was called for, he nov seisca no stanuaru or companion. wticNDy to ietctmlne ill property." He wished to kno ttie'aggrtgaie imount which, this sink tl efcpensy of cncressinft exprnse, Had com the nsitori, together with the seversi items c exPendKure. He desired'this InFortnatien to tfuiJe4,im (n ivddnir of the future appro prlutions that might ba asked.' Suppose the house should uoderuka to build an vinivcrsi : . , i u i... 1 1 so.. ;.. ; ." 1 1 1. 1 ti Jiil tlilUUS t,'.'u.at ll.o wln'tj i:.'atrf .svl.kh was referred to a ccna.iiuee cf tho ' whole house. .; , ;;" ,; ',. f. '.iii' ? .-y.. ; Mr. J. .Randolph from the comrr.l?tee to . whero was referred so much of the message' , of th.prtiiJent of the. United States a re1 f, ltt to tbe invasipn of our territory by the" . ; ; troops of fipaini and to the adoption of mea- . sure for the protection thertof, respectfully.' rccominended.thefollrwlryr resolutions! ?; I. i JdrcrfMThfit"rprovisicn aught to l-f " . made ly luw to fortify and tafunj such poU ' ;. lion on the;Miisissippik U low. tht c'ny of ; . ricw-UrUsnSf as the president of .'ifce-wnHcJ ' Sttes shall designate, for ibe protection of that ciiy f add that further prtivUibn ought ' 1 to be mace Ly law for guiirduiglhe ap poaches to thessme irotiithe eat. ;-, , 1 -' ' .2.' ,cccJ,t,Tbat the president ef the Uoited Suus beautbotised to senpt of m jr ' 'company, or ttwpanies, of volunteers either ; " of artillery, cavalry, or infantry,: ho mar , associate sad ouet themselves lor the cert ire, t (not exceeding-'. , .thousand men,) who sT)aII Ve cletliiid and Jurtusr.ed wli konc -1-' Hheirpyrieapetisc, and atnied, aiid othtrwise .ecprpjedjatt he expense of the United States, -' except such, pf.theni astnny cb'6jse'to frnih ' -Hhfirovu;artns,nd whe ebmmiwionrd of- ; Ticers shajl , be appointed the respect1ve, , "Vta'te; and territeiial authorities ; who"shn1l - . 'Jl)Sj nab'le to tareltedurHir to do military tttity tt any lime, the president hsll judge tit "per, w'i'bhvai .'. ! years .aRir.he, shall ae-4-, eft le s.a,mer-r anil s.hctt -called into setvnt ! pel vrbeand whilst rt nruihinp in lire same, UiU' 'lie iinIr th;e, sjijnaa Mo nd reguUiions. arid " lie etitulcd tothe rsme Pv."Tatn.fri?.p.T ! and- allowa'nca fourtAhiiig; with' lie rcguiar I troops if the Unite! fctatei. v ' ,.,--t..M ' " , ti This rcDott. trtislhcr with the .flYrr&psn. ' ling dncumlSi Were referred to i. coraaitti. ' ' of the while house UHiuorrowi ? - M " . r ' I" .... . ". ij ''.'' ', ''. , ;DecemUr, U.j. i.;, ' J' Mrv'roe.'lci of hi.1 rauaiA ,!i ; .Mlqwt. " ' V . .i. r -u: 'if.-Vji' ;'.' will pi esurr , lvalue lienor ta.jny ccun-,; , try, lint Wt pr.e senlimett prevsiledj thatj ' tut one kind of fieling agitsud Ihe.pubUe.a" ' . . . 'i . ,a a . s is.w y- Tinn(l,.thi;n wtiat njactn, caiiea ine )ioca-.i4 adrf of New-Ycrk'b)' a small C'-iiHh, torce,, and jbc atroclpwa murder of lV.ari,e ,toft p!a"cc At lhat.iiteliiiieWly jntiros-trf'.a, dnk.t "' Cloudinedttiyri,:read t! ; ,ve were Uin-.V gui' IiMiiss, "sflet)t. rVhiit could 0tMl'f' 'ew and fcce wr're' the mcns tlM gaH,.f; . the execuuvt.f;r ti'dress si.d ft.b!e fias U.o, t ' slse made of .those inram. -. - 4.: i'Jt I know not whether Wsrre w a fslhcr i : If sis, 1 could wish: hisVPlidren mlf.l.flie edu W.edatlliD pullic txpcticc Mouumcnt ha ' i :"

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