t I f -- - i. r r cr . i Li IT MBfiR 3 3J : !.. i ' ' 5 .'i'o'--i-.5:.' i '.? -.:;- SITIMTf-THIRO BULLETIN. ;-; ''"; ' ft't$t'Piririi!Amta4dc-has had hi W 'fiie'nc of leave?.". His was the beareV of very 'handsome presents to the emperor on the part ' af his master, and has received In return the . portrait of the emperor enriched -with dia- ' wonds. - He proceed for Persia direct r.hfl f 'isi considerable 'personage .iri his owii -coun- 'f try, and a man " of spirit and ;sagacity tfhis J ' Teturtt hom was "peciasirjf ttha '".been ".. aettledt that there shall b heritefdrwstfd a . f ' numerous leacatibn rof "Persians! at Wn j jiod ; 6f Frenchmen at Teheran."- , r. "rThmptror hasTeturned to Elbiri(,' "'and'. ' as reviewed from 1fc to "20,000 eara1vy,'can4 Viied .within the neighborhood of that citjf, j't ln4 tn tli Iafr Nnnsf.' ft 'mnthtr iil.l ' much resemble HollandA The'" grand duke EJ3erg commanded at this ' manoeuvre. : At V iio period has ihe emperor Veen 'the tkvalry - 4ii better condition or better dipbsed.-.v ' ! The journal: of the siege of Dantztd will '"'' hew that they fcavetnken shelter, within the . .. jA..i1 w.v fh.l h f!rM.-ftt tliaft'feti ska i't x(ingaiihcil indwitlgive dctailiof the fine' vaiion which ' wa directed by General: Mat mre vaitA Kt . Aiiha. Ink JhiF II':,.. , u -. ' !( . . T v ualion Arad 'of , jibe 2d light Infantrjr, p.fW o v. , v-f j'Thi nn'e ration Ka niit in ? an island which waliefehded by 1 innriiin.. vis,; ana nve reaouou moumeu 1 W Wd Whicm tecoine impor.' SneTVitht hatiflg r'" I - 5,e.n "IF11)";' I . . '.n,i s'ld erif prisoners. .- -r'This expedition, w.nwn-, -t knight between the 6tb ?ih, was under-; i tatea principally by ., he !'Wff whf, SW covered themselves with 5'oryv. t-l. !. ., mild.ihe TOads are.ex- ;ccllent,M 'berb-ge hat begun lq cqvfrtbe ;ce or the : fiountrVi but U wjUbe aolb lontfer before uide? ,the cavalry are aoje, o, J-r 7 -rThtf; emperor. fcae.esiauuanea.pfc.iM, fi .Viirgb, under, abe order of Marshal, IJrune a corps of -obwrMtion wbicb ,.U1 .be ton. ' -,. eosed C;iearU isq.ooo wea W -f I "them frenjcU, and the remainder Dutch and T.f.jCQbfc4rteof,in Rbitc . the Duichtrpops v'Amounc to i,000. ,-T, r & ; ' -i, . The French-ditkiion Moiuor nd Bouder, ' " Vhlch n4kel also a:prt ef the observatba, will artltdlt-Maldeburgh onlh J5th of. 'May. JA'e are therefore prepared tore-ceie the Englisltttpediiion at whatever point tt. ar'pre0JwelV'll isirueihey jnay .d. 1 ' "' bark i it is not equally so that they jeiU be a Mo to rc,-embar. , .X ,, ' -.V - - if.'.': "'..','.' ... ' - ' ' :' t? ' ' of raarhal Iefubvre. ille arrivcd ln one Iday-and at the Jtttzse thej enemy' armwaa.. .earkingUn tne.J3tb n4 jwth, )fi$ enc : my man preparations iot, auacaj .n wai paratcu lrom the citj oy a space ot at .eas; a leagus, whicW was. occupied French troop. -' 1 ! ' ' : ' ( - ':K : ? On ihelSih he came out of the fort in three columns ; hi project was to penetrate nythe rigm ot tne vmuiar. i ne general m brigade", Schramm, who was at'lhe advanced posts with the lid regiment of , light infantry, tend a battalion of Saxons and Poles, received the itit fire of thV'themyi and confined him i wnm gun-inoi ot me cannon ot yveiscuct- i i ixarsnai uctcovrc repairea in inconugc situated below the Vistuiaj and passed ver the Jltb light Infantry ;nd the Saxons, to vppott -Gen Schramm, v Geri. . Cardanne charged witti the defence of.the figljtjof the" Vistula, also supported him with, the rest of his force J the enemy found himself uperior, and the- combat was sustained with equal ob- stinstcyV 'J' -: i i ' r f Marshal Lannes, with the reserve of .On dlriot. was c-laced on ihe left of the Vistula. ny irnicn ii anpearca un; cxcmug uciuic, ma i uc enemy inienoca to come oui . uui sccuig the movements of the enemy attacked, mar shal Lanntet passed the Vistula with four b4U talions ' of the tescrve' of Oudinot. . The wholeof the:lih&' and the reserve: of the efiemf stere put to rout, and pursued to the palisides and at 9 o'clock ii 'mornings the- enemy was blockaded in the fort ot Wets- chelmunde.' The field, of battle, was covered .-J..-L Ki i -'.I '"'.. ;-!; '' ' .' r t -Our lose amounts to tl killed and .200 wounded that Ipf, the enemy is 980 1163,' 1 500 woXinded, and V20 piisoner.-; In the evening, w'c saw a great number of wounded which they embarked on board the "vessels, Whichsnceessbrely rnada sail, to return to Konigsburgh. -During this action the place made no, sortie,, but contented itself with supporting mc vusatan uy i vnu wuu' sure - . i ... .in" ' ';' ' . ' f Front Abe. height qf this ruined and half de'molVahed rkmpartsi theenemrwa a wit ness bf (he:whole affair t hewa in a const er- ' . 1. - L. I I ;f ..... nation o ice tne noiica ue nu vi --v.un vanish.' ten.' QudinoJ kiHod,' with hieowtv w4 lnree .Bjsa" Srl t ibaetas- rtaiofwere wounded -the J?tb and 3d reel ' r j :i g .i merit Ol I'gnt miautryoiiinguiane niciu. lii oetatisp) iniiBomuiv unuuui jnmi d at head-oukrter. . ' . ' '' '" .' ' ' ' The journal W the aiege ot uanme win inform, that the works are pursued with great grettecL The Bavarians tost 20 men and had v The Jeaves begin to appear," the season is like ihemontt.? April in Frances ?,-tl . .TbOwhole of the army ji ehcampcS by; divisions and sqQara baUalioris lit heatthy po-, . ,iitiobsiUv -Sr- -V i'C '?Wy-y''-M'i - These event bf advam-ed posts have oc-, easioned no movement in the rmy. 'V AH ;ie tranquil at hea'd-quartert.'iThis general at lack ojT pur advanced posts on the' 13th,' ap . pears, to have been . intended to 'employ the !, French, army o as! to prevent the reinforc ing the.: army whlcn Desiege"uanuic.- This hope of uceourinpf Dantiic by 'a'inili- tary epidnipn, 'will appear-very exwaordU. narr to every well informed military man, ho knows the ground ana tne position wnip- the French army occupies -. -ar .at I EVTiNT Y-FI FTH BULLETIN e!uV.t ti-'irFiiiluwiTMii'.' Maylti'lWT..!; The following are tiew details of the event of the 15th inst. Mafihal Lteovre maices narticular mention of ' Ceh.' "Schramm, to h6m he attributes in a ; treat measure' the, auccess of the engagement at .Weichsel-, munde. . On the 15th, Gen-' Schramm ws in battle from 2. e'clock ta. the mbming, co- vend iJlwo redoubts. vhichwere xon- . atructed oobosite . to the fortTof WelchseL. -munde. He , had the. rote oq ni .im..u)e 'of tieht infantry on hi right; and the rt gi- smentof Pari in reserve. Tb' ussikn lieiK ;tenant-general- Kamenny citne, cut ot me forjt at day break, ana arter twe hour hght ing, the arrival f the twelfth reglmctit of light infantryt wli.chmarsbal I eftbyre dis-. patche4 from the left bank nd of Saxon battalion, decided the affair. -(Otth brigade of Oudinot, a single battalion could be emi ployed. , Our los was very inconsiderable t a Polish 'colonel, 1NJ. Pans, was killed. I be loss of the enemy was greater, than u was first conceived i more than 900 dead Russians .have been interred ; and the whole loss ot ' the enemy tannet be estimated at less than . .r,n'..''- ..''? t.vt'- v: U'.v.n M ' SEVKNT V-Ffi URTltOFFICI KV'tVt 4" LiiTINT OF THE GRAND AKMT ' ! .. ', r FtsrczviTetir. Msf .16. 1807 , ,- t- P.lnee Jeroras jiBjniriuiwsi- ' k a advanced votk or, Neiss, which jw ere along . ...-. i.iur. cramned. the .operlo ot-the I eiBf orUr.d (. etiH Vm Darnro. to (take ' l'them ;Thi..er. ifie. Aead.or the; " Yurtemlurg troop, .carried, these works in . W night .he AQih, and 1st pi .May ne pur . 1... . i.i ' ! l ion J,i.t.A.r " anrt IfMik O ' KlDietesof.eanno1.,' ' '" ,. ' . , rz" ' i:he captain bl engineer uepomnor nu t, Jbe Bfstair ollicer ot tne orainancc 01 ' the" Tlmperor, rearcneti at me. ne.o yi M' , Aolbnns, and fjkve t)roef'of great bravery.' .. ii.-. iiieatanimsvllolorf,- Bower t'abd . r,lUprticuUrly disUftguiahkd themselves, 'si An.lbe3d ly. lieUteDantrafteralUtnar;-- T Lbtv'ik' tptnmand otbo Wurtemberg ,diVH" Siice, the arrinlof Xmpfror Alexin- ,11 1 ' 1 -l-..ttn army, K ppcrwi, ? " a bl iwVt ki been hefd at ,Brtentein, at ' Weh tbf .linjc or Prutsll ana tne yrana ri " 1 rnHtr&niini int.cu a, '- "",is' r J5fc -.u-nr.ii. run was the Oblectol the dt Wdthst Uantnc couia ot oe tcu,- "1 'ft. v -t. ..i'Ia ,,frlnth- . S-,?w'V'j fc rift, r, . -.vil' the ClfSl lit attXCKins "tna- ..let jo C V,Hf by -pas'"!? th Passant, and f'- French, ar4ngtWelrarK.e ef geetralbat. W,Whibt ra.Tr, .r,wtnUif U wieaudcesstd. " " T - , f.t -in H, the a8 r"l,i Frencb-irmy 'Wencovef i't- would" oblige .by jraccourirtg the place . .'. i.'Diotticthe otC. -reiioo erPe,1' hf f 'bt sea- ' .rirrW. wnhepo- ' . . 1 rr- een r- - .i.... i!iniiami . tuer sn""-- . . .ii f r- - - r IneDsntaic by e ; -'- '"" r .'.K'.rClh i, conwq enf v:;:r. ;h,L2 with two h. a.' .iral Umif at TVI . M -' . V Willi V f-."- ... si" . - .ini 11 ret S "ZlTJ hfvii. Wh. Port mci " . ti,. v 11 ..oons'at the rnoutn o. i. - r the fart WelJft4' vJLV- Vait in. order "- - . 1 ....... WH tCtivitr t thf t thelEoyered way is crowned I 1 and that they ai j busy in jireparationa lot the ' 'oaMace of tne ditch. . ,' '. ; -. " :. ' ' As soon as the enemy litewthat its mart trme'exp5d'uion was arrived before' Danitic, bis light troops Jnqulcted the Whole une irom tha tiositiod occjpicd by Marshil Soulti long the Passarge, ana oeiore tne uivision 01 Gee juorand oa the. Mie i ney were re ceived at the Point of the boyonet.by the Vdltigeufa they lost a great number of men; J na. reurea jaster man tpty came ouu ' The Russians also presented tbemsetes at Matga before; General Zayonchtdt, com mand'nsAh Polish corps of obstia ion and taried ofTa Polish post."; Oeneral Fucker marthe,d; on tbemj overthrew them, killed ta men. a colonel and two captains. They fio nresented themselves before the Sthcorps -. r . . . x . - r 1 and intajteg In aovancea pu. 01, vnm Garin, at VvTllem'jt'gJ this General pursued thent tor sever itogucwv nnj nioi'tf seriously the tete du poiiit oi orooien nd Veanxewo. "The, General .of. Brigade, Girard. tnircbea to mem wun tpe boih nu oveHhrew thent tn,the NareWV.THe Gene rator Division, ueaet, emveo, puruo mo Russian with the bayonet at their bckl overthrew them af Ostrolenka, kiiiea eo men ! took'-M' lorse. XTh Cfcaln of the f,4th, jUarln,Whocommftded tha main guard, surrotinded 6n all sides by the Cossacks, cot n lb first' etttrntenance and merit tobe ei titajtihhedi c MarshafMuserta,' who 1d mounted, hi Korse, with a brigade of Bva Tlshsr hd -teason 1 b .atisfcl: with thl .i and roodeounitmmee oi siitopi. The same day. the 13th, the enemy attack . .r.,-rirHtnorroisat the Ihouth of the . ...:t...hlw rlrrrnnthr- ift,h. aitti a Uavariao brieade,. and a Polish regiment t had constructed in tkree day the work! a ct Ott pont. na "ti w Wkko-o, wih t intention of .burniag the latis ( fodtmux ) which the enemy had work. td at for l weeas- ,tua exptunui u.t- ed ptrfaetly, evaty Uirg.wss oumv nq in ne mo-aet this ridkuloa work of six weeks anmkllated. ,.. !... . ' Th 3jI at o'clock m the rooming, MM, RusaUns anived rrow Nor, attacaea penerai imrr6ia-lA hi intrenched cmp, .Tbey were received with musketry ma grare snot, iOQ Rjiswan remv" newel osuier and when Gtnersl I-esnorroi saw that the .Vn.lilcb had rrivd at th ede of the ' ' k . . . A . . .1. ' mm A ditfh, w repuiseq, fl me a -wvrc, . pursued bn.w'rb th bayonet a hi back The Colonyl pi the ik cf Ike Dsy vt lines'" ItSTO soUicr, wis killed i be is fttxraJI re- a juu men, .,'.,-.. . ,,: r-'.-v '?Kt prtsetit he make, ho movement, but ;appere very csuiious mu nj dcihuu iuc enctesure bf hi fortification.1 H '' :''.b,s tt, Tle liunsberof bAtteaae. Uden wltb wound ad. that have been sent off, is farty; .K I . t Ilia Maiesty has, decreed special rewards to those ho .have dUtinquishcd themselves, and whose signal service oiarshaj i-cUeDtre . w.trtit mif. 'J . ( ' 7 " v tv On the l4thVa division4 of 'sorJO Prussian knd RiMsiana. but chicflv' Prussian.' left Kbnigbrg, landed at Pillau', marched along tne Boroer oi ienrtinK, im uuu , JUhlbeT,'bf're'bu jldanted' posts bf the , .grand guard ef fight cavalry ,-who reached ttrsVpPRsrder. TIa enemy advanced a far as, the. evremtty ef Friich-bafT. ; It wa expected that.they would; be een proceedltig from thence to Pantaicj A bridgCiibtown , across the,Vihtul at Furstcowerder, faclliU ' ted the passage of the Infantrythat was can-, toned In the lshnd of Nogat, to defile upon ;th.e rear of the enfcmy. ' But the Prussians 'ware aware1 of this, and1 would not Venture. The Emperor ;v order to Gen. Beaumont, aid-de-cartii to the Grahd Duke ef ; Berg, to . attack them .Po the lth,at 2 o'clock In th mornlngi this genenil set, out .with the brs-j gadier-generaj Albert, ft th head of two battalions of grenadier of the reserve corps, the third and eleventh regiments of chs- . eors. and a brigade of dragoons. He met: tb enemy betweeh Palsenwerder and Siege a lsttla before day-break, attacked and defeat ed him. pursued him sword in bantl forele- tea mile took 1 loa prisoner, killed a great many and canied eff four pieces of tannonv General Albert has behaved with perfect gal lantry t the Majors, Cheminau and Salmon, distinguished tnemseive. 1 netnira ana ie- mh reghnents ef chasseurs, hare displayed 'this utmost lntrpilHf Tw brigs of the" enemy whlelrnavigated en the llsfr.eame to tnnoy tt, but a grape-shot,' whicb fell on one i 'of tkern, msd them shear off. ' : The enemy bak also, since the 13th, ex pericntsd cohsiderahle losxe on several 0 thtf points. On th' 17iW th "Emperor" m" tba lusiirer ot tneguara manwuyre, who are encamped heir the Cssile of Finck tnsteiar ia barracks, equal in beauty ta those It Boulogne.'v Oo the I lib nd t9th, th whole guard likewise took oji th'ei camps in1 th sne place. 'I 5 ; ' " " ' i, la Bilesla Prince Jrom isentsropea witn bis eorps of observation. 't Franckenstein .trtif thiek'of Nell. The Prince bavlngteartiedoethe Hib, thati colomnef looo mea ea icu vit, o lurpit iiiui t.mdc Centisl Leftbvre set ofT w'uh ike first regiment of t!-e Bavarian Tine, (in ex tttlent regiment) one bnndred cavalry and a attachment of 300 f axon. - uen. Micovre; 4me tip with the rtr ot tne enemy oa tne. -jt-Mw-beeB the result of some misunderstanding, for tie Bixon tr6op have alway behavedbrkvely.'iirice they were united with the French troop; X ' ; -vThi unexpected, defection placed the'first regiment of the-Bavarian' line-in a critical . situation, and occasioned Uelr'IosA 'dfMs men, who Were made prisoners J the test re- , treated fighting; and In good order find the enemy ;re-took the -village of Cauth, Af ele ven In the forenoon general Dumuv, who had ileft Breslaa at the bead of 100iFrehch?dra gbons; thassetarsand fooi, busaars, whb'hadl been sent to Silesia tobe mounted, and a'part. f of whom bad already gojUheir borsfcs, attack-' -ed the ;rear'of ihe enemy jv Ho of theifo't 1 hussar took the village 'of Ctirth with be7 oayontt, iinaae too prwoners, khd re-took all i he Bayarians that had been-'made n.'ifA.i beforeiu-.The enemy", to return with grea'c r we to oiatz, went o tn two keparate co lamas. -'tier. Lefebvte,' whd "had Qoittett ScheveuJoritx on' the,U5th fell tmort dre rr i tljeir Columns, killed lt)0 men, fand made 40O prisoner, among whom are 30 fcfiicers. regiment ef Polish' SptirmenV' of fbotn ' Printe Jerome had sent a fietachtnen td ge neral Lefebvre.'liavfng arrived in-the morn'1" ing, greatly dutinguished themselves" ?! - 1 he second Colutrih'of the eflemV 6n'hk.- -rracb-Glat-byitbe jfrkyof ISilheibtra i out. iieiiw xoi. uuconersts, the prince's aid -deamp, met hem,1 end pit them tdf thes rout, thus thiv column, consint'mjr r,f a 4000 . men? could nftt return to Glaiz. from ' which u had issuedthe Wude were ehhtr killed, taken, or dispersed. SEVF-NTY-SIXTII BULLETIN" r Jii.i.).j. .: or tax oiano! aimt. v- " 1 FiNKEH.fEiir, May" 30. A fine copper-bottomed corvetie, tr ount lng4 guns and 120 Englihm-n, JoadedP with powder and ball, presented herself ire -the river, destined for : Dantaic, comintf . abreast of our, works She was assailed bV a brisk discharge of nuketry, from jeads' shore, which obliged her to brino' Ia. a picquet front the Parisian regiment, tumped on boards and made them prispner-- - rm-??85timanyptheMJranjiidc-t:ainp of Gen. Kalkruth, whp was on his return from theJiuasian Cv-rt CngllsaroflTeera. t Peutvi-Beside the -J20 F.hliihm'cn, (here were o ivuinns on ooara oi her. j , The .loss Of the' enc'my at the 'battle r. Weichelmunde, on tfievl 5tV was greater than at Erst supposed.;. Acolumn' of .Ri," V "ians marchitig alppg shore, were bayonet-' ed-i-1300 Russian torpa have been btiricd. ' On the 6th,' i .aiftslo'n'of Kussians, com-' -manded by geA.'TprkoW. ontheif rcutc'fionv uroca tojtue BugoruUusk, ioordtf to a. ist the new work which had been orderedl ir iue puijvtew rciiuenng more lormida- ' ble the tet dd ponW and whicb wer? defend ed by ix; battalion of Uvatians, .ccirriisnd-edby-the Prince Royl of Bavaria, atiacked af four different time said corps m all of which Vbey have been overthrown by the Ba- tarians, and langraged tmitraille) I j hr batterie of the, different -Aotl; Marshal Massena report the loss of the tne my tv cwnsistof 300 killd,';nd double tbat num ber wounded. What' render Uiis flair more remarkable is that the Bavarians bad ' less $haitr400 men.'-; . praise on the Baron ,of Wrieden! a Bavarian onicer or uistinguisneo. merit.. Tbe loss or -the "Bavarians has been U killed, and Ktt ' -wounded. . .' 't' ;' ' ' , There I aitnuch want of sense in the at tack on the works ofCtr.. Lemarrois, cn the IStb, andoflhose en Pultusk.tbe 16th, a existed, in. the construction of a number of ' rafts in the' bay; about six neck ego, and wnicr cost me en-;my near that tim to com plete they were burnt In two hours. Ibo successive attacks' made on the attov tpen- tionea wotks, well entrenched and itippoiteil' . by excellent batuilel, have not only proved " iuh luf enemy consiaera tle losses, with6ut soy'prospect of succest. " ' It WOuld smear that tLlr nn.nl'i.ni K-.' . .In.tjcw jhe drawins the atttiuion jt that .. French army to it right side tut its poi tion la Reasoned on. all the grounds, in" all the hypotliesk' aswclt dcfensjve ee cfTcnsier that tould c ITer..'. In. the .'mesa time Jh InJ tertsting iege of Danttic aflvftfe.Uj5K enemy will experience decided loss, in Jos- . (lng thfs imponant plice and the 4000 inafs that are enclosed In it. A mine b played 6f tbe Blockhaosen and has blown up ta' same. ' The covered way has lut ; onnei by 'lour prime ma'chrs. The deaccnl of the dittgbai ben executed. . " , , ,' , ; 4lh, at 4 o'clock inthe morning, heir tne vii- Vir rf Catith, ha atfarled Instantly, toci tne tinif; ty the'tyent,"aftJ ma.Je IJO'prt ionerw One hundred of tbe Bavarian light.' horsa cut to pieeVt the ehemy's .cavafrj ami. laTer'1them. beTnj.lOO'mea strong'. Tfcs 500 Saxoni dismbwitcd-iaa extraofdlaary' , - rty ; j rr eJ n - ,- -'''i . , . , TflE'fobfctibrrl trquclls th ravor of thofe Ocittletten wprm whofe" btke; they Hand IndtPfed.to randrrlrf 'their ar-4 count for1 artic''ei fupplied ihm for tbar Er!r in the iStfl el AiiPnflJ tnrrenl. ' , CeB viili Ve'gfen ftr P, Y, liipler, of, Lett thirty ffcOong rd 's.pwrds. 1 '.vVii.ilUlUUUVUUVOi V

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