' '.r.,': - ' "'-'"-7 is. -. .. v.. ". Published every 'lujcsdayi by Allmand iUut Tfrree; dollars a Veajr, payable in advance or EoiaiDoUar if not paid within a Year, v "NVMBEil 531.3 ; Wilm rNGTONN. C; Iues'day, MarCk 10, 1807 ? p. ? T :VViJLiVllWG-lUiM ivA:V Supreme Court of the U States. ; ; ' y v,v'r : i-Ow Wedotfday .?Mr... Martin, iliHav - foeeck of fottr hOf ini a EpcWjd-f jr-- --at ttie argument tn thetnottarr juthc cafe "On :Tf6tfdaJrj the icT JiiBlce UUrV ed'tfiit' the tdurf hail hW the 'motion itiidc i40Xyier HolUtiat a!4wi!i. wou n ?c r t on fii)euM on , but Iwlioi je bfceri .abl'.to mak up dedCiVe '-opinion- J n the mean time as tae muaiipn pi. inc Bflfoners tniEht.be irkfome to' them, III the 'ejtuU..tiw( baili they flight; be bailed t ped by. the House to the bjll .to prohibit 'until to-inorfoW, - ; ' : II iriiDortatioin ot alarea-. exceot IhcSiU aw The; edoofcr cf MefTri. Bollmad and nient. V ''-'liitJ " ' - r ' , . Tueiuar February I7i J , 'A mewage ytk received from the Senate. JK Swaitnout obferved' that 6tw 'day'a liddi. ' i(fnalc6t)fihetheni;YJuld ljdi;make'Dy - t he cbdrt adfled that ihey felt'cortrt(!ef- aSW (liIScutt'j'vwith ' Tegatd td the adfttifll binty (ihe' .Affidavit of gcfteral'.Wikintoo; hetHirapeifc itiat a nrfriiriibr mner contained tlie fub. flfnce aa ordinal paper in handy fuck affidavit "wa" in fiich a' U is the. pwfen," admiffible! evidence.. Thcr' had s jib. cen uvRtf ihia pwt. 1 1 ney tnereiore mvucu ino , yrrearwea 61 counlel into it. ' - 1 . Meffr? Rodney and'Martln faid they ; -would deem, h tbelr doty,' under thi re el "icn to fiibmh to the court fuch prcce- dcojr at -they could find oa he fubje. hi u jExtrtfl of . Ithtr frm CL FirdUand L. ' Xlaiberne. It hit iritn&in thit aty. - 1'teturnea yeueroay irorn in cxpeaniou uo the tiver. with fire hundred arid fifty mep dr3,wn from'thls andjefferfon con- ty, Ind defined to meet Col.' BurrV who, uith a coondefaWC body of men, was en. ' camped at the Bayou fierre. When In . jfurtned of my ipproaclr anct irdtrt,' by major bieius, aio-ue-eamp iw wic govem or. he forrendered hitnfelf and party pri - foners rhey have been turned orer by the oxcmive to thrf civtr authority of our crtuory.CWhathe;iirue wllibe, Or when ' he will be "itw4 uncertain. V Hii rma i and oiher rniliiary ftofes; l-expecV-were taken pdlRflion pt on y pflerday by a icV taCnmenrirom my coinmanu. vyur cuuit- irf fiilt of tlrofe adventurer our ccm merce deflroyed', aod the twuttciiitof ia 1a - cosbptete contuflon; ' ' : -,v'-.Senate) of: the United tateS. t i''" February 10; .'Dr. Loian obferred- that be had for fon;e tisne viewed with anxiety the contin H9d depredaiior.i cpmrD4tt:4 on the' con, iriercc q( the United State by the bellige rent icowttl. of fcurope, by which our rtiercatitile capital had fu fared a loft of rnillio.nl, and our natwnaJ character was tUendcAm Me confulcrcd thti hmentibli r iuation of out ctomiKe to atife from fta bounty, in the form of drawback gi yen by flavor tntni to encourage th car ' r itig trade , by which our merchants were Ted into unncceflaryconfiifli with foreign n4tonihe therefore motedhaa com.- mittcq be appointed to coniider the pro priety, of repeating fa much of any "ad at allow a drawback of dutiei bit pood. waret, and merchandise exported oin of )le United Stater, arvl that fuch commit tee be l&ftiudtd tortport by bitl or other- wife. . . , ' . ,' 1'. - ' ' .if. 4 airig the president of jhe U. a. to accept the setyicetof-ijiumbtrrof ToluWeWxdrnpanief" not exceediAe ,pOd,Tnoivi alba an act 1ur- tlier; itppleiiientai7 to the, act entitled an act concerning the district ot Columbia ana that thef haa agreed t jM the amtnamema pro- amend '''.wTh'e tiouse proceeded to cortsder the fol blowing reolution"otTeEed bf Mr., ProotnJ : Resolved, 'That it h exptsdieiit to tniike ' further provision, by Uwj for Wcurihg. the privilege ot.tlie writ ot Maatas wrput ,-to pcr-rj; aon in ' cuatodyf underi or by color oft the authority .of: the U. .'",'' . ir iii-MM tnoysu , a remrence 01 inn rcw." IuTiion to a Committee of he Whole House,!' t" i.t!. it... 2J ,t,:,v ( .UO I'll IfVJllUlJ B liCUiq ifrvnc, wwi vw- ctipit the rtsidueo( jllev slitin, : The House considered the message bt the Senate, ataiing '.'tneir disajjreirDcnt to the Sth amendment proposed by the House to the bill prohibiting the importation of slaves into the U. S.",determined to irtit thereon ; and ip- pointgd a Cofltmiuec of Conference on their The House resumed the cbiuideratioa 0! ; Mr5, Pnoms resolution oh the subject of the . 1 be; debate was resumed, and continued till near five o'rlock. . . , - The orieinM motion to "rtfer , the rescju- tion to a Committee of the Whole Home was varied, and a motion offered, to refer it to a select committee. JlThe Jlouse . adjourned, without takinj the jutsiiun. ', -. Febraary 17. .'. .k-. ''. The reports ami' ordinary bufmifs of the day having been dlfpnfed of, the Se nat t6nklp the bill from the. iioufe cf 'Rc'pYefeniatWes for repealing the duty on fh, and 'far continuing in force the 3 fij I r -cant aJJitjonal for tSe .Mediterranean : fund. bo MitchlH midetfpecch agalrtft: th'c. bifl, (a r t it the.hour of adjournments ; : ' February iS. ' 'The Caq?.i ,'bin being again under con-, fittccalWMf Mclay fpake at length In" favor of ie bill, and in anfet to Mr," MitcluU, After him, In the courfeofthe tle'haft, MelTfs. Bndley, Smith of Md. Mtmt rJ JliSlhoufi, ireued againlV the Iwl. An J Mr. Moon dclitercfbll icnti. iiienti ift Ii favo. "' . February " '., ; The qneflion wasiak'eu on tt two fir ft feioot ot, she bill, md carried 10 flrike . iliem out t Ayes 1J, noes 5. Afterwards , tin rrtotiort 'oi.Mr. na'ey a fubflltute wai offered and agreed to repealing the du ll tf 8cemt, as im'pofcd In 1797,' frorry the 1 (I Jufy next. And gen. Smith mov ed an amendment, which i carried for fliortcninK the continuance of the bill from the rnJ ef the r.txt frifloh of Ccirgrcfilo ' ' Thursdari February 19. ' " ' "Jlr. f.Clai eficieda new rule, in addition 'to the standing rule of the House, filing the order in which business shall be donei which watordered to lie on the tttbla. - Mr, I Horrey of Ohio from the. committee. n the public lands, to whom was reterrcu t(e amendments of the senate. to the bill con- firming the claims to land in the district of I .Vincennes. reported the same without amend-: K tnent Referred to a cQnjmittec of the Vy hole H'unc u morrow. KMr, I J timet, from. the Committee of Claims, made a favorable report on the pelj. tiun of Daniel Cotton, which was referred to a Commuiee of the Whole to morrpw. .- " Mr. J. day, front the committee to whom was referred an act from the Senate in addw tion to the act relative to the mint, reported the me withone amendment. deferred to a Committee of the Whole to morrow. On motion of ilr. Vanum the bothe deter mined for the remainder of the aesiiitn to .meet at Id o'clock in the morning. V L 1,1 hesHou'se resumed the consideration of .the resolution offered by Mr. Droom. , ' .( The debate wa opened by Mr. Harwell, who adrocuted the reference of the re.olu , lion and concluded by mvin( to ami-nd It ty inscrtin!j after tlws words HUts the follow- inn words and the necessity of drfining the power of the supreme court fit the U, States, in issuing a writ of Habeas corpua, , v. ,Thia amendment was agreed to without debate Aye 1i. , - ' ' , Mr. sineej supported ann ftiessrs. Jack son. Bidwell and Grecjr. opposed the refer ence of the resolution to a select committee, , Mr, Crr-j, 'moved to postpone it indtitnite ly. . -J, - . ' ' . . This motion waa supported by Messrs. Stnilic. Eppes, Klmer and Sloan and oppo sed by Mesirs. Ntuton, J. Randolph, Elliot! J. CUy and Kelly. , - . , . , .J Whan the question was taken at S o'clock by Yeas and Nays, on the indefinite pout poncmcnt, and carried In the affirmative. Ycai ep-Nay 33. , if. .- r. ' NOBFOLK, February 13. ' TesteTday arrived in Hampton roads bound to Valtimore, the schooner 1 hatcher, 11 awes, in 20 days from New'Orlcana, 'on board of which it Lieutenant Lockhrrt, having in hi charts General Adair, of Kentucky, and Mr. Osrikn, takeuunby Central Wilkinon as vcite with Colonel Hiirr. Or OgdeD'a arrest the public have been already informed. From a pimcit;er who came up from the Thatcher, we learn, that General Adair was taken up about the th of January , he Uft h'iv.bKige and hotteson the other side of the .ak and was pmceedintr at a rrintt . person, on foot, to New-Orleans, when he was apprehended. leport at Ntw-Onensf tatedtat Burr's force wa 7,000 men, but oufinromiint doe nott member where Burr was. The embargo was raised on the JCifr December) The United Staua, brig Frank lira passed the Baltic oh the S I at January wua irvojn tor f.ew wntans. esterday! the ba'ttoUioo of Orleans yolurt ert were 'paraded in front of the Military; arTacks, arid took' the oathi of al!egia.nce, Vich' wa "afterwards adrn'Tsteredi h tt,4 1 officer and private. -.The general addrcs-v aed the. officer at conslderablenength, and declared thcphole battalHonto beunder rnV-' ' iltary K. ''--iC::f' .?v" "Pfr '-;irV' r-. a he-4st,2nd, and partToHhe-iltrrfegi-" ments ot mUHia were at the same time rei viewed by tht? governor, who also toeK the like oatb nd admin) sierccLit to theofTiceri ' of the? regiments. 's '' . -. yesterday about 3 o'clock the U. S. schr , Revenge, Tieut. Read.-exchantrcd a salute wita lort St. Cuarlss, and. sailed up the ri ver to join the squadron which is stationed at 'Point Counted &;fy-r-:-':irl : - fe j fram'our Ca'tWt t& of Ta6fey, '''. - day, about' V o'clock, the aid-de-eanip" "or vn wuwnson,' read the iollowmgi in tbeCoffee Housi, and had if. posted od' " the' books r"; U:1' . GEN, WILKINSON regrets that" it it. not iit hi, power, from a pressure cf public interests, which imperiously commands hW aiicuuuu to uc i 111c vont iiuuiie ma uo hi- tended this day, l;;v;.' w -.; y::: He therefore take' tbtf tnode'ef wanlnjt the mcrcliaat and ship owners to hold their vessels in readiness to haul off into the strcani. should it be found necessary,' at the shortest notice. Dut he begs that, this may uc tuiiaiucicu uicrviy a smuisrj precau tion not that he bcliercs 'Col. Burr J at Natcbea, or that he will ever reach thi city under his own" volition ; and he warns the citizen not to respect the rumours in circu lation, because the general by a letter from CdI. Burr's own hnd, written to Dr. oilman, is authorised to nay1 that the colonel's Utmost calculation bf force did not exceed 6600 mer, and that he would, - in person precede the mail! body wUii a'oout 2000 men to Natchet, where he intended to halt. -. ' ' ..''.:.,v:.r The faithful citizens maybe assured. that ; with moderate exertions only, and the deci sive expulmori of traitors, the storm will bUrit over the heads of its authors, and hurl llbem head-lontrta perdition, whilst the in- habitants of this city shall dwell in security. Eittm fa Ittfr freif Cowlti Mi ad, St .rrtturi.Anji ttflin? twit cf tht Mil. ' titiippittrrHarj, It "thi department tf i-tri dated irutt1iilin ALT Jan.' siu;v ;; r":-;.y-' V..V";'.':. - !',.In obedience to your iuflrucllwis' by exprefj of aa'th "of, December Ufi, I im mediately, ' after proroguing the , legisla ture, proceeded to ; pot the territory in V ffate of preparation for the arrettation of the fufpicioui per (on an 4 boars, which vCf contemplated .therein; J ( my militia were ceilecHng at panlcsrlar points on the vlver," when I received a leirer fiom col. Btirr, who had landed at Bayou Piirref with nine beats and about 100 men, This letter went to an'avoct of his innocence of the cbATges, vvhtch r'umoer and public anireh?'fion hid anr.punced apuliifi him. and foliated me to appcjfc; the (ears, whicU Ms' approach hal begotten j'. at the, fame time be guaii'.cJ me agVmll the horrors of clil war, and the evils refu'ling ,fron Fuch a, lUtc ot ' things ;' this feoning treat induced me to adopt a different mode cf conduct," froor what the col. might have-l expected ; ann inlteaJ ot adopting lit ym , cihe admonition, I ordered 1 very lare portion of the miliiia of the territory rendezvous at certain points, and wait fur ther orderj. With the" rrpmptitrifte of .Spartans, our fellow . citizens fhou'.dercd their firelocks, and In twenty. four lioun, I had the honor to review 37.menat Natchet, pieparcd to defend their country. They were ordered under the command of col, Claiborne; to a point on the, river , about i miles above the city, there to remain to p.usrd tin tiver, and intercept, for infpeflion, all boat that mipht da fcend rhe fiver." Ort rtie Cb, I difpatch cd two of my aid 10 cot Dorr, who lud tendered hi refpecl to the civil authority ; thefe gentlemen enagej on my part to give the colonel an interview in the neigh, btiurhood of the detachment fljtiqned at Ihe roouth qf Cole's jreck. Lonforma bly there 0 1 met the col. ort l!w 17th, and after a lengthy .Interview, ba Viifurcd ior fuffcodrr himfelf vha civil authorhy' of! the torriiory, and to fufTei Ida boat 10 be, fesrehed. Oo the 181b, col. Djrr, . ac companied by my aids, major Shields and. Folndcxtcr, reda down to the place, aud was ccMnmitted to the hiaheil tribunal, of the civil authority, where he now remain for trial. , ,. '' - 1 , Four gentlemen of unque(lior'ab! rtf. peOaMlity, with adeiachinenfaf 50'men. re now ia the Q of making thefearch or me ccati, and to-morrow 1 cartel their tcpoiu'' . , , , "Thua fir, thil rnighty alarm witlr all If txaggcrtioos, lta eventuated tit' '.niutt - boat! anerone hundred men, and the ma jor pajtjjf 'theje are bdys, or your.g m&i jWMrora fchool, Many of theiftcU-paG , tions havj been, taken before judge Rod, ' ' ney,.but.jhey.. hcfpcak.ignoraPte of the vitwi or defigni of. tha.cojonclj . J btlieve 1 thctrrrealtflpbuKl ami deluded. 1 be lieve that they are the "-dupe of fl ratagem . If the afCervarion cf generals Eaton and ' -Wtlkinfon, areio be accredited.', . Aucusta, (Georgia) "eb. ia. An exprefs( went from this' place. oi V T Saturday , trorm'ne laft. with difoatrriV, 4or Ihe, jt?refidem of ihr Uniied 'Sutett ' - n ..vi.fiarv:. at .vvar.t j raj tiiipatcltes. i w ere received here bymail, "and. their con lents or importance are not known' bnt " thcFoft-Msller ye Ail induced jo J(m wir4 ' 1 'thertt- by:.espr.el',;l : coitfesjitaoto Vol iliw ' fwlloyiE information, which he received. " " and whiclv aifo was received by ' a' Liter L from a gemleman at Mrlledgeville, 10 on of the ecUtorr'df.his" paper. ' That itie? t". . jdUatcliea Jar warded by trtaij lor the Pre. ; fi'knt JaoVSccT'rftry t. War. wcre;tro'ra ' ; lettfc." WUkinfofii and . wc.-e received at Odkmugee Foirtlrt nine dajs from Or. l leant, vy an exprets, wnohad ordqrs to . be back at Orlcai.s in fix days more . ih commanJAiit at the" forH'torwarrftd rhe ' difpatchc 10 the Foil-Offics at Millede- . viile, by . Dr. Kawlir.gs who infoVmrd, that Burr had collected a forte of 12,606 men,' and was defcendtng the M'fii fUppi, and was; daily inoreafi n in numbers ; that Geru Wilitinfoni I'ad ftatioucd Fume gun-boats,and what oiber ycfl'els he " toi,ld colled armed, appofite Natchez, to flop Burr if pollible, and f he could not ef fect this, he intended t o make another j; ' (land atOr!eaiis--.but it was the general, 7 opinion that Borr' was too Arong te be oppofed with fuecef.- Licut.JLucker, of v -the United States army, was arretted anrf v in irons,' in making, an atlernpt to join, ' -Byrr, and in hurtain for hjoo. " . -'V:'' '.'! Vv-, v Herald. ,. , Bxlra3 tl a UtUr rem. Alhtm, (Get.) , : '..Order .are received from -the Foil- ; 'Mafter General, to forward the mails w"' y .Orleans, if nerelTary, by" exprefj - Pre.') fidenl Meigs 1 invcilcd by the fame, wiiJ' ' power 10 remove anf Poll -Mailer, awtit 1 p. or contractor, on the leaft i:eglect of duiy or tuipicKvi 01 cooDcxioa who any crimi- oal party," ' v ' '. : .. V , . y , s.Fim lA2!tim3rt, Fe , ' ', To the pnl'itne of a gentlemnn, just ar-' riyed from ft. .Tliomas, 'wo are indebted fur " the latest .inteirnierice rora the republic of Ha.yti. The papers iuitdshid '.cotuain art account of operations dowo to tie S'lU Xv enibef, liiclusive-i-o . vhich day the new UtpuLlicwi Cmistitullon w adopted. , On jhe 5lh December, 1$36, general -.' Christophe appeared on the.sklru of Port-au-Prince1, with an'amiy of 10,000 men to compel the body of people assembled loce ther toFaAMc a CoastircTioa to appoint him emperor of Haytj. On his arrival thrre he sent a flag of Irijce, and desired to have ' ' a conference with f rneral Pichon, commnn dep at Fort-au-rrlnce, who went out to mtrt-; , him with what soldiers he had and instead of -,; cooferencc, a soon, as Fkhon came withiri ''. run-shot of liira, his'rueo were Cred on by . Cliritophe 1 when a short enirricnt cnsii- ed.io which there were seme efneer and. ! msn killeif on both. side. Pichon cot into Port-au-Prince, nd kept Christophe from committing any material dcpredtionaen the -tJwnAs his army w but few in number, he Ihouijhtlt mot advhable tfj art only ort the defcnive, and not punue Christophe, after havinij driven his troops but uf town, at '. the end of which they hsd entered it. . Disps'.che were Imroedutelr icnt bv Fich- . 00 to ait parts of the South, where thy hare . dominion!, for ttnnpi, rms," ammunition ' and provitlons.-ond-on-th'. d.iy following' Inhere was Dot a mule to be found, or scarce a ' man tlnt'cnvild bear arms in he towa of Jacmrl all had re paired to Port-au-rrince to Join Fichon' army,carr)in'i; sii! tgam pro- vik'ions'.ahdT inroutiuion furthe'oeeasion. ftcvsral ikirmivhts took plare In the enutse f elrit or un clr dfiir ehich time, Ctiristophe'a army was witl iu two or three ,. mile ef roit-au-Prirxe, aud had several time entered it, but wa ssoftea repulced. Oa the 10th tt J,uurr, r.ews wrye re-, solved at Jacmrl, that Chtiitnpht hsd beers ' ' defeated, knd that. the greater .part of hie ioldiert reroltcd and Joined the .other side; that he bad fUd fur hit life ; that Pichon ' army were in pursuit of him, and no doubt prevailed, but they would ovtrtiVe biro -it which. cae, death would incviuhly be Id lot,"' '. as they wire drtetrWihedfO belka Vnaiad ;ctalUh' a ftderal or republican govern.' men. -'--. .. On the night ef the loth January, Jacmtl, was illuminated oa the rtcaiion. "I