'y'r' ' r:'--":l ."'-V ; 1 jfe ' ' ' , Published Yvery Tuesday, by Aim ht Hau,- at.Th 41 Three Dollars ft Teaiy payable in advance, or Four Dollar if not paid aiihine, YearI iiTii YraY.J ;,. 1 41 Fscjm kT? KNii3pt4 'wn iflt, ihc profctbiljty of rofflela Vtharhe Woken ti tec"gtiirnce.- fovdtlon of tb proceeding .mos :. ' HaLlirr's llxcWlhutiwUj H Mt n' tuempf t fcsr from litd woatd W ber Wh1 rtJ. htU prbabte t Hty 10, )e to? -"""k '"','?' with jNart of hUefEorr1flhorrejeren Oie'Und Statwi- Bwir,wu lujmiu-.j B,ajt 1 the wnnrrutd-UIackohtt.v .It f. i r; 1 1 V- I, e.,r tvhirfi c-iMTimKrw-pii in nrivate J" iwwwui aiiy muu nave ue? ions rt aoajiaaneu : ' hi ' ' i t ' '1 r t- ' B8rr,vhcri coropiencea ia priaie ai . M.-m f.,.iA.r- i .t.Le i wntcr, m bvmif jn itself lecal rtiemfcs- Monday taft, w,. contl.uud o, T?f . Wr . J' W ' " ,Ie;a. Po 1 reafon . He . . e,irlftff; ,hcrefo,lllo th - ;hnrr , 7 r,7r'. U ."Vl"'"cv M,c,rfmcnt..c,.4ucA. , gh,b,ed . A. Rurc, I hold n.t 1 self bound to consider ho lui these thai--, gel are '? upporied by probable tuiitle;' ' Athalf pist ten ftc .repojed1 himfelf " before jhf jdgcJand,vhTQm'e degree it ggard j ; - The fiitcbi'g;e,t(indV uHin theMea- . ;ijjijd pa- tJ tiiitortW GVneral a(on'and' Gen. M il-' Hid country, lynjcif ferkns how. , ret : een to write tn hn dauc ever, jmroedjately , followed i feiaed , He dwelt upon his effort ekpe M 'f ;f hwitneta. prtt wtneit ' prove1 that ami replaced him Upon his botfe. .The South. Carolina. Hi hid it iui aittrre'''rtion'ir other.pfoiecta'ivhi'ch Weie rtiuCe crowimanitoUed nodifpoCtiorf lo in iKemtt toihrov htcnfelf outof thaiv(' crirhiiT, Cornel Burr mediUted an ' Miar Th? lidM KdioS V Mr. WickW I behalf 6CColOB.1 hanrfj of . Mf taa.tra',; "f A HttWjt Thj.'d,ftToh N - 1 j JtrHe couTt mS BorVtombatted-itrrreatingeaMity ' -before'or afe'r .d.iinUhg frt- hi. Z 1 houre bf delegate, far the RVeat; - IaSff i? imsS rhJiZi ' f JiSf ft i . f h' Ki objWvof anj Military prtpmJU ' " cortmdatiorTttf-lHrpator..-, ? JyrjJJ'?" i , r n,er,C Uf ma?'f; ' which may have been tnurte, ' ' v -Orea'f iortipUmt TkV betrr. made ' M. fjFT u$ ?TP,f d. b.0' i ' Tpoke as t9 the alarms of lheS t0 ,UaV ttl?a'vi,. ' ' , ilVe fiaalh SotJeli.VetiaWed w'(f VfiM "? Wfl"9 '? f.VS."1? wfr" ' P'obable eildemre of it treardruble n- . klftsot, beifori Cofei i;UrV;'h.iaoitU'. iKSthStTScMiwiiinpwcedeft.' 'WJutecpinilHnglor trlali that fraty.". There alartalWcrc hot pro- ' airy M tdhaidetai Ke!,uW. the Kuera- -,rnP,n?r!,w'S ,he tvidcnce '? h" ?fi, by him- btit others bhe ted the former tM'" asW.ly h' ted, I'Wi.Wf., f ghw t,ncefjn ai)4- ha the . PrtfidtfnfWho had iar'rrted laehi1 Wi1. ,can nlakt It,1 an bWrp.mt.t.n ot one t.:. " pf 'JWJ.,;! f ' v Jo depoCiiOfi ot Gtnerat Patpi contained. , krnfon, Rd Gen. Wl ktnft,n who had ceiWd Jn eypheV iw.,n ft."lV,r.' ' I l? be. ,Vm ''fue;Vhf V I its ow f.f-trtndrrfi iron, itil that alarmed tW City. Refpeainv;..WiU cftide)hU (eiur, i,d hotbmetj.a.nsin ; . for tU Pi (i ra & lh Colonel Dorr, at it kTrifan and. fel6n lift made b.W- few ob- teim,ny . whir S Van lit ibe-Vnoit re. tercel by the wunfet far th. prof.cn. ;reTvZns?: Ho c IW lh.VK.fittani ' f et-Coel -onenfdonthemann,U ws, Nothing more'tKar, a wlfh to produced be foVe he tfbuVraar.el tt th,7 irI " he -.U.tyUh. part .. wa, indigent him wither it was) J-J'j; ertrfturs wh.chU Jod ho M ho. Wd tr.fcr, dhei .. 1,'.M M WCap.tQlVthfe Eagle. Mr. r WW to be ab toanderfiand. ft V ,': Vnow l b h,,w ncWami. notted,, . IbyijeerflJ'tatwr, that no room-' WT? $r ' frli At. orbey-general ' in c.iminal cs to hi rmt t eWWlhaV-auifearVeirfi Which woulJ of lipii, and dragscd. C6 onrl fiurr mpnts. . flh exordium 'eStprtflled fn a ' of the United State. hbero div.ded t,n rWrobrrtBTcdhnJer'ableinconvenu'' , Snffiqent time had elapled Unco . rnoft fenfiMe arid impfeflWe 'mannev,' them. W hen thi anenib'n rime tW neV" MrM obftrve I'lhat this dif tbe feft apprehenfign pf. purr tn. th regret he1 felt lo'-btinCMmpeHel1. tlMipri'ib I ouft; 1 'felt the -full' forttr -3.laidhhainiha tk sffidatMi, . teodjng-to prove .thf, toimfgn'aWan as' i rraitor. -wliom; l"thee obieQtion. ahn.Rh' I st)irl r..,t SSkS ,T? 3i 2'. bKd,ml!y.beca, , j, people 6fihe 0'.,lted State, hid 'e'r Vld tb them. .'On wefKbinK"in!ny owr iSSihl ''M'-R'hoDtheWG intb,.t.peofbMnc..,onihtpart -SSStStoLS Weloqdentaddrela., the feeling, of. qi.eftlon he" took; nvVly ,he'fi f thaaflldHrf, tWeln Uor ot deny Mti9nK it waJaed " A!if a' difciJ . nl' ' u- . , - V Wt,'!1 to irUe;'on -, - That the original letter,' or. true tepy . . ritklfcry. r. H,y then mod ..( tC.W I . a ,S t ' f ! on.nltd by the eypher, woukl ' in which irranuemeni Colonel Ddfft, 'vUa. ed f (at As, f.r at wh,.eer PP.i,lon At t clve bpon fe ;-but!thot,,ht, and'l Mil "wuniTrG Wl "WV0 P 'U V ,b,fbfthe Wibedii.tofeMnwtk.Afni'th.t,npt.nW-qntion wh.. a ffi b' hU n.q; 4,tlip U. tin, ' He mild atcoh'infily adjourrt thcr the a, cued hall be brUuht to' trial . ' yte, in tne amna ot- v uji aJength an perfpicu .7.-.4, - f, which tne rea orntFmfniaMivBuMMi v , . i(h,,l. aj U:t 0..., r,f iha dhlr- 'whu. ..i n ,c puwrr.r HJMAVU""! a- i,- j ' ti . . . rf..i :k. l ... v. ges alUdge-d -ga. nJm.Thefc wa ; - . , , eremJe(,,.a t .k. r.Vn. a. flu i-it in the lfl e. nnutrer. . - . P . , . .. r -.!.. f. jl -Ai t, conflJer'- J?1.: TSW.S? ed tfTe lode.: He principally relied o tTJira2TTl)lt the territories of a nation . :x ...... ... tkt -c ..r- at,tiovc 4 ' the pur'pofe ot haviuglmo to con s itbeOu- . theqiieftion. ' ' -''' point ur On Wednefdiy the fit(l of April. ' the- judge attended, aniY in the prtfence' of a very nuwaroiis sfTirnblj',' gave the' Bullowipg epiAien't-' t -s i t Into the probable cause, the1 brniition uf a eircbnita'ne Vhich ia indeed important, but which' does not disprove Mhe'po'nxo alleitlnns of an affidavit, t)ught not to indoqe it' rejection or iti abolut dubew tKfr when the maker of the, Mtidavit U too great1 a distance ' to rtpair' the f-uli' ft ...... U l.. u. . . ... I i . M2 . L L X- i , 'JWg8 MUnmil S UDMlOn, t t ab.olvttly 4iri'edit'iheiiridit;'btcauiirf , ! " ' ' ' thetnittri """ .... .i ti ... i c...,. . ieii vuciii.iiniiii r, V V t." VnirM tQ:teffihunguiljy,hen'in w lHu-i!. lucky : aid the ; ilbUipvi &U.ICJ it Tcrritorr. ' - -j- 1 . I" i i. IT. whete ihegteateu. alarm bad Jbeptj tact- 1 . m . . a . 1 I J nothinc ,rrjoj M&i'J , tft Burr fpoke aboot terf minptet Ihew a proDDiiitf uji nc uau mlW tif tLl iTo rfttoitre.moic InrlnUm flpaof the orncdeCinei in wnicn ne naa m mem. i na aiarm fcr"ul fati afTedtted tnr very Well bewStWh thr krt6lede of tbvwithesa ahhoU(hhe ha farted r Uxte ttplitjtly all the meant by 'vr fiicli this knowledire i tjte-ainejjV,'"''-';...'.1: h . ThtiSi Genfral Wilkinson; states that timwfliivcovwijot fh thinpo - Dulation and ettenfivd terfitoricsae jhe United Stslei, "would te o hold but'k'rtTnvftkrlontQ 'perpetrkte crirtiel Vvith' i certainty of 'avoitfTng' puniftti . ft'eni: (. In4 fupport; f, barges 1 iherefl'mony '61 Gcnerar Eaton thi - epefition of CJepcra.Wilkinlon, and ,eifcofures, rriailc 40,01 by Boll- .marrfnd Swariwu, weie flUd on iTbtf trealonabietewions pf' Colonel By'rr being cWarly.ellabliCbed, enough Appeared 40 rendcr.il highly probable that he had -committed she 'overt 'a&. . requited by tbe conftituiioft io confa nuie the offence. I'aiJltliin to this Vftimonyi his flight from Ihe" Miffif. fippi. lenitory,7 and '(he evidence ot ia ta -TCoV Burr Ipotce about inrminpt et; Z2Z1 f beV? He dwelt upon the uofoundeJ al TJgfir; in tftis larmsfsihecaUeJ them) which had Ik, SjfTJuwt paiv Mfled iftjihe.W.cc)intiy ; and the way; I 2dnKoren prevalent In the State , of Phi9,, h produced a judicial faqulry ,w?o his. irondact before the court t. fc.eiiiucin, The moment he heard of this ftap, ha fcaihtitricd before thecourtj hedtman. ded an enquiry J and he fd'wav h TnP'rably atqultted Thrffame lae m i jowel hi-nto ihe'MiSfifipi Terri mr Ka iheie Rtek it BualH t and not cn'y had the grand jtilv f o'unj jbrtthlrji f " !aitlnn him,8 but tiff hid evfn ptefen,. " r Tat U. Starts, t ' sa.tw ala i" f ' " .'AaaeN Ban".. U.&W 'I am required 011 the part f tbe Alter my fop tbe U, State tocem (Ait the ecu led on twothrg.;.s;" ,1 vi .; , Jt. t or seltiuir pnt andprpvKjing, fe caeani for an expuJipon ,aaioi ihe iwuon at peacf wua xn .. tf!l- 1.-- nrvr cnnimnunir iiieu treason tdiOf the United Suie. Qn in , i9 Cation pfthiskindl certainly ihould not flureeiidtitH'tht nature of the xaie fur- rtfjtnre yiat pTOot wmcn wouia d nccta- rushes mat evidence.-;, - " " : , ss"ry toronyret theerbn t'be commit- ;( fhe Itftet waf' in rfphr4 Cen. Wil ted, m atrial in chief t nor should I even Vinson, it i true,-does noi ty tliatacy requi ,nhat which should abkofutely ton- phef had been prev.rtu.iy tili d be, wests thi. tetter was terervtd from Colour! But. but doe pot sy that it wa"T!r hii''han( wrttftiji-pV'dotair state.' the aiUtica whicW'Suppflrfi' thii affirm ait n.- But, in ddinon, td Ihf circunxtaoi e thst the Pf Dn sitive a.le-rtlmi of tlie ' fmt oiihi poi peri appli- . haps. 1n thia'trr.f the" enquiry,' to let viaotmy own;m'md of the guilt of the ac - iulpnelDdrr and hirrielf.-in liich they tuudi but I ought to rsqmra and hould w.ight correspond tp tuhjVtti Mth iho require I tnat probable cause; and l updetMand probaWe. case, made out by proof furai eon, to Dclteve that the crime allcdffeq isei be ahpwni IbpncintV neither of thtta'mighY wirb to .eue U ba - stiVj'-ct othe cakuatutt 'of a" ir.ri'portai . . ixaihint( (rood lion fiom the lumier to'the; S4HiiiippI i crime atlcdd but wf e twtr peietVe thittCo bnel burr y"?. ' U 'CE i V'rV! b.sbteo eommittUhv the peraoneharfc-. iai Vnttinln trphtr, lpd H,.t!liemra( ted tlietoternmcn, ,or meeting witp f d h.viog commiUrd it. . -, flkinwn Is aide 1o drt yphet tbe letu r, IVtru,, lit denied b,ha4 ever fled from f thinkthis opinion entirely reconciles, we rj ti-l either pre nme- that the p.arrr iuc iwui w..., , . - pie ertn tnatqioc(i irom juoare uura- t uri oooreirion he' had aoided. AI' . thougn Cowle. ,Mead,-had ,' premiftd him hS ptateaion, wniie no remainej Miirr' Petklni, by whoni.he w'ss'con. in the yritory, It f a apfomife which e'uJteif from the TombigbeeV where he .cotild.rtot be Mp1; The arm oi futp annrehended. ta this nlace. Oatinff was too llrong, lie naa MwaioliJfvea I I . M w Viii atietiinl to appeal to a Matiiirate ja the ibte of SoutnCaroiina wetp .adduced . as ftfong circvtn,lanc;s ta , jfrKO hi gt'Mt. .., 1 v X f Mr. flay aJJuceJ other reafons for a eomniitiacnf smor ft; embers, that the - eeniives and LciilatiKet of Ohio urd Kotxucky had ChiUou'ei by Uieir bf the olTicef. of a a armed boat al Natchea. that he , was 10 be fe hurried on iboard, and fx.ioe off. ' VVhal could.heda) ila p.irfiiance f his own judgment arid the advice" tf .his bed and wifetl ft 'tods be wit tc termited to fly it tn the- ppffior.U He dcclatcdit to bUlf, utterly fa! ft, r'the letter wa afo thebemrolit. k y, Itone Vpe ilut learned and accurate r lhat tne aey was prvn.u-.:y in poc . eonvaent.ior sayif tn.t rr npon tn en- "vn ot tne ptrwm to- nomtfe icit ulry It manifestly crime hs beti torn milted, er that' the rlrcumvsnf. auMeUn oterrainad at iha nrlMKir waa tf.U letter. L'tntrl Wilkin 11 nf Art nnt wholly' sroundlesai ill such casesonly, it 'any that it a. accompanied by llie key ljuji-tlawfuttrjtally lod1charjrhimi-eHheiv,y or that he fll snjr purpriie t na bcirR in ;,..i iviM.be must be cxunmUtrd t orison or "tvpher. fc for this reason, aawtlt as fce- . ' k-'i ... . 1 . . . j 1 . . syvthat if npon tn en-" Vin efthe ptrobto'virh6mHhel;iUrwa stly sppeara that 'no lsuch 'd;esed. In .'.tatiny partkuMf the , r torn milted, er that- the 'elrcumvanres atteding the 'delivery ef jtive bail n I dwiwt nplertrd bins m ;rnfanioi tof.y that tbe hand of matJToi ft Wf grapnfiiindividBlaRal,atvHm ,Jt hate fit 'he dirtctsd, or bom it rriay 'eapriciou aeiae, jtharge witi some ae Vrct crime, and put him en the proof of 'hUloDoccnce. Cut t understand that lha cnwe there is not much more security In- Sendinr a U-tur in tjHcr acconipni-l 'by it kty t-1 thiiik it more 'reainoniiLi'i te suppose that the key wss- prevkKiiTly in ,poK'n ff 'Ciertrat ' iJVinrn. If this was the fact the fetter beiK writtrt. ' ' tn a cyfucs previoWy settle ttbtwecn bim I t. '