.M cnarftaeri were, io violation cf their 1 mint?.,- ttA Mi -xTf a) Skr Actor faith, tf Charleitd, ti. to tail in 10 wmjU." I :role, fent 10 Sf AueuRtne, as we were - B '" vr i" iv titic iiu I err. 11 11 miiefifwi 110 - a.. a 1 . i -- v ought lo be tried. 5 Although a prof rpHE underGjned appointed bf AcT TNFORMS his friends in-the toon ..'' I of Afllmkla, A.firi.oara nt m l nf J ; I l tk ,1 ho ki. wmnvfd IO the flf I r; attetwarda lent to Fort George I How? kx' then ir itpoflib.c that you could have cution spainR him, carried on here. i et in I wtthi mtfij of neceflity' terminate in, -an idle , . - - j . .. a.- a a. awvaa aaa a T aaaa iiw - " , . j ' .-Tl.-- J mi ft- - !-. ;.a- r .. ' ' J C A I ' . been a Dupe to the, rhifreprereoutiuqs ia. . ia fi.W'k,HI vaii.?u nc oione jurioge loi xormeriy occupies, oj- v u v t tne Britain government I mi o f Tte he foi'owinn Scheme t ; aflbrtr ' 5 . . ' . . ...74 r . 7 - " . parade,-; f - ' 2 ' 6ooch!efs, white Cottop, and Luea,bor. , kiS'l SJSf r fel&r;f , : 7,Sdered do. Bandanna Jo. Men'., Wo. . - . Tationthip and family confiexion with . vthe late Sirijohn Temple.f you raoft -Ycknowledge thai your iBt(fiter.ence as n tefidehV mintflef at; the' court of St. J i ; James a, gamu my Ming permitted to - emigrate 10 naicrica(' is arerj cujioua : tup, inflance of ihtf caprice of tort6ne.i- iBut let (bat 1 o nai ekrcafl . tition. Mr birth certainly niot Iff t."fef ;S felbMtopoowbvhafftocratic . , F -cuuomea 10 jtajnp ;.aioe i:;.uijoM '.of theeollcge untU Board of .twweea,- S Tw 'l-l 'be' PpUe4," will cauft. a Ipeedf We-of fct? alfo-'pn: :eonfinet.t.- tU k -snot be Inchsed to urinlc fromtomne. m k.tni.iiiAtat tr... u.n .uni I. pr. u. 3dp. :;',! SO-r-.u. .Lt... . .k..v.i.- j. J.- w: rniuw:.. uik.k t. wsit f n " humble, me bv the com pa rt ton m jr , ail'i obab; jr m uch ;- ji" paternal fortune u-a ' ' greater" than' yonts Vfthe ,confiderari.in .''. inmcn nc jianiB i unr wu neia in ' 'rifwyrnaUfekc6ntiy,.w,"vaa.'great sDiirlja ever like' j to be; before 1 had " i any oppbrtunitj of. con'tributing io its ' l,1Celeotityt;'f Ai i' the amount of whit ; . 5; private fortune' I have been able to five r . . irom tne wrec fci-caianniir, 11 11 ui:- r i 'v; known to vou or to yot.r frie da ; but f 'greyer wat indebted, either in the coup 1 1 ,r7 I'r?m vh?fh came,' nor ia any o. ? ther in which; f have lived,1 to any man, I further than the Vieceflary ' ciedit for : l-jp ihe correnr ekpencei' of, a fimily !-;! aaoVam nor fo ,circumftanced jhir I fltould , tremble fir, mi fuhMtnci," i at the lhreatened 4fpleafare ot your frienAj.J 'So much- for the paft and the' prelent now tor .tr.e tJture.- Circum(!ance . which caonot be coo. I troti1e have ifecided-that my name iJrnift be embodied Into hiftory.- Ftotn ? i.the manner in whlclr ievert'my po ,r' litical adveifirttt and fome of my co. 1. t::t 'V-'-. j.i.. irmn'iriry,, ninoimi". wncjiiiocany MVp t.already fpe.k7 1. f me. I .have. Ifie ronlalarinn . nt r. ir I ! "e 't iv- ttea, I (ball ,:ikci.i.j, "mair. wnen tne ia l thvitiav arc withered and rot rbe- trfcted 'anl 'elteemed iY0. I fir wi. probably be forgotten, when f -. J Qtall be rrmemherei wiib hououi, or - IF, perstven'rtre your name (rouldde j, r : ,f Mr, King, .whenj.' lad, "war e ' iertant to and wore the LIVERY kf -'Sir John Tcmnle'r the near, relative of ''Mr. Emmet .-I" iaflert this fact on ihe Lauthoriry of.a 'refpeflible gentlemanin ', fMa city, - j , . i yy EbtTott ' I t It ii.faid that on Monday' eveij. i hit rerliin feHfr.f 'eentlemen TipIiI nrivaie meeting, at which they screed aK ' f to w,fhdraw,'or caufe io be withdrawn :t irom tmmet Jtttrai prpieiiionai buu ""'cfi. put into bit handi, andat t tbe Slorious limes of l, . to. combine to o him ill (h pecuniar kjnrt in ihelf -r f fOwrr I ".: r s v'-r'.:: feoiTOl.- h ' m . . I .iL L (Jb tL iL ' iL lL .iL tla' uL '-aL tL laMl ..ta-i'-.te.teeatl.aw ' 1 lyiLMING'lXJN. - - - 'a. . - - . . ." atve 'TUESDAV.'APltir 21. "HOT."- 1 VaT W ltivtmdmtood that ate. m4 tne Hiiti a ,31T IllCI LCU I UUl ,.i"a a. i tlih AVrnmnt 1 that h. will r.i. Air. ' ' aar.a la. il kaafnr j vaai, aaai a....-a uan.i,, pa. ina, , be will Instruct our tmmilrtntn to pro j known only a- 'the recorded it-ttrument oothnne?, by private lettertNo , THOMAS ARCHlBAtD 0 --therefore, ail perfons iotereOed or; VlTr, late of-Sladeo-County, n- ' I ; of part rf wy perfecutiont, fuff;tingj, ; eontmental Jouhial dared inaert the April a8. X 4 , 'concerned tti faid fchooner are hereby requefled to hand in their accruntipro;i J V -end l.ftiws.:i-'j-..v.-ai. VViv:'.;.. ; A.' ki .i : ' '"j" : ' i ..r-1' appear before the Judge at perl attefted to the tubfcrlber wiftiit J ' - Uyf m 1 ,trr,' fir,) tcc ', ' - JW'l"??. Corn Shelling MachW r the Court Houfc.lo Wilmingtoa on She time limited br law, o.herwife Aopis emmet.'- sryft J? "" Str; i. hr Mi T-: iUeedin th. neeoclotion, a.' H In fact, no 1 J '1iWJ-' . 0.r'Mid - tu, ...7ha. ihe nuneheon. the aTa .eedia the neeoclotion, a nr, lnict,t.o" - 7 .7, . ....1.. . v..i .-..I...- j v.. en. &A'r ytnn ij, aTueraff. AirMi, 7. - ' - - . . : a. ' k..rtrnna c nn n rka io..nt .P7 ,,u H w,-;.ji n,,. f-aifar 1 iflnt.r. ' SprooiKum, maybeaeeemmooateowna v r""-"' " The want of ome adequate provlUoa fur ': '-'f ''?'.'"'"'. - . , fanx.n'f a rdii nt a. mt a Mnttiria. er-kv -it. about 8 or 0 mile, from town. There I ihe protection of oer seamen, constitute. ' ' S'yJ' Vl' dalon r Interest, 3ft 9 and 13 tuontit" is on- f he premlfes a good Dwelling aK.lIftn trf the tr.at. In III nraarnt .'Ship Minerva, Sietent, , Liter boot , . . . ..r. .A v- aA , ,.-- a H.ll :Buttherirp.fcfe.rl.errom C.p F.ar wiU beared. .( Bed Rcm below, whh two Bed Room. ' kbia net. of the Bnt..b m.m.uy, which f 7'- -.w2,l 't' CAUTIER A CO. - above, piaitai 10 ihe EaO .ndSoaih, Lcep.nle.H.v-;; V,'. MW? XVkv:A--f Ml Silated. tl.aeftd .dtla.ed;TW ' w'! --- - -jb a. a . a a 1 1 a a nnm rn araararawm nprm 1 a 1 11 aw ml ana a ia ev u wim law ar u yi aBavai .waaaaa aueaaaa. we m ua PI"- ' .",,.. eaaaw-af-aw , . ,xtrS if letter trtm flaitb'x, , telved ai BaltmiuJatU i Syrj pUalfSamk, li, Prmihe, l.'-IV TlwiivVrin,'. M " K' a,-.' VJ-'K;To ulm a!n ba rmrn.t edt,, rW i!t1rf iht ti Jiving on the Ohio, to take hia trial In ytrtda m,kUfith,rithefoUdii.iiull . tt ai... - Iff-..!..:. V... ..(..lart.. . ... .,.., 1 fVe liaie Ol tlirjii"., 4and where all ihe iuMiannai mi imp try ynr, Tajer, f.rehich will ft a illeual Itn'emWa, upon i, Jirpir, r r.imfc it 10 be (Vund.1 his, ho.eera Irij Sstfi JArMf the afl of Coniu'ef. 14 Alt of thofe fentlernen have been releafed from confinement; h wtit vof Habeai Corpui, and are now at Urge, Rebellion in Princeton Calltat we nave teen jettert from "a deeiaion'bn the'ftttbjeejt We tincerely regret that any thing hould have - occur red to tarnith tbe repMUtion-of jnterrupt 'h progresa of at reipectable and uaeful 7 v. iuu: ; tf.., ,- n . v- ;-!; JitC. - JmpOrtant if true. ' . i' .; Bf the Sloop lewejr,' Ceptaiit .Oickft. (itr - 20 hourafrom Baliimore.-.'we understand ; that a pper hat been received (which we' " ") "ivii nnu nni i Russians have completelv defeated the French. The folowln particular have '. bee'ii coipmonleated to oa.' ;;;-vv; ; t v Sueceaaive battle had taken place be tween the two ahniit tip to the 8th of January, on wb'ch day tbey terminated by a decitivc action. The French under marhaWTNer,; SouTt and .Dayouat, at tacked the Kunian tentre, which -Kf - concert give way, endvraa putaued , left and right winfctof the'Rvmiin 1 I the armr- then fell on the, , flank and rear of the French army, and defeated it with the lots of 40,000 meo -Marihul Dvout wai'made pr'uoner. This- b.nle ; wa foueht between Pose 'and a. toWtt'.totha eatlward, but the name vyfwhkhwat not remembered by our informant. -The S? 17 li. r ii a.. -1 ir i . - " ' " ra . . . . . . .. ,ntk "wh diacovered a traiteroo eerv ' 'epondiea between' a 'Butiab general , ,nl thf French t that general was arret ted and tent n irons to St. Petenburh. ' 'V The foregoins arc the reading panicu Jart, but it it to be observed no oCTicial ac count bad been received, although it was , TOUT QF WILMIS'GTON,- . .1. '?'"' ' ",v-EaTXB' ,,' ISIn'ri, ft itmu. Olivtr'' tftV-Tork .-. -Shift ExperiMfnt, FulhtrforJi', 'London Sch'f Indtbtndtntt, Wadts " . jVrei IT, SchWroktVSdfr Rvhtrfori, A'rto. '- .' . import 13,, -, Rambler, AHnoi) " ' Sir. 'i5w 2?, "i.r Ljrr, TrioaA, Jf. Avtustlne 'l ti William U llth'ai Hatttngt; St, Bariholtmtwt S Ilicw, s e"y . Ciibanat Bermuda a"f.'r. tiuniUf, 31, Sch'r Rambkr, Tuftt, - Barhadott 24, Sch-r AtrsAlUr - V! - ShipJthStrttrei' SuThontai 37, Seh'r Amanda. If3t. ".' t Martim'c iS ' &AV TV-af, fart-rawt,'';1-" -Trinidmi Lvej, twtr, SI. Luci . ' r i ar -a . ' ii r. . aaaa. a 1,K 1 t,LiaaD " 1 t I r ' -.'.I 7 a . a . . .CL.r .1 . aa aaa B1111 IIPITIV w lan ..Ul aa aail a fi. T r vtlaiac. .r. lidf I CUUf V fiat tbe-pr?lJ7n lip J?'f.(- flM lti.b'treaty, (as some ... , ' '.'.-'a - pf rupetHo the" Bn , .'. BZmud4 , . . . . -a c..ja b ..... u 1! Vhm ,' IT. Wift Baltora, Ball, N 111 tan 1. - r,..i. Grenada , ""Pi' J.lTV:"n , - . a .--..-,- a. .. - .. m ., t It,. rt j j ,t , . jn l.fJta, avrewn, ay waerjitTn, a-a. rHICES mXXTWiit9tob.:. 'BArnwX,'- ciSSYKJ0? fc U0 'i i J5 i ..-, - - '- f 1,.: . J.. " ".at. .-'. m - frf, as. 1 TH. .Sunday eve'riUvg a red tfrnroV V co pocket; book, containit 5, and one or two one ar , billi, a in iiinBry paer orro uie p .any perfon ' but the owncr,hovvcr baf ; found the laid poiket book, and will, leave U at ti( Qthce orat C. Brrani'a llflte, fhall receive 2 dollars and the 'bills it contairsj.'Y::.ii;,-'5j . "j:; ' JAMES IOHNSON. April an. Notice.' IS hereby given;' that on the 14 th - May next, ili be (old at YVlh- ioglori,' all the ttotkli. Wade of Alciaa. det Mattln, confiding ol Dry' Good and Grocetiet, a Sulkry, a larce Boat, and a lot of Gronnd Jo tre.Town A j ' vpu ""'g'B -mootM credit 10 P"& t Wafhington Six moniht credit will iin 1 a.ai 1 srai at aisjimj -haim auwirn 1 11 ..l.t..u k. iku.. . All-t-f. l ' " lats paid befiweWivefy. All thr ' debted to the faid Alttandei' M are rrtlueflel to evine forward an artin, ouettel to come forward anJ fet- tie their accounts 'immediately with theribfci Tfi; uhoarea'oneautnorlx.. ' -J , a. ..la..;..v...... .1. - .-- - Time.'" ' ; ' ." Kiriit -.Vtle 's ..-. I ". ' I VV7e' ,wr " land, Sampfo,,, DupHo, Ne. ver, fBrenfUk. B . R,rbf. Tk . .,k. a..k ra. v.- k ... will lb til oo hgtKlt'rd.hulhelt cf com Per day. J tlmav.be cohdrucied latum by water or hoi Ce machine t an IndU virtual or Country rights may be had by applying to ' - "'"i.l , THoiusp Homo. ; Fayettvliiev a'U8 ' : ri.-;rfi. rfawf ii, nor. T.UYthela.tamvaU, the .uUenber have ""''tdihefcjllofiingartkUa.wbick they will el at reduced price i, vo puneneon a proof Hum, - 1 SO Do. - prima Molatua, ilolasus. ( . - ' - " ' j ' ? ' '";' 70 barrel N.' E. Runs, . Jftrtf. Ik. aa..aaaa r..tT.a. . a,' -' T '.,-Mortl . r . a.i bwteat uar iron, ' hole and hlf barrels NO. 1 attd "Northera Beet; Round Desf ia kit, Ket Tripei '-' v. .. 10 piece iowuioib, Fin and course Rait," 1 ' '1 Y i Persona eitposed tb purchase any auan- ( . "ta, T a ' . . J " . ' Notice.'; . ? r . UULC , . : . ' T DO'her.hy Vwarjt n pettbbl 1 ttom peeing John. Itarttfs aoy a Conni, a. -hecoparincrO. p U moiualj p.lM-rd a from.the ij'h of this lB. 4.a.r.aaa.l a knntl . aiwl all 1 hsve .f nupts in I've hamji , ef Xichard Ember) wiauM, ! i a; - ton for colleUon. , , i NathamelSwcan-f,. v April 37.' r: r ,t jwf H do. ); V. 8 5' ?. mvtr llU' Men'. .d Womei Silk.: plain, and "V'$ 000'. Jacedcjocki; Ladiet long picnic plain, df ,ne Tarawa ticket, " 7oo while, !afk; and coloured SUk, Bea- - Fi'rll after 1000 arediwn,? er, kH, and Cotton Glove, j Ladie, . -.,?-.! Veil "-aVVi , miuu ,liaii, UlamilK w.il ." - Tiwkna at four do!lars.ach way be . bad of I Media. Aadetf.a,' &, Jwnea, Thomas Archibald, iohn Mi chel. containing one Loy& H . Anderfon Qt f either f dht rSrpek,and la ;ptlue ot D(j i: Dollar WlliV'."le fubfcriberii'? K??rjZovto? fuitable for 'Ute Aatoai. t? ' 0 n m ; Ho 0 g , i -" f JoHlt M'MlllAH., "'f lOHN llCCLCta ') UAVtP .ANDKtSOM. t JiOBIRT VOCHH AM .f State tf Htrtb-far tliii. Dlsiria tfCabi Ftar. , m TntKEAS Wtliiam U'baS lite ' VV ' mariner on board the fvhoorer ; Succefa, Thomai M. Coftt; mallet,, and Children, belngin to the caute of hat fited his libel In this honorable jbe aKiretaid orge Mcrruk. .. , Court, letting forth,' that there 1 e .Unexceptionable title will be tfven.-. 16 bico One hundred and fevertcea dl- ttrmtof anleare six month ere. . lats from the bwtieri, and mailer tf frt-twrehaeer ;ni note with approv. faid fchoonen and in and by hi. faH d rt and negotiaWe . Y 7i..i.. r. - libelvhas prayed. u" V? ' l3 .JL 1?VJX: vrr 1 cm r ibu iia&ai amiau . diiieu iiaat 1 iiwa tatd fcltrn b ?.cW .a. ka. a tlM-rr ol thi. Lour I. ta -: low to .amir n n? rne con. a. - j. a .a . . M a fi ef rultndnUnor the ludiartav.' a . .,. r. . - . Ing appointed tne m aueiaayot tune next, to hear and determine the faid I.kt anal the mitlrrt and ihinea there. Tin fct forth and contained, at the Court .; a, a a. W 1 1 ta. tn f.M tttAr'lA and there to (hew caofe if anv thee "Tj ttT T .r6 k T ki. why faid f.hooner Succels, hrrt.ckjc, apparel, &c, Utould not be lotd to la till the claim 6f the faid libellant and COtls of full. " v ' ' b- - Ted carleton, walker, , , ; kik 4 Reklfler, ,X April ft). , f .,. ,.v'. ..,.. . f Howard & Stewart i Tj EGS leave to Inform the inh.M , JJ UlltSOfWt .niir, that ther their (lore in M unii nf Wilinlnt7too and ilaairli are tvow , opening at aiVtt.Street, eert . dtnetal aid handfome allottment bf SprlngandSummevGnodt,' They feel , confcioui that from the great care ta 'itdln WeaingtheHTortireti!, ihatthe j atli a 1. .. laaici nu gvniiciuca jiuu n their lotcreft to apply 'before the a Hurt tneol become, broken.- ;, ' Aprifu. ' v!' for Sale- .-v N a credit of twelve months, I- " IT ! a - la - J at f-.O!!.... t . -A.f...rJ . VV.ll f rla w.. , t ten Jatd. from the houfe.AII buildings are new, , .. l(it a Boat ia complete order, that w carry about icdbertelsi i .ai ava . . .1 . I r. I 1 Ta II . . - r:;;tnsi"Kii iai a rcrniiea may kaowa by inputting of the printer ta ike Sabfcviborj it -.- ., .r 1 RICHARD QUINCE. four'tH of Aoet,n t8o5, wi.h fWmf fa lAa' f-w 1 '-..- 'maik.or ThOmaa O. SelftWce. ' MtrcbH- Pattern. blue.' and Teiiewr rtaiM - 'vim. &Drt credit; payable at the h Brandvv Laaf Sucar, Imi v P"!, Hjln ..Young Hvfoi., " and Souchong Tea j ba.ea pi abort, 1 boi ety hne ' Linen 1 Bale In. April at a. Postponed until Friday the first ; Negroes for Sale. : rM Friday the rt .of May, will Is aoia 10 me tuenesr oiaaer, at e moat its - li . . afa .a.ka - . credit, at Ike plMUatin whertoo George'. iLf.rrirV. Pn. , a nunbetof NetrrortM-n. Women the Bank of C..1W. hefe it PtrtriMhtttd. . ; v 7 "r 1 AULUND MALU . , .f . t . r ; VaTimkaafa araT Vaaaaaaav atojim. A . U ! 1 J . : . . : !-. . - ' o v . w vai mfc-v 4 out bv the month or -.f. ' . AfJAt xvn iiai 1. . ( a. i Wilmington, fib AprilJaor.-- s r " ' . ' . VOTirp. ' . - A LL perfons having demands ut ft tli ihaaA.tj.f . a aai in. v, n.t.arjiM.0. Judebted to the etlate.' are oir -eularl. Without delay, as the many prfling da. imandi, to which f.id eftate itT.ibi. prcchides the p.iuihility of Indul-coce.- s. "iThoma$ White, Atjnfn l Blader, Ap'I,s 8." ' w '. ; " ton SaLKm"- i - A TRACT ol Land eontain'ng 3 hundred acres, on Smith creek, a' jain'n g the land of Mr. Wm. Csanp. Jbeil. " Apply ro iha Pitnter. 1 - January 0. '" ' " "H f - a 1 a . 4 Jspnng anat aumtnet TJUUDS. f L- Mfet&ett tffer Up fu -' ' t HhiiraUSu . . Whie and brown IRSU LINENS - . ' br the piece or pac'kar-- - " - OZNAEURG3, t.INENSr CAL-- locate- - . , . " , . liwulj ana Very f tnrril Tt1r. . tnent of DRY 'GOODS tt tlARD ' . VARE, ' k V ' Giles i Butgwtn. V :; For Sale, A Oouplc of Sailbsr Boattr Terms t7.edo'known by applvlng to - .'nr.' "tUTTtOWiDncMTra ;-v UST,UECEiVED 'Andf tola et'thi Printinr Q.lhe ' ' " " . ' " ' ' ' ' rkl ..t.i .iTunitttn tnt R I DG E, of Bodon, Ui killing Cbartet J,ih,.- ' ''Jti ; n Alio U'crrtt fl.t.wcnfcf th , "whole pfelimlnsry tontUvetfy between' a. f .!. . JT. ' ee 7 eiatef t. deyrufi v janvw u$m br Ta, am! a brief accimrrt ef the catAro. j, i0 .Slate-Street, K BoAoW.' 00 the U bcre conCJered at A ao nagjaat . r. . . . -, - - - m-r i