'm y V.- " ... ...it.,," 'i m Mr. AlaoH, . rcrtit. ins. coWJMWmIP : f-lT' itolaicN-TOiile flL fDDBitiQi3:it-,3- iff! -VVi'j J acnveu irum me pprpri wauf K hiide lovrird tffetttn? this jb!ed! and v ,?-:y r-h r.p. foiy .1.11 VaViKelv , - v . vMt.CuntoB Drelenteddne Inei 4 ?lerblc injury ha arifeti n! praying that ibU mbnopoIj -may be done away. ' - ' :iMn'CtifQni moved &-rM-4hih 4at. tef mJer hetrr iir!f3raiMi, ' M Kvpoi iK'etilgh' reat;';nhinr 'cerrala diaawei of : Wxi watt? e-1krtediate1tpa4 vai 5eoan;e1.aftia ' 3 nd;hl lh -lalfdT "bartmittec'reioTibf Bilfwterwife.f t VQ:xtyMi; Tbit'i tomleebfrai: 1 pofhied loeife tb'e ekifing rawsfpee. ! tine 'ihe'miliiu to oeyife nvcafii for1 cp'od- p!eteit arming aBd. efluiptng .for' . f ,ienicef ana -roy 'ajo" lecal ? i&?f.L7 ilHia cf. Ike Unit4 St ated in prdeir(wrr(-i; fIaf It jv jrfficitni fflfce for iW WQ&Lm i ;ef-,ih jUBUcdtatae ftoeinM6oe, by a-:; ny foreign power, and that the fail Ccett. I . . .. mm . r ,. . ' . , . .' r . ' 'I ' Tne clerk; hating' tead the rcfohnumr, ; t A M IV MV wiJWW " ; ' mlitee trfthe Whole qa the ttite'othe uM memorial to the Committee of Way and ,Mr reierencio4 'Mr? Ctownlnlheld irijVed tw reference ; " ? ltIne.,"d -P? lerk fefsrfeoitamitieer ..'ike 'fiVft'.fiolfon ''bavlr.g been difagreed : ( j.o, Afes. 32-rtne ia(i pjauooaa .agreed , i ueiaay uec;, 3. . snoMr'''l"' foft. foirjbf purpo . -iipjthe rcfoiutiorri of wbicb s )jtevioui pottceiltie .lata,; , ' on this'toccafion avail himfe Iary tjdu!gne bfe Houfe'Tii Kbefally : accoidea to- member wnd marte roog; lfpetqhesoblfhW . ittfibni diwold btfecondede Would bricf.l !) .ino.ve their reffreficetd i'ctfm'mittee of hei hole-onjtrie ft ate of the iuniop'ahd if fo referred, he would oh a lulure day (for the Aftate of hia fiealih did nor admhsfit on', ; ' ihT day) alEgo'at'1'1ength.'hia rcafoni for; . -' them. -- ,v-; :.: V Mr. .Elliot then 'offered the following' . . rc foj ul ion s ; ' f. : , y ,1,. t - : . -. 1. . JietiveJ, Tbat it if expedient to make proviiion by law, for the further and more ciTcttual proteilion of the commerce, ihe Teamen the harbours, the coifti, and : ;'he fronriea of theU. S. . 4.r . 'Krfttvet!, Thit for the great pur- ipo(es of nationatproteflion and defence, it . ; 4r ex pedieof to provide bf Jaw for repair. ijnfe,' manning : and fup'porting in adtual nion. i'Ut.wairjrbggestfid )hamotT,;: if i noiU t ittj fuiecti emrad by. iheie. refolqtlonSi hadei";a1tealjr!Vetrred rappomtea on .ine-ltttn mem3ers,.r in,ev. Ontiilar reference to .other., committeei ( good,, purpote. being' tcate the proceed'! fngs of loti Houfei and a qiMsftion sfr-l -aer was rauea ac to iwrcgwariij uixai i wiitiine them. it ?; iXi. -tv:'r'Xi ' The Speaker faSd thaf at the refolifntlf rlhough in fotne refpeftsfiTiilar to the'futJ-f Im-'Si.,"- iu'tlCft-.V '.liif'? .retire.ta Nachi(ochei,:nd,thpfe of Spain ' to IN acog4o4he4 oa the tame. day and tbat! thefe ftiould not irwrofi ahe'abieie,.. nor " thofe thenoyfuriaiftpen4irtg' brf cUi ' ocgociauon 01 ine umvee xtn wun v, nui the ttatu quo at . tne lurrence ot k trjr pryedRi.biitflV'Abe nb1Rrid. k- trpujple''n ,of,w.iprn fontier Jia'i.', $ceri . quietedr lhtij bloodflted,, Jbj thejotcj 1, ligence;temper,- dedfion aof ,6lfnji tf ':ojuKGexeral.5iiil5;;i';u "i';l Muk'k t u The followine brdcr' aa iiTued y ttie General on ttio -iBOrnlnR ofltha eihiinftj on which oay ne-remraea laiNaaumncs (6 mke arrangemerit oriitoiw4r)f ttie defcent of. the fronni to KwOrWn4.i -He leftfnat l4cefour oiyfWcehii : wiauva iamm af vvuua jut, fc " wi i n (l few daii e ifi'M WN W featlng . "1; (-.if. , II it'wii mat Tererreti. in mnrr rnnrciivi. eot otter-m. AT", - rz yvu-rr" t be.ouM -net , .c; :iv;; .7 i .lVj i -r j,i j: -II.. x mr, ia.10 jew. wurui i nc iinc effed.and ilateJ bi w'ifiMoJbe, afforded f ; n opponunuy aiutureoay tnouia .ipej; ;7refolu,tipnrtbcc0m fcraifteriV? , ; OA tefefing theTefolntio to the tom .tnittee of the whole oaIh.ftate of tb u: iniOrt, the Houfe divided Only 3J mem ber! rlfine In the affirmative the -refer. ence wai filVereed to, when-the refolu. jtiona Virere OTQcrcd to lie on the table. " 'The' cohiideratlon' of the bill probibitipjr : the importaUon of Ueinto O--t. w "resumed in tornmitteC ,of lie'hoIc-M.v Varnum in the chair . ! Mr. Early moved toitrike out that part of the bill which declares the importation of persons of color into the U. S. felony and punishes it with death." " "? This motion wa supported bf 'MessT.' Early and Holland, and opposed by Mr.Smi- lie, and agreed to Ayes 60 Noes 4. ; ' Mr. Bidwell renewed tbe motion formerly -t'zV.tV .1.- ...kau 'f .,lV.i,.r.'-j r.i oflered by him. so to 4mend. the bill as to :A'ei vcffeUof warbeWzine tothe UohcdU VVK peon. of color un- ;';tatei.:'-, ;.ttv:.:.;.;.-'vV?'?VJs - v u -i - Rf'wt Thai 4t, 11 1 e? peJlent to proyuiesy law lorociraying inacxpenic, ' incident Id bu'tlJine two new ; frigates ti i;fepply,rthB'.places of tbe 1 Philadelphia; , - r -which was loA during tbe late-; war w4th , 'Tn'oli, ai.i the General Greetr,4 which : ' t bas bcen condemned at bnSt for ferVice i "v r Rfflved,-Tbu proviUoo ought to u! te;made by' law 'for preparing two or; ; v .''rnDre navy yardt, 'and. navy' aifens's, fit., ';uiteJ on or near the margin of the ocean.' , lor the Reception of fhipa anl telTcIf of ' Var, and forpthar naval purpofri.'- ., I.S-; VwA::.JThat , commiitee j. appointed to enquire 'what proviflon it' ,-:inay be. ncceffry tomaire by law, -in rcla-J : h lion 1.0 the location eflablifhajert, and fu- .i' t,!ptrintendance,of navv yards and naval ar v i:tfcna!i; and that iboUUlcommitiee repbr( v' hy bill or otherwifew ; ' d. . 5, ; -RtftlvtJf That committee be ap "pointed lo enquire what further; meafnrei J-are ne(Tar)r tor the proitflion 6fAmCTt' y ' iin fcamen, and for thiirreleafe and n. " demnlfication', when ImprefTed into foreign " fefviqe, by the officers or, fgtlecli of fo- !l.mn nnwpil nH thai t Km tx'tti mAfmttmik f.i report bv bill or othcrwife, fjn ft, , :, ,' V; y . ' Rifdvei, - That a com mltiee be a . .-'(pvHted to enquire Into the fimiion of the ! -pot' I and harbours-of the United States, , yj tptoihepraatcabUKy end propriety tl age ' t Keral fy Otnvof fdrilficailon, & the expence . wuh whlchJr woOldbi attended ' and si. fa Into the bett rhe.ihod of finlfylngihe t) frxW of New. York.' Jind other mlncinil ' 1 ;'Vt'twbicbalenow,Ini(jjyeVeleflflale.i " 'y rand that the faidcommitueTeporl a (late. i ' .;',n?er.f of fidli, with their opiaioo thereon V.. tO-lka Uoufe... . . -. . 1 jijiiiB.i ' JRtJi!vtJ,'Tht a committee beap pointed tocne'iire into the eirediency of Afetvcfling the (Vfidentof thU. States bf .i!,rlw wih -ample powtr;:o : tsitfe eferr egreiHon and attack upon' the riqhM,"the f. lrtor,-and ihe in-fcred'of ,the U. States, ' "hlch trfy; be oVtimltte.'d or commenced w'i ihe.otScers; titUens, W juliearof 4, kry ioreign poWer within the ports & bar. .ported, On this amendment a debate of considera ble length endued, in w'lich Menrs. Bid w til, Cook, bloan, Ftli, iieuiner and bmnie sup ported 1 and Mesira. Lloyd, Early, Elmer, Altton, and Macon opposed i h When on motion of Mr. WfaV'', the committtc, Vitlwut coming to a decision, rosrtand'4b. 'tained leave to it again. ; . ; ' f ' - NATCHEZ, f mil. Ttft'.y Nrtvfi,i , General Wilkfnfon; we nnVr ft nd, has rntfle another requifitioh of five tfynirei . Militia, from the Secretary ot this terri- tary, to tlelccnd the MtHilrtpfi to New. Orlesns-i-en what frrvice we do no pre tend to know. The Secretary is faidto have refufed a compliance!' with this .te-; 1 I . The General departs this morning for -K.' Orleans, -t-'----Jt- ; toreiM power within the ports & I ira'a iheUiteiSiaHi". wuhin the r rXOMTRl HatAlD IITH,- Tiiefilay.Nov, it, t8oi o'clock T.u . . . i ,1.'. . 11 rs 1 ns oay at poon nil cxccncncy wene.. ral VVilkinfon arrived in town,' accompa riled bj his Aid de Cmp, Walter Burtin, Efq. f 'his Territory, from Whom we have the followngJbjicf .fu.mmarj;pftJift. Generirs operations on the borders of the province of Tcxhas, in oppoTitioa to the itpanifli troeps under the orders of Go Tcroori Cordero and Herrira 1 . Tbe American army marched -on the jjl, and reached the left balc of the Sa. b.ne river 'on the'itft uU." The General feund Governor llirrtra pnQedon the op 00 fne bank, and encamped nsr him. .Three tinatmed.Spaniflv folders we're ,t ken by the advanced gnard on that day, whom the general returned to iWSpani(b camp,' with a defire (hit thi f refpTi might pot be repeated, and 'which wai dulv rtf. ptclsd, .'On thenarch, the General had, hy. letters from the pamlh Chief, been twice prohibits J toin ctofTmg the Anoy a futwU 1 . On the 19th' uli, he .difpitcbeJ CaptsiaDuiIia with a letter to Governor CDrdero, io eep'v to thefe prohibitions, which proiuced fame difcliflion between the Chiefs,' and on the tth It was agreed by Governor lierriraon the psrt nV the Spaniards, that tha Ameiicaa troopi fhould '.'lJ,.-i5.Nowinber r'h.-1806. vw-i'fi C. Sion WaHii0T0!f, 't? s ! "HIS Excellency iGoVernpv flcrra-: ra, themiUtafy chief, imm8riiitely!oppo fed tb'triisoVp, bay ing'srie'i tVwithJrawj his troops Id Nicogdd?hts,; anil' to- prohi-j ' bit hefr tVefbiffin:f'be-Slbi6e river,' "pen- dine the r.epociationi between thil United States jodipaiol: the ohiee1v'of this: epe itidnare vOeiOay and CbnCi CMmini wUl lead back the troopi to Nafchttocbel. . 4 vtv ":, rTbe uniform conJufl of tlje trpops tn-. gaged on tho ferrice hat been exemplary and merits the applaule ot their country To major - Welch and his mounted voliin teers, trie General cffrri bis thnk :for their vigilance and perfeterance. ' The or. cr yncnvr airu muii'piiiuiic.oi cam dracoons,- would do honor 10 a veteran corps, and the General elves them, indivi dually,' place in hi affeiliont, convin- .ced, that Ihould the occalionever prefent, their Ubres wilt reap an harveft of laurels. I o tbe regular troops his friends, his af- fociate, his companions in hard(hipi, fuf ferings and perils, It is- fufScient for him to fy, that be knows they are aver ready' to meet danger, and to dar' death in the caufe of honor and their country, and as difinterefled pctrictf, they wilt yield the palm to no Citizens of United America-; ' . W. BURLING; , .'-'Mc;: ''iPmLnEtPlltA, Dee. aV. : ;, , . .'Ti'iZrA O WES.. : 1. We are indebted, to a commercial friend for the Jlavana Aurora, of November 26. from ;whicbtae following article, relating to the recapture of; Buenos -Ay res by the opaniarai, is cxirscreti 1 . ; . . . TliNtLATlOM 1 " '" -y ; fiAVANMaNot: 96. By tbe Montferat,' captain Francis Car. bond!, arrived yefterday from Cart ha gem, after eleven, days, padige we have , received the folloalns intelligence, which - nrij; rk .. .... wai puoninea in ranama, on tne ttif vti- 'iu'ii wnence vwas orougnt pjr a yemi itom rayta.- , . Captain Don Santtseo Llnieri, ba vvflf under hia command about 1500 men". cnuuy veteran troops and well armed conduced them, in countrv-boats. fml febooners and Enrr-boatrr to the river Lit Conchas, Cx leagues lo the north of Due pot Ayres, aad being oinedbrabout three "of four himdreatotumeersr'rnsrched wi:h great expedition,4 by land to tbe . city,' mr which he made fpirited kttack"ji feeVal points at once, which Were fuccefiful J and on the lath of Auguil, the enemy ba ting lol 500 men, the remainder, to the numbprof looo capitulated, and fiirren cered tbemftlret prifonert of war, with the Central in Chief and hia fehiltern of ficertr.'. V'-..r ,.-.u,v v .To the fame obliging fourcc, we are alt fo indebted for the follow attlcle, tianff Uted fronrlhe Perevian Minerva j" ' " V 1 . 'fnm ike Pttuv'ttn htintrv; j" 1 ' ' ' Rittftutf tf Bunn Aim, X " ; ', " ' Lima, Srpu io6. YeRer. day armed here so txrels, which left A. rcgttlp'a on the ihineenth inil. with the pleaOng intelligence, ibat the viAorioul -army of hit Caiholic'asjeQt bad recon Queredihe ciiv of Uuenos .Arrea en. the mh of Atig'ill, , I'l brste- deliverer was the marine captain (ie the nsvylDon San Jiago Liotrs1who baying heard of the capture ky; the enemy,, ireht to Montevie- 1)0, the Governor of which place gave hint tne corairfandjora light fiot i(la ot abour thirty fail and; 1500 men,; .troops of - the Hrii ihd yoiunfeert wtnpletelt, artned. 1 -iTtff diferabarktid atPtietto tie lai tbncha vtfhere they , weri joined by foow Inhabiuntii'of'BqMpl' fuf. toundrng COunttV by Which iJUuioa iheir number .amounted, to; 1309V- When they Vum0ancei in iKejiitb', hjjn t.hey . .tacked "Mh the gtctelt, intefijty, tho : furtiiied tlacea,ocuipi4(j by he tfcnemr, .'andtornletely defeated tjxemfv.u j '," Al' fire moment, ot tkeaHapitthei p. nemt 4iftfeHdeVed;- to avoid being. rput tb lhe,fwbfttf'1 With. hKh' -ottr genera! had Ifreatried thwnKGeneral' WijtSetesford i3a.i pf6ner'-r war, :Svttff upWaijii of a DifpOfl of thp contttertr. !, i'li'.,- -"'('.". JJ, vKteto'STipKi WcenibwM. i A eenilemari froni Caoe Frkncoisi has dblt- r- gingly frishei) its with 'ili&A4drfsa of lite (tytrnhcntd'ilaj$i, to'thecomrnerceof rteti- . itral haVionSv'.which we b've' ; .translated 'Of 'hi&,f- CoWiet.; tie' TuiHher informs fa,'" that pcrraisiiou to trade U given to tne sub. , , Jects of eterf , power,'but to those. ofvNspo leori. rErerchnien:' who irc'tjlie'.f.itoraUwd '-ubjec'te of anyother patiot,'are 'included. tn the permission t but while they r.nniuiMt tbcjr ' -.li..i. .u. v,rrn !..:. ..i. -. .prototypttirvJ'VnCtitliey are detined enemies ' !'to,his sabld imtilesty's government j inlmita-v Ttion'of Buonaparte's eonduet towardi the pin ;cea of tha iouse.0f Bourbon. l;The tyrant of Europ't. should tremble at Ihe fate of the Hay -tlaHremperori There i a point injheadmln. litrdtioflt jbf ttie af alrl of goTi,rnmeriti Vtiyond Vhich' tTnf people 1 janlare no rnore'i Oeap. , tism-wUlr-tventuariy be crushed" in' (Vance, 'and the subjugator of .Europe will be 'htirled ' from 'the throne he usurped, and will Isfford v to tbe world an awful example of Uic destruc tion 6T thoie-darnhgoRuei whoL withTvicToua inclinations, nbh on to the jar) of their ambi Jlini.' .iu)iM..fi:.. ! nn-tr rrTi wir a--" virtues of eiviUaau'on, and all the righta cf the people. ; ', , , . ' . '. ; ' , TXAHSLATKB TO! THX CaiaLISTOH COCBI- . " yy. x . . . , AdJrttfqf the Govtrnoref Ilajth ' thtettif-j, ' tfierre f Ntutrd nationt. ' ' t Scarcely had the inhabitants of If aytl freed . themselves from the yoke of France," wbeA they had to desttby another . Hydri, which iney tosurca in tneir own uusum. - iu n their cares are directed to the cultivation of those oretiout commodities which' the Earo. .pean merchaaU procure at a gieat 'etp'enc'e, in the most femote climates. We hsve ob jained by pur constancy the. reward' of C-Uf 'painful laborsl The treasures' tf our' soil 1 . . ., . . i. : oner -to your speculation in rnQM nppr prospects 1 our store houses Blled with all the"" productions, or the Artxuti, njy wsii roe, ar rival of your ships, 1b exchange your' wianu facturev for those cbjetta yea might wiih to procure in our climate. If a sy.tem contra ry to the progtess of commerce,' bss until Bow 'opposed obstacles .t6. its lueees4,',thia. disasfroui influence 'will no longer be f?;!', the kpell is 'off, the' phantom fits disappeared. . and with it, tbi fatal illusions that enveloped it, have vanished away. Fr from shackline; , "cbmmerte in our ports, tnegoyerornent, thai has jut been renovated, offer you more fari litits than is in the power of any other natil.tt to grant. No matter under what colors yr-u ; ' ' ''"'( i rosy appear, the guarantee or youf proprryr, the safety of yoi(r persons, the most' scrupn lous obtervaoct towards Toil, of .the no,l'r quitsble laws, are ecured to you on the fw'tt't of the government.-Permanent re;ull'H,, dictated bV wisdom ; duties ralculated upon thediaicultiesyou may experience In rrafh Ing our porta, and collected with eqult ; great dispatch id the discharge and clesrance of your vessels ; men of probity at the head of the public" offices, these are tbe chanses yot ; ' trst rely upon.' The eovernmenlll well IJK prised that where there is no reciprocal ad ran. ta-f in thtexchsngeof the respectiri commo dities, 'there can be no commerce. They hsva already ordered the suppression of con. aignment by patent j of the assltci for the 1tice of cpimodi'jes j of pririleges granted orthe sale of coffee', as well 'as of theebliga. lion or lorcea, smpmcnis 01 tuari, cimun, he. Every oht will be at liberty to purchase or sell on the condition that he ,wilt thmk( Triost snitsble to himself. . Those reRUlatidnt ' begotten by InrattiaUori and Ignorance, ailtno i longer circumscribe tRe txtent' pf yvair spe. eolations f tour confident will no nvofa be shamefully ItnaoKed vKn'td fatoyindltldukls, who were es.unknowa'to Vqu'as tbewtre foreiort teth good er tbtlf 'tountry j youf friends, your tgents aUnel 'will have the ,oi rection and msnogement tif ymr jirfiprrtUt, and the government pronMse ' you ko grkht them all the protection ihe'y tsn w"h lorU ' Tha hlnniW no Ikat haatiUt tOO tnUctf fTTIf fked the Winnings or a criel fcln,"ill no longer prtsctl to your auncnice eyes w. saw ....... . . . h. i... - t I - J:Ht-i 1 I' if 1 .... A

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