,'r"-'. " ' i . - . ,'. - --; iI-L-TT, . 1 1 t .. - .'v,,- Published tWry:-T - ' - . , . , , ,f .-r,- - " . V . - .. J. J-LJ.LJ J J J. - - . 1 . - . - . " V-hy-Ji:iVJs!i iv' v v. . . -jr' i Late ' - Foreign News., -.' Lfcwbcrjt, November n. r A antes arrived yeertyr" it ,Yar- tttfutb, . frn the Eftc," with flifpatcHc's f qr,goeVnmeot. .The'&r Vt jpapuja Dell fdved, the Uroe time wr.h the (Urn-v iV -&K;Dghrleirand,.papkS0jhe jthlnftV. r f . vetober 3 1, throwi Tom new, light ,tipt . (' the movomenis of ,ert3ivc armie!i after the battle of the 14th. Thtf'Pruf- , funs having affemblcl,as "we were atrea-v riy informed,' in farce, between Brunfwklc . end Magdeburgh,' paded the Elbe at Tan-, germude and Stendal, on, the 261 h and ' 27th, and proceeded to the Oder. The. ; Fiench appear to have bein well awaro' ; -m of their, intention, and took ihs tno(t f. feclual courfe to defeat it. For that pur- . , pofe jthey formed two diviluMis. One, as has been (Wed, in a former paper, advan--' cfcd to lagdeburgh,' and from thence pojr'i' -. ' . fiied the Pro (Tuns ?who had pne day', flart of this dtvtfioa of the French arm jr, 1 it having fcroffeJ "the Elbe on the a8ib. The other divifion of the Fiench umy , railed the Elbe higher up; aVDeffau ami -1 , . Wirtemburgh, and confequer.tljr', was fe-1 veral days-in 'advance. .Had this corps , been able to. tolace itfelf in,. front-of t!ie . Fruflians, while the other thatifalTed b)T' - ; - Magueburgh attacked themLin the rear, .4- : the rcfulf would, probably, have prove.l . fatal to "Che Frufliarl j bot they" are fald: 1 4n itl ' tVi Vv ntrii1 r f (tit tui, . t though, probably, wnh lome loft, as le , " . Terai lkirniifhes took plaVe on their march. ' . -The French were expedled at; Stettin orf . , trte S7tn. wnn intent to pais tne u irr at Ihat p'ac, the Pruflum having broken dowirihe bridges on the point where thcyj. cr6ued.it . It is probabJe that the Pruu fian army would, await , at Cudrin the r- iital of the RofDans. 1 he latter,' to the amount of 250,000, it'is faid, have ar rived at Pofcn, but the nnmber is evident jejgered.-v- Report adds, that or.8 of the conditions between the Emperor of Iu(Tia and the King of Pruflia is, that the latter (nail not make, peace, be the mm- event 01 ui wr wuai. 11 iiay, wmioui 1 S) f , , theconfmt of the formrTbe Q'leen 111 of PtuIIia it far beyoiid-the jeach. ot the Sllr. eneitiy. ' Her Majflly and rhikiren ate at Griudentx:, in Poliih. Pmlfij, upon the banks. of thc.V.iluU. The Eleftor.e! Saxony; was preparing to leave Urefden on ihc-tyth,' when the Officer' arrived from Cuonapane, with propolitions of )eace,"whichrwere acceptedand his EUc tOral Hlghnefs accftrdingly remained in ' capital I anJ on the 24th, DuonapaVte's Chrnbrhin ariivtd to alfumt the ro ' rrhmet of that ciiy,' in the name of V Matter.. ' Buonaparte alfo piomifed I o ho hour tne Lleavr with a friendly vi r SttslAind is decJired in a nare of fjeee, and the Dutch army does not appear tlif. pt'feJto remove far from hcoe. Orders have been tranfmitted to the tpujlom lloufes at Hull, for the detention of alt veflcU loadii.g (or Embdcn or Varti j the Hoop, Bakker, for the latter pon, ' -which" failed on Friday, from Hull, had a boat difpiichcd ailer her, 'and was brought back, , -, .-.Tl H rnhiirh Correrpondeoten Jn fonhi, that Buiinapaild is ar Potfdam. Prtsie accoiifMi ftife, that he had Tent for Talleyrand, who-had ' palTJ through Ltipfic, on his way to Potfdam ; : this looks like negociation, ' , . ' ' The Swedes who were on thrfr way to Sttalfundliad deemed it nectary 10 halt and finding a iuniom with the Pfuffiinl Impraicae, retired to Lu beck, from 1 he nee they were to teturn to aweden 11 hey'.Could procure a fufliclent number of ttlTels. fur that. porpofe. The SwcJiL'i , troop did not exceed 6ve ihonfand. k Leneri have this day been received from Copchhisen. From one dittd the i.l of Notfmbcr, vie catra& the foUow'rrg paf. facet" . '. '.' " About two hottri sgt, I Ipoks wii h Entlifli Cotiful,' lately of Sirtfinr. 'who arrived here this- morninp," en,i whi rifirtt ptfiiiviij all if toiib Prvfta, as the only hope 0f pp'tniii d bt't remy reftelt with PrltiCc llnhenlohe, who was flaiiotied t MiL'eh'thirf,1 whh 'bt. Jvvccu' 6ty and. fuiy iUj(if.d ineir-wrl ferved, prottdicd, and riif.rd 1 which.' notwithllsndin', . wi fKed to yield on Hi 27th. jiIi.. when the Prince was badly , Wounded and taken nriTiiner, ,wilh many omer oiitiiiPtniiitM un.itn. wivrt is ail this to cod I It is fsid that the Fismh are puu.irjj toward ta mcti n, :ip- tWoachiur Ruflia'oi. Ko'MaiTi this hit' wk irotn mat quarter, pr rroro ocr. 77ASothet 1 '.letter.' reports that tb K'ng; ' aad Q;icen of Pru (fia .ha.take'f-fhlpping , at Sict-.in, inteudine to proceed im.nedU-' telyrm.St.vPeterfburgh, ,'TbffKing m Swedenu is laid, has . alio been at Stet tin,- from whence .iiekapei-to hit owai dtfttrioiootj bj ttirfg oa board fliip.'- " , '-4', 3::,V 'nU'. ' ,:'it iv j-:.- :-f-:"'i UT-y-k - November. -i, At a lata hoor yefterday, a number of letigri were recerved irt town fri Hl-. lirid, by ihe'CooeordjaJ Dublna,arrived.. in the rivetf from Catwyck, one of which, dated from Rotterdam on Tuefday cvei inif. lUtes. thiL. the hrll column of the Ruffian army ioined the " Pruffiant at Itindlburg in Brandenburg, on the 29 uj. and that another corps, chiefly caval ry, had at that date croiied the river Watta at bweren. . ." ' Some, recent movements'' of the Auf. fria'n troopa ia Bohemia; appear to have excited flrohg fehfitmns' in Hbllahd.-. That part of the Bohemian armf ';of ob-i i feryation , which was ftitioried ar Pilfeti,: hat advanced to Brix, and .another Rrong corps, which was afl'emlled in Moravia", has cccuoicd a Dofition on the F.lber near Aufig. wiihiri fix ports of Drefdcn. llicfe: are probably iho diTpoQtions which lately gaye tilejo the report, that the Aultrfan. army 'was marching to occupy Silefia--v The; cfpinlon- in : ilolland. was, that Jhk emperor rranois was' approaching the. neighbourhood of the war in Juch force as might give inBoencc to hi inierpofi. ti6n in favour of Pruflia, or enable him to take advantage of any occurrence lena ing to reHrain the growing pdwer of f ranee. . : . - -. The pfufllan column nnJer GenvWin. vim. was on the 2J in It. At iJemin. in Pruffijn Pomerania. . ; 'V ' - Alt the Saxon. foldirrs nsve been dif armed,.and their parole "taennot to frv agairift, France or her allies, . Twelve thoufand five hundred Barariins are irt gartifon at Drelden.-" The Saxon cayati'y" are obliged to give up their horfes. Only .200 French troops were left In Brunfwick; the arfcnal there was well liored. , ' ', . ',: ..'.':"".,., ',. . . , . The Dachy of 01 Jenburgh, is ilcclarad neutral. ,'": .; ':: .-; ' ,.:V .".,'" .";".'.'' Part of iie army of Prince Uohenlohe, i llated to have thrown itfelf iota Stet tin, and to have prepared for vigorous de ' fence ,v . : ,.;,.,., , A letter fropi Revel of the 14th ult. flates that Mons. D'Oubiil bat been banilhed lor life, to Siberia. . : ' H :",.'y' Ciutfoow, November 18. Dolltiins from ihvixih till ihe si ill in clufive.eiijht in num'ier, from the French army wcie received in Loitdon onThurf ilay "la ft. They conrul .chicfl) of coarfe Invjflive and unmanly infnlt towards the Ovicen of Prolli a, and the Duke of Brunf. 1. r .. . wick, wuom tney reprtlent as tisvlng in fligated the King to a line of cor.duA, of whicit be diUpprovcd, even when ne re-. litctatxly adoptcJ it, -They give ui very little InforsuaUftn with ictsid to the events of the war. They are followed with a Proclamation announcing the iktentioo of Buonaparte to march hit troops a gaintt the UuUiinj, who, it is admitted, have a.fcQed-a juiulion with the Ptuf- nans 1 aud'renewing Ihe threat again It Bitain, of makini! no peace with her un lit flie is deprived of the means 01 (lit iWbin ihe peace of the Continent. V; CONGRESS. , IM SENATE," December .T''Vj Gen. bmith observed, that on examintnir fh Rules and Articles of War, there appear. eS to be no power to "punUh a cuiien wbe shouu be found acting as a spy in the arm?, or attempting to seduce the outers or soldiers from their duty. He therefore moved that a committee be appointed to enquire what amendment were necessary to Ihel act for establuhinir f ules hnd arlirles fir the govcrtmtnt of the army oi toe w. Diatet. ... ' HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATXVltS, , - luesday. Jnntmry 6. ' A bill for the relief of George JJttJe wis read the third time. ' ' ; , . The bin tnskes ftroviftion Tt aclaW fr?. ferred by captain Liule rotnmatider of a ship of the United Sutei,.arisinK out of the fol lowincircumitantes. . Dnrmjr our difTeren ess with France, a U ws patied proltibilini; c6mmercis Intercourse with 1'rtnce. . Undar this Jaw, and thtordsrs given by tie txecu tire tcovemment; ta'ptaih MiUe cspturtd the Flying Fish, whirh, on an editidicaiion by .hecouiuoi the Uiul(d Sutel trss resiorei '! at an illegal priiee, and damages .awarded ar. gaiwt captain Little, who dxuna an indemni-, ty frpmibe government, oa.the. grourrd ef haviiig in th aapture executed the orders; given bint by the secretary of the navy. p Jlit debate principally turned on the point, whether tbe law, or tbe inatructiona eught to . have beert the ftoide of captain. LUU ' ' - MesSrsHoimas.TaJlmadge, Cook, Dana Kaatrngsj Quincy, and Alexaoder, advocated V and Messrs. Smilie, Greer, Chandlef, Be- dtngat, and Fisk, opposed the passage of the J bub xi -,,'. f When the question was taken by yeai and nays, and Ihe bill passed Yeas JO-yrNay 1 Mr. Stanton, from the com mitteeon claim -1 barred by statutes o limitation, made a re port, recommending that air jusfWid equita ble claims for services rendered, or supplies, furnished during the revolutionary war with . G, Britain, fcc now barred, ought to be pro vided for by law . '- , Wednesday, January 7, , . j, . Mr. J. Randolph, from the-committee pts Way k Means, on so much of4he message. . of. tbe Pnsident of the United States at re:y laws tothe repealing of the acts laying Vlun ty on salt, and to tbe continuance of the act, imposing certfin dgtjcs which constitute ihej Mediterranean fund, presented a bill, repeal- Jni-the acts faying a duty on salt, and conti fi'uing lor a further lime the first section of an. Jact eptitled an "act turtner to protect me eommerce and seamen , of the United States against tha Barbary powers,", wb'ch waa rt-, ferred to a comtnittte of the whole oe Frif-' '. Mr.' J.v Randolph lik.ew.ioe presented is. hilt, authorising thejPresidentof theUnitedStatea; to accept tb service of number of; vpliin-; teer companies, Tvot exceeding SOfiqo meo, iwhlch was referred to a committee. . 0 tbe; whole on Monday nexU'r- -". .' ,4 . Thumday, January 8., ' N ;ri v' Mr. G. W. Campbell said it would be re collected that at the last session the President, had laid before the;Uouvafter.)t rmifica-t tion, a treaty made with the Chickasaw tribe . of Indians t that an act had pasted the House lor carrying n mioeneci, uui 11 u incu irni adiagreement of the two houses on certain amendments.' .The consequence was thatthe tjovaeameai was onaUe to make the at'fpuloted payments, ana that consinerable inconveni ence was likely to ensue.. Some of the chief of this tribe had been here last year; they had relinquished their land, ana were greatly, dissatiihed at not receiving the sums stipula ted to be paid to them. It was almost im possible to make them, aensibleof tbe policy of the United States on this subject. : To ob tain the attention of the House to the sub, ject, Mr.C moved the following resolution J Rttalvfd, That provi.;rn be made for csr rying into effect the treaty made between the Vailed States and the Chicka-aw tribe of In ,dinson.the tliird day of July, 1865. '. ; Keferred to a committee of the whole House te-niorrow.. . v. ''.'.'- - v. Tuesday, January 13.;. -T-- ,The bill for repealing the sets Imposing duties. nn aalt and for continuing the Mediter ranean fund waa read the third lime. , Messrs. J. Randolph, J. Way. Varaum and Bidwell advocated j and Mr. Quiucr op posed the bill ' Mentrs. Brooro and Dana de clared themlves in f-vor of taking off the .. duties' on salt, but against continuing the Me diterranean fund.. . ' The.bill pa'-ed Uy a great majority -with only five negative., '" . - - ' nurday, January is.,- . The bill providing for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States, was . read tbe third time and passed without a u-, vision. , 1 On motion ol Mr. Fik the houie resolved itself into a committee of the whole. Mr. Gregg in the chair on the bill authorising the preside of the United Si ate to accept the serv'ue fit a number of yolunteer conr pa nies not exceeding 50,000 men. The blank were so filled as to bind th vo lunteers to continue for twelve months, unlet sooner oisc;harged, and to sppi opriae ; 00,000 dollars, . ; The committee rose r,d the house cencar- red in these amendments. ' ..'.' :- i After the insertion of a smsll verbal amend ment, suggested by MrO'sllmadge, ne mo. ved to recommit the bill for tbe purpose t introduc'ang s'proviilon (vr the appointment of field officers. Tbia suotion'aras disagreed Vo y(s 43' noes 47, ;, , Tbe' questiod to' engas tho bill hiving been put, Mr. J.lmer observed ihat in his.'o pinion, t . contained every provision on thit' subject that was necenury. . 1 " ..' I'll I , . . 1 . I ' , i When m pin wi oruercu unom urn. aion, te be engr's4 fur a third rcadiug U' mnrrew., ... l, i - ' ,,' i On motion (if Mr. J. Rsndnlph. the Ilnme Resotre4 itself into a eommiitee of the whole 'Mr, Gregg in, the chaiv on the hill supple-' wentarv tn the atcUntiilcd " An act making provision for the redemption ef the whale of , the pubUco-ebt ef lb V - Mr.i. Randolph vailed for tbe reading e-f th letter of the secretary of the Treasury on t.Vis subject,' rnmtnunicstcd the Isst ses sion to the committee f W Mr-.si which he bclieyed conttined the most satis , factory and persplcuon rcaaonv. ia . favor pl the bill which. could be asaignett. '. - - Thie communication having been read, th' ' bill. wa tonaidered by sections. ; That va-, . rioos blanks were filled h some emendmeme " , iotroduced touctusvg the details of the bill. . T The only part.oi the bill on which a divi- - (ion was called, waa on : fiHiitg rthe blank U J the third section, eVaa ua entitle the holder ' !of the ner six per cent-atock toi sum equal r ; to ixty five," per cent, of ihe anmunt of th aura ettbscribad by tbe to in,' three, per cenu l'-iKi9Li.:-!:fii ..--4.:wp'.'';.?r - On this molion the bouse divided Ayeav" " 59 Noe;S27, trr,i .,... -t : Tlje coqumiltee rose and reported Tthe bills " j-' the amendments proposed were' immediately ' " ; agreed to by ihe.;Hwise;.and.Jie hilV wtth- i! , out atliviaion, ordered to be epgrbsed for a" third reading to .morrow- ' ,t t. r( ;,The IIouw resolved 'iwelf into a commit- . i te of the whole Moue.r-Mr.' Basset 'in-.the . :cn4irori the bill prescribing the mode of ta. - j king evidence ia cases of contested ejection fof .. members of Chi :liue of Representatives' ' 1 ' ;' 'Ater a short debate, the committee., rose" , i afiii ftbtaihed Jcave,jto itjbgain Y Mri JRamiolph from the' ojoimiUce te tjwhnw wmW erred: cVrutn 'ree)ntinnv 'm'l ' 1 s -Pi sr i ed a bill for the de' farice of the moults - - -' of the Mi5&iippi knd for the proiL-etfon of .'. I New-Orleans, and. ha dependencies, which ' ;;was re.teirkd.io a commiuofe of ihewholepa ".' J Aldav:.':''; . i t. - .t ''".;'." ; v.- '. ' , Mrs G. WirtCamnhell. : moved 'Nbat th ' hqusehould resolTe iuclf into a committer' Jpt the whole on the resolution offered by himy - , ' toimakeroviaiun for carry n into effect the itrvaty between tbe r. United States,' and the Cliickaiawlrijietif Indian, which motion wae : idjssgreedto Ayes 24 Noes 6. .. ' u' The H6use rcwlved itself into a commit tee of the whole M Varaum in the chir 4f w-on the bill for cont'tnuigg'the act for su- v pending Vommercial intercourse with certain -.. ports cf St. Domingo. - rJt , -v; . , After a short discussionV the tommittee rose and obuined leave to sit atiru '.' ft. I ''v if ' i" Vi --T!IN SEMATfii.--'". ' ..,k "'- Mctnday, Januati' MJ f ' ! . Mr: Clay auomtUer theTofloaing motion for consideration 1 - Resolved,' that it i etpfdie hi and proper to appropriate a quantity of land, n&texreedmj; ' ' - . acres, at a fair j cash valuation, to- , . wsrds the opeiiing of the canal proposed to be ' . cut.at the rapids of the Ohio, on the Keniue . kj shore. , ' -''.' . y.' v'. s . ' NATCHEZrDecemVr 13.' fy COWLES MEAD; - StcaKTAav, fxetvtinp the PiWtrt end btr "Jetting ht DutittrJ Cmtrntr tJ the Jb'w- $$ifti Ttrti.toy'. ,' -" ''' ;.: . rRpqjAMAT' : ' ' . ?'; rVllEt EAH infortrtatn f om vricu.' sources, s well , by' afiidvV'' aa'ptherwir, h been comniuijTcatrto me,'ef the iVs'irna j of an assiKuOon,. whoke, object is lhe.d4-.. . me'niberrnf ni of Ibis aid the. neiMcmg; counjrie .from' the Government cf the Cm- !. ..... . , i:l ..V.:.. .f leti sttesvmj wnereas every ancmpiju . 'this kind mut be ruincus and destructive of the, numerous blessings which we Dow en- ,jny," undef the auspices' of a Government - founded on the grand pi incites poTiticjl eqtiiilityt and indiHriminaie justice; Aral. , wheresaihe conspiracy is dirte'ed ly men of secret and profound intrigue, for ih-ag grnd!rement of themselves and tlieirjnioi- - - ens, tothe oppression cf the great roast of,.' ithe people, whom they ate endenvoring to dupe and .inveigle 1 Fror.; the ffregoins . rauses, lhsve taught proper lo ivie tbia . tny Proclamation. Iir the purpoe of gysrd- ' -- log the good people ot tuis l crritory egainat the agent of this disboflcsl plot, and waro : them of their .danger from that qnsrter .' And 1 do hereby solemnly call on and enjoia' the officers, both civil and military, and tbe ' citizens of this Territory, lo pcrftrm.,lheif ascred duties tV their cr,untry, by siding and abe'fi'iRinthedetectionofany geMstwpIoy , cd in this ceuMry, tnd if found, to be brought , without delay, before the proper tribunals rf the countrv, thsltley msyreceive their trials) fnc iucll hih c fences agmsl tic pesc amt happlneis cf the 'Mississippi Trnimry, snd the dlgiiit'aha soereip,nty of i the U.ui ted States And 1 do further enjoin and re quire, ihe ofT.cers nd"citirens of the Territo ry, to e on the alert and prove their paltiet Urn ty Kif5r such MMttsnc for the d'T" op,pet of this Iraiiorou project as their repective a'ltuations will altord. - - Ann Wiiasa I am aware ef the In- fjuence of .inu'mue and misrepresentatioiH and, that p;en of pur intrm ions may scme Vnnea be dejudtfU J sqhrtafprcSnviu. all of hia description, if euy, to return to ttsav boiam f their couutrj and the confidence . ef their pevttpmtnt. , ; . ... Aia Waisras I have rrstnn to belief thst rosny ef tie ..Tnt rs of this Goterrv merit have not taken the oaths required by the Ordiftenc cf Coper and Ihe Stti ot thl Territory 1 1,do, iacoaicquence there cf rtquirc all officer who have not taken th said cathf to corae forward aad UU the. . ( ; 1 -f ,

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