Theatre Wilminstok ' V TH1SEVEKI!sIG : , Will be performed by the Thalian Assocjalt. v on, ihc Tragedy of , r .... ; .HAMLET. T which will be added, Murphy's Farce of - The Apprentice. Febrj0ay"3 .25 Dollars Reward.- : 7r' CAMPBELL, - : Watch S; Gio5k41aker24 JewelerrV RESPECT ULLY acquaints the in. habitant of Wilmirjrton and itivi. ' cinity, thai he lately removed to the brick hemic formerly occupied by Mr, John WiL liaini, merchant, where, he ha for fale a eat alfortment of Gold& Silver Watches, jewelry;- c ja'fo cominueSia ufual to repair Gold & Silver Watches. Clocks & Jewelry. Repairs "on Watche are injur ed ir. nt year, and on Clock for lw$ . - f ""; November .io.' if ' 0 AN. AWAY from the fnbfcriber in X Uuplin CiiiittvV' on 'the 24 h De-' v cunuer latt, a Ntgio Mao named LMERY ttboiit thirty yejirsof age, jive feet five or fix inches high, country born; ? Hammer vcr?.mnch in his fpeech, ha a hole in ha . r'tfcht check which was oceafkmed by ."ihavr - too h-ache.He 4 formerly belonged , v Wd ianv'MGee & John Taylor on Long creek, from the Utter pf whom I prchj : fed him about twelve months ago tie bad on when hwent away a,pa of, tow cloth . Jroufer anda Bearfkin great coat. : Hav.' in'g a wife at the Little -Bridge. I fufuecY . he is lurking about Wilmington orits neighbourhtiod." ' " "" I will gire the abbve reward forap . prehending the faid Runaway and fecuri1 ., ing himin jail fotfut I gift him, and in ,,. addition thereio, all reafouajle einccs fvr bringing dim to me. ' ' t Matters of veflV.s atid all others are cautioned againft harbouring, employing or carrying him away, as the law -will be enforced aainft any petfon or perlons who may be difcovered fo no of fend. -. . . : JVMES WILLIAMS. : 1 Duplin County, February 1, 1807 4W.. .rTHE'ulMcriber hiving lately received a l-" fulKaiid renewed Power of Attorney from the Heir of: Wimble, inhabitant" of . Boston and other parts of the Commonwealth . -v.of Massachusetts; ; I'-..V L-v - OFFERS FOU SALE 1 ' . Landed Property, of said ' Heir's, , , consisting; of , nearly ( ', - One hundred .Lots,' lying in the Town of Wilmington.--Also a Skirt of Land adjoiningoh the eastern and southern boun daries eif the town. - : ... ( . The term may be known, and good and auffiCient Titles made to Purchasers by - - Joshua Potts. : V Wilmington, Dee, 23, 1806, . Swtlam . n. w. iwgg'les, - No. 2 Bradley ' W harf, offer for tale , 80 barrels of Mes No. I and No. 2, -. JO harrtli of N E. Runt . T 3 ) barrel pi Hour ; ' . .v t Pipr-nd q-mrter casks of oM L. Pf' Madeira. ! 1 VV ine nl uptrior quality tti ahy in th) place' Quarter ca'ks of Sherry and Llfcbon ditto , i- Notice-, r ')'' rti: QTUIS will be inslituted against all per O 'aona who shall remain indebted to the Estate of George Merrick, dec. after iheBikt day of March next. . ALLMANO HALL, Attorney fur GEa M. LEECH, Ex'r., ..JOHN MACAUSLAN, ExV, , Wilmington, January 2T. ; ' ' j"" " N, W. RtGGLES, No'. 2, R, raJ!ei Wharf t -- "' Jtrt (or tale'-- ... . 50- Cak of Stone Lime " . ' 52 Hhds..ofN, E. Rami , 2J Barrels- do. , do. " ' : ' . ' "100 Barrels Flour, - 3a Barrel of Mess and No. I Seef, (Boston inspection) . Pipes of Madeira Wine ' Ditto Lisbon and Sherry 20 Boxes of Chocolate " - " 30 Grind Stones " ' '.' A quantity of Shoesi-fashlonable toortman teuux and travelling Trutiks and Boxes of Cotton Cards Country Produce of every description v AIo a few Tons Swecd's Iron. ' "Wilmtngtoni Jan. , . Valuable IUW Seatfor Sale, O liyATELorf Afhs& HolleyflieW VJjci creeks, formerly in the occupation, of G-l. Samuel A fh ?; nd containing up--wards of 4000-;'rc of Land, ptto( which is well calculated for the cultivation ofeiiher f ice ft corn. On thp pretnifes' is a Saw Mill in good order for immediate work. J'S'fituation as a Mill Seat is fa well known in this place as to need but .little tfcfcriptioB it almoft never failing Pond, and command of cofiftant means of getting Jo the Wilmington Narket, ren.. der it 1 valuabfe purchafe to an' perfon; wiftiing to engage in the Lumber Bufinefs. One third of the purchafo will be required rnprompt; pay the payment of -the re. maining two thirds will be made conveni ent to the purchofer, (o as the whole be paid within eighteen months from the day of fale. giving notes with approved endor. fur, and payable at the, Bnk of Cape Fear, .For further pariiculars apply to - , " ' ; . John JUondon, , Attorney lit Tact for hn 13" Wnu Gi Sutheronti -A Wilmington, uc. 23 ' . . , ; Will be sold," on the premises,' " AT PUBLIC AUCTION, On the thirteenth in of Ttbruarv ttrx.V 290 acres of Land near the mouth . of the South-west branch of New-river in On flow county, where. John Lee, dec. formerly lived, on which U a good dwelling house and outhouses. Eighty acres of the said laud is under cultivation, and there are 50 sxres of pine larjd convenient to range, as good a any in that part of the county. 1 j. x ,':'. fv " Six months credit will be given, the pur chaser giving a note wiih approved security Joseph! Mashbprne, Adm'r. FOR SALE, v January 10. ; 553 4tpd To Let,: Tor thilernkof one Year, THAT commodious Houfe, fiiuateJori 1 theeaftern Weof Front-flreet,betweea j the houfes of reGdence pf MeirrsThoraaa Ro6efon and Thomas Jennings. The up-: per part of this Houfc is at prcfent in tha ' occupancy of Mr, Tames Fleminer t . ihe - lower part is uled as atore, to Vend gro ceries.' 1 here is a large and convenient- iara wun a eou ivncnen inereon. an- f'urtenant to this building, which render! t a ilefirable abode for families. PofTes. Con will be tlclivered on ihe eleventh day of February. The terms may be known by application to . . LtWlJH.iOOMEK. Januafy 5. Five Dollars Reward, A Strong, handsomfr Chaise and II A FEW weeks ince was titolen from the , ft inm ofHssorted Swreds Iron 1 ton .f f Shtfsttlitntr Paoef : , Harms cf Lampblark .' 1. J).lto i Bed Ocre . - t ' ' AU, an Invoice of English Gooda'suitable ' fop the present seaon. . , . , '. Dec. 8. tf; . "' ', ; CASH,: . Harness- northern ttfade. Also, a Youngf Hot sei ' Enquire of the i subscriber, nexs door to tte. Melhpd'ut Church. l ". 'yXk-:-!:. ' Joshua Wells. ? Wilmtngtori, Dec- 23.' ' tfp75c. ' J ; ' ' ' Sheriff's Sale. ' , iU the i6ih day of February pex will ' be told at the Court. Hou!c. a tract of Lint 'with the improvcmniis therton, containing about 2bo acres, fituaied near Bull Tail Swamp, on theroad from Ne gro. Head. Point and near the Duplin line. adjoining lands of Benret Fellows, John Page and Cog lell to fatisfy an execion Robert and Win.' Fellow agalnll .William Fryer and others; returnable to Wayne court. ' ' Wro. NU1T, Shjf. Wilmington, January 6.' 553 , ALL. perfons indebted to the eftata cf Maiy Miu deceafed, are hereby rrqucAed to m4 immediate payment, and thofe to. whom the faid eftate is in debted are lequired to picfent their ac cbiMits properly atteftcd within the lime 'limited by law, otherwise they will be debarred of recovery.' ; h' ' RICHARD LANGDON, Ex'r. all pocket ristoi, wun a brass Iockj brass barrel, and mounted with' silver. ' A It is supposed the nine was taken.. bv a black attendant on the last night of per- fonnance, nny information will be thankfully received by the Association, and if required, a reward of five dollars will be paid on it de livery to J. W.Hi will, or -;c -ri j. h. pelham, -Jsnnsry 27. r-S'T,-Z ' -. ' R AN-A WAY from the subscriber in Cum berland County, about 10 miles below FayettevMleVoti the 6th instant, a Negro Man named SIP; about 30 year of aje, i feet 9 or 10 inchet high, has a large scar on hi houlder, and sloops forward when be tand. J: . ;. .' . - '':'' . I will Rive a reward of ten dollar to any person who v 111 conbne him in any jail in the state by -ihe first of February next, and inform me thereof, o that ! get him -if he is nof caught by 'hat time 1 will give the saroe' reward for him'deid or alive. . . - THOMAH MOODY .. January 24,1807. tf " '. .. " 20 Dollars Reward A Proclamation of Outlawry, - Stat of North-'Carolina, Onslow County. . S TO LET, i 'nt store ana wciiar adiointii'r the - J, fubferibers, whereof immediaie puf reliion will be given Alfo the twaBiUt Stores In Market. Street,' belonging to j. F Curgwit they will be complevcd;ai4 ready to receive tenants in about a moatls cnquijc'of ..." . " ; ; v, - GILES & EURGW1N, - December 20- - 'J- - JOSHUA POTTS offers for sale , ' at low prices, to c)As Con3nthents, lie fyllovimg MERCHANDIZE, v hhds. Siiir, 4 barrels ColTee, 10 puncheon N. Rum, 35 barrels v ditto, A few pipe .Malaga , Wine, 1 v Ditto LWbon dittt, , CheU Hyson Tea, - ' Chests Youh tty-! soh, ' India Cottons, Ket? Gun Powder, KKS Shot assorted, Coils Cordage, Iviibtia Cavni, v 1 RavvflS Duck. "i Produce at market prices,- via. Sawed Pine Lumber, l, : , 4 . Flour, , .. . , - . Butter. 1 " ; ' V ALSO TOR SALE, ' . A. likely Negro Fellow, : country -" ' -' born. ' , ' . .Wilmington,, Dec. 1 6. . '- Wholesale Store.- , ' TXrjLLbegivenforTALLOWbyiha r V V fubftritKf, who willhive on hands a 1 1 Mant fupply of the bed quality mould CAN DLLS, for fale on liberal term bj the quantity, for (hipping or home con fuioption ; who hi alfo lor fale by the hM. 4'h rroof Brandy, 3l proof It New- EnnUnd Rtunj'aKo vatious'.dcfciiptions cf Luti.6er. Staves, &(. v 1 , A. LAZARUS. 1. January IO.'" .. - ----- "r-'.; TO LE T, THE Shop ner thcMa-ket, ii Second. Oriel, rcciipitd hy firi'h & Kemp, '.rvflelf'rm.will be given on the Htb rcbru- air. . tnnuiie 01 Jrnnsry tgT A. J.DE ROSSET. ' . ". Notice. ' . . R : 5 E A G R 0 V frr-mr Till "long L fpell of ficknefs i d coh'itified Indis- f cfnton, has declit'td continuing in the Ultpninttrirnt rti Dfpi') ShtiifT Notice is lieuby jjUeu',f the fme. and ihst I have appoin-ed Mr. HENRY WRIGHT my l) puty, who is ainhorifed to al accord. li,,!y. " ' Wm. NUTT, Slf Jsn-jJiy 16. - Negroes . to' : be hired. quire at thi cilice . 1 , January 20. 3W, -;,.'' - ' For Sale, A 'Lnd con!nlng three hundred acrtr," on Smith's crcek."ad j.Miimg OJc land f-f Mr. Wro. Cmptcl!r Apply loihe-Piiolrr. " : " '; Jwuarjao. U.T ''.;" ' TO BE SOLD lew Jtr Cojb r Teung 1300 acres of Land about 50 miles rve Faycttcvilleon the norh-ea(l fide of the river, a nigh pleaiant timation. on which ate good Springs, and a Grift Mill on an excellent Cream, a rood dwelling lloufe andcontrolent out Iloufet. There Is open land enough to work ten or twelve tafk Hands. , It points about ore mile and an half on the river. The low land infe rior to none on the river the high land Well Hjpted to: the cultuie of wheat and tobacco. - ' ' ' YvT'utmt apply to SAMUEL NOR TIIINGTON - ' November 10. tf A II ALL keeps constantly on band, at the Printiiig-t-nice, A larco ColIfCtton of UOOKb, - Atnon which are School Books of almot every kind. ... ' ... .. JLSO, STATIONARY, . B , consuting ol f . LANK BOOKS snorted, Thick Pott rolto Thin ... ditto, . Oiikrtn Pot. Gilt edee Foolicsp. SPAPLR, Plain do. do. Pot, Marble, , Ttlniiin'ir k Wrtnnlnr Ink Powder audljuilltol tie gctt qouny, Shining snd comoioq Send, , . , Red and BUck Se.ling-Wax and Wafer, Led Pencils of vriou kind , Some Chart and Seamen' Jeurnal, Cyphering and Copy Book ind Copy Slips, Blank of all kinds in common use. BY Christopher Dudley and JohnSplcer, t'.squires, two of the Justice of the Peas for the said County. . ; Whereas LimpUint hath been' tbi dy made to tin, by JoJit Fullwood of the said County, that a certain Negro Slave belong ing to him. named CUFF, hath absented him self from litHtau) htastcr's service, and U lur- Cj Wanted an Apprentice to the Vriing business. Inquire at this Office. 7 r;v . ,; ' ' king about in the Ctunty, committing many act cf felony, , ' These are iherefqre, in the name of the State, to enronum! the said idave Cuff forth with to urretuler hi welf sn.i return home to hi tai maMer. And wc do hereby lio re quire the Shcnff of. tl.e id county of Ons low, to make diligent search and pursuit af ter the above mentioned tlave, and him h ving fvnd, lo apprebrnH snd secure so that he rny be conveyed to his said matef, or o- thcrvue difhigrc the law Cirecti. And the 'id Sheriff it hrrtby empowered iprsitc and take witk him nch power of hi county a he shall th.ittkn!, for apprehending the laid slaved And we do hereby by virtue of n A:t of Assembly of this Hate concerning tervants and alave, intianite and derlare, if the laid lve Cuff doe not surrender himself and re turn home, Immediately after the publication ol these presents, 1 bat any person may Mil and destroy the itd slave, by uchmtnss he or thvy may think fit, without accusation or Impeachment of any crime ,or offence for so doing, or without incurring any penalty or forfeiture thereby. Given under our hands and seals this 32nd dsyof Jtnuiry 180T, and in the 31st year of the independence of the said state. ', . . Christopher Dudley, (Seal) , ,. John Spicer, (Seal) . " I TO LET. . tppViifit hftrt Ibi Uth tf Ttbrurj THE Stove in Muktt Stteer, occupi ed by John Scott. Enquire of r.;. li. . A. HALL. Jntiry 20. ' . The- subscriber? are now opening and ofltr for Jr -' , h the Paikage or less quantity, ? Avery large and general Assortment of Dry Goods; Hard Ware, Hats, &c ' 1 ' .;, CaniiAingof; v. v. NEGRO Cloths of various kinds, Blank ets. Coatings, Flannels, Broad Cloihs, Cassimere, Velveret, Thickset,' Thread Muslins, Durahtsi Linens, Dimities, Cati- mancoes, Ribbon, Shawls, Hondkercluer, cotton woolen and worsted Stocking, Crape. " Edyings, Modes, Sattins, Gloves of all kinds. Bedticka, Oznaburps, Swaasdowns, Cardi nal, CaTKeoe', Checks, Nail, Lock, Hinge, Anvil, Vice, H6e, Gunt, Pinto Knive and Forks Pocket Knive, Penknives, Scis- aors, Razors, !Bruheof alfkind, mill. cro cut and Handsaws, Filet and Rasps, Bridle . Bins and Stirrups or all kinds Plated and tin- , tied Saddles, r Carpenttr' Tools. Shot, Sad Irons, Scythes and Sickles, Pins, Buttons Paints and W indow Glass, r.nglish Gun Pow der Men' Women's and Children's Mats with a variety of other srticus too tedious to mention. ,.- ' , Thev have alo In addition to their Stock already on hand, imported in the ship Dermb just irrtved from Liverpool, and which in a few day will be landed, 120 Cask sne drawnEnelisu Nailu ( T rases Guns well snorted, , , t Pistols of various kinds, . , ' .19 cask Hoe,, and t very general assort, ment of Hard Ware. - , ... ..,.- ', Giles ?c Burgwln.;.-; Wilmington, Sept. 24. ', v- - - ' - en :rr . OtlSJSUi . . ' s ana otner Diant jjccus, Ut sale ti tkl aCQeot H'ilmfogton. Natttnkr 10, 80ft.- THElnbfccribers(lnconstqwenrcf their ..' . late Importation from- NeHnry-rort, Bgatonand New-York,) offtr for 1, vtole-. ale and retail ' Eurnpean and India GOODS, paftictilatly adapted toll present snd ap- proschine season. ,4 ' n"u-;.T........rc.TitrrTtvr(T rrv much enlarged, snd a constant supply mr be depended upon, with a liberal credit to those who may have occasion to equip vessel, ei ther by an indeaitiiEcaut, here,, or any .; of tht continent. ' " Also, having, eitsllUhed a regular Packet.'" to ply between Ntwbury-Poit, Bovton knd, thi place, they will generally lave for sale almort every article funiished by theLtstctn States? among wan? others now on band, ire N. E. Rum by the barrel or puncheon, Pota toes, Onions and Bea's in barrels. Furniture, White Rope, White Pine Board, Oil, Paints, CI- I ..Ik.- . r.,1 rnfr-! P..V Ticking, Tow Linen c. wiib a ccnsklctaUe qnantSiy Sweed' k sable bar lien, (ierman Oenttburg and Ticklingburg, Cot' on Btg g'mr, Ut, F.vtry tletrrlption of produca win be tsV.rn In payment, nunc particularly Tobacco, Cos fon. Bee Wx,Tl1w and Tar. ; ' Cash may be bad Ll a fxw bundled Ccsf Ekins. , . . Liberal freight will be cftTtn for ton .H... ...I I .11..!.- I H CtAUTU.R k Cti.